Glocal Teachers: Global Perspectives in Local Education

People are now living in a time where everything rapidly changes and experiencing the impacts of globalization. People are adapting to these changes that affect different aspects of society as well as education. Adapting to these changes results in changes in the curriculum to make learning more globally competitive to produce globally competitive learners. Given that, it is essential that the educators prepare the students for these globally to adhere to the Deped Order No. 24 s. 2022 that is to prepare the youth to be globally competitive. To be able to adapt, educators must embody a glocal teacher. they are educators who act both globally and locally with worldwide perspectives and applying it locally. This can assist them in addressing various problems inside the classroom and give them a variety of ways to solve them from global ideas. People are now living in a time when everything is changing rapidly and they are experiencing the impacts of globalization. People are adjusting to these changes, which impact various aspects of society as well as education. Adapting to these changes leads to curriculum changes that make learning more globally competitive and produce globally competitive learners. Given this, educators must prepare students for global challenges in order to comply with DEP Order No. 24 s. 2022, with the goal of preparing youth to be globally competitive. In order to adapt, educators must embody a global teacher. They are educators who act both globally and locally, bringing global perspectives to bear on local issues. This can assist them address various problems in the classroom and provide them with a variety of solutions based on global ideas.
An audio recorded qualitative interview was conducted to determine the principles that a global teacher considers, the difficulties they face in the classroom, and how they deal with these difficulties. These sections include the demographic profile, interview questions, and answers of the interviewee.
Body principles of glocal teacher how do they address problems
A glocal teacher thinks and acts both locally and globally. They use global perspectives but is teaching in the communities, localities, towns, provinces and regions they are situated. They provide glocal education that understands different cultures and cultural groups in their own context. A glocal teacher has a global outlook adapted to the local condition or a local outlook adapted to the global condition. They are competent and armed with enough skills appropriate attitude and universal values to teach lerners at home or abroad. yet, these educators are equipped with both time tested as well as modern technologies in education in any time and any placi in the world. To say, they preserve time tested philosophies and teaching style that are still applicable to today's learners and adapt modernization as well. These glocal teahcers understans how this world is interconnected recognizing the varieties of ways of life. Respeecting and tolerating this diverstiy of cultures with cultural sensitivity. Moreover, they have a vission of the future of their students and themselves as a teacher. In achiecing this vision, glocal teachers utelizez creative ways of teaching and adapts innovation to catch up with today's globalization. With that being said, they acilitate digitally mediated learning and are able to use them to improve teaching strategies. Laslt, glocal teachers value professionalization. They possess awarness of international teacher standards and framework, meet and apply them with regards to the local context. Also adhering not only to the global standars, but also the local professional standards for teachers. materials and methods - done
findings the results from the interview shows that the interviewee considers, local knowledge, values, tradition, culture, 21st centruy skills, and international development. It can be derived based on the principles that the interviewee considers that he is an example of a glocal teacher. He preserves traditions that are still applicable in his teaching strategies as well as adapt international development to prepare the students to be globally competitive. Discussions about important global issues, uses global examples and start to act on it locally. Knowledge and utilization of modern technologies and adapting to modernization. Using global knowledge and utilizing it to fit with the local values, tradition, culture and the context and status of the classroom and school. Derived from the interview, discipline is one of the problems that teachers are still facing today. despite of the new generation of learners, the same challenge is still evident to the 21s centruy learners. as a glocal teacher, the interviewee addresses this problem through classroom management. If teachers has good classroom management, lessons will be executeed more effectively that adds up to the learning process of the students. Additionally, global strategies to address this is used based on the context of the classroom proving the that glocal teachers think globally and act locally. This enahnces the not only the learners of today's generation but also the skills of the educators. conclusion Globalization has changed our education drastically resulting to our education system today. A lot of developemnts are made not only to the curriculums but especially to the school stakeholders, particularly the teachers and the students. To catch up to the fast changes caused by globalization, innovations and developments are done for the teachers. One of this changes is the glocalization that results to glocal teachers. These teachers blend both global and local perspectives that progress the education of a nation. As more and more teachers adapt and embody being a glocal teacher, this will result to globally competitive students that has knowledge about the world and knows that their first step begins locally. Having said that education is the most poweful tool to change the world, utilizing these global perspectives and applying them locally will surely innovate and bring a country to greater heights. Summary As people adapt to the influence of globalization in the education field, glocal education offered by glocal teachers are created. These teachers uses global knowledge and utilize them in their locality. Moreover, they have principles and qualities to be considered as a glocal teacher. They have to think on a global scale and apply those knowledge locally. They have to posssess understanding of diversity of lifestyles and the interconnected world. Understanding diversity includes cultural sensitivity that enables them to understand different cultures. They welcome modernization and blends it with traditions to efficiently offer glocal education. Professionalis, and standards of a teacher is also considered by these educators. These results to globally competitive learners and teachers they envisioned. These compitent glocal teachers further progress the education system of a nation 