2/15/2023 Welcome to the Webinar on FEMA P-749 Earthquake-Resistant Design Concepts (Part B)! Instructor. Ronald O. Hamburger, P.E., S.E., is a Consulting Principal at Simpson Gumpertz & Heger and author of the FEMA P-749 report. Handouts. Webinar handouts will be sent in the chat and are available at this link: tinyurl.com/2p8tpy3c PDH Certificates. Participants who are both registered and in attendance today will receive a PDH certificate by email within 4 weeks. Q&A. Use the Q&A window at the bottom of your screen to pose questions. Some questions will be answered live; others will be distributed by email within 4 weeks. Recording. A link to the recording will be sent by email after the event. 1 1 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749 An Introduction to Seismic-Resistant Building Practices in the U.S. Part B Technical Criteria FEMA P-749: Training Part B 2 2 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749 An introduction to the U.S. building regulation process as it relates to seismic safety and sustainability Audience A. The General Public – including regulators, emergency planners, lenders, developers and others with an interest in earthquake risk and safety B. Design Professionals – including engineers, architects, students and others who want a detailed introduction into the design requirements in current building codes FEMA P-749: Training Part B 3 3 3 2/15/2023 Poll Question Which best describes your technical background Architecture or engineering student Practicing Architect Practicing Civil or Structural Engineer Other type of Engineer 4 4 2/15/2023 Poll Question Rate your experience level with seismic design I have not designed a structure for seismic resistance I have some experience in seismic design I have extensive seismic design experience 5 5 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749 An Introduction to Seismic-Resistant Building Practices in the U.S. Part B Chapter 6 Seismic Design Process FEMA P-749: Training Part B 6 6 2/15/2023 Linear Elastic Response F 2F x m 2x FEMA P-749: Training Part B 7 7 7 2/15/2023 Period of Vibration - T F x T 𝑇 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 2𝜋 𝑚 𝑘 2𝜋 𝑊 𝑘𝑔 8 8 8 2/15/2023 Linear SDOF Dynamic Response F x FEMA P-749: Training Part B 9 9 9 2/15/2023 Damped Response • Damping is a function of • • • • • Materials of construction Level of response It is common to express the amount of damping present as a % of critical damping Critical damping is the amount of damping that will bring a displaced SDOF structure to rest in one cycle (time T) Building codes use 5% damping as a reasonable average value for most structures responding to design earthquakes FEMA P-749: Training Part B 10 10 10 2/15/2023 Linear SDOF Response to Ground Shaking m(ẍ(t) + ü(t)) + cẋ(t) + k(x)x(t) = 0 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 11 11 11 2/15/2023 Linear Response to Ground Shaking 1‐Second Structure 2‐Second Structure FEMA P-749: Training Part B 4‐Second Structure 12 12 12 2/15/2023 Acceleration Response Spectrum FEMA P-749: Training Part B 13 13 2/15/2023 Acceleration Response Spectrum F x Structure has a period of T = 2 seconds Entering the response spectrum plot find at T= 2 seconds, the spectral acceleration (Sa) has a value of 0.2g Find the maximum force in the structure as 𝐹 𝑚𝑎 𝑊 ⁄𝑔 𝑆 0.2𝑊 Find the maximum displacement as x=F/k, or 𝑆 𝑔 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 14 14 2/15/2023 Nonlinear Response Linear Response Nonlinear Response FEMA P-749: Training Part B 15 15 15 2/15/2023 Seismic Design Process 1. Determine the structure’s use (occupancy) and Risk Category 2. Based on the building site, determine the design ground shaking, 3. Determine the building’s Seismic Design Category, based on ground shaking and Risk Category 4. Select an appropriate seismic force-resisting system 5. Design the seismic force resisting system, considering the effects of structural irregularities, if present 6. Design the nonstructural components in the building This presentation follows the design process as it is embedded in the ASCE 7-22 standard, which will be referenced by IBC-2024 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 16 16 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749 An Introduction to Seismic-Resistant Building Practices in the U.S. Part B Chapter 7 Determine Seismic Design Criteria FEMA P-749: Training Part B 17 17 2/15/2023 1- Determine Building’s Use - Risk Categories ASCE 7-22 Table 1.5-1 defines risk categories in a general manner The building code provides more specific definition of the types of structures assigned to each category. Here we focus primarily on the ASCE 7 criteria, but also talk to the IBC requirements Note that where adopted, the IBC takes precedence over ASCE 7 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 18 18 18 2/15/2023 Risk Category Performance Intent I. Structures not usually used for human occupancy (barns, greenhouses) II. Ordinary occupancy structures (stores, offices, homes, warehouses) III. <10% chance of collapse in MCER shaking Structures with: Very large occupancies (high rise office buildings) Occupants with limited mobility (schools, nursing homes, prisons) Contain potentially hazardous materials IV. Structures: Essential to post earthquake response and recovery Contain highly hazardous materials FEMA P-749: Training Part B <5% chance of collapse in MCER shaking limited potential for release of materials <2.5% chance of collapse in MCER shaking remain functional following most earthquakes 19 19 19 2/15/2023 2- Determine Design Ground Shaking Smoothed, design spectra, specified by the building code are intended to represent the response expected of many possible earthquakes, each of which will have somewhat different motion FEMA P-749: Training Part B 20 20 2/15/2023 Design Spectra The design response spectrum will be different for each site. The design spectrum is affected by: Regional seismicity Earthquake magnitudes Frequency of occurrence Soil type and depth Distance to the earthquake source (fault) Depth of source Mechanism of fault rupture FEMA P-749: Training Part B 21 21 2/15/2023 Determining Design Response Spectrum Chapter 11 1. Determine Site Class Detailed procedures of Chapter 20 Default Site Class 2. Determine spectral response ordinates USGS Values (obtained from ASCE Hazards tool) Site-specific Study (Chapter 21) 3. Determine design spectral response parameters (Chapter 11) FEMA P-749: Training Part B 22 22 22 2/15/2023 Site Classification FEMA P-749: Training Part B 23 23 23 2/15/2023 Example 𝒗𝒔 Calculation 20’ 40’ ASCE 7 20.4-1 Stiff Clay vs=600 ft/sec 𝑣̅ ⁄ , , =1082 ft/sec Dense Sand vs=1600 ft/sec Rock vs=3000 ft/sec FEMA P-749: Training Part B 24 24 24 2/15/2023 Default Site Class FEMA P-749: Training Part B 25 25 25 2/15/2023 Determine Spectral Response Ordinates Design spectral ordinates are obtained from an online USGS database. Access to this database is available through the free ASCE 7 Hazard Tool at https://asce7hazardtool.online/ Enter building address (or coordinates), Site Class, Risk Category 26 26 26 2/15/2023 Full Report Format Summary Input Data Results FEMA P-749: Training Part B 27 27 27 2/15/2023 Full Report Format FEMA P-749: Training Part B 28 28 28 2/15/2023 Alternate - Seismic Maps – Chapter 22 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 𝑆 2 𝑆 3 𝑆 2 𝑆 3 29 29 29 2/15/2023 2-Period Response Spectrum TL FEMA P-749: Training Part B 30 30 2/15/2023 Actual v Default Site Class Site Class C Default Site Class 0.5g 0.3g FEMA P-749: Training Part B 31 31 31 2/15/2023 3- Determine Seismic Design Category ASCE 7 categorizes structures according to their seismic risk, that is the consequences of their failure. There are 6 Seismic Design Categories ranging from A to F, with SDC A being the least seismic risk (low occupancy, low hazard). The Seismic Design Category affects many aspects of the design FEMA P-749: Training Part B 32 32 2/15/2023 Determining Seismic Design Category ASCE 7 Section 11.6 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 33 33 33 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749 An Introduction to Seismic-Resistant Building Practices in the U.S. Part B Chapter 8 Design the Structure FEMA P-749: Training Part B 34 34 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749 An Introduction to Seismic-Resistant Building Practices in the U.S. Part B Chapter 8 Design The Structure FEMA P-749: Training Part B 35 35 2/15/2023 4 - Select Seismic Force Resisting System The available seismic force-resisting systems depend on: Seismic Design Category Structure Type Building Structure Non-building Structure Structure Height FEMA P-749: Training Part B 36 36 36 2/15/2023 Structure Types Buildings Typically enclosed Intended for human occupancy Common structural systems Load bearing walls Braced frames Moment frames Dual systems Design of buildings is governed by ASCE 7 Chapter 12 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 37 37 37 2/15/2023 Structure Type Non-building structures with structural systems like buildings May be enclosed, partially enclosed or open Human occupancy is incidental to its intended use Common structural systems Load bearing walls Braced frames Moment frames Dual systems Design of building‐like structures is governed by ASCE 7 Chapters 12 and 15 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 38 38 38 2/15/2023 Structure Type Non-building structure not like a building May be enclosed, partially enclosed or open Human occupancy, if it occurs, is incidental to its intended use Does not have a building type structural system Design of non‐building not like buildings is governed by ASCE 7 Chapter 15 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 39 39 39 2/15/2023 Structural System Selection After the designer determines: Design ground motion for the site Type of structure the designer chooses a structural system to use for the Seismic Force Resisting System (SFRS). Structural systems are categorized by material and behavior. FEMA P-749: Training Part B 40 40 2/15/2023 Structural System Selection: Buildings Buildings and structures classified as SDC A can use any structural system. Buildings classified as SDC B-F must use one of the specific SFRS or combinations of systems provided in Table 12.2-1 of the ASCE 7 standard. FEMA P-749: Training Part B 41 41 2/15/2023 Structural System Selection: Buildings ASCE 7 Table 12.2-1 restricts structural systems that have proven to exhibit poor behavior in past earthquakes to SDC A and possibly SDC B. In other SDCs the structural system may be restricted based on maximum heights or weights. 42 42 2/15/2023 Structural System Selection Nonbuilding Structures Table 12.2‐1 Table 15.4‐1 All three ASCE/SEI 7 tables provide: System SDC and height limits Values for three design parameters: Response Modification Factor – R Overstrength factor - o Deflection amplification factor - Cd Table 15.4‐2 43 43 2/15/2023 5- Design the seismic force-resisting system considering irregularities, if present ASCE 7 requires that structures be provided with sufficient strength to resist specified earthquake forces in combination with other loads. The specific combinations of seismic load with other loads, including dead and live loads, that members of the structural system must be proportioned to resist are specified in the ASCE 7, Chapter 2. The structure must be analyzed independently in each of two orthogonal directions. For each direction, the fundamental period (T), seismic base shear force (V), and individual story forces (Fi) may be different. In some cases, the structure is designed for response in both directions simultaneously Irregular structures are designed for larger forces FEMA P-749: Training Part B 44 44 2/15/2023 Required Strength - SDC A Structures assigned to Seismic Design Category A are required to have adequate strength to resist three different types of specified forces: Global system seismic forces Continuity forces, and Wall anchorage forces FEMA P-749: Training Part B 45 45 2/15/2023 Required Strength - SDC A The SFRS is designed by applying a static lateral force, equal to 1 percent (0.01) of the structure’s weight at each level. FEMA P-749: Training Part B 46 46 2/15/2023 Required Strength – SDC A Continuity forces apply to those elements that “tie” or interconnect a small piece of a structure. Continuity forces equal to 5 percent (0.05) of the weight of the smaller portion of the structure. FEMA P-749: Training Part B 47 47 2/15/2023 Determining the Lateral Seismic Design Force SDC B, C, D, E and F Four methods: Equivalent Lateral Force (ELF) method ASCE 7-22 Section 12.8 Simplified Method also available for some structures Section 12.14 Modal Response Spectrum Analysis (RSA) ASCE 7-27 Section 12.9.1 Linear Response History Analysis (LRHA) ASCE 7-27 Section 12.9.2 Non-linear Response History Analysis (NLRHA) ASCE 7-27 Chapter 16 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 48 48 2/15/2023 Required Strength The specified earthquake forces are typically lower than the forces that the design level earthquake will cause in these structures. The magnitude of the specified forces and how they are determined depends on: Seismic Design Category (Seismic Hazard) Type of Structure Type of Element within the Structure FEMA P-749: Training Part B 49 49 2/15/2023 Seismic Design Categories B through F The procedures used to calculate seismic lateral forces in SDC B through F are similar, although for SDC B and C the ELF analytical procedure is commonly used. IN SDC D, E and F it is more common to use modal response spectrum or response history analysis. Structures must be designed for the effects of lateral and vertical seismic forces The magnitude of the lateral seismic forces is determined accounting for the structure’s inelastic response. FEMA P-749: Training Part B 50 50 2/15/2023 Vertical Response The forces due to vertical earthquake shaking are taken as a fraction of the demands on individual elements due to dead load, D. Ev 0.2S DS D FEMA P-749: Training Part B 51 51 2/15/2023 Structural Design Coefficients for Lateral Forces Sa(T) Linear elastic structure F=Sa(T)W Nonlinear structure Ω 𝐹 𝑅 𝐹 𝑅 𝛿 𝑅 𝛿 𝐶 𝑅 R, Cd and Ω0 are intended to approximate the beneficial effects of nonlinear behavior and ductility R – Response Modification factor reduces the theoretical elastic earthquake force to consider yielding Ω0 is an overstrength factor that recognizes that peak strength is larger than yield strength Cd is a factor used to determine drift, considering nonlinear behavior FEMA P-749: Training Part B 52 52 52 2/15/2023 Configuration and Regularity ASCE 7 attempts to encourage the design of structures with regular configurations: Uniform distribution of mass Uniform distribution of strength Uniform distribution of stiffness Continuous structural systems Continuous load path FEMA P-749: Training Part B 53 53 2/15/2023 Configuration and Regularity Some irregularities result in requirements to perform a more detailed analysis to better account for the effects on the distribution of forces and associated deformations. Some irregularities result in portions of the structure being required to have higher strength to counter the irregularity effects. FEMA P-749: Training Part B 54 54 2/15/2023 Configuration and Regularity Two basic categories of irregularity are identified in ASCE 7: Horizontal, associated with irregular distribution of seismic force resistance in plan Vertical, which cause a significant change in performance from one story to another FEMA P-749: Training Part B 55 55 2/15/2023 Horizontal Irregularities Torsional & Extreme Torsional Re‐entrant Corner Out‐of‐plane Offset Diaphragm Discontinuity FEMA P-749: Training Unit B 56 56 56 2/15/2023 Vertical Irregularities Weak or soft story In‐plane Offset FEMA P-749: Training Part B 57 57 57 2/15/2023 Determining Lateral Forces Force magnitudes depend on: Deflected shape of the structure Weight of structure Location within structure FEMA P-749: Training Part B 58 58 2/15/2023 Determining Lateral Forces The total lateral force or base shear, V, is: V C sW where, V Cs W the total base shear seismic base shear coeff. Weight of Building FEMA P-749: Training Part B 59 59 2/15/2023 Determining Lateral Forces The value of Cs depends on: The fundamental period of the structure The Risk Category The structural system used FEMA P-749: Training Part B 60 60 2/15/2023 Determining Lateral Forces Cs equals the lesser of Cs or Cs S DS R I S D1 R I T FEMA P-749: Training Part B 61 61 2/15/2023 Determining Lateral Forces For structures with a fundamental period of vibration greater than TL Cs S D1T L R I T2 However, for any structure C s 0.44S DS I FEMA P-749: Training Part B 62 62 2/15/2023 Determining Required Strength – Near Fault Sites In SDC E and F, where S1 ≥ 0.6g, the base shear coefficient has an additional lower bound imposed (i.e., the minimum seismic loads are increased). C s 0.5 min S1 R I FEMA P-749: Training Part B 63 63 2/15/2023 Vertical Distribution of Loads The base shear is then distributed vertically to each level of the structure using Fi w i hik n w j 1 j h V k j k 1.0 for T 0.5 sec. k 2.0 for T 2.5 sec. Interpolate for 0.5 T 2.5sec. FEMA P-749: Training Part B 64 64 2/15/2023 Stiffness and Stability Lateral deflections (drift) must be checked if the simplified analysis procedure is not used. The drift checks are used to: Protect nonstructural components Assure stability Avoid pounding with neighboring structures FEMA P-749: Training Part B 65 65 2/15/2023 Stiffness and Stability Story drift, that is the ratio the lateral movement in a single story to the story height is used to evaluate stiffness The drift for the 3rd story is δ3/h3 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 66 66 2/15/2023 Stiffness and Stability The allowable story drift depends on the structural system and Risk Category. The check is a comparison of estimated inelastic deflections to allowable deflections: Cd i a hi I FEMA P-749: Training Part B 67 67 2/15/2023 Stiffness and Stability A calculation is required to evaluate stability Px V x hx C d If this exceeds 0.1, then a P-Δ analysis must be included max 0.5 0.25 C d FEMA P-749: Training Part B 68 68 2/15/2023 Strength Considerations – SDC D, E and F Strength considerations in these SDCs must include a check on redundancy. Redundancy is considered sufficient if removal of any one element in the SFRS does not: Reduce the lateral strength by more than 1/3 Create an extreme torsional irregularity If the structure does not meet these redundancy requirements, its strength must be increased by 30 percent. FEMA P-749: Training Part B 69 69 2/15/2023 Structural System Selection: Buildings Once member sizes are confirmed adequate for strength and drift, the structure must be configured and detailed to meet the specific requirements of the associated material design standard ACI 318 - concrete AISC 341 - steel TMS 402 - masonry NDS - wood Chapter 14 of ASCE 7 adds some requirements to these standards, however, the IBC does not adopt chapter 14 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 70 70 2/15/2023 Final Step – Detail the Structure FEMA P-749: Training Part B 71 71 71 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749 An Introduction to Seismic-Resistant Building Practices in the U.S. Part B Chapter 9 Anchor and Brace the Nonstructural Components FEMA P-749: Training Part B 72 72 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749 An Introduction to Seismic-Resistant Building Practices in the U.S. Part B Chapter 9 Anchor and Brace the Nonstructural Components FEMA P-749: Training Part B 73 73 2/15/2023 Nonstructural Components and Systems In SDCs C, D, E and F, the attachment of nonstructural components must be designed for the seismic forces per ASCE 7 Chapter 13. Exceptions: Mechanical and electrical components in SDC C (except those assigned Ip = 1.5) Mechanical and electrical components in SDCs D, E or F mounted at floor level, Ip = 1.0, weigh < 400 lbs., and connected with flexible connections. Mechanical and electrical components in SDCs D, E or F, Ip = 1.0, mounted > 4 feet above the floor, weigh <20 pounds, and connected with flexible connections Component Importance Factor (Ip) must be determined: Ip =1 except: Ip=1.5 when: Required for Life Safety (e.g., Fire Suppression) Containment of Hazardous Materials Essential to Risk Category IV function FEMA P-749: Training Part B 74 74 2/15/2023 Nonstructural Components and Systems Components not exempt must be anchored to resist the seismic forces and withstand displacements without failing and endangering life-safety. Strength of attachments is determined as 0.3𝑆 𝐼 𝑊 0.4𝑆 𝐼 𝑊 𝐻 𝑅 𝐶 𝑅 1.6𝑆 𝐼 𝑊 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 75 75 2/15/2023 Lateral Design Force 𝐻 0.4𝑆 𝐼 𝑊 𝑅 𝐶 𝑅 FEMA P-749: Training Part B 76 76 2/15/2023 Nonstructural Components and Systems Designated seismic systems (Components with I=1.5) must be certified by their manufacturers to have been tested or have survived previous earthquakes with acceptable performance FEMA P-749: Training Part B 77 77 2/15/2023 FEMA P-749, Chapter 10: Special Topics Performance-based Design Design for Tsunami Soil-Structure Interaction Protective Systems Seismic Isolation Energy Dissipation Nonbuilding Structures FEMA P-749: Training Part B 78 78 78 2/15/2023 Poll Question How do you feel about seismic design criteria now? It looks really complex and I am not sure if I can do it I understand what this is about now and think I can do it better I still have lots of questions 79 79