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HR Digital Transformation Research Proposal

Research Proposal Title : Sustainability of Digital Transformation for the Human Resource
Purpose The purpose of this study is to discover the factors related to Human Resource (HR) digital
transformation in DEM Draexlmaier Automotive System (M) S/B. The COVID-19 pandemic has
led to the introduction of remote and hybrid working models and accelerated digitalization of
human resources processes in organizations. This shift has led to a study on the impact of digital
processes on various aspects, such as CO2 emissions, plastic waste, energy conservation, and
gender diversity.
Design / methodology / approach –
For data collection, a quantitative method was applied by conducting an online surveys among the
employee, found a positive correlation between digitalization and increased organizational
Findings This finding is significant for human resources specialists and can guide business strategy. Human
resource management (HRM) and employee life have been impacted by substantial cultural,
sociological, and economic developments brought about by the digital age. Malaysia is becoming a
competitive global leader in digital governance, transparency, and value delivery because to
technical breakthroughs and government initiatives that have created Digital Malaysia. Information
Technology (IT) is a critical component of HR responsibilities as they become more specialized and
concentrate on value-adding tasks while supporting strategic objectives.
Originality / value Using modern technology, including corporate intranets and portals as well as HR information
systems (HRIS) that can be accessed over the Internet, is essential to the digitalization revolution.
Due to this, competition has increased, as has cost-savings, worldwide workforce management, and
improved HR service delivery. The effectiveness, hiring, and training of HR departments have all
increased due to digitalization. This paper proposes a model that enables the HR sector to adopt
digital technologies.
Keywords e-HRM, Digital Transformation Adoption, Human Resources Management (HRM),
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1.0 Introduction
1.1 Overview
The coronavirus outbreak has significantly impacted work, leading to accelerated digitalization and
working models. This work revolution could be either an opportunity or a threat to the labor world.
Remote work and digitalized processes can free workers from time, location, and social restrictions,
but advanced monitoring possibilities could turn post-pandemic workplaces into panopticons,
limiting freedom and control. Human resource is a crucial department in any business, responsible
for recruitment, development, and talent custody. However, the department has faced challenges in
the past due to the rapid pace of technology and the need to digitalize systems. Communication has
become a key sector in every business, with new platforms of communication becoming
increasingly popular. For startups, adopting digital HR early in life can help avoid the long-term
challenges faced by older businesses. By embracing digital HR, businesses can improve their
performance and avoid the long-term challenges faced by older businesses.
1.2 Background
Organizations that prioritize sustainability aim to maintain a balance between economic,
environmental, and social factors. Humanistic management, a trend that places people and their
environment at the center, emphasizes creating a positive impact on individuals, groups, and the
environment. Classical management does not contradict humanistic management, as it restores the
main role of employees in the organization. Economic thinking is crucial for achieving social goals,
such as job creation, and is influenced by Adam Smith's "theory of moral feelings."
Humanistic management, developed in the late 20th century, emphasizes the value of human
dignity, individual dignity, and quality of life. This approach aligns with sustainable development
and organizational functioning. Humanistic management addresses environmental protection,
resource rationalization, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) to achieve sustainable
development goals. However, no satisfactory formula for implementing theoretical solutions into
management practice has been developed.
Organizational functioning relies on well-implemented human resources processes, including
recruitment and management. The literature on HR management is extensive, with Scopus and
Publons databases providing extensive results. Green HRM and HR processes are emerging, but
digitization has limited studies on these topics. We analyzed human resources processes and new
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working models, focusing on sustainable development and humanistic management. We found that
digitalization of work and human resources processes contributes to organizations' sustainability
goals. Understanding the mechanisms behind this shift can help leaders develop long-term
strategies that positively impact social and environmental change.
1.3 Research problem
DEM Draexlmaier's commitment to achieving Sustainable Development Goals and digital
transformation is crucial for its 2030 vision. Further theoretical and empirical research is needed to
understand the role of digital transformation in DEM Draexlmaier organizations and achieve more
extended results.
Digitally transforming business operations and HRM practices is crucial during the pandemic, but
not all organizations can easily do so. Factors affecting HR Digital Transformation during COVID
are not collectively studied, leading to a lack of knowledge on the DEM Draexlmaier's factors
affecting this process.
1.4 Research questions
To achieve the research objectives, several questions need to be answered.
RQ1: What are the main theoretical controversies regarding the digitalization of work?
RQ2: What are the future trends in digitalization research?
RQ3: Which workplace capabilities are required to cope with new digital marketplaces?
RQ4: What social challenges of digital work require critical theoretical analysis?
RQ5: How can theoretical insights help support a sustainable workplace to ensure the prosperity of
workers in the digital era?
1.5 Research objectives
The main objective of this research is to explore the factors affecting HR Digital Transformation in
DEM Draexlmaier organizations located in the Ipoh and Kulim during COVID-19. Moreover, the
research aims to achieve the following objectives:
(1) To identify the factors that affect HR Digital Transformation in the DEM Draexlmaier.
(2) To analyze the impact of the e-HRM on employee and organizational performance
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(3) To test the importance of each variable in the study (Funding, information technology (IT)
infrastructure, technical support, digital skills or talents, organizational culture, employee resistance,
top management support).
1.6 Significance of the research
The COVID-19 pandemic has emphasized the importance of e-HRM or HR Digital Transformation,
enabling organizations to digitally transform their HR practices. However, there is a lack of
literature on factors affecting digital transformation, and this research aims to help HR executives
and employees understand these factors.
2.0 Literature review
2.1 Introduction
Human Resource Management has evolved from personnel management to focusing on employee
well-being and societal changes. The COVID-19 pandemic led to increased e-HRM and Digital
Transformation, requiring the HR department to adapt to technology-driven operations.
2.2 Defining Terms: What is meant by the Digital Transformation of HR?
The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the HR function, forcing managers to adapt to
remote work and digitization. This has led to the need for HR processes to be available online,
reduced working hours, and a heightened recruitment process. As people increasingly turn to the
internet for job search, companies must adapt to the changing media landscape and maintain an
online digital presence.
2.2 Considering the Benefits and Disadvantages of Technology
Digital HR transformation requires considering both benefits and disadvantages. A shift from
universal design to individual approach involves designing technology and IT systems for specific
companies and functionality, considering both advantages and drawbacks.
2.2.1 Benefits of Technology
Berber et al (2018) highlight the influence of technology on modern businesses, enabling mobility,
creating a digital nomad, and promoting creativity. Meeting apps and rooms like Microsoft Teams
and Zoom enable real-time work completion, reducing in-person discussions and increasing
productivity. Computers also enable instant correction of mistakes, reducing human errors, and
faster decision-making.
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2.2.2 Disadvantages of Technology
The use of technology in the workplace can lead to a lack of human contact, causing employees to
feel isolated or self-centered. It can also be risky, especially when managing confidential data.
Employees should avoid letting technology do all the work, as it can reduce productivity. As
businesses become more comfortable with remote working, it's crucial for companies to ensure
employees put in the effort and not rely on technology for solutions. Balancing technology and
creativity is essential for successful digital transformation.
2.3 Recruitment & Selection
Recruitment and selection remain crucial HR research and practice areas, but traditional methods
are costly. The pandemic has impacted recruitment and selection, necessitating the use of
technology for remote recruitment, screening, and interviews.
2.4 Performance Management
Performance management processing utilizes computers, mobile technology, dedicated apps, and
networks to enhance efficiency and reduce negative perceptions of performance. However, rushed
performance can lead to employee dissatisfaction and negative self-image.
2.5 Employee Engagement
Shaik et al (2019) define employee engagement as cognitive, behavioral, and physical state aimed at
organizational outcomes. They highlight that remote work may introduce distractions,
outperforming disengaged counterparts, highlighting the need for further research in this area.
3.0 Research Framework
Critical elements of human resource management that impact the implementation of the digital
transformation and its success are considered.
H1: There is a positive relationship between recruitment and selection and digitalization technology.
H2: There is a positive relationship between training and development and digitalization technology.
H3: There is a positive relationship between performance appraisal and digitalization technology.
H4: There is a positive relationship between compensation and digitalization technology.
Critical Factors
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Figure 1 : Research Framework
4.0 Research Methodology
4.1 Population Frame
Employees of DEM Draexlmaier Automation organizations make up the study's population. Since it
is impossible to research the complete population, data are collected from a suitable sample that
accurately depicts the features of the entire population.
4.2 Development And Selection Of Instruments
The learning in organizations as a mediating process and variable will undoubtedly be measured
using seven items, and these items are ranging from strongly to strongly disagree to strongly agree
(Sinkula et al., 1997). All the variables will be assessed using multi-item measures with a 5-point
Likert scale that ranges from 1 (strongly disagree) to 5 (strongly agree).
Eight items on a five-point Likert scale, ranging from 1 for "strongly disagree" to 5 for "strongly
agree," will be used to estimate the dependent variable of an organization's performance (Hubbard,
4.3 Proposed Methods For Gathering Data
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The gathering of data is an essential component of all types of study. Results are obtained by
examining the data gathered. Collecting information from trustworthy sources guarantees the
validity of the study.
The suggested study only uses primary data collection techniques.
Primary data can be gathered in several ways, such as through interviews, surveys, focus groups,
unstructured conversations, and observations. The proposed study will collect data using a survey
method with questionnaires. Primary research is highly effective since it provides a brand-new
source of knowledge and is simple to handle (Sekaran & Bougie, 2010).
Since this is a cross-sectional study, all the data will be gathered at once.
4.4 Proposed Methods For Data Analysis
For analysis purposes in this study, we will use two different pieces of software: SPSS and AMOS.
Using the statistical program SPSS 21, we may run a number of tests, including:
. Reliability analysis
. Frequency Distribution
. Descriptive statistics
. Correlation Analysis
. Regression Analysis. Include (Mediation and Mediated-Moderation).
Preacher and Hayes (2008) used the method of mediation (MED) and mediated moderation (MEDMOD) to investigate the hypothesized links and their effects in order to more correctly and
precisely assess both the direct and indirect impacts. Through confirmatory factor analysis (CFA),
AMOS may be used to assess the model's fitness. It can also assess the model's goodness of fit
using the metrics RMSEA, IFI, TLI, CFI, and NFI.
5.0 Conclusion
This research review examines the impact of digitalization technologies on human resource
practices, including recruitment, selection, training, performance appraisals, and compensation. The
study aims to address concerns about job reduction and the need for organizations to balance
current and future job offerings. Digitalization technologies can be integrated into overall
performance management and HR practices to sustain growth and meet community standards.
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This study meets the objectives but has limitations, such as limited online surveys and the need for
expansion to include other methods like physical meetings. The sample size could be expanded to
include other regions and industries to better understand the impact of digitalization technologies on
HR practices.
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