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Landscape Restoration Business Model Quiz

Business Model Innovation for Sustainable Landscape Restoration
Question 1
From the three options presented below, what is at the moment most needed to address the grand
societal challenge of landscape degradation?
1 / 1 point
More financial investments and pledges by the government and civil society.
More international policy commitments to restore land, such as the Bonn Challenge
More people and institutions motivated to collaborate and invest in landscape restoration
Question 2
What characteristic fits a business that takes a landscape approach?
1 / 1 point
The business creates value to an urban landscape rather than a rural environment.
The business goes beyond their own supply chain and looks to systemic landscape change that
evolves new partnerships with representatives from within and outside the landscape.
The business creates not only financial returns, but also a return of social, and natural capital.
That's it! This way they share risks, resources, responsibilities and rewards to reach combined goals.
Question 3
How can you best set the boundaries of your social-ecological system?
1 / 1 point
All of the above
By using geographical regions such as watersheds
By using administration boundaries such as regional or national boundaries
Both are correct!
Question 4
What is meant with the ‘flow’ in the analysis of a social-ecological system?
0 / 1 point
Material or information that enters or leaves a stock over a period of time (such as fish moving from
a pond to a fisherperson)
The connections between the different elements in the system
The flow of organic materials, such as water in a river, pesticide leakage, or ecological corridors
Try again
Question 5
Which description of stakeholders fits best in the context of landscape restoration?
1 / 1 point
Any human, group, or non-human entity that is affected by, or who can affect, our new business
model for landscape restoration
Those people in the landscape that have financial stakes in the landscape, such as landowners,
farmers, the government, and business owners.
Those people in the landscape that have influence over the decision making processes in the
Question 6
Why should we consider different stakeholders in the landscape?
1 / 1 point
Because it will increase the financial profitability of the business, especially on the short term.
Because it is our moral duty to form a business model that takes into account the legitimate interests
of stakeholders, ensures that stakeholders are protected from harm and that accrued benefits are
fairly distributed.
All of the above
Question 7
Who should we involve in our co-innovation network?
1 / 1 point
All stakeholders involved in the landscape
Stakeholders that have actual decision-making power in the landscape, including customers and
Anybody that has proven experience in innovative business development
Question 8
What is the captured value for your stakeholders?
1 / 1 point
The value captured for this stakeholder by your new business model
The value this stakeholder group is receiving from the status quo in the landscape
The value this stakeholder group captures in their own business model
Question 9
How can a value opportunity for stakeholders be found?
1 / 1 point
By considering how the current destroyed value could be decreased (reducing the stakeholder’s
In both of these ways
By considering how value reduction could be transformed into value creation.
Question 1
What is the best description of a business model?
1 / 1 point
A rationale of how you will create value for stakeholders through your activities.
A business that you can use as an example or model for your own business.
A financial model that can be used to investigate the profitability of your business idea.
Question 2
Which of the following elements in the economic layer of the business model canvas are part of the
value capture and delivery element?
1 / 1 point
Value proposition, partners, and activities
Activities, resources, and customer relationships
Customer segments, costs, and revenues
Question 3
What is a value proposition?
1 / 1 point
It is the (innovative) value being proposed to stakeholders, including customers.
It is a ‘gain creator’ or a ‘pain reliever’ for the stakeholders involved.
All of the above.
A value proposition can be either a pain reliever or a gain creator. A gain creator is therefore a
specific type of a value proposition. So both A and B are correct.
Question 4
Why is it important to test your assumptions of your business model?
1 / 1 point
The earlier on in the process you share your envisioned business with possible end-users and/or
customers, the higher your potential revenue may turn out.
To check how other business models compared to yours dealt with misplaced investment of time
and money.
As simply transferring apparent best practices may not work in specific local landscapes.
Feedback: Because not all best practices work in specific landscapes, we can avoid misplaced time
and money investments by testing our assumptions.
Question 5
What is the best approach to validating the environmental impacts of your business and its
contribution to landscape restoration?
1 / 1 point
Assess what research is already going on in the area and what still needs to be done. Based on this,
determine which experiments you need to set up yourself and for which you can collaborate with
existing efforts.
Monitor variables like soil quality indicators, available freshwater quantity and quality, soil erosion,
and biodiversity large-scale and long-term using field and laboratory experiments. Only after getting
positive results on this research you can safely assume your business model will have a positive
environmental impact.
Collaborate with research institutes or students that are already researching the subject, as this will
save you valuable time and money.
Question 6
What is a minimal viable product?
1 / 1 point
A product which is successful in terms of financial capital, but has a detrimental effect on the
A product which has not survived the prototype and assumptions phase: testing in practice has
shown its assumptions do not hold.
A product which has been produced with minimal resources, but can nevertheless provide a lot of
insights in the prototype phase.
Question 7
The main reason for small business failure is having a cash shortage, resulting in the inability to pay
short term bills. How can you avoid this?
1 / 1 point
By investing more cash in purchasing stock.
By improving the contribution per unit by lowering your variable costs or selling your product at a
lower price.
Draw a cash-flow to predict the amount of cash in the business and if there will be shortages.
Feedback: It is indeed important that we understand when the costs and revenues of our business
model occurs.
Question 8
Different groups are connected via long-lasting partnerships with a 4 returns ambition”. Is an
example of an outcome of...
1 / 1 point
The return of social capital
The return inspiration
The return of financial capital
Question 9
Landscape degradation is part of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 15 Life on land. Why is
landscape degradation the ‘canary in the mine’ in this context?
1 / 1 point
Because it shows visible signs of poor treatment of most other SDGs.
Because it proves that by reversing landscape degradation you will not only achieve SDG 15 Life on
Land, but can also solve at least 50% of the other SDGs without conscious effort.
Because the urgency of landscape restoration echoes loudly through all other SDGs.
A negative approach to life on land has direct negative repercussions for the achievement of life
below water, climate change, clean water and sanitation and good health and well being. But an
effective approach to life on land, also creates all sorts of positive spillover effects.
Question 10
What is the nexus challenge?
1 / 1 point
The nexus challenge seeks to answer the question: how can positive interactions between SDGs be
optimised, and negative interactions minimised, in order to create co-benefits and reduce trade-offs?
The nexus challenge outlines the importance of including numerous stakeholder perspectives when
defining the grand societal challenge of SDG 15 Life on land.
The nexus challenge describes the difficulties that arise when new partnerships form and the stakes
of each partner are ill-defined.
Question 1
In week 1 you answered a reflection question on what ou want to learn during this course. You
finished the sentence: After this MOOC I want to be able to.... Look back at your answer and describe
why or why not you have achieved this personal learning objective.
1 / 1 point
In my place back in India, the area around rivers is the most susceptible to floods yet the area is
not observed much. It could facilitate low economic productivity by being a recreational area but
the ultimate purpose is to restore biodiversity and prevent floods. There is also flooding and
rising sea levels in Singapore which caused a lot of floods. From this course, I was able to get
more awareness on it. I also learnt about how land degradation causes soil fertility loss, along
with soil erosion.I also learnt about the environmental life cycle business model layer. That layer
consists of majority of the production process which I, as a normal consumer, would have little
knowledge about as I am not an insider. I found the interview with Thekla Teunis and Liz
Metcalfe very interesting and engaging as well. I also believe that the economic aspect of the
canvas is the most challenging to address and describe. This is because we are uncertain what
financial capital will be brought back from land restoration.
Thank you for your description! We hope that you have achieved your personal learning objective.
Question 2
What concepts did you find most valuable and why?
1 / 1 point
I found it important to add the complication of the social nets that are involved on the
environmental impacts and their source on wicked social problems. I also learnt about the The
Social Layer. The key to extend the original business model canvas through a stakeholder
approach to both capture the mutual influences between stakeholders and the organization. This
layer also seeks to capture the key social impacts of the organization that derive from those
We hope you keep on exploring these concepts and apply them in your life.
Question 3
What topics did you maybe struggle with?
1 / 1 point
The social Layer
If a topic is still not clear, you can always ask a question on the discussion forum.
Question 4
We hope that this is just the end of the beginning, and that the real work for you starts now, to really
put your ideas into practice and make the business model you have created a success. In doing so,
you may wish to revisit many of the steps of this course and work them through in further detail.
What will your next actions be?
1 / 1 point
Social Canvas seem to be challenging to address. This could be due to the challenging state of
capturing and filtering differing various social perspectives on landscape restoration.
If you enjoyed it, then please let us know, join our online community and let your friends know. We
welcome all new learners. Going forward we would like to urge you to remember that failure is OK!
As innovators we can learn so much from failing. So fail often and fail fast.