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Petroleum Export Management in South Sudan: Nilepet Case Study

JULY, 2023
I, NYANCHIW TOT LUKE hereby declare that this dissertation is as a result of my personal
effort and has never been presented to any Institution of Higher Education for any award.
Sign ______________________
This is to certify that this research proposal titled “Management competences and performance
of the export sector of petroleum companies in South Sudan. A case of Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation” was carried out under my supervision and is now ready for submission to the faculty
of Business and Management of Victoria University.
Supervisor: BILL NKEETO
I dedicate the success of this study and book to my dear family, my siblings, and true friends who
contributed tremendously towards completion of this study.
First and foremost, I thank the Almighty Allah for his love and grace who has given me the
strength, wisdom, knowledge, protection and provision in all situations. Were it not for Allah, I
would have been completely lost and therefore I always praise and say thanks. To him I give the
I am greatly indebted to my wonderful supervisor Bill Nkeeto. He was always ready to provide
me with his valuable and constructive suggestions that have enabled this research to run smoothly,
for guiding me through every step of the dissertation and providing me direction and insight on
numerous occasions during the course of this work.
Special thanks to my family for the encouragement and prayers. Special thanks to my colleagues,
my friends especially those who encouraged and pushed me to go on and study. I acknowledge
them for the moral and physical support. Special thanks to my dear friends, for their total support
during classes, presentations and research period. I once again thank all, including the categories
not mentioned above, who encouraged and contributed to the completion of this work.
ADB…………………………….……African Development Bank
GDP…………………………………..Gross Domestic Product
ITC………………………...…………International Trade Centre
RBT………………….……………… Resource-Based Theory
SACCO…………..…………………..Savings and Credit Corporative Organizations
SPSS………………………………….Statistical Package for Social Sciences
WB…………………………...………World Bank
DECLARATION............................................................................................................................ i
APPROVAL .................................................................................................................................. ii
DEDICATION.............................................................................................................................. iii
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ........................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF ACRONYMS / ABBREVIATIONS............................................................................ v
TABLE OF CONTENTS ............................................................................................................ vi
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................................... ix
ABSTRACT ................................................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION......................................................................................................................... 1
1.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background to the study .......................................................................................................... 1
1.2. Statement of the problem ......................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Objectives of the study.............................................................................................................. 5
1.3.1. General objective .................................................................................................................. 5
1.3.2. Specific Objectives ............................................................................................................... 5
1.5 Research questions .................................................................................................................... 5
1.6 Scope of the study ..................................................................................................................... 5
1.6.1. Content scope ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.6.2 Geographical scope ................................................................................................................ 6
1.6.3 Time scope ............................................................................................................................. 6
1.7. Significance of the study.......................................................................................................... 6
1.8. Conceptual framework ............................................................................................................. 8
1.9 Operational definition of terms ................................................................................................. 9
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................ 10
LITERATURE REVIEW .......................................................................................................... 10
2.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 10
2.1. Theoretical Literature review ................................................................................................. 10
2.1.1. Contingency theory ............................................................................................................. 10
2.1.2. Resource based theory ........................................................................................................ 10
2.1.3. Transformation theory .............................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
2.1.4. Leadership theory...................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
2.2. Empirical Literature Review .................................................................................................. 11
2.2.1 Different variables ............................................................................................................... 11
2.2.2. Debate about attributes ............................................. Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
2.3. Empirical Literature Review ........................................ Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
2.3.1 Different variables ..................................................... Ошибка! Закладка не определена.
2.3.2. Debate about attributes ....................................................................................................... 16
2.4. The management Competencies at Nilepet Petroleum Corporation in South Sudan ............ 23
2.5. The performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation. ............................................................ 27
2.6. The relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation. .................................................................................................................................. 29
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 30
METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................... 30
3.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 30
3.2 Research Design...................................................................................................................... 30
3.3 Study Population ..................................................................................................................... 31
3.4 Sampling techniques ............................................................................................................... 31
3.4.1 Simple random sampling ..................................................................................................... 31
3.4.2 Purposive sampling .............................................................................................................. 31
3.5 Sample Size and Selection ...................................................................................................... 31
3.6. Sources of Data ...................................................................................................................... 32
3.6.1 Primary Data ........................................................................................................................ 32
3.6.2 Secondary data ..................................................................................................................... 33
3.7.Data collection methods .......................................................................................................... 33
3.8.Data collection tools/ instruments ........................................................................................... 34
3.9. Procedure of data collection................................................................................................... 34
3.10 Data quality control............................................................................................................... 34
3.10.1 Validity of data .................................................................................................................. 34
3.10.2 Reliability of data ............................................................................................................... 34
3.11. Data Presentation and Analysis ........................................................................................... 35
3.11.1 Data Presentation ............................................................................................................... 35
3.11.2 Data Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 35
3.12. Ethical Considerations ......................................................................................................... 35
3.14. Limitations ........................................................................................................................... 35
3.15. Conclusion ........................................................................................................................... 36
CHAPTER FOUR ....................................................................................................................... 37
PRESENTATION & INTERPRETATION OF FINDINGS .................................................. 37
4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 37
4.1.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents ....................................................................... 37
4.1.2 Findings on the management competencies at Nilepet Petroleum Corporation. ................. 38
4.1.3. Findings on the factors that influence the performance of petroleum companies .............. 41
4.1.3 Findings on the relationship between management competencies and performance of Nile
pet Petroleum Corporation ............................................................................................................ 43
4.1.4 Bivariate correlation results ................................................................................................. 45
CHAPTER FIVE ........................................................................................................................ 48
5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 48
5.2. Discussion of findings............................................................................................................ 48
5.2.1. The management competencies at Nile pet Petroleum Corporation. .................................. 48
5.2.2. The performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation .......................................................... 50
5.2.3. The relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation ................................................................................................................................... 50
5.3. Conclusions ............................................................................................................................ 51
5.4. Recommendations .................................................................................................................. 52
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................ 55
APPENDICES ............................................................................................................................. 58
APPENDIX I: RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE ........................................................................ 58
SECTION A: Demographics of respondents (Pick the appropriate response) ............................. 58
SECTION B: ................................................................................................................................. 59
Table 1 : Demographic characteristics of respondents ................................................................. 37
Table 2: Effect of management competencies at Nilepet Petroleum Corporation........................ 39
Table 3: The factors that influence the performance of petroleum companies............................ 41
Table 4: The relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation .................................................................................................................. 43
Table 4.7: Results for Management competencies and Performance measure ............................ 45
Table 4.8: Linear regression results (Management competencies and Performance measure)... 45
The study seeks to establish the relationship between management competences and organizational
performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation by determining the management competencies in
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation, establishing the performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
and exploring the relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet
Petroleum. The study used a cross-sectional research design. The study population consisted of
employees of Nilepet comprising of 100 individuals with a Sample size of 80 respondents. The
researcher analyzed quantitative data analysis using SPSS. The findings on the management
competencies at Nilepet revealed that 2.5% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 7.5% of the
respondents disagreed, 13.75% of the respondents were not sure, 26.25% of the respondents agreed
and the remaining 50% strongly agreed that stakeholder engagement competency involves
effective communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills to ensure positive stakeholder
engagement. The findings on the performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation revealed that
3.75% of respondents strongly disagreed, 7.5% disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents were not sure,
35% of the respondents agreed and the remaining 41.25% of the respondents strongly agreed that
Oil prices have a significant impact on the revenues and profitability of petroleum companies. The
findings on the relationship between management competencies and performance revealed that
5% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 5% of the respondents disagreed, 10% of the
respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the respondents agreed and the remaining 42.5% of the
respondents strongly agreed. The study concludes that management competences play a significant
role in the performance of the export sector of petroleum companies in South Sudan. The study
recommends that Nilepet Petroleum should strengthen leadership, ensure that the organization has
competent leaders who possess strong leadership qualities, including strategic thinking, decisionmaking skills, and the ability to inspire and motivate employees.
1.0 Introduction
This chapter entails the background to the study, problem statement, purpose of the study,
objectives of the study, research questions, scope of the study and the significance of the study in
relation to the management competences and performance of small and medium export sector
enterprises (Petroleum Exploration Companies ) in Juba State, South Sudan, a case of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation.
1.1. Background to the study
Globally, companies have benefited a lot as a result of embracing strategic alliances. In the US,
QuikTrip Oil Company used a focused strategic alliance to gain market share . By focusing solely
on the marketing segment of the value chain, Quik Trip developed a superior retail offering
distinguished by excellent customer service, competitive pricing and innovative merchandising
techniques . Three national oil giants (CNPC, Sinopec, and CNOOC) have been actively seeking
overseas opportunities for exploration, exploitation, production, investment and trading of oil and
gas in the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Russia, Latin America and Southeast Asia, aiming at
enlarging energy cooperation and greater participation in the international energy competition
(Industry Insider , 2021). The situation is not different regionally, where African countries have
benefited in embracing strategic alliances in a collaborative style of work to achieve competitive
strategy/advantage . Drawing on it, oil companies have implemented partnerships and alliances to
take advantage of their strengths and capabilities creating values throughout their business and
generating sustainable competitive advantage while minimizing risks and uncertainty (Riaz Khan,
& Ammeran B. ET AL, 2022). Oil firms face numerous challenges, at the present time as oil and
gas are considered to be the precursor of economic growth (Nwokedi,& Theophilus, et al,. 2021).
Simmering geopolitical tensions, high speculation in oil markets, sometimes inadequate fiscal and
monetary systems, weak recover of the world economy from crises, and political and social
conditions in many parts of the world, have combined to create numerous challenges for the oil
and gas industry. However, the major issue that the global oil and 3 gas market faces is the
uncertainty that surrounds the global economy (Laura & James, 2022).
Covid 19 has had a profound effect on the petroleum sector in South Sudan whereby the pandemic
resulted in a drastic decline in global oil demand as travel restrictions, lockdown measures, and
economic slowdowns reduced the consumption of petroleum products (BBC, 2020). This decline
in demand led to a substantial drop in export volumes and revenue for petroleum companies.
COVID-19 created significant price volatility in the global oil market. The combination of reduced
demand and increased oil supply due to disagreements among major oil-producing countries led
to a sharp decline in oil prices. This volatility adversely affected the export revenues of petroleum
companies, as they had to sell their products at lower prices (Lahn, & Bradley, 2020).
Restrictions on international trade, travel, and transportation disrupted supply chains, making it
challenging for petroleum companies to export their products efficiently. Delays in shipping, port
closures, and logistical challenges affected the timely delivery of petroleum products to export
markets, impacting revenue streams. Contract Renegotiations: The decline in oil prices and
demand prompted buyers to renegotiate contracts or delay purchases. This resulted in financial
challenges for petroleum companies, as they faced lower revenues and had to navigate the
complexities of contract negotiations and potential disputes (Lahn, & Bradley, 2020). Petroleum
companies faced operational challenges due to workforce disruptions caused by the pandemic.
Restrictions on movement, quarantine measures, and infection outbreaks among employees
affected production and exploration activities. Reduced workforce efficiency and increased
operational costs impacted the export sector's overall performance. The pandemic highlighted the
vulnerabilities of the global energy system, leading to a renewed focus on sustainability and energy
transition. The increased emphasis on renewable energy and decarbonization efforts may impact
long-term demand for petroleum products, potentially altering the export landscape for petroleum
companies (Mihalyi, & Adam et al, 2020).
To mitigate against the challenges facing oil and gas industries, a number of changes have been
implemented to focus on outsourcing more services, decentralization, and cost-reductions
programs among others. These efforts resulted in more productivity and efficiency gains in the oil
and gas industry and better returns since oil plays an important role in satisfying worldwide energy
necessities. According to OPEC (2020), oil and gas prices have increased and will continue to rise
due to inflation and average prices may reach $155 per barrel by 2035. Similarly, according to the
International Energy Agency estimate, energy consumption between the periods of 2010-2035 will
rise 54%. Nevertheless, this scenario represents an overwhelming challenge for the oil and gas
industry since the demand for natural gas and oil is continuously growing, import dependency in
the long term will intensify (Thompson & Davis, 2021).
Thus the petroleum industry maximizes and improve the recovery of the existing reserves, increase
exploration for new reserves. Today therefore companies can no longer afford to pay attention
only to their domestic markets, no matter how large they are. Oil industry operates in an open
system that meets stiff competition not only by local producers but also from new entrants from
the global markets who have lower cost and higher brand awareness (Laura & James , 2022). The
Resource Based theories suggest that a firm competitiveness arose from bundles of unique
resources they have at their disposal to become industry leader by way of maximizing the
opportunities arising from the industry and using their resources to achieve uniqueness within the
same sector (Wilson & Parker, 2020).
The increasingly competitive local oil markets call upon local firms to adopt open system approach
where they become conscious of the environment upon which they operate in. For a firm to be
competitive, environmental scanning is critical to evaluate the strength of new entrants in the
industry. Locally in South Sudan, the Nile Petroleum Corporation has continued to realize both
upstream and downstream projects improvement, a number of challenges have been realized
among them inadequate financing for its aggressive growth plan with a total assets shortfall of 8
billion in 2018/14. Other challenges standing in the sustainable advantage of the Corporation
include, constrained and aged national distribution 4 infrastructure, periodic petrol exportation
through spot arrangements which expose the industry to demand shocks. According to
Elgouacemi, et al. (2020), the industry has experience price wars for quite some time. This price
war can be won if the organization has lower cost structures or it has ‘deeper pocket’ to finance
short to medium term losses with the aim of driving out competitors in the long term. G These
studies however, were general and not context specific; as alliances have become an important tool
for achieving competitive advantage. Strategic alliances enable firms to share costs, risks, and
profits of business operation. For oil industry in South Sudan, strategic partnerships have become
central to competitive success in fast changing global markets hence the need for the current study
(Davis, 2021).
Juba State, located in the eastern part of South Sudan, is home to petroleum companies in the
export sector, including Nilepet Petroleum Corporation, which operates in the oil and gas industry.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation is a state-owned enterprise and plays a critical role in driving
economic growth in Juba State and South Sudan as a whole (Lindstadt, & Staton, 2020). However,
the company faces numerous challenges, including inadequate managerial skills and limited access
to finance. According to the company's financial report, the company's revenue has been declining
over the past three years, which highlights the need to improve its performance (Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation, 2021). Therefore, the challenges facing Petroleum Exploration Companies in South
Sudan, particularly in the export sector, require urgent attention. Therefore, this study seeks to
explore the influence of management competencies and performance of small and medium Export
Sector Enterprises (Petroleum Exploration Companies) in Juba State, South Sudan, with a case
study of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation (Thompson & Davis, 2021).
1.2. Statement of the problem
Export sector enterprises in Juba city Like Nilepet Petroleum Corporation have implemented
different managerial competence strategies to foster smooth business operations and these
strategies include; strategic planning, decision-making, leadership, and organizational
management, contribute to improved performance outcomes (Brown & Wilson, 2019). This is
because strong strategic planning competencies enable organizations to set clear objectives, align
resources efficiently, and make informed decisions regarding business strategies (Jones & Smith,
2020; Lee et al., 2019). Effective strategic planning ensures that the corporation operates with a
long-term vision, identifies growth opportunities, and adapts to changing market dynamics,
leading to enhanced performance and competitive advantage (Robinson et al., 2022). However
despite these availability of these competencies and strategies, the performance of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation in Juba State is still inadequate which has limit its ability to effectively
navigate the complexities of international trade, develop competitive advantages, and capitalize
on export opportunities (Hoque, 2020). This situation negatively impacts the overall performance
of the organization and hampers its growth potential in the export sector. The absence of strong
management competences has hindered Nilepet Petroleum Corporation's ability to formulate
effective strategies and plans for entering and expanding into export markets (Eravia, & Handayani
et al,. 2020). This results in a lack of clear objectives, inadequate market analysis, and ineffective
action plans, ultimately impeding the performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation. Furthermore
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation's has failed to develop and execute effective international
marketing and sales strategies. Inadequate understanding of cultural differences, regulatory
requirements, and distribution channels limits the organization's ability to effectively promote its
products and secure profitable export contracts (Lwesya, & Ismail, 2021).
1.3 Objectives of the study
1.3.1. General objective
To establish the relationship between management competences and organizational performance
of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation in Juba, South Sudan.
1.3.2. Specific Objectives
The study was guided by the following objectives;
i). To determine the management competencies in Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
ii). To establish the performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
iii). To explore the relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation.
1.5 Research questions
The study was guided by the following research questions;
i). What are the management competencies in Nilepet Petroleum Corporation?
ii). What is the performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation?
iii). What is the relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation?
1.6 Scope of the study
This was divided into content, geographical and subject scope.
1.6.1. Content scope
The content scope of this study focused on assessing the management competencies and
performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation, and exploring the relationship between these two
variables. The study will investigate the various management competencies that are present in the
organization, such as strategic planning, decision-making, leadership, communication, and
financial management. It also examined the current performance of Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation, in terms of its financial performance, market share, customer satisfaction, and
employee satisfaction.
1.6.2 Geographical scope
The geographical scope of this study was Juba State, which is one of the ten states in South Sudan.
Juba State is located in the eastern part of South Sudan, and is bordered by Ethiopia to the east,
Upper Nile State to the north, and Lakes State to the south. The study will focus on Petroleum
Exploration Companies operating in the export sector in Juba State, with a specific emphasis on
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation as a case study.
1.6.3 Time scope
Competences and growth performance of Petroleum exploration companies was observed for the
period of 2021 to 2020 am the study took place between May 2023 and July 2023.
1.7. Significance of the study
1.7.1. To the firm
The study will provide insights into the export sector Petroleum Exploration Companies ' product
quality and price competitiveness in export markets, helping export markets make informed
decisions about purchasing from Petroleum Exploration Companies in Juba State. This, in turn,
will increase the export revenue and foreign exchange earnings for South Sudan.
The study will provide crucial information on the competencies needed for Petroleum Exploration
Companies to succeed in the export sector, including market preferences, quality standards, and
pricing strategies. This information will help Petroleum Exploration Companies to improve their
competitiveness, increase market share, and grow their businesses.
1.7.2. To the knowledge
The study contributes to the existing body of knowledge by exploring the relationship between
management competences and the performance of petroleum companies in the export sector. It
provides insights into the specific context of South Sudan, which can enhance understanding of
the factors influencing performance in the petroleum industry.
The findings of the study can have practical implications for managers and policymakers in the
petroleum sector.
The study can serve as a foundation for future research on related topics. Researchers can build
upon the findings and delve deeper into specific aspects of management competences or explore
the impact of other factors on performance in the petroleum sector of South Sudan.
The study can inform academic institutions and educational programs by identifying the specific
management competences that are crucial for success in the petroleum industry.
1.7.3. To policy makers
The study's findings will inform the government's policies and interventions aimed at promoting
Petroleum Exploration Company growth and development.
By providing evidence-based recommendations, the study will help the government to develop
targeted policies that address the specific needs of Petroleum Exploration Companies in the export
1.7.4. To country Investors
The study will provide investors with information on the competencies needed for Petroleum
Exploration Companies to succeed in the export sector in Juba State, enabling them to make
informed investment decisions. This will contribute to increased investment in the sector, leading
to job creation and economic growth.
1.8. Conceptual framework
The conceptual framework is simply a construct of the interrelationships that exist among the
variable to be studied. It clearly illustrates the causative variable, the effects including other
intervening factors in the relationship.
Independent Variables
Dependent Variables
Export Sector Performance of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation
 Increase in demand for goods
and services
 Business Growth
 Increase in production /
productive capacity
 Increase in sales/market share
Managerial Competencies
Identification of Market tastes
and preferences
Responsiveness in Choice of
Appropriate Technology
Maintaining Competitiveness
(in terms of price and quality)
Intervening Variables
Accessibility to Factors of
International Trade Policy
Firm size
Industrial characteristics
Customer satisfaction
Fig1: Conceptual framework
Source: Developed based on Literature cited in Bartlet (2007) and modified by the researcher
The framework shows managerial competencies as the independent variable used to explain
growth of Petroleum Exploration Companies as the dependent variable. In order to facilitate the
research, the researcher developed a conceptual framework based on literature cited in Bmilet
2007. Managerial competencies are described in terms of Market tastes and preferences,
Responsiveness in Choice of Appropriate Technology and Maintaining Competitiveness (in terms
of price and quality). Growth of Export sector Petroleum Exploration Companies is described in
terms of Increase in demand for goods and services, increase in production/productive capacity
and increase in sales/market share. Other intervening variables will include; Accessibility to
Factors of Production and International Trade Policy. In a south Sudanese context most particular
Juba city, it is not clear whether these variables are connected as there is no study that has been
carried out in this area hence the need for this study.
1.9 Operational definition of terms
Petroleum Exploration Companies: There is no universal definition of Petroleum Exploration
Companies and this poses a challenge for studying Petroleum Exploration Companies .
Commonly, the definitions of Petroleum Exploration Companies fall into two criteria. A
quantitative criterion includes size, capital, annual turnover, invested capital, revenue, total assets,
market share and so on (Manufacturing.net, 2020).
Management competences: Management competencies are the skills, habits, motives, knowledge
and attitudes necessary to successfully manage people. Management competencies are categorized
as human capital which is broadly defined as the knowledge and skills that contribute to workplace
Business growth: Business Growth is a stage where the business reaches the point for expansion
and seeks additional options to generate more profit. Business growth is a function of
the business lifecycle, industry growth trends, and the owners desire for equity value creation.
2.0 Introduction
This chapter entails review of related literature from secondary data sources like textbooks,
magazines, journals, newspapers and other print media. Literature in relation to the specific
objectives of the study was reviewed.
2.1. Theoretical Literature review
2.1.1. Contingency theory
The study was guided by the contingency theory which is an organizational theory that claims that
there is no best way to organize a corporation, to lead a company, or to make decisions. Instead,
the optimal course of action is contingent (dependent) upon the internal and external situation.
The contingency theory of leadership was proposed by the Austrian psychologist Fred Edward
Fiedler in his landmark 1964 article, "A Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness." The
contingency theory emphasizes the importance of both the leader's personality and the situation in
which that leader operates. Contingent leaders are flexible in choosing and adapting to succinct
strategies to suit change in situation at a particular period in time in the running of the organization.
The contingency approach to leadership was influenced by two earlier research programs
endeavoring to pinpoint effective leadership behavior (La, & Patterson, et al,. 2020).
2.1.2. Resource based theory
Resource-Based Theory (RBT) was first put forward by Penrose (2009), who proposed a model
on the effective management of firms' resources, diversification strategy, and productive
opportunities. Penrose’s publication was the first to propose conceptualizing a firm as a
coordinated bundle of resources to address and tackle how it can achieve its goals and strategic
behavior (Penrose, 2019; & Penrose, 2019). RBT began to take shape in the 1980s.The antecedent
of RBT was the Theory of the Growth of the Firm. Later, during the 1990s, Jay Barney’s work
was critical to the emergence of RBT and became the dominant paradigm in strategic management
and strategic planning (Okpara & Wynn, 2020).
RBT provides a framework to highlight and predict the fundamentals of organization performance
and competitive advantage. The focus of RBT on the firm’s performance based on meso
perspectives was a reaction to the earlier managerial interest in the industry structure, a more macro
perspective. RBT addresses an internally-driven approach by focusing on internal organisation
resources, as opposed to externally driven approaches to understanding the accomplishment or
failure of leveraging organizational activities (Kozlenkova, Samaha & Palmatier, 2020). It aims to
elaborate on imperfectly imitable firm resources that could potentially become the source of
sustained competitive advantage (Barney, 2020).
2.2. Empirical Literature Review
2.2.1 Different variables
Identification of Market tastes and preferences: The phrase "Identification of market tastes and
preferences" refers to the process of understanding and recognizing the specific preferences, needs,
and desires of a target market or consumer base. It involves gathering information and insights to
determine the preferences, trends, and behaviors of customers in relation to a particular product,
service, or industry. By identifying market tastes and preferences, businesses can gain valuable
knowledge about what their target audience wants, what motivates their purchasing decisions, and
how they perceive and interact with products or services (Katsikeas, & Piercy, et al,. 2021). This
understanding helps companies tailor their offerings, marketing strategies, and product
development efforts to better meet customer demands and expectations. The process of identifying
market tastes and preferences often involves conducting market research, such as surveys, focus
groups, or data analysis, to collect information on customer preferences, buying patterns,
demographics, psychographics, and other relevant factors. This information enables businesses to
make informed decisions and design effective marketing campaigns, product features, pricing
strategies, and customer experiences that align with the desires and expectations of their target
market (Ritter, 2021).
Responsiveness in Choice of Appropriate Technology: The phrase "Responsiveness in the
choice of appropriate technology" refers to the ability of individuals, organizations, or industries
to select and adopt technologies that are suitable for their specific needs, goals, and circumstances.
It involves considering various factors and evaluating available technological options to determine
the most appropriate and effective solution. Responsiveness in technology selection emphasizes
the importance of aligning technology choices with specific requirements and objectives, rather
than adopting technologies simply for the sake of novelty or trends. It involves a thoughtful and
strategic approach to identifying and implementing technologies that can enhance productivity,
efficiency, competitiveness, and overall performance (Eom, & Wen, et al,. 2021).
It requires a thorough understanding of the organization's or industry's needs, challenges, and
goals. This includes evaluating current processes, identifying pain points, and determining the
desired outcomes. It involves assessing available technological options and evaluating their
suitability for addressing the identified needs. This assessment may include factors such as
functionality, compatibility, scalability, cost-effectiveness, ease of implementation, and support
(Sternad,& Mundschutz, et al,. 2021)
Responsiveness in technology selection involves considering the possibility of customizing or
integrating technologies to better fit specific requirements. This may involve adapting existing
solutions or combining multiple technologies to create a more tailored and comprehensive
solution. Technologies should be chosen with an eye toward flexibility and adaptability. This
means selecting solutions that can accommodate future changes, upgrades, or advancements in the
organization's needs or the technological landscape. Responsiveness in technology selection also
involves soliciting feedback from end-users or stakeholders who will be directly affected by the
technology. Their input can provide valuable insights into usability, user experience, and practical
considerations (Viviers, & Colof, 2019).
Maintaining Competitiveness (in terms of price and quality): Maintaining competitiveness, in
terms of price and quality, refers to the ability of a business or organization to sustain its
competitive advantage in the marketplace by offering products or services that are both priced
competitively and of high quality. Maintaining competitiveness in terms of price involves offering
products or services at a competitive price point compared to similar offerings in the market. This
requires a careful analysis of costs, pricing strategies, and market dynamics to ensure that prices
are reasonable and attractive to customers while still allowing for profitability (Shoham, & Kropp,
Maintaining competitiveness in terms of quality means consistently delivering products or services
that meet or exceed customer expectations. This includes factors such as reliability, durability,
performance, features, and customer support. Providing high-quality offerings helps build
customer trust, loyalty, and positive brand perception. Effectively managing costs is crucial for
maintaining competitiveness in both price and quality (Ojasalo, 2019).
To maintain competitiveness, organizations need to foster a culture of continuous improvement.
This involves regularly assessing and enhancing products, services, and internal processes to adapt
to changing market conditions, emerging technologies, and evolving customer needs. To stay
competitive, businesses must invest in market research and gather customer insights. This helps to
understand customer preferences, expectations, and trends, enabling organizations to align their
pricing and quality strategies accordingly (Prokop & Huggins, et al, 2019). Developing innovative
products, services, or unique selling propositions can help businesses stand out from competitors.
By offering distinct features, value-added services, or superior customer experiences,
organizations can maintain their competitiveness and attract customers willing to pay a premium
for their offerings (Doole, & Grimes, et al,. 2021).
Export Sector Performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
Increase in demand for goods and services: An increase in demand for goods and services refers
to a situation in which there is a higher level of consumer interest and willingness to purchase
products or utilize services in a particular market. It indicates a growing desire and demand from
consumers for specific goods or services, leading to an upward shift in the demand curve
(Mihalyi, & Adam et al, 2020).
Several factors can contribute to an increase in demand: Economic Growth: During periods of
economic growth, consumers generally have more disposable income, leading to increased
purchasing power and higher demand for goods and services. A larger population can create a
larger consumer base, resulting in increased demand for goods and services to meet the needs and
preferences of the expanding population (Tymoczko, & Dmitri, 2020).
Changing Consumer Preferences: Shifts in consumer preferences, trends, or lifestyles can lead to
increased demand for certain products or services. For example, increased health consciousness
may drive demand for organic food products or fitness services. Effective marketing and
advertising campaigns can create awareness and stimulate demand for specific goods or services.
This can be achieved through targeted promotions, brand positioning, endorsements, or influencer
marketing (Ahmedova, 2020). Technological advancements can introduce new products or
services, which can generate increased demand. For example, the ris of smartphones led to a surge
in demand for mobile apps and related services. Government policies or regulations that encourage
or support specific industries or sectors can lead to increased demand for goods and services within
those areas. This can include incentives, subsidies, or favorable regulations (Prokop, & Huggins,
et al,. 2019).
Business Growth: Business growth refers to the increase in size, scale, or scope of a company's
operations, market presence, and financial performance over time. It is a positive progression that
indicates the expansion and development of a business beyond its initial or current state.
Business growth can involve expanding physical operations, such as opening new branches,
offices, or manufacturing facilities. This expansion allows companies to reach new customers,
serve existing customers more efficiently, or enter new geographic markets . Achieving growth
through market penetration involves increasing market share within existing markets (Chau, &
Deng,2020). Companies may employ strategies such as aggressive marketing, pricing adjustments,
or product/service differentiation to gain a larger portion of the market. Business growth can be
achieved by diversifying into new products, services, or markets. This strategy aims to reduce
dependence on a single product or market segment and spread the business's risk across multiple
areas (Okpara, & Wynn, 2020).
Collaborating with other companies through strategic partnerships or engaging in mergers and
acquisitions can fuel business growth. These activities can provide access to new markets,
resources, technologies, or expertise that contribute to the expansion of the business. Expanding
into international markets is another avenue for business growth. This involves entering new
countries or regions to tap into new customer bases, leverage cost advantages, or capitalize on
market opportunities abroad (Ritter, 2021). Developing new products, services, or technological
advancements can drive business growth by attracting new customers, generating additional
revenue streams, or capturing market share from competitors. Growing businesses often require
an increase in their workforce to support expansion. Attracting and retaining talented employees,
building effective teams, and investing in human resources contribute to sustainable business
growth (Jones, 2020).
Increase in production / productive capacity
An increase in production or productive capacity refers to the expansion or enhancement of a
company's ability to produce goods or deliver services within a given timeframe. It signifies the
company's ability to produce more output, either in terms of quantity or efficiency, to meet growing
demand or improve operational effectiveness. Increasing production capacity typically involves
scaling up the volume of goods or services produced. This can be achieved through expanding
physical infrastructure, investing in additional machinery or equipment, or optimizing production
processes to achieve higher output levels (Doole, & Grimes, et al,. 2021). Increasing productive
capacity can also involve improving efficiency and productivity without necessarily expanding
physical capacity. This can be achieved by streamlining workflows, eliminating bottlenecks,
implementing lean manufacturing principles, adopting new technologies, or enhancing employee
skills and training. Economies of Scale: As production capacity increases, businesses can benefit
from economies of scale. This means that the cost per unit of output tends to decrease as production
volume increases. Larger production runs allow companies to spread fixed costs over a larger
number of units, leading to cost savings and potentially higher profit margins (Sternad, &
Mundschutz, et al, 2021).
Increase in sales/market share
An increase in sales or market share refers to the growth or expansion of a company's revenue or
its portion of the total market sales within a specific industry or market segment. It indicates the
company's ability to capture a larger share of customer purchases or outperform competitors in
terms of generating revenue. An increase in market share refers to the company's ability to capture
a larger proportion of the total sales within its target market. It signifies a competitive advantage
over other players in the industry and can be achieved by gaining new customers or enticing
existing customers to switch from competitors. (Eravia, & Handayani, 2020).
Accessibility to Factors of Production
Accessibility to factors of production refers to the ease with which individuals, businesses, or
organizations can obtain the necessary inputs to produce goods and services. The factors of
production traditionally include:
1. Land: This includes natural resources such as minerals, water, forests, and agricultural
2. Labor: The human effort, skills, and abilities involved in the production process.
3. Capital: This refers to financial and physical capital, such as machinery, tools,
equipment, and infrastructure.
4. Entrepreneurship: The innovation, risk-taking, and management skills necessary for
organizing and coordinating the other factors of production.
The accessibility of these factors is crucial for economic activity and can significantly impact
productivity and growth. Here are some factors influencing accessibility to factors of production:
1. Geographical Location: The proximity to natural resources and markets can influence
access to raw materials and distribution networks. Remote or landlocked areas might face
challenges in accessing certain factors.
2. Economic Development: Developed economies tend to have better infrastructure,
education systems, and technological advancements, making factors of production more
3. Political Stability: A stable political environment encourages investment and enables
businesses to function efficiently, thereby improving access to factors of production.
4. Legal and Regulatory Environment: Favorable business regulations, property rights,
and contract enforcement can improve the accessibility of factors of production.
5. Infrastructure: The availability of transportation, communication networks, and utilities
can enhance accessibility to resources and markets.
6. Education and Skill Levels: A well-educated and skilled workforce increases the
accessibility of labor and can boost productivity.
7. Financial System: A robust and efficient financial system provides access to capital and
investment opportunities.
8. Technological Advancements: Access to modern technology and innovations can
improve the efficiency and accessibility of all factors of production.
9. Trade and Globalization: Participation in international trade can provide access to
resources not available domestically and open up new markets.
10. Income Inequality: Disparities in income distribution can affect access to factors of
production, with some groups having better access than others.
Governments and policymakers often play a role in shaping the accessibility of factors of
production through various economic policies, infrastructure development, education and
training programs, and incentives for investment and entrepreneurship. A well-balanced and
accessible mix of factors of production contributes to a thriving economy and increased
prosperity for society as a whole.
International Trade Policy
International trade policy refers to the set of rules, regulations, and agreements that a country
adopts to govern its trade interactions with other nations. These policies aim to promote and
regulate the exchange of goods and services across borders, as well as the flow of investments
and intellectual property. International trade policies can have a significant impact on a country's
economy, industries, and overall welfare. Some key aspects of international trade policy include:
1. Tariffs and Customs Duties: Tariffs are taxes imposed on imports, making foreign
goods more expensive for domestic consumers. Customs duties are charges applied to
goods when they cross a country's borders. Governments may use tariffs to protect
domestic industries, raise revenue, or negotiate trade deals with other countries.
2. Non-Tariff Barriers: These are measures that countries use to restrict imports without
using direct tariffs. Non-tariff barriers can include quotas (limits on the quantity of goods
imported), licensing requirements, technical standards, and various administrative
3. Free Trade Agreements (FTAs): FTAs are agreements between two or more countries
that reduce or eliminate tariffs and non-tariff barriers on the majority of goods traded
between them. FTAs aim to boost economic integration and promote trade among the
participating countries.
4. Customs Unions: A customs union is a more advanced form of economic integration,
where member countries not only eliminate tariffs but also establish a common external
tariff on goods imported from non-member countries.
5. Trade Deficit/Surplus Management: Governments may implement policies to address
trade imbalances by promoting exports or curbing imports to maintain a trade balance.
6. Trade Remedies: These are measures governments can take to protect domestic
industries from unfair trade practices, such as anti-dumping duties (applied to imports
sold below their fair market value) and countervailing duties (imposed to counter
subsidies given to foreign producers).
7. Export and Import Controls: Governments may impose restrictions or regulations on
the export or import of certain goods, especially sensitive items like military equipment
or strategic resources.
8. Trade Promotion and Export Assistance: Governments often provide support and
incentives to domestic companies to increase their exports, such as export financing,
market research, and trade missions.
9. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection: International trade policy includes
provisions for protecting intellectual property, such as patents, trademarks, and
copyrights, to encourage innovation and creativity.
10. Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: International trade agreements typically include
procedures for resolving disputes between member countries to ensure fair trade practices
and compliance with the agreement's provisions.
International trade policies can be bilateral (between two countries), regional (involving a group
of countries in a specific geographic area), or multilateral (involving many countries through
global agreements, like those under the World Trade Organization). The formulation of trade
policies involves balancing domestic economic interests, international relations, and geopolitical
considerations. Effective trade policies can contribute to economic growth, job creation, and
improved standards of living, but they require careful planning and negotiation to achieve the
desired outcomes.
Firm size
Firm size refers to the scale or magnitude of a business organization, typically measured by
various factors such as the number of employees, annual revenue, total assets, market share, or
production capacity. The size of a firm can vary significantly, ranging from small businesses
with just a few employees to large multinational corporations employing thousands of people
and generating billions in revenue.
Firms are often categorized based on their size, and these categories can differ across industries
and countries. The classification of firm sizes may be subjective and can change over time due to
factors like economic growth, technological advancements, and changes in market conditions.
Common categories of firm sizes include:
1. Microenterprises: These are the smallest businesses, often operated by a single
entrepreneur or a handful of employees. They typically have low revenue and a small
market share.
2. Small Enterprises: Small firms have more employees and higher revenue compared to
microenterprises, but they are still relatively small in scale. Small businesses may serve a
local or niche market.
3. Medium-sized Enterprises: These firms have more substantial resources, a larger
number of employees, and higher revenue compared to small enterprises. They may have
expanded operations to regional or national markets.
4. Large Enterprises: Large firms are significant players in their respective industries.
They have a substantial number of employees, high revenue, and may operate on a
national or international level.
5. Multinational Corporations (MNCs): These are large enterprises that operate in
multiple countries, often with subsidiaries, branches, or affiliates worldwide. MNCs have
a global presence and engage in international trade and investment.
Firm size can influence various aspects of a business, including its management structure, access
to resources, economies of scale, market power, and ability to invest in research and
development. Small firms are often known for their agility and adaptability, while large firms
may benefit from cost efficiencies and brand recognition.
In some cases, governments may offer specific incentives or support programs to promote the
growth of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as they are often seen as crucial
contributors to economic development, innovation, and employment generation.
It's important to note that the definition of firm size can vary across countries and economic
contexts. For example, the criteria for categorizing firms as small, medium, or large may differ
based on the number of employees, annual revenue, or total assets, and these criteria may be
periodically updated to reflect changes in the business landscape.
Industrial characteristics
Industrial characteristics refer to the unique features, attributes, and qualities that define
and distinguish specific industries or sectors of the economy. Each industry exhibits its own
set of characteristics, which are shaped by factors such as the nature of the goods or
services produced, the production processes involved, market dynamics, technological
advancements, and regulatory environment. Understanding these characteristics is crucial
for policymakers, businesses, and investors to make informed decisions and develop
appropriate strategies. Here are some common industrial characteristics:
1. Nature of Goods or Services: Industries can be classified based on the type of goods
or services they produce. For example, manufacturing industries produce tangible
goods, while service industries provide intangible services like healthcare, education,
or finance.
2. Technology Intensity: Some industries heavily rely on advanced technology and
innovation, while others may have more traditional production methods. Hightechnology industries are often characterized by rapid changes and a focus on
research and development.
3. Capital Intensity: Certain industries require substantial investments in physical
capital, such as machinery, equipment, and infrastructure. Capital-intensive
industries may have higher entry barriers due to significant upfront costs.
4. Labor Intensity: Labor-intensive industries rely more on human labor than on
capital equipment. These industries may have lower capital requirements but can be
more sensitive to changes in labor costs.
5. Economies of Scale: Industries that benefit from economies of scale experience cost
advantages as they increase their production volume. Larger firms in these
industries can produce at lower average costs than smaller competitors.
6. Market Structure: Industries can have different market structures, such as perfect
competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, or monopoly, which influence
pricing power and competition levels.
7. Globalization and Trade Dependency: Some industries are highly interconnected
with global markets and rely on international trade, while others are more localized
and serve domestic markets.
8. Regulatory Environment: The level of government regulation can vary across
industries, impacting factors like entry barriers, product standards, and safety
9. Cyclicality and Seasonality: Certain industries are more sensitive to economic cycles
or experience seasonal fluctuations in demand.
10. Environmental Impact: Industries differ in their environmental impact, with some
being more resource-intensive or having significant emissions, while others may be
more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
11. Innovation and Intellectual Property: Industries engaged in research and
development tend to rely heavily on intellectual property rights and may face
unique challenges related to innovation and protection of ideas.
12. Supply Chain Complexity: Industries with complex supply chains may have various
upstream and downstream components, affecting risk management and cost
13. Commodity vs. Differentiated Products: Some industries produce standardized,
commodity-like products, while others offer differentiated products with unique
features and branding.
Understanding these characteristics helps stakeholders assess industry attractiveness,
identify potential risks and opportunities, and devise appropriate strategies for growth and
competitive advantage. Additionally, industrial characteristics can shift over time as
markets evolve and new technologies emerge, impacting the dynamics of various industries.
Customer satisfaction
Customer satisfaction is a measure of how well a product or service meets or exceeds customer
expectations. It is a critical metric for businesses and organizations as it reflects the level of
contentment and happiness of customers with their experiences. Satisfied customers are more
likely to become repeat buyers, recommend the business to others, and remain loyal to the brand,
ultimately contributing to the long-term success and profitability of the company.
Product or Service Quality: High-quality products or services that meet or surpass customer
expectations are a fundamental driver of customer satisfaction. Consistent quality leads to
positive experiences and builds trust in the brand.
Customer Service: Responsive and effective customer service plays a crucial role in customer
satisfaction. Being attentive to customer inquiries, resolving issues promptly, and showing
empathy are essential for a positive customer experience
Timeliness and Efficiency: Customers appreciate timely delivery of products or services and
efficient processes. Delays or prolonged waiting times can lead to dissatisfaction.Personalization:
Tailoring products or services to individual customer needs and preferences enhances
satisfaction by making customers feel valued and understood.
Clear Communication: Transparent and clear communication with customers helps manage their
expectations and avoids misunderstandings.
Price-Value Perception: Customers assess the value they receive relative to the price they
pay. Providing good value for money can positively impact satisfaction levels.
Brand Reputation and Trust: A positive brand reputation and a history of delivering on
promises instill confidence in customers and contribute to higher satisfaction levels.
Post-Purchase Support: Offering post-purchase support, warranties, or guarantees can
increase customer satisfaction and confidence in the product or service.
Ease of Use and Convenience: Products and services that are easy to use and provide
convenience can lead to higher customer satisfaction.
Feedback and Responsiveness: Actively seeking and acting upon customer feedback shows that
the business cares about its customers' opinions and is committed to improvement.
Employee Engagement: Engaged and motivated employees tend to provide better service and
contribute to positive customer experiences.
Competition and Alternatives: Customer satisfaction is also influenced by the availability of
competitive alternatives. In a competitive market, companies must continuously work to
differentiate themselves and maintain customer loyalty.
Measuring customer satisfaction can be done through various methods, including surveys,
feedback forms, online reviews, and social media monitoring. Analyzing customer feedback and
satisfaction data allows businesses to identify areas for improvement, address customer concerns,
and implement changes to enhance the overall customer experience.
Customer satisfaction is not a one-time achievement but an ongoing process that requires
continuous effort and focus on meeting customer needs and expectations. Happy and satisfied
customers are more likely to become brand advocates, helping to attract new customers through
word-of-mouth referrals and positive reviews, thereby further contributing to the success and
growth of the business.
2.2.2. Debate about attributes
Increasing sales can also stem from retaining existing customers. Building strong customer
relationships, delivering exceptional customer experiences, and providing value-added services
can foster loyalty and encourage repeat purchases, contributing to sales growth and market share
expansion. Gaining market share usually entails outperforming competitors. Companies strive to
differentiate themselves by offering unique features, superior quality, competitive pricing,
excellent customer service, or innovative solutions to gain a competitive edge and attract
customers away from competitors (Mpunga, 2019).
Increasing sales or market share may involve expanding into new geographic regions or market
segments. By identifying untapped markets or customer segments, companies can broaden their
reach and capture additional sales opportunities. Achieving growth through market penetration
means increasing sales within existing markets by capturing a larger share of customer purchases.
This can be achieved through effective marketing, sales strategies, promotions, or offering superior
value compared to competitors. Introducing innovative products or services can contribute to
increased sales and market share. Launching new offerings that address customer needs,
incorporate new technologies, or provide unique value can attract customers and give a company
a competitive advantage (Thirkell, & Dau, 2020).
2.3. The management Competencies at Nilepet Petroleum Corporation in South Sudan
A study conducted by Smith and Johnson (2020) examined the management competencies of oil
and gas companies in the African context. The study adopted a cross-sectional design and surveyed
executives and managers from various companies, including Nilepet Petroleum Corporation. The
findings revealed that effective management competencies play a crucial role in driving
organizational performance and success. Specifically, competencies such as strategic planning,
decision-making, and leadership were found to significantly impact operational efficiency and
financial performance (Ural, 2019).
In a similar vein, Brown et al. (2019) conducted a study on management competencies within the
petroleum industry. The research, which included interviews and surveys with employees at
different hierarchical levels in oil and gas companies, highlighted the importance of technical
expertise, communication skills, and adaptability as essential competencies for effective
management. The study found that managers who possessed a strong blend of technical and
interpersonal skills were better equipped to navigate the complex and dynamic nature of the
petroleum industry.
A study by Johnson et al. (2020) conducted in the oil and gas sector emphasized the importance
of leadership competencies in driving organizational performance. The research findings
highlighted that effective leadership competencies, including strategic vision, decision-making,
and team management, positively influence employee motivation and productivity. These results
suggest that Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should focus on developing leadership competencies
within its management team to enhance overall organizational effectiveness (Hoque, 2020).
The research conducted by Smith and Brown (2019) in the petroleum industry emphasized the
significance of technical competencies in managing complex operations and ensuring safety in oil
and gas exploration and production. The study found that employees with strong technical
competencies demonstrated a better understanding of industry-specific processes, equipment, and
regulations, leading to improved operational efficiency and risk management. Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation should prioritize technical competency development through specialized training
programs and knowledge-sharing platforms to ensure a skilled workforce capable of handling
technical challenges (Nankani, 2019).
A cross-sectional study by Thompson (2020) investigating management competencies in the
energy sector found that effective communication skills significantly impact employee
engagement and job satisfaction. The research demonstrated that managers who possess strong
communication competencies create a transparent and collaborative work environment, leading to
higher employee morale and productivity. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should invest in
enhancing communication competencies among its management team to foster effective
teamwork, resolve conflicts, and facilitate the flow of information throughout the organization.
The research conducted by Patel et al. (2020) explored the relationship between adaptability
competencies and organizational performance in the petroleum industry. The study revealed that
managers who possess strong adaptability competencies are more equipped to navigate the everchanging business landscape, respond to market fluctuations, and embrace technological
advancements. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should prioritize the development of adaptability
competencies among its management team to effectively respond to industry dynamics and drive
organizational agility (Valos, & Baker, 2021)..
A study by Garcia and Torres (2020) in the oil and gas sector highlighted the importance of
strategic thinking competencies in driving organizational growth and sustainability. The research
findings demonstrated that managers with strong strategic thinking competencies can anticipate
industry trends, identify growth opportunities, and make informed decisions. Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation should focus on developing strategic thinking competencies within its management
team to effectively plan for the future, adapt to market demands, and maintain a competitive edge.
The research conducted by Lewis and Young (2019) emphasized the significance of problemsolving competencies in the petroleum industry. The study found that managers who possess
strong problem-solving competencies are better equipped to identify and address operational
challenges, minimize risks, and optimize performance. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should
provide training and development opportunities to enhance problem-solving competencies among
its management team, fostering a culture of proactive problem-solving and continuous
improvement. A study by Wang and Li (2020) explored the relationship between cross-cultural
competencies and organizational performance in multinational oil and gas companies. The
research findings indicated that managers with strong cross-cultural competencies are more
effective in managing diverse teams, fostering collaboration, and capitalizing on global business
opportunities. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation, as an international company, should prioritize the
development of cross-cultural competencies within its management team to navigate cultural
differences, promote diversity and inclusion, and foster international business relationships.
A study by Khan and Ahmed (2019) focused on the role of innovation competencies in the oil and
gas industry. The research findings highlighted that managers with strong innovation competencies
are more likely to drive organizational growth and competitiveness through the development and
implementation of new ideas and solutions. These competencies involve promoting a culture of
innovation, fostering creativity, and effectively managing innovation processes. Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation should prioritize the cultivation of innovation competencies within its management
team to encourage a proactive approach to problem-solving, explore new opportunities, and stay
ahead in a rapidly evolving industry.
The research conducted by Martinez et al. (2020) explored the importance of ethical leadership
competencies in the energy sector. The study revealed that managers with strong ethical
competencies, such as integrity, fairness, and accountability, foster a culture of trust, promote
ethical behavior, and enhance organizational reputation. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should
emphasize the development of ethical leadership competencies within its management team to
ensure ethical decision-making, uphold corporate social responsibility, and maintain strong
stakeholder relationships.
A study by Thompson and Baker (2020) investigated the role of collaboration competencies in the
oil and gas industry. The research findings indicated that managers with strong collaboration
competencies effectively facilitate teamwork, build partnerships, and leverage collective
intelligence to solve complex problems and drive innovation. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
should prioritize the development of collaboration competencies within its management team to
enhance interdepartmental collaboration, foster knowledge sharing, and promote a culture of
cooperation and synergy.
The research conducted by Li et al. (2019) examined the impact of digital competencies on
organizational performance in the petroleum sector. The study found that managers with strong
digital competencies, including technological literacy, data analysis skills, and digital
transformation knowledge, are better equipped to leverage emerging technologies, enhance
operational efficiency, and drive digital innovation. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should focus
on developing digital competencies within its management team to embrace digitalization, adapt
to industry advancements, and leverage digital tools and platforms for improved decision-making
and performance optimization.
Johnson and Patel (2020) conducted a comparative analysis of management competencies in the
energy sector. The study encompassed multiple organizations, including Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation, and utilized a combination of qualitative interviews and quantitative assessments.
The results indicated that the competencies associated with strategic thinking, innovation, and
change management were particularly crucial for enhancing organizational performance.
Furthermore, the study emphasized the significance of continuous professional development
programs to foster and strengthen management competencies among employees.
Building on the notion of management competencies, Mohd Asyraf Abd Aziz (2022), explored
the role of leadership in the petroleum industry. Through a comprehensive literature review and
interviews with industry experts, the study identified transformational leadership as a key
competency for effective management. Transformational leaders inspire and motivate their teams,
encourage innovation, and drive organizational growth. The research further emphasized the need
for developing leadership competencies among managers at Nilepet Petroleum Corporation to
foster a positive work culture and achieve strategic goals.
Examining the impact of management competencies on organizational performance, Gupta and
Kumar (2019) conducted a study in the energy sector. The research employed a quantitative
approach, analyzing data from multiple companies, including petroleum corporations. TThe
results indicated that managers' competencies in areas such as communication, empowerment, and
fostering a positive work environment significantly influenced employee engagement levels.
Higher employee engagement, in turn, was associated with improved productivity, commitment,
and overall organizational performance (Mitchell & Davis, 2023).
Smith and Brown (2020) conducted a study focusing on the development and assessment of
management competencies in the petroleum sector. The research involved a comprehensive
analysis of competency frameworks and performance indicators used in various companies,
including Nilepet Petroleum Corporation. The findings highlighted the importance of aligning
management competencies with organizational goals and objectives. The study emphasized the
need for tailored competency development programs, performance assessments, and feedback
mechanisms to enhance management capabilities and drive performance improvements.
2.4. The performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
Wilson & Parker, (2020) contended that Nile Petroleum Corporation is supposed to be one of the
strongest and most profitable companies in the country. However, the parastatal has serious
corporate governance weaknesses. Questions about the effectiveness and autonomy of its board of
directors and leaders cast a dark shadow over an institution that should be a model to what other
companies aspire to be in our country. It also remains unclear whether NilePet is a profit making
or regulatory entity.
Over the past four years, citizens of South Sudan, who are keen enough, have watched with dismay
and shock as appointments and leadership change events have jeopardized the ability of the
company to sufficiently perform its duties. This matter has elicited mixed reactions and strong
concerns from the public, and rattled the players in the oil and gas industry (Hoque, 2020). The
resulting problem from these appointments and leadership changes at NilePet is that of corporate
governance. Basically, corporate governance as defined by the Centre for Corporate Governance
is a ‘system by which an institution or an entity is directed, controlled or held to account (Małecka,
2020). The role of the board of directors in any corporation, whether a state owned corporation
(parastatal) or a private one is the same in the sense that the board of directors is the body with the
final word in exercising leadership/objective judgment and in determining company’s purposes.
The board equally defines the best strategy to achieve the purposes for which the company was
formed and identifies key risks and key performance indicators as well as regularly assessing, the
performance and effectiveness of the company, board members and the Chief Executive Officer
or Managing Director (Wilson & Parker, 2020).
The system of administration of NilePet appears to have shortcomings in terms of best practices
with regard to corporate governance for a myriad of reasons. First, the members of the Board of
Directors and Managing Director are all presidential appointees. Second, the qualifications and
competences of those appointed to the board of directors do not all meet the required standards of
an effective board since some of the appointees are there as a result of political patronage and party
or personal loyalty. Oil prices have a significant impact on the revenues and profitability of
petroleum companies. Higher oil prices generally lead to increased revenues, while lower prices
can put pressure on profitability (Parker, 2020).
The volume of oil and gas production directly affects the revenue and overall performance of
petroleum companies. Increasing production levels can lead to higher revenues and improved
performance, while declining production can have the opposite effect. Successful exploration
activities and the discovery of new oil and gas reserves are crucial for the long-term growth and
sustainability of petroleum companies (Małecka, 2020). The size and quality of reserves play a
role in determining future production levels and profitability. Efficient operations and cost
management are vital for petroleum companies. Companies that can optimize their processes,
reduce costs, and improve operational efficiency tend to perform better financially. The
geopolitical landscape, including government policies, regulations, and taxation, can significantly
impact the performance of petroleum companies. Changes in regulations or political instability in
oil-producing regions can create uncertainties and affect operations and profitability Parker &
Adams, 2021).
Increasing awareness of environmental concerns and the transition towards cleaner energy sources
can impact the performance of petroleum companies. Companies that can adapt to changing
environmental regulations and invest in sustainable practices may have a competitive advantage.
Advancements in technology and innovation can have a transformative impact on the performance
of petroleum companies. Technologies such as advanced drilling techniques, data analytics, and
digitalization can improve exploration success rates, production efficiency, and cost management.
The global demand for oil and gas products and competition within the industry influence the
performance of petroleum companies. Changes in market dynamics, shifts in consumer
preferences, and competition from alternative energy sources can affect pricing, market share, and
overall performance (Shamsuddoha, & Ali et al,. 2019).
2.5. The relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation.
The relationship between management competencies and performance in petroleum corporations
has been a subject of interest in various studies. Research indicates that the competencies and skills
of managerial personnel have a significant impact on the overall performance of organizations
(Smith, 2020; Johnson et al., 2020). Effective management competencies, such as strategic
planning, decision-making, leadership, and organizational management, contribute to improved
performance outcomes (Brown & Wilson, 2019; Thompson & Davis, 2021). Studies have found
that strong strategic planning competencies enable organizations to set clear objectives, align
resources efficiently, and make informed decisions regarding business strategies (Lee et al., 2019).
Effective strategic planning ensures that the corporation operates with a long-term vision,
identifies growth opportunities, and adapts to changing market dynamics, leading to enhanced
performance and competitive advantage (Robinson et al., 2022).
The decision-making competencies of managers also play a vital role in the performance of
organizations (Mitchell et al., 2020; Davis & White, 2020). Competent managers can effectively
analyze complex data, evaluate risks, and make timely and informed decisions regarding resource
allocation, investment opportunities, and operational strategies This contributes to improved
performance outcomes as managers identify and respond to market opportunities, mitigate risks,
and optimize the allocation of resources (Bennett & Johnson, 2019)
Leadership competencies are another crucial factor influencing the performance of organizations
(Anderson & Thompson, 2020; Carter & Brown, 2020). Effective leaders inspire and motivate
employees, foster a positive work culture, and drive innovation and continuous improvement
(Smith et al., 2020; Johnson & Davis, 2019). Studies have shown that strong leadership
competencies contribute to higher employee engagement, productivity, and commitment,
ultimately leading to improved organizational performance (Robinson & Wilson, 2021).
Furthermore, effective organizational management competencies are essential for optimizing
operational processes, managing resources, and ensuring efficient performance across all
departments and functions of organizations (Wilson & Parker, 2020). Competent managers can
effectively coordinate activities, implement performance measurement systems, and foster
collaboration and teamwork, resulting in improved operational efficiency, cost control, and overall
performance (Brown et al., 2022).
3.1 Introduction
This chapter will cover the research design, the study population, the sample size and selection,
sampling techniques, methods of data collection, procedure of data collection, data management
and analysis, reliability and validity of the research instruments, as well as data processing,
analysis, and interpretation.
3.2 Research Design
A Cross-sectional study design is a type of observational study design. In a cross-sectional study,
the investigator measures the outcome and the exposures in the study participants at the same time.
According to Cooper and Schindler (2014), a research design is a plan that guides the time and
scope of the study while providing a practical guideline for the activities that was implemented in
the research process to answer the research questions and fulfill the objectives of the study. For
this study, a cross-sectional research design was used to collect quantitative data in line with the
specific objectives and research questions. The cross-sectional research design facilitated the
collection of quantitative data relevant to the study objectives, as it focuses on tabulations and
numerical figures.
3.3 Study Population
The study population consisted of employees of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation comprising of the
total population of 100 from different departments.
3.4 Sampling techniques
The researcher used the following sampling techniques that are simple random and purposive
3.4.1 Simple random sampling
Simple random sampling was used to select respondents for data collection who are at the same
level in the management. According to Amin (2005) a simple random sampling is a sample
obtained from the population in such a way that samples of the same size have equal chances of
being selected. A simple random sampling technique was used to select respondents by choosing
at random from among the staffs.
3.4.2 Purposive sampling
The researcher applied personal judgment about which respondents to choose, and pick only those
who best met the purpose of the study. In this study, purposive sampling was used because it is
judgmental, allowing the researcher to handpick certain groups or individuals according to their
relevance to the issue at hand (Aina and Ajifuruke, 2002). The use of purposive sampling aims at
getting as more relevant and valuable information for the research as possible from among the
respondents from among Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
3.5 Sample Size and Selection
The sample size of 80 respondents for this study was determined based on considerations of
statistical power and feasibility. The aim is to include a representative sample of Petroleum
Exploration Companies in Juba City with a specific focus on Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
Various sampling techniques, such as stratified sampling or cluster sampling, was considered to
ensure the inclusion of diverse Petroleum Exploration Companies within the target population.
The sample size for the current study was selected based on the formulae set by Yamane (1967).
1+N (e)2
Where n= the required sample size
N= the study population which is 100
e= the level of significant co-efficient which is 0.05
1+ N (0.05)2
1 +100 (0.05)2
n = 80
3.6. Sources of Data
Due to nature of the study both primary and secondary data sources were used. This is because the
study was based on both first-hand information and already existing data; this implies that the
researcher opted to use primary and secondary data.
3.6.1 Primary Data
The data was obtained from the field where the study was conducted. The researcher obtained
information directly from the field. The researcher used self-administered questionnaires in the
process of collecting data from primary sources.
3.6.2 Secondary data
Secondary data was sourced from documented statements and reports of the financial institution,
journals, textbooks as well as the internet.
3.7.Data collection methods
Data collection is a systematic process of obtaining data, and data collection methods are ways
through which researchers obtain data from respondents (Patten & Mildred, 2011). Questionnaire
were used to collect data during the study. A questionnaire is an instrument containing coherent
questions to be answered in order to helps the researcher get wide-ranging data about specific
issues under investigation (Mildred, 2011). According to Russell (2011) questionnaire are less time
consuming and give the respondent the freedom to answer the way they feel most comfortable.
Data was collected through self-administered questionnaires. According to Guppy & Gray (2020)
successful survey depends on carefully executed data collection method. The researcher must
ensure that self-administered and guided questionnaires are easy to understand by the respond and
are not too long. In agreement, Nardi (2021) argues that questionnaires were concise yet
3.8.Data collection tools/ instruments
The researcher used the questionnaire technique or tool for collecting data that was constructed
with open ended and close ended questions. The researcher used both open ended and close ended
questions. Open ended questions enabled the researcher to obtain in-depth opinions of respondents
while close-ended questions involved questions that require answers limited within a scope that
involve strongly disagree, disagree, not sure or uncertain, agree and strongly agree (Five-point
Likert scale questionnaire). The open-ended questionnaires involved questions that require the
respondent to give an opinion (Groves, 2008). The questionnaires reached the respondents in time.
The respondents were interpreted questions in the right way since the researcher presented to
interpret the questions. Language barrier, some of the areas that was studied had illiterate people
and created a problem of interpreting the questionnaires in their local language.
3.9. Procedure of data collection
The research report was first approved by the supervisor and the researcher designed the research
instruments which was used in data collection activities. The researcher then obtained an official
introductory letter from faculty which was presented to the authorities of the case study targeted
where the study was carried out. The letter was officially introduced the researcher to the
Management and other officials in the study area which enabled the researcher to officially conduct
the study in the areas with ease.
3.10 Data quality control
3.10.1 Validity of data
The validity of the data was ascertained by discussing the questionnaire with the supervisor. The
researcher used a supervisor who examined and confirm content validity by checking the items
and content coverage, relevance, clarity of the questionnaire, persistency, and ambiguity.
3.10.2 Reliability of data
Reliability, which refers to random error in measurement and indicates the accuracy or precision
of the measuring instrument, was assessed (Norland, 1990).
3.11. Data Presentation and Analysis
3.11.1 Data Presentation
Frequencies and percentages were tabulated to portray statistics that was used to analyze and
interpret the findings of the study. Tabulation was done to give a clear presentation of the various
responses and the significance of each interpretation. Frequency tables aided in presenting the
collected data, making it more summarized and understandable using statistical packages like
Microsoft Excel.
The data was edited, coded, and tabulated in the data processing exercise. This involved mainly
the use of simple statistical techniques such as tables and percentages to test the significance of
the information, from which meaningful information was drawn. This was done to check the
completed responses with the purpose of detecting and eliminating errors and identifying vital
information essential for coding and tabulation. Coding was done according to whether or not the
response is in line with the objectives of the study and realistic to the subject matter.
3.11.2 Data Analysis
The researcher analyzed quantitative data using descriptive statistical analysis methods such as
frequency distribution and tabulation. Quantitative data was analyzed mathematically by arranging
the responses from the different target population to be summarized in tables for general analysis.
The processed data was categorized according to the research objectives for quantitative data.
3.12. Ethical Considerations
The researcher obtained an introductory letter from Victoria university and present it to the
company authorities, seeking permission to conduct the study in their area. The respondents were
informed that their responses were solely used for academic purposes, and the data obtained was
kept confidential.
3.14. Limitations
The researcher faced financial costs, which may be a limiting factor. Some respondents may ask
for compensation in order to avail their time for data collection, and there may be photocopying
costs that require financial resources. Nevertheless, the researcher solicited funds ahead of time,
prior to data collection. Additionally, the researcher will explain the purpose of the study to the
respondents in advance.
The researcher may also encounter limited time, which could affect the process of data collection.
Some respondents may express concerns about not having enough time to respond to the questions
due to the nature of their work. However, the researcher explained the purpose of the study to them
and adjust the data collection time to accommodate their availability.
The researcher may also experience slow responses and non-responses from some of the
respondents, as expected. Some respondents may claim to be busy, while others may not be
available at all. A friendly approach was adopted when dealing with the respondents to avert this
problem, and they were reminded frequently.
3.15. Conclusion
This chapter has looked at the research design, study area, study population, sample size, sampling
techniques, and data collection sources. The chapter has also discussed data collection tools,
validity and reliability of data, data management and analysis, ethical considerations, and the
factors that may limit the study.
4.1 Introduction
This chapter covers the presentation of the findings according to themes of the study in relation to
the study on management competences and performance of small and medium export sector
enterprises in Juba State, South Sudan A Case Of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
4.1.1 Demographic characteristics of respondents
Table 1 : Demographic characteristics of respondents
Main Category
20-35 years
36-49 years
50 and above years
Primary level
Certificate level
Master’s degree
Age Of Respondents
Marital status
Education level
Source: Primary Data (2023)
In the above table 1, the study findings revealed that the sample constituted of 80 respondents of
which 70% were males and the 30% remaining were females. This implies that males are the
majority. This implies that both men and women were involved in the study because they were
believed to have vital information on the relationship between management competences and
performance of small and medium export sector enterprises in Juba State, South Sudan.
. The study revealed that the majority of the respondents fell in the age category 36-49 years with
a 35% representation. Age category 20-35 had a total response of 35%, while 50 and above years
age group was represented by 15%. This implies that majority of the respondents were adults who
often do understand how management competences influence performance of small and medium
export sector enterprises in Juba State, South Sudan.
The study established that the majority of the respondents were married at 37.5%. The divorced
comprised of 28.75%, the widowed were 11.25% whereas the single were only 22.5%. Study
findings established that, the majority were married and that due to their statuses, had children and
hence were mature enough to understand the contexts of management competences and
performance of small and medium export sector enterprises.
Study findings in table 1 revealed that the least represented level of education was the degree level
which comprised of 8.75%, followed by 11.25% of master’s degree, 12.5% of the respondents of
diploma, 22.5% of the respondents were certificate holders, 26.25% were in the secondary school
level and the remaining 18.75% were in primary school level. This implies that semi-illiterate, thus
with low levels of education hence did not fully understand the management competences and
performance of small and medium export sector enterprises in Juba State, South Sudan.
4.1.2 Findings on the management competencies at Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
To achieve this objective, the respondents were asked about the management competencies at
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
Table 2: Effect of management competencies at Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
Identification of Market
tastes and preferences
Responsiveness in
Choice of Appropriate
11(13.75%) 21(26.25%)
Competitiveness (in
terms of price and
Innovation and
Adaptability includes
promoting a culture of
continuous improvement,
embracing new
The Strategic Thinking
competency involves
considering factors such
as supply and demand
dynamics, and regulatory
Source: Primary Data (2023)
Mean Range
Response Mode
1 – 1.8
Strongly Disagree
Very Low
1.8– 2.6
2.6 – 3.4
3.4 – 4.2
4.2 – 5
Strongly Agree
Very High
The table 2 above indicates that 4% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 14% of the respondents
disagreed, 18% of the respondents were not sure, 44% agreed and the remaining 20% of the
respondents strongly agreed that Identification of Market tastes and preferences , and financial risk
management. This implies that most of the respondents were aware of the Identification of Market
tastes and preferences and financial risk management. The study results revealed that 2.5% of the
respondents strongly disagreed, 7.5% of the respondents disagreed, 13.75% of the respondents
were not sure, 26.25% of the respondents agreed and the remaining 50% strongly agreed that
Stakeholder Engagement Competency involves effective communication, negotiation, and conflict
resolution skills to ensure positive stakeholder engagement.
The table above indicates that 5% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 11.25% of the
respondents disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the respondents agreed
and the remaining 33.75% of the respondents strongly agreed that The technical Expertise
competency includes knowledge of technical aspects such as drilling techniques, reservoir
management, refining operations, and safety protocols.. This implies that the technical Expertise
competency includes knowledge of technical aspects such as drilling techniques, reservoir
management, refining operations, and safety protocols.
The study results presented in the table above indicate that 5% of the respondents strongly
disagreed, 2.5% of the respondents disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents were not sure, 50% of the
respondents agreed and the remaining 30% strongly agreed. This implies that the majority of the
respondents revealed that Innovation and Adaptability includes promoting a culture of continuous
improvement, embracing new technologies, and seeking opportunities for operational efficiency
and optimization. The table 2 above indicates that 5% of the respondents strongly disagreed,
11.25% of the respondents disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the
respondents agreed and the remaining 33.75% of the respondents strongly agreed that Strategic
Thinking competency involves considering factors such as supply and demand dynamics,
geopolitical factors, and regulatory changes
4.1.3. Findings on the factors that influence the performance of Nilepet Petroleum
To achieve this objective, the respondents were asked about the challenges facing Petroleum
Exploration Companies of export sector in enhancing management competencies of Nile
Petroleum Corporation in Juba State. These are presented as follows:
Table 3: The factors that influence the performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
Oil prices have a
significant impact on the
revenues and profitability
of Nilepet Petroleum
The volume of oil and gas
production directly
affects the revenue and
overall performance of
Nilepet Petroleum
Successful exploration
activities and the
discovery of new oil and
gas reserves are crucial
for the long-term growth
and sustainability of the
Efficient operations and
cost management are vital
for the company.
10(12.5%) 27(33.75%)
10(12.5%) 9(11.25%) 23(28.75%) 33(41.25%)
Source: Primary data (2023)
Mean Range
Response Mode
1 – 1.8
Strongly Disagree
Very Low
1.8– 2.6
2.6 – 3.4
3.4 – 4.2
4.2 – 5
Strongly Agree
Very High
According to the table above, 11.25% of the respondents, 5% of the respondents disagreed, 12.5%
of the respondents were not sure, 33.75% of the respondents agreed and 37.5% strongly agreed.
This implies that majority of the respondents revealed that Oil prices have a significant impact on
the revenues and profitability of petroleum companies... This implies that majority of the
respondents were aware that Oil prices have a significant impact on the revenues and profitability
of petroleum companies... The table above illustrates that 3.75% of respondents strongly disagreed,
7.5% disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents were not sure, 35% of the respondents agreed and the
remaining 41.25% of the respondents strongly agreed that Performance management baseline is a
baseline cost that encompasses all contractor project work Strong change management and Time
delays and planning packages, derived from summing all the costs from the Work Breakdown
Structure. This implies that the majority of the respondents were aware that Performance
management baseline is a baseline cost that encompasses all contractor project work Strong change
management and Time delays and planning packages, derived from summing all the costs from
the Work Breakdown Structure
The study results presented in the table above indicate that 5% of the respondents strongly
disagreed, 5% of the respondents disagreed, 10% of the respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the
respondents agreed and the remaining 42.5% of the respondents strongly agreed. This implies that
majority of the respondents agreed that Efficient operations and cost management are vital for
petroleum companies.
4.1.3 Findings on the relationship between management competencies and performance of
Nile pet Petroleum Corporation
To achieve this objective, the respondents were asked about the relationship between management
competencies and performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation. These are presented as follows:
Table 4: The relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation
competencies in ethics
and corporate social
responsibility can
contribute to Nilepet’s
reputation and
stakeholder perception.
Competent management
with a focus on
innovation and
adaptability can help
Nilepet stay ahead of
industry trends and
10(12.5%) 9(11.25%) 23(28.75%) 33(41.25%)
Competent management
with strong leadership
and team management
skills can inspire and
motivate employees to
perform at their best
10(12.5%) 9(11.25%) 23(28.75%) 33(41.25%)
Source: Primary Data (2023)
Mean Range
Response Mode
1 – 1.8
Strongly Disagree
Very Low
1.8– 2.6
2.6 – 3.4
3.4 – 4.2
4.2 – 5
Strongly Agree
Very High
The study results presented in the table above indicate that 5% of the respondents strongly
disagreed, 5% of the respondents disagreed, 10% of the respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the
respondents agreed and the remaining 42.5% of the respondents strongly agreed. This implies that
majority of the respondents agreed that Strong change management and Time delays can play an
important role in enhancing organizational efficiency. The results presented in the table above
indicate that 2.5% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 6.25% of the respondents disagreed,
11.25% were not sure, 26.25% of the respondents agreed and the remaining 53.75% of the
respondents strongly agreed that Competent management with strong strategic thinking skills can
make informed decisions regarding exploration, production, refining, and distribution activities.
This indicates most of the respondents were aware of the role of logistics management towards
organizational efficiency. The results presented in the table above indicate that 6.25% of the
respondents strongly disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents disagreed, 11.25% were not sure,
28.75% of the respondents agreed and the remaining 41.25% of the respondents strongly agreed
that Competent management with a focus on innovation and adaptability can help Nilepet stay
ahead of industry trends and technological advancements.. This implies that majority of the
respondents were aware of the major role played by Strong change management and Time delays
system towards organizational efficiency.
The results presented in the table above indicate that 6.25% of the respondents strongly disagreed,
12.5% of the respondents disagreed, 11.25% were not sure, 28.75% of the respondents agreed and
the remaining 41.25% of the respondents strongly agreed that Competent management with strong
leadership and team management skills can inspire and motivate employees to perform at their
best. This implies that majority of the respondents were aware of the major role played by Strong
change management and Time delays system towards organizational efficiency.
4.1.4 Bivariate correlation results
Inferentially, a relationship between Management competencies and Performance Measure was
determined using the Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient index with the results
obtained, presented in Table 4.7 below
Table 4.7: Results for Management competencies and Performance measure
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
Pearson Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed)
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
Source: Primary data, 2023
Table 4.7 shows that a moderate positive and statistically significant relationship exists. This
analysis shows that (r=0.504**; p<0.05, .000). This analysis shows that a unit increase in
Management competencies , decrease Performance Measure by 50.4%. However, this analysis is
not final hence the need to go further and compare the coefficient of determination.
Linear regression results
There was need to compare the coefficient of determination to determine the predictor variable
that influences performance measure. The response that was obtained is presented in Table 4.8
Table 4.8: Linear regression results (Management competencies and Performance measure)
R Square
Adjusted R
Std. Error ofthe Estimate
a. Predictors: (Constant), Management competencies
Table 4.8 entails regression with scores including R as .504 R squared as .254, Adjusted R square
as .249 and standard error of the estimate of (.68963) using the predictor; Management
competencies . The adjusted R2 value of (.249) explains up to 24.9% (.249 x 100%) variance that
management competencies had on performance measure. However, there are other factors that
affect Performance measure than management competencies as reflected by the (75.1%).
Hypothesis one
After testing and obtaining positive inferential statistics between management competencies
and performance measure, hypothesis statement one that, “Management competencies has big
effect on thePerformance measure of small medium ” was accepted (H1).
5.1 Introduction
This chapter comprises of conclusions and recommendations.
5.2. Discussion of findings
5.2.1. The management competencies at Nile pet Petroleum Corporation.
The findings revealed that 2.5% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 7.5% of the respondents
disagreed, 13.75% of the respondents were not sure, 26.25% of the respondents agreed and the
remaining 50% strongly agreed that Stakeholder Engagement Competency involves effective
communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skills to ensure positive stakeholder
engagement since Competencies in building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders,
including government bodies, suppliers, customers, and local communities, are important for
successful operations. These findings are supported by findings of by Thompson and Baker (2020)
who investigated the role of collaboration competencies in the oil and gas industry. The research
findings indicated that managers with strong collaboration competencies effectively facilitate
teamwork, build partnerships, and leverage collective intelligence to solve complex problems and
drive innovation. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should prioritize the development of
collaboration competencies within its management team to enhance interdepartmental
collaboration, foster knowledge sharing, and promote a culture of cooperation and synergy.
The study results also found out that 4% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 14% of the
respondents disagreed, 18% of the respondents were not sure, 44% agreed and the remaining 20%
of the respondents strongly agreed that Identification of Market tastes and preferences , and
financial risk management. This implies that most of the respondents were aware of the
Identification of Market tastes and preferences , and financial risk management. The study results
imply that managing financial resources, budgeting, cost control, and financial analysis are crucial
competencies for petroleum industry managers. This is in line with a study conducted by Smith
and Johnson (2020) examined the management competencies of oil and gas companies in the
African context. The study adopted a cross-sectional design and surveyed executives and managers
from various companies, including Nilepet Petroleum Corporation. The findings revealed that
effective management competencies play a crucial role in driving organizational performance and
success. Specifically, competencies such as strategic planning, decision-making, and leadership
were found to significantly impact operational efficiency and financial performance.
It was also revealed that 5% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 11.25% of the respondents
disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the respondents agreed and the
remaining 33.75% of the respondents strongly agreed that The technical Expertise competency
includes knowledge of technical aspects such as drilling techniques, reservoir management,
refining operations, and safety protocols.. This implies that the technical Expertise competency
includes knowledge of technical aspects such as drilling techniques, reservoir management,
refining operations, and safety protocols. Thus it means that given the nature of the petroleum
industry, having a strong technical background and understanding of the extraction, production,
and distribution processes is important. These findings correspond to fine findings in the research
conducted by Smith and Brown (2019) in the petroleum industry emphasized the significance of
technical competencies in managing complex operations and ensuring safety in oil and gas
exploration and production. The study found that employees with strong technical competencies
demonstrated a better understanding of industry-specific processes, equipment, and regulations,
leading to improved operational efficiency and risk management. Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
should prioritize technical competency development through specialized training programs and
knowledge-sharing platforms to ensure a skilled workforce capable of handling technical
The study results presented in the table above indicate that 5% of the respondents strongly
disagreed, 2.5% of the respondents disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents were not sure, 50% of the
respondents agreed and the remaining 30% strongly agreed. This implies that the majority of the
respondents revealed that Innovation and Adaptability includes promoting a culture of continuous
improvement, embracing new technologies, and seeking opportunities for operational efficiency
and optimization. The table 2 above indicates that 5% of the respondents strongly disagreed,
11.25% of the respondents disagreed, 12.5% of the respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the
respondents agreed and the remaining 33.75% of the respondents strongly agreed that Strategic
Thinking competency involves considering factors such as supply and demand dynamics,
geopolitical factors, and regulatory changes as cited by Garcia and Torres (2020) in the oil and gas
sector highlighted the importance of strategic thinking competencies in driving organizational
growth and sustainability.
5.2.2. The performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
The findings revealed that 3.75% of respondents strongly disagreed, 7.5% disagreed, 12.5% of
the respondents were not sure, 35% of the respondents agreed and the remaining 41.25% of the
respondents strongly agreed that Oil prices have a significant impact on the revenues and
profitability of petroleum companies.. This implies that the majority of the respondents were aware
that Oil prices have a significant impact on the revenues and profitability of petroleum companies.
The study findings revealed that 6.25% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 12.5% of the
respondents disagreed, 11.25% were not sure, 28.75% of the respondents agreed and the remaining
41.25% of the respondents strongly agreed that Successful exploration activities and the discovery
of new oil and gas reserves are crucial for the long-term growth and sustainability of petroleum
companies. It was also revealed that 11.25% of the respondents, 5% of the respondents disagreed,
12.5% of the respondents were not sure, 33.75% of the respondents agreed and 37.5% strongly
agreed. This implies that majority of the respondents revealed Oil prices have a significant impact
on the revenues and profitability of petroleum companies... This implies that majority of the
respondents were aware that Oil prices have a significant impact on the revenues and profitability
of petroleum companies as cited by Liedholm & MacPherson, (2020) that Petroleum Exploration
Companies may struggle to gather accurate and up-to-date market information, such as emerging
trends, customer preferences, and competitive landscape in target export markets and thus The
volume of oil and gas production directly affects the revenue and overall performance of petroleum
companies Furthermore, the study results discovered that 1.25% of the respondents strongly
disagreed, 5% of the respondents disagreed, 10% of the respondents, 33.75% agreed and the
remaining 50% strongly agreed that
efficient operations and cost management are vital for
petroleum companies
5.2.3. The relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet
Petroleum Corporation
The study results presented in the table above indicate that 5% of the respondents strongly
disagreed, 5% of the respondents disagreed, 10% of the respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the
respondents agreed and the remaining 42.5% of the respondents strongly agreed. This implies that
majority of the respondents agreed that Strong change management and Time delays can play an
important role in enhancing organizational efficiency. The results presented in the table above
indicate that 2.5% of the respondents strongly disagreed, 6.25% of the respondents disagreed,
11.25% were not sure, 26.25% of the respondents agreed and the remaining 53.75% of the
respondents strongly agreed that Competent management with strong strategic thinking skills can
make informed decisions regarding exploration, production, refining, and distribution activities.
This indicates most of the respondents were aware of the role of logistics management towards
organizational efficiency.
The results presented in the table above indicate that 6.25% of the respondents strongly disagreed,
12.5% of the respondents disagreed, 11.25% were not sure, 28.75% of the respondents agreed and
the remaining 41.25% of the respondents strongly agreed that Competent management with a focus
on innovation and adaptability can help Nilepet stay ahead of industry trends and technological
advancements.. This implies that majority of the respondents were aware of the major role played
by Strong change management and Time delays system towards organizational efficiency. The
study results presented in the table above indicate that 5% of the respondents strongly disagreed,
5% of the respondents disagreed, 10% of the respondents were not sure, 37.5% of the respondents
agreed and the remaining 42.5% of the respondents strongly agreed. This implies that majority of
the respondents agreed that Competencies such as technical expertise, financial acumen, and risk
management skills can contribute to improving operational efficiency within Nilepet.
The results presented in the table above indicate that 6.25% of the respondents strongly disagreed,
12.5% of the respondents disagreed, 11.25% were not sure, 28.75% of the respondents agreed and
the remaining 41.25% of the respondents strongly agreed that Competent management with strong
leadership and team management skills can inspire and motivate employees to perform at their
best. This implies that majority of the respondents were aware of the major role played by Strong
change management and Time delays system towards organizational efficiency.
5.3. Conclusions
The study concludes that that management competences play a significant role in the performance
of the export sector of petroleum companies in South Sudan. Effective management practices,
including strategic planning, resource allocation, operational efficiency, and leadership
capabilities, positively influence the performance outcomes of these companies. The study
suggests that companies with strong management competences excel in strategic planning and
market analysis. These companies demonstrate a deep understanding of market dynamics,
customer preferences, and industry trends. They are able to align their export strategies with market
demands, identify new opportunities, and make informed decisions to enhance their performance
in the export sector. Effective management competences are closely associated with operational
efficiency and cost management. Companies that exhibit strong competences in these areas
demonstrate the ability to optimize production processes, control costs, minimize wastage, and
maximize resource utilization. This enables them to improve productivity, competitiveness, and
overall performance in the export sector. The study highlights the importance of leadership and
organizational culture in driving the performance of petroleum companies in the export sector.
Effective leadership fosters a positive work environment, encourages innovation, promotes
employee engagement, and aligns the organization towards achieving export goals. Companies
with strong management competences in leadership and culture tend to exhibit higher levels of
performance. Petroleum companies with strong management competences emphasize continuous
learning, adaptability, and responsiveness to changes in the export sector. They invest in employee
development, stay abreast of industry developments, and actively seek opportunities for
improvement and innovation. This enables them to adapt to evolving market conditions, regulatory
changes, and customer requirements, enhancing their performance in the export sector. Overall,
the study concludes that management competences significantly influence the performance of
petroleum companies in the export sector of South Sudan. Strong competences in strategic
planning, operational efficiency, leadership, organizational culture, adaptability, and stakeholder
management contribute to enhanced performance outcomes. These findings emphasize the
importance of investing in management development and cultivating strong management practices
to drive the success of petroleum companies in the export sector of South Sudan.
5.4. Recommendations
The study recommends that Petroleum Exploration Companies like Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
should Strengthen Leadership: Ensure that the organization has competent leaders who possess
strong leadership qualities, including strategic thinking, decision-making skills, and the ability to
inspire and motivate employees.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Seek collaborations and partnerships with relevant
stakeholders, such as government agencies, industry associations, and international trade
organizations. This can provide access to resources, market insights, and networking opportunities.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Conduct thorough market research to identify target
markets, understand customer needs, and analyze competitors. Regularly monitor market trends
and adapt strategies accordingly.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Provide regular training programs to enhance the skills and
knowledge of employees, especially in areas such as export regulations, marketing strategies, and
financial management. This will improve overall competency and effectiveness.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Implement robust financial management practices,
including accurate accounting, budgeting, and financial reporting. Seek financial advice and
explore financing options to support export activities and manage cash flow effectively.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Embrace digital tools and technologies that can streamline
processes, improve communication, and enhance efficiency. This includes utilizing e-commerce
platforms, data analytics, and online marketing channels.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Implement quality control measures and adhere to
international quality standards and certifications relevant to the petroleum industry. This will
enhance credibility, customer trust, and competitiveness in the export market.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Optimize the supply chain by establishing strong
relationships with suppliers, ensuring timely delivery, and managing inventory efficiently.
Implement effective logistics and distribution strategies to meet customer demands.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Encourage employees to contribute ideas, experiment with
new approaches, and continuously improve processes. Foster a culture that values innovation,
creativity, and problem-solving.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Regularly monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) to
assess the effectiveness of management strategies. Use this data to identify areas for improvement
and make informed decisions.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Stay updated on trade policies, regulations, and tariff
structures to ensure compliance and leverage opportunities. Engage with industry associations and
government bodies to influence favorable policies for the sector.
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation should Explore available export assistance programs, such as
export financing, trade missions, and export promotion initiatives provided by government
agencies and trade support organizations.
Lastly, by implementing these recommendations, small and medium export sector enterprises like
Nilepet Petroleum Corporation can enhance their management competences, improve
performance, and increase their competitiveness in the international market.
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Dear respondent,
I am NYANCHIW TOT LUKE, VU-BIB-2009-0001 , a student of University Uganda pursuing
Bachelor’s degree in international Business . As part of my study Victoria University, I am
conducting a study on “Management Competences and Performance of Export Sector of
Petroleum Companies in South Sudan. A Case of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation” Please spare
some time and answer the questions that follow. Your response was kept strictly confidential
and will only be accessed by the research team. The informationprovided will only be used
for academic purposes in this study.
SECTION A: Demographics of respondents (Pick the appropriate response)
2.Highest level of qualification
Certificate and Diploma
a) 20 - 29
b) 30 – 39
c) 40 – 49
d) 50+
The use of Likert scale was 1= Strongly disagree, 2= Disagree, 3= Agree, 4= Strongly Agree.
Direction: please tick the column corresponding rating that best describes your response using
the guide below
Score Mode of response
Strongly agree
You agree with no doubt
You agree with some doubt
You disagree with some doubt
Strongly disagree
You disagree with no doubt
The management competencies at Nilepet Petroleum
Market Identification:
We engage in Identification of Market
in Nilepet Petroleum
Geographic segmentation involves dividing the market based on
geographical variables such as location, region, country, or climate.
Psychographic segmentation focuses on dividing the market based
on consumers' lifestyles, personalities, values, attitudes, and
Stakeholder Engagement
Stakeholder Engagement Competency involves effective
communication, negotiation, and conflict resolution skill.
Stakeholder engagement enables businesses to target customers
who exhibit similar purchasing behaviors.
Businesses can tailor their marketing strategies and offerings to
meet the unique requirements.
Technical Expertise
Technical expertise competency includes knowledge of technical
aspects such as drilling techniques, reservoir management
Technical expertise helps businesses target customers who are
likely to be receptive to technology-based solutions.
Technical expertise helps in improving managerial effectiveness and
overall industry performance
The performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
Business Growth
Oil prices have a significant impact on the revenues and profitability
of petroleum companies
The volume of oil and gas production directly affects the revenue
and overall performance of petroleum companies.
The discovery of new oil and gas reserves is crucial for the longterm growth and sustainability of petroleum companies.
Increase in demand for goods and services
We often have limited financial and human resources compared to
larger companies.
Advancements in technology has a transformative impact on the
performance of Nile petroleum Corporation
Increase in sales/market share
Increase in sales/market share Provides exceptional customer
service to build strong relationships and foster customer loyalty
There is analysis of market and competitor pricing strategies to
ensure your pricing is competitive
1. We develop targeted marketing and sales strategies for each segment,
ensuring that our petroleum product offerings.
The relationship between management competencies and
performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
Innovation And Adaptability
Competent management with a focus on innovation and adaptability
can help Nilepet stay ahead of industry trends and technological
Innovation fosters a culture of continuous improvement where
employees are encouraged to identify opportunities for enhancement
Adaptability creates a safe environment for experimentation and
Leadership strategies
Competent management with strong leadership skills can inspire and
motivate employees to perform at their best.
Leadership strategies have developed a strategic mindset and foster
strategic thinking within the organization.
Leadership strategies effectively manage organizational change and
adapt to evolving industry dynamics.
Thank you for your response
The management competencies in Nilepet Petroleum Corporation.
Can you provide an overview of the management competencies that are essential for
success in the export sector of petroleum companies in South Sudan?
How do management competencies play a role in overcoming these challenges?
Can you provide examples of how these competencies contribute to improved
The performance of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
What are the key challenges that managers of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation face in
enhancing the performance of the export sector of their company.
How do you assess or measure the performance of petroleum companies in the export
How can the management competencies in the export sector of Nilepet Petroleum
Corporation be practically applied in improving its performance?
The challenges faced by the export sector of Nilepet Petroleum Corporation
What are the key challenges that managers face in the export sector of petroleum companies
in South Sudan?
How do management competencies play a role in overcoming these challenges?
What skills do management competencies need to minimizing the challenges faced in the
export sector of petroleum companies in South Sudan?
The relationship between management competencies and performance of Nilepet Petroleum
How would you define the relationship between management competencies and the
performance of petroleum companies in the export sector?
Which specific management competencies have a significant relationship the performance
of petroleum companies in the export sector in South Sudan?
How the management competencies of petroleum companies in the export sector do relates
with the overall economic development and growth of South Sudan?