Sure, here is a table listing the skills, levels, resources, references, and topics that you need to crack a $300K remote data scientist job from India: Skill Level Resou rce Refere nce Topic Progra mming Interm ediate Python , R, SQL DataC amp, Cours era, Udem y Data structu res, algorit hms, objectoriente d progra mming , functio nal progra mming Statisti cs Advan ced Linear algebr a, probab ility, statisti cs Khan Acade my, MIT Open Cours eWare , Stanfo rd Online Statisti cal analysi s, hypoth esis testing , regres sion analysi s, machi ne learnin g Data visuali Interm ediate Tablea u, DataC amp, Data visuali zation Matplo tlib, Seabo rn Cours era, Udem y zation techni ques, storyte lling with data Machi ne learnin g Advan ced Deep learnin g, natural langua ge proces sing, compu ter vision Cours era, Udacit y, Tensor Flow Machi ne learnin g algorit hms, deep learnin g model s, natural langua ge proces sing Cloud compu ting Interm ediate AWS, Azure, GCP AWS Trainin g, Azure Trainin g, GCP Trainin g Cloud compu ting conce pts, cloudbased data storag e and proces sing Comm unicati on Excell ent Writte n, verbal, presen Toast master s Interna Public speaki ng, storyte tation tional, Comm unicati on Confid ence Cours e lling, clear and concis e comm unicati on Collab oration Excell ent Team work, conflict resolut ion, feedba ck The Team Handb ook, Crucial Conve rsation s Workin g effecti vely with others, giving and receivi ng feedba ck Creati vity Excell ent Proble m-solv ing, ideatio n, innova tion Creati ve Proble m Solvin g, Lateral Thinki ng Thinki ng outsid e the box, comin g up with new ideas Passio n Strong Data scienc e, solving proble ms, makin ga differe DataQ uest, Kaggle , Driven Data Passio n for data scienc e, drive to solve proble nce drive_spreadsheet Export to Sheets I hope this helps! ms, desire to make a differe nce