The Phenomenon of Resonance Source: Guilford College Contributed by: Wood, J. Densmore Stable URL: Rights Notes: Theses may not be reproduced (either in print or online) without prior written permission of the author. Proper citation guidelines should be used when quoting or paraphrasing from a thesis. Thesis work remains the intellectually property of the student author unless specified otherwise and is provided for educational use only. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact This item is being shared by an institution as part of a Community Collection. For terms of use, please refer to our Terms & Conditions at Guilford College is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Guilford College This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to SENIOR J. g THESIS Densmore Class Wood of 1915 This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to 4 TEER THE PHENOMENON # & There were separate for and instance, great deal were each not, however, never dreamed the explanation Heat, and were of such of motion things as bits of sound, the of air light of well physies of data and a nunber among of phenomenon fairly interrelation a mode the smattering understood as sub-divisions Around gathered any explained when superstition. their RESONANCE Ž distinct. were more EH a time partially mental: to was wes OF light, and a eleetrieity the laws funda- know. There branches, Sound by Aristotle waves or but was he electromagnetice waves, The connecting see to this take tion by wave link theories between connection each of the of simple projection of harmonic a point motion, it and kinds a simple moving in and sub-divisions resonance different has stepped interrelation like Resonance ation these and a phenomenon have of of is to in as uniformly the in To necessary notice waves the physics. only explanation such formed its produce- turn. in the motion a circle considerof the upon & diameter. Consiãer (Fig. l1). Let it the be point required P moving to get in an a circle of expression motion of its on the diameter radius for the projection AOC. r up- This will be the motion of the point B. Let plete ` Fig. the revolution 1 This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to time of of com- P around ape the circle be or t/f part of Then 2 But -2T point 8 Then X=Y If begin we x= =- œt have the and Æ = motions same to P = loc O0OB=% time the after the expression particle resehes becomes: the considered. period we difference If we can assume consider two of phase that the cases; between two & / motions Æ O the first case, to the the particles two displacements at moving along circular motions do the time seme and the not the get re- is always less than the sum of the displacements of separate motions. By plotting absissas represent nates A- to +) represents maximum c from = LEOA. to of count of at A, corresponding the moves cev. œT diameter sultant point 0 In their the Bard at r csv (œt £ here two see. a Then ahou the t 8> ATE E instead apa in a revolution. Then -l some T. is of the motions the two equal at a and displacement: may motions any time be ordinates represented and to as e the the by Fig. resultant. algebraic b. This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to sum and time 2. a The oräinate of the and as b ordi- J agm other each the to aecording Fig. 3. Fig. 3 with coinciães x-axis. In their to get resultant is case the maximum E when different when E the is and the the sum of case may be represented this amplitudes zero anå so that represented they not would combine to a and with coincide. a maximum give b in resonance a and b, are said to be they 4. Fig. by the 4 I have figure to equal always value resultant. When reach instantaneously is This partieles the zero to It two motions, These equal displacements Fig. In is a maximum. motions, two of resultant The destroy even the motions 180 E is equal to When the their maximum value intervals. In the are periods same not the same simultaneously way we may only represent This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to the | motions at this infrequent case by Fig. 5. Fig. The equations representing K= and the angular The resultant maximum. in motions in the this same the have when due in motion and same direction the Eere and we the pull pull swing the on with motions difference not will in curve be: period. and not a occur. for resonance and the will is second that is the that two they be the so be is right If that are a string given swing the time and we the greatly ps by pendulum motion the resonance by it numerous. will the If vibrate equation art% of the of of a period = it as resultant aia two irregular does suspended attraction. motion at the an examples length earth's ball of is the phase. 1l equals to with period, T where wt case same a small ball set ew requisite Mechanical we wt therefore, first have tw varying Resonance, The Y KET velocity 5 of attach the and of for of swinging increased with the pull motion the right S This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to acceleration another direction increased and g equals of the string pull ball is the very in the ball. length the in the amplitude little are to effort. resonance of Unless time ape the motion resonance is of impaired the two Again or even we suspend different lengths, as l, and suspend three we we can easily due to a laek of motions. if if destroyed 2, and light illustrate X three 3 heavy in weight resonance balls Fig. 6, balls and SSSSSISIESSEEKÁIS STEEF by from from also strings a wire the lack same of of AB, wire resonance. TEESLISIELEESETFI TEESCESE | i | © . O URIZ Fig. Make the lengths of since the it independent is having the l periodsof same When and the of any 6 4, 2and simple one will of the 5, and 3 pendulums the masses length ZZZZIT also of the have and are ball the pendulums This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to is 6 equal. given and same set Then by those pendulums period. in motion the -6- resonance . or , 5, and will vibrate in resonance. l, that they the motion The motion the same at stepping for his fall with the motion plot a sine curve, ferent tone, by resonancè of Examples glass have windows resonance with If two powerful you stand are b which will time and rise of in known to be may motions by sound break absissas two sounds and sounds two the as lengths, wave are due may dif- be a certain point just 4. Great numerous., to vibration This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to in rep- the e in organs. at we get we of represented Fig. If manner. similar time and sounds resonance been water combining harmonic of so may different two of break resonance. water a very in the of a and 5. Fig. a body. having Resonance resultant. like is the ordinates as case The that his combine amplitudes their resented of waves Sound in waves produce to as steps bridge of a bucket carrying in person A in be not must steps These safety. are therefore must They dom. it break the to give to they when soldier each add woulà time might which vibration step to by bridge the given a bridge, crossing army an of that is example third A pendulum. e neighboring of by affected be will they before resonance in vibrate necessary is it pendulums these In respectively. 3 and 2, with correspond will motion Their it which with motion the out pick 6 will 4, pendulums the of each and awkwardly wobble will wire the consecutively instant same the at motion in set all are 3 anå l,2, If in are phase and period same the having motions These quiet. remain will others The period. same the of motion up take will period same the consequently and length same the has that one the old senate =P chamber is at Washington, the deal louder than faet that a great due to the the dome lower witk and come cheəmber. an out increased is the mouth altered, out of the waves fork voice voice. in from This, waves are the giving with the dome I suppose, reflected resonance unite may be a tube. length tube sound your the effect is about in waves in of the a wave amplitude. of the of your nearly These A tuning over the echo in set Then may be resonance into if the found with vibration length where the of the waves and the waves helå tube will generated come by the fork. When thing to light waves expect. to of the of resonance the to the magnetice by current by a sine a light as we seems example of An a single interference of soap the is the combination thing value film. light. natural of of two either to be the this is given Dark This laek bands is advance will a current they waves that appear represented the a consideration they aet of electro- in exaetly that about the same originate. with there conductor and to see familiar is is the fact a magnetic oscillatory oscillations on water. These field. the will a conducIf field set waves will up may waves be velocity with whieh these This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to waves move - the be just represented eurve. The by 3. are surface the phenomenal We also with the how the resonance twice through we waves, having see in light familiar us oscillatory the are The Fig. waves Let to interference., total carrying like give passing Now tor We or graphically way. come components. light , due we will bpe aBa and second per emitted number the of produet the to equal the length of one wave J-T since N Anā since the "n But | as it to take up the vibrations. by given is a circuit of period The for order in mechanical, second the in pendulunms the as just resonance, in ve thus and waves the as all must station, sending the period These circuit. sending the by receiving the for order in same the have must circuit its A emitted waves the get to station o work, wireless is constant velocity rri In nÀ u U T =-ar TLC L oräer to the tune the may altered. be and to meter a waye calle resonance with another harmonic waves behavior of production might be explained öf resonance inferred on From the and sound, that same in the basis great the by a circuit as final and This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to the waves in the other ways it may be they analysis tend of of in many would kind any similarity electromagnetie well as prođuced be may or motions., light, of waves of length eireuit. then, Resonance, instrument an tuning aecurate and rapid possible makes waves any or both (C) wave the measures that has usually station A wireless with or the capacity (L) inductance either resonance into eireuit in So capacity. equals © and inductance equals where to lead to the belief in a Philosophy that may some day knowledge. This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to inelude all -10- THE STRUCTURE OF THE WAVE METER HE It waves. the in series so that with movable coil. of wood, of the fixed along cut plates (MP) may rotate end over a scale as the plates it is may it to be from fixed the throm in series by switeh The The fixed are plates the it may rotate. A it that so knob rotated. and rotate to swing field the to angles right the with out which tuned. The boz at put be is coil are broken the through the to next portion projects whieh it by to rod movable whieh of blocks between movable The 10. the that sides. shaded on so the the clamped The the by is pointer moves shown are attached a knob has inch wood one rod, an of in Fig. shown a brass to and movable as plates, clemped top the that by apart spaced are which blocks These figure. so of edges the are which 7, Fig. in FD marked plates, fixed ten of up made is condenser The line ànd condenser the with series in thrown can be it arranged is coil A fixed coil. a movable with connected condenser a variable of consists wireless resonance to circuit receiving tuningthe in stations in used instrument an preceding the in to referred is resonance, of discussion PH as meter, waye The HE front is one movable with shown box coil in that panel the fastened an of opposite so that and variable coil it side ecan of be condenser 9 &- 10. contains is the arranged movable Figs. to the glass condenser so that This content downloaded from on Wed, 17 May 2023 06:03:12 +00:00 All use subject to the has panelled variable con- Jl- denser is visible. eross connected a receivers. the detector Now terminals, such since T the s rotating the plates may be tuned in resonance occurs there will tube or wave length receiving a maximum may be circuit read may period varies with in off then of the 9 & tube l0, or may be telephone circuit is given TCE a maximum sounå Figs. a Geissler a and be as A & B the the capacity, the fielå. cireuit When resonance discharge in telephone receivers. directly be the tuned on to Finis. 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