Huda Alsaffar Ms.Lidia Petrone ENG4U 3rd APRIL 2022 U2L1- Verbal-Visual assignment 2 Verbal- visual representations promotes one to imagine according to the content of the depiction. This essay details the verbal – visual representation of the poem “Little boy crying” written by Mervyn Morris. The theme of the poem revolves around perception of children and how the make sense of the world. Apart from that it also states the methodology which adults enforce punishments despite their love. The theme of the poem shows frustration, love and care. There are several pictures and words that represent these emotions represented in the verbal-visual chart. There are mainly 6 main pictures in the collage. One represents the emotions of the child as he is being punished and the intensity of pain is shown with the tears rolling down his cheek. The next picture showcases the boy’s representation of his father, where he sees a huge ugly and frightening form of a man. He takes on to portray him as an ogre, without emotion and empathy and how he is unjust to him. The frowning face represents the original face of the child’s father correcting him from doing mistakes. It shows that the father has a put a tough face to teach his offspring that not everything he does is right. The next picture shows about the rights and wrongs, it means the correct and incorrect actions a child should learn to grow and mature into a good human being. It is profound that the father is more hurt than the boy but he knows that the little boy should know the consequences. The last two pictures show how the father’s heart melts with his fatherly instincts and how he wishes to cuddle and care for him. Furthermore, these can also be analysed by usage of adjectives to explain the context. In the opening description of the poem, you can see that the boy is quivering and contorting in brief spite and hurt, it suggests that the boy has suffered great pain and expresses that the situation is scary as he looks to his father. The father on the other hand portrays a fierce expression to emphasis his punishment to reinforce the discipline. The poem shows us that the child has been corrected with a quick slap, even though the mistake has not been made clear. Later, it is revealed that it was not as fierce as the boys make it seem. This shows that the father is strict with adherence to certain rules and follows a strict disciplining pattern so that he can nurture a kind and selfconscious human being. In the later stanzas, it is evident that even though the father gives an uncompromising warning, he still has immense love and care for his child. He hides his affection and gentle nature so that his child understands that mistakes are not tolerated even it is done in a childish play. Additionally, the poem gives strong words for the reader to identify the emotions and route of the poem. In the first excerpt, the child is shown to cry tears of flood. It was due to a smack administered by his father that had started it. In the ending line we get to see that it was a quick slap which means it was a small slap which was over exaggerated by the boy. Due to the hit, the boy’s face has contorted and transformed in such a manner that it demands sympathy. Its shows how children of small age understand how to manipulate the emotions of the elderly by playing with emotions. We learn to have sympathy for the child until the last stanza where we realize that the strike was not hurtful. The child describes his father as an orge which takes us to the perspective of a person bigger than ourselves. The boy further explains him as a colossal giant to reinforce the image of the father so that we imagine him to be a rugged and ferocious person with no room for emotional considerations. This changes in the last stanza, where we understand the affection, the father has for his son and how he had to look over the love for his offspring to teach him valuable lesson. He knows that these lessons are important if his son has to grow with the right morals and values.