Version : 1.3 fuca/ku la[;k BIHAR STATE EDUCATION FINANCE CORPORATION LTD. BIHAR STUDENT CREDIT CARD SCHEME fcgkj LVwMsUV ØsfMV dkMZ ;kstuk APPLICATION CUM APPRAISAL FORM FOR EDUCATION LOAN 'kS{kf.kd _.k gsrq vkosnu&lg&ewY;kadu izi= (PLEASE COMPLETE ALL PARTICULARS IN BLOCK LETTERS AND TICK BOXES WHEREEVER APPLICABLE) ¼d`Ik;k cM+s v{kjksa esa iw.kZ nsa rFkk ckWDl eas lgh fpUg yxk;sa tgk¡ ekU; gks½ Signed photograph of Student Signed photograph of Co-Applicant fo|kFkhZ dk gLrk{kfjr QksVks lg&vkosnd dk gLrk{kfjr QksVks CIF No. (FOR OFFICE USE) CIF No.¼dk;kZy; O;ogkj gsrq½ ACCOUNT No. (FOR OFFICE USE) [kkrk la[;k¼dk;kZy; O;ogkj gsrq½ (1) PERSONAL INFORMATION OF THE APPLICANT vkosnd@lg&vkosnd dh iw.kZ tkudkjh First Name izFke Hkkx Middle Name e/; Hkkx Last Name vafre Hkkx Full Name of the Student fo|kFkhZ dk iwjk uke Full Name of Father firk dk iwjk uke Full Name of Mother ekrk dk iwjk uke Full Name of Husband (If Applicable) ifr dk iwjk uke ¼;fn ykxw gks½ Full Name of Co-applicant Lkg&vkosnd dk iwjk uke Relationship of co-applicant with Applicant vkosnd ds lkFk Lkg&vkosnd dk laca/k Address irk 1. Address of Correspondence (House No. Road Name, Locality, City, Pin, District, State etc.) i=kpkj dk irk ¼vkokl laŒ] lM+d laŒ] eqgYyk] 'kgj] fiu] ftyk] jkT; bR;kfn½ Applicant vkosnd Co-Applicant lg&vkosnd 2. Permanent Address (House No. Road Name, Locality, City, Pin, District, State etc.) LFkk;h irk dk iw.kZ fooj.k ¼vkokl laŒ] lM+d laŒ] eqgYyk] 'kgj] fiu] ftyk] jkT; bR;kfn½ 3. E mail address ¼bZesy vkbZ Mh½ 4. Date of birth (DD/MM/YYYY) ¼tUe frfFk (DD/MM/YYYY) 5. Age (On Date of Application) ¼mez½ ¼vkosnu dh frfFk dks½ Application Date : Years Months Years Months 1 OF 5 6. Telephone Number (Personal & Residence) nwjHkk"k la[;k ¼O;fäxr ,oa vkokl½ 7. Telephone Number & Fax (Office) nwjHkk"k la[;k ,oa QSDl ¼dk;kZy; laLFkku tgk¡ vkosnd ukekafdr gks Mobile ¼eks-½ Mobile ¼eks-½ Residence ¼vkokl½ Institute ¼laLFkku½ Residence ¼vkokl½ office ¼dk;kZy;½ Fax ¼QSDl½ Fax ¼QSDl½ 8. Sex M ¼fyax½ 9. Marital Status Single oSokfgd fLFkfr 10.Type of identification Proof and Residential proof F T ¼vk/kkj dkMZ½ F Single Married Aadhar Card (a) M T Married Aadhar Card (a) ¼vk/kkj dkMZ½ igpku dk izek.k i= ,oa vkoklh; izek.k i= (b) At least one document is required for identity and one document for address proof. Residence Certificate (b) Voter ID (c) Residence Certificate vkokl (c) vkokl Voter ID oksVj vkbZ-Mh ¼O;fDrxr igpku gsrq ,d vfHkys[k ,oa irk ds igpku gsrq ,d vfHkys[k vko';d gksxkA½ (d) First Page Of Bank Passbook oksVj vkbZ-Mh (d) First Page Of Bank Passbook ¼cSad iklcqd dk izFke i`"B½ (e) Others ¼cSad iklcqd dk izFke i`"B½ (e) Others ¼ vU;½ 11.Category oxZ SC vuq-tkfr ST vuq-tutkfr ¼ vU;½ OBC SC fiNM+h tkfr vuq-tkfr EBC ST vR;ar fiNM+h tkfr vuq-tutkfr General General lkekU; lkekU; 12.Do your belong to minority D;k vki vYila[;d dksfV ls lacaf/kr gS\ Yes/No gk¡@ugha 13.Required Minimum Education qualification for applied course 10th or 12th vkosfnr ikB~;Øe ds fy, U;wure okaf{kr 'kSf{kf.kd ;ksX;rk 10oha ;k 12oha OBC fiNM+h tkfr EBC vR;ar fiNM+h tkfr Yes/No gk¡@ugha 14.Highest educational qualification mPpre 'kSf{kf.kd ;ksX;rk 15. Are you disable D;k vki fnO;kax gS Yes/No gk¡@ugha (2) DETAILS OF THE COURSE dkslZ@ikB~;Øe dh tkudkjh 1. Name of the Course ikB~;Øe dk uke 2. Name of the College/ Institution egkfo|ky;@laLFkku dk uke 3. Name of University to which it is affiliated fo'ofo|ky; dk uke ftlls lac) gS 4. Duration of course (Years) ikB~;Øe vof/k Application Date : 2 OF 5 5. Date of Commencement of course ikB~;Øe izkjEHk gksus dh frfFk 6. Date of Completion of course ikB~;Øe lekiu gksus dh frfFk 7. Address of the College/Institution Ekgkfo|ky;@laLFkku dk iwjk irk 8. Roll no. of applicant in institution vkosnd dk 'kSf{kf.kd laLFkku esa Øekad (3) LOAN REQUEST SECTION _.k vkxzg izHkkx 1.Cost of the course and other fees (including hostel charges) ikB~;Øe 'kqYd ,oa vU; 'kqYd ¼gkWLVy 'kqYd ds lkFk½ 2.Books and stationary (As per Annexure 2 of the guideline) iBu&ys[ku lkexzh ¼ekxZnf'kZdk dh vuqyXud & 2 ds vuqlkj½ 3.Living expenses (As per Annexure 2 of the guideline) if hostel is not available. jgus] thou&;kiu ¼ekxZnf'kZdk dh vuqyXud & 2 ds vuqlkj½ gkWLVy vuqiyC/krk dh fLFkfr esaA 4.Cost Of Laptop (if applicable) ySiV‚i 'kqYd ¼;fn ykxq gks½ 5.Others vU; A.Total dqy B.Funds available from other sources (scholarship etc.) vU; lzksrksa ls miyC/k fuf/k ¼Nk=o`fr bR;kfn½ C.Total amount of loan applied for (A-B) _.k gsrq dqy vkosfnr jkf'k (4)BANK ACCOUNT DETAILS OF APPLICANT AND CO-APPLICANT vkosnd ,oa lg&vkosnd ds cSad [kkrk dh Applicant Name of the Bank ¼cSad dk uke½ Name of the Branch ¼cSad 'kk[kk dk uke½ Bank Account No. ¼cSad [kkrk la[;k½ IFSC Code ¼vkbZŒ,QŒ,lŒlhŒ dksM½ ¼vkosnd½ Co-applicant ¼lg&vkosnd½ (5)PROPOSED/PREFERRED REPAYMENT AND PAYMENT OF INTEREST _.k vnk;xh ,oa C;kt dk Hkqxrku Repayment by vnkdÙkkZ Application Date : By Student/Applicant Nk=@vkosnd ds }kjk By Co-applicant lg&vkosnd ds }kjk By Both nksuksa ds }kjk 3 OF 5 (6) DOCUMENTS REQUIRED Mark sheet & Certificate of Class X, XII & last qualifying examination of the student ¼eSfVªd]$2 ,oa vafre lQy ijh{kk dk vadi= ,oa½ Copies of letter conferring scholarship, free ship, etc.(if applicable) ¼izkIr Nk=o`fÙk] fu%'kqYd f'k{kk dk i= bR;kfn½¼vxj ykxw gks½ Documents evidencing duration of course of commencement thereof, viz Prospectus or Certificate from the competent authority of the Institution(if the University is from Bihar, then its not needed) ikB~;Øe vof/k ds lR;kiu gsrq laLFkku ds l{ke izkf/kdkj ls izkIr ikB~;Øe foojf.kdk vFkok ¼;fn fcgkj ds vanj vofLFkr egkfo|ky; gks] rks bldh vko';drk ugha gSaA½ Proof of a admission to the course ikB~;Øe esa izos'k dk Schedule of expenses for the course ikB~;Øe 'kqYd dh vuqlwph Two copies of Passport size photograph of the student and co-applicant. Nk= ,oa lg&vkosnd dk nks ikliksVZ lkbZt QksVksxzkQA Aadhar card of applicant. vkosnd dk vk/kkj dkMZA Aadhar card of co-applicant. Lkg&vkosnd dk vk/kkj dkMZA First page of bank passbook(for applicant account number & bank IFSC code) cSad iklcqd dk igyk i`"B ¼vkosnd [kkrk la[;k vkSj cSad IFSC dksM ds fy,½ Proof of residence (Residential certificate or first page of bank passbook in which address is clearly mentioned or electricity Bill or telephone Bill or passport or Driving license or voter I.D. card fuokl izek.k i= ¼vkoklh; izek.k i= vFkok cSad iklcqd dk izFke i`"B ftlesa vkokl dk irk Li"V :Ik ls vafdr gks vFkok fctyh fcy vFkok VsfyQksu fcy vFkok ikliksVZ vFkok MªkbZfoax ykbZlsal vFkok oksVj vkbZŒMhŒ dkMZ vFkok ernku gsrq iz;qDr izek.k i=ksa esa ls dksbZ ,d½A Certificate for disability issued from competent authority.(if applicable) l{ke çkf/kdkj ls fuxZr fnO;axrk dk çek.k i= ¼;fn ykxw gks ½ DECLARATION ?kks"k.kk I/We hereby apply for a loan from Bihar State Education Finance Corporation Ltd. to the extent indicated in the Loan Request Section of this application form. I/We declare that the information furnished in this application form are true, accurate and complete and that they shall form the basis of any loan, Bihar State Education Finance Corporation Ltd. may decide to sanction to me/us. I/We confirm that I/We have/had neither insolvency proceeding against me/us nor have been adjudicated insolvent. I/We further confirm that I/We have read the terms and conditions and understood the contents therein. I/We am/are aware that as I/we have opted for loan at simple interest, the equated monthly installment fixed shall comprise of principal and interest. eSa@ge _.k gsrq _.k vkxzg çHkkx esa mYysf[kr jkf'k dh vf/klhek rd fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM esa viuk vkosnu lefiZr djrk gw¡@gSA eSa@ge ?kks"k.kk djrs gSa fd vkosnu i= esa mYysf[kr fooj.k esjh@gekjh tkudkjh ds vuqlkj lgh] lVhd ,oa iw.kZ gSa ,oa fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM }kjk esjs@gekjs çek.k i= esa dksbZ _.k Loh—r fd;s tkus dk fu.kZ; dk vk/kkj xfBr djsaxsA eSa@ge laiq"V djrk@djrs gw¡@gSa fd esjs@gekjs fo:) fnokfy;kiu dk ekeyk yafcr ugha gS ,oa u gh eq>s@ges l{ke çkf/kdkj }kjk fnokfy;k ?kksf"kr fd;k x;k gSA eSa@ge ?kks"k.kk djrs gSa fd eSus@geus blesa Hkfjr rF;ksa ,oa 'kÙkksaZ rFkk ;kstuk dh ekxZnf'kZdk dk iw.kZ v/;;u fd;k gS rFkk mUgsa lgh rjhds ls le>kk gSA eSa@ge bl ckr ls voxr gw¡@gS fd ;fn eSa@ge fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM }kjk fu/kkZfjr C;kt ,oa fdLr ds nks ?kVd ewy/ku ,oa C;kt gksaxsaA I/We agree that Bihar State Education Finance Corporation Ltd. may at its discretion conduct discreet inquires in respect of this application. I/we undertake to inform as to any change in my/our occupation/employment, residential/official address and to provide any further information that District Registration and Counseling Center and Bihar State Education Finance Corporation Ltd. may require. Bihar State Education Finance Corporation Ltd. will be at liberty to take such action as it may deem necessary if my/our above statements are found to be untrue. I/We agree that Bihar State Education Finance Corporation Ltd. shall have the sole discretion to reject our loan application or reduce loan amount without any reason. I/We further agree that my/our loan transactions shall be governed by the rules of Bihar State Education Finance Corporation Ltd. which may be in force from time to time. eSa@ge lger gw¡@gSa fd fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM vius foosdkf/kdkj ds vk/kkj ij vkosnu esa of.kZr rF;ksa dh foosdiw.kZ tk¡p djkus esa l{ke gSA eSa@ge opu nsrs gSa fd esjs@gekjs jkstxkj/fu;kstu] vkoklh; irk esa ifjorZu dh fLFkfr esa eSa@ge ftyk fuca/ku ,oa ijke'kZ dsUæ rFkk fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM dks lwfpr djsaxs vFkok fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM }kjk ;kfpr dksbZ vU; lwpuk çek.k i= ;k dkxtkr Hkh miyC/k djk,axsA fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM çLrqr dFkuksa dh vlR;rk dh fLFkfr esa fcuk dkj.k crk, _.k jkf'k dks jí vFkok de djus gsrq Lora= gksxkA eSa@ge bl ckr ls lger gSa fd _.k jkf'k dk ysu&nsu fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM ds le;≤ ij ykxw fu;eksa ds vk/kkj ij gksxkA fcgkj jkT; f'k{kk foÙk fuxe fyfeVsM ds ikl vkosnu dh vLoh—fr dk vf/kdkj lqjf{kr gksxkA Application Date : 4 OF 5 Signature of the CO-Applicant Place.... Date... Signature of the student Place.... Date... fo|kFkhZ dk gLrk{kj LFkku% frfFk% lg&vkosnd dk gLrk{kj lg&vkosnd ds vkfFkZd fLFkfr dh LFkku% frfFk% vkosnd dh ?kks"k.kk 1- eSa viuk vk/kkj la[;k lefiZr djrk@djrh gw¡ ,oa LosPNkiwoZd lgefr nsrk@nsrh gw¡ fd ;wŒvkbZŒMhŒ,ŒvkbZŒ Hkkjr ljdkj }kjk fuxZr vk/kkj@;wŒvkbZŒMhŒ la[;k dks esjs uke ls la/kkfjr vkosnu ds lkFk tksM+k tk;A 2- bls ,uŒihŒlhŒvkbZŒ ¼us'kuy isesaV dkjiksjs'ku v‚Q bafM;k½ esa ntZ fd;k tk,] rkfd ljdkj }kjk izR;{k ykHk varj.k ¼MhŒchŒVhŒ½ ;kstuk ds rgr ykHk esjs mDr cSad [kkrk esa izkIr gks ldsA 3- ;wŒvkbZŒMhŒ,ŒvkbZŒ }kjk iznÙk vk/kkj la[;k dks esjh igpku dks ,oa LFkkfir djus esa mi;ksx fd;k tk;A 4- fcgkj LVwMsaV ØsfMV dkMZ ;kstuk gsrq vkosnu lefiZr djus ds fnu esjh vk;q 25 o"kZ ¼dqN ekU; dkslZ ds fy, 30 o"kZ½ ls vf/kd ugha gSA 5- esjs }kjk miyC/k djkbZ xbZ lwpuk dk mi;ksx ukfer ckg~; tk¡p ,tsalh ¼Vh fi fo ;s½ }kjk lR;kiu gsrq fd;k tk ldsxkA 6- esjs }kjk vkosnu esa vafdr eksckbZy la[;k dks ,lŒ,eŒ,lŒ vyVZ gsrq mi;ksx esa yk;k tk ldsxkA 7- esjs }kjk bl ;kstuk dh ekxZnf’kZdk ,oa le;≤ ij fuxZr la'kks/kuksa dk v/;;u dj fy;k x;k gSA 8- eSa lgefr nsrk@nsrh gw¡ fd vk/kkj la[;k ds ckjs esa esjs }kjk tks mi;qZDr lwpuk miyC/k djk;h x;h gS] mls mi;qZDr dk;Z ;k dkuwuh t:jrksa ds vfrfjDRr vU;Fkk mi;ksx esa ugha yk;k tk;xkA LFkku %& vkosnd dk gLrk{kj frfFk %& egÙoiw.kZ vuqns'k vkWuykbu vkosnu tek djus ds i'pkr vkosnu esa nh xbZ lwpuk ds lR;kiu.kksijkar ftyk fuca/ku ,oa ijke'kZ dsUæ ¼Mh-vkj-lh-lh ½ }kjk ftyk fuca/ku ,oa ijke'kZ dsUæ ij vkus dh frfFk ,oa le; b&esy rFkk ,l e ,l }kjk lwfpr dh tk,xhA fcgkj LVwMsUV ØsfMV dkMZ ;kstuk gsrq bPNqd ;qokvksa dks ftyk fuca/ku ,oa ijke'kZ dsUæ ij vkosnu tek djrs le; vius LogLrk{kfjr vkosnu i= ds lkFk fuEufyf[kr dkxtkrksa dh ewy&çfr ¼ewy&çfr LdSu djus ds mijkar rRdky okil dj fn;k tk;sxk½ ,oa Lo&vfHkç Nk;kçfr layXu djuh gksxh & ¼d½ vkosnd ,oa lg&vkosnd dk vk/kkj dkMZA ¼[k½ eSfVªd $2 ,oa vafre lQy ijh{kk dk vadi= ,oa çek.k i=A ¼x½ çkIr Nk=o`fr] fu%'kqYd f'k{kk laca/kh çek.k&i= bR;kfn ¼;fn ykxw gks½A ¼?k½ ikBîØe vof/k ds lR;kiu gsrq laLFkku ds le{k çkf/kdkj ls çkIr ikBîØe foojf.kdk vFkok çek.k i= ¼fcgkj ds vanj vofLFkr egkfo|ky; esa bldh vko';drk ugha gS½A ¼M+½ ikBîØe esa ços'k dk çek.k i=A ¼p½ ikBîØe 'kqYd dh vuqlwphA ¼N½ Nk=@ekrk&firk@vfHkHkkod@lg&vkosnd dk nks ikliksVZ lkbZt QksVksxzkQA ¼t½ fuokl çek.k i= ¼vkoklh; çek.k i= vFkok cSad iklcqd dk çFke i`"B ftlesa vkokl dk irk Li"V :i ls vafdr gks vFkok fctyh fcy vFkok VsfyQksu fcy vFkok ikliksVZ vFkok MªkbZfoax ykbZlsal vFkok oksVj vkbZŒMhŒ dkMZ vFkok ernku gsrq ç;qä çek.k i=ksa esa ls dksbZ ,d½A ¼>½ fdlh vuqlwfpr cSad esa vkosnd ds uke ls la/kkfjr cSad iklcqd dh çFke i`"B dh Nk;kçfr ftlesa vkosnd dk uke] irk] cSad [kkrk la[;k rFkk lacaf/kr cSad 'kk[kk dk vkbZ ,Q ;l lh dksM Li"Vr% vafdr gksA ftyk fuca/ku ,oa ijke'kZ dsUæ --------------------------------(8) ADDITIONAL DETAILS OF BANK ACCOUNT OF THE CO-APPLICANT Jh@Jherh@lqJh ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ls fcgkj LVwMsUV ØsfMV dkMZ ;kstuk gsrq fnukad --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------dks lHkh okafNr vuqyXudksa lfgr vkosnu i= izkIr fd;kA ftldk fuca/ku la[;k -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gSA izkIrdÙkkZ dk iw.kZ gLrk{kj & uke& inuke & fnukad %& uksV & vkWuykbu vkosnu djus ds 180 fnuksa ds vanj fdlh Hkh dk;Z fnol ij t:jh izek.k i=ksa ds lkFk ftyk fuca/ku ,oa ijke'kZ dsUnz ¼Mh -vkj- lh -lh ½ igq¡p dj çek.k i=ksa dk lR;kiu djokuk vfuok;Z gSA lR;kiu ugha djk, tkus dh fLFkfr esa vkosnu Lor% jí gks tk,xkA fdlh Hkh izdkj dh tkudkjh@lgk;rk gsYiykbZu ucaj 1800 3456 444- ls izkIr fd;k tk ldrk gSA Application Date : 5 OF 5