Data-gathering This study was conducted in Month Year. In this study, the data collection procedure observed the following stages: First, the insert explanation of the validation process of the questionnaire (who validated the questionnaires, result of validation, items suggested to be added, removed, modified, etc.) (The research instrument of this study will be subject to validation with three validators. This is to ensure that the instrument is substantial to the subject matter. The validators of the research instrument will be: one faculty member from the College of Commerce, the research adviser and a validator from the industry particularly from a financial institution that offers depository product. The validators will then rate the instrument based on their findings. All suggestions of the validators were taken into consideration by the researchers. The researchers used Good and States validation measurement form to measure the validity of the research study with the 5 points scale (5Strongly Agree, 4- Agree, 3- Undecided, 2- Disagree and 1- Strongly Disagree) An average score from the evaluation was computed to check whether the instrument is valid or not. Second, the insert explanation of the reliability process of the questionnaire (where was the reliability test conducted, number of respondents during the reliability test, reliability test results) The instrument used in this study will be subject for reliability test and pilot testing. The reliability process checks whether the results from the instrument are consistent. This process will be conducted on at least 30 respondents. These 30 respondents are not part of the sample. Research questionnaires will be sent out through the use of Google forms just like the actual study. The researchers will use Cronbach’s Alpha to measure its level of reliability. According to Taber (2017), a Cronbach’s Alpha result can give you 0-1 result but can give a negative result too. A result of 0.70 and above means the instrument is reliable. Our instrument, from the three motivations, yield a results of 0.96. Thus, the instrument is reliable. 30 Third, insert explanation on the permission to conduct study Fourth, insert explanation once permission on the conduct of study is approved Fifth, insert explanation on the RERC process Finally, insert explanation on retrieval, encoding, and interpretation of results. (In gathering of data from the respondents, the researchers utilized Google Forms. Since Google Forms allowed the respondents to answer the questionnaire through a web-based form at a time that is most convenient for them and has features in collecting data, which can be easily transferred to spreadsheets when more detailed analysis is required, at any time, this was practical to both the researchers and the respondents especially in this time of pandemic where face-to-face interactions were limited. Before the Google Forms survey questionnaires was given to the respondents, the researchers made a letter of consent that was addressed to the Principal of the Senior High School Department to ask permission about the involvement of the ABM students as the respondents to the study and to request the necessary data of the said respondents such as their names and their USA email. After the approval of their permission and request, and the researchers already had the names of the respondents along with their USA email, the respondents received the Google Forms survey questionnaire via their USA email. To follow up, the researchers made a Messenger group chat for the respondents and also sent in there their survey questionnaire. The respondents were given only one chance to answer the questionnaire, and a week was allotted to them to respond to it. The Google Forms was then closed and data from the respondents was collected. Then, the data that was gathered will be organized, analyzed, and presented by the researchers through tables that will be correlated to the problem and detailed information in the study. Fourth, insert explanation once permission on the conduct of study is approved Fifth, insert explanation on the RERC process Finally, insert explanation on retrieval, encoding, and interpretation of results. Ethical Considerations (MUST BE PARRALLEL WITH THE ICF) Purpose of this research. Eligibility (Inclusion/Exclusion). What will you do in this study. Duration of the study. Benefits to local communities. Conflict of interest. Protection of vulnerable participants. Sharing of study results. Risks. Benefits. Voluntary participation. Confidentiality, anonymity, and privacy. Who to contact. (This study will be conducted only to 18 years old to 65 years old who are regular employees employed in the four provinces of Panay Island which are Aklan, Antique, Capiz and Iloilo to ensure that all respondents of this study are of legal age and qualified to participate in this study. Those below 18 years old and those who are not employed within Panay Island are not allowed to participate in this study. Also, this study respects the willingness of the respondents to take part in this research endeavor. Thus, only those qualified respondents who volunteered to be part of the study will be given the chance to participate. There are some risks that are anchored in the conduct of this study such as the risk on disclosing personal information. Thus, a consent form is given out to ensure the respondents are assured that all the data that will be taken from them will be handed with confidentiality and prudence. As there are risks involved in this study, there are also benefits such as the respondent will be able to access the results upon publication of the conclusions, aside from the benefits this study gives to all stakeholders mentioned above.)