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First Name:Jace, [I fully own My mc account, it’s name was created by my brother]
IGN: exratr
Age: 13 , 14 on April 5th of next year. I live in the United States.
Role Applying For: Staff Manager. Or Admin. (Current Position: Default) (I do my best in ranks
that are high in authority) I also do have Discord
How active are you: On a scale of 1-10, I'd rate my play time at about 8. Other than
Minecraft, I have other things to do, but on a regular basis, I'll be online at least 12 times a week
(8 hours).
How can you help us: I enjoy working with other people and socializing, I have worked in many
environments with people who need help or are struggling, I like to conduct the server as well as
ensure that everyone is having an enjoyable time while being safe and respectful online. In
general, I know that I am respectful, reliable and responsible; I know how to handle players and
how to speak to them with honesty and care, while I can assure the server that I am trustworthy
and able to do my job. I believe the server should accept me because I am a very dedicated
person, and am willing to make a large commitment to this type of material I will be working with.
I know how difficult it can be to run a server and organize all the players on it if there is a lot of
commotion, and how to handle various situations. I know that from my past experience my job on
the server from my perspective is to make sure I do my job to improve the server, but also to
make sure that the players are having an enjoyable time while being safe; which includes being
respectful, to prevent bullying and harassing and being rude to staff members/players, cheating,
not following rules etc.
What do you enjoy about Minecraft: I like making sure everyone is having a fun, safe and
enjoyable time on the server, and that the players online get along with each other so that the
community is nice and peaceful. I enjoy Minecraft as a general game, but I use it for my artwork
when I build and create.
What do you look for in an efficient Minecraft server: First of all, A good server needs good
staff, because they help the owners make easy choices on behalf of the server so that it's a nice
environment for players to spend time on. I like to refer to the quote: "Teamwork makes the
dream work"; if we aren't acting as a good, strong, responsible team, our work won't be very
good, but if we put in the time and effort, almost anything is possible. I owned a server and i had
multiple chances to be staff on other servers. I do not suggest having crappy and useless plugins
because they don't have any effective value, and it just gives irresponsible staff members the
chance to abuse and fool around with them. If you're planning on giving staff access to the
console, do not make bad choices and left entrusted staff members have access to your control
panel. Be wise, and only choose the right players to do so. Only give players the position that
they apply for, do not keep promoting and demoting, but that causes chaos, and confuses you,
and everyone else. I don't suggest having an idea (for example you want a vanilla server), and
then have it blow out into so many more ideas ("after the vanilla server, we can add faction and
skyblock and mini games...etc". No. I doubt that will work unless you are very determined and of
course can accomplish that, but I'm sure you easily could with the proper build up).
Questions I have:
- What is your plan to make this a successful server?
- Do you have an efficient way to manage all your staff members?
Are you a mature person: Yes I do believe see myself as a very mature person, and I would
rate myself at about 9, the reason for this is because even though I most likely am younger than
the rest of the staff, I am very mature for my age and considering the fact that I would be trying to
give my help towards the server, my maturity would be the response to my contribution. My job
on the server is to do and finish projects while making sure everyone is having a fun, safe and
enjoyable time without any problems, and in order for me to perform my help towards it, that is a
big result in my maturity and how I behave. Although the reason why I did not give myself a 10 is
that, in general, I do believe that I am a funny who likes to crack jokes and have fun and I am not
determined to be very serious, I just need to be friendly and respectful. I also work very well with
other people, as I am used to being in an environment with lots of different personalities and I
know how to handle them. I know how to approach players/people in a nice, calm and respectful
way to try and be their friend while doing my job and getting the truth out of any situation.
However, if they do not listen to me or the rules then I would have to determine the
consequences they will then receive by not following the rules or being honest.
If someone is hacking or flying:
Get notice if and who is doing it by going into /v or /gmsp and Immediately ban
them for disobeying the rules of hacked clients and cheating in-game.
I am very familiar with console, and plugins, so if at any time you need it, I'd be willing to help
you. ( Don’t give me tests on console, cause i know quite a bit, not a lot)
Do you have staff experience?
Yes, I've worked for multiple servers, I'm currently trying to find a server that I can be a full
time Administrator, I know how to get my job done correctly the first time without any
complaints just saying yes sir, also observing other staff members work to get better at my
job, I understand what everyone expects out of me, and Applying for the Administration team
makes me look bad as in a Staff Hunter, I understand. But, I show dedication, Integrity, and
Activity. What Administration means to me
An Administrator is staff member who has been tasked with dealing with all other players and
any problems that they may encounter during their experience on the Network as well as all
any problems that Trainees, Moderators and the Head-Moderator may face while working with
others and troubleshooting. Your main job is to maintain a high level of professionalism within
the Moderators and Trainees and keep them in line, you also have the ability to permanently
ban players and permanently mute players if they feel the need. You help to moderate all
servers and work closely with the Head of Department for Moderators (Head-Moderators). You
overlook most in-game planned and special events that may occur on the server as well as
moderate website forums and the Discord Server.