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Global Warming Adaptation & Mitigation Assignment

Name: Jesuniyi Pelumi Oluwadamilola
Matric number:19/57EH/00342
Course code:EHS 202
As an EHO Suggest some adaptation and mitigation to global warming.
As an EHO (Environmental Health Officer), the suggestions I can make in other to Adapt and
Mitigate to Global Warming are listed below:
Replanting forests and restoring damaged ecosystems.
Investigating and developing innovative solutions to prevent and manage natural
Developing action plans for climate emergencies.
Improving energy efficiency and opting for renewable energy over fossil fuels.
Erecting buildings and infrastructure that is safer and more sustainable.
Promoting public trort and sustainable mobility by increasing the numbers of journeys in
towns by bicycle, reducing the number of flights and taking more trips by train or in shared
By taxing the use of fossil fuels and CO2 emissions markets.Alongside mitigation measures
to stem global warming, measures for adapting to climate change also need to be
Promoting ecological industry, agriculture, fishing and livestock farming, food
sustainability, responsible consumption and the 3Rs rule (reduce, reuse, recycle).