HALİÇ UNIVERSITY SOFTWARE ENGINEERING CEN 122 COMPUTER PROGRAMMING II ASSIGNMENT 5 NAME: ELİF SEMİHA SURNAME: KONAKOĞLU STUDENT ID: 22091000370 DATE: 22 MAY 2023 ANSWERS 1. class Pet: def __init__(self, name,animal_type,age): self.__name = name self.__animal_type = animal_type self.__age = age def set_name(self,name): self.__name = name def set_animal_type(self,animal_type): self.__animal_type = animal_type def set_age(self,age): self.__age = age def get_name(self): return self.__name def get_age(self): return self.__age def get_animal_tpe(self): return self.__animal_type def main(): pet_name = input('Please enter your pet\'\s name: ') pet_type = input('What animal is your pet?') pet_age = float(input('What is the age of your pet?')) pet_specs = Pet(pet_name,pet_type,pet_age) print('pet name is ', pet_specs.get_name()) print('pet type is ', pet_specs.get_animal_tpe()) print('pet age is ', pet_specs.get_age()) main()