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Restorative Questioning Guide for Offenders

Restorative Questioning: (Offender)
What happened? Take me through what happened, if you feel comfortable to.
How did you think/feel? (thoughts and feeling before and during the incident)
How do you think/ feel now? (thoughts and feelings after and since)
What would you like /how would you like to feel? (needs- what needs to feel better, what is it
about that would help you to feel better/ it sounds like you need)
What are the ways we might achieve this? (Ways forward- summarise need, what might it look
like, if we do this how will your needs be met?/ how would this be helpful to you)
Who affected/ how/ hardest thing- what might they need (explore other RJ processes with other
family/ friends/ witnesses)
What support do you currently have in the prison/ CRC and from family/ friends? How would they
feel about you taking part in this process?