Yolando Shirley- 1708176 The Public Sector The public sector is the part of the economy that is controlled and funded by the government. The ultimate goal of the public sector is to act in the main interests of the public and provide public services. For this reason, the public sector offers services such as healthcare, water management, waste management, infrastructure, and education. Moreover, organizations in the public sector do not seek to generate a profit. The main aim is to serve the public. Some organizations of the public sector are Postal Corporation of Jamaica, Petroleum Corporation of Jamaica, Electoral Sector Enterprise Team among others, ("What is Public Sector | IGI Global", n.d.). The nature of the public sector is often misunderstood. Public services are not necessary because of market failure, or economic downturn, but for the survival of citizens. These services exist for policy reasons and provided to benefit the public. They operate differently from the private sector, (Spicker, 2009). As it relates to the private sector, it is comprised of individuals and companies that mainly focus on making a profit, (Brock, 2020).This sector includes all for-profit organizations that are not owned by the government. Therefore, the major difference between the public and the private sector is that the public sector focuses on the interests of the general public while the private sector has a motive for profit. In conclusion, the nature of the public and private sectors differs in that the public sector is controlled by the government with an aim to serve the public. The private sector, on the other hand, is the part of the economy that is owned by individuals and organizations and operates to make a profit. Hence, all companies and corporations that are controlled by the government are apart of the public sector and the others which exclude the involvement of the government are that of the private sector. Yolando Shirley- 1708176 References Brock, T. (2020). Private Sector Definition. Retrieved from, https://www.investopedia.com/terms/p/private-sector.asp#:~:text=The%20private %20sector%20is%20the,or%20operated%20by%20the%20government. Spicker, P. (2009). The Nature of a Public Service. International Journal Of Public Administration, 32(11), 970-991. doi: 10.1080/01900690903050927 What is Public Sector | IGI Global. Retrieved from, https://www.igi-global.com/dictionary/public-sector/24088