Uploaded by Ciro Ferrara


[Go on a dopamine detox Stop procrastinating Get things done instead of imagining them
Frame your identity
Obsess over goals.
read and vocalize your goals every day is if you are there already DO THE HARD WORK, ESPECIALLY WHEN YOU DON'T FEEL LIKE IT]
Deadline: 17 years old
Increase general knowledge, become more clever, get better grades( done, 9.08)
Read more books: politics, culture, philosphy, psycologhy, Increse social skills, pronunciation (currently reading useless books, i'll have to buy the good ones) Maintain: Nofap, Nogames, Nojunk, Nomedia, meditation, mewing, diet (maintaing all as of rn, fixing phone issues, adjusting diet)
max hygene, charisma, look(doing mewing and putting several creams on face to improve, and cold showers) muscles( doing gym) buy more profumes and health-care products
( maintaing, looked for Hamza videos for charisma, try talking to the mirror i guess, also deep voice, doing visualization and affirmation)
Get a B2(done, grade B), Get a Fdi party card
Learn how to do every chore, learn how to cook( ask mom for both)
imparare a fare i nodi(done), piegare i vestiti(done)
Adjust calligraphy (doing) Eliminate anxiety from your life, control it, control every emotion (doing meditation to fix it, YOU ARE A MEN DON'T BE EMOTIONAL)
start making money in some way( looking at tjr bootcamp rn, considering work for having base money)
Have more social connection (going out with friends) Learn to cut meat(done) and fruit (trough parents)
Learn self-defense techniques (trough friends and internet)
Secondary objective: Master board games
Repeat all elementary and medium school stuff
Master Geography and nature knowledge
Increase music knowledge
Increase football knowledge
( all of these can be done trough internet)
Deadline for 18':
Learn basic economics (trough books and internet)
Reach max grades and credits for school (by shearing blood and toils)
start getting in med school (by shering blood and toils pt. 2)
I want to make 10k per day (following tjr bootcamp, follow my trading plan, risk management, journal my trades and my errors ecc..., then start trading and make money, have a job as well for short term money basis)
Get a driving license
Get a credit card
Deadline for 20':
start planning a way to make a house and look for all kind of house related stuff (trough internet and by talking with architects)
look for stuff regarding kids (trough parents, internet, gf)
Buy a million euros car and house
Have an athletic body (GYM)
Deadline for 30':
get a specialitazion for neurology and cardiology( by shearing blood and toils pt.3)
do the hard work, and then, keep it up and simply live your life