FP002 – OBSERVATION AND RESEARCH IN THE LANGUAGE CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENT The assignment consists of completing the Initial Proposal (D1) of the final master's or Postgraduate’s degree project. The submission must be done through the Panal1 on the official date of delivery of the evaluation activities of the subject (see the calendar on the Virtual Campus). During the course period, more detailed information will be provided by the teaching staff. In order to prepare the Initial Proposal, the student must follow the instructions below: General instructions This Initial Proposal should be presented in 4 to 5 pages. Longer or shorter documents will not be corrected. Students are advised to keep the headings for the sections and substitute the blue text for the relevant information. This file must be named according to the following model: GroupName’sinitialSurnames_InitialProp For instance, a student named Jan Torres Ruiz from group 2012-02 would name this file as follows: 2012-02JTorresRuiz_InitialProp Proposals that do not follow these instructions will not be corrected. The Initial Proposal must be approved by the Final Project supervisor for students to proceed with further submissions (Advance 1). 1 Students who are enrolled in the Certificate in Applying the Principles of Language Teaching and Learning (CTEFB) must submit the Initial Proposal in the usual way, that is to say, through the icon “Assignment” of the subject. Once the document has been uploaded, they will have to contact the teacher of the subject to let him/ her know. The Initial Proposal developed by the students enrolled in the CTEFB will be graded as the other activities of the subject, with a score from 0 to 10 points. However, in the specific case of the CTEFB, the teacher will not return the feedback, considering that the students enrolled in this certificate don’t have to develop a Final Project. 1 Program: Master in Teaching English as a Foreign Language Personal and academic information: Final Project Supervisor: Sandra Camelo Title and Topic of the Final Project: [Please specify a provisional title for your Project and describe the topic you aim to focus on in two or three lines] Title: Creative and Motivational Learning Strategies-Activities. Topic: Language Components. (“My Favorite Holiday”) Is focused to awaken motivation, creativity, and critical thinking in all 4 language components. (Reading, Writing, Speaking, and Listening). Justification of academic and personal interest of the topic: [Why do you want to do research on this topic?] As it is well known, context might affect the design and selection of materials. The selection of appropriate material is conditioned by the student's context and setting. A deep examination of the context leads to the identification of course objectives and, thus to the adoption of an appropriate syllabus and materials. Considering the students' characteristics and needs, these students are between the ages of 13 and 14. They are in the adolescence stage. In this stage, people experience cognitive and social changes, which lead to more mature scenes. They are trying to create their own identities. In this way, the context plays an important role. Thus, the cultural context influences them including the culture and his context; therefore, as context is everywhere, it also has an influence on everyone. To design this kit, there are a few features to consider. First, the need to consider the context, which according to Fiber (2013, p.3), quoting McDonough and Shaw (1993), can be separated into two groups: Learner characteristics and educational setting. Regarding learner characteristics, we consider age, students' interests, aptitude, mother tongue, motivation, reasons for learning, preferred learning styles, and personality. In addition, the educational setting refers to the role of English in the country and school, the teachers, resources, the physical and sociocultural environment, and the type of evaluation used. On the other hand, it is pointed out that the authors perceive the need for this matter. Finally, this work states the belief about language learning and teaching that the materials designed in the kit represented and how these activities are intended to be evaluated. 2 Type of Final Project2: [Choose an option and tick the corresponding box. The Final Project can be classroomoriented or research-oriented. It can also combine both approaches, as in Action Research Projects. Aims of the study: Firstly, the topic chosen for this self-made kit was thought regarding the age and interest of learners, as it has been mentioned, 13- and 14-year-old students and one of their favorite times is a holiday. The activity is intended to begin with a warm-up which allows the possibility to explore students´ previous knowledge and personal interests and needs. Attitude according to (McDonough, J. & Shaw, C. 1993) is one of the students’ characteristics that need attention when designing or adapting materials. The teacher in charge is encouraged to use L2 having in mind that it helps communication abilities. Students have the opportunity to participate and the activity becomes an opened-ended teacher questions interaction pattern which increases communication skills. Penny Ur (1996). The main aim of the Project: This project aims to create a series of methodological resources and a detailed explanation for English teaching in foreign classes. Furthermore, the kit contains the teacher's guide to allow any instructor to carry out the activities and materials presented in this project. Specific aims: 2 Students who intend to pursue PhD studies are recommended to do a Research Final Project (if they are enrolled in UNIB or UNINI MX) or Action Research (if they are only enrolled in UNEATLÁNTICO or if one of the universities in which they are enrolled is UNEATLÁNTICO). 3 “To provide a set of activities and strategies that would enhance their understanding various of topics. “To implement a self-made kit of activities/strategies aiming to improve all four language components. To promote critical thinking and motivation in the students by using creative and fun activities. No more than three specific aims should be proposed. Ideally, two or three are enough.] Theoretical background: Firstly, the topic chosen for this self-made kit was thought regarding the age and interest of learners, as it has been mentioned, 13- and 14-year-old students and one of their favorite times is a holiday. The activity is intended to begin with a warm-up which allows the possibility to explore students´ previous knowledge and personal interests and needs. Attitude according to (McDonough, J. & Shaw, C. 1993) is one of the students’ characteristics that need attention when designing or adapting materials. The teacher in charge is encouraged to use L2 having in mind that it helps communication abilities. Students have the opportunity to participate and the activity becomes an opened-ended teacher questions interaction pattern which increases communication skills. Penny Ur (1996). The feedback to learners is to consider the form of the question; for example, yes/no; true or false/; multiple choice; non-verbal matrix to be completed; feedback facilitates students´ accuracy in pronunciation, structure, and vocabulary acquisition. The vocabulary introduced has been chosen to have in mind socio-cultural aspects such as holiday attractions and economic factors of the group. Most of the vocabulary is related to cultural celebrations and feasts in South and Central American Countries. Warm-up presents a vocabulary adaptation as it is stated by Funiber in M & R in TELF, 2013,p.70) quoting McDonough, J. & Shaw 1983, “Effective adaptation is a matter of achieving ´congruence´…. among several related variables: …” in this case, students´ context but especially external features have been analyzed in order to help student attention and attitude as It has been previously mentioned. In the same way, vocabulary in this case is offered with colorful comic pictures which attract teenager´s attention and it enhances motivation. [Please describe the sections which will be part of the theoretical background]. The listening part presented in the kit was thought having in mind the nature of the skill and micro-skills, so authentic material, level of students, and listening for gist (accuracy on vocabulary) are used, so students get familiar with real use of lexis. There are two basic language functions according to (Brown & Yule 1983), they are the transactional and interactional functions, and the former apprehends with the transfer of information and the latest with the conservation of social associations, these two roles facilitate input and also output of L2. (Funiber 2013, p.62), since the unit objective is to teach the present simple continuous, in a real context and personal language production. On the other hand, 4 teacher´s role in this exercise plays an important part because must be a moderator to control the times and rhythms so the activity might be agreeable and meaningful. In the speaking section, various aspects are relevant to be beard in mind, (Funiber 2013, p.64) firstly, the promotion of interactional language use. The exercise encourages pupils to participate in a communicative task, the performing action is to give oral response to a question which implies a personal response, that is the second feature for the speaking activity; according to Ellis, the task must involve actions, specified outcome, language comprehension and production and focus on meaning rather than form. (Funiber 2013, p.47), nevertheless, grammar is involved but as a secondary aspect because what is stressed is fact that communication takes place. Here the teacher plays an imperative role since she/he must highlight the “micro-skills as it is pronunciation, stress, intonation, discourse features, etc.” (Funiber 2013, p.64), teacher notes give some suggestions in order to make an accurate use of the task and it may be successful. Grammar is presented as a reference exercise, having in mind that the goal of this unit is to teach the present progressive tense, and the communicative and interpersonal uses are being applied through practical use. The teacher is intended to check learners´ performance in order to elicit any doubts and a simple comprehension exercise is led to clarify the use and spelling of the tense in the course, avoiding in this way the use of long grammatical rules which is not convenient for beginners or students with low levels. There are three main steps to provide a writing environment; the pre-writing activity permits students to plan and gather ideas, for this purpose, pictures invite learners to imagine and chose a personal perspective and begin working on a draft to prepare a final work. According to Funiber, quoting Nunan, currently, there are a few steps in order to do successful writing, it is not seen as a final product but as a process in which learners and teachers are involved through activities such as imitation, expansion, and formation of paragraphs to obtain little by little what is required to be expressed (Fiber 2013, p.63). At this stage, Students are intended to use grammar references for spelling and struggle to look for reading as a guide to organizing the content of the writing work. That is why the reading section is offered ahead to reinforce ideas and learners might encounter a way to clarify and polish her/his final work. As it has been stated, the choices of authentic reading materials not only help students to increase the ability to develop the natural use of language, skimming, scanning, and inferring meaning but also it promotes bases for the written final product (Fiber 2013, p.61). The reading exercise applied in the kit, offers a rationale amount of length, level, authentic adapted topic and material, a task, encouragement to react and develop another skill, etc. These aspects are what make evident the nature of reading skills, supported by suitable guidance from the teacher who provides the environment and leads students to develop other skills and sub-skills, writing. The context for the project and methodology: As it is well known, context might affect the design and selection of materials. The selection of appropriate material is conditioned by the student's context and setting. A deep examination of the context leads to the identification of course objectives and, thus to the 5 adoption of an appropriate syllabus and materials. Considering the students' characteristics and needs, these students are between the ages of 13 and 14. They are in the adolescence stage. In this stage, people experience cognitive and social changes, which lead to more mature scenes. They are trying to create their own identities. In this way, the context plays an important role. Thus, the cultural context influences them including the culture and his context; therefore, as context is everywhere, it also has an influence on everyone. During, adolescence, people enhance their mental competence, including the ability to reason effectively, problem solve, think abstractly and reflect, and plan for the future (American Psychological Association, 2002). This is why the topic "going on vacation" has been chosen. This topic allows them to talk about future and personal plans, personal preferences, and free time activities which are what more attract them. Materials presented to adolescent learners should be challenged so that they can think and solve problems. As it has been stated, design and adaptation of materials is considered challenging especially the most difficult area of communicative design because of the criteria, the problem of the task, and especially to “…make an objective assessment of the criteria” (Funiber, 2013, p.66). However, the development of the high level of thinking doesn't mean they can carry out task by themselves. They still need the guidance of an adult to help them to get their goals, in this case, the teacher. Viability analysis I do have all the resources that I might need in order to successfully carry out this project Work planning: [Please list tasks to be done and their corresponding timeline]. Bibliography [Give a short bibliography on the topic. Include about 5 references related to the theoretical background you proposed or studies like the one you plan to carry]. REFERENCES / BIBLIOGRAPHY Annett, J. (1969) Feedback and human behavior: The effects of knowledge of results, incentives, and reinforcement on learning and performance. Penguin Books. London. Binnie Smith, D. (1996). Teacher decision making in the adult ESL classroom in Freeman, D.& Lenon, A. & Ball, P. Materials and Resources in EFL. Formación Universitaria, Fundación Universitaria Iberoamericana (FUNIBER). Brown, G., & Yule, G.(1983): Teaching the Spoken Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 6 Ellis, R. (1998). The evaluation of communicative tasks. Chapter 9 in Tomlinson, B. (ed.) (1998) Materials Development in Language Teaching. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Funiber (2013:35-36) Evalutation of materials Student compliance: [Jose Omar Sanchez], who is enrolled in the academic program [Indicate the academic program in which you are enrolled], agrees with the above-detailed proposal to complete the Final Project and hereby commits himself/herself to carry out a personal and original work. In [Denver, USA], on [July [25th], [2023] 7