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System Analysis & Design Assignment

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Higher Nationals
Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)
HND in Computing
Programme title
Miss. Valuka
Unit 34: System Analysis & Design
Automated system for E-Solutions Private Limited
Assignment title
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
Student’s name
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• Linked to relevant assessment
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M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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Programme Leader
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M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne / KAN|A – 013359
Unit Title
Unit 34: System Analysis & Design
Submission Date
Received 1st
Re-submission Date
Date Received 2nd
Assignment Number
Miss Valuka
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional and agile systems analysis
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1
LO2 Produce a feasibility study for a system for a business-related problem
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO3 Analyse their system using a suitable methodology.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
LO4 Design the system to meet user and system requirements.
Pass, Merit & Distinction
Assessor Signature:
Resubmission Feedback:
Assessor Signature:
Internal Verifier’s Comments:
Signature & Date:
Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 34: Systems Analysis & Design
Assignment 01
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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General Guidelines
1. A Cover page or title page – You should always attach a title page to your assignment. Use
previous page as your cover sheet and make sure all the details are accurately filled.
Attach this brief as the first section of your assignment.
3. All the assignments should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. All the assignments should be printed on A4 sized papers. Use single side printing.
5. Allow 1” for top, bottom , right margins and 1.25” for the left margin of each page.
Word Processing Rules
1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Use 1.5 line spacing. Left justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all the headings are consistent in terms of the font size and font style.
4. Use footer function in the word processor to insert Your Name, Subject, Assignment No,
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5. Use word processing application spell check and grammar check function to help editing
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5. Excuses of any nature will not be accepted for failure to hand in the work on time.
6. You must take responsibility for managing your own time effectively.
7. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness,
you may apply (in writing) for an extension.
8. Failure to achieve at least PASS criteria will result in a REFERRAL grade .
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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9. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic RE FERRAL. You will
then be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
10. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, reference them properly using
HARVARD referencing system to avoid plagiarism. You have to provide both in-text citation
and a reference list.
11. If you are proven to be guilty of plagiarism or any academic misconduct, your grade could be
reduced to A REFERRAL or at worst you could be expelled from the course
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
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Student Declaration
I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present
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2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the
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4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my
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6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not
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Student’s Signature:
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(Provide Submission Date)
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne / KAN|A - 013359
Unit Number and Title
Unit 4: Systems Analysis & Design
Academic Year
Unit Tutor
Miss Valuka
Automated system for E-Solutions Private
Assignment Title
Issue Date
Submission Date
IV Name & Date
Submission format
The submission should be in the form of an individual written report written in a concise,
formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs, and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be
supported with research and referenced Please provide in-test citations, reference list
and bibliography using Harvard referencing system. Please also provide a bibliography
using the Harvard referencing system.
The recommended word limit is not less than 5000 words, although you will not be
penalised for exceeding the total word limit.
Unit Learning Outcomes:
LO1 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional and agile systems analysis
LO2 Produce a feasibility study for a system for a business-related problem.
LO3 Analyse their system using a suitable methodology.
LO4 Design the system to meet user and system requirements.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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*Please note that assignment guidance is for reference only and should be more specific
in detail to meet customized needs.
Assignment brief
Case study
The new automated system is designed to replace the current, manual, error-prone
process of E-Solutions private Limited. The automation of existing process is to reduce
the company’s expenses and enhance the productivity significantly. This transformation
also would support for:
1) Successful teams working
2) Completing projects on time and within budget due to a better understanding of
system requirements and tasks to be completed
3) Starting projects on time through automated project scheduling system.
In the proposed system, the Project director creates a project and a “project profile” for
each project. The creation of the project profile includes identification of project
employee costs, the assignment of tasks to the project, and the assignment of a project
manager. The project profile is consisted of project id, project personnel cost, a list of
tasks assigned, and the project manager. The Project director also creates the teams for
a given project, assigns employees to the teams, and assigns a team leader. The Project
manager is responsible for assigning tasks to various teams working on the projects(s).
The Team Leader assigns tasks to the team members.
Additional functionality includes:
Produce and update information about different software projects, project teams,
specific team member assignments and team skills.
Perform function point analysis to identify the personnel cost of the project and
provide information to generate invoices upon completion of project phases.
Monitor projects and identify completed tasks and ongoing tasks of each project.
Activity 01
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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Discuss traditional and agile system analysis methodologies used in the industry by
comparing and contrasting the strengths and weaknesses of them. Critically evaluate
two methodologies by referring to the examples to support your answer.
Activity 2
Produce a feasibility report for the scenario given above and assess the importance of
feasibility criteria used for the system investigation. Critically evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of feasibility study with relevant to the proposed solution.
Activity 3
Analyse and review the system requirements of the proposed solution given in the
scenario using a suitable methodology. Functional and non-functional requirements of
the system should be clearly mentioned. Assessment of the effectiveness and suitability
of the chosen methodology should be provided with proper justifications.
Activity 4
Produce a system design specification for the above scenario and assess the
effectiveness of your design and the methodology used with reference to how it meets
the user requirements.
Your system design specification should include architectural design, interface design,
database design, and program design.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
The work on this assignment has been an inspiring, often exciting, sometimes challenging,
but always an interesting experience. This assignment would not have been possible without
the support of many people. First of all, I would like to express my deep and sincere
thankfulness to my lecturer, Miss Valuka. Without her guidance and support this assignment
cannot be done properly like this. She always gives us his support and, guides us how doing
our assignment in purpose to produce a good outcome from an assignment that have been
studied. And I take this opportunity to thank my institute, ESOFT Metro Campus – Kandy,
for providing us with the necessary facilities. Especially I would like to thank my parents,
family members and colleagues for whom I have great regard and I wish to extend my
beneficent thanks to all those who have helped me.
Thank you
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
Table of Content
LO1 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional and agile systems analysis
Traditional VS Agile methodologies....................................................................................14
Traditional methodology..................................................................................................14
Benefits/Advantages of Traditional Methodology...........................................................14
Disadvantages of Traditional Methodology.....................................................................16
Agile methodology...............................................................................................................17
Benefits/Advantages of Agile Methodology....................................................................17
Disadvantages of Agile Methodology..............................................................................18
Exact deference between Agile and Traditional...............................................................19
LO2 Produce a feasibility study for a system for a business-related problem.........................21
Feasibility study...................................................................................................................21
Technical Feasibility.........................................................................................................22
Operational feasibility......................................................................................................22
Economic feasibility.........................................................................................................22
Legal feasibility................................................................................................................22
Schedule feasibility..........................................................................................................23
Feasibility report...................................................................................................................24
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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LO1 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional and agile
systems analysis methodologies.
Traditional VS Agile methodologies
Traditional methodology
Customary task the executives (Cascade Strategy) is a straight methodology where cycles
happen in an anticipated grouping. In this methodology, the venture follows a preplanned set
of stages and expects that the prerequisites stay fixed while the financial plan and undertaking
course of events can be changed. This methodology is more appropriate for projects where
the chance of changes in the extension is insignificant.
The workplace of the Task Supervisor holds all the obligations of the venture and is
responsible for the outcomes. Aside from the task arranging measure, even the clients have no
say during the undertaking's execution stage. Also, if there should arise an occurrence of any
issues, colleagues should raise the issue to their chief who has the last say.
Since customary tasks the board vigorously depends on legitimate arranging and
investigation in the advancement stage, the subsequent improvement measure is very
smoothed out. This permits the undertaking administrator to zero in on various assignments
since the task group works without the least direction except if an issue is raised.
Task directors utilize the procedures and apparatuses characterized by the Venture The board
Organization (PMI), a worldwide body for a project the executive’s expert that create
guidelines and systems.
Benefits/Advantages of Traditional Methodology
Since the undertakings are simpler to finish under Customary Venture The board. That is the
reason they probably take less time to finish and in gathering the timetable effectively. There
are not any odds of confronting bugs, mistakes, or complex issues during the arranging,
planning, testing, and last execution of the undertaking.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
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The organizations cheerfully go for the Customary Approach for more modest and
consecutive tasks. They take less time, fewer designers, and fewer assets to finish. It is
additionally less expensive because the organizations don't have to utilize hefty innovation
and hardware to finish such tasks.
Suitable for Remote Projects.
Correspondence and diverse geological positions turn into a significant obstacle for bigger
and complex ventures. Conventional activities are more modest and simpler ones are
profoundly appropriate for far-off projects. As such tasks can be created by a more modest
group and don't need a lot of correspondence to address the obstacles.
It’s more Sequential.
It has consecutive examples which make it simple to follow the customary philosophy. The
successive ventures needn't bother with much change during the turn of events. On the off
chance that you adhere to the creating plan, there are likely the best opportunities to complete
your errand inside the time timetable and any remaining measures. The succession likewise
makes the board and advancement simpler. The conventional model suits best the more
modest ventures where prerequisites are clear and reasonable. Each progression in the
conventional strategy has a beginning and endpoint subsequently it's adaptable to impart
progress to partners and clients. The zeroed-in preplanning on prerequisites and plan prior to
composing a code decreases the danger of blunders and postponement. The successive system
requires appropriate documentation for each stage which brings about an upgraded
comprehension of the rationale behind the code and assessment. This succession makes the
legitimate path for the partner to have knowledge into a particular stage.
Quick Time Around.
A standard issue confronting numerous organizations, regardless of where they're in the
business life cycle, is they stall out down and dirty of everyday tasks, to the detriment of
directing business development exercises. It squanders assets, cash, and time. Conventional
philosophy projects don't need a lot changing as they follow a grouping. That is the reason
they are followed through on schedule.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
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Optimization of customer satisfaction.
Customary Ventures are not very intricate to meet the necessities of the customer. Each task
the board approach exceptionally focuses on the bliss of the customers. The whole
improvement measure happens under the sharp perspective on the customer's necessities. The
customer is monitoring each cycle, the secret about criticism focused on each request. On the
occasion the client is clear concerning the necessities of the product that will be created, the
conventional model is the absolute best way to deal with the following because it follows a
successive system, and prerequisites are clarified in the absolute first stage.
Responsible for the quality of deliverable.
Each Product Advancement Procedure has the objective to convey quality improvement to
make a powerful item, productively fulfilling the market's needs. It is more stupid than an
extravagant presumption to accomplish 100% outcomes. The practical methodology and
refined exactness can be achieved through devoted capability, cooperation, coordination, and
the board.
Disadvantages of Traditional Methodology
Risk Involving and challenging Development
Now and again the clients and partners don't know about their necessities in the beginning,
and cascade Programming Improvement can't to start without social affair every applicable
detail and prerequisites. That is the reason the conventional methodology doesn't offer a lot of
room for the client's criticism and the redid eventual outcome. It is additionally a not suitable
model for perplexing, huge, and object-arranged undertaking advancement.
No easy Change
When an application is on the testing stage, it is likely incomprehensible, time taking, and
costly to return and fix it as per the necessities. Now and then you need to begin again to
execute any changes.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
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Local Optimization
All individual subcontractors just consideration about their own endeavors and ability. In the
case of something turns out badly, there isn't a common collaboration to guard and handle the
issue. No collaboration, no fantasy work in customary undertaking the executives.
Lack of Coordination
The subcontractors are included as people, not as a solitary unique group. There is no
endeavor is made to have solidarity, shared collaboration, and obligation to the turn of events.
The absence of coordination postpones improvement and can cause some major issues.
Agile methodology
Coordinated undertaking the board (APM), a genuinely later and adaptable way to deal with
the project the executives, is all the rage these days. As per the beat of the calling 2017
review, 71% of associations utilized a dexterous methodology for their activities and one of
the primary explanations for this is the versatility of Spry.
It is an iterative way to deal with the project the board that basically centers around client
input, adaptability, and compelling joint effort between colleagues. Dexterous permits project
groups to be more adaptable and guarantee that the result is as indicated by the client's norms.
The light-footed structure partitions the task into more modest time-boxed runs that regularly
keep going for about fourteen days. These runs help project groups deftly managing changes
and advancements. Since client cooperation is a critical component of the APM system, that
is the reason ordinary updates are shipped off to clients and their input is quickly accepted.
Benefits/Advantages of Agile Methodology
Enhanced Flexibility.
At the point when Light-footed and Conventional venture the executives are looked at,
Nimble is 'undoubtedly' more adaptable. Since the whole undertaking is isolated into more
modest runs, presenting changes halfway gets incredibly simple.
As opposed to the conventional methodology, the entire group thinks about the advancement
of the undertaking in Nimble. In this methodology, the entire group chooses the arrangement
together and shares the responsibility for the project which improves project
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
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Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
straightforwardness. Additionally, clients are likewise included all through the task and their
input is considered for an adequate end result.
Effective Collaboration.
All Deft approaches urge groups to share data consistently. There is no compartmentalization
of data and each and every part's assessment is considered regardless of the position they hold
in the organization.
For instance, on account of the Scrum project the board, the most well-known Nimble
system, groups have everyday 'stand-up' gatherings and run arranging where the group talks
about their advancement, issues, and plans for the afternoon.
Effective Problem-solving.
Since Lithe follows an 'everyone ready and available' approach; the way toward tackling
issues gets simpler and more effective. Colleagues likewise have the self-sufficiency to roll
out paltry improvements without getting an endorsement from the venture chief which saves
a great deal of time and animates progress.
Reduced Complexities.
Famous Spry procedures like Scrum and Kanban strategy require the division of the whole
venture into a lot more modest and feasible undertakings. This permits the constant
advancement of the task while guaranteeing quality.
On account of the conventional methodology, unexpected changes or issues once in a while
return the group to 'square one'.This brings about the wastage of both time and cash. In 2017
alone, the U.S government lost about $32 billion in bombed IT projects because of this
Disadvantages of Agile Methodology
1. In the event of some product expectations, particularly the enormous ones, it is hard to
evaluate the exertion needed toward the start of the product improvement life cycle.
2. There is an absence of accentuation on vital planning and documentation.
3. The task can undoubtedly get taken off course if the client agent isn't clear what
ultimate result that they need.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
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4. Just senior software engineers are equipped for taking the sort of choices needed
during the improvement cycle. Subsequently, it has a bad situation for novice
developers, except if joined with experienced assets.
Exact deference between Agile and Traditional
Lithe venture the executive’s procedure is substantially more adaptable than the customary
methodology. While working, if your colleagues feel that they need to make changes in their
item or their functioning interaction, a dexterous task the board permits them to do as such.
Nimble venture the executives doesn't have confidence in after an inflexible construction;
they fundamentally center around the item. What's more, due to this adaptability, individuals
favor the lithe undertaking the executives’ approach more.
Then again, in conventional or cascade projects the board follows a hierarchical
methodology. That implies you can't deal with any extremely late changes without
influencing the work interaction or results.
In lithe venture the board, each choice and plan is straightforward. The item proprietor,
colleagues, customers, everybody is engaged with settling on choices and changes. From
arranging, looking into, and testing an item, spry system, the colleagues can altogether see the
work progress and settle on educated choices.
Despite what is generally expected, in the customary venture the executive’s approach, the
task director will settle on every one of the important choices or with few senior individuals.
Other colleagues can't see the improvement from beginning to end as expected. Frequently
work is done in storehouses, so straightforwardness gets lost for different storehouses.
Degree for Criticism
In the event that you utilize the customary philosophy for creating or building another item,
you need to design everything all along. You need to finish each assignment inside a
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
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prearranged time and spending rules. That implies you can't permit any huge changes
dependent on input that may postpone the item conveyance.
Notwithstanding, with the dexterous methodology, you can acknowledge steady criticism
from the item proprietor and clients. Ceaseless input will assist you with bringing better
outcomes and convey excellent items inside the cutoff time. Thus, engineers and venture
supervisors lean toward utilizing nimble undertaking the executives to the conventional
Venture Intricacy
Light-footed undertaking the board is the ideal fit for every single complex assignment. In the
event that your task stages are reliant upon different stages or have interconnected stages, at
that point, the light-footed methodology is the most ideal decision to make work
straightforward to lessen intricacy. Continuous assessments and transformations help in
lessening intricacy and necessity vagueness.
While customary task the executive’s philosophy follows a straight methodology, it can't
oversee complex undertakings where prerequisites are equivocal, and work is intricate. As
we've referenced before, you can't roll out abrupt improvements to this methodology.
Customary is a superior fit for less perplexing or little activities.
Consumer loyalty
Clients assume an essential part in the nimble system. It zeros in addition to gathering client
assumptions by tolerating their input after every emphasis. In spry, work is conveyed
continually to the end clients. Along these lines, they can give their important musings and
urge the coordinated group to follow up on the input successfully.
As a nimble venture the board esteems client input, the group comprehends the client's
particulars and gives them great items and wanted administrations. It assists with keeping up
client commitment and improve fulfillment.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
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LO2 Produce a feasibility study for a system for a business-related
Feasibility study
A feasibility study is an analysis that considers all of a project's relevant factors, including
economic, technical, legal, and scheduling considerations, in order to determine the project's
chances of success. A feasibility study's goal is to determine whether the system is
worthwhile to deploy and if it can be implemented within the existing budget and timeline.
The feasibility study's findings should be summarized in a report that suggests whether or not
the requirements engineering and system development process should be continued.
A feasibility analysis, as the name implies, is used to determine the viability of an idea, such
as ensuring that a project is legally, technically, and economically feasible. It tells us whether
a project is worthwhile—in some situations, a project may be impossible to complete. There
are a variety of reasons for this, including the need for too many resources, which not only
stops those resources from performing other duties, but also may cost more than the company
would earn back by taking on a project that isn't profitable.
Types of feasibility study
Technical feasibility
Operational feasibility
Economic feasibility
Legal feasibility
Schedule feasibility
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
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Technical Feasibility
The technological resources accessible to the organization are the subject of this examination.
It helps organizations in determining whether technical resources are sufficient for the project
and whether the technical team is capable of converting ideas into working systems. The
proposed system's hardware, software, and other technical needs are also evaluated for
technical feasibility. As an exaggerated example, a company would not want to try to put Star
Trek transporters in its building because the project is currently not technically feasible.
Operational feasibility
This assessment entails undertaking studies to determine whether—and how well—the
project can meet the organization's needs. Operational feasibility studies also look at how a
project plan meets the requirements specified during the system development requirements
analysis phase.
Economic feasibility
This assessment usually includes a cost-benefit analysis of the project, which helps
organizations in determining the project's viability, cost, and benefits before allocating
financial resources. It also functions as an independent project assessment and enhances
project credibility by assisting decision-makers in determining the proposed project's positive
economic benefits to the organization.
Legal feasibility
This assessment looks at if any component of the proposed project violates any regulations,
such as zoning rules, data protection regulations, or social media laws. Assume a company
wishes to develop a new office building at a specified location. A feasibility study may
discover that the desired location for the company is not designated for that sort of business.
That organization has just saved a lot of time and effort by discovering early on that their idea
was not feasible.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
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Schedule feasibility
This evaluation is important for project success; after all, if a project is not completed on
time, it will fail. An organization estimates the amount of time it will take to execute a project
when scheduling feasibility.
After all of these factors have been considered, the feasibility study can help identify any
potential project constraints, such as:
Internal Project Constraints: Technical, Technology, Budget, Resource, etc.
Internal Corporate Constraints: Financial, Marketing, Export, etc.
External Constraints: Logistics, Environment, Laws, and Regulations, etc.
Importance of Feasibility Study
The importance of a feasibility study involves the desire of an organization to “get it right”
before investing resources, time, or money. A feasibility study may uncover fresh ideas that
totally change the scope of a project. It's preferable to make these decisions ahead of time
rather than rushing into a project only to discover that it won't work. A feasibility study is
usually advantageous to a project since it provides you and other stakeholders with a clear
picture of what is being proposed.
Below are some key benefits of conducting a feasibility study:
Improves project teams’ focus
Identifies new opportunities
Provides valuable information for a “go/no-go” decision
Narrows the business alternatives
Identifies a valid reason to undertake the project
Enhances the success rate by evaluating multiple parameters
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
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Aids decision-making on the project
Identifies reasons not to proceed
Aside from the approaches to feasibility study listed above, some projects also require the
analysis of other constraints -
Internal Project Constraints: Technical, Technology, Budget, Resource, etc.
Internal Corporate Constraints: Financial, Marketing, Export, etc.
External Constraints: Logistics, Environment, Laws, and Regulations, etc.
(Anon., 2021)
Feasibility report
Table 1: Feasibility Report
Feasibility report
Project scope:
This project requires the creation of a new automated system for E-solutions private limited. The
main goal of this project is to minimize the company's cost while also increasing the system's
Budget for project: LKR 170,000.00
Project Duration: 9-10 months
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
Technical feasibility:
This project will include a local webpage for individuals who access the automated system; this
page will need to be hosted internally, which will require the use of a PC and a network, as well as a
local web server. For those who access the automated system through the internet, the webpage
will need to be hosted through a provider.
Hardware and services:
A powerful server is needed to allow many users to access into the system. Fast network switches
and network connection will be required to provide a good user experience.
Legal feasibility:
Customers that wish to use the system will be required to register. To ensure that client information
is saved and handled safely, proper data protection rules will need to be followed.
Operational feasibility:
Staff will receive training to ensure that they are comfortable with the system.
Economic feasibility
Web hosting services
Additional resources
Training cost
Contract for development system
Total cost
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
Anon., 2021. www.digite.com.
[Accessed 01 09 2021].
Anon., 2021.
[Accessed 01 09 2021].
Anon., 2021.
development_life_cycle.htm [Accessed 01 09 2021].
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
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M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
Grading Criteria
LO1 Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the
traditional and agile systems analysis methodologies.
P1 Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the traditional
and agile systems analysis methodologies.
M1 Compare and contrast the strengths and weaknesses of
the traditional and agile systems analysis methodologies.
LO2 Produce a feasibility study for a system for a
business-related problem.
P2 Produce a feasibility study for a system for a
business related problem.
M2 Evaluate the relevance of the feasibility criteria on
the systems investigation for the business related
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
LO1 & LO2
D1 Critically evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the
traditional and agile methodologies and feasibility study.
LO3 Analyse their system using a suitable
Review a system using a suitable methodology for a
business-related problem.
M3 Analyse the effectiveness of the methodology used in
providing a solution for a given business context.
LO4 Design the system to meet user and system
P4 Design a fully functional system to meet user and
system requirements for the business related
M4 Assess the effectiveness of the system design with
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)
reference to the methodology used and how the design
meets user and system requirements.
LO3 & LO4
D2 Justify the choice of the analysis methodology used in
the context of the business problem.
M.G.R.P. Jayarathne
KAN|A – 013359
Assignment No. – 01 (SAD)
Downloaded by Suraj Madushanka (smmadushanka@gmail.com)