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Zombie's Retreat Guide

Welcome to my Zombie’s Retreat (ZR) Guide.
Zombie’s Retreat is created by Siren’s Domain, an RPG Maker Survival
Horror game that involves surviving in a camp full of sexy campers
(mostly) and zombies!
The rules of my guide are as follows:
1. Since the game is very heavy in terms of chance and game
mechanics, a lot of things are up to you how you shall play, so I will
only give the progression with the characters.
2. All pictures compared to the paid version is out of date, however the
details are still the same.
3. To use Hyperlinks in the Index, you must first download this PDF
Created by: DraculLairVania
All pictures provided by Siren that is used within this guide is
sincerely appreciated.
Also, very special thanks to Scarlett Ann and SmashMasterson for
all art shown in the Guide (and the game). RenatoSs and Sijix for
animations (in game). Oolay Tiger, Miss Moonified and Pixie Willow for
the voices (in game).
Click on the links for fast navigation if you have downloaded this file.:
Game Mechanics, Difficulty, Items, Crafting and Trading
4 – 10
Camp Map Overview and Statistics
11 – 12
Story Quests
13 – 16
Cabin Characters
19 – 22
23 – 25
26 – 28
29 – 31
32 – 34
35 – 36
Other Characters
Professor Cherry
Professor Ann
Travellers of Passion
Photo Album
44 – 45
Special Events
47 – 51
The Zombies and Bosses
52 – 58
Game Mechanics, Difficulty, Items, Crafting and
Game Mechanics
There are three (3) game mechanics in ZR: The first (1st) is the Survival
Mechanic, this is where you need to manage the food and water you
acquire from Salvage Points (more information down below). The second
(2nd) is the Crafting Mechanic, this is where you craft items relevant to the
story or for more advantage (see Crafting Section). The third (3rd) is the
Soft Romance Mechanic, this is where you form a relationship with all the
woman in the Cabin after rescuing them (each female character is linear in
Note 1: Salvaging in the game via Salvage Points replenishes every 2 Days
(see Statistics Section).
Note 2: Most Zombies killed outside get a “second chance at life” every 4
Days (see The Zombies and Bosses Section).
The number of water and food items that decrease daily is dependent on the
number of women rescued (in Cabin) and Difficulty (see Difficulty Section
Keys to use:
Arrow Keys – Move around.
Z (or Enter) – Interact with stuff.
X (or Esc) – Cancel or bring up main menu.
Q (or PgUp) – Use weapon selected or health. (efficiently used with W)
W (or PgDn) – Cycle through Weapons and Health items.
F2 – Show FPS and MS.
F3 – Works with F4 (or maximising the application) by expanding the
game screen to fit or keep the same.
F4 – Full Screen mode.
F5 – Restarts the game from beginning screen (Recommendation: save
first if you are anywhere important when using this!!!)
There are three (3) Difficulty modes in ZR: Easy, Standard and Hardcore.
Each difficulty gives their own experience to gameplay:
Easy: For a novice player to learn or for veteran players that wants to chill
and see the scenes. The following is offered by Easy:
• Cheat Void available (see Cheats Section).
• 100% Salvage Bonus Chance to obtain items with party characters
from Salvage Points.
• Z-Cola Health Upgrade available.
• Low amounts of zombies sighted outside. Electric Zombies are
Daily Resource Consumption (Woman Rescued):
• 3 People: 1 Food.
• 4-5 People: 2 Food and 1 Water.
• 6-7 People: 3 Food and 2 Water.
Standard: For a player that wants a bit more of a challenge to survive the
zombie onslaught. The following is offered by Standard:
• No Cheat Void available.
• 66% Salvage Bonus Chance to obtain items with party characters
from Salvage Points.
• Z-Cola Health Upgrade available.
• Moderate amounts of zombies sighted outside.
Daily Resource Consumption:
• 3 People: 2 Food and 1 Water.
• 4-5 People: 3 Food and 2 Water.
• 6-7 People: 4 Food and 3 Water.
Hardcore: Not for the faint of heart, for those looking for a real, brutal
challenge against the zombie hordes.
• No Cheat Void available.
• 66% Salvage Bonus Chance to obtain items with party characters
from Salvage Points.
• No Z-Cola Health Upgrade available.
• Many zombies sighted outside. Stronger zombies appear at
beginning level.
• Completion of Hardcore provides a sprite change.
Daily Resource Consumption:
• 3 People: 3 Food and 2 Water.
• 4-5 People: 4 Food and 3 Water.
• 6-7 People: 5 Food and 4 Water.
You will find various Items through exploring the buildings, or outside, in
different areas, either to craft or use in another way.
Items Salvaged:
Pistol Ammunition – The Pistol’s best friend, either salvaged or crafted,
use sparingly.
Crossbow Ammunition – The Crossbow’s best friend, only salvaged in two
areas but can be crafted.
Shotgun Ammunition – the Shotgun’s best friend, only salvaged in 3
locations if the Shotgun is in possession.
Bottle of Water – Used 1x per day (dependent on how many people take
residence), also used as a Crafting Material.
Scrap Metal – Crafting Material.
Scrap Wood – Crafting Material.
Scrap Rubber – Crafting Material.
Electric Fuse – Crafting Material.
Medicinal Herb – Restores 1 HP and used as a Crafting Material.
Med Kit – Restores full HP.
Bottle of Wine – Used during Dinner sequences with characters that have
completed Questlines.
Food (Fish) – Food used 1x per Day (consumed first).
Food (Vegetable) – Food used 1x per Day (consumed after Food (Fish) is
Food (Junk) – Food used 1x per Day (consumed after Food (Vegetable) is
Mom’s Naughty Secret Ep.1 – Found during Movie Night Quest.
Teen Zine: Issue 57 – Found during Zine Hunt Quest.
Blue Berries – Crafting Material.
Items Used:
The Pistol – The Pistol is your best firearm against the Zombies that roam
Crossbow – The Crossbow, slower firing speed than Pistol, is a good
alternative if you are out of bullets.
Brute Club – The Brute Club is the best way to get close and personal.
Shotgun – The Shotgun, provides quite a kick to a row of zombies, use
Wood-Cutting Axe – Gain 1-3 Scrap Wood per Scrap Wood Salvage Point.
Metal-Cutting Saw – Gain 5 Scrap Metal at Scrap Metal Salvage Points.
Fishing Rod – Gain 1 Food (Fish) at Fishing Spots per use.
Shovel – Dig up Items from Dig Spots and Junk Spots.
Antidote – Used for infected roots that block one’s path.
Flashlight – Used in dark areas to light one’s way.
Bedroom Construction – Upgrade a Basement Room.
Air Conditioning Unit – Final upgrade to Basement Bedrooms (acquired
from getting Electric Repair Manual or Crafting Guide Intermediate).
Garden (Basic) – A Garden that gives 2-8 Food (Vegetables).
Garden (Intermediate) – Upgrade, gives 3-10 Food (Vegetables).
Garden (Advanced) – Upgrade, gives 4-12 Food (Vegetable).
Water Basin (Basic) – A Water Container, gives 1-2 Water (1 if no rain).
Water Basin (Intermediate) – Upgrade, gives 2-3 Water (2 if no rain).
Water Basin (Advanced) – Upgrade, gives 3-4 Water (3 if no rain).
Herb Garden (Basic) – A Herb Garden, gives 2 Medicinal Herbs every 2
The Crafting System is found in the Basement within Home Base. There
are numerous Items that can be crafted:
Note: Items Crafted (LHS); Materials Required (RHS).
Starting Items (+Basic):
Wine > 1 Bottle of Water + 2 Medicinal Herb.
Fishing Rod (2-3 Uses) > 1 Scrap Wood + 1 Scrap Rubber.
Wood Cutting Axe (2-4 Uses) > 1 Scrap Wood + 1 Scrap Metal.
Shovel (2 Uses) > 1 Scrap Metal + 1 Scrap Wood
Metal-Cutting Saw (1 Use) > 1 Scrap Wood + 1 Scrap Metal.
Flashlight > 1 Scrap Metal + 1 Electric Fuse.
Garden (Basic) > 5 Scrap Wood + 2 Food (Vegetable) + 2 Water.
Water Basin (Basic) > 3 Scrap Metal + 5 Scrap Wood.
Intermediate Items:
Bedroom Construction > 4 Scrap Metal + 5 Scrap Wood + 1 Medicinal
Garden (Intermediate) > 6 Scrap Wood + 4 Food (Vegetable) + 4 Water.
Water Basin (Intermediate) > 5 Scrap Metal + 3 Scrap Wood + 2 Scrap
Advanced Items:
Garden (Advanced) > 6 Scrap Wood + 6 Food (Vegetable) + 4 Water.
Water Basin (Advanced) > 5 Scrap Metal + 3 Scrap Wood + 2 Scrap
Shortcut Point (adv.) > 2 Scrap Metal + 5 Scrap Wood + 1 Scrap Rubber.
Crafted Key Items:
Ammunition Pack (x3) > 1 Scrap Metal.
Dart Pack (x5) > 1 Scrap Wood.
Items through Character/Story Progression:
Heating Element > 4 Scrap Metal + 1 Electric Fuse.
Air Conditioning Unit > 4 Scrap Metal + 2 Electric Fuse + 2 Scrap Rubber.
Bathtub Faucet > 3 Scrap Metal + 3 Scrap Rubber.
Med Kit (restores full HP) > 3 Medicinal Herb + 1 Wine + 1 Nightshade
Berries + 1 Scrap Rubber.
Antidote > 2 Water + 2 Medicinal Herb + 4 Nightshade Berries + 1 Wine.
Herb Garden (Basic) > 3 Scrap Wood + 2 Medicinal Herb.
Trading (with Jessie):
You can trade salvaged or crafted Items with Jessie at her campsite in Lake
Note: Items Purchased (LHS); Items to Trade (RHS).
Scrap Wood (5) > 7 Food (Vegetable).
Scrap Metal (5) > 7 Scrap Rubber.
Bottle of Water (5) > 6 Food (Fish).
Electric Fuse > 4 Medicinal Herb.
Nightshade Berries > 1 Food (Fish).
Camera > 1 Med Kit. (single bought item)
Combat Shotgun > 5 Scrap Metal + 5 Scrap Wood + 5 Food (Vegetable) +
5 Bottle of Water. (single bought item)
Ammunition Pack (x3) > 2 Scrap Metal. (Shotgun Ammo)
Scrap Rubber (x3) > 5 Medicinal Herb.
Dart Pack (x10) > 5 Bottle of Water.
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Camp Map Overview and Statistics
All areas where you get to explore and unlock through progression of the
ZR story have interactable objects (make sure to interact with everything)
and Salvage Points. These Salvage Points have a variety of essential goods
for survival and crafting.
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Each area has Scavenge points, down below is what each point has to offer:
Note: Shotgun Ammo (3) in Lakeview, The Island and Old Town is a replacement for Pistol Ammo (4) if you have the Shotgun Item.
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The quests that continue the story is given below.
Story Quest #1: Restore Power
Given by: Caroline during Evening Dinner
Area unlocked by completion: Lake View
Requirement to complete Quest: None
Start off by going to the Power Plant in Zomi Student Camp, go down the
elevator shaft (if you crafted a flashlight, you can see clearer). Go to a
room with a computer and a Scavenge Point, interact with the Computer to
upgrade your clearance card level you got from Caroline, the password is
hidden in one of the files.
Go down passed the first clearance door that is now unlocked to eventually
meet an electric zombie, shoot it quickly (if you had Caroline along there
would be different dialogue), move into the next room and watch as a
normal zombie transforms into an electric zombie. Shoot it and then move
and interact with the second computer, search the computer for the
password to increase your clearance card level again.
Retrace your steps until the first clearance door, make your way to where
the first door to the panels are, be careful as an electric zombie has
spawned near there, defeat it and make your way to the room with panels.
A Cut-Scene will play as you enter the second clearance door (if you had
Caroline the dialogue will be different).
Restore Power Quest complete.
Character Story Progressions: (click on the link to return to character pages
in that section)
Leslie, Rachel, Caroline, Natasha, Ashley
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Story Quest #2: Seeds of Resolve
Given by: Natasha
Area unlocked by completion: None
Requirement to complete quest: Have Natasha in party and Shovel.
Go to the Botanical Gardens in Lakeview and interact with the trees for
Natasha to get rid of them. Enter the Botanical Gardens and get a brief Cutscene meeting Natasha’s sister, Selena.
After Cut-scene, enter a shed to get the Brute Club and a picture to show
where the key to enter the Greenhouse is, so dig that spot up to get the
Botanical Key. Entering the Greenhouse another Cut-Scene will play, and
you must play as Natasha. Continue with Natasha and complete the puzzle.
Exit the Greenhouse and interact with the Giant Plant to enter another Cutscene.
Enter Plant Boss! Feed me Seymour…
Tip: Avoid the vine walls, the boss will wait for you to strike it after
shooting all flower sentries. A failsafe for bullets is found at the bottom
right of arena (4 bullets are given per “no ammo”).
Defeating the Plant Boss, enter a Cut-Scene with Professor Cherry,
Natasha’s Mentor.
Find yourself in confinement and escape.
Seeds of Resolve Quest complete.
Character Story Progression: (click on the link to return to character page
in that section)
Natasha, Professor Cherry
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Story Quest #3: End Game
Given by: N/A
Area unlocked by completion: None
Requirement to complete quest: Complete the storyline of 6 characters or
have a lust level of 6 (Leslie, Rachel, Caroline, Natasha, Ashley, Jessie,
and/or Talia).
Go to Old Town and enter the Town Hall building to make your way to the
back to enter an area with a barrier at the end. You can break the barrier
and enter or save before (it is recommended to save before).
Note #1: The entire battle takes 9-12 bullets minimum.
Note #2: It is recommended to not have the shotgun for the fight as a longer
cycle of weapons makes it slightly harder to get to healing items (or you
can just bring up the main menu and do it that way).
Note #3: The entire battle can easily be done on 3 health bars.
Upon entering the cave, a Cut-Scene for you to find out who was
responsible for the zombies, and it turns out Serena was the mastermind.
Enter Witch Boss! She weighs a duck!
The first portion of the fight will be against the Wolf Pack, each of them
have 3 health bars, you will face one and once you hit that wolf, they will
swap places.
Tip: If you position yourself correctly you can hit them as they come down.
Once their health is at 2, they will go into a “rage state” where all attacks
do not work on them and you will have to run around until they are normal.
Once both have 1 heart, they will team up against you.
After beating the Wolf Pack, you will face Serena.
Serena will spawn clones of herself that will shoot purple balls that can hurt
you, you can easily spot her as she is the only one that has purple around
her hands. Shoot her once you have found her to stun her, then she will
appear in the middle and you must act quick to attack her, otherwise the
phase will repeat.
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When she is on 2 hearts, she will turn you into a zombie temporarily and
you cannot attack during that time. Her attack pattern changes to be three
of herself on the left side and then the right (after the right attack she will
turn you to a zombie again).
When she has 1 heart left, she will spawn all 6 six clones in the area and
bombard the area with purple balls, do not be in the middle for this as it
will cause a game over if not careful.
Tip: The best course of action is to stand on the top left or right corners
behind the obstacles as Serena cannot hit you there easily. During that time,
a pattern appears that she will be in one of 6 places, wait until she appears
in the middle right or left side to stun her.
End Game Quest complete.
Once you have taken Serena out you unlock Witch Doggy Scene. After
bringing Serena to her senses, she tells you that the threat of the zombie
outbreak will happen in Crimson City, but that is a story for another time.
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Let’s start this guide with the characters. Each character is shown
with the Questlines you must complete to get their scenes. Tutorial is
Scenes unlocked are highlighted in Red.
Damn it! He has
turned! Let’s run!
Well, I still wouldn’t
mind the little dweeb
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Food (Vegetable)
▪ Water
Leslie’s Questline:
Steamy Bath
Movie Night
A Surprise Encounter
Movie Night 2
Steamy Bath 2
➢ Morning: Talk to Leslie outside. She will tell you the Bath Water is
cold, and a Heating Element needs to be crafted.
Go to the Zomi Student Camp and interact with the Salvage Points inside
the Buildings until you have the necessary materials/components.
Once all materials are collected, go craft the Heating Element and interact
with Leslie to give it to her. She will talk of Bath time, go to the Bathroom
during Midday and interact with her.
Note: Leslie will now always be in the Bathroom during Midday.
➢ Evening (after bath time): Talk to her in the Kitchen. Then go to
➢ Midday: Go to the bath to unlock the Hand-Job Scene. Go talk to her
in the Kitchen, then sleep.
➢ Evening: Flirt with Leslie and then talk. Sleep after this.
Note: From here, to progress further you need to rescue Caroline and
go through the Restore Power Quest.
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➢ Night (after Restore Power Quest is complete): Leslie will be near
the Television in the lounge of the Cabin. She will tell you the VCR
does not work, you will require an Electric Fuse, get one and fix
VCR and then interact with Leslie to watch a movie and unlock Kiss
➢ Morning: Talk to Leslie and she will mention a Movie Night. She
will want you to find a movie, read her words carefully, she gives the
hint where it may be found.
After you have found the Mom’s Naughty Secret Ep.1, go back to
Leslie and talk to her.
➢ Night: Talk to Leslie, watch the movie and unlock Blow-Job Scene.
After scene, go to sleep.
➢ Morning: Talk to Leslie. Leslie will want to think things over, so rest
or go scavenge for the rest of the day.
Note: Wanting a bath at Midday is ignored, flirting with Leslie in the
Evening is harshly ignored.
After Leslie has cooled down, interact with her the next morning. She will
want some time away with you, in the evening take her to Lakeview and go
to the abandoned Private Campsite.
Important Note: This is a very dangerous area; you will require 17
Bullets/Darts minimum to defeat all zombies. Save before entering.
A Cut-scene will play with Leslie before you are attacked by Zombies.
Enter Zombie Horde Mode – Destroy all Zombies!
Wave 1: 3 Zombies appear.
Wave 2: 4 Zombies appear.
Wave 3: 10 Zombies appear.
Tip: A failsafe for bullets will appear if you run out (10 Ammo is given).
After successfully saving Leslie, enter a Cut-scene before being taken back
to Home Base.
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➢ Night: Go upstairs inside Home Base to find Leslie still up. Before
you can continue you will need to wait until Midnight, so rest.
➢ Midnight: Go talk to Leslie, make sure you have a Bottle of Wine
before you do. Unlock Riding Cowgirl Sex Scene.
You are now finished with Leslie’s Questline, but you are not done with
everything on her list, no, far from it!
➢ Morning: Go talk to Leslie, she will talk about going back to the
Private Campsite again. Party up and go back to the Campsite to get
a Cut-scene and gain Horny Moms Gone Wild Pt.6 (in possession of
Leslie). Return back to Home Base.
➢ Midday: Talk with Leslie in the bathroom before resting.
➢ Evening: Flirt with Leslie before resting again.
➢ Night: Talk with Leslie at the Television to watch the new video tape
you found. Unlock Missionary Sex Scene.
Note: At this point, if you have completed Rachel’s storyline, going
upstairs will trigger a 3-some event.
➢ Midnight: Talk with Leslie and choose the new option “Roleplay” to
get the Breast Fondle Roleplay Scene.
➢ Morning: Talk to Leslie and she will tell you the bathroom faucet
stopped working, go down to the basement and craft Bathtub Faucet,
talk to her again and wait until Midday.
➢ Midday: See her in the bathroom and have sex. Unlock Standing One
Leg Sex Scene.
➢ Evening: Talk to Leslie and she will mention visiting the Private
Campsite for some fun. Unlock Tent Missionary Sex Scene.
From here rest during the next day until Evening to Flirt with Leslie to
unlock Kitchen Doggy Sex Scene.
To repeat the 3-some scene with Rachel and Leslie, at Night party up with
either and speak with the other to show the option to get the scene.
To unlock the 4-some scene you will need to complete the 3-some scene
and Special Event #1, and sleep to then prompt the scene going downstairs
and upstairs again. To repeat the scene, speak to Leslie at Midnight for the
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Scenes unlocked (in chronological order):
Bathroom Hand-Job Scene
Couch Kiss Scene
Couch Blow-Job Scene
Bedroom Riding Cowgirl Sex Scene
Couch Missionary Sex Scene
Extra Scenes unlocked (not in chronological order):
Breast Fondle Roleplay Scene
Standing One Leg Sex Scene
Kitchen Doggy Sex Scene
Tent Missionary Sex Scene
Leslie/Rachel 3-some Sex Scene
Leslie/Rachel/Caroline 4-some Blow-Job Scene
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Scrap Metal
▪ Pistol Ammo (3)
Rachel’s Questline:
❖ Holey Wall
❖ Zine Hunt
❖ A Boomin’ Beat
➢ Morning: Go to Rachel outside and Talk, then Party Up. Go to the
Recreational (Rec) Room in the Zomi Student Camp and interact
with the locked Door. Rachel will pick-lock it open and tell you to
scavenge inside. Interact with the Hole in the wall to unlock
Gloryhole Blow-Job Scene.
➢ Midday: Talk to Rachel and rest for the day or go scavenging (if you
do not talk to her, her story will not continue).
➢ Morning: Talk to Rachel and get a cut-scene. Rest till nighttime, go
to your room to get a cut-scene.
➢ Morning: You will need to craft the “Metal-Cutting Saw” to
progress, talk to Rachel before going back upstairs and once you
have the Saw use it to make the hole. Rest until Night and interact
with the new Bedroom Glory-hole. Get an identical Gloryhole BlowJob Scene. Now sleep.
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➢ Morning: Talk to Rachel and she will threaten you about the “room
improvements” unless you get a Magazine in the Girl’s Cabin. You
will need to craft the Spade to interact with the rock near the Girl’s
Cabin to get the key to unlock the Cabin (rocks will appear once you
have the Spade). Get the Teen Zine: Issue 57 by scavenging and talk
to Rachel to give it. Wait until night and sleep to get the Bed BlowJob Scene.
Note: Obtaining access to the Girl’s Cabin unlocks the Maid costume for
Leslie (see Special Event #4).
Note: You can now access Rachel’s bed to sleep in with her at Night.
➢ Morning: Talk to Rachel.
Note: From here, to progress further you need to rescue Caroline and
go through the Restore Power Quest.
Once the quest is done, talk to Rachel and go to Lake View, go to the
Welcome Centre Building and have Rachel picklock the door open.
Important Note: This is a very dangerous area; you will require
beating a Boss. Save before entering.
Enter Vampire Boss! “Listen to them, the children of the night. What
music they make!”
Tip: Use the table-like object to confuse the Vampire by moving back and
forth in the opposite direction it spawns in. If you run out of ammo, a
failsafe is located at the top of the room.
After defeating the Vampire, enter a Cut-scene with Rachel then rest.
➢ Morning: Talk to Rachel and rest until evening, go upstairs to her
room and talk to her to enter a cut-scene. Unlock Modified Lying
Doggy sex Scene.
You have completed Rachel’s Questline, now you can access Standing
Doggy at the Gloryholes. And you can access the Bed Blow-Job scene
again by Teasing Rachel at the Dinner Table. However, your adventure is
not over just yet!
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At Night-time when you ask to sleep with Rachel you will unlock Riding
Cowgirl Scene. If you then proceed to Offer Wine at the Dinner table to
Rachel, this will unlock the scene variant Anal Cowgirl Scene.
If you have completed Natasha’s Questline, go downstairs to the basement
in Home Base to enter a brief cut-scene with Rachel, then unlock
Natasha/Rachel Double Tit-Fuck Scene. To repeat the scene, party up with
Rachel or Natasha and speak with the other for the option, or the option is
given speaking to Natasha at Night.
Note: the 3-some and 4-some scenes are mentioned on Leslie’s page.
Scenes unlocked (in chronological order):
Gloryhole Blow-Job Scene
Bedroom Blow-Job Scene
Modified Lying Doggy Sex Scene
Gloryhole Doggy sex Scene
Riding Cowgirl Scene/ Anal Cowgirl Scene
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Medicinal Herb
▪ Scrap Wood
Caroline’s Questline:
❖ Rescue Caroline (unofficial Quest)
❖ Panty Snatching
❖ Desperate Measures
➢ Morning: Go to the Zomi Student Camp area, then go down to where
the gate leading to Lakeview is and enter the Counsellor’s Cabin (the
building where a zombie is against a door). Inside there are 7
Zombies (8 bullets total is needed for rescue), take them out then
interact with the door to get a Cut-scene.
➢ Midday: Go talk to Caroline outside and Party Up. Go and get hit by
a Zombie. Return to Home Base and get a Cut-scene.
➢ Morning: Go talk to Caroline and Party Up. Go outside and get hit
by a zombie again and return to Home Base. Unlock Hand-Job
Scene. Rest up for the day.
➢ Morning: Go talk to Caroline and Party Up. Go outside and get hit
by a zombie until 1 HP left and return to Home Base. Unlock BlowJob Scene.
Note: You can now request a Medical Examination anytime now.
Note #2: To progress further you will need to go through Restore
Power Quest to continue Caroline’s Questline.
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After you have completed Restore Power, talk to Caroline. She will tell you
she needs to pick up some clothing in the Counsellor’s cabin. On your way
to the cabin, you will notice something is off (interact with the strange
zombie if you want dialogue).
Inside the cabin, the clothing pile is inside the room you rescued her from.
The Med-kit requires a number combination, you will find this number
searching around the cabin. Once you have picked up the clothing pile, a
Cut-scene will play when you are about to leave.
Enter Boss Battle! Johnny No-English.
Tip: To beat this boss quickly, shoot, run around and shoot again. A
failsafe of 4 bullets appear on the left lower corner near the entrance.
After beating Johnny, a Cut-scene will play. Return to Home Base and talk
to Caroline again, then choose Medical Examination to unlock Fondle
Scene. Go rest and sleep.
➢ Morning: Go talk to Caroline and choose another Medical
Examination to unlock Tit-Fuck Scene.
➢ Midday: Talk to Caroline and party up. Go to the Welcome Centre
Library in Lakeview. Interact with the odd Bookcase for a brief Cutscene. Enter the small space and enter another brief Cut-scene. Enter
the room.
Enter Boss Battle! Johnny No-Return.
Tip: Beat Johnny as you had done before, beware of he now jumps 3 times
very quickly after shooting him each time. 4 bullets minimum are used to
beat him. A failsafe of 4 bullets appear on the far upper left corner if you
ran out.
After beating Johnny for a second time, enter a brief Cut-scene. Make your
way back to Home Base and talk to Caroline, she will want you to furbish
her bedroom. Furbish her Bedroom with Bedroom Construction. Talk to
her again and then wait until Night to talk to her and unlock Riding Sex
You have completed Caroline’s Questline.
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You have now unlocked nude variations of Fondle and Tit-Fuck scenes.
Interacting at Dinner now has different dialogue. Giving Wine to Caroline
changes her dialogue during the Riding Scene.
Note: the 4-some scene is mentioned on Leslie’s page, the 3-some scene is
mentioned on Special Event #1.
Scenes unlocked (in chronological order):
Hand-Job Scene
Blow-Job Scene
Fondle Scene
Tit-Fuck Scene
Riding Sex Scene
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Medicinal Herb
▪ Food (Junk)
Natasha’s Questline:
❖ Trading Stranger (unofficial Quest)
❖ Bumpy Ride
➢ Morning: Go to the Zomi Student Camp and interact with the North
East Building. The building is locked and you are unable to enter, the
person inside will not come out unless you trade with them.
Note: This is where you will take a handful of days getting Materials. So be
resourceful! Grinding a number of times will work.
The first trade of items is giving 1 Food (Vegetables) and receive 2 Water
in return. You will have to return the following day to trade again.
➢ Morning: Go back to the Stranger to trade. The Person will want 3
Scrap Wood and you will receive 3 Scrap Metal. With this done you
get their name: Natasha.
➢ Morning: Go back to Natasha, she has come down with the flu and
will want 2 Medicinal Herb and you receive 1 Electric Fuse. Natasha
will go on to say that she will join you the next day.
➢ Morning: Go back to Natasha and enter a Cut-scene. Natasha has
now joined your party.
Note: From here, to progress further you need to rescue Caroline and
go through the Restore Power Quest.
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Completing the Restore Power Quest, talk to Natasha for her to tell of the
Botanical Gardens and about rescuing her sister.
Note: From here you need to go through Seeds of Resolve Quest.
After you have completed the story quest, talk to Natasha again and she
will want her room refurbished.
Note: to continue you have to tune up her bedroom with Bedroom
Talk with Natasha in her room at Night and unlock Kiss Hand-Job Scene.
➢ Morning: Talk to Natasha outside and she will tell you about a car in
Old Town, go craft 2 Antidotes and party up with her to use the first
Antidote to open Old Town’s entrance. Go to the Strange Cabin
(West of Fireplace resting area), inside there is a blue-ish bush that
blocks your path, interact with the scavenging spot to get the Car
key. Go to the Car for a brief Cut-Scene to then unlock Car Riding
Reverse Cowgirl Sex Scene.
You have completed Natasha’s storyline, however there is still more to see!
If you have completed Rachel’s Questline as well, pop down to the
Basement in Home Base at any time to receive a cut-scene with Rachel and
Natasha to then unlock Natasha/Rachel Double Tit-Fuck Scene.
➢ Midday: Talk to Natasha and she will want to save Professor Cherry,
but you will need to find her first (see Professor Cherry’s page to
find her). Once you have found her Natasha will tell you she has
studied up on her Herbology to take care of that pesky bush in the
Strange Cabin.
Go back to the Strange Cabin and get rid of the bush to enter a new area,
the door below is locked and will need a password, the computer has the
password buried in the documents with some lore. Once the door is
unlocked you will be introduced to new enemies after a brief Cut-Scene
from picking up the Serum.
Take the Serum all the way to Professor Cherry, all zombies are slower
than normal, take the bottom Old Town entrance as it is faster but you will
immediately be in danger of the Plant Ladies. After getting the Serum to
Professor Cherry, enter a Cut-Scene and Professor Cherry is now “cured”.
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Note: the 3-some scenes are mentioned on Rachel’s and Serena’s pages
Scenes unlocked (in chronological order):
Kiss Hand-Job Scene
Car Riding Reverse Cowgirl Sex Scene
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Crossbow (2)
▪ Water
Ashley’s Questline:
❖ Boiled Blondeshell (Unofficial Quest)
❖ Swimming School
❖ Blow My Whistle
• Morning: Go save Caroline in her Cabin in Zomi Student Camp.
Wait until Evening to talk to Caroline at Dinner to go through Main
Story Questline Restore Power Quest.
• Morning: Craft a Fishing Rod and go down to Lake View, enter the
Pool Room Building (the Building that has a pool), use the Fishing
Rod to fish out the Boiler Room Key. Interact with the (previously)
Locked Door in the Building and Find Ashley in the Boiler Room.
• Midday: Talk to Ashley outside by the Wooden Bridge. She will
teach you Swimming Lessons, Party Up with her and take her to the
Pool in Lake View. Enemies will now have spawned in the Pool
Room. Unlock CRP Kiss Scene.
• Night: Go check up on Ashley in her Room in the Basement. Go to
• Morning: Go talk to Ashley and she will tell about finding her Lucky
Whistle during Dinner.
• Evening: Go to the dinner table (Ashley will be swaying her pixel
butt), choose to sit down and then choose “Check Under Table?”
option. Unlock Hand-Job Scene.
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• Night: Talk to Ashley in her room, she will ask you to furbish her
room. Talk to Ashley again in her room after sprucing it up a bit. Go
Note: From here you need to craft the Bedroom Construction at the
Crafting Bench, you will require the Crafting Guide (Intermediate) in
Lake View Welcome Centre Building.
• Morning: Party Up with Ashley, go to Lake View and interact with
the Boat near the Lake View Entrance. You will require 4 Scrap
Wood to fix the boat, fix the boat and travel to The Island. Pick up
Shotgun Ammo (9) as you enter, go pick up the Lucky Whistle.
Warning: You are entering a Dangerous Area, save before picking up
the Lucky Whistle.
Enter a Cut-Scene after picking up the Lucky Whistle and then Enter
Zombie Horde Mode! You will need a minimum of 14 Bullets to beat the
Wave 1 – 2 Infected Exploder Zombies.
Wave 2 – 2 Infected Exploder Zombies.
Wave 3 – 2 Infected Exploder Zombies and 1 Flower Sentry.
Wave 4 – 1 Infected Exploder Zombie and 1 Flower Sentry.
Wave 5 – 4 Infected Exploder Zombies and 1 Flower Sentry.
Note: If you run out of ammo for Pistol or Shotgun, Ammo will spawn
near Ashley. 10 Pistol Ammunition and 6 Shotgun Ammunition.
Note #2: The Flower Sentries will need to be taken out before you can
enter Wave 5 (if you did not beat the one Flower in Wave 3). The Flower
“Bullets” do not hurt Ashley.
Enter another Cut-Scene after beating the Horde, go back to Home Base
and rest.
• Morning: Talk to Ashley and Party Up, go to Lake View and interact
with the Swimming Pool to get a Cut-scene, then unlock Pool Sex
You have now Completed Ashley’s Main Story Questline.
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You can now ask for Ashley to be under the Dinner table anytime (before
Night) to unlock Blow-Job Scene. At Night, visit Ashley downstairs and
ask for sex, she will tell you she wants to have her room cooled with an Air
Conditioner, go craft one and install, then have sex. Unlock Bed
Missionary Sex Scene.
Scenes Unlocked (in chronological order):
CRP Kiss Scene
Table Hand-Job Scene
Pool Sex Scene
Table Blow-Job Scene
Bed Missionary Sex Scene
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Scrap Metal
▪ Scrap Rubber
Talia’s Questline:
Save the Mayor! (Unofficial Quest)
The Spell Book
An Illusive Encounter
Lust Overflowing
Complete both Restore Power and Seeds of Resolve Story Quests, craft the
Antidote to gain access to Old Town (use Antidote on the blue-greenish
pulsing roots). You can find/rescue Talia in the Neat Cabin, just south from
the North Entrance, by defeating all zombies and interacting with the door
to the room she is in.
Speak with Talia and she will ask for her bedroom to be furnished. Once
you have completed this task, speak with her again and she will ask that
you speak with her the next day.
• Morning: Speak with Talia outside to be revealed a shocking
revelation. Go to the Welcome Centre in Lakeview and interact with
the Salvage Point to obtain the “Draconian Spellbook”. Head back to
Home Base.
• Midday: Speak with Talia in the Basement about the Spell Book.
Rest until Night-time.
• Night: Speak with Talia in her room, then choose the option “Story”
and unlock Breast-Suck Hand-Job Scene.
• Morning: Speak with Talia. Party Up with Talia and head to the
Town Hall in Old Town (The building with a “barrier” on the door).
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Entering the Town Hall make your way to the top right of the map and
interact with the black void. Entering a brief Cut-Scene, a new enemy
appears, the Werewolves. Get out of the building by running from them,
enter another brief Cut-scene once you are out. Return to Home Base.
• Midday: Speak with Talia in the Basement, she will want to finally
‘do it’ with you, but you must prepare. Install the Air Conditioning
Unit in her bedroom and after you have a Bottle of Wine, wait until
• Night: Speak with Talia in her bedroom and unlock Side Saddle Sex
You have completed Talia’s Story Questline.
Speak with Talia at Midday in the Basement to unlock Table Sex Scene.
Scenes unlocked (in chronological order):
Breast-Suck Hand-Job Scene
Side Saddle Sex Scene
Table Sex Scene
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Medicinal Herb
▪ Nightshade Berries
Access through Completion of Main Story Questline:
❖ Seeds of Resolve
After defeating the Plant Boss, a cave can be accessed on the right-hand
side of the Plant Boss, entering this cave a valve can be turned to access
Professor Cherry’s Office in the Botanical Garden Building. Read her notes
on the computer (or don’t) and then exit, Professor Cherry will enter her
office and will put you under her control. Unlock Sitting Reverse Cowgirl
Sex Scene.
When you have completed Natasha’s Serum Quest, Professor Cherry can
change between her human form and plant form. In her Human form she
can be taken outside to scavenge or if you have Natasha, unlock
Natasha/Cherry Double Tit-Fuck Scene.
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Shotgun Ammo (4)
▪ Scrap Metal (2)
Access through Completion of Main Story Questline:
❖ Seeds of Resolve
You can find Jessie in Lake View where the infected roots block access to
the Old Town, a sign with a Tent on it shows her location. You will need to
craft an Antidote to gain access to her. After a Cut-scene entering her area,
go speak with her, then trade for 5 of her items to gain her trust.
Note: You can now Party Up with Jessie.
Speak with her again and she gives a mission to scout out food, go to the
Cafeteria / Mess Hall in Zomi Student Campsite and interact with the
freezer door. Entering the Freezer, quickly make your way to the fuse box
at the top left of the map, interact with the box and give it a good bash with
your club. Clear out the enemies that thawed and collect all that the freezer
had worth to then head for the exit, be ambushed and then saved by Jessie.
After a brief Cut-scene, Jessie will tell you to come back the following day.
The next day go back to her hideout and enter a brief Cut-scene to then beat
all 6 Zombies in the area. Enter another brief Cut-scene and then unlock
Table Missionary Sex Scene.
You have completed Jessie’s Questline.
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You will find Clara in Lake View in Jessie’s Hideout; you can talk with her
in her tent for a brief cut-scene and be told you need to spruce out her
lodgings, go craft a Bedroom Construction and upgrade her domain for
another cut-scene.
Note: You will need to have completed Natasha’s Questline for the
following to occur.
Take Clara to Old Town and show her the car to unlock Car Riding Sex
Note: You will need to have completed Leslie’s Questline for the following
to occur.
Take Clara to the Private Campsite and interact with the tent to unlock Tent
Missionary Sex Scene.
Take Clara to the bathroom in the Recreational Centre in Student Camp
Zomi to unlock Glory-Hole Scene.
Completing all three spots allows you to be able to undress Clara in her tent
at night. Doing so completes her storyline.
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Party Up Bonus:
Salvage 1 extra item:
▪ Med Kit
▪ Wine
Post-game you will find Serena in the place you were locked up.
Interacting with Serena you can have sex on her bed or in the cave with her
costume on.
The 3-some sex scene is unlocked by partying up with Natasha and
bringing her to Serena, a Cut-Scene will play and then the 3-some scene
plays out, to repeat just bring Natasha to Serena.
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Post-game you will find Professor Ann in the Hidden Lab in the Power
Plant. Upon entering the room there are two choices: Two People, Just
Either choice will impact the story forward in a small way. After picking
your choice, speak with Professor Ann and she will give a task in finding
her data stick. The data stick is in the hotel in Old Town, on the second
floor to the right, retrieve the data stick. Return to Professor Ann to unlock
Missionary Bed Sex Scene.
You can speak with Professor Ann on lore.
You have completed Professor Ann’s Storyline.
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Finishing the game Professor Ann will give you a call about a strange
phenomenon after you have completed her storyline and headed downstairs
the following morning. You get to her office and she tells you to
investigate the rift in the cave in Old Town, and you will meet a mysterious
boy. He will give you the task of entering the rift and cleansing it.
Successfully cleanse the rift and you will meet a mysterious woman that is
with the boy. They will take you to a building in Lake view and then give
you a task to cleanse the rift another two more times.
Successfully cleanse the rift twice more and you will be able to send the
unknown travellers back home.
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The Photo Album is an Album to store those special Moments in time,
you collect them by completing Character Questlines, finding them in the
Camps or capture them with the Camera.
Photo Location #1: After completing Seeds of Resolve, a cave near the
Plant Boss is open for access.
Photo Location #2: In the Counsellor Building in Zomi Student Camp is a
Med Kit that requires a Password, you can find this password somewhere
in that Building.
Photo Location #3: Having the Camera and completing Talia’s Story
Questline, meet with her in the basement during Midday for sex.
Photo Location #4: Having the Camera and get Ashley under the table in
the evening.
Photo Location #5: Having the Camera and completing Leslie’s Story
Questline, Flirt with her for sex.
Photo Location #6: Having the Camera and go through Special Event 1.
Photo Location #7: Having the Camera and go through Clara’s scene in the
Car in Old Town.
Photo Location #8: Having the Camera and go through Special Event 2.
Photo Location #9: Having the Camera and go through the scene with
Professor Ann.
Photo Location #10 – #11: Having the Camera and go through Special
Event 3.
Photo Location #12: Having the Camera and go through the 3-some scene
with Natasha and Serena.
Photo Location #13: Complete Leslie’s Story Questline.
Photo Location #14: Complete Rachel’s Story Questline.
Photo Location #15: Complete Caroline’s Story Questline.
Photo Location #16: Complete Natasha’s Story Questline.
Photo Location #17: Complete Ashley’s Story Questline.
Photo Location #18: Complete Talia’s Story Questline.
Photo Location #19: Complete Jessie’s Story Questline.
Photo Location #20: Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old
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Photo Location #21: Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old
Photo Location #22: Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old
Photo Location #23: Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old
Photo Location #24: Acquired from using the Vending Machine in Old
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Cheat Void: A void found at Home (Base) on Easy Difficulty to set
amounts of Crafting Resources, Health Points and Max Health, Food and
Cheat Rock: The rock is somewhere in Home Base, hidden in plain sight
and allows for Passwords (all case sensitive) to be used:
ResetHer – Resets naming and role for Leslie.
ResetHim – Resets naming for MC.
ResTutor – Resets naming and role for Rachel.
ResCouns – Resets naming and role for Caroline.
SirenSez – Sets Leslie, Rachel and Caroline to their intended roles.
Autosave – Turns Autosave On or Off.
TooHard – Tone down the harder difficulties.
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Special events are events that are, well, special! To get these events you
will need to find costumes!
Special Event #1: Leslie and Caroline Workout!
The costume is found in Old Town, in the Weird Lodge, the building North
of the South Entrance. You will need to push a ball onto a pressure plate to
open the barred door (if you brought Rachel, she will tell you a funny line
when interacting with the door). Once you have pushed the ball onto the
pressure plate, go pick up the costume. Go back home and interact with the
wardrobe in your bedroom to begin the event.
You will need to complete both Leslie and Caroline’s Story Questlines to
view the event. Unlock Cardio Threesome Sex Scene. If you keep them in
their costumes, you can view the event at night in the lounge area. You can
change their costumes at any time.
Costume Change Salvage Point Bonus:
Leslie – 1 Food (Vegetable) / 1 Scrap Rubber.
Caroline – 1 Medicinal Herb / 1 Scrap Wood.
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Special Event #2: Spooky Fun with Leslie, Rachel, and Ashley!
The Costume can be found in Old Town, in the Zomi Lodge, the building
east of the South Old Town Entrance (the one with a fence). You will need
a Metal-Cutting Saw to get through the fence that blocks your path, once
through enter the small building on the left and kill the zombie in the room
to get the Hotel Key. Enter the Zomi Lodge (building on the right) and
enter the room on the left, in this room you will have to complete quizzes
to get the costume (failure results in a zombie being spawned but you still
can continue, there is no bonus for correct answers).
You will need to have completed Leslie, Rachel, and Caroline’s Story
Questlines to view the event. Start the event in the Wardrobe.
Starting the event, you are taken to a place/realm similar to the Zomi
Student Camp, Rachel will want you to collect Darkness Fragments for the
seal. Going to the Recreational Centre and talking to either Leslie or
Ashley, they will want Candy.
The zombies will respawn every time you leave the map, there are a total of
fifteen zombies (two drop Halloween Candy). To find all Darkness
Fragments, one needs to be fished with a Fishing Rod, one at the bottom
left corner of the map and the last is from a zombie in the building bottom
right of the map (the Counsellor Building) by answering “Trick”. There is a
total of nine Halloween Candy that can be obtained from the map (bins and
Go back to the Recreational Centre and talk to Leslie or Ashley about the
Candy and unlock Leslie/Ashley Threesome Sex Scene. Craft the Dark
Keystone and head back to Rachel and talk to her.
Note: It is crucial to save at this point before the fight with the Spooky
Dark King.
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Enter Boss Battle! Boo!
The boss is almost invincible, and waves of zombies will appear to distract
you, in addition the boss will use their hand to hurt you, simply dodge the
hand when it appears. 9 total Zombies appear from waves. When safe to do
so, Shoot/hit the hand as it weakens the boss, then with the boss weakened
shoot/hit the boss 5 times and the boss is defeated.
The event ends after having a talk with Rachel and unlocking Standing
Doggy Sex Scene.
Costume Change Salvage Point Bonus:
Leslie – 1 Food (Vegetable) / 1 Halloween Candy.
Rachel – 1 3x Pistol Ammunition / 1 Halloween Candy.
Ashley – 1 Water / 1 Halloween Candy.
Note: Halloween Candy is treated as Medicinal Herbs as it heals one hit
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Special Event #3: Pool fun with Ashley, Rachel, Caroline and Jessie!
To obtain the costume for this Special Event you will need to have
completed Special Event #1 and Special Event #2. Having completed them
go to the Town Hall in Old Town, up the stairs on the far north east corner
of the map to the attic. Interact with the papers on the table to unlock the
door (if you did not complete the previous events the door will not unlock).
Entering the room make your way to the parchment on the wall and read
what the Trixster says, the door to obtain the Swimsuit Costumes unlocks.
Exiting the room after getting the costumes a clown exits from the
wardrobe, kill the clown and a paper drops from their corpse.
You will need to have completed Leslie, Rachel, Caroline, and Ashley’s
storylines to start the event. Starting the event, you have a nice relaxing
time at the pool in Lake View with Ashley as the lifeguard.
If you have completed Jessie’s Storyline, she will be in a swimsuit herself
and will be able to spend some time with her. If not, she will be on the side
in her normal attire. Speaking with her you will get a scene similar to
Leslie’s scene.
Speaking with Ashley will give you the option to leave (why would you
want to do that?).
Speaking with Caroline and Rachel will give dialogue scenes.
At any point you can ask Rachel, Leslie, or Caroline for a 4-some scene,
doing so unlocks 4-some Blow-Job scene.
Costume Change Salvage Point Bonus:
Leslie – 1 Food (Vegetable) / 1 Wine.
Rachel – 1 3x Pistol Ammunition / 1 Food (Junk).
Caroline – 1 Medical Herb / 1 Scrap Wood.
Jessie – 4 Shotgun Ammo / 2 Scrap Metal.
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Special Event #4: Leslie the Maid
As mentioned in how to obtain in Rachel’s Story Questline, going through
the event allows Leslie to be in a Maid Outfit. Unlock Chair Riding Sex
To repeat the scene, have Leslie in the Maid Outfit, at Night the dinner
table chair is interactable, you can then have her in any costume you have
picked up.
Leslie’s Costume Change Salvage Bonus – 1 Medicinal Herb / 2 Scrap
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Threat Level
A Rotten Nuisance
Moderate Risk If Stupid
Approach With Caution
Extremely Dangerous
Lesser Zombies
The most common zombies that roam the areas and inside buildings.
Threat Level:  – 
Special Trait: None – some are faster than others.
Respawn after shot: Yes (only outside)
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: Alpha
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Electric Zombies
The uncommon zombie, they usually roam outside and sometimes inside
buildings. First spotted in the Power Plant where the electric circuits
supercharged them.
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Super-Fast
Respawn after shot: Never
Drops: Electric Fuse
First Update/Build seen: 0.1
Infected Exploder Zombies
Another uncommon zombie, they usually roam outside near – and in – the
Botanical Garden area. First spotted in Lakeview near Botanical Garden.
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Explode after killed and damage player if in range of
Respawn after shot: Yes
Drops: Nightshade Berries (very few drop)
First Update/Build seen: 0.5
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Secret Service Zombies
Another uncommon zombie, they roam outside and in some buildings in
Old Town. First spotted in Old Town.
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Takes 2 hits (or bullets) to defeat.
Respawn after shot: Yes (only outside)
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: 0.8
Plant Lady Zombie
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Invulnerable to everything.
Respawn after shot: Nope! Is invulnerable!
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: 0.9
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Scarecrow Zombie
Threat Level:  – 
Special Trait: Being Spooky.
Respawn after shot: Yes (in Zomi Student Camp realm).
Drops: Halloween Candy (few drop)
First Update/Build seen: 0.11
The Vampire Boss
The Vampire originally was the Zomi Camp Janitor before being infected
heavily from the Outbreak.
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Invulnerable in the dark
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: 0.2
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The Plant Boss
The Plant Boss, a plant infected, controlled and maintained by Professor
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Invulnerable until all flower minions are defeated.
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: 0.5
Johnny Da No-boss
Johnny, once a jock, now the one thing that will not be on his door: a sock.
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Jumps.
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: 0.6
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Pumpkin Boss
The Pumpkin Boss, a pumpkin from another realm that spoils your spooky
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Handsy.
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: 0.11
The Werewolves
The Werewolves, nothing much is known about these creatures, but they do
work well as a duo.
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Rage (becomes immune for a certain duration).
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: 0.14
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Serena, the elder sister of Natasha.
Threat Level: 
Special Trait: Zombification (zombifies the player for a few seconds),
Teleportation, Magic ball.
Drops: None
First Update/Build seen: 0.14
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