Electrifying Hydronic Heating in New England Replacing Boilers with a Grid Innovation White Paper #1 Space heating represents a major expense for consumers, and a major source of carbon emissions for the planet. Replacing boilers and furnaces with heat pumps can lower costs for consumers and reduce carbon emissions on a renewables-intensive electric grid. However, the existing approach to rolling out heat pumps is confronting two major challenges: Challenge 1: In many places, air-to-water heat pumps cannot keep homes with hydronic distribution systems1 warm on the coldest days; and Challenge 2: Heat pumps do not help prepare for a renewables-intensive grid, and in fact strain the existing system by delivering a peak load exactly when other loads on the grid are also peaking, on the coldest days in the winter.2 This paper describes how the grid innovation of transactive thermal storage has the potential to meet both challenges. The second paper in this series describes what is required to implement this grid innovation from the What is a Transactive Energy perspective of technology, regulation, business Resource? models, and business practices. The term Transactive Energy was Heat Pumps and Hydronic Heating Systems In hydronic heat distribution systems, water is heated in a boiler and then circulated by one or more pumps throughout the building to heat emitters: radiators, baseboard fin-tubes, panel heaters. Hydronic heat is most common in places where temperatures are cold, because hydronic heating systems can deliver large amounts of heat with relatively inexpensive equipment. The list of 18 states with highest fraction of hydronic heat contains 14 of the 20 coldest states in the country. coined almost 40 years ago by researchers at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL). A Transactive Energy Resource is a physical electric device capable of 247, real-time localized response to grid conditions that can significantly shift and adapt its pattern of electric power use with negligible negative consequences for its primary use. Transactive Energy Resources usually, but not always, have some sort of embedded storage that allows them to decouple the purchase of energy from the delivery of energy services. A critical parameter for hydronic heat is the temperature of water entering the home’s heat distribution system. This water temperature is called the Source Water Temperature (SWT). Some systems use a fixed SWT, although this is not as efficient as using a system that varies the Source Water Temperature to match the heating needs of the house. This is done by monitoring the outside temperature and adjusting the SWT upward as the outside temperature falls. The SWT that is chosen by this system on the coldest day is referred to as the design day or required SWT. Hydronic heating systems are also called forced hot water systems Heat pumps are especially “peaky” because on cold days, not only do homes and business call for more heat when it is cold, but the Coefficient of Performance of the heat pump drops, requiring more electricity to deliver the same amount of heat. 1 2 GridWorks Energy Consulting 1 Version 1, March 23, 2023 Many hydronic heating systems in the northern tier of the United States have required SWTs that are between 140° and 180° F. This is a higher temperature than can be delivered by today’s air-to-water heat pumps. Importantly, these higher water temperatures are not required all the time, but a heating system that cannot keep the house warm on really cold days is unacceptable. There is conflicting data on the percentage of homes in the US with hydronic heating, and almost no systematic data on required SWTs. According to the Federal Energy Information Administration (EIA), homes with hydronic heating systems represent about 8% of all homes in the country, and over 20% in the 20 coldest states. However, the EIA’s 2020 Residential Energy Consumption Survey3 reports that 31% of Maine homes use steam or hot water for heat. Efficiency Maine’s 2015 Residential Baseline Study4 reports that this number is over 70%. Evidence on required SWT’s is strictly anecdotal: reports from local contractors in Maine suggest that over 90% of hydronic systems in Maine require SWTs above 140° F, and many homes (estimates range from 5% to 20%) with hydronic heating have required SWT over 160° F. Of course, these homes will also be those that use the most energy for heat. The Challenge of Preparing for Renewables and Electrification The electrification of space heating will challenge the electric grid. Heat pumps pose a particular problem, because they tend to have peak load at just the same time that other loads are peaking. Total non-heat load on the grid Heat pump load on a cold winter day Source: “The addition of heat pump electricity load profiles to Great Britain electricity demand: Evidence from a heat pump field trial,” Applied Energy 204 2017 pp 332-342. The graph below shows the effect on the grid of 25% and 50% penetration of residential and commercial heat pumps on cold winter days. 3 4 https://www.eia.gov/consumption/residential/data/2020/index.php?view=state https://www.efficiencymaine.com/docs/2015-Maine-Residential-Baseline-Study-Report-NMR.pdf GridWorks Energy Consulting 2 Version 1, March 23, 2023 ISO-NE Winter Peak Load with 50% Residential and Commercial Heat Pump Load 50 Gigawatts 40 50% Heat Pump Penetration 25% Heat Pump Penetration Peak Winter Load ISONE Total Generation ISO-NE All-Time Peak Load ISO-NE Max Load 2014-2022 30 20 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Hour Ending But peak loads will not be the most immediate problem facing beneficial electrification. Almost every model of a decarbonized energy system features a major role for intermittent renewables in meeting our energy needs.5 The Declining Value of Renewables These models – which strive to find the The generation of electricity by most economically optimal mix of generation renewables is highly time- and place-specific. technologies, transmission infrastructure, Wind farms need to be located in windy grid control, and storage – all show a locations and only deliver when the wind is blowing; all solar arrays in a region deliver surprising result: they predict a significant their peak output at the same time. amount of renewables curtailment. Indeed, In the absence of large amounts of storage even on today’s grid, renewable curtailment and/or transmission, the consequence of this is not uncommon, and is in fact a frequent time and place specificity is that the value of occurrence in certain locations. (See renewable generation tends to fall when and Graphical Appendix.) One consequence of where the wind is blowing and the sun is this over-generation is a continuing erosion shining, as supply outstrips demand in these in the value of renewables: see sidebar. places and at these times. This trend has been carefully documented by researcher at Lawrence Berkeley National Labs, (Seel et al, “Impacts of High Variable Renewable Energy Futures on Wholesale Electricity Prices, and on Electric-Sector Decision Making”), which shows a significant erosion of wholesale electricity prices for wind and solar in places where large amounts of these types of generation assets have been deployed. This erosion in value presents the perhaps greatest short-term challenge to the continued development of renewable energy in the US. What these models imply is that the US energy system is heading towards a future of intermittent cheap energy. While most people look to the problem of what to do when the wind doesn’t blow and the sun doesn’t shine, in fact the more immediate problem is how to economically make use of this abundance. Of course batteries can solve both the problem of increasing peak demand, and the problem of wasting abundant low-carbon energy, but at an enormous cost.6 5 Not all low-carbon energy sources are intermittent. Geothermal, biomass, and nuclear are low-carbon generation technologies that can serve as base load or reliable dispatchable generators. 6 Using NREL’s projections for the installed cost of solar ($1,000/kW), wind ($1,500/kW), and batteries ($500/kWH), the addition of 4 hours of storage to a grid-scale solar facility will triple the levelized cost of energy (LCOE), and will increase the LCOE of wind by 230%. GridWorks Energy Consulting 3 Version 1, March 23, 2023 These periods of low prices present an opportunity for flexible loads – like EVs and heating systems with thermal storage – to lower the cost of driving and heating homes. Loads that can turn on when electricity is abundant (and cheap) can not only reduce wasteful curtailment, but also lower the cost to consumers of getting around and staying warm.7 Thermal Storage This set of papers explores how adding thermal storage with a resistive boost element8 to an air-to-water heat pump can meet both of these challenges, delivering hotter water when needed, and allowing both the heat pump and the resistive boost element to help balance intermittent renewables on the grid. The thermal store does this by decoupling the delivery of energy to the property from the delivery of heat to the residents. This means that the heating system can reduce or eliminate energy deliveries when electricity is scarce, and dramatically increase electricity deliveries when electricity is abundant. The use of a resistive boost element also allows the storage tank to be hotter than what the heat pump can deliver, only delivering this hotter water to the system in those hours when it is required. The left panel below shows the outline of such a hydronic heating system. The right panel shows that a system like this can also be used with forced hot air heating systems by adding a heat exchanger to the plenum of the duct work. Hot Air Supply Emitters Thermal Energy Store Boost Store Boost Store Variable Temp Mixing Valve > Variable Temp Mixing Valve Resistive Elements > Heat Exchange in Plenum Thermal Energy Store Software Agent Cold Air Return Resistive Elements Software Agent Sensing and Control Sensing and Control > > SCADA SCADA Heat Pump Heat Pump Forced Hot Water System Forced Hot Air System The heating system described here uses entirely off-the-shelf equipment, with one exception: the control system. A standard heating system uses a very simple feedback control algorithm: when the thermostat indicates that the house is below its setpoint, it instructs the boiler (or furnace or heat pump) to come on, using as its energy source either fuel from a tank (in the case of fuel oil) or energy delivered by pipeline (natural gas) or a wire (electric). But a heat pump thermal storage heating system requires a more complex control algorithm. The decision to use the store to raise the SWT can be made by a simple 7 Few energy suppliers or aggregators currently face local real time prices, and therefore cannot benefit from this type of beneficial load adjustment. The regulatory reform (and business model changes) required to allow end users to do so will be discussed in the second white paper in this series. 8 Resistive boost elements are a standard feature of most heat pump systems in cold climates. However, these non-Transactive loads exacerbate the peaking problem, do nothing to alleviate the problem of overproduction by renewables, and can be very costly to residents. GridWorks Energy Consulting 4 Version 1, March 23, 2023 mixing valve that uses the current outside air temperature to control the mix of heat pump and boost store energy. But the decision to put energy into the store must be made based on the current and future cost of electricity and the expected future heat requirements of the building. For this reason, such a system requires a forward-looking algorithm that uses weather forecasts to anticipate when the heating system will call for higher SWTs, and uses price forecasts and real-time data from energy markets to only turn on the resistive boost element when necessary, and when electricity is cheap and abundant. The cloud-based agents running these algorithms are responsible for keeping residents warm, as well as minimizing the cost of heat. This responsibility is the flip side of the coin of 24-7 real-time localized response to grid conditions inherent in this grid innovation.9 These forward-looking optimization techniques are not new. For example, a group of researchers at Lawrence Berkely National Laboratories are developing and deploying algorithms like this for thermal storage heating systems in a cluster of projects associated with Cal-Flex Hub.10 In addition VCharge, a Providence RI company, used these techniques to control resistive electric thermal storage heaters in hundreds of homes in Massachusetts, Maine, Pennsylvania, and the UK between 2009 and 2018.11 A heat pump with a transactive thermal storage can heat Northern-tier hydronic homes with high SWT requirements and can prepare for a renewable grid – matching wind and solar when it would otherwise be curtailed, and adding nothing to existing peak loads. Using Forward-Looking Optimization techniques to anticipate the few times in the year when the system will require hotter water than the heat pump can deliver, it allows the home to be heated primarily by the heat pump, with all the efficiency benefits that this brings. In addition, the thermal store can be used to keep the resistive boost and the heat pump from running during on-peak periods, effectively flattening the load curve and consuming more energy during cheap off-peak periods. The Millinocket Pilot Millinocket Maine is just west of two of the largest wind farms in New England. As a result of very high generation levels from these farms on windy days in the winter, the ISO-New England substation at Keene Road gets overloaded in 20% of the hours during winter months. This forces ISO-NE to curtail the wind farms, wasting free low-carbon energy. When this happens, the wholesale price of electricity at Keene Road and another 6 substations surrounding it goes to negative $40 per MWH or below.12 This results in stranded costs for Maine’s utilities, and greatly weakens incentives for wind developers to build in this part of the state. 9 Note that this grid innovation introduces intertemporal substitution into the delivery of energy. The true power of storage comes from allowing the system to evaluate tradeoffs between current and future energy delivery to the building. For example, if the forecast calls for high winds and low prices driven by those winds in 3 hours, the system will choose to wait before filling the store. 10 The California Load Flexibility Research and Development Hub (CalFlexHub) is the innovation hub supporting the scaled adoption of affordable, equitable, and reliable load flexible technologies. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0306261922006894 11 VCharge was sold to a UK energy supplier in 2016. The acquiror subsequently closed down the US operations and integrated the UK operations into its business in the UK. 12 These “local” prices are called p-node or nodal prices by ISO-New England. GridWorks Energy Consulting 5 Version 1, March 23, 2023 Millinocket is an ideal field deployment site for the grid innovation discussed in this paper, with the potential to demonstrate how beneficial electrification with transactive thermal storage can accelerate the transition to a renewable energy ecosystem. In addition, while regulatory change will be required in both Distribution and Energy Tariffs to fully compensate transactive loads for the benefits that they deliver to the system13, the existing tariffs structures are sufficient for this grid innovation to lower the cost of home heating for Maine residents. By allowing residential customers to put their electric heating load on a highly favorable Time-of-Use Tariff offered by both of the large investor-owned utilities in Maine, distribution charges can be cut by 60% during off-peak periods (from 11.4¢ per kWh to 4¢ per kW14) making heating with electric cheaper than heating with oil. The situation at Keene Road is not very common on today’s electric grid, but it is the future. Intermittent, cheap, low-carbon energy will be abundant, not only in Maine, but everywhere. Our ability to access this coming abundance requires that we re-think some of our infrastructure choices (especially with respect to our electric appliances) as we electrify the energy ecosystem. While the solutions will not look the same everywhere, starting with a concrete problem in a location where solving it is hard is a great place to start. As the bumper sticker says: Think Globally; Act Locally. Millinocket is the canary in the coal mine for a low carbon electric grid. These regulatory changes will be discussed fully in the next white paper. These are the rates for Versant Power’s Standard Residential and Thermal Storage Heat tariff. The on-peak distribution tariff is 38.3¢ per kWh. 13 14 GridWorks Energy Consulting 6 Version 1, March 23, 2023 Graphical Appendix: The Declining Value of Renewables One week of prices in CAISO Source: CAISO Frequency of Negative Prices in 2022 Percentage of Days in Which Prices Go To Zero or Below Between 10:00AM and 2:00PM CAISO 2022 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% January February March April May June NP15 July SP15 August September October November December ZP26 Source: CAISO California Load Zones GridWorks Energy Consulting 7 Version 1, March 23, 2023 Negative Prices Around Wind Farms in the Midwest ISO The Forty Most Congested Price Nodes in MISO and their Frequency of Negative Prices Q1 2021 Node ALTW.FXLK3.ARR GRE.ORMATHR GRE.ELMCR2_IBR GRE.ELMCRK GRE.TRIMTTRIM NSP.ODELL.WND GRE.LKFLGR1 GRE.LKFLGR2 GRE.LKFLGR3 GRE.LKFLGR4 GRE.LKFLGR5 GRE.LKFLGR6 ALTW.ODINWF ALTW.LKFLD.IPL NSP.NOBLE.CWS1 NSP.NOBLE.CWS2 NSP.NOBLES.WND ALTW.SOUTH.FRK NSP.CISCO1 NSP.EWINGTON1 GRE.CHRISFRWD NSP.NOBLES2.MP ALTW.CMMPA.WIN MEC.HIGHLAND1 MEC.HIGHLAND2 MEC.HIGHLAND3 MEC.OBRIEN MEC.OBRIEN.MVP ALTW.UPLANDPR NSP.FENTON.WND ALTW.W_BINGHAM ALTW.ENDV ALTW.MRES ALTW.MRES_1.AZ GRE.ALTW.ENDVI MEC.GLACIERS MEC.PALOALTO1 ALTW.LEDYD.MVP ALTW.FCLDFCL1 ALTW.WRTHNGT MEC.KOSUTH.MVP ALTW.GOLDENPLN ALTW.UPLS_1.AZ NSP.JEFFERS2 MEC.ADAMS AMIL.SBL_ASIBL ALTW.KOSSUTH MEC.CONTRAIL1 ALTW.WOLFWIND MEC.POCHNT_1 https://api.misoenergy.org/MISORTWD/lmp contourmap.html Type Hub Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Loadzone Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Hub Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Loadzone Hub Gennode Gennode Gennode Hub Gennode Loadzone Hub Gennode Hub Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Gennode Percentage of hours that LMPs were negative 31% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 30% 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 29% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 28% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% 27% Source: MISO GridWorks Energy Consulting 8 Version 1, March 23, 2023 Negative Prices East of Millinocket, ME Hourly LMPs Behind the Keene Road Constraint 2021 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 Ja nu a Ja ry nu a Ja ry nu Fe ary br u Fe a ry br u Fe a ry br ua r M y ar ch M ar c M h ar ch Ap ril Ap ril Ap ril M ay M ay M ay Ju ne Ju ne Ju ne Ju ly Ju Au ly gu Au st gu A st Se ugu pt st e Se mb pt er e Se mb pt er em Oc ber to Oc be r to Oc be r No tob ve e r No mb ve e r No mb ve e r D e mb ce e r D e mbe ce r D e mbe ce r m be r -200 Source: ISO-New England The Declining Value of Solar Through Time in New England Source: ISO-New England GridWorks Energy Consulting 9 Version 1, March 23, 2023 The Declining Value of Solar as a Function of Solar Penetration Source: Andrew D. Mills, Joachim Seel, Dev Millstein, James Hyungkwan Kim, Mark Bolinger, Will Gorman, Yuhan Wang, Seongeun Jeong, Ryan Wiser, “Solar-to-Grid: Trends in System Impacts, Reliability, and Market Value in the United States.” LBNL February 2021 GridWorks Energy Consulting 10 Version 1, March 23, 2023