440.2R-17 Document ID: ✔ VS v6.4.1.252 0000-15FE-20011-00021972 Automatically sign me into this document in the future. (Do not select this when using a public computer) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation ACI 440.2R-17 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures Reported by ACI Committee 440 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library First Printing May 2017 ISBN: 978-1-945487-59-0 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures Copyright by the American Concrete Institute, Farmington Hills, MI. All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or part, in any printed, mechanical, electronic, film, or other distribution and storage media, without the written consent of ACI. The technical committees responsible for ACI committee reports and standards strive to avoid ambiguities, omissions, and errors in these documents. In spite of these efforts, the users of ACI documents occasionally find information or requirements that may be subject to more than one interpretation or may be incomplete or incorrect. Users who have suggestions for the improvement of ACI documents are requested to contact ACI via the errata website at http://concrete.org/Publications/ DocumentErrata.aspx. Proper use of this document includes periodically checking for errata for the most up-to-date revisions. ACI committee documents are intended for the use of individuals who are competent to evaluate the significance and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. Individuals who use this publication in any way assume all risk and accept total responsibility for the application and use of this information. All information in this publication is provided “as is” without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose or non-infringement. ACI and its members disclaim liability for damages of any kind, including any special, indirect, incidental, or consequential damages, including without limitation, lost revenues or lost profits, which may result from the use of this publication. It is the responsibility of the user of this document to establish health and safety practices appropriate to the specific circumstances involved with its use. ACI does not make any representations with regard to health and safety issues and the use of this document. The user must determine the applicability of all regulatory limitations before applying the document and must comply with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, United States Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) health and safety standards. Participation by governmental representatives in the work of the American Concrete Institute and in the development of Institute standards does not constitute governmental endorsement of ACI or the standards that it develops. Order information: ACI documents are available in print, by download, on CD-ROM, through electronic subscription, or reprint and may be obtained by contacting ACI. Most ACI standards and committee reports are gathered together in the annually revised ACI Manual of Concrete Practice (MCP). American Concrete Institute 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Phone: +1.248.848.3700 Fax: +1.248.848.3701 www.concrete.org @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library ACI 440.2R-17 Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded FRP Systems for Strengthening Concrete Structures Reported by ACI Committee 440 Carol K. Shield, Chair Tarek Alkhrdaji Charles E. Bakis Lawrence C. Bank Abdeldjelil Belarbi Brahim Benmokrane Luke A. Bisby Gregg J. Blaszak Hakim Bouadi Timothy E. Bradberry Vicki L. Brown John Busel Raafat El-Hacha Garth J. Fallis William J. Gold, Secretary Amir Z. Fam Russell Gentry Nabil F. Grace Mark F. Green Zareh B. Gregorian Doug D. Gremel Shawn P. Gross H. R. Trey Hamilton III Issam E. Harik Kent A. Harries* Mark P. Henderson Ravindra Kanitkar Yail Jimmy Kim Michael W. Lee Maria Lopez de Murphy Ibrahim M. Mahfouz Amir Mirmiran John J. Myers Antonio Nanni Ayman M. Okeil Carlos E. Ospina Renato Parretti Maria A. Polak Max L. Porter Andrea Prota Hayder A. Rasheed Sami H. Rizkalla Rajan Sen Rudolf Seracino Venkatesh Seshappa Pedro F. Silva Samuel A. Steere, III Jennifer E. Tanner Jay Thomas Houssam A. Toutanji J. Gustavo Tumialan Milan Vatovec David White Sarah E. Witt* *Co-chairs of the subcommittee that prepared this document. Consulting Members P. N. Balaguru Craig A. Ballinger Harald G. F. Budelmann C. J. Burgoyne Rami M. Elhassan David M. Gale Srinivasa L. Iyer Koichi Kishitani Howard S. Kliger Kyuichi Maruyama Antoine E. Naaman Hajime Okamura Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) systems for strengthening concrete structures are an alternative to traditional strengthening techniques such as steel plate bonding, section enlargement, and external post-tensioning. FRP strengthening systems use FRP composite materials as supplemental externally-bonded or near-surfacemounted reinforcement. FRP systems offer advantages over traditional strengthening techniques: they are lightweight, relatively ACI Committee Reports, Guides, and Commentaries are intended for guidance in planning, designing, executing, and inspecting construction. This document is intended for the use RILQGLYLGXDOVZKRDUHFRPSHWHQWWRHYDOXDWHWKHVLJQL¿FDQFH and limitations of its content and recommendations and who will accept responsibility for the application of the material it contains. The American Concrete Institute disclaims any and all responsibility for the stated principles. The Institute shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising therefrom. Reference to this document shall not be made in contract documents. If items found in this document are desired by the Architect/Engineer to be a part of the contract documents, they shall be restated in mandatory language for incorporation by the Architect/Engineer. Mark A. Postma Ferdinand S. Rostasy Mohsen Shahawy Surendra P. Shah Yasuhisa Sonobe Minoru Sugita Luc R. Taerwe Ralejs Tepfers Taketo Uomoto Paul Zia easy to install, and noncorroding. Due to the characteristics of FRP materials as well as the behavior of members strengthened ZLWK)53VSHFL¿FJXLGDQFHRQWKHXVHRIWKHVHV\VWHPVLVQHHGHG This guide offers general information on the history and use of FRP strengthening systems; a description of the material properties of FRP; and recommendations on the engineering, construction, and inspection of FRP systems used to strengthen concrete structures. This guide is based on the knowledge gained from experimental UHVHDUFK DQDO\WLFDO ZRUN DQG ¿HOG DSSOLFDWLRQV RI )53 V\VWHPV used to strengthen concrete structures. Keywords: DUDPLG ¿EHUV EULGJHV EXLOGLQJV FDUERQ ¿EHUV FRUURVLRQ FUDFNLQJGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKHDUWKTXDNHUHVLVWDQFH¿EHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHUVVWUXFWXUDOGHVLJQ ACI 440.2R-17 supersedes ACI 440.2R-08 and was adopted and published May 2017. Copyright © 2017, American Concrete Institute All rights reserved including rights of reproduction and use in any form or by any means, including the making of copies by any photo process, or by electronic or mechanical device, printed, written, or oral, or recording for sound or visual reproduction or for use in any knowledge or retrieval system or device, unless permission in writing is obtained from the copyright proprietors. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 1 MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 2 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) CONTENTS CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE, p. 3 1.1—Introduction, p. 3 1.2—Scope, p. 4 CHAPTER 2—NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS, p. 6 2.1—Notation, p. 6 ²'H¿QLWLRQVS CHAPTER 3—BACKGROUND INFORMATION, p. 10 3.1—Historical development, p. 10 3.2—Commercially available externally bonded FRP systems, p. 10 CHAPTER 4—CONSTITUENT MATERIALS AND PROPERTIES, p. 11 4.1—Constituent materials, p. 11 4.2—Physical properties, p. 12 4.3—Mechanical properties, p. 12 4.4—Time-dependent behavior, p. 13 4.5—Durability, p. 14 ²)53V\VWHPVTXDOL¿FDWLRQS CHAPTER 5—SHIPPING, STORAGE, AND HANDLING, p. 15 5.1—Shipping, p. 15 5.2—Storage, p. 15 5.3—Handling, p. 15 CHAPTER 6—INSTALLATION, p. 15 6.1—Contractor competency, p. 16 6.2—Temperature, humidity, and moisture considerations, p. 16 ²(TXLSPHQWS 6.4—Substrate repair and surface preparation, p. 16 6.5—Mixing of resins, p. 17 6.6—Application of FRP systems, p. 17 6.7—Alignment of FRP materials, p. 18 6.8—Multiple plies and lap splices, p. 18 ²&XULQJRIUHVLQVS ²7HPSRUDU\SURWHFWLRQS CHAPTER 7—INSPECTION, EVALUATION, AND ACCEPTANCE, p. 19 ²,QVSHFWLRQS ²(YDOXDWLRQDQGDFFHSWDQFHS CHAPTER 8—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR, p. 20 8.1—General, p. 20 8.2—Inspection and assessment, p. 20 8.3—Repair of strengthening system, p. 21 8.4—Repair of surface coating, p. 21 CHAPTER 9—GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS, p. 21 ²'HVLJQSKLORVRSK\S ²6WUHQJWKHQLQJOLPLWVS ²6HOHFWLRQRI)53V\VWHPVS ²'HVLJQPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHVS CHAPTER 10—FLEXURAL STRENGTHENING, p. 24 10.1—Nominal strength, p. 24 10.2—Reinforced concrete members, p. 24 ²3UHVWUHVVHGFRQFUHWHPHPEHUVS 10.4—Moment redistribution, p. 31 CHAPTER 11—SHEAR STRENGTHENING, p. 31 11.1—General considerations, p. 32 11.2—Wrapping schemes, p. 32 11.3—Nominal shear strength, p. 32 CHAPTER 12—STRENGTHENING OF MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO AXIAL FORCE OR COMBINED AXIAL AND BENDING FORCES, p. 34 12.1—Pure axial compression, p. 34 12.2—Combined axial compression and bending, p. 36 12.3—Ductility enhancement, p. 36 12.4—Pure axial tension, p. 37 CHAPTER 13—SEISMIC STRENGTHENING, p. 37 13.1—Background, p. 38 13.2—FRP properties for seismic design, p. 38 ²&RQ¿QHPHQWZLWK)53S 13.4—Flexural strengthening, p. 40 13.5—Shear strengthening, p. 41 13.6—Beam-column joints, p. 41 13.7—Strengthening reinforced concrete shear walls, p. 41 CHAPTER 14—FIBER-REINFORCED POLYMER REINFORCEMENT DETAILS, p. 43 14.1—Bond and delamination, p. 43 14.2—Detailing of laps and splices, p. 44 14.3—Bond of near-surface-mounted systems, p. 45 CHAPTER 15—DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SUBMITTALS, p. 46 ²(QJLQHHULQJUHTXLUHPHQWVS ²'UDZLQJVDQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQVS 15.3—Submittals, p. 46 CHAPTER 16—DESIGN EXAMPLES, p. 47 16.1—Calculation of FRP system tensile properties, p. 47 16.3—Flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with FRP laminates, p. 50 16.4—Flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with near-surface-mounted FRP bars, p. 56 16.5—Flexural strengthening of an interior prestressed concrete beam with FRP laminates, p. 62 16.6—Shear strengthening of an interior T-beam, p. 68 16.7—Shear strengthening of an exterior column, p. 71 16.8—Strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for axial load increase, p. 73 ²6WUHQJWKHQLQJRIDQRQFLUFXODUFRQFUHWHFROXPQIRU increase in axial and bending forces, p. 76 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.11—Lap-splice clamping for seismic strengthening, p. 86 16.12—Seismic shear strengthening, p. 88 16.13—Flexural and shear seismic strengthening of shear ZDOOVS CHAPTER 17—REFERENCES, p. 97 $XWKRUHGGRFXPHQWVS APPENDIX A—MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON, GLASS, AND ARAMID FIBERS, p. 105 APPENDIX B—SUMMARY OF STANDARD TEST METHODS, p. 107 APPENDIX C—AREAS OF FUTURE RESEARCH, p. 108 APPENDIX D—METHODOLOGY FOR COMPUTATION OF SIMPLIFIED P-M INTERACTION DIAGRAM FOR NONCIRCULAR COLUMNS, p. 109 CHAPTER 1—INTRODUCTION AND SCOPE 1.1—Introduction 7KH VWUHQJWKHQLQJ RU UHWUR¿WWLQJ RI H[LVWLQJ FRQFUHWH structures to resist higher design loads, correct strength loss GXHWRGHWHULRUDWLRQFRUUHFWGHVLJQRUFRQVWUXFWLRQGH¿FLHQcies, or increase ductility has historically been accomplished XVLQJ FRQYHQWLRQDO PDWHULDOV DQG FRQVWUXFWLRQ WHFKQLTXHV Externally bonded steel plates, steel or concrete jackets, and external post-tensioning are some of the many traditional WHFKQLTXHVDYDLODEOH &RPSRVLWHPDWHULDOVPDGHRI¿EHUVLQDSRO\PHULFUHVLQ DOVR NQRZQ DV ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHUV )53V KDYH emerged as a viable option for repair and rehabilitation. For WKHSXUSRVHVRIWKLVJXLGHDQ)53V\VWHPLVGH¿QHGDVWKH ¿EHUVDQGUHVLQVXVHGWRFUHDWHWKHFRPSRVLWHODPLQDWHDOO applicable resins used to bond it to the concrete substrate, and all applied coatings used to protect the constituent materials. Coatings used exclusively for aesthetic reasons are not considered part of an FRP system. FRP materials are lightweight, noncorroding, and exhibit high tensile strength. These materials are readily available in several forms, ranging from factory-produced pultruded lamiQDWHVWRGU\¿EHUVKHHWVWKDWFDQEHZUDSSHGWRFRQIRUPWRWKH geometry of a structure before adding the polymer resin. The UHODWLYHO\WKLQSUR¿OHVRIFXUHG)53V\VWHPVDUHRIWHQGHVLUable in applications where aesthetics or access is a concern. FRP systems can also be used in areas with limited access ZKHUHWUDGLWLRQDOWHFKQLTXHVZRXOGEHGLI¿FXOWWRLPSOHPHQW The basis for this document is the knowledge gained from a comprehensive review of experimental research, analytical ZRUNDQG¿HOGDSSOLFDWLRQVRI)53VWUHQJWKHQLQJV\VWHPV Areas where further research is needed are highlighted in this document and compiled in Appendix C. 1.1.1 Use of FRP systems—This document refers to FRPPHUFLDOO\ DYDLODEOH )53 V\VWHPV FRQVLVWLQJ RI ¿EHUV 3 DQG UHVLQV FRPELQHG LQ D VSHFL¿F PDQQHU DQG LQVWDOOHG E\ D VSHFL¿F PHWKRG 7KHVH V\VWHPV KDYH EHHQ GHYHORSHG through material characterization and structural testing. 8QWHVWHG FRPELQDWLRQV RI ¿EHUV DQG UHVLQV FRXOG UHVXOW LQ an unexpected range of properties as well as potential material incompatibilities. Any FRP system considered for use VKRXOG KDYH VXI¿FLHQW WHVW GDWD WR GHPRQVWUDWH DGHTXDWH performance of the entire system in similar applications, including its method of installation. ACI 440.8 provides a VSHFL¿FDWLRQIRUXQLGLUHFWLRQDOFDUERQDQGJODVV)53PDWHrials made using the wet layup process. The use of FRP systems developed through material characterization and structural testing, including welldocumented proprietary systems, is recommended. The XVHRIXQWHVWHGFRPELQDWLRQVRI¿EHUVDQGUHVLQVVKRXOGEH avoided. A comprehensive set of test standards and guides for FRP systems has been developed by several organizations, including ASTM, ACI, ICRI, and ICC. 1.1.2 Sustainability—Sustainability of FRP materials may be evaluated considering environmental, economic, and social goals. These should be considered not only throughout the construction phase, but also through the service life of the structure in terms of maintenance and preservation, and for the end-of-life phase. This represents the basis for DOLIHF\FOHDSSURDFKWRVXVWDLQDELOLW\ Menna et al. 2013 /LIH F\FOH DVVHVVPHQW /&$ WDNHV LQWR DFFRXQW WKH HQYLronmental impact of a product, starting with raw material extraction, followed by production, distribution, transportation, installation, use, and end of life. LCA for FRP composites depends on the product and market application, and results vary. FRP composite materials used to strengthen FRQFUHWHHOHPHQWVFDQXVHERWKFDUERQ¿EHUDQGJODVV¿EHU which are derived from fossil fuels or minerals, respectively, and therefore have impacts related to raw material extracWLRQ$OWKRXJKFDUERQDQGJODVV¿EHUVKDYHKLJKHPERGLHG energies associated with production, on the order of 86,000 %WXOE DQG %WXOE DQG P-NJ UHVSHFWLYHO\ +RZDUWKHWDO WKHRYHUDOOZHLJKWSURGXFHGDQGXVHG LV RUGHUV RI PDJQLWXGH ORZHU WKDQ VWHHO KDYLQJ HPERGLHG HQHUJ\ RI %WXOE > P-NJ@ FRQFUHWH %WXOE > P-NJ@ DQG UHLQIRUFLQJ VWHHO %WXOE > P-NJ@ *ULI¿QDQG+VX 7KHHPERGLHGHQHUJ\DQGSRWHQWLDO environmental impact of resin and adhesive systems are less studied, although the volume used is also small in comparison with conventional construction materials. In distribution and transportation, FRP composites’ lower weight leads to less impact from transportation, and easier material handling DOORZV VPDOOHU HTXLSPHQW GXULQJ LQVWDOODWLRQ )RU LQVWDOODtion and use, FRP composites are characterized as having a ORQJHUVHUYLFHOLIHEHFDXVHWKH\DUHPRUHGXUDEOHDQGUHTXLUH less maintenance than conventional materials. The end-oflife options for FRP composites are more complex. Although less than 1 percent of FRP composites are currently recycled, composites can be recycled in many ways, including mechanical grinding, incineration, and FKHPLFDO VHSDUDWLRQ Howarth et al. 2014 ,W LV GLI¿FXOW KRZHYHUWRVHSDUDWHWKHPDWHULDOV¿EHUVDQGUHVLQVZLWKRXW some degradation of the resulting recycled materials. The @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 4 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) market for recycled composite materials is small, although aircraft manufacturers in particular are considering methods and programs to recycle and repurpose composite materials at the end of an aircraft’s life cycle. Apart from the FRP materials and systems, their use in WKH UHSDLU DQG UHWUR¿W RI VWUXFWXUHV WKDW PD\ RWKHUZLVH EH decommissioned or demolished is inherently sustainable. In many cases, FRP composites permit extending the life or enhancing the safety or performance of existing infrastructure at a monetary and environmental cost of only a fracWLRQ RI UHSODFHPHQW$GGLWLRQDOO\ GXH WR WKH KLJK VSHFL¿F strength and stiffness of FRP composites, an FRP-based repair of an existing concrete structure will often represent a less energy-intensive option than a cementitious or metallicbased repair. :LWKLQ WKLV IUDPHZRUN RI VXVWDLQDELOLW\ )53 UHWUR¿W RI H[LVWLQJVWUXFWXUHVPD\OHDGWREHQH¿WVFRQWULEXWLQJWRWKH ORQJHYLW\ DQG VDIHW\ RI UHWUR¿WWHG VWUXFWXUHV 7KXV )53 UHWUR¿WFDQEHUHJDUGHGDVDYLDEOHPHWKRGIRUVXVWDLQDEOH design for strengthening and rehabilitation of existing structures. The environmental advantages of FRP, as evaluated by LCA investigations, have been enumerated by Napolano HWDO , 0ROLQHU6DQWLVWHYHHWDO , Zhang et al. , and 'DV . 1.2—Scope This document provides guidance for the selection, design, and installation of FRP systems for externally strengthening concrete structures. Information on material SURSHUWLHV GHVLJQ LQVWDOODWLRQ TXDOLW\ FRQWURO DQG PDLQtenance of FRP systems used as external reinforcement is presented. This information can be used to select an FRP system for increasing the strength, stiffness, or both, of reinforced concrete beams or the ductility of columns and other applications. $VLJQL¿FDQWERG\RIUHVHDUFKVHUYHVDVWKHEDVLVIRUWKLV JXLGH 7KLV UHVHDUFK FRQGXFWHG VLQFH WKH V LQFOXGHV DQDO\WLFDO VWXGLHV H[SHULPHQWDO ZRUN DQG PRQLWRUHG ¿HOG applications of FRP strengthening systems. Based on the available research, the design procedures outlined herein are considered conservative. The durability and long-term performance of FRP mateULDOV KDV EHHQ WKH VXEMHFW RI PXFK UHVHDUFK KRZHYHU WKLV research remains ongoing. The design guidelines in this guide account for environmental degradation and long-term durability by providing reduction factors for various environments. Long-term fatigue and creep are also addressed by stress limitations indicated in this document. These factors and limitations are considered conservative. As more research becomes available, however, these factors may be PRGL¿HG DQG WKH VSHFL¿F HQYLURQPHQWDO FRQGLWLRQV DQG loading conditions to which they should apply will be better GH¿QHG$GGLWLRQDOO\WKHFRXSOLQJHIIHFWRIHQYLURQPHQWDO FRQGLWLRQV DQG ORDGLQJ FRQGLWLRQV UHTXLUHV IXUWKHU VWXG\ Caution is advised in applications where the FRP system is subjected simultaneously to extreme environmental and stress conditions. The factors associated with the long-term durability of the FRP system may also affect the tensile modulus of elasticity of the material used for design. Many issues regarding bond of the FRP system to the substrate remain the focus of a great deal of research. )RU ERWK ÀH[XUDO DQG VKHDU VWUHQJWKHQLQJ WKHUH DUH PDQ\ different modes of debonding failure that can govern the strength of an FRP-strengthened member. While most of WKH GHERQGLQJ PRGHV KDYH EHHQ LGHQWL¿HG E\ UHVHDUFKHUV more accurate methods of predicting debonding are still QHHGHG7KURXJKRXWWKHGHVLJQSURFHGXUHVVLJQL¿FDQWOLPLWDWLRQVRQWKHVWUDLQDFKLHYHGLQWKH)53PDWHULDO DQGWKXV WKHVWUHVVDFKLHYHG DUHLPSRVHGWRFRQVHUYDWLYHO\DFFRXQW for debonding failure modes. Future development of these design procedures should include more thorough methods of predicting debonding. This document gives guidance on proper detailing and installation of FRP systems to prevent many types of debonding failure modes. Steps related to the surface preparation and proper termination of the FRP system are vital in achieving the levels of strength predicted by the procedures in this document. Research has been conducted on various methods of anchoring FRP strengthening systems, VXFK DV 8ZUDSV PHFKDQLFDO IDVWHQHUV ¿EHU DQFKRUV DQG U-anchors. Because no anchorage design guidelines are currently available, the performance of any anchorage system should be substantiated through representative SK\VLFDOWHVWLQJWKDWLQFOXGHVWKHVSHFL¿FDQFKRUDJHV\VWHP installation procedure, surface preparation, and expected environmental conditions. 7KHGHVLJQHTXDWLRQVJLYHQLQWKLVGRFXPHQWDUHWKHUHVXOW of research primarily conducted on moderately sized and proportioned members fabricated of normalweight concrete. Caution should be given to applications involving strengthening of very large or lightweight concrete members or VWUHQJWKHQLQJLQGLVWXUEHGUHJLRQV 'UHJLRQV RIVWUXFWXUDO members such as deep beams, corbels, and dapped beam HQGV :KHQ ZDUUDQWHG VSHFL¿F OLPLWDWLRQV RQ WKH VL]H RI members and the state of stress are given herein. This guide applies only to FRP strengthening systems used as additional tensile reinforcement. These systems should not be used as compressive reinforcement. While FRP materials can support compressive stresses, there are numerous issues surrounding the use of FRP for compression. MicroEXFNOLQJRI¿EHUVFDQRFFXULIDQ\UHVLQYRLGVDUHSUHVHQWLQ the laminate. Laminates themselves can buckle if not properly adhered or anchored to the substrate, and highly unreOLDEOHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKVUHVXOWIURPPLVDOLJQLQJ¿EHUV LQ WKH ¿HOG7KLV GRFXPHQW GRHV QRW DGGUHVV WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ TXDOLW\ FRQWURO DQG PDLQWHQDQFH LVVXHV WKDW ZRXOG be involved with the use of the material for this purpose, nor does it address the design concerns surrounding such applications. 7KLV GRFXPHQW GRHV QRW VSHFL¿FDOO\ DGGUHVV PDVRQU\ FRQFUHWH PDVRQU\ XQLWV EULFN RU FOD\ WLOH FRQVWUXFWLRQ including masonry walls. Information on the repair of unreinforced masonry using FRP can be found in ACI 440.7R. 1.2.1 Applications and use—FRP systems can be used to rehabilitate or restore the strength of a deteriorated structural @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) PHPEHUUHWUR¿WRUVWUHQJWKHQDVRXQGVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUWR resist increased loads due to changes in use of the structure, or address design or construction errors. The licensed design professional should determine if an FRP system is a suitable VWUHQJWKHQLQJ WHFKQLTXH EHIRUH VHOHFWLQJ WKH W\SH RI )53 system. To assess the suitability of an FRP system for a particular application, the licensed design professional should perform a condition assessment of the existing structure that includes establishing its existing load-carrying capacity, LGHQWLI\LQJ GH¿FLHQFLHV DQG WKHLU FDXVHV DQG GHWHUPLQLQJ the condition of the concrete substrate. The overall evaluaWLRQVKRXOGLQFOXGHDWKRURXJK¿HOGLQVSHFWLRQDUHYLHZRI existing design or as-built documents, and a structural analysis in accordance with ACI 364.1R. Existing construction documents for the structure should be reviewed, including WKH GHVLJQ GUDZLQJV SURMHFW VSHFL¿FDWLRQV DVEXLOW LQIRUPDWLRQ ¿HOG WHVW UHSRUWV SDVW UHSDLU GRFXPHQWDWLRQ DQG maintenance history documentation. The licensed design SURIHVVLRQDO VKRXOG FRQGXFW D WKRURXJK ¿HOG LQYHVWLJDWLRQ of the existing structure in accordance with ACI 437R, ACI 562, $&, 5, and other applicable ACI documents. As D PLQLPXP WKH ¿HOG LQYHVWLJDWLRQ VKRXOG GHWHUPLQH WKH following: D ([LVWLQJGLPHQVLRQVRIWKHVWUXFWXUDOPHPEHUV E /RFDWLRQVL]HDQGFDXVHRIFUDFNVDQGVSDOOV F 4XDQWLW\DQGORFDWLRQRIH[LVWLQJUHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO G /RFDWLRQDQGH[WHQWRIFRUURVLRQRIUHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO H 3UHVHQFHRIDFWLYHFRUURVLRQ I ,QSODFHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKRIFRQFUHWH J 6RXQGQHVV RI WKH FRQFUHWH HVSHFLDOO\ WKH FRQFUHWH cover, in all areas where the FRP system is to be bonded to the concrete The tensile strength of the concrete on surfaces where the FRP system may be installed should be determined by conducting a pull-off adhesion test in accordance with ASTM C1583/C1583M. The in-place compressive strength of concrete should be determined using cores in accordance ZLWK$&, UHTXLUHPHQWV7KH ORDGFDUU\LQJ FDSDFLW\ RI the existing structure should be based on the information JDWKHUHG LQ WKH ¿HOG LQYHVWLJDWLRQ WKH UHYLHZ RI GHVLJQ calculations and drawings, and as determined by analytical methods. Load tests or other methods can be incorporated into the overall evaluation process if deemed appropriate. FRP systems used to increase the strength of an existing member should be designed in accordance with &KDSWHUV through 15, which include a comprehensive discussion of load limitations, rational load paths, effects of temperature and environment on FRP systems, loading considerations, and effects of reinforcing steel corrosion on FRP system integrity. Strengthening limits—In general, to prevent sudden failure of the member in case the FRP system is damaged, strengthening limits are imposed such that the increase in the load-carrying capacity of a member strengthened with an FRP system is limited. The philosophy is that a loss of FRP reinforcement should not cause member failure. 6SHFL¿FJXLGDQFHLQFOXGLQJORDGFRPELQDWLRQVIRUDVVHVVLQJ 5 member integrity after loss of the FRP system, is provided LQ&KDSWHU Fire and life safety—FRP-strengthened strucWXUHV VKRXOG FRPSO\ ZLWK DSSOLFDEOH EXLOGLQJ DQG ¿UH FRGHV6PRNHJHQHUDWLRQDQGÀDPHVSUHDGUDWLQJVLQDFFRUdance with ASTM E84VKRXOGEHVDWLV¿HGIRUWKHLQVWDOODtion according to applicable building codes, depending on WKH FODVVL¿FDWLRQ RI WKH EXLOGLQJ &RDWLQJV Apicella and ,PEURJQR DQG LQVXODWLRQ V\VWHPV Williams et al. 2006 FDQEHXVHGWROLPLWVPRNHDQGÀDPHVSUHDG Because of the degradation of most FRP materials at high temperature, the strength of externally bonded FRP V\VWHPV LV DVVXPHG WR EH ORVW FRPSOHWHO\ LQ D ¿UH XQOHVV it can be demonstrated that the FRP will remain effective IRU WKH UHTXLUHG GXUDWLRQ RI WKH ¿UH7KH ¿UH UHVLVWDQFH RI FRP-strengthened concrete members may be improved through the use of certain resins, coatings, insulation V\VWHPV RU RWKHU PHWKRGV RI ¿UH SURWHFWLRQ Bisby et al. 2005b 6SHFL¿FJXLGDQFHLQFOXGLQJORDGFRPELQDWLRQVDQG DUDWLRQDODSSURDFKWRFDOFXODWLQJVWUXFWXUDO¿UHUHVLVWDQFH is given in . Maximum service temperature—The physical and mechanical properties of the resin components of FRP V\VWHPVDUHLQÀXHQFHGE\WHPSHUDWXUHDQGGHJUDGHDWWHPSHUatures close to or above their glass-transition temperature Tg Bisby et al. 2005b 7KHTg for commercially available, ambient temperature-cured FRP systems typically ranges IURP WR ) WR & 7KH Tg for a particular FRP system can be obtained from the system manufacturer RUWKURXJKWHVWLQJE\G\QDPLFPHFKDQLFDODQDO\VLV '0$ according to ASTM E1640. Reported Tg values should be DFFRPSDQLHG E\ GHVFULSWLRQV RI WKH WHVW FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ VDPSOH SUHSDUDWLRQ FXULQJ FRQGLWLRQV WLPH WHPSHUDWXUH DQG KXPLGLW\ DQG VL]H KHDWLQJ UDWH DQG IUHTXHQF\ XVHG The Tg GH¿QHG E\ WKLV PHWKRG UHSUHVHQWV WKH H[WUDSRODWHG onset temperature for the sigmoidal change in the storage modulus observed in going from a hard and brittle state to a soft and rubbery state of the material under test. This transition occurs over a temperature range of approximately 54°F & FHQWHUHGRQWKHTg. This change in state will adversely affect the mechanical and bond properties of the cured laminates. For a dry environment, it is generally recommended that the anticipated service temperature of an FRP system not exceed Tg±) Tg±& Xian and Karbhari 2007 where Tg is taken as the lowest Tg of the components of the system comprising the load path. This recommendation is for elevated service temperatures such as those found in hot regions or certain industrial environments. In cases where the FRP will be exposed to a moist environment, the wet glass-transition temperature Tgw VKRXOG EH XVHG Luo and Wong 2002 7HVWLQJPD\EHUHTXLUHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHFULWical service temperature for FRP in other environments. The VSHFL¿FFDVHRI¿UHLVGHVFULEHGLQPRUHGHWDLOLQ Minimum concrete substrate strength—FRP systems need to be bonded to a sound concrete substrate and should not be considered for applications on structural members containing corroded reinforcing steel or deteriorated concrete unless the substrate is repaired using @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 6 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) the recommendations in 6.4. Concrete distress, deterioration, and corrosion of existing reinforcing steel should be evaluated and addressed before the application of the FRP system. Concrete deterioration concerns include, but are not limited to, alkali-silica reactions, delayed ettringite formation, carbonation, longitudinal cracking around corroded reinforcing steel, and laminar cracking at the location of the steel reinforcement. The strength of the existing concrete substrate is an important parameter for bond-critical applications, including ÀH[XUHRUVKHDUVWUHQJWKHQLQJ7KHVXEVWUDWHVKRXOGSRVVHVV the necessary strength to develop the design stresses of the FRP system through bond. The substrate, including all bond surfaces between repaired areas and the original concrete, VKRXOG KDYH VXI¿FLHQW GLUHFW WHQVLOH DQG VKHDU VWUHQJWK WR transfer force to the FRP system. For bond-critical appliFDWLRQVWKHWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKVKRXOGEHDWOHDVWSVL 03D GHWHUPLQHGE\XVLQJDSXOORIIW\SHDGKHVLRQWHVWSHU ICRI 210.3R or ASTM C1583/C1583M. FRP systems should not be used when the concrete substrate has a compressive strength fcƍ OHVV WKDQ SVL 03D &RQWDFWFULWLFDO DSSOLFDWLRQVVXFKDVFROXPQZUDSSLQJIRUFRQ¿QHPHQWWKDW rely only on intimate contact between the FRP system and the concrete, are not governed by these minimum values. Design stresses in the FRP system are developed by deformation or dilation of the concrete section in contact-critical applications. The application of FRP systems will not stop the ongoing FRUURVLRQ RI H[LVWLQJ UHLQIRUFLQJ VWHHO El-Maaddawy et al. 2006 ,I VWHHO FRUURVLRQ LV HYLGHQW RU LV GHJUDGLQJ WKH concrete substrate, placement of FRP reinforcement is not recommended without arresting the ongoing corrosion and repairing any degradation of the substrate. CHAPTER 2—NOTATION AND DEFINITIONS 2.1—Notation Ac = cross-sectional area of concrete in compression member, in.2 PP2 Acw = area of concrete section of individual vertical wall, in.2 PP2 Ae FURVVVHFWLRQDODUHDRIHIIHFWLYHO\FRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWH section, in.2 PP2 Af = area of FRP external reinforcement, in.2 PP2 Afanchor = area of transverse FRP U-wrap for anchorage of ÀH[XUDO)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ2 PP2 Afv = area of FRP shear reinforcement with spacing s, in.2 PP2 Ag = gross area of concrete section, in.2 PP2 Ap = area of prestressed reinforcement in tension zone, in.2 PP2 As = area of nonprestressed steel reinforcement, in.2 PP2 Asc = area of the longitudinal reinforcement within a distance of wf in the compression region, in.2 PP2 Asi = area of i-th layer of longitudinal steel reinforcement, in.2 PP2 Ast = total area of longitudinal reinforcement, in.2 PP2 Asw = a ab = b = bb = bw CE = Csc = c cy D = d dƍ dƍƍ dEƐ df dfv = di = dp E2 = Ec Ef Eps = Es es = em = fc fcƍ fccƍ fcoƍ fc,s = ff area of longitudinal reinforcement in the central area of the wall, in.2 PP2 GHSWK RI WKH HTXLYDOHQW FRQFUHWH FRPSUHVVLRQ EORFNLQ PP smaller cross-sectional dimension for rectangular )53EDUVLQ PP ZLGWKRIFRPSUHVVLRQIDFHRIPHPEHULQ PP short side dimension of compression member of SULVPDWLFFURVVVHFWLRQLQ PP larger cross-sectional dimension for rectangular )53EDUVLQ PP ZHEZLGWKRUGLDPHWHURIFLUFXODUVHFWLRQLQ PP environmental reduction factor compressive force in AscOE 1 GLVWDQFH IURP H[WUHPH FRPSUHVVLRQ ¿EHU WR WKH QHXWUDOD[LVLQ PP GLVWDQFH IURP H[WUHPH FRPSUHVVLRQ ¿EHU WR WKH QHXWUDOD[LVDWVWHHO\LHOGLQJLQ PP diameter of compression member for circular cross VHFWLRQVRUGLDJRQDOGLVWDQFHHTXDOWR b 2 + h 2 for SULVPDWLF FURVV VHFWLRQ GLDPHWHU RI HTXLYDOHQW FLUFXODUFROXPQ LQ PP GLVWDQFHIURPH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRFHQWURLG RIWHQVLRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ PP GLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKH center of AscLQ PP GLVWDQFHIURPWKHH[WUHPHWHQVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHFHQWHU of AstLQ PP GLDPHWHU RI ORQJLWXGLQDO VWHHO LQ FRQ¿QHG SODVWLF KLQJHLQ PP HIIHFWLYH GHSWK RI )53 ÀH[XUDO UHLQIRUFHPHQW LQ PP effective depth of FRP shear reinforcement, in. PP distance from centroid of i-th layer of longitudinal steel reinforcement to geometric centroid of cross VHFWLRQLQ PP GLVWDQFHIURPH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRFHQWURLG RISUHVWUHVVHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQ PP slope of linear portion of stress-strain model for )53FRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHSVL 03D PRGXOXVRIHODVWLFLW\RIFRQFUHWHSVL 03D WHQVLOHPRGXOXVRIHODVWLFLW\RI)53SVL 03D modulus of elasticity of prestressing steel, psi 03D PRGXOXVRIHODVWLFLW\RIVWHHOSVL 03D eccentricity of prestressing steel with respect to FHQWURLGDOD[LVRIPHPEHUDWVXSSRUWLQ PP eccentricity of prestressing steel with respect to FHQWURLGDOD[LVRIPHPEHUDWPLGVSDQLQ PP FRPSUHVVLYHVWUHVVLQFRQFUHWHSVL 03D VSHFL¿HGFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKRIFRQFUHWHSVL 03D FRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKRIFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHSVL 03D FRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKRIXQFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHDOVR HTXDOWRfcƍSVL 03D compressive stress in concrete at service condition, SVL 03D VWUHVVLQ)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWSVL 03D @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) ffd = ffe ff,s = ffu ffu* = fl fps = fps,s = fpu fs = fsc = fsi = fs,s = fst = fsw = fy g = h = hf hw = Icr = Itr = K = k1 k2 kf = Le Lp Lw Ɛdb = design stress of externally bonded FRP reinforcePHQWSVL 03D HIIHFWLYHVWUHVVLQWKH)53VWUHVVDWWDLQHGDWVHFWLRQ IDLOXUHSVL 03D stress in FRP caused by a moment within elastic UDQJHRIPHPEHUSVL 03D GHVLJQXOWLPDWHWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKRI)53SVL 03D ultimate tensile strength of the FRP material as UHSRUWHGE\WKHPDQXIDFWXUHUSVL 03D PD[LPXPFRQ¿QLQJSUHVVXUHGXHWR)53MDFNHWSVL 03D stress in prestressed reinforcement at nominal VWUHQJWKSVL 03D stress in prestressed reinforcement at service load, SVL 03D VSHFL¿HG WHQVLOH VWUHQJWK RI SUHVWUHVVLQJ WHQGRQV SVL 03D stress in nonprestressed steel reinforcement, psi 03D stress in the longitudinal reinforcement corresponding to AscSVL 03D stress in the i-th layer of longitudinal steel reinIRUFHPHQWSVL 03D stress in nonprestressed steel reinforcement at VHUYLFHORDGVSVL 03D stress in the longitudinal reinforcement corresponding to AstSVL 03D stress in the longitudinal reinforcement corresponding to AswSVL 03D VSHFL¿HG \LHOG VWUHQJWK RI QRQSUHVWUHVVHG VWHHO UHLQIRUFHPHQWSVL 03D clear gap between the FRP jacket and adjacent PHPEHUVLQ PP RYHUDOOWKLFNQHVVRUKHLJKWRIDPHPEHULQ PP long side cross-sectional dimension of rectangular FRPSUHVVLRQPHPEHULQ PP PHPEHUÀDQJHWKLFNQHVVLQ PP height of entire wall from base to top, or clear height of wall segment or wall pier considered, in. PP moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete, in.4 PP4 moment of inertia of uncracked section transformed to concrete, in.4 PP4 ratio of depth of neutral axis to reinforcement depth PHDVXUHGIURPH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHU PRGL¿FDWLRQ IDFWRU DSSOLHG WR țv to account for concrete strength PRGL¿FDWLRQ IDFWRU DSSOLHG WR țv to account for wrapping scheme stiffness per unit width per ply of the FRP reinIRUFHPHQWOELQ 1PP kf = Eftf DFWLYHERQGOHQJWKRI)53ODPLQDWHLQ PP SODVWLFKLQJHOHQJWKLQ PP OHQJWKRIWKHVKHDUZDOOLQ PP development length of near-surface-mounted FRP EDULQ PP Ɛd,E = Ɛdf Ɛo = Ɛprov Mcr Mn Mnf Mnp = Mns Ms Msnet= M u N = nf = ns = Pe Pn = Pu p fu = pfu* = Rn = Rnࢥ = R rc SDL = SLL = sf Tf T g Tgw Tps Tst = Tsw = tf = tw = Vc = Ve = Vf = 7 length over which the FRP anchorage wraps are SURYLGHGLQ PP GHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKRI)53V\VWHPLQ PP length, measured along the member axis from the face of the joint, over which special transverse reinIRUFHPHQWPXVWEHSURYLGHGLQ PP OHQJWKRIVWHHOODSVSOLFHLQ PP FUDFNLQJPRPHQWLQOE 1PP QRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLQOE 1PP FRQWULEXWLRQRI)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWWRQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKOELQ 1PP contribution of prestressing reinforcement to QRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKOELQ 1PP FRQWULEXWLRQRIVWHHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWWRQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKOELQ 1PP VHUYLFHPRPHQWDWVHFWLRQLQOE 1PP service moment at section beyond decompression, LQOE 1PP IDFWRUHGPRPHQWDWDVHFWLRQLQOE 1PP number of plies of FRP reinforcement modular ratio of elasticity between FRP and concrete = Ef/Ec modular ratio of elasticity between steel and concrete = Es/Ec HIIHFWLYHIRUFHLQSUHVWUHVVLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQW DIWHU DOORZDQFHIRUDOOSUHVWUHVVORVVHV OE 1 nominal axial compressive strength of a concrete VHFWLRQOE 1 IDFWRUHGD[LDOORDGOE 1 mean tensile strength per unit width per ply of FRP UHLQIRUFHPHQWOELQ 1PP ultimate tensile strength per unit width per ply of )53UHLQIRUFHPHQWOELQ 1PP pfu* = ffu*tf nominal strength of a member nominal strength of a member subjected to elevated WHPSHUDWXUHVDVVRFLDWHGZLWKD¿UH UDGLXVRIJ\UDWLRQRIDVHFWLRQLQ PP UDGLXVRIHGJHVRIDSULVPDWLFFURVVVHFWLRQFRQ¿QHG ZLWK)53LQ PP dead load effects live load effects FHQWHUWRFHQWHUVSDFLQJRI)53VWULSVLQ PP WHQVLOHIRUFHLQ)53OE 1 JODVVWUDQVLWLRQWHPSHUDWXUH) & ZHWJODVVWUDQVLWLRQWHPSHUDWXUH) & WHQVLOHIRUFHLQSUHVWUHVVLQJVWHHOOE 1 tensile force in AstOE 1 tensile force in AswOE 1 nominal thickness of one ply of FRP reinforcement, LQ PP thickness of the existing concrete shear wall, in. PP nominal shear strength provided by concrete with VWHHOÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWOE 1 design shear force for load combinations including HDUWKTXDNHHIIHFWVOE 1 nominal shear strength provided by FRP stirrups, OE 1 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 8 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Vn QRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWKOE 1 Vn* VKHDUVWUHQJWKRIH[LVWLQJPHPEHUOE 1 Vs = nominal shear strength provided by steel stirrups, OE 1 wf ZLGWKRI)53UHLQIRUFLQJSOLHVLQ PP yb = distance from centroidal axis of gross section, QHJOHFWLQJUHLQIRUFHPHQWWRH[WUHPHERWWRP¿EHU LQLQ PPPP yt = vertical coordinate within compression region measured from neutral axis position. It corresponds WRWUDQVLWLRQVWUDLQİtƍLQ PP Į DQJOHRIDSSOLFDWLRQRISULPDU\)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW direction relative to longitudinal axis of member Į1 = multiplier on fcƍWRGHWHUPLQHLQWHQVLW\RIDQHTXLYDlent rectangular stress distribution for concrete ĮL ORQJLWXGLQDO FRHI¿FLHQW RI WKHUPDO H[SDQVLRQ LQ LQ) PPPP& ĮT WUDQVYHUVH FRHI¿FLHQW RI WKHUPDO H[SDQVLRQ LQ LQ) PPPP& ȕ1 UDWLRRIGHSWKRIHTXLYDOHQWUHFWDQJXODUVWUHVVEORFN to depth of the neutral axis İb = strain in concrete substrate developed by a given EHQGLQJPRPHQW WHQVLRQLVSRVLWLYH LQLQ PP PP İbi = strain in concrete substrate at time of FRP installaWLRQ WHQVLRQLVSRVLWLYH LQLQ PPPP İc VWUDLQLQFRQFUHWHLQLQ PPPP İcƍ FRPSUHVVLYH VWUDLQ RI XQFRQ¿QHG FRQFUHWH FRUUHsponding to fcƍLQLQ PPPP PD\EHWDNHQDV 0.002 İccu XOWLPDWH D[LDO FRPSUHVVLYH VWUDLQ RI FRQ¿QHG concrete corresponding to 0.85fccƍ LQ D OLJKWO\ FRQ¿QHG PHPEHU PHPEHU FRQ¿QHG WR UHVWRUH LWV FRQFUHWHGHVLJQFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK RUXOWLPDWH D[LDOFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQRIFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRIDLOXUHLQDKHDYLO\FRQ¿QHGPHPEHU İc,s VWUDLQLQFRQFUHWHDWVHUYLFHLQLQ PPPP İct = concrete tensile strain at level of tensile force resulWDQW LQ SRVWWHQVLRQHG ÀH[XUDO PHPEHUV LQLQ PPPP İcu XOWLPDWHD[LDOVWUDLQRIXQFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHFRUUHsponding to 0.85fcoƍ RU PD[LPXP XVDEOH VWUDLQ RI XQFRQ¿QHG FRQFUHWH LQLQ PPPP ZKLFK FDQ occur at fc = 0.85fcƍRUİc = 0.003, depending on the obtained stress-strain curve VWUDLQLQWKH)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWLQLQ PPPP İf İfd = debonding strain of externally bonded FRP reinIRUFHPHQWLQLQ PPPP İfe = effective strain in FRP reinforcement attained at IDLOXUHLQLQ PPPP İfu = design rupture strain of FRP reinforcement, in./in. PPPP ε fu = mean rupture strain of FRP reinforcement based on a population of 20 or more tensile tests per ASTM ''0LQLQ PPPP İfu* = ultimate rupture strain of FRP reinforcement, in./in. PPPP İpe = İpi = İpnet İpnet,s= İps = İps,s = İs = İsy = İt = İtƍ ࢥ ࢥ D ࢥy,frp ța țb țv țİ șp ȡf ȡg = = = ȡl ȡs ı IJb = = = ȥe = ȥf = ȥs = ȥt = effective strain in prestressing steel after losses, in./ LQ PPPP initial strain in prestressed steel reinforcement, in./ LQ PPPP QHW VWUDLQ LQ ÀH[XUDO SUHVWUHVVLQJ VWHHO DW OLPLW VWDWHDIWHUSUHVWUHVVIRUFHLVGLVFRXQWHG H[FOXGLQJ VWUDLQVGXHWRHIIHFWLYHSUHVWUHVVIRUFHDIWHUORVVHV LQLQ PPPP net strain in prestressing steel beyond decompresVLRQDWVHUYLFHLQLQ PPPP strain in prestressed reinforcement at nominal VWUHQJWKLQLQ PPPP strain in prestressing steel at service load, in./in. PPPP strain in nonprestessed steel reinforcement, in./in. PPPP strain corresponding to yield strength of nonpreVWUHVVHGVWHHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWLQLQ PPPP net tensile strain in extreme tension steel at nominal VWUHQJWKLQLQ PPPP WUDQVLWLRQ VWUDLQ LQ VWUHVVVWUDLQ FXUYH RI )53 FRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHLQLQ PPPP VWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRU GHVLJQFXUYDWXUHIRUDFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHVHFWLRQ FXUYDWXUH RI WKH )53 FRQ¿QHG VHFWLRQ DW VWHHO yielding HI¿FLHQF\IDFWRUIRU)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWLQGHWHUPLnation of fccƍ EDVHGRQJHRPHWU\RIFURVVVHFWLRQ HI¿FLHQF\IDFWRUIRU)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWLQGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIİccu EDVHGRQJHRPHWU\RIFURVVVHFWLRQ ERQGGHSHQGHQWFRHI¿FLHQWIRUVKHDU HI¿FLHQF\ IDFWRU HTXDO WR IRU )53 VWUDLQ WR account for the difference between observed rupture VWUDLQLQFRQ¿QHPHQWDQGUXSWXUHVWUDLQGHWHUPLQHG from tensile tests plastic hinge rotation demand FRP reinforcement ratio ratio of area of longitudinal steel reinforcement to FURVVVHFWLRQDODUHDRIDFRPSUHVVLRQPHPEHU As/bh longitudinal reinforcement ratio ratio of nonprestressed reinforcement VWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQ average bond strength for near-surface-mounted )53EDUVSVL 03D factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement coating FRP strength reduction factor IRUÀH[XUH FDOLEUDWHGEDVHGRQGHVLJQPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHV IRU VKHDU EDVHG RQ UHOLDELOLW\ DQDO\VLV IRU three-sided FRP U-wrap or two sided strengthening schemes IRUVKHDUIXOO\ZUDSSHGVHFWLRQV factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement size factor used to modify development length based on reinforcement location @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 2.2—Definitions $&,SURYLGHVDFRPSUHKHQVLYHOLVWRIGH¿QLWLRQVWKURXJK an online resource, “ACI Concrete Terminology,” https:// www.concrete.org/store/productdetail.aspx?ItemID=CT13. 'H¿QLWLRQVSURYLGHGKHUHLQFRPSOHPHQWWKDWVRXUFH DUDPLG ¿EHU²¿EHU LQ ZKLFK FKDLQV RI DURPDWLF SRO\DPLGHPROHFXOHVDUHRULHQWHGDORQJWKH¿EHUD[LVWRH[SORLW the strength of the chemical bond. DUDPLG ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU—composite material FRPSULVLQJ D SRO\PHU PDWUL[ UHLQIRUFHG ZLWK DUDPLG ¿EHU cloth, mat, or strands. FDUERQ¿EHU²¿EHUSURGXFHGE\KHDWLQJRUJDQLFSUHFXUVRU materials containing a substantial amount of carbon, such as rayon, polyacrylonitrile, or pitch in an inert environment. FDUERQ ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU—composite material FRPSULVLQJ D SRO\PHU PDWUL[ UHLQIRUFHG ZLWK FDUERQ ¿EHU cloth, mat, or strands. FDWDO\VW—substance that accelerates a chemical reaction and enables it to proceed under conditions more mild WKDQRWKHUZLVHUHTXLUHGDQGWKDWLVQRWLWVHOISHUPDQHQWO\ changed by the reaction. FRQWDFWFULWLFDO DSSOLFDWLRQ—strengthening or repair system that relies on load transfer from the substrate to the system material achieved through contact or bearing at the interface. FUHHS UXSWXUH—breakage of a material under sustained loading at stresses less than the tensile strength. FURVVOLQNLQJ—formation of covalent bonds linking one polymer molecule to another. (JODVV²IDPLO\ RI JODVV ¿EHUV XVHG LQ UHLQIRUFHG SRO\mers with a calcium alumina borosilicate composition and a maximum alkali content of 2.0 percent. IDEULF—two-dimensional network of woven, nonwoven, NQLWWHGRUVWLWFKHG¿EHUV\DUQVRUWRZV ¿EHUFRQWHQW²WKHDPRXQWRI¿EHUSUHVHQWLQDFRPSRVLWH expressed as a percentage volume fraction or mass fraction of the composite. ¿EHUÀ\²VKRUW¿ODPHQWVWKDWEUHDNRIIGU\¿EHUWRZVRU yarns during handling and become airborne. ¿UHUHWDUGDQW—additive to the resin or a surface coating used to reduce the tendency of a resin to burn. ¿EHU YROXPH IUDFWLRQ²UDWLR RI WKH YROXPH RI ¿EHUV WR WKHYROXPHRIWKHFRPSRVLWHFRQWDLQLQJWKH¿EHUV IXOOFXUH—period at which components of a thermosetting UHVLQKDYHUHDFWHGVXI¿FLHQWO\IRUWKHUHVLQWRSURGXFHVSHFL¿HGSURSHUWLHV JODVV ¿EHU²¿ODPHQW GUDZQ IURP DQ LQRUJDQLF IXVLRQ typically comprising silica-based material that has cooled without crystallizing. JODVV ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU—composite material FRPSULVLQJ D SRO\PHU PDWUL[ UHLQIRUFHG ZLWK JODVV ¿EHU cloth, mat, or strands. JODVVWUDQVLWLRQ WHPSHUDWXUH—representative temperature of the temperature range over which an amorphous PDWHULDO VXFKDVJODVVRUDKLJKSRO\PHU FKDQJHVIURP RU WR DEULWWOHYLWUHRXVVWDWHWR RUIURP DSODVWLFVWDWH LPSUHJQDWH²WRVDWXUDWH¿EHUVZLWKUHVLQRUELQGHU 9 initiator—chemical used to start the curing process for unsaturated polyester and vinyl ester resins. interlaminar shear—force tending to produce a relative displacement along the plane of the interface between two laminae. LQWXPHVFHQW FRDWLQJ—covering that swells, increasing YROXPH DQG GHFUHDVLQJ GHQVLW\ ZKHQ H[SRVHG WR ¿UH LPSDUWLQJDGHJUHHRISDVVLYH¿UHSURWHFWLRQ lamina²VLQJOHOD\HURI¿EHUUHLQIRUFHPHQW laminate—multiple plies or lamina molded together. OD\XS—process of placing reinforcing material and resin system in position for molding. monomer—organic molecule of low molecular weight that creates a solid polymer by reacting with itself or other compounds of low molecular weight. SKHQROLF UHVLQ—thermosetting resin produced by the condensation reaction of an aromatic alcohol with an aldeK\GH XVXDOO\DSKHQROZLWKIRUPDOGHK\GH SLWFK—viscid substance obtained as a residue of petroleum or coal tar for use as a precursor in the manufacture of VRPHFDUERQ¿EHUV SRO\DFU\ORQLWULOH²synthetic semi-chrystalline organic SRO\PHUEDVHGPDWHULDOWKDWLVVSXQLQWRD¿EHUIRUPIRUXVH DVDSUHFXUVRULQWKHPDQXIDFWXUHURIVRPHFDUERQ¿EHUV SRO\HVWHU—one of a large group of synthetic resins, mainly produced by reaction of dibasic acids with dihydroxy alcohols. SRVWFXULQJ—application of elevated temperature to material containing thermosetting resin to increase the degree of SRO\PHUFURVVOLQNLQJDQGHQKDQFHWKH¿QDOPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHV SUHSUHJ—sheet of fabric or mat preimpregnated with UHVLQ RU ELQGHU WKDW LV SDUWLDOO\ FXUHG DQG UHDG\ IRU ¿QDO forming and curing. SXOWUXVLRQ²FRQWLQXRXVSURFHVVIRUPDQXIDFWXULQJ¿EHU reinforced polymer composites in which resin-impregnated ¿EHU UHLQIRUFHPHQWV URYLQJ RU PDWV DUH SXOOHG WKURXJK D shaping and curing die to produce composites with uniform cross sections. SXWW\—thickened polymer-based resin used to prepare the concrete substrate. UHVLQ FRQWHQW²DPRXQW RI UHVLQ LQ D ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG polymer composite laminate, expressed as either a percentage of total mass or total volume. URYLQJ—parallel bundle of continuous yarns, tows, or ¿EHUVZLWKOLWWOHRUQRWZLVW saturating resins (or saturants)—polymer-based resin XVHGWRLPSUHJQDWHWKHUHLQIRUFLQJ¿EHUV¿[WKHPLQSODFH DQGWUDQVIHUORDGEHWZHHQ¿EHUV VKHOI OLIH²length of time packaged materials can be VWRUHGXQGHUVSHFL¿HGFRQGLWLRQVDQGUHPDLQXVDEOH sizing²VXUIDFH WUHDWPHQW DSSOLHG WR ¿ODPHQWV WR LPSDUW desired processing, durability, and bond attributes. storage modulus—measure of the stored energy in a viscoelastic material undergoing cyclic deformation during dynamic mechanical analysis. tow²XQWZLVWHGEXQGOHRIFRQWLQXRXV¿ODPHQWV YLQ\OHVWHUUHVLQ²thermosetting reaction product of epoxy UHVLQZLWKDSRO\PHUL]DEOHXQVDWXUDWHGDFLG XVXDOO\PHWK- @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 10 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) DFU\OLF DFLG WKDW LV WKHQ GLOXWHG ZLWK D UHDFWLYH PRQRPHU XVXDOO\VW\UHQH YRODWLOH RUJDQLF FRPSRXQG—organic compound that vaporizes under normal atmospheric conditions. ZHWOD\XS²PDQXIDFWXULQJSURFHVVZKHUHGU\IDEULF¿EHU reinforcement is impregnated on site with a saturating resin matrix and then cured in place. ZHWRXW—process of coating or impregnating roving, \DUQRUIDEULFWR¿OOWKHYRLGVEHWZHHQWKHVWUDQGVDQG¿ODPHQWVZLWKUHVLQLWLVDOVRWKHFRQGLWLRQDWZKLFKWKLVVWDWH is achieved. ZLWQHVV SDQHO—small mockup manufactured under FRQGLWLRQV UHSUHVHQWDWLYH RI ¿HOG DSSOLFDWLRQ WR FRQ¿UP WKDWSUHVFULEHGSURFHGXUHVDQGPDWHULDOVZLOO\LHOGVSHFL¿HG mechanical and physical properties. yarn²WZLVWHGEXQGOHRIFRQWLQXRXV¿ODPHQWV CHAPTER 3—BACKGROUND INFORMATION ([WHUQDOO\ ERQGHG ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU )53 V\VWHPV KDYH EHHQ XVHG WR VWUHQJWKHQ DQG UHWUR¿W H[LVWLQJ FRQFUHWH VWUXFWXUHV DURXQG WKH ZRUOG VLQFH WKH PLGV The number of projects using FRP systems worldwide has LQFUHDVHG GUDPDWLFDOO\ IURP D IHZ LQ WKH V WR PDQ\ thousands today. Structural elements strengthened with externally bonded FRP systems include beams, slabs, columns, walls, joints/connections, chimneys and smokestacks, vaults, domes, tunnels, silos, pipes, and trusses. Externally bonded FRP systems have also been used to strengthen masonry, timber, steel, and cast-iron structures. Externally bonded FRP systems were developed as alternaWLYHV WR WUDGLWLRQDO H[WHUQDO UHLQIRUFLQJ WHFKQLTXHV VXFK DV steel plate bonding and steel or concrete column jacketing. The initial development of externally bonded FRP systems IRUWKHUHWUR¿WRIFRQFUHWHVWUXFWXUHVRFFXUUHGLQWKHV in Europe and Japan. 3.1—Historical development In Europe, FRP systems were developed as alternates to steel plate bonding. Bonding steel plates to the tension zones of concrete members with adhesive resins was shown to be DYLDEOHWHFKQLTXHIRULQFUHDVLQJÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK Fleming DQG.LQJ 7KLVWHFKQLTXHKDVEHHQXVHGWRVWUHQJWKHQ many bridges and buildings around the world. Because steel plates can corrode, leading to a deterioration of the bond EHWZHHQWKHVWHHODQGFRQFUHWHDQGEHFDXVHWKH\DUHGLI¿FXOW WRLQVWDOOUHTXLULQJWKHXVHRIKHDY\HTXLSPHQWUHVHDUFKHUV looked to FRP materials as an alternative to steel. ExperiPHQWDO ZRUN XVLQJ )53 PDWHULDOV IRU UHWUR¿WWLQJ FRQFUHWH VWUXFWXUHVZDVUHSRUWHGDVHDUO\DVLQ*HUPDQ\ Wolf DQG0LHVVOHU 5HVHDUFKLQ6ZLW]HUODQGOHGWRWKH¿UVW applications of externally bonded FRP systems to reinforced FRQFUHWH EULGJHV IRU ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWKHQLQJ 0HLHU 5RVWDV\ )53V\VWHPVZHUH¿UVWDSSOLHGWRUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFROXPQV IRU SURYLGLQJ DGGLWLRQDO FRQ¿QHPHQW LQ -DSDQ LQ WKH V )DUGLV DQG .KDOLOL .DWVXPDWD HW DO $ VXGGHQ increase in the use of FRPs in Japan was observed following WKH+\RJRNHQ1DQEXHDUWKTXDNH 1DQQL Researchers in the United States have had a continuous LQWHUHVWLQ¿EHUEDVHGUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUFRQFUHWHVWUXFWXUHV VLQFHWKHV'HYHORSPHQWDQGUHVHDUFKLQWRWKHXVHRI WKHVHPDWHULDOVIRUUHWUR¿WWLQJFRQFUHWHVWUXFWXUHVKRZHYHU VWDUWHG LQ WKH V WKURXJK WKH LQLWLDWLYHV RI WKH 1DWLRQDO 6FLHQFH )RXQGDWLRQ 16) DQG WKH )HGHUDO +LJKZD\ $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ )+:$ 7KH UHVHDUFK DFWLYLWLHV OHG WR WKH FRQVWUXFWLRQ RI PDQ\ ¿HOG SURMHFWV WKDW HQFRPSDVVHG D wide variety of environmental conditions. Previous research DQG ¿HOG DSSOLFDWLRQV IRU )53 UHKDELOLWDWLRQ DQG VWUHQJWKening are described in ACI 440R and conference proceedings, including those of the Fiber Reinforced Polymers for 5HLQIRUFHG &RQFUHWH 6WUXFWXUHV )535&6 &RPSRVLWHV LQ &LYLO(QJLQHHULQJ &,&( DQG&RQIHUHQFHRQ'XUDELOLW\RI &RPSRVLWHVIRU&RQVWUXFWLRQ &'&& VHULHV The development of codes and standards for externally bonded FRP systems is ongoing in Europe, Japan, Canada, DQGWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV7KH¿UVWSXEOLVKHGFRGHVDQGVWDQGDUGV DSSHDUHGLQ-DSDQ Japan Society of Civil Engineers 2001 DQG(XURSH International Federation for Structural Concrete 2001 ,Q WKH 8QLWHG 6WDWHVACI 440.8, ICC AC125, and 1&+535HSRUW Zureick et al. 2010 SURYLGHFULWHULDIRU evaluating FRP systems. 3.2—Commercially available externally bonded FRP systems FRP systems come in a variety of forms, including wet layup systems and precured systems. FRP system forms can be categorized based on how they are delivered to the site and installed. The FRP system and its form should be selected based on the acceptable transfer of structural loads and the ease and simplicity of application. Common FRP system forms suitable for the strengthening of structural members are listed in 3.2.1 through 3.2.4. 3.2.1 Wet layup systems—Wet layup FRP systems consist RIGU\XQLGLUHFWLRQDORUPXOWLGLUHFWLRQDO¿EHUVKHHWVRUIDEULFV impregnated with a saturating resin on site. The saturating resin, along with the compatible primer and putty, bonds the FRP sheets to the concrete surface. Wet layup systems are saturated on site and cured in place and, in this sense, are analogous to cast-in-place concrete. Three common types of wet layup systems are listed as follows: 'U\ XQLGLUHFWLRQDO ¿EHU VKHHWV ZKHUH WKH ¿EHUV UXQ predominantly in one planar direction. ACI 440.8 provides VSHFL¿FDWLRQV IRU XQLGLUHFWLRQDO FDUERQ ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU &)53 DQGJODVV¿EHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU *)53 wet layup systems. 'U\ PXOWLGLUHFWLRQDO ¿EHU VKHHWV RU IDEULFV ZKHUH WKH ¿EHUVDUHRULHQWHGLQDWOHDVWWZRSODQDUGLUHFWLRQV 'U\ ¿EHU WRZV WKDW DUH ZRXQG RU RWKHUZLVH PHFKDQLFDOO\DSSOLHGWRWKHFRQFUHWHVXUIDFH7KHGU\¿EHUWRZVDUH impregnated with resin on site during the winding operation. 3.2.2 Prepreg systems—Prepreg FRP systems consist of SDUWLDOO\FXUHGXQLGLUHFWLRQDORUPXOWLGLUHFWLRQDO¿EHUVKHHWV or fabrics that are preimpregnated with a saturating resin in the manufacturer’s facility. Prepreg systems are bonded to the concrete surface with or without an additional resin DSSOLFDWLRQ GHSHQGLQJ RQ VSHFL¿F V\VWHP UHTXLUHPHQWV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Prepreg systems are saturated off site and, like wet layup V\VWHPV FXUHG LQ SODFH 3UHSUHJ V\VWHPV XVXDOO\ UHTXLUH additional heating for curing. Prepreg system manufacturers should be consulted for storage and shelf-life recommendations and curing procedures. Three common types of prepreg FRP systems are: 3UHLPSUHJQDWHG XQLGLUHFWLRQDO ¿EHU VKHHWV ZKHUH WKH ¿EHUVUXQSUHGRPLQDQWO\LQRQHSODQDUGLUHFWLRQ 3UHLPSUHJQDWHGPXOWLGLUHFWLRQDO¿EHUVKHHWVRUIDEULFV ZKHUHWKH¿EHUVDUHRULHQWHGLQDWOHDVWWZRSODQDUGLUHFWLRQV 3UHLPSUHJQDWHG¿EHUWRZVWKDWDUHZRXQGRURWKHUZLVH mechanically applied to the concrete surface 3.2.3 Precured systems—Precured FRP systems consist of a wide variety of composite shapes manufactured off site. Typically, an adhesive, along with the primer and putty, is used to bond the precured shapes to the concrete surface. The system manufacturer should be consulted for recommended installation procedures. Precured systems are analogous to precast concrete. Three common types of precured systems are: 1. Precured unidirectional laminate sheets typically delivHUHGWRWKHVLWHLQWKHIRUPRIODUJHÀDWVWRFNRUDVWKLQULEERQ strips coiled on a roll 2. Precured multidirectional grids, typically delivered to the site coiled on a roll 3. Precured shells, typically delivered to the site in the form of shell segments cut longitudinally so they can EH RSHQHG DQG ¿WWHG DURXQG FROXPQV RU RWKHU PHPEHUV multiple shell layers are bonded to the concrete and to each RWKHUWRSURYLGHFRQ¿QHPHQW 3.2.4 Near-surface-mounted (NSM) systems—Surfaceembedded NSM FRP systems consist of circular or rectangular bars or plates installed and bonded into grooves made on the concrete surface. A suitable adhesive is used to bond the FRP bar into the groove, and is cured in-place. The NSM system manufacturer should be consulted for recommended adhesives. Two common FRP bar types used for NSM applications are: 1. Round bars usually manufactured using pultrusion processes, typically delivered to the site in the form of single bars or in a roll, depending on bar diameter 2. Rectangular bars and plates usually manufactured using pultrusion processes, typically delivered to the site in a roll CHAPTER 4—CONSTITUENT MATERIALS AND PROPERTIES 7KHSK\VLFDODQGPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVRI¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU )53 PDWHULDOV SUHVHQWHG LQ WKLV FKDSWHU H[SODLQ the behavior and properties affecting their use in concrete structures. The effects of factors such as loading history and duration, temperature, and moisture on the properties of FRP are discussed. FRP strengthening systems come in a variety of forms ZHW OD\XS SUHSUHJ DQG SUHFXUHG )DFWRUV VXFK DV ¿EHU YROXPH W\SH RI ¿EHU W\SH RI UHVLQ ¿EHU RULHQWDWLRQ GLPHQVLRQDO HIIHFWV DQG TXDOLW\ FRQWURO GXULQJ PDQXIDFturing all play a role in establishing the characteristics of an FRP material. The material characteristics described in 11 this chapter are generic and do not apply to all commercially available products. Standard test methods are available to FKDUDFWHUL]H FHUWDLQ )53 SURGXFWV UHIHU WR Appendix B ACI 440.8SURYLGHVDVSHFL¿FDWLRQIRUXQLGLUHFWLRQDOFDUERQ )53 &)53 DQGJODVV)53 *)53 PDWHULDOVPDGHXVLQJ the wet layup process. The licensed design professional should consult with the FRP system manufacturer to obtain WKH UHOHYDQW FKDUDFWHULVWLFV IRU D VSHFL¿F SURGXFW DQG WKH applicability of those characteristics. 4.1—Constituent materials The constituent materials used in commercially available FRP repair systems, including all resins, primers, putties, VDWXUDQWV DGKHVLYHV DQG ¿EHUV KDYH EHHQ GHYHORSHG IRU the strengthening of structural concrete members based on materials and structural testing. 4.1.1 Resins—A wide range of polymeric resins, including SULPHUVSXWW\¿OOHUVVDWXUDQWVDQGDGKHVLYHVDUHXVHGZLWK FRP systems. Commonly used resin types, including epoxy, vinyl esters, and polyesters, have been formulated for use in a wide range of environmental conditions. FRP system manufacturers use resins that have: D &RPSDWLELOLW\ ZLWK DQG DGKHVLRQ WR WKH FRQFUHWH substrate E &RPSDWLELOLW\ZLWKDQGDGKHVLRQWRWKH)53FRPSRVLWH system F &RPSDWLELOLW\ZLWKDQGDGKHVLRQWRWKHUHLQIRUFLQJ¿EHU G 5HVLVWDQFHWRHQYLURQPHQWDOHIIHFWVLQFOXGLQJEXWQRW limited to, moisture, salt water, temperature extremes, and chemicals normally associated with exposed concrete H )LOOLQJDELOLW\ I :RUNDELOLW\ J 3RWOLIHFRQVLVWHQWZLWKWKHDSSOLFDWLRQ K 'HYHORSPHQWRIDSSURSULDWHPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVIRU the FRP composite Primer—Primer is used to penetrate the surface of the concrete, providing an improved adhesive bond for the saturating resin or adhesive. 3XWW\ ¿OOHUV²3XWW\ LV XVHG WR ¿OO VPDOO VXUIDFH voids in the substrate, such as bug holes, and to provide a smooth surface to which the FRP system can bond. Filled surface voids also prevent bubbles from forming during curing of the saturating resin. Saturating resin—Saturating resin is used to LPSUHJQDWH WKH UHLQIRUFLQJ ¿EHUV ¿[ WKHP LQ SODFH DQG provide a shear load path to effectively transfer load between ¿EHUV7KH VDWXUDWLQJ UHVLQ DOVR VHUYHV DV WKH DGKHVLYH IRU wet layup systems, providing a shear load path between the previously primed concrete substrate and the FRP system. Adhesives—Adhesives are used to bond precured )53ODPLQDWHDQGQHDUVXUIDFHPRXQWHG 160 V\VWHPVWR the concrete substrate. The adhesive provides a shear load path between the concrete substrate and the FRP reinforcing system. Adhesives are also used to bond together multiple layers of precured FRP laminates. 4.1.2 Fibers²&RQWLQXRXVJODVVDUDPLGDQGFDUERQ¿EHUV DUHFRPPRQUHLQIRUFHPHQWVXVHGLQ)53V\VWHPV7KH¿EHUV give the FRP system its strength and stiffness. Typical ranges @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 12 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) RIWKHWHQVLOHSURSHUWLHVRI¿EHUVDUHJLYHQLQAppendix A. $ PRUH GHWDLOHG GHVFULSWLRQ RI ¿EHU W\SHV LV JLYHQ LQACI 440R. 4.1.3 Protective coatings—The protective coating protects the bonded FRP reinforcement from potentially damaging environmental and mechanical effects. Coatings are typically applied to the exterior surface of the FRP system after some prescribed degree of adhesive or saturating resin cure. The protection systems are available in a variety of forms. These include: D 3RO\PHUFRDWLQJVWKDWDUHJHQHUDOO\HSR[\RUSRO\XUHWKDQHV E $FU\OLF FRDWLQJV WKDW FDQ EH HLWKHU VWUDLJKW DFU\OLF systems or acrylic cement-based systems. The acrylic systems can also come in different textures. F &HPHQWLWLRXVV\VWHPVWKDWPD\UHTXLUHURXJKHQLQJRI WKH)53VXUIDFH VXFKDVEURDGFDVWLQJVDQGLQWRZHWUHVLQ and can be installed in the same manner as they would be installed on a concrete surface. G ,QWXPHVFHQWFRDWLQJVWKDWDUHSRO\PHUEDVHGFRDWLQJV XVHGWRSURYLGHDGHJUHHRISDVVLYH¿UHSURWHFWLRQDQGFRQWURO ÀDPHVSUHDGDQGVPRNHJHQHUDWLRQSHUFRGHUHTXLUHPHQWV There are several reasons why protection systems are used to protect FRP systems that have been installed on concrete surfaces. These include: D Ultraviolet light protection—The epoxy used as part of the FRP strengthening system will be affected over time by exposure to ultraviolet light. There are many available methods used to protect the system from ultraviolet light. These include acrylic coatings, cementitious surfacing, aliphatic polyurethane coatings, and others. Certain types of vinylester resins have higher ultraviolet light durability than epoxy resins. E Fire protection—Fire protection systems are discussed in and . F Vandalism—Protective systems that are to resist vandalism should be hard and durable. There are different levels of vandalism protection, ranging from polyurethane coatings that will resist cutting and scraping to cementitious overlays that provide greater protection. G Impact, abrasion, and wear—Protection systems for impact, abrasion, and wear are similar to those used IRU YDQGDOLVP SURWHFWLRQ KRZHYHU DEUDVLRQ DQG ZHDU DUH different than vandalism in that they result from repeated exposure rather than a one-time event, and their protection systems are usually chosen for their hardness and durability. H Aesthetics—Protective topcoats may be used to conceal the FRP system. These may be acrylic latex coatings that are gray in color to match concrete, or they may be various other colors and textures to match the existing structure. I Chemical resistance—Exposure to harsh chemicals, such as strong acids, may damage the FRP system. In such environments, coatings with better chemical resistance, such as urethanes and novolac epoxies, may be used. J Submersion in potable water—In applications where the FRP system is to be submerged in potable water, the FRP system may leach compounds into the water supply. Protective coatings that do not leach harmful chemicals into the water may be used as a barrier between the FRP system and the potable water supply. 4.2—Physical properties 4.2.1 Density—FRP materials have densities ranging from 75 to 130 lb/ft3 WRJFP3 ZKLFKLVIRXUWRVL[WLPHV ORZHUWKDQWKDWRIVWHHO 7DEOH Table 4.2.1—Typical densities of FRP materials, lb/ft3 (g/cm3) Steel Glass FRP (GFRP) Carbon FRP (CFRP) Aramid FRP (AFRP) 75 to 130 WR WR WR WR WR 4.2.2 &RHI¿FLHQWRIWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQ²7KHFRHI¿FLHQWV of thermal expansion of unidirectional FRP materials differ in the longitudinal and transverse directions, depending on the W\SHVRI¿EHUUHVLQDQGYROXPHIUDFWLRQRI¿EHU7DEOH OLVWV WKH ORQJLWXGLQDO DQG WUDQVYHUVH FRHI¿FLHQWV RI WKHUPDO expansion for typical unidirectional FRP materials. Note that DQHJDWLYHFRHI¿FLHQWRIWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQLQGLFDWHVWKDWWKH material contracts with increased temperature and expands with decreased temperature. For reference, the isotropic YDOXHVRIFRHI¿FLHQWRIWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQIRUFRQFUHWHDQG steel are also provided in Table 4.2.2. Refer to for design considerations regarding thermal expansion. 4.2.3 Effects of high temperatures—Above the glass transition temperature Tg, the elastic modulus of a polymer is VLJQL¿FDQWO\UHGXFHGGXHWRFKDQJHVLQLWVPROHFXODUVWUXFture. The value of Tg depends on the type of resin and is QRUPDOO\LQWKHUHJLRQRIWR) WR& ,QDQ )53 FRPSRVLWH PDWHULDO WKH ¿EHUV ZKLFK H[KLELW EHWWHU thermal properties than the resin, can continue to support some load in the longitudinal direction until the temperature WKUHVKROGRIWKH¿EHUVLVUHDFKHG7KLVFDQRFFXUDWWHPSHUDWXUHV H[FHHGLQJ ) & IRU FDUERQ ¿EHUV ) & IRU JODVV ¿EHUV DQG ) & IRU DUDPLG ¿EHUV 'XH WR D UHGXFWLRQ LQ IRUFH WUDQVIHU EHWZHHQ ¿EHUV through bond to the resin, however, the tensile properties of the overall composite are reduced. Test results have indiFDWHG WKDW WHPSHUDWXUHV RI ) & ²PXFK KLJKHU than the resin Tg—will reduce the tensile strength of GFRP DQG&)53PDWHULDOVH[FHHGLQJSHUFHQW Kumahara et al. 2WKHUSURSHUWLHVDIIHFWHGE\WKHVKHDUWUDQVIHUWKURXJK WKHUHVLQVXFKDVEHQGLQJVWUHQJWKDUHUHGXFHGVLJQL¿FDQWO\ DWORZHUWHPSHUDWXUHV :DQJDQG(YDQV For bond-critical applications of FRP systems, the properties RI WKH SRO\PHU DW WKH ¿EHUFRQFUHWH LQWHUIDFH DUH HVVHQWLDO LQ maintaining the bond between FRP and concrete. At a temperature close to its Tg, the mechanical properties of the polymer are VLJQL¿FDQWO\UHGXFHGDQGWKHSRO\PHUEHJLQVWRORVHLWVDELOLW\ WRWUDQVIHUVWUHVVHVIURPWKHFRQFUHWHWRWKH¿EHUV 4.3—Mechanical properties 4.3.1 Tensile behavior—When loaded in direct tension, XQLGLUHFWLRQDO ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU )53 PDWHULDOV GR QRW H[KLELW DQ\ SODVWLF EHKDYLRU \LHOGLQJ EHIRUH UXSWXUH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 13 Table 4.2.2—Typical coefficients of thermal expansion for FRP materials* &RHI¿FLHQWRIWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQî–6) î–6/°C) 'LUHFWLRQ &RQFUHWH Steel GFRP CFRP AFRP /RQJLWXGLQDOĮL WR WR WR WR ±WR ±WR ±WR± ±WR± 7UDQYHUVHĮT WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR * 7\SLFDOYDOXHVIRU¿EHUYROXPHIUDFWLRQVUDQJLQJIURPWR The tensile behavior of FRP materials consisting of a single W\SHRI¿EHUPDWHULDOLVFKDUDFWHUL]HGE\DOLQHDUHODVWLFVWUHVV strain relationship until failure, which is sudden and brittle. The tensile strength and stiffness of an FRP material is GHSHQGHQWRQVHYHUDOIDFWRUV%HFDXVHWKH¿EHUVLQDQ)53 material are the main load-carrying constituents, the type RI¿EHUWKHRULHQWDWLRQRI¿EHUVWKHTXDQWLW\RI¿EHUVDQG method and conditions in which the composite is produced affect the tensile properties of the FRP material. Due to the SULPDU\ UROH RI WKH ¿EHUV DQG PHWKRGV RI DSSOLFDWLRQ WKH properties of an FRP repair system are sometimes reported EDVHG RQ WKH QHW¿EHU DUHD ,Q RWKHU LQVWDQFHV VXFK DV LQ precured laminates, the reported properties are based on the gross-laminate area. The gross-laminate area of an FRP system is calculated using the total cross-sectional area of the cured FRP system, LQFOXGLQJDOO¿EHUVDQGUHVLQ7KHJURVVODPLQDWHDUHDLVW\SLcally used for reporting precured laminate properties where the cured thickness is constant and the relative proportion of ¿EHUDQGUHVLQLVFRQWUROOHG 7KH QHW¿EHU DUHD RI DQ )53 V\VWHP LV FDOFXODWHG XVLQJ WKHNQRZQDUHDRI¿EHUQHJOHFWLQJWKHWRWDOZLGWKDQGWKLFNQHVVRIWKHFXUHGV\VWHPWKXVUHVLQLVH[FOXGHG7KHQHW ¿EHU DUHD LV W\SLFDOO\ XVHG IRU UHSRUWLQJ SURSHUWLHV RI ZHW OD\XSV\VWHPVWKDWXVHPDQXIDFWXUHG¿EHUVKHHWVDQG¿HOG installed resins. The wet layup installation process leads to FRQWUROOHG¿EHUFRQWHQWDQGYDULDEOHUHVLQFRQWHQW$PHWKRG VLPLODUWRQHW¿EHUDUHDUHSRUWLQJLVWRUHSRUWWKHWHQVLOHIRUFH RUVWLIIQHVVSHUXQLWZLGWKRIWKH)53V\VWHPDVUHTXLUHGE\ ASTM D7565/D7565M. System properties reported using the gross laminate area have higher relative thickness dimensions and lower relative strength and modulus values, whereas system properties UHSRUWHGXVLQJWKHQHW¿EHUDUHDKDYHORZHUUHODWLYHWKLFNness dimensions and higher relative strength and modulus values. Regardless of the basis for the reported values, the ORDGFDUU\LQJVWUHQJWK ffuAf DQGD[LDOVWLIIQHVV AfEf RIWKH composite remain constant. Properties reported based on the QHW¿EHUDUHDDUHQRWWKHSURSHUWLHVRIWKHEDUH¿EHUV:KHQ tested as a part of a cured composite, the measured tensile VWUHQJWKDQGXOWLPDWHUXSWXUHVWUDLQRIWKHQHW¿EHUDUHW\SLFDOO\ ORZHU WKDQ WKRVH PHDVXUHG EDVHG RQ D GU\ ¿EHU WHVW The properties of an FRP system should be characterized as a composite, recognizing not just the material properties RIWKHLQGLYLGXDO¿EHUVEXWDOVRWKHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKH¿EHU resin system, the fabric architecture, and the method used to create the composite. The mechanical properties of all FRP systems, regardless of form, should be based on the testing RIODPLQDWHVDPSOHVZLWKNQRZQ¿EHUFRQWHQW The tensile properties of some commercially available FRP strengthening systems are given in Appendix A. The tensile properties of a particular FRP system, however, should be obtained from the FRP system manufacturer or using the appropriate test method described in ASTM ''0, D7205/D7205M, or D7565/D7565M. Manufacturers should report an ultimate tensile strength, ZKLFKLVGH¿QHGDVWKHPHDQWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKRIDVDPSOHRI WHVWVSHFLPHQVPLQXVWKUHHWLPHVWKHVWDQGDUGGHYLDWLRQ ffu* = f fu ±ı DQGVLPLODUO\UHSRUWDQXOWLPDWHUXSWXUHVWUDLQ İfu* = ε fu – ı 7KLV DSSURDFK SURYLGHV D SHUFHQW probability that the actual ultimate tensile properties will exceed these statistically-based design values for a standard VDPSOH GLVWULEXWLRQ 0XWVX\RVKL HW DO 7KH HODVWLF modulus should be calculated in accordance with ASTM ''0 ''0 RU ''0 $ minimum number of 20 replicate test specimens should be used to determine the ultimate tensile properties. The manufacturer should provide a description of the method used to obtain the reported tensile properties, including the number of tests, mean values, and standard deviations. 4.3.2 Compressive behavior—Externally bonded FRP systems should not be used as compression reinforcement GXHWRLQVXI¿FLHQWWHVWLQJWRYDOLGDWHLWVXVHLQWKLVW\SHRI application. The mode of failure for FRP laminates subjected to longitudinal compression can include transverse tensile IDLOXUH ¿EHU PLFUREXFNOLQJ RU VKHDU IDLOXUH7KH PRGH RI IDLOXUHGHSHQGVRQWKHW\SHRI¿EHUWKH¿EHUYROXPHIUDFtion, and the type of resin. In general, compressive strengths are higher for materials with higher tensile strengths, except LQWKHFDVHRIDUDPLG)53 $)53 ZKHUHWKH¿EHUVH[KLELW nonlinear behavior in compression at a relatively low level RIVWUHVV :X 7KHFRPSUHVVLYHPRGXOXVRIHODVWLFLW\ is usually smaller than the tensile modulus of elasticity of )53PDWHULDOV (KVDQL 4.4—Time-dependent behavior 4.4.1 Creep rupture—FRP materials subjected to a sustained load can suddenly fail after a time period referred to as the endurance time. This type of failure is known as creep rupture. As the ratio of the sustained tensile stress to the short-term strength of the FRP laminate increases, endurance time decreases. The endurance time also decreases under adverse environmental conditions, such as high temperature, ultraviolet-radiation exposure, high alkalinity, wet and dry cycles, or freezing-and-thawing cycles. ,QJHQHUDOFDUERQ¿EHUVDUHWKHOHDVWVXVFHSWLEOHWRFUHHS UXSWXUHDUDPLG¿EHUVDUHPRGHUDWHO\VXVFHSWLEOHDQGJODVV ¿EHUV DUH PRVW VXVFHSWLEOH &UHHS UXSWXUH WHVWV KDYH EHHQ FRQGXFWHGRQLQ PP GLDPHWHU)53EDUVUHLQIRUFHG @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 14 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) ZLWK JODVV DUDPLG DQG FDUERQ ¿EHUV 7KH )53 EDUV ZHUH tested at different load levels at room temperature. Results indicated that a linear relationship exists between creep rupture strength and the logarithm of time for all load levels. The ratios of stress to cause creep rupture after 500,000 KRXUV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ \HDUV WR WKH VKRUWWHUP XOWLPDWH strength of the GFRP, AFRP, and CFRP bars were extrapRODWHG WR EH DSSUR[LPDWHO\ DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\ <DPDJXFKL HW DO 0DOYDU 5HFRPPHQGDWLRQV on sustained stress limits imposed to avoid creep rupture are given &KDSWHU through 15. As long as the sustained stress in the FRP is below the creep rupture stress limits, the strength of the FRP is available for nonsustained loads. 4.4.2 Fatigue—A substantial amount of data for fatigue behavior and life prediction of stand-alone FRP materials is DYDLODEOH 1DWLRQDO 5HVHDUFK &RXQFLO 0RVW RI WKHVH data were generated from materials typically used by the DHURVSDFH LQGXVWU\ 'HVSLWH WKH GLIIHUHQFHV LQ TXDOLW\ DQG consistency between aerospace and commercial-grade FRP materials, some general observations on the fatigue behavior RI )53 PDWHULDOV FDQ EH PDGH 8QOHVV VSHFL¿FDOO\ VWDWHG otherwise, the following cases are based on a unidirectional PDWHULDOZLWKDSSUR[LPDWHO\SHUFHQW¿EHUYROXPHIUDFWLRQ and subjected to tension-tension sinusoidal cyclic loading at: D $IUHTXHQF\ORZHQRXJKWRQRWFDXVHVHOIKHDWLQJ E $PELHQWODERUDWRU\HQYLURQPHQWV F $ VWUHVV UDWLR UDWLR RI PLQLPXP DSSOLHG VWUHVV WR PD[LPXPDSSOLHGVWUHVV RI G $GLUHFWLRQSDUDOOHOWRWKHSULQFLSDO¿EHUDOLJQPHQW Test conditions that raise the temperature and moisture content of FRP materials generally degrade the ambient environment fatigue behavior. Of all types of FRP composites for infrastructure applications, CFRP is the least prone to fatigue failure. An endurance limit of 60 to 70 percent of the initial static ultimate strength of CFRP is typical. On a plot of stress versus the logarithm RI WKH QXPEHU RI F\FOHV DW IDLOXUH 61 FXUYH WKH GRZQward slope for CFRP is usually approximately 5 percent of the initial static ultimate strength per decade of logarithmic OLIH &XUWLV $WPLOOLRQF\FOHVWKHIDWLJXHVWUHQJWK is generally between 60 and 70 percent of the initial static ultimate strength and is relatively unaffected by the moisture and temperature exposures of concrete structures unless the UHVLQRU¿EHUUHVLQLQWHUIDFHLVVXEVWDQWLDOO\GHJUDGHGE\WKH environment. ,Q DPELHQWHQYLURQPHQW ODERUDWRU\ WHVWV Mandell and 0HLHU LQGLYLGXDO JODVV ¿EHUV GHPRQVWUDWHG GHOD\HG rupture caused by stress corrosion, which had been induced E\ WKH JURZWK RI VXUIDFH ÀDZV LQ WKH SUHVHQFH RI HYHQ PLQXWHTXDQWLWLHVRIPRLVWXUH:KHQPDQ\JODVV¿EHUVZHUH embedded into a matrix to form an FRP composite, a cyclic tensile fatigue effect of approximately 10 percent loss in the initial static strength per decade of logarithmic lifetime was REVHUYHG 0DQGHOO 7KLV IDWLJXH HIIHFW LV WKRXJKW WR EHGXHWR¿EHU¿EHULQWHUDFWLRQVDQGLVQRWGHSHQGHQWRQWKH VWUHVVFRUURVLRQPHFKDQLVPGHVFULEHGIRULQGLYLGXDO¿EHUV 8VXDOO\QRFOHDUIDWLJXHOLPLWFDQEHGH¿QHG(QYLURQPHQWDO factors can play an important role in the fatigue behavior of JODVV¿EHUVGXHWRWKHLUVXVFHSWLELOLW\WRPRLVWXUHDONDOLQH or acidic solutions. $UDPLG¿EHUVIRUZKLFKVXEVWDQWLDOGXUDELOLW\GDWDDUHDYDLOable, appear to behave reasonably well in fatigue. Neglecting LQWKLVFRQWH[WWKHUDWKHUSRRUGXUDELOLW\RIDOODUDPLG¿EHUV in compression, the tension-tension fatigue behavior of an LPSUHJQDWHGDUDPLG¿EHUVWUDQGLVH[FHOOHQW6WUHQJWKGHJUDdation per decade of logarithmic lifetime is approximately 5 WRSHUFHQW 5R\ODQFHDQG5R\ODQFH :KLOHQRGLVWLQFW endurance limit is known for AFRP, 2-million-cycle endurance limits of commercial AFRP tendons for concrete applications have been reported in the range of 54 to 73 percent RIWKHXOWLPDWHWHQVLOHVWUHQJWK 2GDJLULHWDO %HFDXVH the slope of the applied stress versus logarithmic endurance time of AFRP is similar to the slope of the stress versus logaULWKPLF F\FOLF OLIHWLPH GDWD WKH LQGLYLGXDO ¿EHUV DSSHDU WR fail by a strain-limited creep rupture process. This lifetimelimiting mechanism in commercial AFRP bars is accelerated E\H[SRVXUHWRPRLVWXUHDQGHOHYDWHGWHPSHUDWXUH 5R\ODQFH DQG5R\ODQFH5RVWDV\ 4.5—Durability Many FRP systems exhibit reduced mechanical properties after exposure to certain environmental factors, including high temperature, humidity, and chemical exposure. The exposure environment, duration of exposure, resin type DQG IRUPXODWLRQ ¿EHU W\SH DQG UHVLQFXULQJ PHWKRG DUH VRPH RI WKH IDFWRUV WKDW LQÀXHQFH WKH H[WHQW RI WKH UHGXFtion in mechanical properties. These factors are discussed in more detail in . The tensile properties reported by the manufacturer are based on testing conducted in a laboratory HQYLURQPHQWDQGGRQRWUHÀHFWWKHHIIHFWVRIHQYLURQPHQWDO exposure. These properties should be adjusted in accordance with the recommendations in to account for the anticipated service environment to which the FRP system may be exposed during its service life. 4.6—FRP systems qualification )53V\VWHPVVKRXOGEHTXDOL¿HGIRUXVHRQDSURMHFWEDVHG on independent laboratory test data of the FRP-constituent materials and the laminates made with them, structural test data for the type of application being considered, and durability data representative of the anticipated environment. Test data provided by the FRP system manufacturer demonstrating the proposed FRP system should meet all mechanLFDO DQG SK\VLFDO GHVLJQ UHTXLUHPHQWV LQFOXGLQJ WHQVLOH strength, durability, resistance to creep, bond to substrate, and Tg, should be considered. ACI 440.8 provides a speci¿FDWLRQ IRU XQLGLUHFWLRQDO FDUERQ DQG JODVV )53 PDWHULDOV made using the wet layup process. FRP composite systems that have not been fully tested should not be considered for use. Mechanical properties of FRP systems should be determined from tests on laminates PDQXIDFWXUHGLQDSURFHVVUHSUHVHQWDWLYHRIWKHLU¿HOGLQVWDOlation. Mechanical properties should be tested in general conformance with the procedures listed in Appendix B. Modi¿FDWLRQVRIVWDQGDUGWHVWLQJSURFHGXUHVPD\EHSHUPLWWHGWR HPXODWH¿HOGDVVHPEOLHV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 7KH VSHFL¿HG PDWHULDOTXDOL¿FDWLRQ SURJUDPV VKRXOG UHTXLUH VXI¿FLHQW ODERUDWRU\ WHVWLQJ WR PHDVXUH WKH UHSHDWability and reliability of critical properties. Testing of multiple batches of FRP materials is recommended. Independent structural testing can be used to evaluate a system’s SHUIRUPDQFHIRUWKHVSHFL¿FDSSOLFDWLRQ CHAPTER 5—SHIPPING, STORAGE, AND HANDLING 5.1—Shipping )LEHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU )53 V\VWHPFRQVWLWXHQWPDWHrials should be packaged and shipped in a manner that conforms to all applicable federal and state packaging and shipping codes and regulations. Packaging, labeling, and shipping for thermosetting resin materials are controlled by &)5. 5.2—Storage 5.2.1 Storage conditions—To preserve the properties and maintain safety in the storage of FRP system constituent materials, the materials should be stored in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Certain constituent materials, such as reactive curing agents, hardeners, initiators, catalysts, and cleaning solvents, have safety-related UHTXLUHPHQWV DQG VKRXOG EH VWRUHG LQ D PDQQHU DV UHFRPmended by the manufacturer and OSHA. Catalysts and initiDWRUV XVXDOO\SHUR[LGHV VKRXOGEHVWRUHGVHSDUDWHO\ 5.2.2 Shelf life—The properties of the uncured resin components can change with time, temperature, or humidity. Such conditions can affect the reactivity of the mixed system and the uncured and cured properties. The manufacturer sets a recommended shelf life within which the properties of the resin-based materials should continue to meet or exceed stated performance criteria. Any component material that has exceeded its shelf life, has deteriorated, or has been contaminated should not be used. FRP materials deemed XQXVDEOHVKRXOGEHGLVSRVHGRILQDPDQQHUVSHFL¿HGE\WKH manufacturer and acceptable to state and federal environmental control regulations. 5.3—Handling 5.3.1 Safety data sheet—6DIHW\ GDWD VKHHWV 6'6V IRU all FRP-constituent materials and components should be obtained from the manufacturers, and should be accessible at the job site. 5.3.2 Information sources—Detailed information on the handling and potential hazards of FRP-constituent materials can be found in company literature and guides, OSHA guidelines, and other government informational documents. 5.3.3 General handling hazards—Thermosetting resins describe a generic family of products that includes unsaturated polyesters, vinyl esters, epoxy, and polyurethane resins. The materials used with them are generally described as hardeners, curing agents, peroxide initiators, isocyanates, ¿OOHUV DQG ÀH[LELOL]HUV 7KHUH DUH SUHFDXWLRQV WKDW VKRXOG be observed when handling thermosetting resins and their component materials. Some general hazards that may be 15 encountered when handling thermosetting resins are listed as follows: D 6NLQLUULWDWLRQVXFKDVEXUQVUDVKHVDQGLWFKLQJ E 6NLQVHQVLWL]DWLRQZKLFKLVDQDOOHUJLFUHDFWLRQVLPLODUWR that caused by poison ivy, building insulation, or other allergens F %UHDWKLQJ RUJDQLF YDSRUV IURP FOHDQLQJ VROYHQWV monomers, and dilutents G :LWKDVXI¿FLHQWFRQFHQWUDWLRQLQDLUH[SORVLRQRU¿UH RIÀDPPDEOHPDWHULDOVZKHQH[SRVHGWRKHDWÀDPHVSLORW lights, sparks, static electricity, cigarettes, or other sources of ignition H ([RWKHUPLFUHDFWLRQVRIPL[WXUHVRIPDWHULDOVFDXVLQJ ¿UHVRUSHUVRQDOLQMXU\ I 1XLVDQFH GXVW FDXVHG E\ JULQGLQJ RU KDQGOLQJ RI WKH FXUHG )53 PDWHULDOV PDQXIDFWXUHU¶V OLWHUDWXUH VKRXOG EH FRQVXOWHGIRUVSHFL¿FKD]DUGV The complexity of thermosetting resins and associated materials makes it essential that labels and the SDS are read and understood by those working with these products. CFR 16 Part 1500 regulates the labeling of hazardous substances and includes thermosetting-resin materials. ANSI Z400.1/ =SURYLGHVIXUWKHUJXLGDQFHUHJDUGLQJFODVVL¿FDtion and precautions. 5.3.4 Personnel safe handling and clothing—Disposable VXLWV DQG JORYHV DUH VXLWDEOH IRU KDQGOLQJ ¿EHU DQG UHVLQ materials. Disposable rubber or plastic gloves are recommended and should be discarded after each use. Gloves should be resistant to resins and solvents. Safety glasses or goggles should be used when handling resin components and solvents. Respiratory protection, such as dust masks or UHVSLUDWRUVVKRXOGEHXVHGZKHQ¿EHUÀ\GXVWRURUJDQLF vapors are present, or during mixing and placing of resins if UHTXLUHGE\WKH)53V\VWHPPDQXIDFWXUHU 5.3.5 Workplace safe handling—The workplace should be well ventilated. Surfaces should be covered as needed to protect against contamination and resin spills. Each FRP system constituent material has different handling DQG VWRUDJH UHTXLUHPHQWV WR SUHYHQW GDPDJH 7KH PDWHrial manufacturer should be consulted for guidance. Some resin systems are potentially dangerous during mixing of the components. The manufacturer’s literature should be consulted for proper mixing procedures, and the SDS for VSHFL¿F KDQGOLQJ KD]DUGV $PELHQW FXUH UHVLQ IRUPXODtions produce heat when curing, which in turn accelerates WKHUHDFWLRQ8QFRQWUROOHGUHDFWLRQVLQFOXGLQJIXPLQJ¿UH or violent boiling, may occur in containers holding a mixed PDVVRIUHVLQWKHUHIRUHFRQWDLQHUVVKRXOGEHPRQLWRUHG 5.3.6 Cleanup and disposal—Cleanup can involve use RI ÀDPPDEOH VROYHQWV DQG DSSURSULDWH SUHFDXWLRQV VKRXOG be observed. Cleanup solvents are available that do not SUHVHQW ÀDPPDELOLW\ FRQFHUQV$OO ZDVWH PDWHULDOV VKRXOG be contained and disposed of as prescribed by the prevailing environmental authority. CHAPTER 6—INSTALLATION 3URFHGXUHVIRULQVWDOOLQJ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU )53 systems have been developed by the system manufacturers and often differ between systems. In addition, installation @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 16 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) procedures can vary within a system, depending on the type and condition of the structure. This chapter presents general guidelines for the installation of FRP systems. Contractors trained in accordance with the installation procedures developed by the system manufacturer should install FRP systems. Deviations from the procedures developed by the FRP system manufacturer should not be allowed without consulting with the manufacturer. 6.1—Contractor competency The FRP system installation contractor should demonstrate competency for surface preparation and application of the FRP system to be installed. Contractor competency can be demonstrated by providing evidence of training and documentation of related work previously completed by the contractor or by actual surface preparation and installation of the FRP system on portions of the structure. The FRP system manufacturer or its authorized agent should train the contractor’s application personnel in the installation procedures of its system and ensure they are competent to install the system. 6.2—Temperature, humidity, and moisture considerations Temperature, relative humidity, and surface moisture at the time of installation can affect the performance of the FRP system. Conditions to be observed before and during installation include surface temperature and moisture condition of the concrete, air temperature, relative humidity, and corresponding dew point. Primers, saturating resins, and adhesives should generally not be applied to cold or frozen surfaces. When the surface temperature of the concrete surface falls below a minimum OHYHODVVSHFL¿HGE\WKH)53V\VWHPPDQXIDFWXUHULPSURSHU VDWXUDWLRQ RI WKH ¿EHUV DQG LPSURSHU FXULQJ RI WKH UHVLQ constituent materials can occur, compromising the integrity of the FRP system. An auxiliary heat source can be used to raise the ambient and surface temperature during installation and maintain proper temperatures during curing. The heat source should be clean and not contaminate the surface or the uncured FRP system. Resins and adhesives should generally not be applied to damp or wet surfaces unless they have been formulated for such applications. FRP systems should not be applied to concrete surfaces that are subject to moisture vapor transmission. The transmission of moisture vapor from a concrete surface through the uncured resin materials typically appears as surface bubbles and can compromise the bond between the FRP system and the substrate. 6.3—Equipment 6RPH )53 V\VWHPV KDYH XQLTXH RIWHQ V\VWHPVSHFL¿F HTXLSPHQW GHVLJQHG VSHFL¿FDOO\ IRU WKHLU DSSOLFDWLRQ 7KLV HTXLSPHQW FDQ LQFOXGH UHVLQ LPSUHJQDWRUV VSUD\HUV OLIWLQJ SRVLWLRQLQJ GHYLFHV DQG ZLQGLQJ PDFKLQHV $OO HTXLSment should be clean and in good operating condition. The contractor should have personnel trained in the operation of DOOHTXLSPHQW3HUVRQDOSURWHFWLYHHTXLSPHQWVXFKDVJORYHV masks, eye guards, and coveralls, should be chosen and worn IRU HDFK HPSOR\HH¶V IXQFWLRQ $OO VXSSOLHV DQG HTXLSPHQW VKRXOGEHDYDLODEOHLQVXI¿FLHQWTXDQWLWLHVWRDOORZFRQWLQXLW\ LQWKHLQVWDOODWLRQSURMHFWDQGTXDOLW\DVVXUDQFH 6.4—Substrate repair and surface preparation The behavior of concrete members strengthened or retro¿WWHG ZLWK )53 V\VWHPV LV KLJKO\ GHSHQGHQW RQ D VRXQG FRQFUHWH VXEVWUDWH DQG SURSHU SUHSDUDWLRQ DQG SUR¿OLQJ RI the concrete surface. An improperly prepared surface can result in debonding or delamination of the FRP system before achieving the design load transfer. The general guidelines presented in this chapter should be applicable to DOOH[WHUQDOO\ERQGHG)53V\VWHPV6SHFL¿FJXLGHOLQHVIRU a particular FRP system should be obtained from the FRP system manufacturer. 6.4.1 Substrate repair—All problems associated with the condition of the original concrete and the concrete substrate that can compromise the integrity of the FRP system should be addressed before surface preparation begins. ACI 546R and ICRI 310.2R detail methods for the repair and surface preparation of concrete. All concrete repairs should meet the UHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKHGHVLJQGUDZLQJVDQGSURMHFWVSHFL¿FDtions. The FRP system manufacturer should be consulted on the compatibility of the FRP system with materials used for repairing the substrate. Corrosion-related deterioration—Externally bonded FRP systems should not be applied to concrete substrates suspected of containing actively corroding reinforcing steel. The expansive forces associated with the corroVLRQSURFHVVDUHGLI¿FXOWWRGHWHUPLQHDQGFRXOGFRPSURPLVH the structural integrity of the externally applied FRP system. 7KHFDXVH V RIWKHFRUURVLRQVKRXOGEHDGGUHVVHGDQGWKH corrosion-related deterioration should be repaired before the application of any externally bonded FRP system. Injection of cracks—Cracks that are 0.010 in. PP DQG ZLGHU FDQ DIIHFW WKH SHUIRUPDQFH RI WKH H[WHUQDOO\ ERQGHG )53 V\VWHPV &RQVHTXHQWO\ FUDFNV ZLGHU WKDQ LQ PP VKRXOG EH SUHVVXUHLQMHFWHG with epoxy before FRP installation in accordance with ACI 224.1R. Smaller cracks exposed to aggressive environments PD\UHTXLUHUHVLQLQMHFWLRQRUVHDOLQJWRSUHYHQWFRUURVLRQRI existing steel reinforcement. Crack-width criteria for various exposure conditions are given in ACI 224.1R. 6.4.2 Surface preparation—6XUIDFH SUHSDUDWLRQ UHTXLUHments should be based on the intended application of the FRP system. Applications can be categorized as bond-critical or FRQWDFWFULWLFDO%RQGFULWLFDODSSOLFDWLRQVVXFKDVÀH[XUDO or shear strengthening of beams, slabs, columns, or walls, UHTXLUHDQDGKHVLYHERQGEHWZHHQWKH)53V\VWHPDQGWKH FRQFUHWH&RQWDFWFULWLFDODSSOLFDWLRQVVXFKDVFRQ¿QHPHQW RIFROXPQVRQO\UHTXLUHLQWLPDWHFRQWDFWEHWZHHQWKH)53 system and the concrete. Contact-critical applications do QRWUHTXLUHDQDGKHVLYHERQGEHWZHHQWKH)53V\VWHPDQG the concrete substrate, although one is typically provided to facilitate installation. Bond-critical applications—Surface preparation for bond-critical applications should be in accordance with recommendations of ACI 546R and ICRI 310.2R. The @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) concrete or repaired surfaces to which the FRP system is to be applied should be freshly exposed and free of loose or XQVRXQG PDWHULDOV :KHUH ¿EHUV ZUDS DURXQG FRUQHUV WKH FRUQHUV VKRXOG EH URXQGHG WR D PLQLPXP LQ PP radius to reduce stress concentrations in the FRP system and voids between the FRP system and the concrete. Roughened corners should be smoothed with putty. Obstructions, inside corners, concave surfaces, and embedded objects can affect the performance of the FRP system and should be addressed. Obstructions and embedded objects may need to be removed before installing the FRP system. Inside corners DQGFRQFDYHVXUIDFHVPD\UHTXLUHVSHFLDOGHWDLOLQJWRHQVXUH that the bond of the FRP system to the substrate is maintained. Surface preparation can be accomplished using abraVLYHRUZDWHUEODVWLQJWHFKQLTXHV$OOODLWDQFHGXVWGLUWRLO curing compound, existing coatings, and any other matter that could interfere with the bond of the FRP system to the concrete should be removed. Bug holes and other small surface voids should be completely exposed during surface SUR¿OLQJ $IWHU WKH SUR¿OLQJ RSHUDWLRQV DUH FRPSOHWH WKH surface should be cleaned and protected before FRP installation so that no materials that can interfere with bond are redeposited on the surface. The concrete surface should be prepared to a surface SUR¿OH QRW OHVV WKDQ &63 DV GH¿QHG E\ ICRI 310.2R or to the tolerances recommended by the FRP system manufacturer. Localized out-of-plane variations, including form OLQHV VKRXOG QRW H[FHHG LQ PP RU WKH WROHUDQFHV recommended by the FRP system manufacturer. Localized out-of-plane variations can be removed by grinding, before abrasive or water blasting, or can be smoothed over using resin-based putty if the variations are very small. Bug holes DQGYRLGVVKRXOGEH¿OOHGZLWKUHVLQEDVHGSXWW\ All surfaces to receive the strengthening system should be as dry as recommended by the FRP system manufacturer. Water in the pores can inhibit resin penetration and reduce mechanical interlock. Moisture content should be evaluated LQDFFRUGDQFHZLWKWKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIACI 503.4. Contact-critical applications—In applications LQYROYLQJ FRQ¿QHPHQW RI VWUXFWXUDO FRQFUHWH PHPEHUV surface preparation should promote continuous intimate contact between the concrete surface and the FRP system. 6XUIDFHV WR EH ZUDSSHG VKRXOG DW D PLQLPXP EH ÀDW RU convex to promote proper loading of the FRP system. Large voids in the surface should be patched with a repair material compatible with the existing concrete. Materials with low compressive strength and elastic modulus, such as plaster, can reduce the effectiveness of the FRP system and should be removed. 6.4.3 Near-surface mounted (NSM) systems—NSM systems are typically installed in grooves cut onto the concrete surface. The existing steel reinforcement should not be damaged while cutting the groove. The soundness of the concrete surface should be checked before installing the bar. The inside faces RIWKHJURRYHVKRXOGEHFOHDQHGWRHQVXUHDGHTXDWHERQGZLWK concrete. The resulting groove should be free of laitance or other compounds that may interfere with bond. The moisture content of the parent concrete should be controlled to suit the 17 bonding properties of the adhesive. The grooves should be FRPSOHWHO\¿OOHGZLWKWKHDGKHVLYH7KHDGKHVLYHVKRXOGEH VSHFL¿HGE\WKH160V\VWHPPDQXIDFWXUHU 6.5—Mixing of resins Mixing of resins should be done in accordance with the FRP system manufacturer’s recommended procedure. All resin components should be at the proper temperature and mixed in the correct ratio until there is a uniform and complete mixing of components. Resin components are often contrasting colors, so full mixing is achieved when color streaks are eliminated. Resins should be mixed for the prescribed mixing time and visually inspected for uniformity of color. The material manufacturer should supply recommended batch sizes, mixture ratios, mixing methods, and mixing times. 0L[LQJHTXLSPHQWFDQLQFOXGHVPDOOHOHFWULFDOO\SRZHUHG mixing blades or specialty units, or resins can be mixed by KDQGVWLUULQJLIQHHGHG5HVLQPL[LQJVKRXOGEHLQTXDQWLWLHV VXI¿FLHQWO\VPDOOWRHQVXUHWKDWDOOPL[HGUHVLQFDQEHXVHG within the resin’s pot life. Mixed resin that exceeds its pot life should not be used because the viscosity will continue to increase and will adversely affect the resin’s ability to SHQHWUDWHWKHVXUIDFHRUVDWXUDWHWKH¿EHUVKHHW 6.6—Application of FRP systems Fumes can accompany the application of some FRP resins. FRP systems should be selected with consideration for their impact on the environment, including emission of volatile organic compounds and toxicology. 6.6.1 Primer and putty²:KHUH UHTXLUHG SULPHU VKRXOG be applied to all areas on the concrete surface where the FRP system is to be placed. The primer should be placed uniformly RQWKHSUHSDUHGVXUIDFHDWWKHPDQXIDFWXUHU¶VVSHFL¿HGUDWH of coverage. The applied primer should be protected from dust, moisture, and other contaminants before applying the FRP system. Putty should be used in an appropriate thickness and VHTXHQFHZLWKWKHSULPHUDVUHFRPPHQGHGE\WKH)53PDQXfacturer. The system-compatible putty, which is typically a WKLFNHQHGUHVLQEDVHGSDVWHVKRXOGEHXVHGRQO\WR¿OOYRLGV and smooth surface discontinuities before the application of other materials. Rough edges or trowel lines of cured putty should be ground smooth before continuing the installation. Before applying the saturating resin or adhesive, the SULPHUDQGSXWW\VKRXOGEHDOORZHGWRFXUHDVVSHFL¿HGE\ the FRP system manufacturer. If the putty and primer are IXOO\FXUHGDGGLWLRQDOVXUIDFHSUHSDUDWLRQPD\EHUHTXLUHG before the application of the saturating resin or adhesive. 6XUIDFH SUHSDUDWLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV VKRXOG EH REWDLQHG IURP the FRP system manufacturer. 6.6.2 Wet layup systems—Wet layup FRP systems are W\SLFDOO\LQVWDOOHGE\KDQGXVLQJGU\¿EHUVKHHWVDQGDVDWXrating resin, typically per the manufacturer’s recommendations. The saturating resin should be applied uniformly to all prepared surfaces where the system is to be placed. The ¿EHUV FDQ DOVR EH LPSUHJQDWHG LQ D VHSDUDWH SURFHVV XVLQJ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 18 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) a resin-impregnating machine before placement on the concrete surface. 7KH UHLQIRUFLQJ ¿EHUV VKRXOG EH JHQWO\ SUHVVHG LQWR WKH uncured saturating resin in a manner recommended by the FRP system manufacturer. Entrapped air between layers VKRXOGEHUHOHDVHGRUUROOHGRXWEHIRUHWKHUHVLQVHWV6XI¿cient saturating resin should be applied to achieve full satuUDWLRQRIWKH¿EHUV 6XFFHVVLYH OD\HUV RI VDWXUDWLQJ UHVLQ DQG ¿EHU PDWHULDOV should be placed before the complete cure of the previous layer of resin. If previous layers are cured, interlayer surface preparation, such as light sanding or solvent application as UHFRPPHQGHGE\WKHV\VWHPPDQXIDFWXUHUPD\EHUHTXLUHG 6.6.3 Machine-applied systems—Machine-applied systems FDQXVHUHVLQSUHLPSUHJQDWHGWRZVRUGU\¿EHUWRZV3UHSUHJ tows are impregnated with saturating resin off site and delivHUHGWRWKHMREVLWHDVVSRROVRISUHSUHJWRZPDWHULDO'U\¿EHUV are impregnated at the jobsite during the winding process. Wrapping machines are primarily used for the automated wrapping of concrete columns. The tows can be wound either KRUL]RQWDOO\RUDWDVSHFL¿HGDQJOH7KHZUDSSLQJPDFKLQHLV placed around the column and automatically wraps the tow material around the perimeter of the column while moving up and down the column. After wrapping, prepreg systems should be cured at an elevated temperature. Usually, a heat source is placed around the column for a predetermined temperature and time schedule in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Temperatures are controlled to ensure consistent TXDOLW\7KHUHVXOWLQJ)53MDFNHWVGRQRWKDYHDQ\VHDPVRU welds because the tows are continuous. In all the previous application steps, the FRP system manufacturer’s recommendations should be followed. 6.6.4 Precured systems—Precured systems include shells, strips, and open grid forms that are typically installed with an adhesive. Adhesives should be uniformly applied to the prepared surfaces where precured systems are to be placed, H[FHSW LQ FHUWDLQ LQVWDQFHV RI FRQFUHWH FRQ¿QHPHQW ZKHUH adhesion of the FRP system to the concrete substrate may QRWEHUHTXLUHG Precured laminate surfaces to be bonded should be clean and prepared in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. The precured sheets or curved shells should be placed on or into the wet adhesive in a manner recommended by the FRP manufacturer. Entrapped air between layers should be released or rolled out before the adhesive sets. The adhesive should be applied at a rate recommended by the FRP manufacturer. 6.6.5 Near-surface mounted (NSM) systems—NSM systems consist of installing rectangular or circular FRP bars in grooves cut onto the concrete surface and bonded in place using an adhesive. Grooves should be dimensioned to HQVXUH DGHTXDWH DGKHVLYH DURXQG WKH EDUV 7\SLFDO JURRYH dimensions for NSM FRP rods and plates are found in 14.3. NSM systems can be used on the topside of structural members and for overhead applications. Adhesive type and LQVWDOODWLRQPHWKRGVKRXOGEHVSHFL¿HGE\WKH160V\VWHP manufacturer. 6.6.6 Protective coatings—Coatings should be compatible with the FRP strengthening system and applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Typically, the use of solvents to clean the FRP surface before installing coatings is not recommended due to the deleterious effects that solvents can have on the polymer resins. The FRP system manufacturer should approve any use of solvent wipe preparation of FRP surfaces before the application of protective coatings. The coatings should be periodically inspected and maintenance should be provided to ensure the effectiveness of the coatings. 6.7—Alignment of FRP materials 7KH)53SO\RULHQWDWLRQDQGSO\VWDFNLQJVHTXHQFHVKRXOG EHVSHFL¿HG6PDOOYDULDWLRQVLQDQJOHDVOLWWOHDVGHJUHHV IURPWKHLQWHQGHGGLUHFWLRQRI¿EHUDOLJQPHQWFDQFDXVHD substantial reduction in strength and modulus. Deviations in ply orientation should only be made if approved by the licensed design professional. Sheet and fabric materials should be handled in a manner WR PDLQWDLQ WKH ¿EHU VWUDLJKWQHVV DQG RULHQWDWLRQ )DEULF kinks, folds, or other forms of waviness should be reported to the licensed design professional. 6.8—Multiple plies and lap splices Multiple plies can be used, provided that all plies are fully impregnated with the resin system, the resin shear strength LVVXI¿FLHQWWRWUDQVIHUWKHVKHDULQJORDGEHWZHHQSOLHVDQG the bond strength between the concrete and FRP system is VXI¿FLHQW)RUORQJVSDQVPXOWLSOHOHQJWKVRI¿EHUPDWHULDO or precured stock can be used to continuously transfer the ORDGE\SURYLGLQJDGHTXDWHODSVSOLFHV/DSVSOLFHVVKRXOG be staggered unless noted otherwise by the licensed design professional. Lap splice details, including lap length, should be based on testing and installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Due to the characteristics of some FRP systems, multiple plies and lap splices are not DOZD\VSRVVLEOH6SHFL¿FJXLGHOLQHVRQODSVSOLFHVDUHJLYHQ in Chapter 14. 6.9—Curing of resins Curing of resins is a time-temperature-dependent phenomenon. Ambient-cure resins can take several days to reach IXOO FXUH 7HPSHUDWXUH H[WUHPHV RU ÀXFWXDWLRQV FDQ UHWDUG or accelerate the resin curing time. The FRP system manuIDFWXUHU PD\ RIIHU VHYHUDO SUHTXDOL¿HG JUDGHV RI UHVLQ WR accommodate these situations. (OHYDWHG FXUH V\VWHPV UHTXLUH WKH UHVLQ WR EH KHDWHG WR DVSHFL¿FWHPSHUDWXUHIRUDVSHFL¿HGWLPH9DULRXVFRPELQDWLRQVRIWLPHDQGWHPSHUDWXUHZLWKLQDGH¿QHGHQYHORSH should provide full cure of the system. All resins should be cured according to the manufacWXUHU¶VUHFRPPHQGDWLRQ)LHOGPRGL¿FDWLRQRIUHVLQFKHPistry should not be permitted. Cure of installed plies should EH PRQLWRUHG EHIRUH SODFLQJ VXEVHTXHQW SOLHV ,QVWDOODWLRQ of successive layers should be halted if there is a curing anomaly. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 6.10—Temporary protection $GYHUVHWHPSHUDWXUHVGLUHFWFRQWDFWE\UDLQGXVWRUGLUW H[FHVVLYHVXQOLJKWKLJKKXPLGLW\RUYDQGDOLVPFDQGDPDJH an FRP system during installation and cause improper cure of the resins. Temporary protection, such as tents and plastic VFUHHQV PD\ EH UHTXLUHG GXULQJ LQVWDOODWLRQ DQG XQWLO WKH UHVLQVKDYHFXUHG,IWHPSRUDU\VKRULQJLVUHTXLUHGWKH)53 system should be fully cured before removing the shoring and allowing the structural member to carry the design loads. In the event of suspected damage to the FRP system during installation, the licensed design professional should EHQRWL¿HGDQGWKH)53V\VWHPPDQXIDFWXUHUFRQVXOWHG CHAPTER 7—INSPECTION, EVALUATION, AND ACCEPTANCE 4XDOLW\DVVXUDQFHDQGTXDOLW\FRQWURO 4$4& SURJUDPV DQG FULWHULD DUH WR EH PDLQWDLQHG E\ WKH ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU )53 V\VWHP PDQXIDFWXUHUV WKH LQVWDOODWLRQ FRQWUDFWRUV DQG RWKHUV DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH SURMHFW 4$ is typically an owner or a licensed professional activity ZKHUHDV 4& LV D FRQWUDFWRU RU VXSSOLHU DFWLYLW\ 7KH 4& program should be comprehensive and cover all aspects of the strengthening project, and should be detailed in the SURMHFWVSHFL¿FDWLRQVE\DOLFHQVHGSURIHVVLRQDO7KHGHJUHH RI 4& DQG WKH VFRSH RI WHVWLQJ LQVSHFWLRQ DQG UHFRUG keeping depends on the size and complexity of the project. 4XDOLW\DVVXUDQFHLVDFKLHYHGWKURXJKDVHWRILQVSHFWLRQV and applicable tests to document the acceptability of the LQVWDOODWLRQ3URMHFWVSHFL¿FDWLRQVVKRXOGLQFOXGHDUHTXLUHPHQWWRSURYLGHD4$SODQIRUWKHLQVWDOODWLRQDQGFXULQJRI all FRP materials. The plan should include personnel safety issues, application and inspection of the FRP system, location and placement of splices, curing provisions, means to HQVXUHGU\VXUIDFHV4$VDPSOHVFOHDQXSDQGWKHVXJJHVWHG submittals listed in 15.3. 7.1—Inspection FRP systems and all associated work should be inspected DVUHTXLUHGE\WKHDSSOLFDEOHFRGHV,QWKHDEVHQFHRIVXFK UHTXLUHPHQWV WKH LQVSHFWLRQ VKRXOG EH FRQGXFWHG E\ RU under the supervision of a licensed design professional or D TXDOL¿HG LQVSHFWRU ,QVSHFWRUV VKRXOG EH NQRZOHGJHDEOH of FRP systems and be trained in the installation of FRP V\VWHPV7KHTXDOL¿HGLQVSHFWRUVKRXOGUHTXLUHFRPSOLDQFH ZLWKWKHGHVLJQGUDZLQJVDQGSURMHFWVSHFL¿FDWLRQV'XULQJ the installation of the FRP system, daily inspection should be conducted and should include: D 'DWHDQGWLPHRILQVWDOODWLRQ E $PELHQW WHPSHUDWXUH UHODWLYH KXPLGLW\ DQG JHQHUDO weather observations F 6XUIDFHWHPSHUDWXUHRIFRQFUHWH G 6XUIDFHPRLVWXUH H 6XUIDFHSUHSDUDWLRQPHWKRGVDQGUHVXOWLQJSUR¿OHXVLQJ WKH,&5,VXUIDFHSUR¿OHFKLSV I 4XDOLWDWLYHGHVFULSWLRQRIVXUIDFHFOHDQOLQHVV J 7\SHRIDX[LOLDU\KHDWVRXUFHLIDSSOLFDEOH K :LGWKVRIFUDFNVQRWLQMHFWHGZLWKHSR[\ 19 L )LEHURUSUHFXUHGODPLQDWHEDWFKQXPEHU V DQGDSSUR[imate location in structure M %DWFKQXPEHUVPL[WXUHUDWLRVPL[LQJWLPHDQGTXDOLtative descriptions of the appearance of all mixed resins including primers, putties, saturants, adhesives, and coatings mixed for the day N 2EVHUYDWLRQVRISURJUHVVRIFXUHRIUHVLQV O &RQIRUPDQFHZLWKLQVWDOODWLRQSURFHGXUHV P 3XOORIIWHVWUHVXOWVERQGVWUHQJWKIDLOXUHPRGHDQG location Q )53 SURSHUWLHV IURP WHVWV RI ¿HOG VDPSOH SDQHOV RU ZLWQHVVSDQHOVLIUHTXLUHG R /RFDWLRQDQGVL]HRIDQ\GHODPLQDWLRQVRUDLUYRLGV S *HQHUDOSURJUHVVRIZRUN The inspector should provide the licensed design professional or owner with the inspection records and witness panels. Records and witness panels should be retained for DPLQLPXPRI\HDUVRUDSHULRGVSHFL¿HGE\WKHOLFHQVHG design professional. The installation contractor should retain sample cups of mixed resin and maintain a record of the placement of each batch. 7.2—Evaluation and acceptance FRP systems should be evaluated and accepted or rejected based on conformance or nonconformance with the design GUDZLQJV DQG VSHFL¿FDWLRQV )53 V\VWHP PDWHULDO SURSHUWLHV LQVWDOODWLRQ ZLWKLQ VSHFL¿HG SODFHPHQW WROHUDQFHV presence of delaminations, cure of resins, and adhesion to substrate should be included in the evaluation. Placement WROHUDQFHVLQFOXGLQJ¿EHURULHQWDWLRQFXUHGWKLFNQHVVSO\ orientation, width and spacing, corner radii, and lap splice lengths, should be evaluated. Witness panel and pull-off tests are used to evaluate the installed FRP system. In-place load testing can also be used WR FRQ¿UP WKH LQVWDOOHG EHKDYLRU RI WKH )53VWUHQJWKHQHG PHPEHU 1DQQLDQG*ROG 7.2.1 Materials—Before starting the project, the FRP V\VWHPPDQXIDFWXUHUVKRXOGVXEPLWFHUWL¿FDWLRQRIVSHFL¿HG PDWHULDOSURSHUWLHVDQGLGHQWL¿FDWLRQRIDOOPDWHULDOVWREH used. Additional material testing can be conducted if deemed necessary based on the size and complexity of the project or other factors. Evaluation of delivered FRP materials can include tests for tensile strength, Tg, gel time, pot life, and adhesive shear strength. These tests are usually performed on material samples sent to a laboratory according to the 4&WHVWSODQ7HVWVIRUSRWOLIHRIUHVLQVDQGFXULQJKDUGQHVV are usually conducted on site. Materials that do not meet the PLQLPXPUHTXLUHPHQWVDVVSHFL¿HGE\WKHOLFHQVHGGHVLJQ professional should be rejected. Witness panels can be used to evaluate the tensile strength and modulus, lap splice strength, hardness, and Tg of the FRP system installed and cured on site using installation procedures similar to those used to install and cure the FRP system. 'XULQJLQVWDOODWLRQÀDWSDQHOVRISUHGHWHUPLQHGGLPHQVLRQV and thickness can be fabricated on site according to a predetermined sampling plan. After curing on site, the panels can then be sent to a laboratory for testing. Witness panels can be retained or submitted to an approved laboratory in a timely @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 20 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) manner for testing of strength and Tg. Strength and elastic modulus of FRP materials can be determined in accordance ZLWK WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RI$670 ''0, D7205/ D7205M, or D7565/D7565M. The properties to be evaluDWHG E\ WHVWLQJ VKRXOG EH VSHFL¿HG 7KH OLFHQVHG GHVLJQ SURIHVVLRQDOPD\ZDLYHRUDOWHUWKHIUHTXHQF\RIWHVWLQJ Some FRP systems, including precured and machinewound systems, do not lend themselves to the fabrication RIVPDOOÀDWZLWQHVVSDQHOV)RUWKHVHFDVHVWKHOLFHQVHG GHVLJQSURIHVVLRQDOFDQPRGLI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVWRLQFOXGH test panels or samples provided by the manufacturer. During installation, sample cups of mixed resin should be prepared according to a predetermined sampling plan and retained for WHVWLQJWRGHWHUPLQHWKHGHJUHHRIFXUH 7.2.2 Fiber orientation—Fiber or precured-laminate orientation should be evaluated by visual inspection. Fiber ZDYLQHVV²D ORFDOL]HG DSSHDUDQFH RI ¿EHUV WKDW GHYLDWH IURPWKHJHQHUDOVWUDLJKW¿EHUOLQHLQWKHIRUPRINLQNVRU waves—should be evaluated for wet layup systems. Fiber or precured laminate misalignment of more than 5 degrees IURPWKDWVSHFL¿HGRQWKHGHVLJQGUDZLQJV DSSUR[LPDWHO\ LQIW>PPP@ VKRXOGEHUHSRUWHGWRWKHOLFHQVHGGHVLJQ professional for evaluation and acceptance. 7.2.3 Delaminations—The cured FRP system should be evaluated for delaminations or air voids between multiple plies or between the FRP system and the concrete. Inspection methods should be capable of detecting delaminations of 2 in.2 PP2 RU JUHDWHU 0HWKRGV VXFK DV DFRXVWLF VRXQGLQJ KDPPHU VRXQGLQJ XOWUDVRQLFV DQG WKHUPRJraphy can be used to detect delaminations. The effect of delaminations or other anomalies on the structural integrity and durability of the FRP system should EHHYDOXDWHG'HODPLQDWLRQVL]HORFDWLRQDQGTXDQWLW\UHODtive to the overall application area should be considered in the evaluation. General acceptance guidelines for wet layup systems are: D 6PDOOGHODPLQDWLRQVOHVVWKDQLQ2 PP2 HDFK are permissible as long as the delaminated area is less than 5 percent of the total laminate area and there are no more than 10 such delaminations per 10 ft2 P2 E /DUJHGHODPLQDWLRQVJUHDWHUWKDQLQ2 PP2 can affect the performance of the installed FRP and should be repaired by selectively cutting away the affected sheet DQGDSSO\LQJDQRYHUODSSLQJVKHHWSDWFKRIHTXLYDOHQWSOLHV F 'HODPLQDWLRQVOHVVWKDQLQ2 PP2 PD\EH repaired by resin injection or ply replacement, depending on the size and number of delaminations and their locations. For precured FRP systems, each delamination should be evaluated and repaired in accordance with the licensed design professional’s direction. Upon completion of the repairs, the laminate should be reinspected to verify that the repair was properly accomplished. 7.2.4 Cure of resins—The relative cure of FRP systems can be evaluated by laboratory testing of witness panels or resin cup samples using ASTM D3418. The relative cure of the resin can also be evaluated on the project site by physical observation of resin tackiness and hardness of work surfaces or hardness of retained resin samples. The FRP system PDQXIDFWXUHUVKRXOGEHFRQVXOWHGWRGHWHUPLQHWKHVSHFL¿F UHVLQFXUHYHUL¿FDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV)RUSUHFXUHGV\VWHPV adhesive hardness measurements should be made in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendation. 7.2.5 Adhesion strength—For bond-critical applications, tension adhesion testing of cored samples should be FRQGXFWHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK WKH UHTXLUHPHQWV RIASTM D7522/D7522. Such tests cannot be performed when XVLQJQHDUVXUIDFHPRXQWHG 160 V\VWHPV7KHVDPSOLQJ IUHTXHQF\ VKRXOG EH VSHFL¿HG 7HQVLRQ DGKHVLRQ VWUHQJWKV VKRXOGH[FHHGSVL 03D DQGVKRXOGH[KLELWIDLOXUH of the concrete substrate. Lower strengths or failure between the FRP system and the concrete or between plies should be reported to the licensed design professional for evaluation and acceptance. For NSM strengthening, sample cores may be extracted to visually verify the consolidation of the resin adhesive around the FRP bar. The location of this core should be chosen such that the continuity of the FRP reinforcement LVPDLQWDLQHG WKDWLVDWWKHHQGVRIWKH160EDUV 7.2.6 Cured thickness—Small core samples, typically 0.5 in. PP LQ GLDPHWHU PD\ EH WDNHQ WR YLVXDOO\ DVFHUWDLQ WKH cured laminate thickness or number of plies. Cored samples UHTXLUHG IRU DGKHVLRQ WHVWLQJ DOVR FDQ EH XVHG WR DVFHUWDLQ the laminate thickness or number of plies. The sampling IUHTXHQF\ VKRXOG EH VSHFL¿HG7DNLQJ VDPSOHV IURP KLJK stress areas or splice areas should be avoided. For aesthetic UHDVRQV WKH FRUHG KROH FDQ EH ¿OOHG DQG VPRRWKHG ZLWK D UHSDLUPRUWDURUWKH)53V\VWHPSXWW\,IUHTXLUHGDWRLQ WRPP RYHUODSSLQJ)53VKHHWSDWFKRIHTXLYDOHQW SOLHVPD\EHDSSOLHGRYHUWKH¿OOHGDQGVPRRWKHGFRUHKROH immediately after taking the core sample. The FRP sheet patch should be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation procedures. CHAPTER 8—MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 8.1—General $V ZLWK DQ\ VWUHQJWKHQLQJ RU UHWUR¿W UHSDLU WKH RZQHU should periodically inspect and assess the performance of WKH¿EHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU )53 V\VWHPXVHGIRUVWUHQJWKHQLQJRUUHWUR¿WUHSDLURIFRQFUHWHPHPEHUV 8.2—Inspection and assessment 8.2.1 General inspection—A visual inspection looks for changes in color, debonding, peeling, blistering, cracking, FUD]LQJ GHÀHFWLRQV LQGLFDWLRQV RI UHLQIRUFLQJ EDU FRUURsion, and other anomalies. In addition, ultrasonic, acoustic VRXQGLQJ KDPPHUWDS RUWKHUPRJUDSKLFWHVWVPD\LQGLFDWH signs of progressive delamination. 8.2.2 Testing—Testing can include pull-off tension tests 7.2.5 RUFRQYHQWLRQDOVWUXFWXUDOORDGLQJWHVWV ACI 437R 8.2.3 Assessment—Test data and observations are used to assess any damage and the structural integrity of the strengthening system. The assessment can include a recomPHQGDWLRQ IRU UHSDLULQJ DQ\ GH¿FLHQFLHV DQG SUHYHQWLQJ recurrence of degradation. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 8.3—Repair of strengthening system The method of repair for the strengthening system depends on the causes of the damage, the type of material, the form of GHJUDGDWLRQDQGWKHOHYHORIGDPDJH5HSDLUVWRWKH¿EHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU )53 V\VWHPVKRXOGQRWEHXQGHUWDNHQZLWKRXW ¿UVWLGHQWLI\LQJDQGDGGUHVVLQJWKHFDXVHVRIWKHGDPDJH Minor damage should be repaired, including localized FRP laminate cracking or abrasions that affect the structural integrity of the laminate. Minor damage can be repaired by bonding FRP patches over the damaged area. The FRP patches should possess the same characteristics, such as thickness or ply orientation, as the original laminate. The FRP patches should be installed in accordance with the material manufacturer’s recommendation. Minor delaminations can be repaired by resin injection. Major damage, including SHHOLQJDQGGHERQGLQJRIODUJHDUHDVPD\UHTXLUHUHPRYDO of the affected area, reconditioning of the cover concrete, and replacement of the FRP laminate. 8.4—Repair of surface coating In the event that the surface-protective coating should be replaced, the FRP laminate should be inspected for structural damage or deterioration. The surface coating may be replaced using a process approved by the system manufacturer. CHAPTER 9—GENERAL DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS General design recommendations are presented in this chapter. The recommendations presented are based on the traditional reinforced concrete design principles stated in WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIACI 318DQGNQRZOHGJHRIWKHVSHFL¿F PHFKDQLFDO EHKDYLRU RI ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU )53 reinforcement. FRP strengthening systems should be designed to resist tensile forces while maintaining strain compatibility between the FRP and the concrete substrate. FRP reinforcement should not be relied on to resist compressive forces. It is acceptable, however, for FRP tension reinforcement to experience compression due to moment reversals or changes in load pattern. The compressive strength of the FRP reinforcement, however, should be neglected. 9.1—Design philosophy These design recommendations are based on limit-statesdesign principles. This approach sets acceptable levels of safety for the occurrence of both serviceability limit states H[FHVVLYH GHÀHFWLRQV DQG FUDFNLQJ DQG XOWLPDWH OLPLW VWDWHV IDLOXUHVWUHVVUXSWXUHDQGIDWLJXH ,QDVVHVVLQJWKH nominal strength of a member, the possible failure modes DQGVXEVHTXHQWVWUDLQVDQGVWUHVVHVLQHDFKPDWHULDOVKRXOG be assessed. For evaluating the serviceability of a member, engineering principles, such as transformed section calculations using modular ratios, can be used. FRP strengthening systems should be designed in accorGDQFHZLWK$&,VWUHQJWKDQGVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUHPHQWV using the strength and load factors stated in ACI 318. Additional reduction factors applied to the contribution of the )53UHLQIRUFHPHQWDUHUHFRPPHQGHGE\WKLVJXLGHWRUHÀHFW 21 uncertainties inherent in FRP systems different from steelreinforced and prestressed concrete. These reduction factors were determined based on statistical evaluation of variability in mechanical properties, predicted versus full-scale test UHVXOWVDQG¿HOGDSSOLFDWLRQV)53UHODWHGUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUV were calibrated to produce reliability indexes typically above 3.5. Reliability indexes between 3.0 and 3.5 can be encountered in cases where relatively low ratios of steel reinforcement combined with high ratios of FRP reinforcement are used. Such cases are less likely to be encountered in design because they violate the recommended strengthening limits RI5HOLDELOLW\LQGH[HVIRU)53VWUHQJWKHQHGPHPEHUVDUH determined based on the approach used for reinforced concrete EXLOGLQJV Nowak and Szerszen 2003Szerszen and Nowak 2003 ,Q JHQHUDO ORZHU UHOLDELOLW\ LV H[SHFWHG LQ UHWUR¿WWHG and repaired structures than in new structures. 9.2—Strengthening limits Careful consideration should be given to determine reasonable strengthening limits. These limits are imposed to guard against collapse of the structure should bond or other failure of the FRP system occur due to damage, vandalism, or other causes. The unstrengthened structural member, without FRP UHLQIRUFHPHQWVKRXOGKDYHVXI¿FLHQWVWUHQJWKWRUHVLVWDFHUWDLQ level of load. The existing strength of the structure should be VXI¿FLHQWWRUHVLVWDOHYHORIORDGDVGHVFULEHGE\(T ࢥRn existing SDL + 0.75SLL new A dead load factor of 1.1 is used because a relatively accurate assessment of the dead loads of the structure can be determined. A live load factor of 0.75 is used to exceed the statistical mean of the yearly maximum live load factor of 0.5, as given in ASCE 7. The strengthening limit resulting IURPFRPSOLDQFHZLWK(T ZLOODOORZWKHVWUHQJWKHQHG PHPEHU WR PDLQWDLQ VXI¿FLHQW VWUXFWXUDO FDSDFLW\ XQWLO WKH damaged FRP is repaired. In cases where the design live load acting on the member to be strengthened has a high likelihood of being present for a sustained period of time, a live load factor of 1.0 should EHXVHGLQVWHDGRILQ(T ([DPSOHVLQFOXGHOLEUDU\ stack areas, heavy storage areas, warehouses, and other occupancies with a live load exceeding 150 lb/ft2 NJP2 0RUHVSHFL¿FOLPLWVIRUVWUXFWXUHVUHTXLULQJD¿UHUHVLVWDQFH UDWLQJDUHJLYHQLQ 9.2.1 6WUXFWXUDO¿UHUHVLVWDQFH—The level of strengthening that can be achieved through the use of externally bonded )53UHLQIRUFHPHQWFDQEHOLPLWHGE\WKHFRGHUHTXLUHG¿UH resistance rating of a structure. The polymer resins typically used in wet layup and prepreg FRP systems and the polymer adhesives used in precured FRP systems suffer deterioration of mechanical and bond properties at temperatures close to or exceeding the Tg of the polymer, as described in $OWKRXJKWKH)53V\VWHPLWVHOILVVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWHGE\ exposure to elevated temperature, a combination of the FRP system with an existing concrete structure may still have an DGHTXDWH¿UHUHVLVWDQFH:KHQFRQVLGHULQJWKH¿UHUHVLVWDQFH of an FRP-strengthened concrete element, it is important to @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 22 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) recognize that the strength of a reinforced concrete element LV UHGXFHG GXULQJ ¿UH H[SRVXUH GXH WR KHDWLQJ RI ERWK WKH UHLQIRUFLQJ VWHHO DQG WKH FRQFUHWH 3HUIRUPDQFH LQ ¿UH RI the existing concrete member can be enhanced by installing an insulation system, which will provide thermal protection to existing concrete and internal reinforcing steel, thus LPSURYLQJWKHRYHUDOO¿UHUDWLQJDOWKRXJKWKH)53V\VWHP FRQWULEXWLRQPD\EHUHGXFHG Bisby et al. 2005aWilliams et al. 2006Palmieri et al. 2011Firmo et al. 2012 By extending the methods in ACI 216.1 to FRP-strengthened reinforced concrete, limits on strengthening can be used to ensure a strengthened structure will not collapse LQD¿UHHYHQW$PHPEHU¶VUHVLVWDQFHWRORDGHIIHFWVZLWK reduced steel and concrete strengths and without the contribution of the FRP reinforcement, can be compared with the ORDGGHPDQGRQWKHPHPEHUGXULQJWKH¿UHHYHQWWRHQVXUH the strengthened member can support these loads for the UHTXLUHG¿UHGXUDWLRQ RU¿UHUDWLQJWLPH ZLWKRXWIDLOXUH RnșSDL + 1.0SLL D Alternately, ACI 562VSHFL¿HVWKHIROORZLQJ RnșSDL + 0.5SLL + 0.2SSL+ 1.0Ak E where Rnș is the nominal resistance of the member at an elevated temperature, and SDL, SLL, and SSLDUHWKHVSHFL¿HG dead, live, and snow loads, respectively, calculated for the strengthened structure. For cases where the design live load has a high likelihood of being present for a sustained period of time, a live load factor of 1.0 should be used in place of LQ(T E 'XHWRWKHODFNRIJXLGDQFHIRUWKHFDOFXlation of Ak WKH ORDG RU ORDG HIIHFW UHVXOWLQJ IURP WKH ¿UH HYHQWXVHRI(T D LVUHFRPPHQGHG If the FRP system is meant to allow greater load-carrying capacity, such as an increase in live load, the load effects should be computed using these greater loads. If the FRP system is meant to address a loss in strength, such as deteULRUDWLRQWKHUHVLVWDQFHVKRXOGUHÀHFWWKLVORVV The nominal resistance of the member at an elevated temperature Rnș may be determined using the procedure outlined in ACI 216.1 or through testing. The nominal resistance Rnș should be calculated based on the reduced material properties of the existing member. The resistance should EH FRPSXWHG IRU WKH WLPH UHTXLUHG E\ WKH PHPEHU¶V ¿UH UHVLVWDQFH UDWLQJ²IRU H[DPSOH D KRXU ¿UH UDWLQJ²DQG should not account for the contribution of the FRP system unless the continued effectiveness of the FRP can be proven through testing. More research is needed to accurately identify temperatures at which effectiveness is lost for different types of FRP. Until better information on the properties of FRP at high temperature is available, the critical temperature can be taken as the lowest Tg of the components of the system comprising the load path. 9.2.2 Overall structural strength—While FRP systems are HIIHFWLYHLQVWUHQJWKHQLQJPHPEHUVIRUÀH[XUHDQGVKHDUDQG SURYLGLQJ DGGLWLRQDO FRQ¿QHPHQW RWKHU PRGHV RI IDLOXUH such as punching shear and bearing capacity of footings, PD\ EH RQO\ PDUJLQDOO\ DIIHFWHG E\ )53 V\VWHPV Sharaf et al. 2006 $OOPHPEHUVRIDVWUXFWXUHVKRXOGEHFDSDEOH of withstanding the anticipated increase in loads associated with the strengthened members. Additionally, analysis should be performed on the member strengthened by the FRP system to check that, under overORDGFRQGLWLRQVWKHVWUHQJWKHQHGPHPEHUZLOOIDLOLQDÀH[ural mode rather than in a shear mode. 9.2.3 Seismic applications—5HTXLUHPHQWV IRU VHLVPLF strengthening using FRP are addressed in Chapter 13. 9.3—Selection of FRP systems 9.3.1 Environmental considerations—Environmental FRQGLWLRQVXQLTXHO\DIIHFWUHVLQVDQG¿EHUVRIYDULRXV)53 V\VWHPV 7KH PHFKDQLFDO SURSHUWLHV IRU H[DPSOH WHQVLOH VWUHQJWK XOWLPDWH WHQVLOH VWUDLQ DQG HODVWLF PRGXOXV RI some FRP systems degrade under exposure to certain environments such as alkalinity, salt water, chemicals, ultraviolet light, high temperatures, high humidity, and freezingand-thawing cycles. The material properties used in design VKRXOGDFFRXQWIRUWKLVGHJUDGDWLRQLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK The licensed design professional should select an FRP system based on the known behavior of that system in the anticipated service conditions. Some important environPHQWDO FRQVLGHUDWLRQV WKDW UHODWH WR WKH QDWXUH RI VSHFL¿F V\VWHPV DUH JLYHQ DV IROORZV 6SHFL¿F LQIRUPDWLRQ FDQ EH obtained from the FRP system manufacturer. D Alkalinity/acidity—The performance of an FRP system over time in an alkaline or acidic environment depends on WKH PDWUL[ PDWHULDO DQG WKH UHLQIRUFLQJ ¿EHU 'U\ XQVDWXUDWHG EDUH RU XQSURWHFWHG FDUERQ ¿EHU LV UHVLVWDQW WR ERWK DONDOLQH DQG DFLGLF HQYLURQPHQWV ZKHUHDV EDUH JODVV ¿EHU can degrade over time in these environments. A properly selected and applied resin matrix, however, should isolate DQG SURWHFW WKH ¿EHU IURP WKH DONDOLQHDFLGLF HQYLURQPHQW and resist deterioration. Sites with high alkalinity and high moisture or relative humidity favor the selection of carbon¿EHUV\VWHPVRYHUJODVV¿EHUV\VWHPV E Thermal expansion—FRP systems may have thermal expansion properties that are different from those of concrete. ,QDGGLWLRQWKHWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQSURSHUWLHVRIWKH¿EHUDQG SRO\PHUFRQVWLWXHQWVRIDQ)53V\VWHPFDQYDU\&DUERQ¿EHUV KDYH D FRHI¿FLHQW RI WKHUPDO H[SDQVLRQ QHDU ]HUR ZKHUHDV JODVV ¿EHUV KDYH D FRHI¿FLHQW RI WKHUPDO H[SDQVLRQ VLPLODU to concrete. The polymers used in FRP strengthening systems W\SLFDOO\KDYHFRHI¿FLHQWVRIWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQURXJKO\¿YH times that of concrete. Calculation of thermally-induced strain GLIIHUHQWLDOVDUHFRPSOLFDWHGE\YDULDWLRQVLQ¿EHURULHQWDWLRQ ¿EHUYROXPHIUDFWLRQDQGWKLFNQHVVRIDGKHVLYHOD\HUV([SHrience indicates, however, that thermal expansion differences do not affect bond for small ranges of temperature change, VXFK DV ) & 0RWDYDOOL HW DO Soudki and *UHHQ*UHHQHWDO F Electrical conductivity²*ODVV )53 *)53 DQG DUDPLG )53 $)53 DUH HIIHFWLYH HOHFWULFDO LQVXODWRUV ZKHUHDVFDUERQ)53 &)53 LVFRQGXFWLYH7RDYRLGSRWHQtial galvanic corrosion of steel elements, carbon-based FRP materials should not come in direct contact with steel. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 9.3.2 Loading considerations—Loading conditions XQLTXHO\DIIHFWGLIIHUHQW¿EHUVRI)53V\VWHPV7KHOLFHQVHG design professional should select an FRP system based on the known behavior of that system in the anticipated service conditions. Some important loading considerations that UHODWHWRWKHQDWXUHRIWKHVSHFL¿FV\VWHPVDUHJLYHQLQWKH IROORZLQJ 6SHFL¿F LQIRUPDWLRQ VKRXOG EH REWDLQHG IURP material manufacturers. D Impact tolerance—AFRP and GFRP systems demonstrate better tolerance to impact than CFRP systems. E Creep rupture and fatigue—CFRP systems are highly resistive to creep rupture under sustained loading and fatigue failure under cyclic loading. GFRP systems are more sensitive to both loading conditions. 9.3.3 Durability considerations—Durability of FRP systems is the subject of considerable ongoing research Dolan et al. 2008 Karbhari 2007 7KH OLFHQVHG GHVLJQ professional should select an FRP system that has undergone durability testing consistent with the application environment. Durability testing may include hot-wet cycling, alkaline immersion, freezing-and-thawing cycling, ultraviolet H[SRVXUHGU\KHDWDQGVDOWZDWHU Cromwell et al. 2011 Any FRP system that completely encases or covers a concrete section should be investigated for the effects of a variety of environmental conditions including those of freezing and thawing, steel corrosion, alkali and silica aggregate reactions, water entrapment, vapor pressures, and moisWXUHYDSRUWUDQVPLVVLRQ Masoud and Soudki 2006Soudki DQG*UHHQ3RUWHUHWDO&KULVWHQVHQHWDO 7RXWDQML 0DQ\)53V\VWHPVFUHDWHDPRLVWXUHLPSHUmeable layer on the surface of the concrete. In areas where PRLVWXUH YDSRU WUDQVPLVVLRQ LV H[SHFWHG DGHTXDWH PHDQV should be provided to allow moisture to escape from the concrete structure. 9.3.4 Protective-coating selection considerations—A coating or insulation system can be applied to the installed FRP system to protect it from exposure to certain environPHQWDOFRQGLWLRQV Bisby et al. 2005aWilliams et al. 2006 The thickness and type of coating should be selected based on WKHUHTXLUHPHQWVRIWKHFRPSRVLWHUHSDLUUHVLVWDQFHWRHQYLronmental effects such as moisture, salt water, temperature H[WUHPHV¿UHLPSDFWDQGXOWUDYLROHWH[SRVXUHUHVLVWDQFHWR VLWHVSHFL¿FHIIHFWVDQGUHVLVWDQFHWRYDQGDOLVP&RDWLQJVDUH relied on to retard the degradation of the mechanical properties of the FRP systems. The coatings should be periodically inspected and maintained to ensure continued effectiveness. ([WHUQDO FRDWLQJV RU WKLFNHQHG FRDWV RI UHVLQ RYHU ¿EHUV can protect them from damage due to impact or abrasion. ,Q KLJKLPSDFW RU WUDI¿F DUHDV DGGLWLRQDO OHYHOV RI SURWHFtion may be necessary. Portland cement plaster and polymer coatings are commonly used for protection where minor impact or abrasion is anticipated. 9.4—Design material properties Unless otherwise stated, the material properties reported by manufacturers, such as the ultimate tensile strength, typically do not consider long-term exposure to environmental conditions and should be considered as initial properties. 23 Because long-term exposure to various types of environments can reduce the tensile properties and creep-rupture and fatigue endurance of FRP laminates, the material propHUWLHVXVHGLQGHVLJQHTXDWLRQVVKRXOGEHUHGXFHGEDVHGRQ the environmental exposure condition. (TXDWLRQV D WKURXJK F JLYHWKHWHQVLOHSURSHUWLHV WKDWVKRXOGEHXVHGLQDOOGHVLJQHTXDWLRQV7KHGHVLJQXOWLmate tensile strength should be determined using the enviURQPHQWDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUJLYHQLQ7DEOHIRUWKHDSSURSULDWH¿EHUW\SHDQGH[SRVXUHFRQGLWLRQ ffu = CEffu* D Similarly, the design rupture strain should also be reduced for environmental exposure conditions İfu = CEİfu* E Because FRP materials are linear elastic until failure, the design modulus of elasticity for unidirectional FRP can be determined from Hooke’s law. The expression for the PRGXOXV RI HODVWLFLW\ JLYHQ LQ (T F UHFRJQL]HV WKDW the modulus is typically unaffected by environmental condiWLRQV7KHPRGXOXVJLYHQLQWKLVHTXDWLRQZLOOEHWKHVDPHDV the initial value reported by the manufacturer Ef = ffuİfu F 7KH FRQVWLWXHQW PDWHULDOV ¿EHUV DQG UHVLQV RI DQ )53 system affect its durability and resistance to environmental exposure. The environmental reduction factors given in 7DEOH DUH FRQVHUYDWLYH HVWLPDWHV EDVHG RQ WKH UHODWLYH GXUDELOLW\RIHDFK¿EHUW\SH $V7DEOHLOOXVWUDWHVLIWKH)53V\VWHPLVORFDWHGLQD relatively benign environment, such as indoors, the reduction factor is closer to unity. If the FRP system is located in an aggressive environment where prolonged exposure to high humidity, freezing-and-thawing cycles, salt water, or alkalinity is expected, a lower reduction factor should be XVHG7KHUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUFDQEHPRGL¿HGWRUHÀHFWWKHXVH of a protective coating if the coating has been shown through testing to lessen the effects of environmental exposure and the coating is maintained for the life of the FRP system. Table 9.4—Environmental reduction factor for various FRP systems and exposure conditions ([SRVXUHFRQGLWLRQV Interior exposure ([WHULRUH[SRVXUH EULGJHVSLHUV DQGXQHQFORVHGSDUNLQJJDUDJHV $JJUHVVLYHHQYLURQPHQW FKHPLFDO plants and wastewater treatment SODQWV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation Fiber W\SH (QYLURQPHQWDO UHGXFWLRQIDFWRUCE Carbon Glass 0.75 Aramid 0.85 Carbon 0.85 Glass 0.65 Aramid 0.75 Carbon 0.85 Glass 0.50 Aramid 0.70 American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 24 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) CHAPTER 10—FLEXURAL STRENGTHENING %RQGLQJ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQWWR WKH WHQVLRQ IDFH RI D FRQFUHWH ÀH[XUDO PHPEHU ZLWK ¿EHUV oriented along the length of the member will provide an LQFUHDVH LQ ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK ,QFUHDVHV LQ RYHUDOO ÀH[XUDO strength from 10 to 160 percent have been documented 0HLHU DQG .DLVHU 5LWFKLH HW DO Sharif et al. :KHQWDNLQJLQWRDFFRXQWWKHVWUHQJWKHQLQJOLPLWVRI and ductility and serviceability limits, however, strength increases of up to 40 percent are more reasonable. This chapter does not apply to FRP systems used to HQKDQFH WKH ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK RI PHPEHUV LQ WKH H[SHFWHG plastic hinge regions of ductile moment frames resisting VHLVPLFORDGVWKHVHDUHDGGUHVVHGLQChapter 13. 10.1—Nominal strength 7KH VWUHQJWK GHVLJQ DSSURDFK UHTXLUHV WKDW WKH GHVLJQ ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK RI D PHPEHU H[FHHG LWV UHTXLUHG IDFWRUHG PRPHQW DV LQGLFDWHG E\ (T 7KH GHVLJQ ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWKࢥMn refers to the nominal strength of the member multiplied by a strength reduction factor, and the factored moment Mu refers to the moment calculated from factored ORDGV IRUH[DPSOHĮDLMDLĮLLMLL ࢥMnMu This guide recommends that the factored moment Mu of D VHFWLRQ EH FDOFXODWHG E\ XVH RI ORDG IDFWRUV DV UHTXLUHG by ACI 318. An additional strength reduction factor for )53ȥfVKRXOGEHDSSOLHGWRWKHÀH[XUDOFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKH FRP reinforcement alone, Mnf, as described in 10.2.10. The DGGLWLRQDOVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf, is used to improve the reliability of strength prediction and accounts for the different failure modes observed for FRP-strengthened PHPEHUV GHODPLQDWLRQRI)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW 7KH QRPLQDO ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK RI )53VWUHQJWKHQHG concrete members with mild steel reinforcement and with bonded prestressing steel can be determined based on strain FRPSDWLELOLW\LQWHUQDOIRUFHHTXLOLEULXPDQGWKHFRQWUROOLQJ mode of failure. For members with unbonded prestressed steel, strain compatibility does not apply and the stress in the unbonded tendons at failure depends on the overall deformation of the member and is assumed to be approximately the same at all sections. Failure modes²7KHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIDVHFWLRQ depends on the controlling failure mode. The following ÀH[XUDO IDLOXUH PRGHV VKRXOG EH LQYHVWLJDWHG IRU DQ )53 VWUHQJWKHQHGVHFWLRQ *DQJD5DRDQG9LMD\ D &UXVKLQJRIWKHFRQFUHWHLQFRPSUHVVLRQEHIRUH\LHOGLQJ of the reinforcing steel E <LHOGLQJRIWKHVWHHOLQWHQVLRQIROORZHGE\UXSWXUHRI the FRP laminate F <LHOGLQJ RI WKH VWHHO LQ WHQVLRQ IROORZHG E\ FRQFUHWH crushing G 6KHDUWHQVLRQGHODPLQDWLRQRIWKHFRQFUHWHFRYHU FRYHU GHODPLQDWLRQ H 'HERQGLQJRIWKH)53IURPWKHFRQFUHWHVXEVWUDWH )53 GHERQGLQJ Concrete crushing is assumed to occur if the compressive strain in the concrete reaches its maximum usable VWUDLQ İc İcu 5XSWXUH RI WKH H[WHUQDOO\ ERQGHG FRP is assumed to occur if the strain in the FRP reaches its GHVLJQUXSWXUHVWUDLQ İf İfu EHIRUHWKHFRQFUHWHUHDFKHVLWV maximum usable strain. Cover delamination or FRP debonding can occur if the IRUFHLQWKH)53FDQQRWEHVXVWDLQHGE\WKHVXEVWUDWH )LJ D 6XFKEHKDYLRULVJHQHUDOO\UHIHUUHGWRDVGHERQGLQJ regardless of where the failure plane propagates within the FRP-adhesive-substrate region. Guidance to avoid the cover delamination failure mode is given in Chapter 13. Away from the section where externally bonded FRP terminates, a failure controlled by FRP debonding may JRYHUQ )LJ D E 7R SUHYHQW VXFK DQ LQWHUPHGLDWH crack-induced debonding failure mode, the effective strain in FRP reinforcement should be limited to the strain at which GHERQGLQJPD\RFFXUİfdDVGH¿QHGLQ(T ε fd = 0.083 ε fd f c′ ≤ 0.9ε fu (in.-lb) nE f t f f c′ = 0.41 ≤ 0.9ε fu (SI) nE f t f (TXDWLRQ WDNHVDPRGL¿HGIRUPRIWKHGHERQGLQJ VWUDLQHTXDWLRQSURSRVHGE\7HQJHWDO that was EDVHGRQFRPPLWWHHHYDOXDWLRQRIDVLJQL¿FDQWGDWDEDVHIRU ÀH[XUDO EHDP WHVWV H[KLELWLQJ )53 GHERQGLQJ IDLOXUH 7KH SURSRVHG HTXDWLRQ ZDV FDOLEUDWHG XVLQJ DYHUDJH PHDVXUHG YDOXHVRI)53VWUDLQVDWGHERQGLQJIRUÀH[XUDOWHVWVH[SHULencing intermediate crack-induced debonding to determine WKHEHVW¿WFRHI¿FLHQWRI LQ6, 5HOLDELOLW\RIWKH )53FRQWULEXWLRQWRÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLVDGGUHVVHGE\LQFRUSRUDWLQJDQDGGLWLRQDOVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUIRU)53ȥf LQDGGLWLRQWRWKHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUࢥSHU$&, for structural concrete. Anchorage systems such as U-wraps, PHFKDQLFDOIDVWHQHUV¿EHUDQFKRUVDQG8DQFKRUV H[DPSOHV DUH VKRZQ VFKHPDWLFDOO\ LQ )LJ E KDYH EHHQ proven successful at delaying, and sometimes preventing, GHERQGLQJ IDLOXUH RI WKH ORQJLWXGLQDO )53 Kalfat et al. 2013 Grelle and Sneed 2013 ([SHULPHQWDO VWXGLHV KDYH shown that these anchorage systems can increase the effecWLYHVWUDLQLQWKHÀH[XUDO)53WRYDOXHVXSWRWHQVLOHUXSWXUH Lee et al. 2010Orton et al. 2008 )RU QHDUVXUIDFHPRXQWHG 160 )53 DSSOLFDWLRQV WKH YDOXH RI İfd PD\ YDU\ IURP İfu WR İfu, depending on many factors such as member dimensions, steel and FRP reinforcement ratios, and surface roughness of the FRP bar. %DVHGRQDQDO\VLVRIDGDWDEDVHRIH[LVWLQJVWXGLHV Bianco et al. 2014 WKH FRPPLWWHH UHFRPPHQGV WKH XVH RI İfd = İfu. To achieve the debonding design strain of NSM FRP EDUVİfd, the bonded length should be greater than the development length given in Chapter 13. 10.2—Reinforced concrete members This section presents guidance on the calculation of the ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWKHQLQJ HIIHFW RI DGGLQJ ORQJLWXGLQDO )53 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 25 Fig. 10.1.1a—Debonding and delamination of externally bonded FRP systems. Fig. 10.1.1b—FRP anchorage systems. reinforcement to the tension face of a reinforced concrete PHPEHU $ VSHFL¿F LOOXVWUDWLRQ RI WKH FRQFHSWV LQ WKLV section applied to strengthening of existing rectangular sections reinforced in the tension zone with nonprestressed steel is given. The general concepts outlined herein can, KRZHYHUEHH[WHQGHGWRQRQUHFWDQJXODUVKDSHV 7VHFWLRQV DQG ,VHFWLRQV DQG WR PHPEHUV ZLWK VWHHO FRPSUHVVLRQ reinforcement. Assumptions—The following assumptions are PDGH LQ FDOFXODWLQJ WKH ÀH[XUDO UHVLVWDQFH RI D VHFWLRQ strengthened with an externally applied FRP system: D 'HVLJQ FDOFXODWLRQV DUH EDVHG RQ WKH GLPHQVLRQV internal reinforcing steel arrangement, and material properties of the existing member being strengthened. E 7KHVWUDLQVLQWKHVWHHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGFRQFUHWHDUH directly proportional to their distance from the neutral axis. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 26 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) That is, a plane section before loading remains plane after loading. F 7KHUH LV QR UHODWLYH VOLS EHWZHHQ H[WHUQDO )53 UHLQforcement and the concrete. G 7KH VKHDU GHIRUPDWLRQ ZLWKLQ WKH DGKHVLYH OD\HU LV neglected because the adhesive layer is very thin with only slight variations in its thickness. H 7KHPD[LPXPXVDEOHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQLQWKHFRQFUHWH is 0.003. I 7KHWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKRIFRQFUHWHLVQHJOHFWHG J 7KH)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWKDVDOLQHDUHODVWLFVWUHVVVWUDLQ relationship to failure. While some of these assumptions are necessary for the sake of computational ease, the assumptions do not accuUDWHO\UHÀHFWWKHWUXHIXQGDPHQWDOEHKDYLRURI)53ÀH[XUDO reinforcement. For example, there will be shear deformation in the adhesive layer, causing relative slip between the FRP and the substrate. The inaccuracy of the assumptions ZLOOQRWKRZHYHUVLJQL¿FDQWO\DIIHFWWKHFRPSXWHGÀH[XUDO strength of an FRP-strengthened member. An additional VWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRU SUHVHQWHGLQ ZLOOFRQVHUvatively compensate for any such discrepancies. Shear strength—When FRP reinforcement is being XVHGWRLQFUHDVHWKHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIDPHPEHUWKHPHPEHU should be capable of resisting the shear forces associated ZLWKWKHLQFUHDVHGÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK7KHSRWHQWLDOIRUVKHDU failure of the section should be considered by comparing WKHGHVLJQVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIWKHVHFWLRQWRWKHUHTXLUHGVKHDU VWUHQJWK,IDGGLWLRQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWKLVUHTXLUHG)53ODPLnates oriented transverse to the beam longitudinal axis can be used to resist shear forces, as described in Chapter 11. Existing substrate strain—Unless all loads on a member, including self-weight and any prestressing forces, are removed before installation of FRP reinforcement, the substrate to which the FRP is applied will be strained. These strains should be considered initial strains and should be H[FOXGHG IURP WKH VWUDLQ LQ WKH )53 Arduini and Nanni 1DQQLDQG*ROG 7KHLQLWLDOVWUDLQRQWKHERQGHG VXEVWUDWHİbi, can be determined from an elastic analysis of the existing member, considering all loads that will be on the member during the installation of the FRP system. The elastic analysis of the existing member should be based on cracked section properties. )OH[XUDO VWUHQJWKHQLQJ RI FRQFDYH VRI¿WV—The SUHVHQFH RI FXUYDWXUH LQ WKH VRI¿W RI D FRQFUHWH PHPEHU may lead to the development of tensile stresses normal to the adhesive and surface to which the FRP is bonded. Such tensile stresses result when the FRP tends to straighten under load, and can promote the initiation of FRP debonding or interlaminar failures that reduce the effectiveness of the )53ÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKHQLQJ Aiello et al. 2001Eshwar et al. 2003 ,IWKHH[WHQWRIWKHFXUYHGSRUWLRQRIWKHVRI¿WH[FHHGV DOHQJWKRILQ P ZLWKDULVHRILQ PP WKH VXUIDFHVKRXOGEHPDGHÀDWEHIRUHVWUHQJWKHQLQJ$OWHUQDWHO\ anchorage systems such as U-wraps, mechanical fasteners, ¿EHUDQFKRUVRU160DQFKRUVVKRXOGEHLQVWDOOHGWRPLWLJDWHGHODPLQDWLRQ Eshwar et al. 2005 Fig. 10.2.5—Effective depth of FRP systems. Strain in FRP reinforcement—It is important to determine the strain in the FRP reinforcement at the ultimate limit state. Because FRP materials are linear elastic until failure, the strain in the FRP will dictate the stress developed in the FRP. The maximum strain that can be achieved in the FRP reinforcement will be governed by either the strain developed in the FRP at the point at which concrete crushes, the point at which the FRP ruptures, or the point at which the FRP debonds from the substrate. The effective strain in the FRP reinforcement at the ultimate limit state can be found IURP(T ⎛ d f − c⎞ ε fe = ε cu ⎜ − ε bi ≤ ε fd ⎝ c ⎟⎠ ZKHUHİbi is the initial substrate strain as described in 10.2.3, and df is the effective depth of FRP reinforcement, as indicated in Fig. 10.2.5. Stress in the FRP reinforcement—The effective stress in the FRP reinforcement is the maximum level of stress that FDQ EH GHYHORSHG LQ WKH )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQW EHIRUH ÀH[XUDO failure of the section. This effective stress can be found from the strain in the FRP, assuming perfectly elastic behavior ffe = Efİfe Strength reduction factor—The use of externally ERQGHG )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQW IRU ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWKHQLQJ ZLOO reduce the ductility of the original member. In some cases, the loss of ductility is negligible. Sections that experience a VLJQL¿FDQWORVVLQGXFWLOLW\KRZHYHUVKRXOGEHDGGUHVVHG7R PDLQWDLQDVXI¿FLHQWGHJUHHRIGXFWLOLW\WKHVWUDLQLQWKHVWHHO at the ultimate limit state should be checked. For reinforced concrete members with nonprestressed steel reinforcement, DGHTXDWHGXFWLOLW\LVDFKLHYHGLIWKHVWUDLQLQWKHVWHHODWWKH point of concrete crushing or failure of the FRP, including delamination or debonding, is at least 0.005, according to the GH¿QLWLRQRIDWHQVLRQFRQWUROOHGVHFWLRQDVJLYHQLQACI 318. The approach taken by this guide follows the philosophy RI$&,$VWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUJLYHQE\(T VKRXOGEHXVHGZKHUHİt is the net tensile strain in extreme WHQVLRQVWHHODWQRPLQDOVWUHQJWKDVGH¿QHGLQ$&, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) ⎧0.90 for ε t ≥ 0.005 ⎪ 0.25(ε t − ε sy ) ⎪ φ = ⎨0.65 + for ε sy < ε t < 0.005 0.005 − ε sy ⎪ ⎪0.65 for ε ≤ ε t sy ⎩ 27 7KLVHTXDWLRQVHWVWKHUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUDWIRUGXFWLOH sections and 0.65 for brittle sections where the steel does not yield, and provides a linear transition for the reduction IDFWRUEHWZHHQWKHVHWZRH[WUHPHV7KHXVHRI(T is limited to steel having a yield strength fy less than 80 ksi 03D ACI 318 Serviceability—The serviceability of a member GHÀHFWLRQV DQG FUDFN ZLGWKV XQGHU VHUYLFH ORDGV VKRXOG satisfy applicable provisions of ACI 318. The effect of the FRP external reinforcement on the serviceability can be assessed using the transformed-section analysis. To avoid inelastic deformations of reinforced concrete members with nonprestressed steel reinforcement strengthened with external FRP reinforcement, the existing internal steel reinforcement should be prevented from yielding under service load levels, especially for members subjected to F\FOLF ORDGV El-Tawil et al. 2001 7KH VWUHVV LQ WKH VWHHO reinforcement under service load should be limited to 80 SHUFHQWRIWKH\LHOGVWUHQJWKDVVKRZQLQ(T D ,Q addition, the compressive stress in concrete under service load should be limited to 60 percent of the compressive VWUHQJWKDVVKRZQLQ(T E fs,sfy D fc,sfcƍ E Creep rupture and fatigue stress limits—To avoid creep rupture of the FRP reinforcement under sustained stresses or failure due to cyclic stresses and fatigue of the FRP reinforcement, the stress in the FRP reinforcement under these stress conditions should be checked. Because this stress will be within the elastic response range of the member, the stresses can be computed by elastic analysis using cracked section properties as appropriate. In 4.4, the creep rupture phenomenon and fatigue characteristics of FRP material were described and the resistance to LWVHIIHFWVE\YDULRXVW\SHVRI¿EHUVZDVH[DPLQHG$VVWDWHG in 4.4.1, research has indicated that glass, aramid, and carbon ¿EHUV FDQ VXVWDLQ DSSUR[LPDWHO\ DQG WLPHV their ultimate strengths, respectively, before encountering D FUHHS UXSWXUH SUREOHP <DPDJXFKL HW DO Malvar 7RDYRLGIDLOXUHRIDQ)53UHLQIRUFHGPHPEHUGXHWR creep rupture and fatigue of the FRP, stress limits for these conditions should be imposed on the FRP reinforcement. The stress in the FRP reinforcement can be computed using elastic analysis and an applied moment due to all sustained ORDGV GHDGORDGVDQGWKHVXVWDLQHGSRUWLRQRIWKHOLYHORDG plus the maximum moment induced in a fatigue loading F\FOH )LJ 7KHVXVWDLQHGVWUHVVVKRXOGEHOLPLWHGDV H[SUHVVHGE\(T WRPDLQWDLQVDIHW\9DOXHVIRUVDIH Fig. 10.2.9—Illustration of the level of applied moment to be used to check the stress limits in the FRP reinforcement. VXVWDLQHGSOXVF\FOLFVWUHVVDUHJLYHQLQ7DEOH7KHVH values are based approximately on the stress limits previously stated in 4.4.1 with an imposed safety factor of 1/0.6 ff,sVXVWDLQHGSOXVF\FOLFVWUHVVOLPLW Table 10.2.9—Sustained plus cyclic service load stress limits in FRP reinforcement )LEHUW\SH 6WUHVVW\SH GFRP AFRP CFRP Sustained plus cyclic stress limit 0.20ffu 0.30ffu 0.55ffu Ultimate strength of singly reinforced rectangular section—To illustrate the concepts presented in this chapter, this section describes the application of these concepts to a nonprestressed singly-reinforced rectangular section. Figure 10.2.10 illustrates the internal strain and stress distribution IRUDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQXQGHUÀH[XUHDWWKHXOWLPDWHOLPLW state. The calculation procedure used to arrive at the ultimate VWUHQJWKVKRXOGVDWLVI\VWUDLQFRPSDWLELOLW\DQGIRUFHHTXLlibrium, and should consider the governing mode of failure. Several calculation procedures can be derived to satisfy these conditions. The calculation procedure described herein illustrates an iterative method that involves selecting an assumed depth to the neutral axis, c, calculating the strain LQ HDFK PDWHULDO XVLQJ VWUDLQ FRPSDWLELOLW\ FDOFXODWLQJ WKH DVVRFLDWHG VWUHVV LQ HDFK PDWHULDO DQG FKHFNLQJ LQWHUQDO IRUFH HTXLOLEULXP ,I WKH LQWHUQDO IRUFH UHVXOWDQWV GR QRW HTXLOLEUDWHWKHGHSWKWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LVVKRXOGEHUHYLVHG and the procedure repeated. For any assumed depth to the neutral axis, c, the strain in WKH )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQW FDQ EH FRPSXWHG IURP (T 7KLVHTXDWLRQFRQVLGHUVWKHJRYHUQLQJPRGHRIIDLOXUHIRUWKH DVVXPHGQHXWUDOD[LVGHSWK,IWKHOHIWWHUPRIWKHLQHTXDOLW\ FRQWUROV FRQFUHWH FUXVKLQJ FRQWUROV ÀH[XUDO IDLOXUH RI WKH VHFWLRQ,IWKHULJKWWHUPRIWKHLQHTXDOLW\FRQWUROV)53IDLOXUH UXSWXUHRUGHERQGLQJ FRQWUROVÀH[XUDOIDLOXUHRIWKHVHFWLRQ The effective stress in the FRP reinforcement can be found from the strain in the FRP, assuming perfectly elastic EHKDYLRUXVLQJ(T %DVHGRQWKHVWUDLQLQWKH)53 reinforcement, the strain in the nonprestressed steel rein- @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 28 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) )LJ²,QWHUQDOVWUDLQDQGVWUHVVGLVWULEXWLRQIRUDUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQXQGHUÀH[XUH at ultimate limit state. IRUFHPHQW FDQ EH IRXQG IURP (T D XVLQJ VWUDLQ compatibility ⎛ d −c ⎞ ε s = (ε fe + ε bi ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d f − c⎠ D The stress in the steel is determined from the strain in the steel using its assumed elastic-perfectly plastic stress-strain curve fs = Esİsfy E With the stress in the FRP and steel reinforcement determined for the assumed neutral axis depth, internal force HTXLOLEULXPPD\EHFKHFNHGXVLQJ(T F Į1 fcƍȕ1bc = Asfs + Af ffe assumed values do not agree, another value for c is selected, and the process is repeated until convergence is attained. 7KH QRPLQDO ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK RI WKH VHFWLRQ ZLWK )53 H[WHUQDO UHLQIRUFHPHQW LV FRPSXWHG IURP (T G $QDGGLWLRQDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUIRU)53ȥf, is applied to the ÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKH)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW7KH UHFRPPHQGHGYDOXHRIȥf is 0.85. This reduction factor for the strength contribution of FRP reinforcement is based on the reliability analysis discussed in , which was based on the experimentally calibrated statistical properties of the ÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK Okeil et al. 2007 F 7KH WHUPV Į1 DQG ȕ1 LQ (T F DUH SDUDPHWHUV GH¿QLQJDUHFWDQJXODUVWUHVVEORFNLQWKHFRQFUHWHHTXLYDOHQW to the nonlinear distribution of stress. If concrete crushing is WKHFRQWUROOLQJPRGHRIIDLOXUH EHIRUHRUDIWHUVWHHO\LHOGLQJ Į1 DQG ȕ1 can be taken as the values associated with the :KLWQH\VWUHVVEORFN ACI 318 WKDWLVĮ1 DQGȕ1 = 0.85 for fcƍEHWZHHQDQGSVL DQG03D DQG ȕ1LVUHGXFHGOLQHDUO\DWDUDWHRIIRUHDFKSVL 03D RIFRQFUHWHVWUHQJWKH[FHHGLQJSVL 03D 1RWH WKDWȕ1 shall not be taken less than 0.65. If FRP rupture, cover delamination, or FRP debonding occur, the Whitney stress block will give reasonably accurate results. A nonlinear stress distribution in the concrete or a more accurate stress block appropriate for the strain level reached in the concrete at the ultimate-limit state may be used. The depth to the neutral axis, c, is found by simultaneously VDWLVI\LQJ(T D E DQG F WKXVHVWDEOLVKLQJLQWHUQDOIRUFHHTXLOLEULXPDQG strain compatibility. To solve for the depth of the neutral axis, c, an iterative solution procedure can be used. An initial value for cLV¿UVWDVVXPHGDQGWKHVWUDLQVDQGVWUHVVHV DUH FDOFXODWHG XVLQJ (T D DQG E $ UHYLVHG YDOXH IRU WKH GHSWK RI QHXWUDO D[LV c LV WKHQ FDOFXODWHG IURP (T F 7KH FDOFXODWHG and assumed values for c are then compared. If they agree, then the proper value of c is reached. If the calculated and β c⎞ β c⎞ ⎛ ⎛ M n = As f s ⎜ d − 1 ⎟ + ψ f Af f fe ⎜ d f − 1 ⎟ ⎝ ⎝ ⎠ 2 2 ⎠ G Stress in steel under service loads—The stress in the steel reinforcement can be calculated based on a cracked-section analysis of the FRP-strengthened reinforced FRQFUHWHVHFWLRQDVLQGLFDWHGE\(T fs,s ⎡ kd ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ⎢ M s + ε bi Af E f ⎜⎝ d f − 3 ⎟⎠ ⎥ (d − kd ) Es ⎦ =⎣ kd ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ⎢ As Es ⎜⎝ d − 3 ⎟⎠ (d − kd ) ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ kd ⎞ ⎛ + − ( ) − A E d d kd ⎟⎠ f ⎢ f f ⎜⎝ f ⎥ 3 ⎣ ⎦ The distribution of strain and stress in the reinforced concrete section is shown in Fig. Similar to conventional reinforced concrete, the depth to the neutral axis at service, kd FDQ EH FRPSXWHG E\ WDNLQJ WKH ¿UVW moment of the areas of the transformed section. The transformed area of the FRP may be obtained by multiplying the area of FRP by the modular ratio of FRP to concrete. Although this method ignores the difference in the initial VWUDLQRIWKH)53WKHLQLWLDOVWUDLQGRHVQRWJUHDWO\LQÀXHQFH the depth to the neutral axis in the elastic response range of the member. The stress in the steel under service loads computed IURP(T VKRXOGEHFRPSDUHGDJDLQVWWKHOLPLWV described in 10.2.8. The value of MsIURP(T LV HTXDOWRWKHPRPHQWGXHWRDOOVXVWDLQHGORDGV GHDGORDGV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 29 Fig.—Elastic strain and stress distribution. DQGWKHVXVWDLQHGSRUWLRQRIWKHOLYHORDG SOXVWKHPD[LPXP moment induced in a fatigue loading cycle, as shown in Fig. Stress in FRP under service loads—The stress in WKH)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWFDQEHFRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T with fs,sIURP(T (TXDWLRQ JLYHVWKH stress in the FRP reinforcement under an applied moment within the elastic response range of the member ⎛ E f ⎞ d f − kd f f ,s = fs,s ⎜ ⎟ − ε bi E f ⎝ Es ⎠ d − kd EHEDVHGRQWKHDFWXDOFRQGLWLRQRIWKHPHPEHU FUDFNHGRU XQFUDFNHGVHFWLRQ WRGHWHUPLQHWKHVXEVWUDWHLQLWLDOVWUDLQ Strain in FRP reinforcement—The maximum strain that can be achieved in the FRP reinforcement will be governed by strain limitations due to either concrete crushing, FRP rupture, FRP debonding, or prestressing steel rupture. The effective design strain for FRP reinforcement at the ultimate-limit state for failure controlled by concrete FUXVKLQJFDQEHFDOFXODWHGE\WKHXVHRI(T For failure controlled by prestressing steel rupture, (T D FDQEHXVHG)RU*UDGHDQGNVL DQG03D VWUDQGWKHYDOXHRIİpu to be used in (T D LV The stress in the FRP under service loads computed IURP(T VKRXOGEHFRPSDUHGDJDLQVWWKHOLPLWV GHVFULEHGLQ 10.3—Prestressed concrete members This section presents guidance on the effect of adding longitudinal FRP reinforcement to the tension face of a rectangular prestressed concrete member. The general concepts outlined herein can be extended to nonrectangular shapes 7VHFWLRQV DQG ,VHFWLRQV DQG WR PHPEHUV ZLWK WHQVLRQ compression, or both, nonprestressed steel reinforcement. Members with bonded prestressing steel Assumptions—In addition to the basic assumptions for concrete and FRP behavior for a reinforced concrete section listed in 10.2.1, the following assumptions are made LQFDOFXODWLQJWKHÀH[XUDOUHVLVWDQFHRIDSUHVWUHVVHGVHFWLRQ strengthened with an externally applied FRP system: D 6WUDLQ FRPSDWLELOLW\ FDQ EH XVHG WR GHWHUPLQH VWUDLQ in the externally bonded FRP, strain in the nonprestressed steel reinforcement, and the strain or strain change in the prestressing steel. E $GGLWLRQDO ÀH[XUDO IDLOXUH PRGH FRQWUROOHG E\ prestressing steel rupture should be investigated. F )RU FDVHV ZKHUH WKH SUHVWUHVVLQJ VWHHO LV GUDSHG RU harped, several sections along the span of the member VKRXOGEHHYDOXDWHGWRYHULI\VWUHQJWKUHTXLUHPHQWV G 7KHLQLWLDOVWUDLQRIWKHFRQFUHWHVXEVWUDWHİbi, should be calculated and excluded from the effective strain in the FRP. The initial strain can be determined from an elastic analysis of the existing member, considering all loads that will be applied to the member at the time of FRP installation. Analysis should ⎛ d f − c⎞ ε fe = (ε pu − ε pi ) ⎜ ⎟ − ε bi ≤ ε fd D ⎝ dp − c⎠ in which ε pi = Pe P + e Ap E p Ac Ec ⎛ e2 ⎞ ⎜⎝1 + r 2 ⎟⎠ E Strength reduction factor²7R PDLQWDLQ D VXI¿cient degree of ductility, the strain in the prestressing steel at WKHQRPLQDOVWUHQJWKVKRXOGEHFKHFNHG$GHTXDWHGXFWLOLW\LV achieved if the strain in the prestressing steel at the nominal strength is at least 0.013. Where this strain cannot be achieved, the strength reduction factor is decreased to account for a less ductile failure. The strength reduction factor for a member SUHVWUHVVHG ZLWK VWDQGDUG DQG NVL DQG 03D SUHVWUHVVLQJVWHHOLVJLYHQE\(T ZKHUHİps is the prestressing steel strain at the nominal strength for ε ps ≥ 0.013 ⎧0.90 ⎪ 0.25(ε ps − 0.010) ⎪ φ = ⎨0.65 + for 0.010 < ε ps < 0.013 0.013 − 0.010 ⎪ for ε ps ≤ 0.010 ⎪0.65 ⎩ Serviceability—To avoid inelastic deformations of the strengthened member, the prestressing steel should @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 30 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) be prevented from yielding under service load levels. The stress in the steel under service load should be limited per (T D DQG E ,QDGGLWLRQWKHFRPSUHVVLYH stress in the concrete under service load should be limited to 45 percent of the compressive strength fps,sfpy D fps,sfpu E When fatigue is a concern, the stress in the prestressing steel due to transient live loads should be limited to 18 ksi 03D ZKHQ WKH UDGLL RI SUHVWUHVVLQJ VWHHO FXUYDWXUH H[FHHGVIW P RUWRNVL 03D ZKHQWKHUDGLLRI SUHVWUHVVLQJVWHHO FXUYDWXUH GRHV QRW H[FHHG IW P A linear interpolation should be used for radii between 12 DQGIW DQGP AASHTO 2004 7KHVHOLPLWVKDYH EHHQYHUL¿HGH[SHULPHQWDOO\IRUSUHVWUHVVHGPHPEHUVZLWK harped and straight strands strengthened with externally ERQGHG)53 Rosenboom and Rizkalla 2006 Creep rupture and fatigue stress limits—To avoid creep rupture of the FRP reinforcement under sustained stresses or failure due to cyclic stresses and fatigue of the FRP reinforcement, the stress in the FRP reinforcement under these stress conditions should not exceed the limits SURYLGHGLQ Nominal strength—The calculation procedure to compute nominal strength should satisfy strain compatibility DQG IRUFH HTXLOLEULXP DQG VKRXOG FRQVLGHU WKH JRYHUQLQJ mode of failure. The calculation procedure described herein uses an iterative method similar to that discussed in 10.2. For any assumed depth to the neutral axis, c, the effective strain and stress in the FRP reinforcement can be computed from (T DQG UHVSHFWLYHO\7KLVHTXDWLRQFRQVLGHUV the governing mode of failure for the assumed neutral axis GHSWK,IWKHOHIWWHUPRIWKHLQHTXDOLW\LQ(T FRQWUROV FRQFUHWHFUXVKLQJFRQWUROVÀH[XUDOIDLOXUHRIWKHVHFWLRQ,IWKH ULJKW WHUP RI WKH LQHTXDOLW\ FRQWUROV )53 IDLOXUH UXSWXUH RU GHERQGLQJ FRQWUROVÀH[XUDOIDLOXUHRIWKHVHFWLRQ The strain in the prestressed steel can be found from (T D EDVHGRQVWUDLQFRPSDWLELOLW\ ε ps = ε pe + Pe Ac Ec ⎛ e2 ⎞ ⎜⎝1 + r 2 ⎟⎠ + ε pnet ≤ 0.035 D LQ ZKLFK İpe is the effective strain in the prestressing steel DIWHUORVVHVDQGİpnet is the net tensile strain in the prestressing steel beyond decompression, at the nominal strength. The YDOXHRIİpnet will depend on the mode of failure, and can be FDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T E DQGF ⎛ dp − c⎞ ε pnet = 0.003 ⎜ for concrete crushing failure ⎝ c ⎟⎠ E ⎛ dp − c⎞ ε pnet = (ε fe + ε bi ) ⎜ ⎟ for FRP rupture or debonding failure modes ⎝ d f − c⎠ F The stress in the prestressing steel is calculated using the material properties of the steel. For a typical seven-wire lowrelaxation prestressing strand, the stress-strain curve may EH DSSUR[LPDWHG E\ WKH IROORZLQJ HTXDWLRQV Prestressed/ Precast Concrete Institute 2004 )RU*UDGHNVL 03D VWHHO f ps f ps ⎧ ⎪28, 500ε for ε ps ≤ 0.0076 ps ⎪⎪ =⎨ (in.-lb) ⎪ 0.04 ⎪250 − for ε ps > 0.0076 ε ps − 0.0064 ⎪⎩ G ⎧ ⎪196, 500ε for ε ps ≤ 0.0076 ps ⎪⎪ (SI) =⎨ ⎪ 0.276 ⎪1720 − for ε ps > 0.0076 ε ps − 0.0064 ⎪⎩ )RU*UDGHNVL 03D VWHHO f ps ⎧ ⎪28, 500ε for ε ps ≤ 0.0086 ps ⎪⎪ =⎨ (in.-lb) ⎪ 0.04 ⎪270 − for ε ps > 0.0086 ε ps − 0.007 ⎪⎩ f ps ⎧ ⎪196, 500ε for ε ps ≤ 0.0086 ps ⎪⎪ (SI) =⎨ ⎪ 0.276 ⎪1860 − for ε ps > 0.0086 ε ps − 0.007 ⎪⎩ H With the strain and stress in the FRP and prestressing steel determined for the assumed neutral axis depth, internal force HTXLOLEULXPPD\EHFKHFNHGXVLQJ(T I Į1fcƍȕ1bc = Apfp + Af ffe I )RUWKHFRQFUHWHFUXVKLQJPRGHRIIDLOXUHWKHHTXLYDOHQW FRPSUHVVLYHVWUHVVEORFNIDFWRUĮ1 can be taken as 0.85, and ȕ1 can be estimated as described in 10.2.10. If FRP rupture, cover delamination, or FRP debonding failure occurs, the XVHRIHTXLYDOHQWUHFWDQJXODUFRQFUHWHVWUHVVEORFNIDFWRUVLV appropriate. Methods considering a nonlinear stress distribution in the concrete can also be used. The depth to the neutral axis, c, is found by simultaneRXVO\ VDWLVI\LQJ (T DQG D WR I WKXVHVWDEOLVKLQJLQWHUQDOIRUFHHTXLOLEULXPDQG strain compatibility. To solve for the depth of the neutral axis, c, an iterative solution procedure can be used. An initial @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) value for cLV¿UVWDVVXPHGDQGWKHVWUDLQVDQGVWUHVVHVDUH FDOFXODWHG XVLQJ (T DQG D WR H $ UHYLVHG YDOXH IRU WKH GHSWK RI QHXWUDO D[LV c LV WKHQ FDOFXODWHG IURP (T I 7KH FDOFXODWHG and assumed values for c are then compared. If they agree, then the proper value of c is reached. If the calculated and assumed values do not agree, another value for c is selected, and the process is repeated until convergence is attained. 7KH QRPLQDO ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK RI WKH VHFWLRQ ZLWK )53 H[WHUQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWFDQEHFRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T J 7KHDGGLWLRQDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf LVDSSOLHGWRWKHÀH[ural-strength contribution of the FRP reinforcement β c⎞ β c⎞ ⎛ ⎛ M n = Ap f ps ⎜ d p − 1 ⎟ + ψ f Af f fe ⎜ d f − 1 ⎟ ⎝ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 2 ⎠ J Stress in prestressing steel under service loads— The stress in the prestressing steel can be calculated based RQ WKH DFWXDO FRQGLWLRQ FUDFNHG RU XQFUDFNHG VHFWLRQ RI the strengthened reinforced concrete section. The strain in SUHVWUHVVLQJVWHHODWVHUYLFHİps,s, can be calculated as ε ps , s = ε pe + Pe Ac Ec ⎛ e2 ⎞ ⎜⎝1 + r 2 ⎟⎠ + ε pnet , s D LQZKLFKİpeLVWKHHIIHFWLYHSUHVWUHVVLQJVWUDLQDQGİpnet,s is the net tensile strain in the prestressing steel beyond decomSUHVVLRQDWVHUYLFH7KHYDOXHRIİpnet,s depends on the effective section properties at service, and can be calculated using (T E DQG F ε pnet , s = M se for uncracked section at service Ec I g E ε pnet , s = M snet e for cracked section at service Ec I cr F where Msnet is the net service moment beyond decompression. The stress in the prestressing steel under service loads FDQWKHQEHFRPSXWHGIURP(T G DQG H and compared against the limits described in Stress in FRP under service loads²(TXDWLRQ JLYHV WKH VWUHVV LQ WKH )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQW XQGHU an applied moment within the elastic response range of the PHPEHU7KHFDOFXODWLRQSURFHGXUHIRUWKHLQLWLDOVWUDLQİbi at the time of FRP installation will depend on the state of the concrete section at the time of FRP installation and at service condition. Prestressed sections can be uncracked at installation/uncracked at service, uncracked at installation/cracked at service, or cracked at installation/cracked at service. The initial VWUDLQRQWKHERQGHGVXEVWUDWHİbi, can be determined from an elastic analysis of the existing member, considering all loads that will be on the member during the installation of the FRP system. The elastic analysis of the existing member should be 31 based on cracked or uncracked section properties, depending on existing conditions. In most cases, the initial strain before cracking is relatively small, and may conservatively be ignored ⎛ Ef ⎞ M y f f , s = ⎜ ⎟ s b − ε bi E f ⎝ Ec ⎠ I 'HSHQGLQJRQWKHDFWXDOFRQGLWLRQDWVHUYLFH FUDFNHGRU XQFUDFNHG WKH PRPHQW RI LQHUWLD I, can be taken as the moment of inertia of the uncracked section transformed to concrete, Itr, or the moment of inertia of the cracked section transformed to concrete, Icr. The variable yb is the distance from the centroidal axis of the gross section, neglecting reinIRUFHPHQWWRWKHH[WUHPHERWWRP¿EHU7KHFRPSXWHGVWUHVV in the FRP under service loads should not exceed the limits SURYLGHGLQ 10.4—Moment redistribution Moment redistribution for continuous reinforced concrete beams strengthened using externally bonded FRP can be used to decrease factored moments calculated by elastic theory at sections of maximum negative or maximum positive moment IRUDQ\DVVXPHGORDGLQJDUUDQJHPHQWE\QRWPRUHWKDQİt percent, to a maximum of 20 percent. Moment redistribution is only permitted when the strain in the tension steel reinIRUFHPHQWİt, exceeds 0.0075 at the section at which moment is reduced. Moment redistribution is not permitted where approximate values of bending moments are used. The reduced moment should be used for calculating redistributed moments at all other sections within the spans. 6WDWLFHTXLOLEULXPVKRXOGEHPDLQWDLQHGDIWHUUHGLVWULEXWLRQ of moments for each loading arrangement. El-Refaie et al. demonstrated that continuous reinforced concrete beams strengthened with carbon FRP sheets can redistribute moment in the order of 6 to 31 percent. They also concluded that lower moment redistribution was achieved for beam VHFWLRQVUHWUR¿WWHGZLWKKLJKHUDPRXQWVRIFDUERQ)53UHLQforcement. 6LOYDDQG,EHOO demonstrated that sections that can develop a curvature ductility capacity greater than 2.0 can produce moment redistribution of at least 7.5 percent of the design moment. CHAPTER 11—SHEAR STRENGTHENING )LEHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU )53 V\VWHPVKDYHEHHQVKRZQ to increase the shear strength of existing concrete beams and columns by wrapping or partially wrapping the members 0DOYDUHWDO&KDMHVHWDO1RUULVHWDO Kachlakev and McCurry 2000 2ULHQWLQJ)53¿EHUVWUDQVverse to the axis of the member or perpendicular to potential shear cracks is effective in providing additional shear VWUHQJWK 6DWRHWDO $QLQFUHDVHLQVKHDUVWUHQJWKPD\ EHUHTXLUHGZKHQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKHQLQJLVLPSOHPHQWHGWR HQVXUHWKDWÀH[XUDOFDSDFLW\UHPDLQVFULWLFDO)OH[XUDOIDLOures are relatively more ductile in nature compared with shear failures. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 32 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 11.1—General considerations This chapter presents guidance on the calculation of added shear strength resulting from the addition of FRP shear reinforcement to a reinforced concrete beam or column. The additional shear strength that can be provided by the FRP system is based on many factors, including geometry of the beam or column, wrapping scheme, and existing concrete strength, but should be limited in accordance with the recommendations of &KDSWHU. Shear strengthening using external FRP may be provided at locations of expected plastic hinges or stress reversal DQGIRUHQKDQFLQJSRVW\LHOGÀH[XUDOEHKDYLRURIPHPEHUV in moment frames resisting seismic loads, as described in Chapter 13. 11.2—Wrapping schemes The three types of FRP wrapping schemes used to increase the shear strength of prismatic, rectangular beams, or columns are illustrated in Fig. 11.2. Completely wrapping the FRP system around the section on all four sides is WKHPRVWHI¿FLHQWZUDSSLQJVFKHPHDQGLVPRVWFRPPRQO\ used in column applications where access to all four sides of the column is available. In beam applications where an integral slab makes it impractical to completely wrap the member, the shear strength can be improved by wrapping WKH)53V\VWHPDURXQGWKUHHVLGHVRIWKHPHPEHU 8ZUDS or bonding to two opposite sides of the member. $OWKRXJKDOOWKUHHWHFKQLTXHVKDYHEHHQVKRZQWRLPSURYH the shear strength of a rectangular member, completely ZUDSSLQJWKHVHFWLRQLVWKHPRVWHI¿FLHQWIROORZHGE\WKH three-sided U-wrap. Bonding to two sides of a beam is the OHDVWHI¿FLHQWVFKHPH For shear strengthening of circular members, only complete circumferential wrapping of the section in which the FRP is oriented perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of WKHPHPEHU WKDWLVĮ GHJUHHV LVUHFRPPHQGHG In all wrapping schemes, the FRP system can be installed continuously along the span of a member or placed as discrete strips. As discussed in , the potential effects of entrapping moisture in the substrate when using continXRXVUHLQIRUFHPHQWVKRXOGEHFDUHIXOO\FRQVLGHUHG6SHFL¿F means of allowing moisture vapor transmission out of the substrate should be employed where appropriate. 11.3—Nominal shear strength The design shear strength of a concrete member strengthHQHG ZLWK DQ )53 V\VWHP VKRXOG H[FHHG WKH UHTXLUHG VKHDU VWUHQJWK (T D 7KHUHTXLUHGVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIDQ)53 strengthened concrete member should be computed with the ORDGIDFWRUVUHTXLUHGE\ACI 318. The design shear strength should be calculated by multiplying the nominal shear strength E\WKHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUࢥDVVSHFL¿HGE\$&, ࢥVnVu Fig. 11.2—Typical wrapping schemes for shear strengthening using FRP laminates. WLRQVIURPWKHUHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO VWLUUXSVWLHVRUVSLUDOV DQG WKHFRQFUHWH (T E $QDGGLWLRQDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf is applied to the contribution of the FRP system ࢥVn ࢥ Vc + VsȥfVf E where Vc and Vs are the concrete and internal reinforcing steel contributions to shear capacity calculated using the provisions of ACI 318, respectively. For prestressed members, Vc is the minimum of Vci and VcwGH¿QHGE\$&, Based on a reliability analysis using data from BousVHOKDP DQG &KDDOODO , 'HQLDXG DQG &KHQJ , )XQDNDZD HW DO , 0DWWK\V DQG 7ULDQWD¿OORX , and 3HOOHJULQR DQG 0RGHQD , the reducWLRQ IDFWRU ȥf of 0.85 is recommended for the three-sided FRP U-wrap or two-opposite-sides strengthening schemes. ,QVXI¿FLHQWH[SHULPHQWDOGDWDH[LVWWRSHUIRUPDUHOLDELOLW\ DQDO\VLV IRU IXOO\ZUDSSHG VHFWLRQV KRZHYHU WKHUH VKRXOG be less variability with this strengthening scheme, as it is OHVVERQGGHSHQGHQWDQGWKHUHIRUHWKHUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf RILVUHFRPPHQGHG7KHȥf factor was calibrated based on design material properties. These recommendations are given in Table 11.3. Table 11.3—Recommended additional reduction factors for FRP shear reinforcement ȥf Completely wrapped members ȥf = 0.85 Three-side and two-opposite-sides schemes 11.4—FRP contribution to shear strength Figure 11.4 illustrates the dimensional variables used in shear-strengthening calculations for FRP laminates. The contribution of the FRP system to shear strength of a member LV EDVHG RQ WKH ¿EHU RULHQWDWLRQ DQG DQ DVVXPHG FUDFN SDWWHUQ .KDOLIDHWDO 7KHVKHDUVWUHQJWKSURYLGHGE\ the FRP reinforcement can be determined by calculating the force resulting from the tensile stress in the FRP across the assumed crack. The shear contribution of the FRP shear reinIRUFHPHQWLVWKHQJLYHQE\(T D Vf = Afv f fe (sin α + cos α )d fv sf D D For rectangular sections The nominal shear strength of an FRP-strengthened concrete member can be determined by adding the contribution of the FRP external shear reinforcement to the contribu- Afv = 2ntfwf @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation E American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 33 7KH ERQGUHGXFWLRQ FRHI¿FLHQW LV D IXQFWLRQ RI WKH concrete strength, the type of wrapping scheme used, and WKHVWLIIQHVVRIWKHODPLQDWH7KHERQGUHGXFWLRQFRHI¿FLHQW FDQ EH FRPSXWHG IURP (T E WKURXJK H .KDOLIDHWDO Fig. 11.4—Illustration of the dimensional variables used LQ VKHDUVWUHQJWKHQLQJ FDOFXODWLRQV IRU UHSDLU UHWUR¿W RU strengthening using FRP laminates. For circular sections, dfv is taken as 0.8 times the diameter of the section and Afv ʌ ntfwf F The tensile stress in the FRP shear reinforcement at nominal strength is directly proportional to the strain that can be developed in the FRP shear reinforcement at nominal strength ffe = Efİfe 7KLVVWUDLQOLPLWDWLRQLVEDVHGRQWHVWLQJ Priestley et al. DQGH[SHULHQFH+LJKHUVWUDLQVVKRXOGQRWEHXVHGIRU FRP shear-strengthening applications. Bonded U-wraps or bonded face plies—FRP V\VWHPV WKDW GR QRW HQFORVH WKH HQWLUH VHFWLRQ WZR DQG WKUHHVLGHGZUDSV KDYHEHHQREVHUYHGWRGHODPLQDWHIURP the concrete before the loss of aggregate interlock of the section. For this reason, bond stresses have been analyzed to GHWHUPLQHWKHHI¿FLHQF\RIWKHVHV\VWHPVDQGWKHHIIHFWLYH VWUDLQWKDWFDQEHDFKLHYHG 7ULDQWD¿OORX 7KHHIIHFWLYHVWUDLQLVFDOFXODWHGXVLQJDERQGUHGXFWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWțv applicable to shear İfe țvİfu k1k2 Le ≤ 0.75 468ε fu (in.-lb) kk L κ v = 1 2 e ≤ 0.75 11, 900ε fu E (SI) The active bond length Le is the length over which the majority of the bond stress is maintained. This length is JLYHQE\(T F Le = 2500 (in.-lb) (nt f E f )0.58 23, 300 Le = (SI) (nt f E f )0.58 F G 11.4.1 Effective strain in FRP laminates—The effective strain is the maximum strain that can be achieved in the FRP system at the nominal strength and is governed by the failure mode of the FRP system and of the strengthened reinforced concrete member. The licensed design professional should consider all possible failure modes and use an effective strain representative of the critical failure mode. The following subsections provide guidance on determining this effective VWUDLQIRUGLIIHUHQWFRQ¿JXUDWLRQVRI)53ODPLQDWHVXVHGIRU shear strengthening of reinforced concrete members. Completely wrapped members—For reinforced concrete column and beam members completely wrapped by FRP, loss of aggregate interlock of the concrete has been REVHUYHGWRRFFXUDW¿EHUVWUDLQVOHVVWKDQWKHXOWLPDWH¿EHU strain. To preclude this mode of failure, the maximum strain used for design should be limited to 0.4 percent for members WKDWDUHFRPSOHWHO\ZUDSSHGZLWK)53 (T İfe İfu κv = D 7KH ERQGUHGXFWLRQ FRHI¿FLHQW DOVR UHOLHV RQ WZR PRGL¿FDWLRQ IDFWRUV k1 and k2, that account for the concrete strength and the type of wrapping scheme used, respectively. ([SUHVVLRQVIRUWKHVHPRGL¿FDWLRQIDFWRUVDUHJLYHQLQ(T G DQG H ⎛ f′ ⎞ k1 = ⎜ c ⎟ ⎝ 4000 ⎠ ⎛ f '⎞ k1 = ⎜ c ⎟ ⎝ 27 ⎠ 2/3 (in.-lb) 2/3 G (SI) ⎧ d fv − Le for U-wraps ⎪ ⎪ d fv k2 = ⎨ ⎪ d fv − 2 Le for two sides bonded ⎪ d fv ⎩ H 7KH PHWKRGRORJ\ IRU GHWHUPLQLQJ țv has been validated for members in regions of high shear and low moment, such as monotonically loaded simply supported beams. Although WKHPHWKRGRORJ\KDVQRWEHHQFRQ¿UPHGIRUVKHDUVWUHQJWKHQLQJLQDUHDVVXEMHFWHGWRFRPELQHGKLJKÀH[XUDODQGVKHDU stresses or in regions where the web is primarily in compresVLRQ QHJDWLYH PRPHQW UHJLRQV LW LV VXJJHVWHG WKDW țv is VXI¿FLHQWO\FRQVHUYDWLYHIRUVXFKFDVHV7KHGHVLJQSURFHdures outlined herein have been developed by a combination RIDQDO\WLFDODQGHPSLULFDOUHVXOWV .KDOLIDHWDO Anchorage details have been used to develop higher strains in bonded U-wraps used in shear strengthening applications. Anchorage systems include mechanical fasteners, )53VWULSV¿EHUDQFKRUVDQGQHDUVXUIDFHPRXQWHG 160 DQFKRUVH[DPSOHVDUHVKRZQVFKHPDWLFDOO\LQ)LJE .KDOLID HW DO Kalfat et al. 2013 Grelle and Sneed 2013 3URSHUO\ DQFKRUHG 8ZUDSV FDQ EH GHVLJQHG WR IDLO @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 34 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) E\)53UXSWXUH Belarbi et al. 2011 ,QQRFDVHKRZHYHU should the effective strain in the anchored FRP U-wrap H[FHHGWKHOHVVHURIRUİfuDQGȥf = 0.85 remains appropriate for anchored U-wraps. 11.4.2 Spacing—Spaced FRP strips used for shear strengthening should be investigated to evaluate their contribution to the shear strength. Spacing should adhere to the limits prescribed by ACI 318 for internal steel shear UHLQIRUFHPHQW7KHVSDFLQJRI)53VWULSVLVGH¿QHGDVWKH distance between the centerline of the strips. 11.4.3 Reinforcement limits—The total shear strength provided by reinforcement should be taken as the sum of the contribution of the FRP shear reinforcement and the steel shear reinforcement. The sum of the shear strengths provided by the shear reinforcement should be limited based on the criteria given for steel alone in ACI 318 Vs + V f ≤ 8 f c′bw d (in.-lb) Vs + V f ≤ 0.66 f c′bw d (SI) For circular sections, bwdLQ(T LVWDNHQDVD2, where D is the member diameter. CHAPTER 12—STRENGTHENING OF MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO AXIAL FORCE OR COMBINED AXIAL AND BENDING FORCES &RQ¿QHPHQW RI UHLQIRUFHG FRQFUHWH FROXPQV E\ PHDQV RI ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU )53 MDFNHWV FDQ EH XVHG WR enhance their strength and ductility. An increase in capacity is an immediate outcome typically expressed in terms of improved peak load resistance. Ductility enhancement, on WKHRWKHUKDQGUHTXLUHVPRUHFRPSOH[FDOFXODWLRQVWRGHWHUmine the ability of a member to sustain rotation and drift without a substantial loss in strength. This chapter applies RQO\WRPHPEHUVFRQ¿QHGZLWK)53V\VWHPV 12.1—Pure axial compression FRP systems can be used to increase the axial compression VWUHQJWKRIDFRQFUHWHPHPEHUE\SURYLGLQJFRQ¿QHPHQWZLWK DQ )53 MDFNHW 1DQQL DQG %UDGIRUG 7RXWDQML &RQ¿QLQJDFRQFUHWHPHPEHULVDFFRPSOLVKHGE\RULHQWLQJ WKH¿EHUVWUDQVYHUVHWRWKHORQJLWXGLQDOD[LVRIWKHPHPEHU ,QWKLVRULHQWDWLRQWKHWUDQVYHUVHRUKRRS¿EHUVDUHVLPLODU to conventional spiral or tie reinforcing steel. Any contribuWLRQRIORQJLWXGLQDOO\DOLJQHG¿EHUVWRWKHD[LDOFRPSUHVVLRQ strength of a concrete member should be neglected. )53MDFNHWVSURYLGHSDVVLYHFRQ¿QHPHQWWRWKHFRPSUHVsion member, remaining unstressed until dilation and cracking of the wrapped compression member occur. For this reason, intimate contact between the FRP jacket and the concrete member is critical. 'HSHQGLQJ RQ WKH OHYHO RI FRQ¿QHPHQW WKH XQLD[LDO stress-strain curve of a reinforced concrete column could be depicted by one of the curves in Fig. 12.1a, where fcƍ DQG fccƍUHSUHVHQWWKHSHDNFRQFUHWHVWUHQJWKVIRUXQFRQ¿QHGDQG FRQ¿QHGFDVHVUHVSHFWLYHO\7KHVHVWUHQJWKVDUHFDOFXODWHG as the peak load minus the contribution of the steel reinforce- ment, all divided by the cross-sectional area of the concrete. 7KHXOWLPDWHVWUDLQRIWKHXQFRQ¿QHGPHPEHUFRUUHVSRQGLQJ to 0.85fcƍ &XUYH D LV İcu7KH VWUDLQ İccu corresponds to: D fccƍLQWKHFDVHRIWKHOLJKWO\FRQ¿QHGPHPEHU &XUYH E DQGE WKHIDLOXUHVWUDLQLQERWKWKHKHDYLO\FRQ¿QHG VRIWHQLQJFDVH WKHIDLOXUHVWUHVVLVODUJHUWKDQfccƍ &XUYH F RULQWKHKHDYLO\FRQ¿QHGKDUGHQLQJFDVH &XUYH G 7KH GH¿QLWLRQ RI İccu at 0.85fccƍ RU OHVV LV DUELWUDU\ although consistent with modeling of conventional concrete +RJQHVWDG DQGVXFKWKDWWKHGHVFHQGLQJEUDQFKRIWKH VWUHVVVWUDLQ FXUYH DW WKDW OHYHO RI VWUHVV fccƍ RU KLJKHU is not as sensitive to the test procedure in terms of rate of ORDGLQJDQGVWLIIQHVVRIWKHHTXLSPHQWXVHG The axial compressive strength of a nonslender, normalZHLJKWFRQFUHWHPHPEHUFRQ¿QHGZLWKDQ)53MDFNHWPD\EH FDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHVWUHQJWK (T D DQG E 7KHD[LDOIRUFHDFWLQJRQDQ)53VWUHQJWKHQHG concrete member should be computed using the load factors UHTXLUHGE\$&,DQGWKHYDOXHVRIWKHࢥIDFWRUVDVHVWDElished in ACI 318 for both types of transverse reinforcing VWHHO VSLUDOVRUWLHV DSSO\ For nonprestressed members with existing steel spiral reinforcement ࢥPn ࢥ>fccƍ Ag – Ast fy Ast@ D For nonprestressed members with existing steel-tie reinforcement ࢥPn ࢥ>fccƍ Ag – Ast fy Ast@ E Several models that simulate the stress-strain behavior RI )53FRQ¿QHG FRPSUHVVLRQ VHFWLRQV DUH DYDLODEOH LQ WKH OLWHUDWXUH Teng et al. 2002De Lorenzis and Tepfers 2003 Lam and Teng 2003a 7KHVWUHVVVWUDLQPRGHOE\/DPDQG 7HQJ Db IRU )53FRQ¿QHG FRQFUHWH LV LOOXVWUDWHG LQ Fig. 12.1b and computed using the following expressions ⎧ ( Ec − E2 ) 2 E ε − ⎪ c c 4 f c′ fc = ⎨ ⎪ f ′+ E ε 2 c ⎩ c 0 ≤ ε c ≤ ε t′ F ε t′ ≤ ε c ≤ ε c,max İc,maxİccu G E2 = f cc′ − f c′ ε ccu H ε t′ = 2 f c′ Ec − E2 I 7KH PD[LPXP FRQ¿QHG FRQFUHWH FRPSUHVVLYH VWUHQJWK fccƍDQGWKHPD[LPXPFRQ¿QHPHQWSUHVVXUHfƐ are calculated XVLQJ(T J DQG K UHVSHFWLYHO\ /DPDQG7HQJ DE ZLWKWKHLQFOXVLRQRIDQDGGLWLRQDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRU ȥf @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) fccƍ fcƍȥfțafƐ f = 2 E f nt f ε fe D 35 J K ,Q(T J fcƍLVWKHXQFRQ¿QHGF\OLQGHUFRPSUHVVLYH VWUHQJWK RI FRQFUHWH DQG WKH HI¿FLHQF\ IDFWRU ța accounts for the geometry of the section, circular and noncircular, as GH¿QHG LQ DQG ,Q (T K WKH HIIHFWLYH VWUDLQLQWKH)53DWIDLOXUHİfe, is given by İfe țİİfu L 7KH)53VWUDLQHI¿FLHQF\IDFWRUțİ accounts for the premaWXUHIDLOXUHRIWKH)53V\VWHP Pessiki et al. 2001 UHODWHG primarily to stress concentration regions caused by cracking of the concrete as it dilates. Based on experimental calibraWLRQ XVLQJ PDLQO\ FDUERQ )53 &)53 FRQ¿QHG FRQFUHWH specimens, an average value of 0.586 was computed for țİ by /DPDQG7HQJ D . Similarly, a database of 251 WHVW UHVXOWV Harries and Carey 2003 FRPSXWHG D YDOXH RI țİ = 0.58, whereas experimental tests on medium- and ODUJHVFDOHFROXPQVUHVXOWHGLQYDOXHVRIțİ = 0.57 and 0.61, UHVSHFWLYHO\ Carey and Harries 2005 %DVHG RQ WHVWV E\ /DP DQG 7HQJ Db WKH UDWLR fƐ/ fcƍ VKRXOG QRW EH OHVV WKDQ 7KLV LV WKH PLQLPXP OHYHO RI FRQ¿QHPHQW UHTXLUHG WR DVVXUH D QRQGHVFHQGLQJ VHFRQG branch in the stress-strain performance, as shown by Curve G LQ )LJ D 7KLV OLPLWDWLRQ ZDV ODWHU FRQ¿UPHG IRU circular cross sections by 6SRHOVWUDDQG0RQWL using WKHLUDQDO\WLFDOPRGHO$VWUDLQHI¿FLHQF\IDFWRUțİ of 0.55 and DPLQLPXPFRQ¿QHPHQWUDWLRfƐ/fcƍRIVKRXOGEHXVHG 7KH PD[LPXP FRPSUHVVLYH VWUDLQ LQ WKH )53FRQ¿QHG FRQFUHWH İccu FDQ EH IRXQG XVLQJ (T M Concrete Society 2004 7KHPD[LPXPFRQFUHWHVWUDLQİc,max, used in (T F VKRXOG EH OLPLWHG WR WR SUHYHQW H[FHVVLYH cracking and the resulting loss of concrete integrity. 0.45 ⎛ f ⎛ ε fe ⎞ ⎞ ε ccu = ε c′ ⎜1.50 + 12κ b ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ f c′ ⎝ ε c′ ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ M ,Q (T M WKH HI¿FLHQF\ IDFWRU țb accounts for the geometry of the section in the calculation of the ultimate D[LDOVWUDLQDVGH¿QHGLQDQG Strength enhancement for compression members with fcƍ RISVL 03D RUKLJKHUKDVQRWEHHQH[SHULPHQWDOO\ YHUL¿HG (QKDQFHPHQW RI FRQFUHWH KDYLQJ VWUHQJWK fcƍ LQH[FHVVRISVL 03D VKRXOGEHEDVHGRQH[SHULmental testing. 12.1.1 Circular cross sections—FRP jackets are most HIIHFWLYHDWFRQ¿QLQJPHPEHUVZLWKFLUFXODUFURVVVHFWLRQV 'HPHUV DQG 1HDOH Pessiki et al. 2001 +DUULHV DQG &DUH\Youssef 2003Matthys et al. 2005Rocca et al. 2006 7KH)53V\VWHPSURYLGHVDFLUFXPIHUHQWLDOO\XQLIRUP FRQ¿QLQJSUHVVXUHWRWKHUDGLDOH[SDQVLRQRIWKHFRPSUHVVLRQ PHPEHU ZKHQ WKH ¿EHUV DUH DOLJQHG WUDQVYHUVH WR WKH )LJ D²6FKHPDWLF VWUHVVVWUDLQ EHKDYLRU RI XQFRQ¿QHG DQGFRQ¿QHGUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFROXPQV 5RFFDHWDO )LJE²6WUHVVVWUDLQPRGHOIRU)53FRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWH (Lam and Teng 2003a). longitudinal axis of the member. For circular cross sections, WKHVKDSHIDFWRUVțaDQGțbLQ(T J DQG M UHVSHFtively, can be taken as 1.0. 12.1.2 Noncircular cross sections—Testing has shown WKDW FRQ¿QLQJ VTXDUH DQG UHFWDQJXODU PHPEHUV ZLWK )53 jackets can provide marginal increases in the maximum axial compressive strength fccƍRIWKHPHPEHU Pessiki et al. 2001 Wang and Restrepo 2001+DUULHVDQG&DUH\<RXVVHI 5RFFDHWDO 7KHSURYLVLRQVLQWKLVJXLGHDUHQRW recommended for members featuring side aspect ratios h/b greater than 2.0, or face dimensions b or h exceeding 36 in. PP XQOHVVWHVWLQJGHPRQVWUDWHVWKHLUHIIHFWLYHQHVV For noncircular cross sections, fƐ LQ (T K FRUUHVSRQGVWRWKHPD[LPXPFRQ¿QLQJSUHVVXUHRIDQHTXLYDOHQW circular cross section with diameter DHTXDOWRWKHGLDJRQDO of the rectangular cross section D = b2 + h2 D 7KHVKDSHIDFWRUVțaLQ(T J DQGțbLQ(T M depend on two parameters: the cross-sectional area of effecWLYHO\FRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHAe, and the side-aspect ratio h/b, as VKRZQLQ(T E DQG F UHVSHFWLYHO\ κa = Ae Ac ⎛ b⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ h κb = Ae Ac ⎛ h⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ b @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2 E 0.5 F American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 36 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) exceed the creep rupture stress limit. In addition, axial deformations under service loads should be investigated to evaluate their effect on the performance of the structure. Fig. 12.1.2—Equivalent circular cross section (Lam and Teng 2003b). The generally accepted theoretical approach for the GH¿QLWLRQ RI Ae consists of four parabolas within which WKH FRQFUHWH LV IXOO\ FRQ¿QHG RXWVLGH RI ZKLFK QHJOLJLEOH FRQ¿QHPHQWRFFXUV )LJ 7KHVKDSHRIWKHSDUDERODV DQGWKHUHVXOWLQJHIIHFWLYHFRQ¿QHPHQWDUHDLVDIXQFWLRQRI WKH GLPHQVLRQV RI WKH FROXPQ b and h WKH UDGLXV RI WKH corners, rcDQGWKHORQJLWXGLQDOVWHHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRȡg, and can be expressed as 12.2—Combined axial compression and bending Wrapping with an FRP jacket can also provide strength enhancement for a member subjected to combined axial FRPSUHVVLRQDQGÀH[XUH 1RVKRSaadatmanesh et al. Chaallal and Shahawy 2000 Sheikh and Yau 2002 Iacobucci et al. 2003 Bousias et al. 2004 Elnabelsy and Saatcioglu 2004Harajli and Rteil 2004Sause et al. 2004 Memon and Sheikh 2005 )RUSUHGLFWLQJWKHHIIHFWRI)53FRQ¿QHPHQWRQVWUHQJWK HQKDQFHPHQW(T D DQG E DUHDSSOLFDEOHZKHQ WKHHFFHQWULFLW\SUHVHQWLQWKHPHPEHULVOHVVWKDQRUHTXDO to 0.1h. When the eccentricity is larger than 0.1h, the methRGRORJ\ DQG HTXDWLRQV SUHVHQWHG LQ FDQ EH XVHG WR determine the concrete material properties of the member cross section under compressive stress. Based on that, the D[LDOORDGPRPHQW P-M LQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPIRUWKH)53 FRQ¿QHGPHPEHUFDQEHFRQVWUXFWHGXVLQJZHOOHVWDEOLVKHG SURFHGXUHV Bank 2006 The following limitations apply for members subjected to combined axial compression and bending: D 7KHHIIHFWLYHVWUDLQLQWKH)53MDFNHWVKRXOGEHOLPLWHG WRWKHYDOXHJLYHQLQ(T WRHQVXUHWKHVKHDULQWHJULW\ RIWKHFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWH İfe țİİfu Ae = Ac 1− ⎡⎛ b ⎞ 2 ⎤ ⎢⎜⎝ h ⎟⎠ (h − 2rc ) ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎢ ⎛ h⎞ 2⎥ ⎢ + ⎜⎝ b ⎟⎠ (b − 2rc ) ⎥ ⎦ ⎣ 3 Ag 1 − ρg − ρg G 12.1.3 Serviceability considerations—As loads approach factored load levels, damage to the concrete in the form of VLJQL¿FDQWFUDFNLQJLQWKHUDGLDOGLUHFWLRQPLJKWRFFXU7KH FRP jacket contains the damage and maintains the structural integrity of the column. At service load levels, however, this type of damage should be avoided. In this way, the FRP jacket will only act during overloading conditions that are temporary in nature. To ensure that radial cracking will not occur under service loads, the transverse strain in the concrete should remain below its cracking strain at service load levels. This corresponds to limiting the compressive stress in the concrete to 0.65fcƍ,QDGGLWLRQWKHVHUYLFHVWUHVVLQWKHORQJLWXGLQDOVWHHO should remain below 0.60fy to avoid plastic deformation XQGHUVXVWDLQHGRUF\FOLFORDGV%\PDLQWDLQLQJWKHVSHFL¿HG stress in the concrete at service, the stress in the FRP jacket ZLOOEHUHODWLYHO\ORZ7KHMDFNHWLVRQO\VWUHVVHGWRVLJQL¿cant levels when the concrete is transversely strained above the cracking strain and the transverse expansion becomes large. Service load stresses in the FRP jacket should never E 7KH VWUHQJWK HQKDQFHPHQW FDQ RQO\ EH FRQVLGHUHG when the applied ultimate axial force and bending moment, Pu and Mu, respectively, fall above the line connecting the origin and the balanced point in the P-M diagram for the XQFRQ¿QHGPHPEHU )LJ 7KLVOLPLWDWLRQVWHPVIURP WKH IDFW WKDW VWUHQJWK HQKDQFHPHQW LV RQO\ VLJQL¿FDQW IRU members in which compression failure is the controlling PRGH %DQN P-M diagrams may be developed by satisfying strain FRPSDWLELOLW\DQGIRUFHHTXLOLEULXPXVLQJWKHPRGHOIRUWKH VWUHVVVWUDLQ EHKDYLRU IRU )53FRQ¿QHG FRQFUHWH SUHVHQWHG LQ(T F WKURXJK I )RUVLPSOLFLW\WKHSRUWLRQRI WKH XQFRQ¿QHG DQG FRQ¿QHG P-M diagrams corresponding to compression-controlled failure can be reduced to two ELOLQHDUFXUYHVSDVVLQJWKURXJKWKUHHSRLQWV )LJ )RU values of eccentricity greater than 0.1h and up to the point corresponding to the balanced condition, the methodology provided in Appendix D may be used for the computation of DVLPSOL¿HGLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDP7KHYDOXHVRIWKHࢥIDFWRUV as established in ACI 318 for both types of transverse reinIRUFLQJVWHHO VSLUDOVRUWLHV DSSO\ 12.3—Ductility enhancement Increased ductility of a section results from the ability to develop greater compressive strains in the concrete before FRPSUHVVLYHIDLOXUH 6HLEOHHWDO 7KH)53MDFNHWFDQ also serve to delay buckling of longitudinal steel reinforce- @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Fig. 12.2—Representative interaction diagram. ment in compression and to clamp lap splices of longitudinal steel reinforcement. For seismic applications, FRP jackets should be designed WRSURYLGHDFRQ¿QLQJVWUHVVVXI¿FLHQWWRGHYHORSFRQFUHWH compression strains associated with the displacement demands as described in Chapter 13. Shear forces should also be evaluated in accordance with Chapter 11 to prevent brittle shear failure in accordance with ACI 318. 12.3.1 Circular cross sections—The maximum compresVLYH VWUDLQ IRU )53FRQ¿QHG PHPEHUV ZLWK FLUFXODU FURVV VHFWLRQV FDQ EH IRXQG IURP (T M ZLWK fccƍ IURP (T J DQGXVLQJțb = 1.0. 12.3.2 Noncircular cross sections—The maximum FRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQIRU)53FRQ¿QHGPHPEHUVZLWKVTXDUH RUUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQVFDQEHIRXQGIURP(T M ZLWK fccƍIURP(T J DQGXVLQJțbDVJLYHQLQ(T F 7KH FRQ¿QLQJ HIIHFW RI )53 MDFNHWV VKRXOG EH DVVXPHG WR be negligible for rectangular sections with aspect ratio h/b exceeding 2.0, or face dimensions b or h exceeding 36 in. PP XQOHVVWHVWLQJGHPRQVWUDWHVWKHLUHIIHFWLYHQHVV 12.4—Pure axial tension FRP systems can be used to provide additional tensile strength to a concrete member. Due to the linear-elastic nature of FRP materials, the tensile contribution of the FRP system is directly related to its strain and is calculated using Hooke’s Law. The tension capacity provided by the FRP is limited by the design tensile strength of the FRP and the ability to transfer VWUHVVHVLQWRWKHVXEVWUDWHWKURXJKERQG 1DQQLHWDO The effective strain in the FRP can be determined based on WKH FULWHULD JLYHQ IRU VKHDU VWUHQJWKHQLQJ LQ (T WKURXJK G 7KHYDOXHRIk2LQ(T E FDQEH taken as 1.0. A minimum bonded length of Ɛdf, as calculated in 14.1.3, should be provided to develop this level of strain. CHAPTER 13—SEISMIC STRENGTHENING 0DQ\VWUHQJWKHQLQJWHFKQLTXHVKDYHEHHQGHYHORSHGDQG XVHG IRU UHSDLU DQG UHKDELOLWDWLRQ RI HDUWKTXDNH GDPDJHG DQG VHLVPLFDOO\ GH¿FLHQW VWUXFWXUHV Federal Emergency Management Agency 2006 ,GHQWL¿FDWLRQ RI DQ HIIHFWLYH rehabilitation method is directly related to the outcome of a seismic evaluation of the structure and is based on consideration of many factors, including type of structure, rehabilitation objective, strengthening scheme effectiveness, constructability, and cost. 37 $ FODVVL¿FDWLRQ RI VHLVPLF UHKDELOLWDWLRQ PHWKRGV IRU buildings in ASCE/SEI 41 and $&,5 gives the following VWUDWHJLHV ORFDO PRGL¿FDWLRQ RI FRPSRQHQWV UHPRYDO RU lessening of existing irregularities and discontinuities, global structural stiffening, global structural strengthening, mass reduction, seismic isolation, and supplemental energy dissipation. Strengthening using FRP materials and systems DOORZV IRU ORFDO PRGL¿FDWLRQ RI FRPSRQHQWV DQG FDQ EH implemented in improving the overall seismic performance of the structure. The main advantages of FRP strengthening can be summarized as follows: D $WWKHFRPSRQHQWOHYHO)53VWUHQJWKHQLQJFDQEHXVHG WR HI¿FLHQWO\ PLWLJDWH EULWWOH PHFKDQLVPV RI IDLOXUH7KHVH PD\ LQFOXGH VKHDU IDLOXUH RI XQFRQ¿QHG EHDPFROXPQ MRLQWV VKHDU IDLOXUH RI EHDPV FROXPQV RU ERWK DQG ODS splice failure. FRP strengthening can also be used to increase WKH ÀH[XUDO FDSDFLW\ RI UHLQIRUFHG FRQFUHWH PHPEHUV WR UHVLVWWKHEXFNOLQJRIÀH[XUDOVWHHOEDUVDQGWRLQFUHDVHWKH inelastic rotational capacity of reinforced concrete members. E ,PSOHPHQWLQJ )53 VWUHQJWKHQLQJ VFKHPHV WUDQVODWHV into an increase in the global displacement and energy dissipation capacities of the structure, thus improving the overall behavior of reinforced concrete structures subjected to seismic actions. F )53VKHDUVWUHQJWKHQLQJDQGFRQ¿QHPHQWKDVDVPDOO effect on the stiffness or mass of the structure. In such cases, a reevaluation of the seismic demand after strengthening is W\SLFDOO\ QRW UHTXLUHG :KHQ WKH VWUXFWXUDO VWLIIQHVV QHHGV to be increased, FRP strengthening of local components can EHFRXSOHGZLWKRWKHUWUDGLWLRQDOJOREDOXSJUDGHWHFKQLTXHV 0DQ\UHVHDUFKSURJUDPVKDYHHYDOXDWHGWKHDGHTXDF\RI externally bonded FRP composites for seismic rehabilitaWLRQ RI FRQFUHWH VWUXFWXUHV Haroun et al. 2005 Pantelides et al. 2000Ghobarah and Said 2002Gergely et al. 2000 $QWRQRSRXORV DQG7ULDQWD¿OORX Hamed and Rabinovitch 2005Pampanin et al. 2007Di Ludovico et al. 2008a 2WKHU UHVHDUFK SURJUDPV KDYH FRQ¿UPHG WKH SRWHQWLDO RI )53 WHFKQLTXHV IRU XSJUDGLQJ WKH VHLVPLF SHUIRUPDQFH RI ORFDOHOHPHQWVVXFKDVUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWHFROXPQV Bousias et al. 2004 DQGFRQQHFWLRQV $QWRQRSRXORVDQG7ULDQWD¿OORX Prota et al. 2004 5HVHDUFKUHVXOWVIRU)53DSSOLHGDW the local element or partial structural frame level were subseTXHQWO\ YDOLGDWHG RQ IXOOVFDOH VWUXFWXUHV 3DQWHOLGHV HW DO 2004Balsamo et al. 2005Engindeniz et al. 2008a,b In addition, several structures that include FRP-strengthened members have experienced seismic events. Failure of these members has not been reported. This chapter presents design guidelines for the seismic strengthening of reinforced concrete elements using externally bonded FRP composites. The design guidelines described herein are intended to be used in conjunction with the fundamental concepts, analysis procedures, design philosophy, seismic rehabilitation objectives, and acceptance criteria set forth in documents such as ASCE/SEI DQG $&, 5 6WUHQJWKHQLQJ RI 5& EXLOGLQJ FRPSRnents or structures with FRP shall follow capacity protecWLRQSULQFLSOHV,QFDSDFLW\GHVLJQ +ROOLQJVPark and 3DXOD\ DGHVLUDEOHPHFKDQLVPRILQHODVWLFUHVSRQVH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 38 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) under seismic action is ensured by providing a strength KLHUDUFK\ VWURQJFROXPQZHDNEHDPVKHDUVWUHQJWK!ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK $SSOLFDWLRQ RI WKHVH GHVLJQ JXLGHOLQHV IRU the seismic rehabilitation of nonbuilding structures such as bridges, wharves, silos, and nuclear facilities warrant additional consideration. 7KHVHJXLGHOLQHVGRQRWSURYLGHLQIRUPDWLRQUHTXLUHGWR complete a seismic evaluation of an existing structure, deterPLQHLIUHWUR¿WLVUHTXLUHGRULGHQWLI\WKHVHLVPLFGH¿FLHQcies that need to be corrected to achieve the desired performance objective. These guidelines are also not meant to address post-seismic conditions or residual strength of the VWUXFWXUHDQGWKH)53UHWUR¿WV\VWHP$IWHUDVHLVPLFHYHQW D VWUXFWXUH WKDW KDV EHHQ UHWUR¿WWHG ZLWK )53 FRPSRVLWHV could develop large displacements and excessive cracking, resulting in residual stresses or damage to the FRP system. In such cases, an investigation of the stability, ductility, and residual strength of the structure should be performed after WKH VHLVPLF HYHQW WR DVVHVV WKH DGHTXDF\ RI WKH H[LVWLQJ )53UHWUR¿WV\VWHPDQGWRGHWHUPLQHLIDGGLWLRQDOUHPHGLDO measures are needed. 13.1—Background One of the most comprehensive documents developed to assess the need for seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete buildings is ASCE/SEI 41 )(0$ 3 Federal (PHUJHQF\ 0DQDJHPHQW $JHQF\ SURYLGHV IXUWKHU guidance in the selection of appropriate design criteria to achieve the seismic performance objectives. $&,5 estimates the desired seismic performance of concrete components that are largely based on the format and content of ASCE/SEI 41. )(0$ Federal Emergency Management Agency 2006 provides a complete list of references on technical design VWDQGDUGV DQG DQDO\VLV WHFKQLTXHV WKDW DUH DYDLODEOH WR design professionals. Other resources dealing with seismic upgrade of existing reinforced concrete structures can be obtained from Japan Building Disaster Prevention AssociaWLRQ , (XURFRGH , International Federation for 6WUXFWXUDO&RQFUHWH , 2006 Italian National Research &RXQFLO , and 6DEQLVHWDO . Experience gained from examining the performance of reinforced concrete structures after a seismic event indicates WKDW PDQ\ VWUXFWXUDO GH¿FLHQFLHV UHVXOW IURP LQDGHTXDWH FRQ¿QHPHQW RI FRQFUHWH LQVXI¿FLHQW WUDQVYHUVH DQG FRQWLnuity reinforcement in connections and structural members, EXFNOLQJ RI ÀH[XUDO UHLQIRUFHPHQW ODS VSOLFH IDLOXUHV DQG DQFKRUDJHIDLOXUHV 3ULHVWOH\HWDOHaroun et al. 2003 Sezen et al. 20033DQWHOLGHVHWDO, 2004 7KHVHGH¿ciencies have typically led to brittle failures, soft-story IDLOXUHDQGODUJHUHVLGXDOGLVSODFHPHQWV Moehle et al. 2002 Di Ludovico et al. 2008b Prota et al. 2004 Pessiki et al. ([SHULPHQWDOZRUNKDVDOVRGHPRQVWUDWHGWKDWH[WHUnally bonded FRP systems can be effective in addressing PDQ\RIWKHDIRUHPHQWLRQHGVWUXFWXUDOGH¿FLHQFLHV Engindeniz et al. 2005Pantelides et al. 2008Silva et al. 2007 13.2—FRP properties for seismic design For seismic upgrades, the material environmental factors JLYHQLQ7DEOHVKRXOGEHXVHGLQWKHGHVLJQRIWKH)53 VWUHQJWKHQLQJVROXWLRQ7KHFUHHSUXSWXUHOLPLWVLQ7DEOH need not be considered for seismic strengthening applications unless initial strains are imposed on the FRP as part of WKHUHWUR¿WVFKHPH7\SLFDOO\ZKHQXVHGIRUVHLVPLFUHWUR¿W WKH)53PDWHULDOZLOOQRWEHH[SRVHGWRVLJQL¿FDQWVXVWDLQHG service loads and creep rupture failure will not govern the design. Creep rupture limits should be considered, however, in cases where the application may impose initial or service strains that can produce sustained stresses on the FRP. Some examples include applications with expansive grouts, pretensioned FRP, or other methods that generate sustained stress in the FRP material. When this chapter is used in conjunction with ASCE/SEI 41, FRP material properties should be considered lower-bound material properties. 13.3—Confinement with FRP Jacketing concrete structural members with FRP having WKH SULPDU\ ¿EHUV RULHQWHG DURXQG WKH SHULPHWHU RI WKH PHPEHU SURYLGHV FRQ¿QHPHQW WR SODVWLF KLQJHV PLWLJDWHV the splitting failure mode of poorly detailed lap splices, and prevents buckling of the main reinforcing bars. 13.3.1 General considerations—In seismic applications, jacketing concrete structural members with FRP is not recommended for rectangular sections with aspect ratios h/b greater than 1.5, or face dimensions b or h exceeding 36 in. PP 6HLEOHHWDO XQOHVVWHVWLQJGHPRQVWUDWHV WKHHIIHFWLYHQHVVRI)53IRUFRQ¿QHPHQWRIWKHVHPHPEHUV For rectangular sections with an aspect ratio greater than 1.5, WKHVHFWLRQFDQEHPRGL¿HGWREHFLUFXODURURYDOWRHQKDQFH WKHHIIHFWLYHQHVVRIWKH)53MDFNHW 6HLEOHHWDO )53 anchors have been shown to increase the effectiveness of the FRP jacket in rectangular sections with aspect ratios greater WKDQ Kim et al. 2011 13.3.2 3ODVWLF KLQJH UHJLRQ FRQ¿QHPHQW—FRP-jacketed reinforced concrete members achieve higher inelastic rotaWLRQDOFDSDFLW\RIWKHSODVWLFKLQJH 6HLEOHHWDO )53 jacketing can be used to increase the concrete compressive strength when the concrete member complies with the condition in 12.3. For concrete members that do not satisfy this condition, only the ultimate concrete strains can be LQFUHDVHGE\)53MDFNHWLQJ,QFUHDVHLQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKGXH to higher concrete compressive strength should be considered to verify that hinges can form prior to reaching the shear strength of members. 7KHGHVLJQFXUYDWXUHࢥDIRUDFRQ¿QHGUHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWH VHFWLRQDWWKHSODVWLFKLQJHFDQEHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T D φD = θp Lp + φ y , frp ≤ φu , frp D ZKHUHșp is the plastic rotation demand, which can be determined following the analytical procedures outlined in ASCE/ 6(,,Q(T D WKHFXUYDWXUHVRIWKH)53FRQ¿QHG VHFWLRQDWVWHHO\LHOGLQJࢥy,frpDQGDWXOWLPDWHFDSDFLW\ࢥu,frp, @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 39 DUHGHWHUPLQHGE\(T E DQG F DQGLp is the SODVWLFKLQJHOHQJWKFRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T G φ y , frp = εy d − c y , frp E ZKHUHİy and cy,frp are the steel strain and depth of the neutral axis at steel yielding, respectively, and d is the distance from WKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUVWRWKHH[WUHPHWHQVLRQVWHHO φu , frp = ε ccu cu , frp F ZKHUHİccu and cu,frpDUHWKHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUVWUDLQ and depth of the neutral axis at ultimate, respectively. For beams, the plastic hinge length Lp can be approximated DVWZLFHWKHEHDPKHLJKW h 7KHSODVWLFKLQJHOHQJWKFDQ also be determined using detailed analysis but should not be less than the beam height. In FRP-jacketed columns, the plastic hinge length LpFDQEHFRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T G 3ULHVWOH\HWDO Lp = g + 0.0003fydEƐ LQOE G Lp = g + 0.044fydEƐ 6, where dEƐ and fyDUHWKHGLDPHWHUDQG\LHOGVWUHVVRIWKHÀH[ural steel, respectively, and g is the clear gap between the FRP jacket and adjacent members, as shown in Fig. 13.3.2. The gap gVKRXOGQRWEHJUHDWHUWKDQLQ PP ,QSODVWLFKLQJHUHJLRQVWKH)53FRQ¿QHPHQWVKRXOGEH provided over a length not less than the larger of the plastic hinge length and Ɛo, where Ɛo is the length, measured along the member axis from the face of the joint, over which special transverse reinforcement must be provided as GH¿QHGLQ&KDSWHURIACI 318-14. It should be noted that plastic hinges may occur at locations other than the ends of the member. Complete wrapping around the perimeter of WKH PHPEHU VKRXOG EH XVHG IRU SODVWLF KLQJH FRQ¿QHPHQW &RQWLQXRXV IXOO FRYHUDJHRIWKHSODVWLFKLQJHOHQJWKZLWK an FRP jacket is recommended. When a continuous jacket is not possible, discrete transverse FRP strips around the perimeter of the section can be used. 2QFH WKH GHVLJQ FXUYDWXUH ࢥD has been established, the XOWLPDWHH[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUVWUDLQLQWKHFRQFUHWHDW XOWLPDWHİccuFDQEHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T H İccu ࢥDcu H where cu is the neutral axis depth at the ultimate design limit VWDWH)RUPHPEHUVVXEMHFWHGWRFRPELQHGD[LDODQGÀH[XUDO IRUFHVİccu should be limited to 0.01. 2QFHİccu is determined, the thickness of the FRP jacket can be determined in accordance with 12.1 and 12.2. To HQVXUHWKHVKHDULQWHJULW\RIWKHFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHVHFWLRQ )LJ²&ROXPQSODVWLFKLQJHFRQ¿QHPHQW WKHHIIHFWLYHGHVLJQVWUDLQLQWKH)53MDFNHWİfe, should be OLPLWHGWRWKHYDOXHJLYHQE\(T 13.3.3 Lap splice clamping—The capacity of lap splices KDYLQJ LQDGHTXDWH ODS OHQJWK HVSHFLDOO\ WKRVH ORFDWHG LQ plastic hinge regions, can be improved by continuously FRQ¿QLQJ WKH VHFWLRQ RYHU DW OHDVW WKH OHQJWK RI WKH VSOLFH ZLWKH[WHUQDOO\ERQGHG)53 6HLEOHHWDOHaroun and Elsanadedy 2005 7KHUHTXLUHGWKLFNQHVVRIWKH)53MDFNHW can be calculated as follows where D in inches and Ef in ksi, circular sections: ntf D/Ef rectangular sections: ntf D/Ef D where D in mm and Ef is in MPa circular sections: ntf D/Ef rectangular sections: ntf D/Ef where nLVWKHQXPEHURI)53SOLHVtf is the thickness per SO\ D is the diameter of a circular member or the greater GLPHQVLRQRIUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQV SHU(T D DQGEf is the tensile modulus of the FRP jacket. :KLOHFRQ¿QLQJWKHVHFWLRQZLWK)53FDQPLWLJDWHWKHVSOLWting mode of failure, the pullout failure mode may control WKHFDSDFLW\RIWKHFRQ¿QHGODSVSOLFH7KHUHIRUHUHJDUGOHVV RI)53UHWUR¿WWKHVWUHVVLQWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFLQJEDUfs, VKRXOGQRWH[FHHGWKHOLPLWJLYHQLQ(T E Harries et al. 2006 fs ≤ fs ≤ 33 prov f c′ d b ψ t ψ e ψ s 2.75 prov f c′ d b ψ t ψ e ψ s (in.-lb) E (SI) where ƐprovLVWKHOHQJWKRIVSOLFHSURYLGHGdEƐ is the diamHWHURIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWDQGWKHȥIDFWRUVDUHWKRVH given in Section 25.4 of ACI 318-14. 13.3.4 3UHYHQWLQJ EXFNOLQJ RI ÀH[XUDO VWHHO EDUV— &RQWLQXRXVRUGLVFUHWH)53VWULSVKDYLQJWKHSULPDU\¿EHUV oriented around the perimeter of the member can be used to SUHYHQW EXFNOLQJ RI WKH ÀH[XUDO VWHHO EDUV Priestley et al. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 40 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) )RU FLUFXODU VHFWLRQV WKH YROXPHWULF UHLQIRUFHPHQW UDWLRSURYLGHGE\WUDQVYHUVH)53ȡf, is ρf = 4nt f w f D sf D where nLVWKHQXPEHURI)53SOLHVtfLVWKHWKLFNQHVVSHUSO\ DLVWKHGLDPHWHURIWKHVHFWLRQwfLVWKH)53VWULSZLGWK and sf is the center-to-center spacing of the FRP strips. For FRQWLQXRXV FRQ¿QHPHQW wf/sf = 1. In rectangular sections, WKHYROXPHWULFUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRSURYLGHGE\WKH)53ȡf, LV 3ULHVWOH\HWDO ⎛ b + h ⎞ wf ρ f = 2nt f ⎜ ⎝ bh ⎟⎠ s f E where b and h are the dimensions of the rectangular section. The amount of volumetric transverse reinforcement ratio should be at least ρf ≥ 0.0052ρ D f y f fe d b F ZKHUHȡƐLVWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUDWLRD is the diameter of a circular section or the diagonal length of a rectangular VHFWLRQ (T D dEƐ and fy are the diameter and the \LHOGVWUHQJWKRIWKHÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWUHVSHFWLYHO\ȡf is the volumetric transverse reinforcement ratio computed E\(T D RU E DQGffe is the effective design VWUHVVLQWKH)53MDFNHWFRPSXWHGE\(T G ffe İfeEf G ZKHUHİfe is the effective design strain in the FRP jacket given E\(T DQGEf is the tensile modulus of the FRP jacket. When discrete FRP strips rather than a continuous jacket are used, the clear spacing between FRP strips should not H[FHHGWKHOLPLWVLQ(T H ⎡ ⎛ f ⎞⎤ s f ≤ ⎢3 − 6 ⎜ u − 1⎟ ⎥ db ≤ 6db ⎝ f y ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎢⎣ H where fu, fy, and dEƐ are the ultimate and yield strengths and WKHVPDOOHVWGLDPHWHURIWKHLQWHUQDOÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW UHVSHFWLYHO\7KHFOHDUVSDFLQJVKRXOGQRWH[FHHGLQ PP 7KHVHUHTXLUHPHQWVHQVXUHWKDWLIWKHFRYHUFRQFUHWH spalls in the region between strips, the FRP can provide VXI¿FLHQW UHVLVWDQFH DJDLQVW EDU EXFNOLQJ 7KLV DSSURDFK neglects any contribution from the existing internal transverse reinforcement because the internal ties may not coincide within the open spaces between the FRP strips, and the interaction of the internal ties and external FRP strips has not been studied. 13.4—Flexural strengthening 7KH ÀH[XUDO FDSDFLW\ RI UHLQIRUFHG FRQFUHWH EHDPV DQG columns in expected plastic hinge regions can be enhanced using FRP only in cases where strengthening will eliminate inelastic deformations in the strengthened region and transfer inelastic deformations to other locations in the member or the structure that are able to handle the ensuing GXFWLOLW\ GHPDQGV 7KH UHTXLUHG ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK VKRXOG be calculated in accordance with the design standard being used for rehabilitation, such as ASCE/SEI 41 and $&,5. When this chapter is used in conjunction with ASCE/SEI 41, the strengthened reinforced concrete members with FRP should be considered force-controlled unless a deformationFRQWUROOHG FODVVL¿FDWLRQ FDQ EH MXVWL¿HG EDVHG RQ H[SHULmental data. 7KH ÀH[XUDO FDSDFLW\ RI UHLQIRUFHG FRQFUHWH EHDPV DQG columns can be enhanced using the design methodology presented in Chapter 107KH ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK ࢥMn should VDWLVI\WKHUHTXLUHPHQWRI(T ࢥMnMu where Mu is the ultimate moment demand resulting from FRPELQHGJUDYLW\DQGVHLVPLFGHPDQGV7KHÀH[XUDOFDSDFLW\ of reinforced concrete members should be evaluated based on concrete and reinforcing steel strain limits set forth in the design standard. ASCE/SEI 41 provides a comprehensive list of concrete and reinforcing steel strain limits. In addition, the stress in the reinforcing steel should be limited to the stress that can be achieved based on the existing development lengths and lap-splice details. The strength reduction IDFWRUࢥVKRXOGEHSHUWKHGHVLJQVWDQGDUGEHLQJXVHGIRUWKH rehabilitation. The additional strength reduction factor for )53ȥfVKDOOEHDSSOLHGWRWKHÀH[XUDOFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKH FRP reinforcement as described in 10.2.10. 13.4.2 'HYHORSPHQWDQGDQFKRUDJHRIÀH[XUDO)53UHLQforcement—This section provides conceptual methods for DQFKRUDJH RI ÀH[XUDO )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQW XQGHU VHLVPLF loads. Any anchorage method must be properly evaluated EHIRUHLWLVVHOHFWHGIRU¿HOGLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ In seismic applications and within plastic hinge regions, WKH ÀH[XUDO )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQW VKRXOG EH FRQ¿QHG XVLQJ FRP strips that completely wrap around the perimeter of the VHFWLRQ$OWHUQDWLYHO\WKHÀH[XUDO)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWFRXOG EH FRQ¿QHG RYHU LWV HQWLUH OHQJWK WR SURYLGH KLJKHU UHVLVWDQFHDJDLQVWGHERQGLQJRIWKHÀH[XUDO)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW Because no anchorage design guidelines are currently available, the performance of any anchorage system should be substantiated through representative physical testing. Such detailing provides higher resistance against GHERQGLQJRIWKHÀH[XUDO)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW,QDSSOLFDWLRQV LQYROYLQJ ÀRRU V\VWHPV FRPSOHWH ZUDSSLQJ RI WKH EHDP PD\UHTXLUHORFDOL]HGFXWWLQJRIWKHVODEWRFRQWLQXHWKH)53 around the section. Away from the plastic hinge region, transverse FRP U-wrap strips should be used to provide anchorage to the )53ÀH[XUDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW2WKHUDQFKRUDJHV\VWHPVPD\ also be used alone or in conjunction with FRP U-wrap strips. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 41 $QFKRUDJH V\VWHPV PXVW EH YHUL¿HG H[SHULPHQWDOO\ WR demonstrate their effectiveness in preventing the debonding RIWKHÀH[XUDO)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW6HYHUDOGHWDLOVIRU)53 DQFKRUDJH DW HQGV RI UHWUR¿WWHG PHPEHUV DUH GLVFXVVHG LQ 2UWRQHWDO . The area of the transverse FRP wrap reinforcement, Af,anchor, VKRXOG EH GHWHUPLQHG LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK (T ,Q addition, the length over which the FRP anchorage wraps are provided, Ɛd,E, should not be less than the value given by (T D Ɛd,EƐo + Ɛdf D where ƐoLVGH¿QHGSHU)LJDQGƐdfLVWKHUHTXLUHGGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKRIWKH)53V\VWHPFRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T )RUDGHTXDWHO\DQFKRUHGÀH[XUDO)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWWKH effective design strain for FRP should be limited to İfdPLQ İfu, CEİfu E )LJXUH GHSLFWV D FRQFHSWXDO GHWDLO IRU ÀH[XUDO strengthening of beams and columns at a joint and is intended WRFRQYH\WKHFULWLFDOHOHPHQWVRIVXFKDÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKHQLQJ 7KH GHVLJQ SURIHVVLRQDO VKRXOG GHWDLO WKH ÀH[XUDO FRP reinforcement to achieve continuity of the FRP across WKH MRLQW$SSURSULDWH GHYHORSPHQW RI WKH ÀH[XUDO )53 DW ERWKHQGVDVZHOODVDGHTXDWHWUDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWIRU FRQ¿QHPHQWRIWKHÀH[XUDO)53VKRXOGEHSURYLGHG 13.5—Shear strengthening FRP shear strengthening can prevent brittle failures and promote the development of plastic hinges, resulting in an enhanced seismic behavior of concrete members. The design VKHDUVWUHQJWKࢥVn of a concrete member strengthened with )53VKRXOGVDWLVI\(T ࢥVnVe ZKHUH ࢥ VKRXOG EH SHU WKH GHVLJQ VWDQGDUG EHLQJ XVHG IRU the rehabilitation, and Ve is the design shear force. When this chapter is used in conjunction with ASCE/SEI 41, the shear in the strengthened member should be considered forceFRQWUROOHGXQOHVVDGHIRUPDWLRQFRQWUROOHGFODVVL¿FDWLRQFDQ EHMXVWL¿HGEDVHGRQH[SHULPHQWDOGDWD 13.5.1 Design shear force Ve—The design shear force should be calculated in accordance with the design standard being used for the rehabilitation, such as ASCE/SEI 41 and $&,57KHVKHDUFDSDFLW\VKRXOGEHHTXDOWRRUJUHDWHU WKDQWKHVKHDUFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHÀH[XUDOFDSDFLW\RIWKH section. For example, when the rehabilitation is based on ASCE/SEI 41, the design shear force is based on the seismic category and targeted seismic performance of the structure. :KHQUHTXLUHGE\$6&(6(,IRUWKHGHWHUPLQDWLRQRIWKH GHVLJQVKHDUIRUFHWKHFDOFXODWLRQRIWKHSUREDEOHÀH[XUDO strength should be based on FRP stress taken as the lesser of 1.2ffd and ffu ࢥ VKRXOG EH WDNHQ DV XQLW\ DQG WKH )53 VWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf should be 1.0. Other limits for Fig. 13.4.2—Conceptual FRP strengthening detail (cross section elevation). )53 VWUDLQ DQG VWUHQJWK VSHFL¿HG LQ WKLV GRFXPHQW VKRXOG also be considered. 13.5.2 Nominal shear strength Vn—The shear strength of the existing member Vn* should be determined following the procedures described in the design standard being used IRUUHKDELOLWDWLRQVXFKDV$6&(6(,DQG$&,57KH shear strength of an FRP-strengthened concrete member is FDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T Vn = Vn*ȥfVf ZKHUHȥf is the reduction factor applied to the contribution of the FRP system in accordance with Chapter 11. The contributions of FRP to shear strength, Vf, should be determined in accordance with Chapter 11. To account for effects of stress reversal, FRP shear strengthening should be provided with complete continuity around the perimeter of the section. 13.6—Beam-column joints ([SHULPHQWDOWHVWV %UDFFLHWDODProta et al. 2004 Pampanin et al. 2007 DQG REVHUYDWLRQV RI SRVWVHLVPLF GDPDJH Moehle et al. 2002 LQVWUXFWXUHVGHVLJQHGWRZLWKVWDQGRQO\JUDYLW\ORDGVVKRZWKDWXQFRQ¿QHGEHDPFROXPQ MRLQWVIUHTXHQWO\OHGWREULWWOHIDLOXUHVDQGSUHYHQWHGVWUXFWXUHV from achieving higher global displacements before failure. ([SHULPHQWDO HYLGHQFH Pantelides et al. 2008 Silva et al. 20073DPSDQLQHWDO%UDFFLHWDOEF KDVVKRZQ that FRP systems can be effective for increasing the shear and HQHUJ\GLVVLSDWLRQFDSDFLW\RIXQFRQ¿QHGMRLQWV)53OD\RXW and detailing will depend on the geometry of the existing joint and the number of members framing into it. FRP reinforcePHQW LQ ERWK GLUHFWLRQV LV W\SLFDOO\ UHTXLUHG DW WKH MRLQW WR UHVLVWWKHF\FOLFORDGLQJHIIHFWVRIDVHLVPLFHYHQW Engindeniz et al. 2008a 7KH )53 XVHG WR FRQ¿QH WKH MRLQWV VKRXOG EH DQFKRUHGWREHHIIHFWLYH3DQWHOLGHVHWDO 6LOYDHWDO DQG (QJLQGHQL] HW DO E provide guidance on determining if FRP is a viable option for enhancing the perforPDQFHRIXQFRQ¿QHGMRLQWV$GGLWLRQDOO\)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW can be used to provide continuity across joints with disconWLQXRXVLQWHUQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW 2UWRQHWDO 13.7—Strengthening reinforced concrete shear walls 13.7.1 General considerations—This section presents design guidelines for the seismic strengthening of reinforced @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 42 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) concrete walls. Applying horizontal FRP strips along the height of the walls can increase the shear capacity of reinIRUFHGFRQFUHWHVKHDUZDOOV)RUVKRUWRUVTXDWZDOOVZLWK height-to-length ratios less than 1.5, vertical FRP strips may DOVREHUHTXLUHG ACI 318 /LNHZLVHWKHLQSODQHÀH[XUDO capacity of reinforced concrete shear walls can be increased by placing vertical FRP strips at the ends or boundaries of ZDOOV Lombard et al. 2000Hiotakis et al. 2004 7KHVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIZDOOVUHLQIRUFHGZLWK)53IRUÀH[XUH should be evaluated and compared to the shear strength FRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIWKHUHWUR¿WWHG VWUXFWXUH WR SURPRWH D ÀH[XUDO IDLOXUH UDWKHU WKDQ D EULWWOHVKHDUIDLOXUH6LPLODUO\DVKHDUUHWUR¿WVKRXOGDFKLHYH greater shear capacity than the shear corresponding to the QRPLQDOÀH[XUDOFDSDFLW\RIWKHZDOO:KHQWKLVFKDSWHULV used in conjunction with ASCE/SEI 41WKHÀH[XUHDQGVKHDU in the strengthened portion of the wall should be considered force-controlled action unless a deformation-controlled clasVL¿FDWLRQLVMXVWL¿HGEDVHGRQH[SHULPHQWDOGDWD 13.7.2 Flexural strengthening—FRP reinforcement for ÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKHQLQJRIZDOOVPD\EHSURYLGHGRQRQHRU ERWKVLGHVRIWKHZDOO)LJXUHVKRZVDZDOOUHWUR¿WWHG with FRP reinforcement placed at the extreme ends of the ZDOO7KLV¿JXUHDOVRSURYLGHVDGHVFULSWLRQRIWKHPDLQYDULDEOHVUHTXLUHGIRUGHVLJQ Concrete strain limits—The concrete compresVLYHVWUDLQVİcVKRXOGEHOLPLWHGE\(T D ⎛ 1 ⎞ ≤ ε cu ε c = ε fc ⎜ ⎝ Lw /c − 1⎟⎠ D ZKHUH İfd corresponds to the strain at which debonding of WKH)53PD\RFFXUSHU(T ,QFRQFUHWHVKHDUZDOOV WKHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQVDWXOWLPDWHİcu, should be OLPLWHGWRWKHIROORZLQJYDOXHV :DOODFH İcuIRUFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHDWERXQGDULHV E İcuIRUXQFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHDWERXQGDULHV :KHQ FRQ¿QHG ERXQGDU\ HOHPHQWV DUH UHTXLUHG SHU (T E PHDQVRWKHUWKDQ)53PD\EHUHTXLUHGWRPHHW WKHFRQFUHWHVWUDLQUHTXLUHPHQWV $QFKRUDJH RI ÀH[XUDOO\ VWUHQJWKHQHG ZDOOV² )OH[XUDOO\ VWUHQJWKHQHG ZDOOV UHTXLUH DQFKRUDJH WR WKH IRXQGDWLRQV IRU ORDG SDWK FRQWLQXLW\ 6LPLODUO\ ÀH[XUDO FRP should be continuous through existing slabs to ensure continuity of the load path. Two conceptual methods for anchorage of a strengthened shear wall to the foundation are provided in Fig. Any anchorage method, including the ones shown in Fig., should be properly evaluDWHGSULRUWR¿HOGLPSOHPHQWDWLRQ,QVKHDUZDOOVWKHYHUWLFDO ÀH[XUDO)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWGRHVQRWQHHGWREHFRQ¿QHGE\ transverse FRP strips or U-wraps that extend around the perimeter of the section. 13.7.3 Shear strengthening of reinforced concrete shear walls—Experimental investigations have demonstrated )LJ²)53UHLQIRUFHPHQWIRUÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKHQLQJ the effectiveness of FRP for enhancing the shear performance of reinforced concrete walls subjected to seismic or F\FOLFORDGLQJ Haroun and Mosallam 2002Khomwan and Foster 2005 7KHGHVLJQVKHDUVWUHQJWKࢥVn of a reinforced concrete shear wall strengthened with FRP should satisfy (T D ࢥVnVu D 7KHVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUࢥVKRXOGEHSHUWKHGHVLJQ standard being used for the rehabilitation. For shear walls with externally bonded FRP, the nominal shear strength VnFDQEHFRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T E Vn = Vn*ȥfVf E where Vn* is the nominal shear strength of the existing shear ZDOOȥf is the reduction factor applied to the contribution of the FRP in accordance with Chapter 11DQGVf is the shear strength provided by the FRP. The shear strength enhancement for a wall section of length Lw in the direction of the applied shear force, with a laminate thickness tf on two VLGHV RU RQH VLGH RI WKH ZDOO FDQ EH FDOFXODWHG XVLQJ (T F Haroun et al. 2005 IRUDWZRVLGHGUHWUR¿WVf = 2tfİfeEfdfv F IRUDRQHVLGHGUHWUR¿WVf = 0.75tfİfeEfdfv where dfvLVWKHHIIHFWLYHGHSWKRIWKHVKHDUZDOODVGH¿QHG by Chapter 18 of ACI 318-14, but not to exceed hwDQGİfe is according to 11.4.1 of this guide. FRP should be provided on two faces of the wall if the ratio of the existing transYHUVHVWHHOUHLQIRUFHPHQWWRJURVVFRQFUHWHDUHDȡt, is less than 0.0015. The intent of this provision is to ensure proper shear resistance of concrete in the event of severe cracking during a seismic event. The maximum nominal shear strength of a wall segment should not exceed the value JLYHQLQ(T G @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 43 VWUXFWXUH WKH VRXQGQHVV DQG TXDOLW\ RI WKH VXEVWUDWH DQG the levels of load that are to be sustained by the FRP sheets or laminates. Many bond-related failures can be avoided by following these general guidelines for detailing FRP sheets or laminates: D 'RQRWWXUQLQVLGHFRUQHUVVXFKDVDWWKHLQWHUVHFWLRQRI beams and joists or the underside of slabs E 3URYLGHDPLQLPXPLQ PP UDGLXVZKHQWKH sheet is wrapped around outside corners F 3URYLGHDGHTXDWHGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWK G 3URYLGHVXI¿FLHQWRYHUODSZKHQVSOLFLQJ)53SOLHV Fig.—Conceptual anchorage methods for strengthened shear wall. Vn ≤ 10 f c′Acw G where Acw is the area of the concrete section of an individual vertical wall. Detailing of FRP shear reinforcement—Anchorage RIVKHDU)53LVFRQVLGHUHGJRRGSUDFWLFHEXWLWLVQRWUHTXLUHG to attain the shear strengths computed using the provisions of this chapter. Anchoring of the FRP shear reinforcement can be achieved by wrapping the FRP layers around the ends of the wall, by using mechanical anchorage devices such as steel DQFKRUVDQGVWHHOSODWHV Paterson and Mitchell 2003 RUE\ XVLQJ)53DQFKRUV Binici and Ozcebe 2006 The maximum clear spacing between the FRP shear strips VKRXOGEHOLPLWHGWRWKHPLQLPXPRIRQH¿IWKRIWKHRYHUDOO length of the wall, three times the thickness of the wall, or LQ PP CHAPTER 14—FIBER-REINFORCED POLYMER REINFORCEMENT DETAILS This chapter provides guidance for detailing externally ERQGHG ¿EHUUHLQIRUFHG SRO\PHU )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQW Detailing will typically depend on the geometry of the 14.1—Bond and delamination The actual distribution of bond stress in an FRP laminate is complicated by cracking of the substrate concrete. The general elastic distribution of interfacial shear stress and normal stress along an FRP laminate bonded to uncracked concrete is shown in Fig. 14.1. The weak link in the concrete/FRP interface is the concrete. The soundness and tensile strength of the concrete substrate will limit the overall effectiveness of the bonded FRP V\VWHP 'HVLJQ UHTXLUHPHQWV WR PLWLJDWH )53 GHERQGLQJ failure modes are discussed in 10.1.1. 14.1.1 FRP debonding—In reinforced concrete members having relatively long shear spans or where the end peeling UHIHUWR KDVEHHQHIIHFWLYHO\PLWLJDWHGGHERQGLQJ PD\LQLWLDWHDWÀH[XUDOFUDFNVÀH[XUDOVKHDUFUDFNVRUERWK near the region of maximum moment. Under loading, these cracks open and induce high local interfacial shear stress that initiates FRP debonding that propagates across the shear span in the direction of decreasing moment. Typically, this failure does not engage the aggregate in the concrete, progressing through the thin mortar-rich layer comprising the surface of the concrete substrate. This failure mode is exacerbated in regions having a high shear-moment ratio. Anchorage systems, such as U-wraps, mechanical IDVWHQHUV ¿EHU DQFKRUV DQG QHDUVXUIDFHPRXQWHG 160 anchors, have been proven successful at delaying, and sometimes preventing, debonding failure of the longitudinal FRP Kalfat et al. 2013Grelle and Sneed 2013 1XPHULFDODQG experimental studies have shown that these systems can LQFUHDVH WKH HIIHFWLYH VWUDLQ LQ WKH ÀH[XUDO )53 WR YDOXHV XS WR WHQVLOH UXSWXUH Lee et al. 2010 Orton et al. 2008 A few studies have proposed analytical models to predict WKH EHKDYLRU RI VSHFL¿F DQFKRU V\VWHPV Kim and Smith 2010 KRZHYHUQRSXEOLVKHGDQFKRUDJHGHVLJQJXLGHOLQHV are currently available. Therefore, the performance of any anchorage system should be substantiated through representative physical testing. 14.1.2 FRP end peeling²)53HQGSHHOLQJ DOVRUHIHUUHG WRDVFRQFUHWHFRYHUGHODPLQDWLRQ FDQUHVXOWIURPWKHQRUPDO stresses developed at the ends of externally bonded FRP reinforcement. With this type of delamination, the existing internal reinforcing steel provides a weak horizontal plane along which the concrete cover pulls away from the rest of the beam, as shown in Fig. 14.1.2a. The tensile concrete cover splitting failure mode is controlled, in part, by stress at the termination point of @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 44 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Fig. 14.1.2a—Delamination caused by tension failure of the concrete cover. Fig. 14.1—Conceptual interfacial shear and normal stress distributions along the length of a bonded FRP laminate (Roberts and Haji-Kazemi 1989; Malek et al. 1998). the FRP. In general, the FRP end peeling failure mode can EH PLWLJDWHG E\ XVLQJ DQFKRUDJH 8ZUDSV PHFKDQLFDO IDVWHQHUV ¿EHU DQFKRUV RU 160 DQFKRUV E\ PLQLPL]LQJ the stress at the FRP curtailment by locating the curtailment as close to the region of zero moment as possible, or by both. When the factored shear force at the termination point LVJUHDWHUWKDQWZRWKLUGVRIWKHFRQFUHWHVKHDUVWUHQJWK Vu !Vc WKH)53ODPLQDWHVVKRXOGEHDQFKRUHGZLWKWUDQVverse reinforcement to prevent the concrete cover layer from splitting. The area of the transverse clamping FRP U-wrap reinforcement, Afanchor, can be determined in accordance ZLWK(T Reed et al. 2005 Afanchor = ( Af f fe )longitudinal ( E f κ v ε fu ) anchor LQ ZKLFK țv LV FDOFXODWHG XVLQJ (T E ,QVWHDG RI detailed analysis, the following general guidelines for the location of cutoff points for the FRP laminate can be used to avoid end peeling failure mode: D )RU VLPSO\ VXSSRUWHG EHDPV D VLQJOHSO\ )53 ODPLQDWHVKRXOGEHWHUPLQDWHGDWOHDVWDGLVWDQFHHTXDOWRƐdf past the point along the span at which the resisted moment falls below the cracking moment Mcr. For multiple-ply laminates, the termination points of the plies should be tapered. The outermost ply should be terminated not less than Ɛdf past the point along the span at which the resisted moment falls below the cracking moment. Each successive ply should be WHUPLQDWHGQRWOHVVWKDQDQDGGLWLRQDOLQ PP EH\RQG WKHSUHYLRXVSO\ )LJE E )RU FRQWLQXRXV EHDPV D VLQJOHSO\ )53 ODPLQDWH should be terminated at least a distance dRULQ PP EH\RQGWKHLQÀHFWLRQSRLQW SRLQWRI]HURPRPHQWUHVXOWLQJ IURPIDFWRUHGORDGV )RUPXOWLSOHSO\ODPLQDWHVWKHWHUPLnation points of the plies should be tapered. The outermost SO\VKRXOGEHWHUPLQDWHGQROHVVWKDQLQ PP EH\RQG WKH LQÀHFWLRQ SRLQW (DFK VXFFHVVLYH SO\ VKRXOG EH WHUPLQDWHGQROHVVWKDQDQDGGLWLRQDOLQ PP EH\RQGWKH SUHYLRXVSO\)RUH[DPSOHLIDWKUHHSO\ODPLQDWHLVUHTXLUHG the ply directly in contact with the concrete substrate should EH WHUPLQDWHG DW OHDVW LQ PP SDVW WKH LQÀHFWLRQ SRLQW )LJE 7KHVHJXLGHOLQHVDSSO\IRUSRVLWLYHDQG negative moment regions. 14.1.3 Development length—The bond capacity of FRP is developed over a critical length Ɛdf. To develop the effective FRP stress at a section, the available anchorage length of )53VKRXOGH[FHHGWKHYDOXHJLYHQE\(T Teng et al. 2003 df = 0.057 df = nE f t f f c′ nE f t f (in.-lb) (SI) f c′ 14.2—Detailing of laps and splices Splices of FRP laminates should be provided only as SHUPLWWHG RQ GUDZLQJV VSHFL¿FDWLRQV RU DV DXWKRUL]HG E\ the licensed design professional as recommended by the system manufacturer. 7KH ¿EHUV RI )53 V\VWHPV VKRXOG EH FRQWLQXRXV DQG oriented in the direction of the largest tensile forces. Fiber continuity can be maintained with a lap splice. For FRP systems, a lap splice should be made by overlapping the ¿EHUVDORQJWKHLUOHQJWK7KHUHTXLUHGRYHUODSRUODSVSOLFH length, depends on the tensile strength and thickness of the FRP material system and on the bond strength between adjaFHQWOD\HUVRI)53ODPLQDWHV6XI¿FLHQWRYHUODSVKRXOGEH provided to promote the failure of the FRP laminate before GHERQGLQJ RI WKH RYHUODSSHG )53 ODPLQDWHV 7KH UHTXLUHG overlap for an FRP system should be provided by the material manufacturer and substantiated through testing that is independent of the manufacturer. Jacket-type FRP systems used for column members should provide appropriate development area at splices, joints, and termination points to ensure failure through the FRP jacket thickness rather than failure of the spliced sections. )RUXQLGLUHFWLRQDO)53ODPLQDWHVODSVSOLFHVDUHUHTXLUHG RQO\LQWKHGLUHFWLRQRIWKH¿EHUV/DSVSOLFHVDUHQRWUHTXLUHG LQ WKH GLUHFWLRQ WUDQVYHUVH WR WKH ¿EHUV )53 ODPLQDWHV consisting of multiple unidirectional sheets oriented in more WKDQ RQH GLUHFWLRQ RU PXOWLGLUHFWLRQDO IDEULFV UHTXLUH ODS splices in more than one direction to maintain the continuity RIWKH¿EHUVDQGWKHRYHUDOOVWUHQJWKRIWKH)53ODPLQDWHV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 45 Fig. 14.1.2b—Graphical representation of the guidelines for allowable termination points of a three-ply FRP laminate. Fig. 14.3a—Minimum dimensions of grooves. 14.3—Bond of near-surface-mounted systems )RU QHDUVXUIDFHPRXQWHG 160 V\VWHPV WKH PLQLPXP dimension of the grooves should be taken at least 1.5 times the GLDPHWHURIWKH)53EDU De Lorenzis and Nanni 2001Hassan and Rizkalla 2003 :KHQ D UHFWDQJXODU EDU ZLWK D ODUJH DVSHFWUDWLRLVXVHGKRZHYHUWKHOLPLWPD\ORVHVLJQL¿FDQFH due to constructibility. In such a case, a minimum groove size of 3.0ab x 1.5bb, as depicted in Fig. 14.3a, is suggested, where ab is the smallest bar dimension. The minimum clear groove spacing for NSM FRP bars should be greater than twice the depth of the NSM groove to avoid overlapping of the tensile stresses around the NSM bars. Furthermore, a clear edge distance of four times the depth of the NSM groove should be provided to minimize edge effects that could accelerate GHERQGLQJIDLOXUH +DVVDQDQG5L]NDOOD Bond properties of NSM FRP bars depend on many factors such as cross-sectional shape and dimensions and surface SURSHUWLHV RI WKH )53 EDU +DVVDQ DQG 5L]NDOOD De Lorenzis et al. 2004 )LJXUH E VKRZV WKH HTXLOLEULXP condition of an NSM FRP bar with an embedded length HTXDOWRLWVGHYHORSPHQWOHQJWKƐdb having a bond strength RI IJmax. Using a triangular stress distribution, the average Fig. 14.3b—Transfer of force in NSM FRP bars. ERQGVWUHQJWKFDQEHH[SUHVVHGDVIJb IJmax. Average bond VWUHQJWKIJb for NSM FRP bars in the range of 500 to 3000 psi WR03D KDVEHHQUHSRUWHG +DVVDQDQG5L]NDOOD 'H /RUHQ]LV HW DO WKHUHIRUH IJb = 1000 psi 03D LVUHFRPPHQGHGIRUFDOFXODWLQJWKHEDUGHYHORSPHQW OHQJWK 8VLQJ IRUFH HTXLOLEULXP WKH IROORZLQJ HTXDtions for development length can be derived db = db = db f fd for circular bars 4τ b D ab bb f fd for rectangular bars E 2(ab + bb )(τ b ) @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 46 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) CHAPTER 15—DRAWINGS, SPECIFICATIONS, AND SUBMITTALS 15.1—Engineering requirements Although federal, state, and local codes for the design of H[WHUQDOO\ERQGHG¿EHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU )53 V\VWHPVGR QRWH[LVWRWKHUDSSOLFDEOHFRGHUHTXLUHPHQWVPD\LQÀXHQFH the selection, design, and installation of the FRP system. For H[DPSOHFRGHUHTXLUHPHQWVUHODWHGWR¿UHRUSRWDEOHZDWHU PD\ LQÀXHQFH WKH VHOHFWLRQ RI WKH FRDWLQJV XVHG ZLWK WKH FRP system. All design work should be performed under the guidance of a licensed design professional familiar with the properties and applications of FRP strengthening systems. 15.2—Drawings and specifications The licensed design professional should document calculations summarizing the assumptions and parameters used to design the FRP strengthening system and should prepare GHVLJQ GUDZLQJV DQG SURMHFW VSHFL¿FDWLRQV 7KH GUDZLQJV DQGVSHFL¿FDWLRQVVKRXOGVKRZDWDPLQLPXPWKHIROORZLQJ LQIRUPDWLRQVSHFL¿FWRH[WHUQDOO\DSSOLHG)53V\VWHPV D )53V\VWHPWREHXVHG E /RFDWLRQRIWKH)53V\VWHPUHODWLYHWRWKHH[LVWLQJVWUXFWXUH F 'LPHQVLRQV DQG RULHQWDWLRQ RI HDFK SO\ ODPLQDWH RU QHDUVXUIDFHPRXQWHG 160 EDU G 1XPEHURISOLHVDQGEDUVDQGWKHVHTXHQFHRILQVWDOODWLRQ H /RFDWLRQRIVSOLFHVDQGODSOHQJWK I *HQHUDOQRWHVOLVWLQJGHVLJQORDGVDQGDOORZDEOHVWUDLQV in the FRP laminates J 0DWHULDOSURSHUWLHVRIWKH)53ODPLQDWHVDQGFRQFUHWH substrate K &RQFUHWH VXUIDFH SUHSDUDWLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV LQFOXGLQJ corner preparation, groove dimensions for NSM bars, and maximum irregularity limitations L ,QVWDOODWLRQ SURFHGXUHV LQFOXGLQJ VXUIDFH WHPSHUDture and moisture limitations, and application time limits between successive plies M &XULQJSURFHGXUHVIRU)53V\VWHPV N 3URWHFWLYHFRDWLQJVDQGVHDODQWVLIUHTXLUHG O 6KLSSLQJVWRUDJHKDQGOLQJDQGVKHOIOLIHJXLGHOLQHV P 4XDOLW\ FRQWURO DQG LQVSHFWLRQ SURFHGXUHV LQFOXGLQJ acceptance criteria Q ,QSODFHORDGWHVWLQJRILQVWDOOHG)53V\VWHPLIQHFHVVDU\ 15.3—Submittals 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV VKRXOG UHTXLUH WKH )53 V\VWHP PDQXIDFWXUHU LQVWDOODWLRQ FRQWUDFWRU DQG LQVSHFWLRQ DJHQF\ LI UHTXLUHG WR VXEPLW SURGXFW LQIRUPDWLRQ DQG HYLGHQFH RI WKHLU TXDOL¿FDWLRQV DQG H[SHULHQFH WR WKH OLFHQVHG GHVLJQ professional for review. 15.3.1 FRP system manufacturer²6XEPLWWDOVUHTXLUHGRI the FRP system manufacturer should include: D ,QGLFDWLRQ RI FRPSOLDQFH ZLWK H[LVWLQJ VSHFL¿FDWLRQV VXFKDVACI 440.8 DVDSSOLFDEOH E 3URGXFWGDWDVKHHWVLQGLFDWLQJWKHSK\VLFDOPHFKDQLFDO and chemical characteristics of the FRP system and all its constituent materials F 7HQVLOH SURSHUWLHV RI WKH )53 V\VWHP LQFOXGLQJ WKH PHWKRGRIUHSRUWLQJSURSHUWLHV QHW¿EHURUJURVVODPLQDWH test methods used, and the statistical basis used for deterPLQLQJWKHSURSHUWLHV 4.3 G ,QVWDOODWLRQLQVWUXFWLRQVPDLQWHQDQFHLQVWUXFWLRQVDQG general recommendations regarding each material to be XVHGLQVWDOODWLRQSURFHGXUHVVKRXOGLQFOXGHVXUIDFHSUHSDUDWLRQUHTXLUHPHQWV H 0DQXIDFWXUHU¶V6DIHW\'DWD6KHHWV 6'6V IRUDOOPDWHrials to be used I 4XDOLW\ FRQWURO SURFHGXUH IRU WUDFNLQJ )53 PDWHULDOV DQGPDWHULDOFHUWL¿FDWLRQV J 'XUDELOLW\WHVWGDWDIRUWKH)53V\VWHPLQWKHW\SHVRI environments expected K 6WUXFWXUDOWHVWUHSRUWVSHUWLQHQWWRWKHSURSRVHGDSSOLFDWLRQ L 5HIHUHQFHSURMHFWV 15.3.2 FRP system installation contractor—Submittals UHTXLUHG RI WKH )53 V\VWHP LQVWDOODWLRQ FRQWUDFWRU VKRXOG include: D 'RFXPHQWDWLRQIURPWKH)53V\VWHPPDQXIDFWXUHURI having been trained to install the proposed FRP system E 3URMHFWUHIHUHQFHVLQFOXGLQJLQVWDOODWLRQVVLPLODUWRWKH SURSRVHGLQVWDOODWLRQ IRUH[DPSOHIRUDQRYHUKHDGDSSOLFDtion, the contractor should submit a list of previous installations involving the installation of the proposed FRP system LQDQRYHUKHDGDSSOLFDWLRQ F (YLGHQFHRIFRPSHWHQF\LQVXUIDFHSUHSDUDWLRQWHFKQLTXHV G 4XDOLW\ FRQWURO WHVWLQJ SURFHGXUHV LQFOXGLQJ YRLGV and delaminations, FRP bond to concrete, and FRP tensile properties H 'DLO\ORJRULQVSHFWLRQIRUPVXVHGE\WKHFRQWUDFWRU 15.3.3 FRP system inspection agency—If an independent LQVSHFWLRQDJHQF\LVXVHGVXEPLWWDOVUHTXLUHGRIWKDWDJHQF\ should include: D $OLVWRILQVSHFWRUVWREHXVHGRQWKHSURMHFWDQGWKHLU TXDOL¿FDWLRQV E 6DPSOHLQVSHFWLRQIRUPV F $OLVWRISUHYLRXVSURMHFWVLQVSHFWHGE\WKHLQVSHFWRU @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) CHAPTER 16—DESIGN EXAMPLES 47 Table 16.1a—FRP system tension test results 16.1—Calculation of FRP system tensile properties This example calculation shown in Table 16.1b illustrates WKH GHULYDWLRQ RI PDWHULDO SURSHUWLHV EDVHG RQ QHW¿EHU area versus the properties based on gross-laminate area. As described in 4.3.1, both methods of determining material properties are valid. It is important, however, that any design calculations consistently use material properties based on RQO\ RQH RI WKH WZR PHWKRGV IRU H[DPSOH LI WKH JURVV laminate thickness is used in any calculation, the strength based on gross-laminate area should be used in the calculaWLRQVDVZHOO 5HSRUWHGGHVLJQSURSHUWLHVVKRXOGEHEDVHG on a population of 20 or more coupons tested in accordance with $670''0. Reported properties should be statistically adjusted by subtracting three standard deviations from the mean tensile stress and strain, as discussed in 4.3.1. $WHVWSDQHOLVIDEULFDWHGIURPWZRSOLHVRIDFDUERQ¿EHU UHVLQXQLGLUHFWLRQDO¿EHUUHLQIRUFHGSRO\PHU )53 V\VWHP 6SHFLPHQ width 0HDVXUHGFRXSRQ WKLFNQHVV Measured UXSWXUHORDG &RXSRQ ID in. mm. in. mm. NLSV N1 T-1 2 50.8 0.055 1.40 17.8 T-2 2 50.8 0.062 1.58 16.4 T-3 2 50.8 1.75 16.7 74.3 T-4 2 50.8 0.053 1.35 16.7 74.3 T-5 2 50.8 0.061 1.55 17.4 77.4 Average 2 50.8 0.060 1.52 17.0 75.6 XVLQJWKHZHWOD\XSWHFKQLTXH%DVHGRQWKHNQRZQ¿EHU FRQWHQWRIWKLV)53V\VWHPWKHQHW¿EHUDUHDLVLQ2/ LQ PP2PP ZLGWK SHU SO\$IWHU WKH V\VWHP KDV FXUHG¿YHLQ PP ZLGHWHVWFRXSRQVDUHFXWIURP the panel. The test coupons are tested in tension to failure LQ DFFRUGDQFH ZLWK$670 ''0 7DEXODWHG LQ Table 16.1a are the results of the tension tests. Table 16.1b—FRP system net fiber and gross laminate property calculations 1HW¿EHUDUHDSURSHUW\FDOFXODWLRQV 2 Af PP PP PP = 16.8 mm2 Af = ntfwf Calculate the average FRP system tensile VWUHQJWKEDVHGRQQHW¿EHUDUHD f fu = average rupture load Af f fu = Calculate the average FRP system tensile VWUHQJWKSHUXQLWZLGWKEDVHGRQQHW¿EHU area: p fu = f fu Af wf 2 Af LQ LQ LQ LQ Calculate AfXVLQJWKHNQRZQQHW¿EHU area ply thickness: f fu = *URVVODPLQDWHDUHDSURSHUW\FDOFXODWLRQV 2 p fu = 17 kip = 650 ksi 0.026 in.2 75.62 kN = 4.5 kN/mm 2 16.8 mm 2 (650 ksi)(0.026 in.2 ) = 8.4 kip/in. 2 in. (4.5 kN/mm 2 )(16.8 mm 2 ) 50.8 mm = 1.49 kN/mm p fu = Calculate Af using the average, measured laminate thickness: Af LQ LQ LQ2 Af = tfwf Af PP PP PP2 Calculate the average FRP system tensile strength based on gross-laminate area: f fu = average rupture load Af Calculate the average FRP system tensile strength per unit width based on laminate area: p fu = f fu Af wf @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation f fu = f fu = p fu = 17 kip = 140 ksi 0.120 in.2 75.62 kN = 0.997 kN/mm 2 77.4 mm 2 (140 ksi)(0.120 in.2 ) = 8.4 kip/in. 2 in. (0.98 kN/mm 2 )(77.4 mm 2 ) 50.8 mm = 1.49 kN/mm p fu = American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 48 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.2—Comparison of FRP systems’ tensile properties Two FRP systems are being considered for strengthening concrete members. The mechanical properties of two FRP systems are available from respective manufacturers. 6\VWHP$FRQVLVWVRIGU\FDUERQ¿EHUXQLGLUHFWLRQDOVKHHWV and is installed with an adhesive resin using the wet layup WHFKQLTXH6\VWHP%FRQVLVWVRISUHFXUHGFDUERQ¿EHUUHVLQ laminates that are bonded to the concrete surface with an adhesive resin. Excerpts from the data sheets provided by the FRP system manufacturers are given in Table 16.2a. After reviewing the material data sheets sent by the FRP system manufacturers, the licensed design professional compares the tensile strengths of the two systems. Because the data sheets for both systems are reporting statistically based properties, it is possible to directly compare the tensile strength and modulus of both systems, as shown in Table 16.2b. Table 16.2a—Material properties and description of two types of FRP systems 6\VWHP$ H[FHUSWVIURPGDWDVKHHW 6\VWHP% H[FHUSWVIURPGDWDVKHHW System type: dry, unidirectional sheet Fiber type: high-strength carbon Polymer resin: epoxy System type: precured, unidirectional laminate Fiber type: high-strength carbon Polymer resin: epoxy System A is installed using a wet layup procedure where the dry carbon¿EHUVKHHWVDUHLPSUHJQDWHGDQGDGKHUHGZLWKDQHSR[\UHVLQRQVLWH System B’s precured laminates are bonded to the concrete substrate using System B’s epoxy paste adhesive. Mechanical properties*†‡ Mechanical properties*† tf LQ PP tf LQ PP ffu* NVL 1PP2 ffu NVL 1PP2 İfu* = 1.6% İfu* = 1.5% Ef NVL 1PP2 Ef NVL 1PP2 * 5HSRUWHGSURSHUWLHVDUHEDVHGRQDSRSXODWLRQRIRUPRUHFRXSRQVWHVWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK$670''0 Reported properties have been statistically adjusted by subtracting three standard deviations from the mean tensile stress and strain. ‡ 7KLFNQHVVLVEDVHGRQWKHQHW¿EHUDUHDIRURQHSO\RIWKH)53V\VWHP5HVLQLVH[FOXGHG$FWXDOLQVWDOOHGWKLFNQHVVRIFXUHG)53LVWRLQ WRPP SHUSO\ † Table 16.2b—Procedure comparing two types of FRP systems 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV Step 1A—Calculate the tensile strength per unit width of System A pfu* = ffu*tf pfu* NVL LQ NLSLQ pfu* N1PP2 PP N1PP Step 1B—Calculate the tensile strength per unit width of System B pfu* = ffu*tf pfu NVL LQ NLSLQ pfu N1PP2 PP N1PP Step 2A—Calculate the tensile modulus per unit width of System A kf = Eftf kf NVL LQ NLSLQ kf N1PP2 PP N1PP Step 2B—Calculate the tensile modulus per unit width of System B kf = Eftf kf NVL LQ NLSLQ kf N1PP2 PP N1PP Step 3—Compare the two systems Compare the tensile strengths: pfu* 6\VWHP$ pfu* 6\VWHP% Compare the stiffnesses: kf 6\VWHP$ kf 6\VWHP% p*fu (System B) p*fu (System A) = 19 kip/in. = 2.66 7.15 kip/in. WKUHHSOLHVRI6\VWHP$DUHUHTXLUHGIRUHDFKSO\RI 6\VWHP%IRUDQHTXLYDOHQWWHQVLOHVWUHQJWK k f (System B) k f (System A) = 1100 kip/in. = 2.56 429 kip/in. WKUHHSOLHVRI6\VWHP$DUHUHTXLUHGIRUHDFKSO\RI 6\VWHP%IRUDQHTXLYDOHQWVWLIIQHVV p*fu (System B) p*fu (System A) = 3.33 kN/mm = 2.66 1.25 kN/mm WKUHHSOLHVRI6\VWHP$DUHUHTXLUHGIRUHDFKSO\RI 6\VWHP%IRUDQHTXLYDOHQWWHQVLOHVWUHQJWK k f (System A) k f (System B) = 192.7 kN/mm = 2.56 75.1 kN/mm WKUHHSOLHVRI6\VWHP$DUHUHTXLUHGIRUHDFKSO\RI 6\VWHP%IRUDQHTXLYDOHQWVWLIIQHVV @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Because all the design procedures outlined in this document limit the strain in the FRP material, the full nominal strength of the material is not used and should not be the basis of comparison between two material systems. When considering various FRP material systems for a particular application, the FRP systems should be compared based RQ HTXLYDOHQW VWLIIQHVV RQO\ ,Q DGGLWLRQ HDFK )53 V\VWHP under consideration should have the ability to develop the VWUDLQ DVVRFLDWHG ZLWK WKH HIIHFWLYH VWUDLQ UHTXLUHG E\ WKH DSSOLFDWLRQZLWKRXWUXSWXULQJİfu!İfe. 49 In many instances, it may be possible to vary the width of WKH)53VWULSDVRSSRVHGWRWKHQXPEHURISOLHV XVHODUJHU ZLGWKVIRUV\VWHPVZLWKORZHUWKLFNQHVVHVDQGYLFHYHUVD ,QVXFKLQVWDQFHVHTXLYDOHQWVWLIIQHVVFDOFXODWLRQVW\SLFDOO\ ZLOO QRW \LHOG HTXLYDOHQW FRQWULEXWLRQV WR WKH VWUHQJWK RI D PHPEHU ,Q JHQHUDO WKLQQHU ORZHU ntf DQG ZLGHU KLJKHU wf )53V\VWHPVZLOOSURYLGHDKLJKHUOHYHORIVWUHQJWKWRD PHPEHUGXHWRORZHUERQGVWUHVVHV7KHH[DFWHTXLYDOHQF\ however, can only be found by performing complete calcuODWLRQV DFFRUGLQJ WR SURFHGXUHV GHVFULEHG LQ Chapters 10, 11, and 12RIWKLVJXLGH IRUHDFKV\VWHP @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 50 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.3—Flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with FRP laminates A simply supported concrete beam reinforced with three No. EDUV )LJ LVORFDWHGLQDQXQRFFXSLHGZDUHKRXVHDQG is subjected to a 50 percent increase in its live-load-carrying UHTXLUHPHQWV$QDQDO\VLVRIWKHH[LVWLQJEHDPLQGLFDWHVWKDW WKHEHDPVWLOOKDVVXI¿FLHQWVKHDUVWUHQJWKWRUHVLVWWKHQHZ UHTXLUHG VKHDU VWUHQJWK DQG PHHWV WKH GHÀHFWLRQ DQG FUDFN FRQWURO VHUYLFHDELOLW\ UHTXLUHPHQWV ,WV ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK KRZHYHULVLQDGHTXDWHWRFDUU\WKHLQFUHDVHGOLYHORDG Summarized in Table 16.3a are the existing and new loadings and associated midspan moments for the beam. The existing reinforced concrete beam should be strengthened ZLWKWKH)53V\VWHPGHVFULEHGLQ7DEOHEVSHFL¿FDOO\ WZRLQ PP ZLGH[IW P ORQJSOLHVERQGHG WRWKHVRI¿WRIWKHEHDPXVLQJWKHZHWOD\XSWHFKQLTXH By inspection, the degree of strengthening is reasonable LQWKDWLWGRHVPHHWWKHVWUHQJWKHQLQJOLPLWFULWHULDVSHFL¿HG LQ(T 7KDWLVWKHH[LVWLQJPRPHQWVWUHQJWKZLWKRXW )53 ࢥMn w/o NLSIW N1P LVJUHDWHUWKDQWKH XQVWUHQJWKHQHGPRPHQWOLPLW MDL + 0.75MLL new = 177 NLSIW N1P 7KH GHVLJQ FDOFXODWLRQV XVHG WR YHULI\ WKLVFRQ¿JXUDWLRQIROORZLQ7DEOHF )LJ²6FKHPDWLFRIWKHLGHDOL]HGVLPSO\VXSSRUWHGEHDPZLWK)53H[WHUQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW Table 16.3a—Loadings and corresponding moments Loading/moment ([LVWLQJORDGV $QWLFLSDWHGORDGV Dead loads wDL 1.00 kip/ft 14.6 N/mm 1.00 kip/ft 14.6 N/mm Live load wLL 1.20 kip/ft 17.5 N/mm 1.80 kip/ft 26.3 N/mm 8QIDFWRUHGORDGV wDL + wLL 2.20 kip/ft 32.1 N/mm 2.80 kip/ft 1PP 8QVWUHQJWKHQHGORDGOLPLW wDL + 0.75wLL NA NA 2.50 kip/ft 35.8 N/mm )DFWRUHGORDGV wDL + 1.6wLL 3.12 kip/ft 45.5 N/mm 4.08 kip/ft 1PP Dead-load moment MDL 72 kip-ft N1P 72 kip-ft N1P Live-load moment MLL 86 kip-ft 117 kN-m 130 kip-ft 176 kN-m Service-load moment Ms 158 kip-ft 214 kN-m 202 kip-ft 274 kN-m 8QVWUHQJWKHQHGPRPHQWOLPLW MDL + 0.75MLL NA NA 177 kip-ft 240 kN-m Factored moment Mu 224 kip-ft 304 kN-m NLSIW N1P @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 51 Table 16.3b—Manufacturer’s reported FRP system properties Thickness per ply tf Ultimate tensile strength ffu* 5XSWXUHVWUDLQİfu* Modulus of elasticity of FRP laminates Ef 0.040 in. 1.02 mm NVL 621 N/mm2 0.015 in./in. 0.015 mm/mm 5360 ksi 37,000 N/mm2 Table 16.3c—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with fiberreinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ffu = CEffu* ffu NVL NVL ffu 1PP2 1PP2 İfu = CEİfu* İfu LQLQ LQLQ İfu PPPP PPPP ȕ1 from ACI 318-14, Section ȕ1 ± fcƍ ȕ1 ± fcƍ Ec = 57, 000 f c′ Ec = 57, 000 5000 psi = 4,030,000 psi Ec = 4700 34.5 N/mm 2 = 27,600 N/mm 2 Properties of the existing reinforcing steel: As LQ2 LQ2 As PP2 PP2 Af SOLHV LQSO\ LQ LQ2 Af SOLHV PPSO\ PP PP2 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKH)53V\VWHP GHVLJQPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHV The beam is located in an interior space DQGDFDUERQ)53 &)53 PDWHULDOZLOO EHXVHG7KHUHIRUHSHU7DEOHDQ HQYLURQPHQWDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRURILV suggested. 6WHS²3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQV Properties of the concrete: Properties of the externally bonded FRP reinforcement: Af = ntfwf 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHH[LVWLQJVWDWHRI VWUDLQRQWKHVRI¿W The existing state of strain is calculated assuming the beam is cracked and the only loads acting on the beam at the time of the FRP installation are dead loads. A cracked section analysis of the existing beam gives k = 0.334 and Icr LQ4 = 2471 × 106 mm4 ε bi = M DL d f − kd NLSLQ >LQ − LQ @ LQ4 NVL = 0.00061 ε bi = I cr Ec N1PP >PP − PP @ × 6 PP 4 N1PP 2 = 0.00061 ε bi = 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHGHVLJQVWUDLQRI the FRP system The design strain of FRP accounting for GHERQGLQJIDLOXUHPRGHİfd is calculated XVLQJ(T ε fd = 0.083 5000 psi SVL LQ ≤ = ε fd = 0.41 34.5 N/mm 2 1PP3 PP = ≤ = Because the design strain is smaller than the rupture strain, debonding controls the design of the FRP system. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 52 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.3c (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with fiber-reinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV c LQ LQ c PP PP ⎛ 24 in. − 4.3 in.⎞ ε fe = 0.003 ⎜ ⎟⎠ − 0.00061 ≤ 0.009 ⎝ 4.3 in. ⎛ PP − PP ⎞ ε fe = ⎜ ⎟⎠ − ≤ ⎝ PP İfe ! İfe ! İfe İfd İfe İfd 4.3 in. ⎛ ⎞ ε c = (0.09 + 0.00061) ⎜ = 0.0021 ⎝ 24 in. − 4.3 in.⎟⎠ PP ⎛ ⎞ ε c = + ⎜ = ⎝ PP − PP ⎟⎠ ⎛ 21.5 in. − 4.3 in.⎞ ε s = (0.09 + 0.00061) ⎜ = 0.0084 ⎝ 24 in. − 4.3 in. ⎟⎠ ⎛ 546.1 mm − 109.2 mm ⎞ ε s = (0.09 + 0.00061) ⎜ = 0.0084 ⎝ 609.6 mm − 109.2 mm ⎟⎠ fs = Esİsfy fs NVL NVL fs NVLNVL Hence, fs = 60 ksi fs N1PP2 N1PP2 fs = 1.68 kN/mm2N1PP2 Hence, fs = 0.414 kN/mm2 ffe = Efİfe ffe NVL NVL ffe N1PP2 N1PP2 6WHS²(VWLPDWHcWKHGHSWKWRWKH QHXWUDOD[LV A reasonable initial estimate of c is 0.20d. The value of the c is adjusted after FKHFNLQJHTXLOLEULXP c = 0.20d 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHHIIHFWLYHOHYHORI VWUDLQLQWKH)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW The effective strain level in the FRP may EHIRXQGIURP(T ⎛ d f − c⎞ ε fe = 0.003 ⎜ = ε bi ≤ ε fd ⎝ c ⎟⎠ Note that for the neutral axis depth selected, FRP debonding would be in the failure mode because the second H[SUHVVLRQLQWKLVHTXDWLRQFRQWUROV,IWKH ¿UVWH[SUHVVLRQJRYHUQHGWKHQFRQFUHWH crushing would be in the failure mode. Because FRP controls the failure of the section, the concrete strain at failure İc may be less than 0.003 and can be calculated using similar triangles: ⎛ c ⎞ ε c = (ε fe + ε bi ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d f − c⎠ 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHVWUDLQLQWKH H[LVWLQJUHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO The strain in the reinforcing steel can be calculated using similar triangles DFFRUGLQJWR(T ⎛ c ⎞ ε s = ε fe + ε bi ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d f − c⎠ 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHVWUHVVOHYHOLQWKH UHLQIRUFLQJVWHHODQG)53 7KHVWUHVVHVDUHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T E DQG+RRNH¶V/DZ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 53 Table 16.3c (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with fiber-reinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHLQWHUQDOIRUFH UHVXOWDQWVDQGFKHFNHTXLOLEULXP Concrete stress block factors may be calculated using ACI 318. Approximate stress block factors may also be calculated based on the parabolic stress-strain relationship for concrete as follows: β1 = 4ε ′c − ε c 6ε ′c − 2ε c α1 = 3ε ′c ε c − ε c2 3β1ε′c 2 β1 = α1 = 4(0.0021) − 0.0021 = 0.749 6(0.0021) − 2(0.0021) β1 = − 2 = 0.886 2 α1 = 4(0.0021) − 0.0021 = 0.749 6(0.0021) − 2(0.0021) − 2 = 0.886 2 ZKHUHİcƍLVVWUDLQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRfcƍ calculated as ε ′c = 1.7 f c′ Ec ε ′c = = 0.0021 4.03 × 106 ε ′c = = 0.0021 27, 600 )RUFHHTXLOLEULXPLVYHUL¿HGE\FKHFNLQJ the initial estimate of cZLWK(T J c= As f s + Af f fe c= α1 f c′β1b (3.00 in.2 )(60 ksi) + (0.96 in.2 )(48.2 ksi) (0.886)(5 ksi)(0.749)(12 in.) c LQLQQJ revise estimate of cDQGUHSHDW6WHSVWKURXJK XQWLOHTXLOLEULXPLVDFKLHYHG (1935.48 mm 2 )(414 N/mm 2 ) + (619 mm 2 )(330 N/mm 2 ) (0.886)(34.5 N/mm 2 )(0.749)(304.8 mm) c= c PPPPQJ revise estimate of cDQGUHSHDW6WHSVWKURXJK XQWLOHTXLOLEULXPLVDFKLHYHG 6WHS²$GMXVWcXQWLOIRUFHHTXLOLEULXP LVVDWLV¿HG 6WHSVWKURXJKZHUHUHSHDWHGVHYHUDO times with different values of c until HTXLOLEULXPZDVDFKLHYHG7KHUHVXOWVRI WKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQDUH c LQİs fs = fy NVL ȕ1 Į1 DQGffd = 48.2 ksi c= LQ2 NVL + LQ2 NVL NVL LQ c= PP 2 1PP 2 + PP 2 1PP 2 1PP 2 PP c = 5.17 in. the value of cVHOHFWHGIRUWKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQLV correct. c = 131 mm the value of cVHOHFWHGIRUWKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQLV correct. 0.786(5.17 in.) ⎞ ⎛ M ns = (3.00 in.2 )(60 ksi) ⎜ 21.5 in. − ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2 0.786(131 mm) ⎞ ⎛ M ns = (1935.5 mm 2 )(414 N/mm 2 ) ⎜ 546.1 mm − ⎝ ⎠⎟ 2 Mns NLSLQ NLSIW Mns î81PP N1P 0.786(5.17 in.) ⎞ ⎛ M nf = (0.96 in.2 )(48.2 ksi) ⎜ 24 in. − ⎝ ⎠⎟ 2 0.786(131 mm) ⎞ ⎛ M nf = (619 mm 2 )(330 N/mm 2 ) ⎜ 609.6 mm − ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2 Mnf = 1020 kip-in. = 85 kip-ft Mnf = 1.140 × 108 N-mm = 114 kN-m 6WHS²&DOFXODWHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK FRPSRQHQWV 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLVFDOFXODWHG XVLQJ(T G $QDGGLWLRQDO UHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf = 0.85, is applied to the contribution of the FRP system. Steel contribution to bending: β c⎞ ⎛ M ns = As f s ⎜ d − 1 ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ FRP contribution to bending: β c⎞ ⎛ M nf = Af f fe ⎜ d f − 1 ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 54 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.3c (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with fiber-reinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ࢥMn >NLSIW NLSIW @ ࢥMn NLSIWMu NLSIW ࢥMn >N1P N1P @ ࢥMn N1PMu N1P the strengthened section is capable of sustaining the QHZUHTXLUHGPRPHQWVWUHQJWK the strengthened section is capable of sustaining WKHQHZUHTXLUHGPRPHQWVWUHQJWK * k = 0.343 k = 0.343 kd LQ LQ kd PP PP † § fs,s NVL NVL NVL fs,s 1PP2 1PP2 1PP2 the stress level in the reinforcing steel is within the recommended limit. the stress level in the reinforcing steel is within the recommended limit. 6WHS²&DOFXODWHGHVLJQÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWKRIWKHVHFWLRQ 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLVFDOFXODWHG XVLQJ(T DQG G %HFDXVH İs !DVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQ IDFWRURIࢥ LVDSSURSULDWHSHU(T ࢥMn ࢥ>MnsȥfMnf] 6WHS²&KHFNVHUYLFHVWUHVVHVLQWKH UHLQIRUFLQJVWHHODQGWKH)53 Calculate the elastic depth to the cracked QHXWUDOD[LV7KLVFDQEHVLPSOL¿HGIRUD rectangular beam without compression reinforcement as follows: k= Ef ⎞ ⎛ Es ⎜⎝ ρs E + ρ f E ⎟⎠ c c 2 Ef ⎛ d f ⎞⎞ ⎛ E +2 ⎜ ρs s + ρ f E Ec ⎝⎜ d ⎠⎟ ⎟⎠ ⎝ c ‡ Ef ⎞ ⎛ E − ⎜ ρs s + ρ f Ec ⎟⎠ ⎝ Ec Calculate the stress level in the reinforcing VWHHOXVLQJ(T DQGYHULI\WKDW it is less than the recommended limit per (T D f s ,s = ⎡ kd ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ⎢ M s + ε bi Af E f ⎝⎜ d f − 3 ⎠⎟ ⎥ (d − kd ) Es ⎣ ⎦ kd ⎞ kd ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ As Es ⎜ d − ⎟ (d − kd ) + Af E f ⎜ d f − ⎟ (d f − kd ) ⎝ ⎝ 3⎠ 3⎠ fs,sfy @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 55 Table 16.3c (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with fiber-reinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ⎛ 5360 ksi ⎞ ⎛ 24 in. − 7.37 in. ⎞ f f ,s = 40.4 ksi ⎜ ⎝ NVL ⎟⎠ ⎝⎜ LQ − LQ⎠⎟ ⎛ N1PP 2 ⎞ ⎛ PP − PP ⎞ f f ,s = 0.278 kN/mm 2 ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 200 kN/mm 2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 546 mm − 187 mm ⎠ − NVL − 1PP 2 6WHS²&KHFNFUHHSUXSWXUHOLPLWDW VHUYLFHRIWKH)53 Calculate the stress level in the FRP using (T DQGYHULI\WKDWLWLVOHVV than creep-rupture stress limit given in 7DEOH$VVXPHWKDWWKHIXOOVHUYLFH load is sustained. ⎛ E f ⎞ ⎛ d f − kd ⎞ − ε bi E f f f ,s = f s.s ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎝ Es ⎠ ⎝ d − kd ⎟⎠ For a carbon FRP system, the sustained plus cyclic stress limit is obtained from 7DEOH ff,s NVL NVL NVL ff,s = 38 N/mm2 1PP2 1PP2 the stress level in the FRP is within the recommended sustained plus cyclic stress limit. the stress level in the FRP is within the recommended sustained plus cyclic stress limit. Sustained plus cyclic stress limit = 0.55ffu * 2 ⎡ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ LQ ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ k = ⎢0.0116 ⎜ + 0.00372 ⎜ + 2 ⎢0.0116 ⎜ + 0.00372 ⎜ − 0.0116 ⎜ + 0.00372 ⎜ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 21.5 in.⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎣ † f s ,s ‡ ⎛⎡ ⎞ 7.37 in.⎞ ⎤ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ 3 ⎟ ⎥ × [ LQ − LQ NVL ]⎟ ⎜ ⎢ NLSLQ + ⎢ LQ × NVL ⎝⎜ LQ − 3 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎦ ⎝⎣ ⎠ ⎣ = ⎛⎡ 7.37 in.⎞ 7.37 in.⎞ ⎤⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ⎛ 2 2 ⎟ LQ − LQ ⎥⎟ ⎟ LQ − LQ ⎥ + ⎢ LQ NVL ⎝⎜ LQ − ⎢ LQ NVL × ⎜⎝ LQ − 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎝⎜ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎠ 2 ⎡ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ PP ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ k = ⎢0.0116 ⎜ + 0.00372 ⎜ + 2 ⎢0.0116 ⎜ + 0.00372 ⎜ − 0.0116 ⎜ + 0.00372 ⎜ ⎝ 27.6 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 27.6 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎝ 27.6 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 27.6 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 546 mm ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 27.6 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 27.6 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎣ § f s ,s ⎛⎡ ⎞ 187 mm ⎞ ⎤ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ 2 2 2 ⎟ ⎥ × ⎡ PP − PP N1PP ⎤⎦⎟ ⎜ ⎢ N1PP + ⎢ PP N1PP × ⎜⎝ PP − 3 ⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎦ ⎣ ⎝⎣ ⎠ ⎣ = ⎛⎡ 187 mm ⎞ 187 mm ⎞ ⎤⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ 2 2 2 2 ⎛ PP N1PP PP PP PP PP N 1PP PP − PP − PP ⎥⎟ × − − + ⎜⎝ ⎟ ⎟ ⎥ ⎢ ⎜⎝ ⎢ ⎝⎜ 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎠ In detailing the FRP reinforcement, the FRP should be terminated a minimum of ƐdfFDOFXODWHGSHU(T SDVW the point on the moment diagram that represents cracking. The factored shear force at the termination should also be checked against the shear force that causes FRP end peeling, estimated as two-thirds of the concrete shear strength. If the shear force is greater than two-thirds of the concrete shear strength, the FRP strips should be extended further toward the supports. U-wraps may also be used to reinforce against cover delamination. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 56 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.4—Flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with near-surfacemounted FRP bars $Q H[LVWLQJ UHLQIRUFHG FRQFUHWH EHDP )LJ LV WR be strengthened using the loads given in Table 16.3a and WKHQHDUVXUIDFHPRXQWHG 160 )53V\VWHPGHVFULEHGLQ 7DEOH D 6SHFL¿FDOO\ WKUHH 1R FDUERQ )53 &)53 EDUVDUHWREHXVHGDWDGLVWDQFHLQ PP IURPWKH H[WUHPHWRS¿EHURIWKHEHDP By inspection, the degree of strengthening is reasonable in that it does meet the strengthening limit criteria put forth LQ(T 7KDWLVWKHH[LVWLQJÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKZLWKRXW )53 ࢥMn w/o NLSIW N1P LVJUHDWHUWKDQWKH XQVWUHQJWKHQHGPRPHQWOLPLW MDL + 0.75MLL new = 177 NLSIW N1P 7KH GHVLJQ FDOFXODWLRQV XVHG WR YHULI\ WKLVFRQ¿JXUDWLRQIROORZLQ7DEOHE )LJ ²6FKHPDWLF RI WKH LGHDOL]HG VLPSO\ VXSSRUWHG EHDP ZLWK )53 H[WHUQDO reinforcement. Table 16.4a—Manufacturer’s reported NSM FRP system properties Area per No. 3 bar 0.10 in.2 64.5 mm2 Ultimate tensile strength ffu* 250 ksi 1725 N/mm2 5XSWXUHVWUDLQİfu* Modulus of elasticity of FRP laminates Ef 0.013 in./in. 0.013 mm/mm NVL 132,700 N/mm2 Length of the beam Ɛ IW 8.84 m Bay width l2 30 ft P Width of beam w 24 in. 610 mm dp 22.5 in. 571 mm h 25 in. 635 mm (IIHFWLYHÀDQJHZLGWKbf 87 in. 2210 mm Flange thickness hf 4 in. 102 mm 4000 psi 27.6 N/mm2 Strands diameter 1/2 in. 12.7 mm fpe 165 ksi 1138 N/mm2 fpy 230 ksi 1586 N/mm2 fpu 270 ksi 1860 N/mm2 Ep 28,500 ksi î5 N/mm2 ࢥMn without FRP 336 kip-ft 455 kN-m fcƍ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 57 Table 16.4b—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with NSM FRP bars 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ffu = CEffu* ffu NVL NVL ffu 1PP2 1PP2 İfu = CEİfu* İfu LQLQ LQLQ İfu PPPP PPPP 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKH)53V\VWHP GHVLJQPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHV The beam is located in an interior space and a CFRP material will be used. 7KHUHIRUHSHU7DEOHDQHQYLURQPHQWDO UHGXFWLRQIDFWRURILVVXJJHVWHG 6WHS²3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQV Properties of the concrete: ȕ1 from ACI 318-14, Section β1 = 1.05 − 0.05 Ec = 57, 000 f c′ f c′ = 0.85 1000 β1 = 1.05 − 0.05 f c′ = 0.85 Ec = 57,000 5000 psi = 4,030,00 psi Ec = 4700 34.5 N/mm 2 = 27,600 N/mm 2 As LQ2 LQ2 As PP2 PP2 Af EDUV LQ2EDU LQ2 Af EDUV PP2EDU PP2 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHH[LVWLQJVWDWHRI VWUDLQRQWKHVRI¿W The existing state of strain is calculated assuming the beam is cracked and the only loads acting on the beam at the time of the FRP installation are dead loads. A cracked section analysis of the existing beam gives k = 0.334 and Icr LQ4 = 2471 × 106 mm4 ε bi = M DL d f − kd ε bi = I cr Ec (864 kip-in.) [23.7 in. − (0.334)(21.5 in.)] (97.6 kN-mm) [602 mm − (0.334)(546 mm)] = 0.00061 ε bi = = 0.00061 (5937 in.4 )(4030 ksi) (2471 × 106 mm 4 )(27.6 kN/mm 2 ) 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHERQGGHSHQGHQW FRHI¿FLHQWRIWKH)53V\VWHP Based on the manufacturer’s recommendation, the dimensionless bondGHSHQGHQWFRHI¿FLHQWIRUÀH[XUHțm is 0.7. țm = 0.7 țm = 0.7 c LQ LQ c PP PP 6WHS²(VWLPDWHcWKHGHSWKWRWKH QHXWUDOD[LV A reasonable initial estimate of c is 0.20d. The value of the c is adjusted after FKHFNLQJHTXLOLEULXP c = 0.20d @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 58 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.4b (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with NSM FRP bars 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ⎛ 23.7 in. − 4.3 in.⎞ ε fe = 0.003 ⎜ ⎟⎠ − 0.00061 = 0.0129 ⎝ 4.3 in. ⎛ 602 mm − 109 mm ⎞ ε fe = 0.003 ⎜ ⎟⎠ − 0.00061 = 0.0129 ⎝ 109 mm țmİfd țmİfd +HQFHİfe = 0.00865 0RGHRIIDLOXUHLV)53GHERQGLQJ +HQFHİfe = 0.00865 0RGHRIIDLOXUHLV)53GHERQGLQJ 4.3 ⎞ ⎛ ε c = + ⎜ = ⎝ 23.7 − 4.3 ⎟⎠ ⎛ ⎞ ε c = + ⎜ = ⎝ − ⎟⎠ ⎛ 21.5 − 4.3 ⎞ ε s = (0.00865 + 0.00061) ⎜ = 0.0082 ⎝ 23.7 − 4.3 ⎟⎠ ⎛ 546 − 109 ⎞ ε s = (0.00865 + 0.00061) ⎜ = 0.0082 ⎝ 602 − 109 ⎟⎠ fs = Esİsfy fs NVL NVL fs NVL!NVL therefore, fs = 60 ksi fs N1PP2 N1PP2 fs = 1.64 kN/mm2N1PP2 therefore, fs = 0.414 kN/mm2 ffe = Efİfe ffe NVL NVL ffe 1PP2 1PP2 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHHIIHFWLYHOHYHORI VWUDLQLQWKH)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW The effective strain level in the FRP may EHIRXQGIURP(T ⎛ d f − c⎞ − ε bi ≤ κ m ε fd ε fe = ⎜ ⎝ c ⎟⎠ Note that for the neutral axis depth selected, FRP debonding would be the failure mode because the second H[SUHVVLRQLQWKLVHTXDWLRQFRQWUROV,IWKH ¿UVWH[SUHVVLRQJRYHUQHGWKHQFRQFUHWH crushing would be the failure mode. Because FRP controls the failure of the section, the concrete strain at failure, İc, may be less than 0.003 and can be calculated using similar triangles: ⎛ c ⎞ ε c = ε fd + ε bi ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d f − c⎠ 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHVWUDLQLQWKH H[LVWLQJUHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO The strain in the reinforcing steel can be calculated using similar triangles DFFRUGLQJWR(T D ⎛ d −c ⎞ ε s = (ε fe + ε bi ) ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d f − c⎠ 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHVWUHVVOHYHOLQWKH UHLQIRUFLQJVWHHODQG)53 7KHVWUHVVHVDUHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T E DQG+RRNH¶V/DZ @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 59 Table 16.4b (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with NSM FRP bars 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHLQWHUQDOIRUFH UHVXOWDQWVDQGFKHFNHTXLOLEULXP Concrete stress block factors may be calculated using ACI 318. Approximate stress block factors may also be calculated based on the parabolic stress-strain relationship for concrete as follows: β1 = 4ε ′c − ε c 6ε ′c − 2ε c α1 = 3ε ′c ε c − ε c2 3β1ε′c 2 β1 = α1 = − = 0.743 − − 2 β1 = 2 = 0.870 α1 = − = 0.743 − − 2 2 = 0.870 ZKHUHİcƍLVVWUDLQFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRfcƍ calculated as ε ′c = 1.7 f c′ Ec ε ′c = = 0.0021 4030 × 106 ε ′c = = 0.0021 27, 606 )RUFHHTXLOLEULXPLVYHUL¿HGE\FKHFNLQJ the initial estimate of cZLWK(T J c= As f s + Af f fe c= α1 f c ' β1b LQ2 NVL LQ2 NVL NVL LQ c= PP 2 1PP 2 + PP 2 1PP 2 1PP 2 PP c LQLQQJ c PPLQQJ revise estimate of cDQGUHSHDW6WHSVWKURXJK XQWLOHTXLOLEULXPLVDFKLHYHG revise estimate of cDQGUHSHDW6WHSVWKURXJK XQWLOHTXLOLEULXPLVDFKLHYHG 6WHS²$GMXVWcXQWLOIRUFH HTXLOLEULXPLVVDWLV¿HG 6WHSVWKURXJKZHUHUHSHDWHGVHYHUDO times with different values of c until HTXLOLEULXPZDVDFKLHYHG7KHUHVXOWVRI WKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQDUH c LQİs fs = fy NVLİfe İc ȕ1 Į1 DQGffe = 166 ksi c= LQ2 NVL + LQ2 NVL NVL LQ c= PP 2 1PP 2 + PP 2 1PP 2 1PP 2 PP c LQ§LQ c PP§PP the value of cVHOHFWHGIRUWKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQLVFRUUHFW the value of cVHOHFWHGIRUWKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQLVFRUUHFW @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 60 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.4b (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with NSM FRP bars 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV 6WHS²&DOFXODWHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK FRPSRQHQWV 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLVFDOFXODWHG XVLQJ(T G $QDGGLWLRQDO UHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf = 0.85, is applied to the contribution of the FRP system. Steel contribution to bending: β c⎞ ⎛ M ns = As f s ⎜ d − 1 ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 0.786(5.25 in.) ⎞ ⎛ M ns = (3.0 in.2 )(60 ksi) ⎜ 21.5 in. − ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2 M ns = (1935 mm 2 )(414 N/mm 2 ) ⎛⎜ 546 mm − ⎝ Mns NLSLQ NLSIW 0.786(133 mm)⎞ ⎠⎟ 2 Mns N1P FRP contribution to bending: β c⎞ ⎛ M nf = As f fe ⎜ d f − 1 ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 0.786(5.25 in.) ⎞ ⎛ M nf = (0.3 in.2 )(166 ksi) ⎜ 23.7 in. − ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2 ⎛ ⎝ M nf = (194 mm )(1147 N/mm ) ⎜ 602.1 mm − 2 2 0.786(133 mm ) ⎞ 2 Mnf NLSLQ NLSIW Mnf = 122 kN-m ࢥMn >NLSIW NLSIW @ ࢥMn NLSIWMu NLSIW ࢥMn >N1P N1P @ ࢥMn N1PMu N1P ⎟⎠ 6WHS²&DOFXODWHGHVLJQÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWKRIWKHVHFWLRQ 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLVFDOFXODWHG XVLQJ(T DQG G %HFDXVH İs !DVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQ IDFWRURIࢥ LVDSSURSULDWHSHU(T ࢥMn ࢥ>MnsȥfMnf] the strengthened section is capable of sustaining the the strengthened section is capable of sustaining the QHZUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK QHZUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK 6WHS²&KHFNVHUYLFHVWUHVVHVLQWKH UHLQIRUFLQJVWHHODQGWKH)53 Calculate the elastic depth to the cracked QHXWUDOD[LV7KLVFDQEHVLPSOL¿HGIRUD rectangular beam without compression reinforcement as follows: k= Ef ⎞ ⎛ Es ⎜⎝ ρs E + ρ f E ⎟⎠ c c ⎛ +2 ⎜ ρs ⎝ ‡ * k = 0.345 kd LQ LQ 2 E ⎛ d ⎞⎞ Es + ρ f f ⎜ f ⎟⎟ Ec Ec ⎝ d ⎠ ⎠ k = 0.345 kd PP PP Ef ⎞ ⎛ E − ⎜ ρs s + ρ f Ec ⎟⎠ ⎝ Ec Calculate the stress level in the reinforcing VWHHOXVLQJ(T DQGYHULI\WKDW it is less than the recommended limit per (T D f s ,s = ⎡ kd ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ⎢ M s + ε bi Af E f ⎝⎜ d f − 3 ⎠⎟ ⎥ (d − kd ) Es ⎦ ⎣ kd ⎞ kd ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ As Es ⎜ d − ⎟ (d − kd ) + Af E f ⎜ d f − ⎟ (d f − kd ) ⎝ ⎝ 3⎠ 3⎠ fs,sfy † fs,s NVL NVL NVL the stress level in the reinforcing steel is within the recommended limit. § fs,s = 278 N/mm2 1PP2 1PP2 the stress level in the reinforcing steel is within the recommended limit. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 61 Table 16.4b (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior reinforced concrete beam with NSM FRP bars 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ⎛ NVL ⎞ ⎛ LQ − LQ⎞ f f ,s = 40.3 ksi ⎜ ⎝ NVL ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ LQ − LQ ⎟⎠ ⎛ 133 kN/mm 2 ⎞ ⎛ 602 mm − 188 mm ⎞ f f .s = 0.278 kN/mm 2 ⎜ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 200 kN/mm 2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 546 mm − 188 mm ⎠ − NVL − 1PP 2 6WHS²&KHFNFUHHSUXSWXUHOLPLWDW VHUYLFHRIWKH)53 Calculate the stress level in the FRP using (T DQGYHULI\WKDWLWLVOHVV than creep-rupture stress limit given in 7DEOH$VVXPHWKDWWKHIXOOVHUYLFH load is sustained. ⎛ E f ⎞ ⎛ d f − kd ⎞ f f ,s = f s ,s ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ − ε bi E f ⎝ Es ⎠ ⎝ d − kd ⎠⎟ For a carbon FRP system, the sustained plus cyclic stress limit is obtained from 7DEOH Sustained plus cyclic stress limit = 0.55ffu * ff,s = 134 N/mm2 1PP2 1PP2 the stress level in the FRP is within the recommended sustained plus cyclic stress limit. the stress level in the FRP is within the recommended sustained plus cyclic stress limit. 2 ⎡ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ LQ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ⎞ ⎛ ,230 ⎞ ⎤ k = ⎢0.0116 ⎜ + 0.0012 ⎜ + 2 ⎢0.0116 ⎜ + 0.0012 ⎜ − 0.0116 ⎜ + 0.0012 ⎜ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ 21.5 in. ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 4030 ⎟⎠ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎣ † f s ,s = ‡ ff,s NVL NVL NVL ⎛⎡ ⎞ ⎡ 7.4 in.⎞ ⎤ ⎤ ⎛ 2 ⎜ ⎢ NLSLQ + ⎢ LQ × NVL ⎝⎜ LQ − 3 ⎠⎟ ⎥ ⎥ × [ LQ − LQ NVL ]⎟ ⎝⎣ ⎠ ⎣ ⎦⎦ ⎛⎡ ⎤⎞ 7.4 in.⎞ 7.4 in.⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ⎛ 2 LQ2 NVL ⎜ LQ − ⎟ × LQ − LQ ⎥⎟ ⎟ × LQ − LQ ⎥ + ⎢ LQ NVL ⎝⎜ LQ − ⎝ 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎝⎜ ⎢⎣ ⎦⎠ ⎦ ⎣ 2 ⎡ ⎡ ⎛ 200 ⎞ ⎛ 133 ⎞ ⎤ ⎛ 200 ⎞ ⎛ 133 ⎞ ⎛ 602 mm ⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ 200 ⎞ ⎛ 133 ⎞ ⎤ k = ⎢0.0116 ⎜ + 0.0012 ⎜ + 2 ⎢0.0116 ⎜ + 0.0012 ⎜ − 0.0116 ⎜ + 0.0012 ⎜ ⎝ 27.6 ⎠⎟ ⎝ 27.6 ⎠⎟ ⎥⎦ ⎝ 27.6 ⎠⎟ ⎝ 27.6 ⎠⎟ ⎝⎜ 546 mm ⎠⎟ ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ ⎝ 27.6 ⎠⎟ ⎝ 27.6 ⎠⎟ ⎥⎦ ⎣ ⎣ § f s ,s = ⎛⎡ ⎞ 188 mm ⎞ ⎤ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ 2 2 2 ⎟ ⎥ × ⎡ PP − PP N1PP ⎦⎤⎟ ⎜ ⎢ N1PP + ⎢ PP × N1PP × ⎝⎜ PP − 3 ⎠ ⎦⎥ ⎦ ⎣ ⎝⎣ ⎠ ⎣ ⎛⎡ 188 mm ⎞ 188 mm ⎞ ⎤⎞ ⎤ ⎡ ⎛ ⎛ 2 2 2 2 ⎟ PP − PP ⎥⎟ ⎟ PP − PP ⎥ + ⎢ PP N1PP × ⎜⎝ PP − ⎜⎝ ⎢ PP N1PP × ⎜⎝ PP − 3 ⎠ 3 ⎠ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ ⎦⎠ In detailing the FRP reinforcement, FRP bars should EH WHUPLQDWHG DW D GLVWDQFH HTXDO WR WKH EDU GHYHORSPHQW length past the point on the moment diagram that represents cracking. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 62 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.5—Flexural strengthening of an interior prestressed concrete beam with FRP laminates A number of continuous prestressed concrete beams with ¿YHLQ PP GLDPHWHUERQGHGVWUDQGV )LJ are located in a parking garage that is being converted to DQ RI¿FH VSDFH $OO SUHVWUHVVLQJ VWUDQGV DUH *UDGH NVL 1PP2 ORZUHOD[DWLRQ VHYHQZLUH VWUDQGV 7KH EHDPV UHTXLUH DQ LQFUHDVH LQ WKHLU OLYHORDGFDUU\LQJ capacity from 50 to 75 lb/ft2 WRNJP2 7KHEHDPV DUHDOVRUHTXLUHGWRVXSSRUWDQDGGLWLRQDOGHDGORDGRIOE ft2 NJP2 $QDO\VLV LQGLFDWHV WKDW HDFK H[LVWLQJ EHDP KDVDGHTXDWHÀH[XUDOFDSDFLW\WRFDUU\WKHQHZORDGVLQWKH QHJDWLYH PRPHQW UHJLRQ DW WKH VXSSRUWV EXW LV GH¿FLHQW LQ ÀH[XUHDWPLGVSDQDQGLQVKHDUDWWKHVXSSRUWV7KHEHDP PHHWVWKHGHÀHFWLRQDQGFUDFNFRQWUROVHUYLFHDELOLW\UHTXLUH- PHQWV 7KH FDVWLQSODFH EHDPV VXSSRUW D LQ PP slab. For bending at midspan, beams should be treated as T-sections. Summarized in Table 16.5a are the existing and new loads and associated midspan moments for the beam. FRP system properties are shown in Table 16.3b. By inspection, the degree of strengthening is reasonable in that it does meet the strengthening limit criteria put forth LQ(T 7KDWLVWKHH[LVWLQJÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKZLWKRXW )53 ࢥMn w/o NLSIW N1P LVJUHDWHUWKDQWKH XQVWUHQJWKHQHGPRPHQWOLPLW MDL + 0.75MLL new = 273 NLSIW N1P 7KH GHVLJQ FDOFXODWLRQV XVHG WR YHULI\ WKLV FRQ¿JXUDWLRQ IROORZ 7KH EHDP LV WR EH VWUHQJWKHQHG using the FRP system described in Table 16.3b. A one-ply, LQ PP ZLGH VWULS RI )53 LV FRQVLGHUHG IRU WKLV evaluation. )LJ ²6FKHPDWLF RI WKH LGHDOL]HG FRQWLQXRXV SUHVWUHVVHG EHDP ZLWK )53 H[WHUQDO reinforcement. Table 16.5a—Loadings and corresponding moments Loading/moment ([LVWLQJORDGV $QWLFLSDWHGORDGV Dead loads wDL 2.77 kip/ft 40.4 N/mm NLSIW 45.1 N/mm Live load wLL 1.60 kip/ft 23.3 N/mm 2.4 kip/ft 35 N/mm 8QIDFWRUHGORDGV wDL + wLL 4.37 kip/ft 63.8 N/mm NLSIW 80.2 N/mm 8QVWUHQJWKHQHGORDGOLPLW wDL + 0.75wLL NA NA 5.2 kip/ft 1PP )DFWRUHGORDGV wDL + 1.6wLL 5.88 kip/ft 1PP 7.55 kip/ft 110.2 N/mm Dead-load moment MDL 147 kip-ft N1P 162 kip-ft 220.2 kN-m Live-load moment MLL 85 kip-ft 115 kN-m 126 kip-ft 171.1 kN-m 232 kip-ft 314 kN-m 288 kip-ft N1P NA NA 273 kip-ft 371 kN-m 312 kip-ft 423 kN-m NLSIW 538 kN-m Service-load moment Ms 8QVWUHQJWKHQHGPRPHQWOLPLW MDL + 0.75MLL Factored moment Mu new @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 63 Table 16.5b—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior prestressed concrete beam with FRP laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ffu = CEffu* ffu NVL NVL ffu 1PP2 1PP2 İfu = CEİfu* İfu LQLQ LQLQ İfu PPPP PPPP 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKH)53V\VWHP GHVLJQPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHV The beam is located in an interior space and a CFRP material will be used. 7KHUHIRUHSHU7DEOHDQHQYLURQPHQWDO UHGXFWLRQIDFWRURILVVXJJHVWHG 6WHS²3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQV Properties of the concrete: ȕ1 from ACI 318-14, Section β1 = 1.05 − 0.05 f c′ = 0.85 1000 β1 = 1.05 − 0.05 f c′ = 0.85 Ec = 57, 000 f c′ Ec = 57, 000 4000 psi = 3,605,00 psi Ec = 4700 27.6 N/mm 2 = 24,700 N/mm 2 Properties of the existing prestressing steel: Aps LQ2 LQ2 Aps PP2 PP2 Af SO\ LQSO\ LQ LQ2 Af SO\ PPSO\ PP PP2 Acg LQ LQ LQ LQ±LQ LQ2 Acg PP PP PP PP± PP î5 mm2 Area of FRP reinforcement: Af = ntfwf Cross-sectional area: Acg = bfhf + bw h – hf 'LVWDQFHIURPWKHWRS¿EHUWRWKHVHFWLRQ centroid: bf h 2f yt = 2 h − hf ⎞ ⎛ + b h − hf ⎜ hf + w 2 ⎠⎟ ⎝ Acg yt = 87 in. × 4 in.2 + 24 in. × 21 × 14.5 2 = LQ 852 yt = 2210 mm × 102 mm 2 + 610 mm × 533 × 368 2 = 238 mm 5.5 × 105 Gross moment of inertia: Ig = 2 b f h3f hf ⎞ bw h − h f ⎛ + b f h f ⎜ yt − ⎟ + 12 2 12 ⎝ ⎠ h − hf ⎞ ⎛ + bw h − h f ⎜ yt − 2 ⎟⎠ ⎝ 2 3 87 in. × 4 in.3 + LQ × LQ LQ − 12 3 24 in. × 21 + + LQ × − 2 12 = 38, 610 in.4 Ig = 2 2210 mm × 102 mm3 + 2210 mm 12 610mm × 5333 × PP − 2 + 12 + PP × − 2 = × 10 PP 4 Ig = Radius of gyration: r= Ig Acg 1.61 × 1010 = 171 mm 5.5 × 105 r= 38, 610 = 6.73 in. 852 r= ε pe = 165 = 0.00578 28, 500 ε pe = Effective prestressing strain: ε pe = f pe Ep 1138 = 0.00579 1.96 × 105 Effective prestressing force: Pe = Apsfpe Pe = 0.765 × 165 = 126.2 kip Pe î 1 e ± LQ e = 571 – 238 = 333 mm Eccentricity of prestressing force: e = dp – yt @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 64 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.5b (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior prestressed concrete beam with fiber-reinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV yb ± LQ yb ± PP 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHH[LVWLQJVWDWHRI VWUDLQRQWKHVRI¿W The existing state of strain is calculated assuming the beam is uncracked and the only loads acting on the beam at the time of the FRP installation are dead loads. 'LVWDQFHIURPH[WUHPHERWWRP¿EHUWRWKH section centroid: yb = h – yt ,QLWLDOVWUDLQLQWKHEHDPVRI¿W ε bi = −ρe Ec Acg ⎛ eyb ⎞ M DL yb ⎜⎝1 + 2 ⎟⎠ + r Ec I g ε bi = −126.2 ⎛ 13.1 × 15.6 ⎞ 147 × 12 × 15.6 ⎜1 + ⎟+ 3605 × 852 ⎝ 6.732 ⎠ 3605 × 38, 610 ε bi = 199 × 106 × 397 −563, 310 ⎛ 333 × 397 ⎞ ⎜1 + ⎟+ 24, 700 × 5.5 × 105 ⎝ 1712 ⎠ 24, 700 × 1.61 × 1010 İbi = –2.88 × 10–5 İbi = –2.88 × 10–5 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHGHVLJQVWUDLQRI the FRP system The design strain of FRP accounting for GHERQGLQJIDLOXUHPRGHİfd is calculated XVLQJ(T Because the design strain is smaller than the rupture strain, debonding controls the design of the FRP system. ε fd = 0.083 4000 psi SVL LQ ≤ = ε fd = 0.042 27.6 N/mm 2 1PP 2 PP ≤ 6WHS²(VWLPDWHcWKHGHSWKWRWKH QHXWUDOD[LV A reasonable initial estimate of c is 0.1h. The value of the c is adjusted after FKHFNLQJHTXLOLEULXP c = 0.1h c LQ LQ c PP PP ⎛ 25 − 2.5 ⎞ ε fe = 0.003 ⎜ − 0.00003 = 0.027 ⎝ 2.5 ⎟⎠ ⎛ 635 − 63.5 ⎞ ε fe = 0.003 ⎜ − 0.00003 = 0.027 ⎝ 63.5 ⎠⎟ !İfd = 0.0113 !İfd = 0.0113 Failure is governed by FRP debonding Failure is governed by FRP debonding İfe İfd = 0.0113 İfe İfd = 0.0113 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHHIIHFWLYHOHYHORI VWUDLQLQWKH)53UHLQIRUFHPHQW The effective strain level in the FRP may EHIRXQGIURP(T F ⎛ d f − c⎞ ε fe = 0.003 ⎜ − ε bi ≤ ε fd ⎝ c ⎠⎟ Note that for the neutral axis depth selected, FRP debonding would be the failure mode because the second H[SUHVVLRQLQWKLVHTXDWLRQFRQWUROV,IWKH ¿UVW OLPLWLQJ H[SUHVVLRQJRYHUQHGWKHQ FRP rupture would be the failure mode. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 65 Table 16.5b (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior prestressed concrete beam with fiber-reinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ⎛ 22.5 − 2.5 ⎞ ε pnet = (0.0113 + 0.00003) ⎜ ⎝ 25 − 2.5 ⎟⎠ ⎛ 571 − 63.5 ⎞ ε pnet = (0.0113 + 0.00003) ⎜ ⎝ 635 − 63.5 ⎟⎠ İpnet = 0.01 İpnet = 0.01 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHVWUDLQLQWKH H[LVWLQJSUHVWUHVVLQJVWHHO The strain in the prestressing steel can EHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T F DQG D ⎛ dp − c⎞ ε pnet = ε fe + ε bi ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d f − c⎠ ε ps = ε pe + Pe ⎛ e 2 ⎞ + ε pnet ≤ 0.035 1+ Acg Ec ⎜⎝ r 2 ⎟⎠ ε ps = 0.00589 + 126.2 ⎛ 13.12 ⎞ + 0.01 1+ 852 × 3605 ⎜⎝ 6.732 ⎟⎠ ε ps = 0.00589 + İps ⎛ 3332 ⎞ 563, 310 + 0.01 1+ 5.5 × 105 × 24, 700 ⎜⎝ 1712 ⎟⎠ İps 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHVWUHVVOHYHOLQWKH SUHVWUHVVLQJVWHHODQG)53 7KHVWUHVVHVDUHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T H DQG+RRNH¶V/DZ ⎧28,500ε ps for ε ps ≤ 0.0086 ⎪ f ps = ⎨ 0.04 ⎪270 − ε − 0.007 for ε ps > 0.0086 ps ⎩ f ps = 270 − 0.04 = 265.6 ksi 0.016 − 0.007 f ps = 1860 − 0.276 = 1831 N/mm 2 0.016 − 0.007 ffe NVL NVL ffe 1PP2 1PP2 ⎛ 2.5 ⎞ ε c = + ⎜ = ⎝ 25 − 2.5 ⎟⎠ ⎛ 63.5 ⎞ ε c = + ⎜ = ⎝ 635 − 63.5 ⎟⎠ ffe = Efİfe 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHHTXLYDOHQW FRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHVVEORFN SDUDPHWHUVĮ1DQGȕ1. The strain in concrete at failure can be calculated from strain compatibility as follows: ⎛ c ⎞ ε c = ε fe + ε bi ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d f − c⎠ 7KHVWUDLQİcƍFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRfcƍLV calculated as ε c′ = 1.7 f c′ Ec ε c′ = = 3605 × 106 ε c′ = = 24, 700 Concrete stress block factors can be estimated using ACI 318. Approximate stress block factors may be calculated from the parabolic stress-strain relationship for concrete and is expressed as follows: β1 = 4ε c′ − ε c 6ε c′ − 2ε c α = ε c′ ε c − ε c β ε′ β1 = α1 = − = 0.716 − − 2 β1 = 2 = 0.738 α1 = − = 0.716 − − 2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 2 = 0.738 American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 66 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.5b (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior prestressed concrete beam with fiber-reinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV c LQLQQJ c PPLQQJ revise estimate of c and repeat Steps 6 through 10 XQWLOHTXLOLEULXPLVDFKLHYHG revise estimate of c and repeat Steps 6 through 10 XQWLOHTXLOLEULXPLVDFKLHYHG c = 1.86 in. = 1.86 in. c = 47 mm = 47 mm the value of cVHOHFWHGIRUWKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQLVFRUUHFW the value of cVHOHFWHGIRUWKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQLVFRUUHFW Prestressing steel contribution to bending: Mnp = 4440 kip-in. = 370 kip-ft Mnp = 501.6 × 106 N-mm = 501.6 kN-m FRP contribution to bending: Mnf = 1417 kip-in. = 118 kip-ft Mnf = 160.1 × 106 N-mm = 160.1 kN-m ࢥMn >NLSIW NLSIW @ ࢥMn NLSIWMu NLSIW ࢥMn >N1P N1P @ ࢥMn N1PMu = 538 kN-m 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHLQWHUQDOIRUFH UHVXOWDQWVDQGFKHFNHTXLOLEULXP )RUFHHTXLOLEULXPLVYHUL¿HGE\FKHFNLQJ the initial estimate of cZLWK(T F 6WHS²$GMXVWcXQWLOIRUFH HTXLOLEULXPLVVDWLV¿HG Steps 6 through 10 were repeated several times with different values of c until HTXLOLEULXPZDVDFKLHYHG7KHUHVXOWVRI WKH¿QDOLWHUDWLRQDUH c LQİps fps = fy NVL İfe ffe NVLİc Į1 DQGȕ1 6WHS²&DOFXODWHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK components 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLVFDOFXODWHG XVLQJ(T J $QDGGLWLRQDO UHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf = 0.85, is applied to the contribution of the FRP system. 6WHS²&DOFXODWHGHVLJQÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWKRIWKHVHFWLRQ 7KHGHVLJQÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKLVFDOFXODWHG XVLQJ(T DQG J %HFDXVH İps !DVWUHQJWKUHGXFWLRQ IDFWRURIࢥ VKRXOGEHXVHGSHU(T $QDGGLWLRQDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRU ȥf = 0.85 is used to calculate the FRP contribution to nominal capacity. ࢥMn ࢥ>MnpȥfMnf] the strengthened section is capable of sustaining the the strengthened section is capable of sustaining the QHZUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK QHZUHTXLUHGÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK 6WHS²&KHFNVHUYLFHFRQGLWLRQRIWKH VHFWLRQ Calculate the cracking moment and compare the service moment: f r = 7.5 4000 = 474 psi = 0.474 ksi f r = 0.6 27.6 = 3.15 N/mm 2 Mcr NLSLQ NLSIW !Ms = 288 kip-ft Mcr = 411,654,013 N-mm = 412 kN-mm !Ms N1P the strengthened section is uncracked at service. the strengthened section is uncracked at service. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 67 Table 16.5b (cont.)—Procedure for flexural strengthening of an interior prestressed concrete beam with fiber-reinforced polymer laminates 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV İps,s İps,s fps,s NVL fps,s î5 1PP2 fps,sfpy fps,s NVL NVL2. fps,s = 1238 N/mm2 1PP2 OK fps,sfpu fps,s NVL NVL2. fps,s = 1238 N/mm2 1PP2 OK 6WHS²&KHFNVWUHVVLQSUHVWUHVVLQJ VWHHODWVHUYLFHFRQGLWLRQ Calculate the cracking moment and compare to service moment: ε ps , s = ε pe + Pe ⎛ e 2 ⎞ M s e + 1+ Ac Ec ⎜⎝ r 2 ⎟⎠ Ec I g &DOFXODWHWKHVWHHOVWUHVVXVLQJ(T G ⎧28,500ε ps , s for ε ps , s ≤ 0.0086 ⎪ f ps , s = ⎨ 0.04 ⎪270 − ε − 0.07 for ε ps , s ≤ 0.0086 ps , s ⎩ &KHFNWKHVHUYLFHVWUHVVOLPLWVRI(T D DQG E 6WHS²&KHFNVWUHVVLQFRQFUHWHDW VHUYLFHFRQGLWLRQ Calculate the cracking moment and compare to service moment: εc,s = − Pe Ac Ec ⎛ e 2 ⎞ M s yt ⎜⎝1 + r 2 ⎟⎠ − E I c g ε c ,s = − ⎛ 2 ⎞ × × 1+ − 852 × 3605 ⎜⎝ 7.752 ⎟⎠ 3605 × 51,150 ε cs = ⎛ 2 ⎞ × 6 × − 1+ − 5 2⎟ ⎜ × × ⎝ ⎠ × × 10 İc,s = 0.00016 İc,s = 0.00016 fc,s = Ecİc,s fc,s SVL SVL fc,s = 24,700 N/mm2 1PP2 fc,sfcƍ 0.45fcƍ SVL fc,s = 577 psi < 0.45fcƍ SVL2. 0.45fcƍ 1PP2 fc,s 1PP2 < 0.45fcƍ 1PP2 OK 6WHS²&KHFNVHUYLFHVWUHVVHVLQWKH )53UHLQIRUFHPHQW The stress in the FRP at service condition FDQEHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJ(T ⎛ Ef ⎞ M y f f , s = ⎜ ⎟ s b − ε bi E f ⎝ Ec ⎠ I ⎛ 5360 ksi ⎞ 289 kip-ft × 12 in./ft × 15.61 in. f f ,s = ⎜ ⎝ 3605 ksi ⎟⎠ 511,150 in.4 − 0.00003 × 37, 700 N/mm 2 − 0.00003 × 5360 ksi Because the section is uncracked at service, the gross moment of inertia of the section must be used. ⎛ 37, 700 N/mm 2 ⎞ 391.3 × 106 N/mm × 397 mm f f ,s = ⎜ 2.13 × 1010 mm 4 ⎝ 24, 700 N/mm 2 ⎠⎟ ff,s = 1.41 ksi ff,s 1PP2 0.55ffu NVL 0.55ffu 1PP2 The calculated stress in FRP should be FKHFNHGDJDLQVWWKHOLPLWVLQ7DEOH For carbon FRP: ff,sffu ff,s = 1.41 ksi < 0.55ffu = 47 ksi In detailing the FRP reinforcement, the FRP should be terminated a minimum of ƐdfFDOFXODWHGSHU(T SDVW the point on the moment diagram that represents cracking. The factored shear force at the termination should also be checked against the shear force that causes FRP end peeling, OK ff,s 1PP2 < 0.55ffu = 322 N/mm2 OK estimated as two-thirds of the concrete shear strength. If the shear force is greater than two-thirds of the concrete shear strength, FRP strips should be extended further toward the supports. U-wraps may also be used to reinforce against cover delamination. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 68 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.6—Shear strengthening of an interior T-beam $UHLQIRUFHGFRQFUHWH7EHDP fcƍ= 3000 psi [20.7 N/mm2@ ORFDWHGLQVLGHRIDQRI¿FHEXLOGLQJLVVXEMHFWHGWRDQLQFUHDVH LQ LWV OLYHORDGFDUU\LQJ UHTXLUHPHQWV $Q DQDO\VLV RI WKH existing beam indicates that the beam is still satisfactory for ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK KRZHYHU LWV VKHDU VWUHQJWK LV LQDGHTXDWH to carry the increased live load. Based on the analysis, the nominal shear strength provided by the concrete is Vc = 44.2 NLS N1 DQGWKHQRPLQDOVKHDUVWUHQJWKSURYLGHGE\ steel shear reinforcement is Vs NLS N1 7KXV WKHGHVLJQVKHDUVWUHQJWKRIWKHH[LVWLQJEHDPLVࢥVn,existing = NLSNLS NLS N1 7KHIDFWRUHG UHTXLUHGVKHDUVWUHQJWKLQFOXGLQJWKHLQFUHDVHGOLYHORDGDW a distance d away from the support is Vu NLS N1 Figure 16.6a shows the shear diagram with the locations where VKHDUVWUHQJWKHQLQJLVUHTXLUHGDORQJWKHOHQJWKRIWKHEHDP Supplemental FRP shear reinforcement is designed as shown in Fig. 16.6b and summarized in Table 16.6a. Each )53 VWULS FRQVLVWV RI RQH SO\ n RI D ÀH[LEOH FDUERQ sheet installed by wet layup. The FRP system manufacturer’s reported material properties are shown in Table 16.6b. 7KHGHVLJQFDOFXODWLRQVXVHGWRDUULYHDWWKLVFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ follow in Table 16.6c. )LJD²6KHDUGLDJUDPVKRZLQJGHPDQGYHUVXVH[LVWLQJ VWUHQJWK 7KH )53 UHLQIRUFHPHQW VKRXOG FRUUHFW WKH GH¿ciency shown shaded. )LJ E²&RQ¿JXUDWLRQ RI WKH VXSSOHPHQWDO )53 VKHDU reinforcement. Table 16.6a—Configuration of the supplemental FRP shear reinforcement d 22 in. PP dfv 16 in. 406 mm Width of each sheet wf 10 in. 254 mm Span between each sheet sf 12 in. 305 mm FRP strip length 70 in. 1778 mm Table 16.6b—Manufacturer’s reported FRP system properties Thickness per ply tf Ultimate tensile strength ffu* 5XSWXUHVWUDLQİfu* Modulus of elasticity Ef 0.0065 in. 0.165 mm 550,000 psi 1PP2 0.017 in./in. 0.017 mm/mm 33,000,000 psi 227,530 N/mm2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 69 Table 16.6c—Procedure for shear strengthening of an interior T-beam 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV The beam is located in an enclosed and conditioned space and a CFRP material ZLOOEHXVHG7KHUHIRUHSHU7DEOHDQ HQYLURQPHQWDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRURILV suggested. ffu = CEffu* ffu NVL NVL ffu N1PP2 N1PP2 İfu = CEİfu* İfu İfu 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHGHVLJQPDWHULDO SURSHUWLHV 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHHIIHFWLYHVWUDLQ OHYHOLQWKH)53VKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQW The effective strain in FRP U-wraps should be determined using the bondUHGXFWLRQFRHI¿FLHQWțv7KLVFRHI¿FLHQW FDQEHFRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T E WKURXJK H Le = 2500 nt f E f 0.58 ⎛ f′ ⎞ k1 = ⎜ c ⎟ ⎝ 4000 ⎠ Le = 2500 = 2.0 in. [(1)(0.0065 in.)(33 × 106 psi)]0.58 2/3 ⎛ 3000 psi ⎞ k1 = ⎜ ⎝ 4000 ⎠⎟ ⎛ d fv − Le ⎞ k2 = ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ d fv ⎠ κv = Le = 416 = 50.8 mm > PP × 3 N1PP 2 @0.58 2/3 ⎛ 20.7 kN/mm 2 ⎞ k1 = ⎜ 254 ⎝ ⎠⎟ = 0.825 ⎛ 16 in. − 2.0 in.⎞ k2 = ⎜ ⎟⎠ = 0.875 ⎝ 16 in. k1k2 Le ≤ 0.75 468ε fu κv = LQ = ≤ 2/3 = 0.825 ⎛ 406 mm − 50.8 mm ⎞ k2 = ⎜ ⎟⎠ = 0.875 ⎝ 406 mm κv = PP = ≤ The effective strain can then be computed XVLQJ(T D DVIROORZV İfe țvİfu İfe İfe Afv LQ LQ LQ2 Afv PP PP PP2 ffe NVL NVL ffe N1PP2 N1PP2 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKH )53UHLQIRUFHPHQWWRWKHVKHDUVWUHQJWK The area of FRP shear reinforcement can be computed as: Afv = 2ntfwf The effective stress in the FRP can be computed from Hooke’s law. ffe İfeEf The shear contribution of the FRP can be WKHQFDOFXODWHGIURP(T D Vf = Afv f fe VLQ α + FRV α d fv sf Vf = LQ2 NVL LQ LQ Vf = PP 2 N1PP 2 PP PP Vf = 17.7 kip @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation Vf = 78.5 kN American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 70 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.6c (cont.)—Procedure for shear strengthening of an interior T-beam 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ࢥVn > @ ࢥVn NLS!Vu = 57 kip ࢥVn > @ ࢥVn N1!Vu = 253.3 kN the strengthened section is capable of sustaining WKHUHTXLUHGVKHDUVWUHQJWK the strengthened section is capable of sustaining WKHUHTXLUHGVKHDUVWUHQJWK 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHVKHDUVWUHQJWKRI WKHVHFWLRQ The design shear strength can be FRPSXWHGIURP(T E ZLWKȥf = 0.85 for U-wraps. ࢥVn ࢥ Vc + VsȥfVf @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.7—Shear strengthening of an exterior column $[LQ [PP VTXDUHFROXPQUHTXLUHVDQ DGGLWLRQDONLS N1 RIVKHDUVWUHQJWK ¨Vu = 60 kip >N1@ 7KHFROXPQLVORFDWHGLQDQXQHQFORVHGSDUNLQJ garage and experiences a wide variation in temperature and climate. A method of strengthening the column using FRP is sought. 71 $Q(JODVVEDVHG)53FRPSOHWHZUDSLVVHOHFWHGWRUHWUR¿W the column. The properties of the FRP system, as reported by the manufacturer, are shown in Table 16.7. The design calcuODWLRQVWRDUULYHDWWKHQXPEHURIFRPSOHWHZUDSVUHTXLUHG follow. Table 16.7a—Manufacturer’s reported FRP system properties* 0.051 in. 1.3 mm 80,000 psi 552 N/mm2 *XDUDQWHHGUXSWXUHVWUDLQİfu* 0.020 in./in. 0.020 mm/mm Modulus of elasticity Ef 4,000,000 psi 27,600 N/mm2 Thickness per ply tf Guaranteed ultimate tensile strength ffu* * The reported properties are laminate properties. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 72 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.7b—Procedure for shear strengthening of an exterior column 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ffu =CEffu* ffu NVL NVL ffu 1PP2 1PP2 İfu =CEİfu* İfu İfu İfe İfe XVHDQHIIHFWLYHVWUDLQRIİfe = 0.004. XVHDQHIIHFWLYHVWUDLQRIİfe = 0.004. 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHGHVLJQPDWHULDO SURSHUWLHV The column is located in an exterior HQYLURQPHQWDQGDJODVV)53 *)53 material will be used. Therefore, per Table DQHQYLURQPHQWDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRURI 0.65 is suggested. 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHHIIHFWLYHVWUDLQ OHYHOLQWKH)53VKHDUUHLQIRUFHPHQW The effective strain in a complete )53ZUDSFDQEHGHWHUPLQHGIURP(T İfe İfu 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHDUHDRI)53 UHLQIRUFHPHQWUHTXLUHG 7KHUHTXLUHGVKHDUFRQWULEXWLRQRIWKH FRP reinforcement can be computed based on the increase in strength needed, the strength reduction factor for shear, and DSDUWLDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUȥf IRU completely wrapped sections in shear. V f , reqd = ΔVu φ ψf V f , reqd = 60 kip = 74.3 kip V f , reqd = N1 = 330.5 kN 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDRI)53FDQEH GHWHUPLQHGE\UHRUJDQL]LQJ(T D 7KHUHTXLUHGDUHDLVOHIWLQWHUPVRIWKH spacing. Afv , reqd = V f , reqd s f Afv , reqd = ε fe E f VLQ α + FRV α d f NLS s f NVL LQ = s f Afv , reqd = N1 s f N1PP 2 PP = s f 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHQXPEHURISOLHV DQGVWULSZLGWKDQGVSDFLQJ The number of plies can be determined in terms of the strip width and spacing as follows: n= Af , reqd 2t f w f n= s f in w f = sf wf XVHWZRSOLHV n FRQWLQXRXVO\DORQJWKHKHLJKW RIWKHFROXPQ sf = wf n= s f PP w f = sf wf XVHWZRSOLHV n FRQWLQXRXVO\DORQJWKHKHLJKW RIWKHFROXPQ sf = wf @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.8—Strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for axial load increase $ [ LQ [ PP VTXDUH FROXPQ UHTXLUHV an additional 20 percent of axial load-carrying capacity. Concrete and steel reinforcement material properties as well as details of the cross section of the column are shown in Table 16.8a. The column is located in an interior envi- 73 ronment, and a CFRP material will be used. A method of strengthening the column is sought. $FDUERQEDVHG)53FRPSOHWHZUDSLVVHOHFWHGWRUHWUR¿W the columns. The properties of the FRP system, as reported by the manufacturer, are shown in Table 16.8b. The design FDOFXODWLRQV WR DUULYH DW WKH QXPEHU RI UHTXLUHG FRPSOHWH wraps follow. Table 16.8a—Column cross section details and material properties fcƍ 6.5 ksi 45 MPa fy 60 ksi 400 MPa rc 1 in. 25 mm Bars 12 No. 10 ࢥ Ag 576 in.2 3716 cm2 Ast 15.24 in.2 FP2 ȡg, % 2.65 2.65 ࢥPn without FRP 2087 kip N1 ࢥPn(req) 2504 kip 11,138 kN Note: The column features steel ties for transverse reinforcement. Table 16.8b—Manufacturer’s reported FRP system properties Thickness per ply tf Ultimate tensile strength ffu* 5XSWXUHVWUDLQİfu* Modulus of elasticity Ef 0.013 in. 0.33 mm 550 ksi 03D 0.0167 in./in. 0.0167 mm/mm 33,000 ksi 227,527 MPa @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 74 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.8c—Procedure for strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for axial load increase 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ffu = CEffu* ffu NVL NVL ffu 03D 03D İfu = CEİfu* İfu LQLQ İfu PPPP 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHGHVLJQ)53 PDWHULDOSURSHUWLHV The column is located in an interior environment and a CFRP material will EHXVHG7KHUHIRUHSHU7DEOHDQ HQYLURQPHQWDOUHGXFWLRQIDFWRURILV suggested. 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHUHTXLUHG PD[LPXPFRPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWKRI FRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHfccƍ fccƍFDQEHREWDLQHGE\UHRUGHULQJ(T E f cc′ = ⎛ φPn , req ⎞ 1 − f y Ast ⎟ Ag − Ast ⎜⎝ φ ⎠ f cc′ = 1 × LQ2 − LQ2 f cc′ = ⎛ 2504 kip ⎞ ×⎜ − 60 ksi × 15.24 in.2 ⎟ ⎝ 0.80 × 0.65 ⎠ 1 0.85 × (371, 612 mm 2 − 9832 mm 2 ) ⎛ 11,138 kN ⎞ ×⎜ − 414 MPa × 9832 mm 2 ⎟ ⎝ 0.80 × 0.65 ⎠ fccƍ NVL fccƍ 03D 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHPD[LPXP FRQ¿QLQJSUHVVXUHGXHWRWKH)53 MDFNHWfƐ fƐFDQEHREWDLQHGE\UHRUGHULQJ(T J f = f cc′ − f c′ 3.3κ a f = 8.18 ksi − 6.5 ksi = 1.26 ksi × × f = 56.4 MPa − 44.8 MPa = 8.7 MPa 0.95 × 3.3 × 0.425 where κa = Ae = Ac ⎡⎛ b ⎞ ⎢⎜⎝ h ⎟⎠ h − rc 1− ⎣ Ae Ac ⎛ b⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ h 2 ța 2 = 0.425 ⎤ ⎛ h⎞ + ⎜ ⎟ b − rc 2 ⎥ ⎝ b⎠ ⎦ −ρ g 3 Ag 2 1 − ρg Ae = Ac 1− [2 × (1)(24 in. − 2 × 1 in.) 2 ] − 0.0265 3 × 576 in.2 1 − 0.0265 ța 2 = 0.425 ⎡ 2 × (1)(610 mm − 2 × 25 mm) 2 ⎤⎦ 1− ⎣ − 0.0265 Ae 3 × 371,612 mm 2 = Ac 1 − 0.02265 Ae = 0.425 Ac SWHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHQXPEHURISOLHVn. nFDQEHREWDLQHGE\UHRUGHULQJ(T K n= f b2 + h2 2 E f t f ε fe İfe țeİfu n= NVL LQ 2 + LQ 2 ( NVL )(LQ) × −3 LQLQ Ae = 0.425 Ac n= 03D PP 2 + PP 2 (03D )(PP ) × −3 PPPP n §SOLHV n §SOLHV İfe îLQLQ î–3 in./in. İfe îPPPP î–3 mm/mm &KHFNLQJWKHPLQLPXPFRQ¿QHPHQWUDWLR f ≥ 0.08 f c′ f 1.26 ksi = = > 2. f c′ 6.5 ksi f f c′ = 8.7 MPa = > 2. 44.8 MPa @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 75 Table 16.8c (cont.)—Procedure for strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for axial load increase 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV 6WHS²9HULI\WKDWWKHXOWLPDWHD[LDO VWUDLQRIWKHFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHİccu İccuFDQEHREWDLQHGXVLQJ(T M 0.45 ⎛ f ⎛ ε fe ⎞ ⎞ ε ccu = ε c′ ⎜1.5 + 12κ b ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ f c′ ⎝ ε c′ ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ where ε cc = LQLQ 0.45 ⎛ 1.2 ksi ⎛ 8.8 × 10−3 in./in.⎞ ⎞ × ⎜1.5 + 12 × 0.425 × ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ 6.5 ksi ⎝ 0.002 in./in. ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ İcc = 0.0067 in./in. < 0.01 κb = Ae ⎛ h ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ Ac ⎝ b ⎠ OK ε cc = PPPP 0.45 ⎛ 8.3 MPa ⎛ 8.8 × 10−3 mm/mm ⎞ ⎞ × ⎜1.5 + 12 × 0.425 × ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ 44.8 MPa ⎝ 0.002 mm/mm ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ İcc = 0.0067 mm/mm < 0.01 OK 0.5 țb 0.5 = 0.425 țb 0.5 = 0.425 ,IWKHFDVHWKDWİccu was to be greater than 0.01, then fccƍVKRXOGEHUHFDOFXODWHGIURP WKHVWUHVVVWUDLQPRGHOXVLQJ(T F @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 76 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.9—Strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for increase in axial and bending forces The column described in 16.8 is subjected to an ultimate axial compressive load Pu NLS N1 DQG DQ ultimate bending moment Mu NLSIW N1P e = 0.1h ,WLVVRXJKWWRLQFUHDVHORDGGHPDQGVE\SHUFHQWDW FRQVWDQWHFFHQWULFLW\ Pu = 2470 kip, Mu NLSIW The calculations to determine moment-axial interaction IRUWKH)53FRQ¿QHGFROXPQIROORZLQ7DEOH Table 16.9—Procedure for strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for increase in axial and bending forces 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV ࢥPn A NLSࢥMn A = 0 kip-ft ࢥPn B NLSࢥMn B = 644 kip-ft ࢥPn C NLSࢥMn C = 884 kip-ft ࢥPn A N1ࢥMn A = 0 kN-m ࢥPn B N1ࢥMn B = 873 kN-m ࢥPn C N1ࢥMn C N1P 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHVLPSOL¿HGFXUYH IRUWKHXQVWUHQJWKHQHGFROXPQ n SOLHV Points A, B, and C can be obtained by well-known procedures, and also by using (T ' WR ' FRQVLGHULQJȥf = 1, fccƍ fcƍE2 DQGİccu İcu = 0.003. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 77 Table 16.9 (cont.)—Procedure for strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for increase in axial and bending forces 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV Point A: Nominal axial capacity: Point A: Nominal axial capacity: 6WHS²'HWHUPLQHWKHVLPSOL¿HGFXUYH IRUDVWUHQJWKHQHGFROXPQ A wrapping system composed of six plies will be the starting point to construct the bilinear Curve A-B-C and then be compared ZLWKWKHSRVLWLRQRIWKHUHTXLUHGPu and Mu. Points A, B, and C of the curve can be FRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T ' DQG ' ࢥPn A ࢥ fccƍ Ag – Ast fyAst ࢥPn A î îNVLî LQ2 – 15.24 ࢥPn A î î03Dî PP2 in.2 NVLîLQ2 ±PP2 03DPP2 ࢥPn A = 11,223 kN ࢥPn A = 2523 kip where where fccƍ NVL NVL fccƍ 03D 03D fccƍ NVL fccƍ 03D fl = ࢥPn B,C ࢥ A yt 3 + B yt 2 + C yt D Asifsi] ࢥMn B,C ࢥ E yt 4 + F yt 3 + G yt 2 + H yt + I Asifsidi 7KHFRHI¿FLHQWVA, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, and I of the previous expressions are given E\(T ' A= −b Ec − E2 12 f c′ B= 2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟ c ⎠ 2 in.⎞ ⎛ × × NVL × × LQ × ⎜ × ⎟ ⎝ in.⎠ LQ 2 + LQ 2 Point B: Nominal axial capacity: Point B: Nominal axial capacity: −24 in.(4595 ksi − 190.7 ksi) 2 ⎛ 0.0042 in./in.⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ 12 × 6.5 ksi 22 in. 2 LQ NVL − NVL ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ 2 22 in. = 10.17 ksi B= E= −b Ec − E2 16 f c′ h ⎞ E − E2 ⎛ F = b⎜c − ⎟ c ⎝ 2 ⎠ 12 f c′ 2 LQ × LQ × NVL 2 î LQLQ NLS bcE2 ε ccu 2 2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎜⎝ c ⎟⎠ D = 24 in. × 22 in. × 6.5 ksi + 2 2 fƐ = 8.67 MPa C = –24 in. × 6.5 ksi = –156 kip/in. D = bf c′ + PP 2 + PP fƐ = 1.26 ksi = −0.22 kip/in.3 C = bfcƍ mm ⎞ ⎛ × × 03D × × PP × ⎜ × ⎟ ⎝ mm ⎠ ࢥPn B = 0.65[–0.22 kip/in.3 LQ 3 + 10.17 ksi ࢥPn B = 0.65[–6.003 × 10–5 kN/mm3 PP 3 + 70.14 LQ 2±NLSLQ LQ NLS@ × 10–3 kN/mm2 PP 2±N1PP PP in.2 NVL LQ2 NVL LQ2 NVL @ 16,215 kN] + 3277 mm2 03D PP2 03D PP2 NVL ࢥPn B = 2210 kip ࢥPn B N1 where where A= b Ec − E2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎜⎝ c ⎟⎠ 2 fl = A= −PP 03D − 03D × 03D 2 ⎛ PPPP ⎞ ⎝⎜ ⎠⎟ PP 2 = −6.003 × 10 −5 kN/mm3 B= 600 mm(31, 685 MPa − 1315 MPa ) ⎛ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ 2 559 mm = 70.14 × 10 −3 kN/mm 2 C = –610 mm × 44.84 MPa = –27.32 kN/mm D = PPîPPî03D PP × PP × 03D + 2 î PPPP = N1 2 b Ec − E2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟ + ⎜⎝ ⎟ 3 c ⎠ c ⎠ ⎛b h ⎞ E − E2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ G = − ⎜ f c′ + b ⎜ c − ⎟ c ⎜⎝ ⎟ ⎝ 2⎠ 2 c ⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎝2 h⎞ ⎛ H = bf c′ ⎜ c − ⎟ ⎝ 2⎠ I= bc 2 h ⎞ bc 2 E2 ⎛ f c′ − bcf c′ ⎜ c − ⎟ + (ε ccu ) ⎝ 2 2⎠ 3 − bcE2 2 h⎞ ⎛ ⎜⎝ c − ⎟⎠ (ε ccu ) 2 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 78 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.9 (cont.)—Procedure for strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for increase in axial and bending forces 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV Key parameters of the stress-strain model: yt = c )RUWKHFDOFXODWLRQRIWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVLWLVQHFHVVDU\WR )RUWKHFDOFXODWLRQRIWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVLWLVQHFHVVDU\WR compute key parameters from the stress-strain model: compute key parameters from the stress-strain model: ε′t ε ccu yt = 22 in. × for Point B ⎧d ⎪ ε ccu c=⎨ ⎪d ε + ε for Point C ccu ⎩ sy ε t′ = E2 = ε t′ = f cc′ − f c′ ε ccu Ae ⎛ h ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ Ac ⎝ b ⎠ 7.31 ksi − 6.5 ksi = 190.7 ksi 0.0042 in./in. 2 × 44.8 MPa = 0.003 mm/mm 31, 685 MPa − 1315 MPa E2 = 50.4 MPa − 44.8 MPa = 1315 MPa 0.0042 mm/mm fccƍ 03D 03D 03D 0.45 ⎛ ⎛ 0.58 ksi ⎞ ⎛ 0.004 in./in.⎞ ⎞ × ⎜1.5 + 12 × 0.425 ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 6.5 ksi ⎠ ⎝ 0.002 in./in.⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎝ ε ccu = 0.002 mm/mm 0.45 ⎛ ⎛ 03D ⎞ ⎛ PPPP ⎞ ⎞ × ⎜1.5 + 12 × 0.425 ⎜ ⎟ ⎝⎜ ⎟ ⎟ ⎝ ⎠ ⎠ 44.8 MPa 0.002 mm/mm ⎝ ⎠ İccu = 0.0042 in./in. İccu = 0.0042 mm/mm ța țb = 0.425 ța țb = 0.425 2 0.5 ψ f E f nt f ε fe b2 ε t′ = ε ccu = 0.002 in./in. İfe PLQ țİİfu 0.003 mm/mm = 389 mm 0.0042 mm/mm c PP fccƍ NVL NVL NVL 0.45 ⎛ f ⎛ ε fe ⎞ ⎞ ε ccu = ε c′ ⎜1.5 + 12κ b ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ f c′ ⎝ ε c′ ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ κb = yt = 559 mm × 2 × 6.5 ksi = 0.003 in./in. NVL − NVL E2 = fccƍ fcƍțafl Ae ⎛ b ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ Ac ⎝ h ⎠ 0.003 in./in. = 15.33 in. 0.0042 in./in. c = 22 in. 2 f c′ Ec − E2 κa = &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV f = h2 Notes: The designer should bear in mind that, for the case of pure compression, the HIIHFWLYHVWUDLQLQWKH)53İfe, is limited E\țİİfu and, in the case of combined axial DQGEHQGLQJE\İfe PLQ țİİfu × × NVL × × LQ × LQLQ LQ 2 + LQ 2 &KHFNLQJWKHPLQLPXPFRQ¿QHPHQWUDWLR fƐ/fcƍ NVLNVL 2. f = × × 03D × × PP × PPPP PP 2 + PP 2 &KHFNLQJWKHPLQLPXPFRQ¿QHPHQWUDWLR fƐ/fcƍ 03D03D 2. The strains in each layer of steel are determined by similar triangles in the strain distribution. The corresponding stresses are then given by: fs1 İs1Es LQLQîNVLĺNVL fs2 İs2Es LQLQîNVLĺNVL fs3 İs3Es LQLQîNVL NVL fs4 İs4Es LQLQîNVL NVL The strains in each layer of steel are determined by similar triangles in the strain distribution. The corresponding stresses are then given by: fs1 İs1Es PPPPî03Dĺ03D fs2 İs2Es PPPPî03Dĺ03D fs3 İs3Es = 0.0013 mm/mm × 200,000 MPa = 257 MPa fs4 İs4Es = 0 mm/mm × 200,000 MPa = 0 MPa Nominal bending moment: Nominal bending moment: ࢥMn B = 0.65[–4.502 × 10–5 kN/mm3 PP 4 + ࢥMn B = 0.65[–0.166 kip/in.3 LQ 4NVL 62.01 × 10–3 kN/mm3 PP 3±N1PP LQ 3±NLSLQ LQ 2 + 1560 kip PP 2N1 PP N1PP@ LQ NLSLQ@LQ2 NVL LQ 3277 mm2 03D PP PP2 2.54 in.2 NVL LQ ±LQ2 NVL LQ 03D PP ±PP2 03D PP ࢥMn B = 682 kip-ft ࢥMn B N1P where where E= −LQ NVL − NVL 2 ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ 16 × 6.5 ksi 22 in. = – 0.166 kip/in.3 2 E= −PP 03D − 03D 16 × 44.8 MPa 2 2 ⎛ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎞ –5 3 × ⎜ ⎟⎠ = –0.452 × 10 kN/mm ⎝ PP @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 79 Table 16.9 (cont.)—Procedure for strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for increase in axial and bending forces 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV F = PP PP±PP F = LQ LQ±LQ 2 × NVL − NVL ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ×⎜ ⎟⎠ ⎝ 12 × 6.5 ksi 22 in. 2 03D − 03D 2 ⎛ PPPP ⎞ ×⎜ ⎝ ⎠⎟ × 03D PP PP 03D − 03D + 3 ⎛ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎞ 2 −3 ×⎜ ⎟⎠ = 62.01 × 10 kN/mm ⎝ PP 2 × LQ NVL − NVL ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ×⎜ ⎟⎠ ⎝ 3 22 in. = NVL + G = NVLîLQLQ LQ±LQ G = 03DîPPPP PP±PP ⎛ NVL − NVL ⎞ ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ×⎜ ⎝ ⎠⎟ ⎝⎜ ⎠⎟ 2 22 in. ⎛ 31, 685 MPa − 1315 MPa ⎞ ⎛ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎞ ×⎜ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎝ PP = ±NLSLQ = –31.48 kN/mm H NVLîLQ LQ±LQ NLS H 03DîPP PP±PP N1 I NVLîLQî >LQ@2 ±NVL LQ± LQ îLQîLQNVLîLQî > in.]2 LQLQ ±NVLîLQî LQ LQ±LQ LQLQ NLSLQ I 03DîPPî >PP@2@ ±03D PP±PP î PP PP 03D îPPî >PP@2@ PPPP ± 03DîPPî PP PP±PP PPPP N1PP The distances from each layer of steel reinforcement to the geometric centroid of the cross section are: The distances from each layer of steel reinforcement to the geometric centroid of the cross section are: d1 = 10 in. d2 = d3 = 3.3 in. d1 = 254 mm d2 = d3 = 85 mm Point C: Nominal axial capacity: ࢥPnI >±NLSLQ3 LQ 3NVL LQ 2±NLSLQ LQ NLS@LQ2 NVL LQ2 NVL LQ2 ±NVL 5.08 in.2 ±NVL Point C: Nominal axial capacity: ࢥPn C = 0.65[–1.33 ×10–4 kN/mm3 PP 3 + 104.41 × 10–3 kN/mm2î PP 2 – 27.32 kN/ PP PP N1@PP2 03D + 1315 mm2 03D PP2 ±03D 3277 mm2 ±03D ࢥPnI = 1320 kip ࢥPn C = 5870 kN where where A= −LQ NVL − NVL 2 ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟ 12 × 6.5 ksi 14.78 in. ⎠ 2 A= −LQ NVL − NVL ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟ 2 14.78 in. ⎠ = 15.14 ksi 2 2 ⎛ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎞ −4 2 ×⎜ ⎟⎠ = 1.33 × 10 kN/mm ⎝ 375 mm ±NLSLQ3 B= −PP 03D − 03D 12 × 44.8 MPa B= −PP 03D − 03D 2 ⎛ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎞ −3 2 × ⎜ ⎟⎠ = –104.41 × 10 kN/mm ⎝ 375 mm C = –24 in. × 6.5 ksi = –156 kip/in. C = –610 mm × 44.8 MPa = –27.32 kN/mm D = 24 in. × 14.78 in. × 6.5 ksi LQ × LQ × NVL + 2 î LQLQ NLS D = 610 mm × 375 mm × 44.8 MPa 610 mm × 375 mm × 1315 MPa + 2 î PPPP N1 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 80 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.9 (cont.)—Procedure for strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for increase in axial and bending forces 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV )RUWKHFDOFXODWLRQRIWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVLWLVQHFHVVDU\ to compute key parameters from the stress-strain model: )RUWKHFDOFXODWLRQRIWKHFRHI¿FLHQWVLWLVQHFHVVDU\ to compute key parameters from the stress-strain model: 0.0042 in./in. ⎛ ⎞ c = 22 in. × ⎜ ⎝ 0.0021 in./in. + 0.0042 in./in.⎟⎠ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎛ ⎞ c = 560 mm × ⎜ ⎝ 0.0021 mm/mm + 0.0042 mm/mm ⎟⎠ = 373 mm = 14.67 in. yt = 14.64 in. 0.003 in./in. = 10.5 in. 0.0042 in./in. yt = 373 mm The strains in each layer of steel are determined by similar triangles in the strain distribution. The corresponding stresses are then given by: fs1 İs1Es LQLQîNVLĺNVL fs2 İs2Es LQLQîNVL NVL fs3 İs3Es ±î–4LQLQîNVL ±NVL fs4 İs4Es ±LQLQîNVL ±NVL 0.003 in./in. = 266 mm 0.0042 in./in. The strains in each layer of steel are determined by similar triangles in the strain distribution. The corresponding stresses are then given by: fs1 İs1Es PPPPî03Dĺ03D fs2 İs2Es = 0.0018 mm/mm × 200,000 MPa = 350 MPa fs3 İs3Es ±î–4 mm/mm × 200,000 MPa = –31.8 MPa fs4 İs4Es = –0.0021 mm/mm × 200,000 MPa = –414 MPa Nominal bending moment: Nominal bending moment: ࢥMn & = 0.65[–0.37 kip/in.3 LQ 4 + 11.46 ksi ࢥMn C >±î–5 kN/mm3 PP 4î LQ 3±NLSLQ LQ 2NLS 10–3 kN/mm2 PP 3±N1PP PP 2 + LQ NLSLQ@LQ2 NVL LQ N1 PP N1PP@PP2 in.2 NVL LQ ±LQ2 ±NVL 03D PP PP2 ±03D LQ ±LQ2 ±NVL LQ PP ±PP2 ±03D PP ࢥMn C NLSIW ࢥMn C = 1345 kN-m where E= where −LQ NVL − NVL 2 ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ⎝⎜ 14.78 in. ⎠⎟ 16 × 6.5 ksi 2 = –0.37 kip/in.3 E= −PP 03D − 03D 16 × 44.8 MPa 2 ⎛ PPPP ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ 375 mm 2 ±î−5 N1PP3 F = LQ LQ±LQ 2 NVL − NVL ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ⎝⎜ 14.78 in. ⎠⎟ 12 × 6.5 ksi LQ NVL − NVL + 3 ⎛ 0.0042 in./in.⎞ ×⎜ = 11.46 ksi ⎝ 14.78 in. ⎠⎟ F = PP PP±PP 2 × G = ±NVLîLQLQ LQ±LQ ⎛ NVL − NVL ⎞ ⎛ LQLQ⎞ ×⎜ ⎟⎠ ⎜⎝ ⎟ ⎝ 2 14.78 in. ⎠ = –120.08 kip/in. 03D − 03D 2 ⎛ PPPP ⎞ ⎝⎜ ⎠⎟ 12 × 44.8 MPa 375 mm PP 03D − 03D + 3 ⎛ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎞ ×⎜ = × −3 N1PP 2 ⎝ ⎠⎟ 375 mm 2 × G = ±03DîPPPP PP±PP ⎛ 31,681 MPa − 1315 MPa ⎞ ⎛ 0.0042 mm/mm ⎞ ×⎜ ⎝ ⎠⎟ ⎝⎜ ⎠⎟ 2 375 mm = –21.03 kN/mm H NVLîLQ LQ±LQ NLS H 03DîPP PP±PP N1 I NVLîLQî >LQ@2 ±NVL LQ±LQ LQ LQ NVLîLQî >LQ@2 LQLQ ±NVLîLQî LQ LQ±LQ LQLQ = 11,643 kip-in. I 03DîPPî >PP@2 ±03D PP±PP î PP PP 03DîPPî >PP@2 PPPP ± 03DîPPî PP PP± PP PPPP N1PP @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 81 Table 16.9 (cont.)—Procedure for strengthening of a noncircular concrete column for increase in axial and bending forces 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV 6WHS²&RPSDULVRQRIVLPSOL¿HG SDUWLDOLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDPZLWK UHTXLUHGPu and Mu &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,PHWULFXQLWV The following table summarizes the axial and bending The following table summarizes the axial and bending QRPLQDOFDSDFLWLHV XQVWUHQJWKHQHGDQGVWUHQJWKHQHG QRPLQDOFDSDFLWLHV XQVWUHQJWKHQHGDQGVWUHQJWKHQHG for Points A, B, and C. These points are plotted in the for Points A, B, and C. These points are plotted in the IROORZLQJ¿JXUH IROORZLQJ¿JXUH Point A B C n = 0 plies XQVWUHQJWKHQHG PHPEHU ࢥMn, ࢥPn, kip kip-ft 2087 0 1858 644 884 n = 6 plies ࢥPn, ࢥMn, kip kip-ft 2523 0 2210 682 1320 Point A B C @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation n = 0 plies XQVWUHQJWKHQHG PHPEHU ࢥMn, ࢥPn, kN kN-m 0 8264 873 4128 n = 6 plies ࢥPn, ࢥMn, kN kN-m 11,223 0 5870 1345 American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 82 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.10—Plastic hinge confinement for seismic strengthening 7KLV H[DPSOH LOOXVWUDWHV WKH GHVLJQ RI DQ )53 UHWUR¿W WR enhance the plastic rotation capacity of a nonductile reinforced concrete column. In this example, the column cannot HI¿FLHQWO\ UHVLVW VHLVPLF ORDGV IRU WZR UHDVRQV WKH WLH VSDFLQJGRHVQRWFRQIRUPWRFXUUHQWVHLVPLFGHVLJQFRGHV DQG WKHWLHVGRQRWSURMHFWLQWRWKHFRUHDQGXQGHUVHLVPLF loads may open once the cover concrete begins to spall. The DIRUHPHQWLRQHG GH¿FLHQFLHV LQGLFDWH WKDW WKH FROXPQ PD\ KDYHLQDGHTXDWHVKHDUVWUHQJWKLQDGHTXDWHFRQ¿QHPHQWRI WKH SODVWLF KLQJH UHJLRQ DQG LQDGHTXDWH FODPSLQJ RI ODS VSOLFHV ,Q DGGLWLRQ WKH GHVLJQHU VKRXOG HQVXUH DGHTXDWH resistance against buckling of the main longitudinal reinIRUFHPHQW ,Q WKLV H[DPSOH WKH GH¿FLHQF\ XQGHU FRQVLGHUDWLRQ LV LQDGHTXDWH SODVWLF URWDWLRQ FDSDFLW\ ZKLFK FDQ EH HQKDQFHG E\ FRQ¿QHPHQW RI WKH SODVWLF KLQJH UHJLRQ ZLWK FRP. A seismic analysis has already determined that the FROXPQLVFDSDEOHRIUHVLVWLQJWKHUHTXLUHGVHLVPLFPRPHQWV 7KXVWKHUHLVQRQHHGWRLQFUHDVHWKHÀH[XUDOFDSDFLW\RIWKH section. This example is limited in scope to the FRP design UHTXLUHPHQWV DQG GRHV QRW FRYHU WKH VHLVPLF DQDO\VLV ASCE/SEI 41 is used as the base standard for this example. The column, which is to be part of a lateral load-resisting system, is illustrated in Fig. 16.10a. Expected material proper- ties and other relevant information are listed in Table 16.10a. From a seismic analysis, the column should be capable of GHYHORSLQJDSODVWLFURWDWLRQșp = 0.025 rad. The axial load on the column, including gravity plus seismic loads, is Pu = NLS N1 7KLVSODVWLFURWDWLRQGHPDQGH[FHHGVWKH limiting value of 0.015 stipulated in ASCE/SEI 41 numerical acceptance criteria for reinforced concrete columns that do not conform to current seismic design codes. The concrete and reinforcing steel strain limitations of ASCE/SEI 41 as listed in Table 16.10b should not be exceeded. The column is strengthened with CFRP laminates having the composite properties listed in Table 16.10c and bonded DURXQG WKH FROXPQ XVLQJ WKH ZHW OD\XS WHFKQLTXH *ODVV )53 *)53 KRZHYHU FDQ VLPLODUO\ EH XVHG LI GHVLUHG The design process was initiated by considering a wrapping system composed of three plies. After two iterations, WKH ¿QDO ZUDSSLQJ V\VWHP ZDV IRXQG WR UHTXLUH ¿YH SOLHV 2QO\WKHFDOFXODWLRQVXVHGWRYHULI\WKH¿QDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ are provided. These calculations are shown in Table 16.10d. Figure 16.10b shows the moment curvature analysis of the DVEXLOWDQGUHWUR¿WUHFWDQJXODUVHFWLRQV7KHPRPHQWFXUYDture analysis results show the as-built ultimate curvature FDSDFLW\ LV VLJQL¿FDQWO\ ORZHU WKDQ WKH UHTXLUHG FXUYDWXUH demand. )LJD²$VEXLOWFROXPQGHWDLOV )LJE²0RPHQWFXUYDWXUHDQDO\VLV Table 16.10a—Column material properties 4000 psi 27.6 MPa 3605 ksi 25 GPa Longitudinal reinforcing steel: yield strength fy 44,000 psi 303 MPa Modulus of elasticity of steel Es NVL 200 GPa Concrete strength fcƍ Concrete elastic modulus Ec = f c′ SVL Ec = f c′ 03D Longitudinal reinforcing steel: yield strain İy Column height between plastic hinges L Distance to extreme tension steel d 0.0015 0.0015 10 ft 3.05 m 14.625 in. 371 mm @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 83 Table 16.10b—Maximum usable strain levels (ASCE/SEI 41) Strain limits &RPSUHVVLYH FRQFUHWH 7HQVLOH VWHHO &RPSUHVVLYH VWHHO 8QFRQ¿QHGVHFWLRQV &RQ¿QHGVHFWLRQVSHU 0.003 İccu 0.005 0.05 Limited by the concrete 0.02 Table 16.10c—Manufacturer’s reported composite properties Thickness per ply tf Ultimate tensile strength 5XSWXUHVWUDLQİfu* Modulus of elasticity, Ef ffu* 0.023 in. 0.584 mm 155 ksi 1072 MPa 0.015 0.015 NVL 64.3 GPa @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 84 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.10d—Procedure for designing plastic hinge confinement for seismic strengthening 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV 6WHS²)53V\VWHPGHVLJQPDWHULDO SURSHUWLHV İfu = CEİfu* İfuî CE The column is located in an interior space. 7KHUHIRUHSHU7DEOHDQHQYLURQPHQWDO UHGXFWLRQIDFWRURILVXVHG țe = 0.55 İfe țİİfu İfe î İfe = 0.04 İfe = 0.04 Lp = 2 + 0.0003 ×44,000 × 0.75 = 12 in. Lp îî LQ 6WHS²3ODVWLFKLQJHOHQJWK In FRP jacketed columns, the plastic hinge length is: 1RWH8VHDPD[LPXPJDSEHWZHHQWKH)53DQGWKHFROXPQEDVHRILQ PP Lp = g + 0.0003fydEƐ SVLDQGLQ Lp = g + 0.044fydEƐ 03DDQGPP 6WHS²3UHOLPLQDU\FDOFXODWLRQV b = h LQ PP From 12.1.2: D = h2 + b2 κa = Ae ⎛ b ⎞ ⎜ ⎟ Ac ⎝ h ⎠ κb = Ae Ac D = 406.42 + 406.42 = 575 mm Ae/Ac = 0.62 Ae/Ac = 0.62 2 2 ⎛A⎞ κ a = 0.62 ⎜ e ⎟ = 0.62 ⎝ Ac ⎠ h b κ b = 0.62 where Ae/Ac is calculated as: ⎡⎛ b⎞ ⎛ h⎞ 2 ⎢ ⎜⎝ h ⎟⎠ h − rc + ⎜⎝ b ⎟⎠ b − rc 1− ⎢ 3 Ag ⎢ ⎢⎣ Ae = Ac 1 − ρg D = 162 + 162 = 22.63 in. ța = 0.62 16 = 0.62 16 țb = 0.62 İcƍ 2 ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ − ρg ⎥ ⎥⎦ İcƍ h/b = 1.00 1RWH)RUUHFWDQJXODUPHPEHUVSODVWLFKLQJHFRQ¿QHPHQWE\MDFNHWLQJLVQRWUHFRPPHQGHGIRUPHPEHUV featuring side aspect ratios, h/b, greater than 1.5, or face dimensions, b or hH[FHHGLQJLQ PP XQOHVVWHVWLQJGHPRQVWUDWHVWKHLUHIIHFWLYHQHVV 6WHS²&RQ¿QLQJFRQFUHWHPRGHO YDULDEOHV 8VLQJWKHWULDOGHVLJQRI¿YHSOLHV FRPSXWHWKHFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHPRGHO parameters listed in the following: f = 2 E f t f n f ε fe fl = D × × × × = 380 psi 22.63 fl = 2 × 64,300 × 0.584 × 5 × 0.004 = 2.61 MPa 575 ȥf IRUIXOO\ZUDSSHGVHFWLRQV ȥf fccƍ fcƍȥfțafl fccƍ îîî SVL fccƍ îîî 03D 0.45 ⎛ f ⎛ ε fe ⎞ ⎞ ε ccu = ε c′ ⎜1.50 + 12κ b ⎜ ⎟ ⎟ f c′ ⎝ ε′c ⎠ ⎠ ⎝ 0.45 ⎛ 380 ⎛ 0.004 ⎞ ⎞ ε ccu = 0.002 ⎜1.50 + 12 × 0.62 × ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎟ 4000 0.002 ⎝ ⎠ 0.45 ⎛ 2.61 ⎛ 0.004 ⎞ ⎞ ε ccu = 0.002 ⎜1.50 + 12 × 0.62 × ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ ⎟ 27.60 0.002 ⎝ ⎠ = ≤ = ≤ İccu is limited to 0.01 to prevent excessive cracking and the resulting loss of concrete integrity 1RWH7KHH[SUHVVLRQVSUHVHQWHGSUHYLRXVO\DUHXVHGLQFRQMXQFWLRQZLWKDPRPHQWFXUYDWXUH Mࢥ DQDO\VLVSURJUDPWRREWDLQWKH\LHOGDQGXOWLPDWHFXUYDWXUH7KHVHFXUYDWXUHV are presented in Steps 5 and 6. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 85 Table 16.10d (cont.)—Procedure for designing plastic hinge confinement for seismic strengthening 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV 6WHS²2XWSXWIURPMࢥDQDO\VLV SURJUDPREWDLQWKHQHXWUDOD[LVDW \LHOGLQJRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQW cy,frp Neutral axis: cy,frp = 5.34 in. Neutral axis: cy,frp = 136 mm 6WHS²2XWSXWIURPMࢥDQDO\VLV SURJUDPREWDLQWKHQHXWUDOD[LVDW XOWLPDWHcu,frp Neutral axis: cu,frp LQ 1RWH<LHOGVWUDLQRIORQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFHPHQWİy Neutral axis: cu,frp = 50 mm 1RWH7KHXOWLPDWHFRQFUHWHFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQLVFRPSXWHGSHU6WHSİccu 1. Concrete compression strain: İccu 2. Steel tension strain: ⎛d ⎞ ε s = ε ccu ⎜ − 1⎟ ⎝ cu ⎠ 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKH\LHOGFXUYDWXUH φ y , frp = εy ⎛ 371 ⎞ ε s = ⎜ − = < ⎝ 136 ⎟⎠ From a MࢥDQDO\VLVWKH\LHOGFXUYDWXUHLV From a MࢥDQDO\VLVWKH\LHOGFXUYDWXUHLV φ y , frp = d − c y , frp 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHXOWLPDWH FXUYDWXUHFDSDFLW\ φu , frp = ⎛ 14.625 ⎞ ε s = ⎜ − ⎟ = < ⎝ 5.34 ⎠ 0.0015 = 0.000163/in. 14.625 − 5.34 From a MࢥDQDO\VLVWKHXOWLPDWHFXUYDWXUHLV ε ccu cu , FRP φu , frp = φ y , frp = 0.0015 = 0.0064/m 371 − 136 From a MࢥDQDO\VLVWKHXOWLPDWHFXUYDWXUHLV = 0.0025/in. φu , frp = 0.0049 = 0.099/m 50 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHXOWLPDWH FXUYDWXUHGHPDQG φD = θp Lp + y , frp φD = 6WHS²9HULI\GHVLJQ ࢥDࢥu,frp 6WHS²/HQJWKRIFRQ¿QHGUHJLRQlo 7UDQVYHUVHUHLQIRUFHPHQWDVVSHFL¿HG per Section 18.7 of ACI 318-14 shall be provided over a length lo 0.025 + 0.000163 = 0.0022/in. 12 φD = 0.025 + 0.0064 = 0.084/m 0.305 ࢥD = 0.0022/in. < 0.0025/in. OK ࢥD PP2. ⎧16 in. ⎪⎪120 / 2 o ≥ ⎨ = 10 in. ⎪ 6 ⎪⎩18 in. ⎧406.4 mm ⎪⎪ 3050/2 o ≥ ⎨ = 254 mm ⎪ 6 ⎪⎩457 mm lo!Lp LQ PP Design summary: &RPSOHWHO\ZUDSWKHVHFWLRQZLWK¿YHWUDQVYHUVHSOLHV &RQ¿QLQJMDFNHWVKRXOGH[WHQGDWOHDVWLQ PP EH\RQGWKHMRLQWLQWHUIDFH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 86 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.11—Lap-splice clamping for seismic strengthening 7KLV H[DPSOH LOOXVWUDWHV WKH GHVLJQ RI DQ )53 UHWUR¿W WR improve the seismic performance of a reinforced concrete column that is constructed with a lap splice in a region of plastic rotations. Material properties, details, and other relevant information are provided in Table 16.11a and Fig. 16.11. The column is strengthened with CFRP laminates having the composite properties listed in Table 16.11b and ERQGHG DURXQG WKH FROXPQ XVLQJ WKH ZHW OD\XS WHFKQLTXH Glass FRP, however, can similarly be used if desired. 7KH¿QDOZUDSSLQJV\VWHPZDVIRXQGWRUHTXLUH¿YHSOLHV 2QO\WKHFDOFXODWLRQVXVHGWRYHULI\WKH¿QDOFRQ¿JXUDWLRQ are provided. These calculations are shown in Table. 16.11c. )LJ²'HWDLORIODSVSOLFHLQDSODVWLFKLQJHUHJLRQ Table 16.11a—Column material properties 4000 psi 27.6 MPa 3605 ksi 25 GPa Longtudinal reinforcing steel: yield strength fy 44,000 psi 303.4 MPa Modulus of elasticity of steel Es NVL 200 GPa Concrete strength fcƍ Concrete elastic modulus Ec = f c′ SVL Ec = f c′ 03D /RQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO\LHOGVWUDLQİy Column height between plastic hinges, L Distance to extreme tension steel, d 0.0015 0.0015 10 ft 3.05 m 14.625 in. 371 mm Table 16.11b—Manufacturer’s reported composite properties Thickness per ply tf 0.08 in. 2 mm Ultimate tensile strength 143 ksi 03D 0.010 0.010 NVL *3D Rupture strain Modulus of elasticity Ef @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 87 Table 16.11c—Procedure for designing lap-splice clamping for seismic strengthening 3URFHGXUH 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHWHQVLOHVWUHVV WKDWH[LVWLQJVSOLFHFDQGHYHORS $&, 6HFWLRQ ⎛c K ⎞ 40 d λ f c′ ⎜ b tr ⎟ ⎝ db ⎠ LQDQGSVL fs = 3 db ψ t ψ e ψ s ⎛c K ⎞ 3.33 d λ f c′ ⎜ b tr ⎟ ⎝ db ⎠ PPDQG03D fs = 3 db ψ t ψ e ψ s &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV s = 12 in. n=1 Longitudinal bars in the potential plane of splitting s = 305 mm n=1 K tr = 40 × 1 × 0.11 = 0.37 in. 12 × 1 cb + K tr + + + = = 2.24 ≤ 2.50 db 1.00 3HU(T D RI$&,WKHYDOXH cannot be greater than 2.5. 40 Atr K tr = sn ȥt ȥe ȥs = 1.00 Ȝ QRUPDOZHLJKWFRQFUHWH Ktr = 40 × 1× 71 = PP 305 × 1 cb + K tr + + + = = 2.24 ≤ 2.50 db 25.4 cb + K tr db 40 × 20.0 × 1.0 4000 × 2.24 3 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 = SVL ≤ SVL fs = 3.33 × 508 × 1.0 27.6 × 2.24 3 × 25.4 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 = 260 MPa ≤ 303 MPa fs = Note: Computed stress fs does not reach fy, longitudinal bar yield strength, and as such lap splice must be clamped. 6WHS²6WUHVVFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRSXOORXW FDSDFLW\RIVSOLFH fs ≤ fs ≤ 33 d λ f c′ db ψ t ψ e ψ s db ψ t ψ e ψ s Ɛprov = 20dEƐ = 20 × 25.4 = 508 mm Pullout capacity of splice: Pullout capacity of splice: fs = LQDQGSVL 2.75 d λ f c′ Ɛprov = 20dEƐ = 20 × 1.0 = 20 in. 33 × 20.0 × 4000 = 41,742 psi 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 fs = 2.75 × 508 × 27.6 = 03D 25.4 × 1.0 × 1.0 × 1.0 PPDQG03D 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHUHTXLUHGMDFNHW WKLFNQHVVtj nt f = × D NVLDQGLQ Ef nt f = × D 03DDQGPP Ef D LQ PD[LPXPGLPHQVLRQLQDUHFWDQJXODUPHPEHU D = 610 mm Ef NVL Ef 03D t j = 218 × 24 = 0.38 in. t j = × 610 = PP 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHUHTXLUHGQXPEHU RISOLHVn n = tj/tf tf = 0.08 in. tf = 2 mm n ¿YHSOLHV n ¿YHSOLHV Design summary: &RPSOHWHO\ZUDSWKHVHFWLRQZLWK¿YHWUDQVYHUVHSOLHV &RQ¿QLQJMDFNHWVKRXOGH[WHQGDWOHDVWIXOOKHLJKWRIODSVSOLFHWKDWLVLQ PP 8VLQJ¿YHSOLHVRIWKH)53VSHFL¿HGUHVXOWVLQDVSOLFHFDSDFLW\RISVL 03D ZKLFKLVFRQWUROOHGE\WKHPD[LPXPSXOORXWFDSDFLW\FDOFXODWHG in Step 2. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 88 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.12—Seismic shear strengthening This example illustrates the main steps in calculating the DPRXQWRI)53UHTXLUHGIRUWKHVKHDUVWUHQJWKHQLQJRIDUHLQforced concrete member. The member used in this example is illustrated in Fig. 16.12. Column material properties are VKRZQLQ7DEOHDWKHFRQ¿JXUDWLRQRIWKH)53VKHDU reinforcement is described in Table 16.12b, and the CFRP laminate material properties are listed in Table 16.12c. ASCE/SEI 41 is used as the standard for this example. Glass )53 *)53 FDQVLPLODUO\EHXVHGLIGHVLUHG&DOFXODWLRQV IRUGHWHUPLQLQJWKH)53UHTXLUHGDVVKRZQLQ7DEOHG )LJ²$VEXLOWFROXPQGHWDLOV Table 16.12a—Column material properties 4000 psi 27.6 MPa 3605 ksi 25 GPa Longtudinal reinforcing steel: yield strength fy 44,000 psi 303.4 MPa Modulus of elasticity of steel Es NVL 200 GPa Concrete strength fcƍ Concrete elastic modulus Ec = f c′ SVL Ec = f c′ 03D /RQJLWXGLQDOUHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO\LHOGVWUDLQİy Column height between plastic hinges, L Distance to extreme tension steel, d Ultimate axial load Pu 0.0015 0.0015 10 ft 3.05 m 14.625 in. 371 mm 75 kip 333.62 kN Table 16.12b—Configuration of supplemental FRP shear reinforcement Minimum section dimension 16 in. 406 mm dfy JRYHUQHGE\PLQLPXPVHFWLRQGLPHQVLRQ 16 in. 406 mm Width wf 8 in. 203 mm Spacing sf IXOOFRYHUDJH 8 in. 203 mm Table 16.12c—Manufacturer’s reported composite properties Thickness per ply tf Ultimate tensile strength ffu* 5XSWXUHVWUDLQİfu* Modulus of elasticity Ef 0.023 in. 0.584 mm 155 ksi 1072 MPa 0.015 0.015 NVL 64.3 GPa @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 89 Table 16.12d—Procedure for seismic shear strengthening 'HVLJQVWHSV &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHSUREDEOHPRPHQW FDSDFLW\RIWKHPHPEHUMpr From a MࢥDQDO\VLVWKHSUREDEOHPRPHQWFDSDFLW\LV Mpr = 322 kip-ft From a MࢥDQDO\VLVWKHSUREDEOHPRPHQWFDSDFLW\LV Mpr = 437 kN-m 3HULQFDOFXODWLQJWKHSUREDEOH PRPHQWࢥ DQGȥf = 1 are used. Notes: ,QVHLVPLFDSSOLFDWLRQVWKHVKHDUGHVLJQSURFHVVLQLWLDWHVZLWKWKHFDOFXODWLRQRIWKHSUREDEOHPRPHQW capacity of the section. 0RPHQWMpr is computed at both top and bottom ends of the member. 6WHS²2EWDLQWKH\LHOGDQGXOWLPDWH FXUYDWXUHIURPDMࢥDQDO\VLV Yield curvature: ࢥy,frp = 0.000163/in. Yield curvature: ࢥy,frp = 0.0064/m Ultimate curvature: ࢥu,frp LQ Ultimate curvature: ࢥu,frp = 0.074/m Plastic hinge length: Plastic hinge length: Lp = 2 + 0.0003 × 44,000 × 0.75 = 12 in. Lp îî PP Note: Use a maximum gap between the FRP and the column base of 2 in. Note: Use a maximum gap between the FRP and the column base of 50.8 mm. <LHOGGHÀHFWLRQ <LHOGGHÀHFWLRQ 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHGLVSODFHPHQW GXFWLOLW\DQGUHGXFWLRQIDFWRUk In FRP jacketed columns, the plastic hinge OHQJWKLV (T Lp = g + 0.0003fydb fy is in ksi and db is in inches Lp = g + 0.044fydb fy is in MPa and db is in mm In this example: L = LQ PP 2 <LHOGGHÀHFWLRQ¨y,frp: Leff = Δ y , frp = 2 eff φ y , frp L 2 Δ y , frp = 3 3ODVWLFGHÀHFWLRQ¨p,frp: Δ p , frp Δy = 0.0065 × 15242 = 5.1 mm 3 × 1000 3ODVWLFGHÀHFWLRQ Lp ⎞ ⎛ = φu − φ y L p ⎜ Leff − ⎟ 2⎠ ⎝ 3ODVWLFGHÀHFWLRQ 12 ⎞ − ⎞ ⎛ ⎛ 305 ⎜1524 − Δ p , frp = − × ⎜ − ⎟ = LQ Δ p , frp = ⎟ = 28.6 mm ⎝ ⎝ 2⎠ 1000 2 ⎠ 'LVSODFHPHQWGXFWLOLW\ȝ¨: μΔ = 1 + 0.000163 × 60 = 0.20 in. 3 Displacement ductility: Δp μΔ = 1 + Δy Shear reduction factor per ASCE/SEI 41 ⎧μ Δ ≤ k = ⎪ × − μ Δ ⎪ ⎨ ≤ μ Δ ≤ k = + 4 ⎪ ⎪⎩μ Δ > k = 6WHS²&RPSXWHWKHVKHDUGHVLJQ IRUFHVu Displacement ductility: 1.13 = 6.7 0.20 μΔ = 1 + 28.6 = 6.7 5.1 Reduction factor: Reduction factor: k = 0.70 k = 0.70 ,QWKLVH[DPSOHZLWKWKHH[FHSWLRQRIWKHHDUWKTXDNHIRUFHVWKHUHDUHQRDSSOLHGXQLIRUPORDGVRQWKHPHPEHU as such: Wu = 0.00 From Step 1, the probable moment capacity is: Mpr,top = Mpr,bot NLSIW N1P Design shear force: Per ACI 318-14 Section 18.7.6: Vu = M pr ,top + M pr ,bot L ± wu L 2 Vu = 322 + 322 ± 0 = 64.4 kip 120/12 Design shear force: Vu = @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 437 + 437 ± 0 = 286 kN 3.05 American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 90 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.12d (cont.)—Procedure for seismic shear strengthening 'HVLJQVWHSV &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV Concrete contribution to shear capacity: Concrete contribution to shear capacity: Vc = 0 Vc = 0 Steel contribution to shear capacity: Steel contribution to shear capacity: 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHFRQFUHWHVcDQG VWHHOFRQWULEXWLRQVs Concrete contribution, Vc: Per ACI 318-14 Section, and because: M pr , r + M pr ,l n ⎛w ⎞ 1 ≥⎜ u n⎟ ⇒ ⎝ 2 ⎠2 Vc = 0 Steel contribution Vs Vs = Ash f y d s Vs = 2 × 0.20 × 44 × 14.625 = 21.4 kip 12 Vs = 2 × 129 × 303.4 × 371.475 = 95.2 kN 305 Combined concrete and steel contribution: k Vc +Vs NLS Combined concrete and steel contribution: k Vc +Vs N1 5HTXLUHG)53IRUFH 5HTXLUHG)53IRUFH 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHUHTXLUHG)53 IRUFHVf V f ,R ⎡Vu ⎤ ⎢ φ − k Vc + Vs ⎥ ⎣ ⎦ = ψf V f ,R ⎡ 64.4 ⎤ ⎢ 1.00 − ⎥⎦ =⎣ = 45.26 kip V f ,R ⎡ 286 ⎤ ⎢1.00 − 66.6⎥⎦ =⎣ = 201.3 kN 3HU$6&(6(,ࢥ For completely wrapped members, Table UHFRPPHQGVȥf 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHHIIHFWLYHVWUHVVffe. For fully wrapped members, the effective VWUDLQLVFRPSXWHGXVLQJ(T İfe = 0.75CEİfu* Effective strain: İfe îî Effective strain: İfe îî Effective stress: ffe î NVL Effective stress: ffe = 0.004 × 64,300 = 257 MPa Area per ply: Afv = 2 × 0.023 × 8 = 0.37 in.2 Area per ply: Afv = 2 × 0.584 × 203 = 237 mm2 Force per ply: Force per ply: CE The column is located in an interior space. 7KHUHIRUHSHU7DEOHDQHQYLURQPHQWDO UHGXFWLRQIDFWRURILVXVHG The effective FRP stress can be computed from Hooke’s law: ffe İfeEf 6WHS²&DOFXODWHWKHQXPEHURISOLHVnf Area of a single ply for a fully wrapped PHPEHU (T D Afv = 2tfwf The shear contribution of the FRP can be WKHQFDOFXODWHGIURP(T VLQ α + FRV α d fv V f = Afv f fe sf V f = 0.37 × 37.3 = 27.6 kip 8 V f = 237 × 257 Number of plies: n fv = V f ,R Vf 45.26 = = PLQLPXP 27.6 = 122 kN 203 Number of plies: n fv = V f ,R Vf = 201.3 = PLQLPXP 122 Design summary: Completely wrap the section with two transverse plies @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 16.13—Flexural and shear seismic strengthening of shear walls 7KLV H[DPSOH LOOXVWUDWHV WKH XVH RI DQ )53 UHWUR¿W WR LQFUHDVHWKHVKHDUDQGÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKRIDQH[LVWLQJFDQWLlevered concrete wall. The shear strengthening is achieved by installing horizontally oriented FRP on one face of the ZDOO 7KH ÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWKHQLQJ LV DFKLHYHG E\ LQVWDOOLQJ multiple layers of vertically oriented FRP on both faces of the wall near the wall ends. Details for anchorage of the FRP WRWKHIRXQGDWLRQDUHQRWDGGUHVVHG&DUERQ)53 &)53 LV XVHG LQ WKLV H[DPSOH *ODVV )53 *)53 FDQ VLPLODUO\ EH used if desired. The example incorporates the following two major phases: 'HWHUPLQH WKH VKHDU DQG ÀH[XUDO FDSDFLW\ RI WKH existing wall 'HVLJQWKH)53WRDFKLHYHWKHUHTXLUHGVWUHQJWK 91 Details of the wall and relevant information are provided in Fig. 16.13a and Table 16.13a. The wall is assumed to be an ordinary shear wall. The wall is strengthened with FRP having the composite properties listed in Table 16.13b. A factored axial load, PuRINLS N1 LVDVVXPHGLQDGGLtion to the lateral force. ASCE/SEI 41 is assumed to be the standard used as the basis for the rehabilitation. This example illustrates a manual calculation approach for the design of FRP strengthening of a shear wall. A moment curvature analysis of the existing and repaired wall, shown in Fig. 16.13b, is used to assess the accuracy of the manual DSSURDFK 7KH UHDVRQDEO\ JRRG DJUHHPHQW RI WKH ÀH[XUDO results from the design example with those from a momentcurvature analysis validates the illustrative example. The design calculations are shown in Table 16.13c. )LJD²&RQFUHWHZDOOGHWDLOV )LJ E²0RPHQWFXUYDWXUH DQDO\VLV IRU VKHDU ZDOO example. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 92 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.13a—As-built shear wall properties and demands Concrete strength Longitudinal reinforcing steel yield strength Modulus of elasticity of steel Longitudinal reinforcing yield strain Shear wall height h Shear wall length Shear wall thickness Existing wall reinforcement +RUL]RQWDO1RDWLQ PP RQFHQWHU !ȡt = 0.0015 9HUWLFDO1RDWLQ PP RQFHQWHU !ȡl ȡb = 0.0027 Axial factored load Pu Ultimate shear demand Vu Ultimate moment demand at wall base Mu Asw DUHDRIZDOOZHEVWHHO !DUHDRIIRXU1REDUV QHJOHFWLQJRQHEDUZLWKLQWKHFRPSUHVVLRQ]RQH 2500 psi 17.23 MPa 40.0 ksi 275.8 MPa NVL 200 GPa 0.0014 in./in. 0.0014 mm/mm 10 ft 3000 mm 60.0 in. 1500 mm 6 in. 150 mm — — 12 kip 53.4 kN 52 kip 232 kN 260 kip-ft 348 kN-m 0.8 in.2 500 mm2 Table 16.13b—Manufacturer’s reported composite properties 0.023 in. Thickness per ply tf Ultimate tensile strength 5XSWXUHVWUDLQİfu* Modulus of elasticity Ef ffu* 0.575 mm 140 ksi 03D 0.012 in./in. 0.012 mm/mm NVL 66.2 GPa @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 93 Table 16.13c—Procedure for flexural and shear seismic strengthening of shear walls 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV 6WHS²&RPSXWHH[LVWLQJZDOOFDSDFLW\ Shear capacity: Shear capacity per ACI 318: Vc = 2λ f c′tw d fv Vc = Vc = × × 1000 0.167bw d f c′ Vc = (0.167 × 0.8 × 1500) Av f v d fv Vsw s Vn = Vc + Vsw 0.8 × 60 = 0.11 × 40, 000 × 12 Vsw = 17.6 kip Vn = 28.8 kip + 17.6 kip Vn = 46.4 kip 17.23 1000 Vc = 28.8 kip 1000 Vsw = Vc = 124.8 kN Vsw = 71 × 275.8 × 0.8 × 1500 305 1000 Vsw = 77.0 kN Vn = 124.8 kN + 77.0 kN Vn = 201.8 kN ࢥVn = 201.8 kN < Vu = 232 kN 8VLQJࢥ IRUVKHDU SHU$6&(6(, Flexural capacity: $TXLFNPHWKRGWRDVVHVVWKHÀH[XUDO capacity is shown in the following. Assume that all web steel in the wall yields. This includes all the longitudinal reinforcement except for the one bar that is adjacent to the compression face, that is, four No. 4 bars can be considered to yield. a= Asw f y + Pu ࢥVn = 46.4 kip < Vu = 52 kip 0.8 in. × 40 ksi + 12 kip = 3.45 in. 0.85 × 2.5 ksi × 6 in. 2 a= 0.85 f c′tw Mn Aswfy + Pu d – a where d = Lw/2 ⎛ 500 mm 2 × 275.8 MPa ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ + 53.4 kN 1000 = 87.1 mm a= ⎛ 0.85 × 17.23 MPa × 150 mm ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟⎠ 1000 d = Lw/2 = 30 in. Mn = 104 kip-ft d = 750 mm Mn = 135.1 kN-m ࢥMn = 104 kip-ft < Mu = 260 kip-ft ࢥMn = 135.1 kN-m < Mu = 348 kN-m 8VLQJࢥ It can be observed that the wall does not KDYHDGHTXDWHFDSDFLW\ 6WHS²)53GHVLJQPDWHULDOSURSHUWLHV For interior exposure for carbon FRP: CE Use environmental reduction factors from 7DEOH 3HU ffu = CEffu* İfu = CEİfu* ffu = 133 ksi İfu = 0.0114 in./in. ffu 03D İfu = 0.0114 mm/mm )RURQHOD\HURI)53İfd = 0.0088 )RUWZROD\HUVRI)53İfd = 0.0062 )RUWKUHHOD\HUVRI)53İfd = 0.0051 )RURQHOD\HURI)53İfd = 0.0088 )RUWZROD\HUVRI)53İfd = 0.0062 )RUWKUHHOD\HUVRI)53İfd = 0.0051 6WHS²)OH[XUDOVWUHQJWKHQLQJ 6WHSD²&RPSXWHWKHGHERQGLQJVWUDLQ OLPLWİfd This is the limit for the effective strain in the FRP. 3HU(T ε fd = 0. ε fd = 0.41 f c′ ≤ ε fu LQOE nE f t f f c′ ≤ ε fu nE f t f SI @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 94 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.13c (cont.)—Procedure for flexural and shear seismic strengthening of shear walls 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV Flexural design involves iteration to DFKLHYHHTXLOLEULXPDFURVVWKHVHFWLRQ 8VXDOO\WKH¿UVWVWHSLVWRDVVXPHWKHGHSWK of the neutral axis c. Use the available information to assist with an assumption for the depth of the neutral axis c. $VVXPHWKDWWKHÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWKHQLQJZLOO UHTXLUHWKUHHOD\HUVRILQ PP ZLGH strips on each side of the wall at each end. Assume that the effective strain is at the centroid of the FRP area. Knowing the maximum effective strain in the FRP, compute the force in the FRP Tf = CEAfİfdEf &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV wf = 8 in. nf = 3 tf = 0.023 in. Af WZRVLGHVî Af = 1.104 in.2 Tf NVL NLS wf = 200 mm nf = 3 tf = 0.575 mm Af PP2 Tf = ()()( 03D ) 1000 = N1 Depth of corresponding compression block: a= Asw f y + Pu + T f 0.85 f c′tw Compute an estimate of the depth of the neutral axis, c: Check actual strain at centroid of FRP area and corresponding force in the FRP: It is observed that the force in the FRP does not agree with that based on the initial assumption. However, the above steps provide a reasonable starting point for an assumption for c. a = 7.05 in. a = 177.2 mm c = a/0.85 = 8.3 in. c = a/0.85 = 208.5 mm W f /2 ⎞ ⎛ ε fe CG = ε fd ⎜ + = ⎝ c + 1 − Lw ⎟⎠ W f /2 ⎛ ⎞ ε fe CG = ε fd ⎜ + = ⎝ c + 25.4 − Lw ⎠⎟ Corresponding force in FRP, Tf = CEAfİfeCGEf = 42.32 kip Corresponding force in FRP, Tf = CEAfİfeCGEf = 182.1 kN Assume c = 8.0 in. Assume c = 200 mm İc = 0.0008 İcİcu = 0.003 OK İc = 0.0008 İcİcu = 0.003 OK İsc = 0.007 where dƍ LQ İscİy = 0.0014 İsc = 0.007 where dƍ PP İscİy = 0.0014 ⎛ε ⎞ ε st1 = ⎜ c ⎟ (14.5 + 1 − 8.0 ) ⎝ c⎠ ⎛ε ⎞ ε st1 = ⎜ c ⎟ (362.5 + 25 − 200 ) ⎝ c⎠ İst1 İy İst1 İy Similarly, İst2 !İy İst3 !İy İst4 !İy İfeCG = 0.0047 Similarly, İst2 !İy İst3 !İy İst4 !İy İfeCG = 0.0047 Tf = 42.34 kip Tsw îîîî = 28.35 kip Tf = 182.5 kN Tsw = 125 × 0.00075 × 200,000 + 3 × 125 × 275.8 = 122.175 kN = 122.2 kN Compute concrete strain at extreme FRPSUHVVLRQVXUIDFHSHU(T D ⎛ ⎞ 1 ε c = ε fd ⎜ ≤ ε cu ⎝ Lw c − 1⎟⎠ Compute strain in the bar in the compression zone: ⎛ε ⎞ ε sc = ⎜ c ⎟ (c − d ′ ) ⎝ c⎠ Compute strain in the bars in the tension zone: Compute strain at centroid of FRP area: Recompute total tensile force components at the above determined strain levels: Recalculate depth of compression block and depth to neutral axis: ,WHUDWHDVUHTXLUHGWRUHDFKFRQYHUJHQFH @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 95 Table 16.13c (cont.)—Procedure for flexural and shear seismic strengthening of shear walls 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV 6WHSE²&DOFXODWHWKHVWUDLQVDQG IRUFHFRPSRQHQWVLQFRQFUHWH)53DQG UHLQIRUFLQJVWHHO a = 6.48 in. c = 7.63 in. a = 163 mm c PP Force in the bar in the compression zone: Final value of the depth of the neutral axis is achieved after iteration. c = 7.648 in. a = 6.5 in. İc İcu c PP a = 162.4 mm İc İcu İsc İy İsc İy Csc îî NLS Csc = 125 × 0.00066 × 200 = 16.5 kN Strains and forces in bars in tensile zone: Strain and force in FRP: İst1 İst2 İst3 İst4 )URPHTXLOLEULXPFRPSUHVVLYHIRUFHLQ concrete: 6WHSF²&DOFXODWHWKHPRPHQWFDSDFLW\ RIWKHVHFWLRQ Compute lever arm for different force components: Nominal moment capacity, Mn: Per Section 10.2.10, include reduction IDFWRUIRU)53FRQWULEXWLRQȥ İy !İy !İy !İy İst1 İst2 İst3 İst4 İy !İy !İy !İy Ts1 = 4.52 kip Ts2 = Ts3 = Ts4 = 8.0 kip Ts = 28.52 kip Ts1 N1 Ts2 = Ts3 = Ts4 = 34.48 kN Ts N1 İfeCG = 0.0047 Tf = 42.37 kip İfeCG = 0.0047 Tf = 182.5 kN Cc Ts + Tf + Pu + Csc NLS Cc Ts + Tf + Pu + Csc N1 Bar in compression: d1 = c –1 in. = 7.648 – 1 = 6.65 in. Bar in compression: d1 = c – 25 = 166 mm Concrete compression: Concrete compression: a⎞ 6.5 ⎛ c − ⎟ = 7.648 − = 4.4 in. ⎝⎜ 2⎠ 2 a⎞ ⎛ c − ⎟ = PP ⎝⎜ 2⎠ First bar in tension: First bar in tension: LQLQ±c LQ PPPP±c PP Second bar in tension: 22.35 in. Third bar in tension: 36.85 in. Fourth bar in tension: 51.35 in. 6HFRQGEDULQWHQVLRQPP 7KLUGEDULQWHQVLRQPP Fourth bar in tension: 1284 mm FRP: Lw – c – Wf/2 – 1 in. = 47.35 in. FRP: Lw – c – Wf/2 – 25 mm = 1184 mm Pu: Lw/2 – c = 22.35 in. Pu: Lw/2 – c PP Mn îîî × 22.35 + 8 × 36.85 + 8 × 51.35 + 0.85 × 42.37 × 47.35 + 12 × 22.35 = 272.2 kip-ft Mn = 353 kN·m ࢥMn NLSIW!Mu = 260 kip-ft ࢥMn!Mu OK ࢥMn N1āP!Mu = 348 kN·m ࢥMn!Mu OK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 96 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table 16.13c (cont.)—Procedure for flexural and shear seismic strengthening of shear walls 3URFHGXUH &DOFXODWLRQLQLQOEXQLWV &DOFXODWLRQLQ6,XQLWV From Step 1, Vn* = 46.4 kip From Step 1, Vn N1 6WHS²6KHDUVWUHQJWKHQLQJ 3HU(T E Vf is the shear contribution of FRP and is computed in accordance with Chapter 11. 6WHSD²&DOFXODWHVf Because the FRP is only on one side of the ZDOOSHU(T F Since the FRP will be face-bonded to the wall, the effective FRP strain will be: İfe țvİfu For one layer of the FRP: Le LQ k1 =0.731 k2 țv = 0.2 İfe = 0.2 × 0.014 = 0.0028 ffe î NVL İfe = 0.2 × 0.014 = 0.0028 ffe = 0.0028 × 66.2 = 0.185 GPa It is assumed that FRP is installed over the full height of the wall and not in discrete strips. dfv = 0.8Lw = 48 in. Vf îîîî NLS dfv = 0.8Lw = 1200 mm Vf îîîî N1 5HGXFWLRQIDFWRUIRU)53VKHDUFRQWULEXWLRQȥf = 0.85. ȥfVf NLS ȥf Vf = 81.5 kN 6KHDUFDSDFLW\RIWKHUHWUR¿WWHGZDOO ࢥVn NLS ࢥVn NLS!Vu = 52 kip ࢥVn!Vu OK Mn = 272.2 kip-ft ࢥVn N1 ࢥVn N1!Vu = 232 kN ࢥVn!Vu OK Mn = 353 kN·m 6KHDUFRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDOVWUHQJWK VM nom = 272.2 kip-ft/10 ft = 27.2 kip The shear strength of the wall is: Vn = 65.3 kip VnVM nom OK VM nom = 353 kN·m/3 m = 117.1 kN The shear strength of the wall is: Vn = 284.6 kN VnVM nom OK 8VH(T E F G DQG H WRFRPSXWHțv. Corresponding tensile stress in the FRP: Per ACI 318-14, Section, dfv is taken as 0.8Lw. Compute shear capacity of FRP VWUHQJWKHQHGZDOOXVLQJࢥ 6WHSE²&RPSXWHWKHVKHDU FRUUHVSRQGLQJWRWKHQRPLQDOÀH[XUDO VWUHQJWK6HH6HFWLRQ Note: The FRP for shear strengthening could be optimized by using horizontal strips rather than full coverage. For anchorage of shear FRP see Section @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) CHAPTER 17—REFERENCES &RPPLWWHHGRFXPHQWVDUHOLVWHG¿UVWE\GRFXPHQWQXPEHU and year of publication followed by authored documents listed alphabetically. American Concrete Institute (ACI) $&, ²&RGH 5HTXLUHPHQWV IRU 'HWHUPLQLQJ Fire Resistance of Concrete and Masonry Construction Assemblies ACI 224.1R-07—Causes, Evaluation, and Repair of Cracks in Concrete Structures $&,²%XLOGLQJ&RGH5HTXLUHPHQWVIRU6WUXFWXUDO Concrete and Commentary ACI 364.1R-07—Guide for Evaluation of Concrete Structures before Rehabilitation $&, 5²*XLGH IRU 6HLVPLF 5HKDELOLWDWLRQ RI Existing Concrete Frame Buildings and Commentary ACI 437R-03—Strength Evaluation of Existing Concrete Buildings ACI 440R-07—Report on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer )53 5HLQIRUFHPHQWIRU&RQFUHWH6WUXFWXUHV ACI 440.3R-12—Guide Test Methods for Fiber-ReinIRUFHG 3RO\PHUV )53V IRU 5HLQIRUFLQJ RU 6WUHQJWKHQLQJ Concrete Structures ACI 440.7R-10—Guide for the Design and Construction of Externally Bonded Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Systems for Strengthening Unreinforced Masonry Structures $&,²6SHFL¿FDWLRQIRU&DUERQDQG*ODVV)LEHU 5HLQIRUFHG3RO\PHU )53 0DWHULDOV0DGHE\:HW/D\XSIRU External Strengthening of Concrete and Masonry Structures $&, ²6WDQGDUG 6SHFL¿FDWLRQ IRU 5HSDLULQJ &RQFUHWHZLWK(SR[\0RUWDUV 5HDSSURYHGE\ ACI 546R-14—Guide to Concrete Repair $&,²&RGH5HTXLUHPHQWVIRU(YDOXDWLRQ5HSDLU and Rehabilitation of Concrete Buildings and Commentary American National Standards Institute (ANSI) $16, ==²+D]DUGRXV :RUNSODFH Chemicals - Hazard Evaluation and Safety Data Sheet and Precautionary Labeling Preparation American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) ASCE 7-10—Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures $6&(6(,²6HLVPLF5HKDELOLWDWLRQDQG5HWUR¿WRI Existing Buildings ASTM International ASTM C1583/C1583M-13—Standard Test Method for Tensile Strength of Concrete Surfaces and the Bond Strength or Tensile Strength of Concrete Repair and Overlay MateULDOVE\'LUHFW7HQVLRQ 3XOORII0HWKRG $670 '²7HVW 0HWKRG IRU 'HÀHFWLRQ 7HPSHUDture of Plastics Under Flexural Load in the Edgewise Position $670 '²6WDQGDUG 7HVW 0HWKRG IRU &RHI¿FLHQW of Linear Thermal Expansion of Plastics Between –30°C and 30°C with a Vitreous Silica Dilatometer 97 $670 '²6WDQGDUG 7HVW 0HWKRGV IRU )OH[XUDO Properties of Unreinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials ASTM D2240-15—Standard Test Method for Rubber Property—Durometer Hardness $670 ' ²6WDQGDUG 3UDFWLFH IRU )XVLRQ RI3RO\ 9LQ\O&KORULGH 39& &RPSRXQGV8VLQJD7RUTXH Rheometer ASTM D2584-11—Standard Test Method for Ignition Loss of Cured Reinforced Resins $670 '²6WDQGDUG 7HVW 0HWKRGV IRU 7HQVLOH Compressive, and Flexural Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics $670 ''0²6WDQGDUG 7HVW 0HWKRG IRU Tensile Properties of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials ASTM D3171-15—Standard Test Methods for Constituent Content of Composite Materials ASTM D3418-15—Standard Test Method for Transition Temperatures and Enthalpies of Fusion and Crystallization of Polymers by Differential Scanning Calorimetry $670 ''0²6WDQGDUG 7HVW 0HWKRG IRU Tension-Tension Fatigue of Polymer Matrix Composite Materials ASTM D4476/D4476M-14—Standard Test Method for Flexural Properties of Fiber Reinforced Pultruded Plastic Rods $670''0 ²6WDQGDUG7HVW0HWKRG for Tensile Properties of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite Bars ASTM D7337/D7337M-12—Standard Test Method for Tensile Creep Rupture of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite Bars ASTM D7522/D7522M-15—Standard Test Method for Pull-Off Strength for FRP Bonded to Concrete Substrate $670''0 ²6WDQGDUG7HVW0HWKRG for Determining Tensile Properties of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites Used for Strengthening of Civil Structures ASTM D7616/D7616M-11—Standard Test Method for Determining Apparent Overlap Splice Shear Strength Properties of Wet Lay-Up Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composites Used for Strengthening Civil Structures ASTM D7617/D7617M-11—Standard Test Method for Transverse Shear Strength of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Matrix Composite Bars ASTM E84-16—Standard Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of Building Materials ASTM E328-13—Standared Test Methods for Stress Relaxation Tests for Materials and Structures ASTM E831-14—Standard Test Method for Linear Thermal Expansion of Solid Materials by Thermomechanical Analysis $670 ( ²6WDQGDUG 7HVW 0HWKRG IRU Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperatures by Differential Scanning Calorimetry ASTM E1640-13—Standard Test Method for Assignment of the Glass Transition Temperature by Dynamic Mechanical Analysis @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 98 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) $670(²7HVW0HWKRGIRU'LVWRUWLRQ7HPSHUDture in Three-Point Bending by Thermomechanical Analysis Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) CFR 16 Part 1500-2015—Hazardous Substances and ArtiFOHV$GPLQLVWUDWLRQDQG(QIRUFHPHQW5HJXODWLRQV &)5²7UDQVSRUWDWLRQ International Code Council (ICC) ,&& $& ²$FFHSWDQFH &ULWHULD IRU &RQFUHWH and Reinforced and Unreinforced Masonry 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N., 2003, “Stress Strain Model for Concrete &RQ¿QHGE\)53&RPSRVLWHV´3K'GLVVHUWDWLRQ8QLYHUVLW\ of California-Irvine, Irvine, CA, 310 pp. =KDQJ&/LQ:;$EXGXGGLQ0DQG&DQQLQJ/ 2012, “Environmental Evaluation of FRP in UK Highway Bridge Deck Replacement Applications Based on a Comparative LCA Study,” Advanced Materials Research, V. 374, pp. 43-48. =XUHLFN$+(OOLQJZRRG%51RZDN$60HUW] '5DQG7ULDQWD¿OORX7&³5HFRPPHQGHG*XLGH 6SHFL¿FDWLRQ IRU WKH 'HVLJQ RI ([WHUQDOO\ %RQGHG )53 Systems for Repair and Strengthening of Concrete Bridge Elements,” 1&+53 5HSRUW , Transportation Research %RDUG:DVKLQJWRQ'&SS @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) 105 EDUVZLWK¿EHUYROXPHVRIDSSUR[LPDWHO\WRSHUFHQW 3URSHUWLHVDUHEDVHGRQJURVVODPLQDWHDUHD Table A.3 presents ranges of tensile properties for CFRP, *)53DQG$)53ODPLQDWHVZLWK¿EHUYROXPHVRIDSSUR[Lmately 40 to 60 percent. Properties are based on grossODPLQDWHDUHD 7KHSURSHUWLHVDUHVKRZQIRUXQLGLUHFtional, bidirectional, and +45/–45-degree fabrics. Table A.3 DOVRVKRZVWKHHIIHFWRIYDU\LQJWKH¿EHURULHQWDWLRQRQWKH 0-degree strength of the laminate. Table A.4 gives the tensile strengths of some commercially available FRP systems. The strength of unidirectional ODPLQDWHVLVGHSHQGHQWRQ¿EHUW\SHDQGGU\IDEULFZHLJKW These tables are not intended to provide ultimate strength values for design purposes. APPENDIX A—MATERIAL PROPERTIES OF CARBON, GLASS, AND ARAMID FIBERS Table A.1 presents ranges of values for the tensile properWLHVRIFDUERQJODVVDQGDUDPLG¿EHUV7KHWDEXODWHGYDOXHV DUHEDVHGRQWKHWHVWLQJRILPSUHJQDWHG¿EHU\DUQVRUVWUDQGV in accordance with suppliers of SACMA Recommended 0HWKRG5 Suppliers of Advanced Composite MateULDOV$VVRFLDWLRQ 7KHVWUDQGVRU¿EHU\DUQVDUHLPSUHJnated with resin, cured, and then tested in tension. The tabuODWHGSURSHUWLHVDUHFDOFXODWHGXVLQJWKHDUHDRIWKH¿EHUVWKH resin area is ignored. Hence, the properties listed in Table A.1 are representative of unidirectional FRP systems whose propHUWLHVDUHUHSRUWHGXVLQJQHW¿EHUDUHD 4.3.1 Table A.2 presents ranges of tensile properties for carbon )53 &)53 JODVV)53 *)53 DQGDUDPLG)53 $)53 Table A.1—Typical tensile properties of fibers used in FRP systems Elastic modulus Fiber type 3 10 ksi Ultimate strength GPa ksi MPa Rupture strain, minimum, % 300 to 550 WR 1.2 Carbon General purpose 32 to 34 220 to 240 High-strength 32 to 34 220 to 240 550 to 700 WR 1.4 Ultra-high-strength 32 to 34 220 to 240 WR 4820 to 6200 1.5 High-modulus 50 to 75 340 to 520 250 to 450 1720 to 3100 0.5 Ultra-high-modulus 75 to 100 WR 200 to 350 1380 to 2400 0.2 E-glass 10 to 10.5 WR WR 1860 to 2680 4.5 S-glass 12.5 to 13 WR 500 to 700 3440 to 4140 5.4 Glass Aramid General purpose 10 to 12 WR 500 to 600 3440 to 4140 2.5 High-performance 16 to 18 110 to 124 500 to 600 3440 to 4140 1.6 Table A.2—Tensile properties of FRP bars with fiber volumes of 50 to 70 percent FRP system description Elastic modulus, 103NVL *3D 8OWLPDWHWHQVLOHVWUHQJWKNVL 03D Rupture strain, % High-strength carbon/epoxy WR WR WR WR 1.2 to 1.8 E-glass/epoxy WR WR WR WR 1.6 to 3.0 High-performance aramid WR WR WR WR 2.0 to 3.0 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 106 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Table A.3—Tensile properties of FRP laminates with fiber volumes of 40 to 60 percent Elastic modulus FRP system description ¿EHURULHQWDWLRQ Property at 0 degrees 3URSHUW\DWGHJUHHV 103NVL *3D Ultimate tensile strength Property at 0 degrees 3URSHUW\DWGHJUHHV 103NVL *3D NVL 03D NVL 03D Rupture strain at 0 degrees, % High-strength carbon/epoxy, degrees 0 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 1.0 to 1.5 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 1.0 to 1.5 +45/–45 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 1.5 to 2.5 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 1.5 to 3.0 E-glass/epoxy, degrees 0 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 2.0 to 3.0 +45/–45 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 2.5 to 3.5 High-performance aramid/epoxy, degrees 0 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 2.0 to 3.0 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 2.0 to 3.0 +45/–45 WR WR WR WR WR WR WR WR 2.0 to 3.0 Notes: )53FRPSRVLWHSURSHUWLHVDUHEDVHGRQ)53V\VWHPVKDYLQJDQDSSUR[LPDWH¿EHUYROXPHRISHUFHQWDQGDFRPSRVLWHWKLFNQHVVRILQ PP ,QJHQHUDO)53EDUVKDYH ¿EHUYROXPHVRIWRSHUFHQWSUHFXUHGV\VWHPVKDYH¿EHUYROXPHVRIWRSHUFHQWDQGZHWOD\XSV\VWHPVKDYH¿EHUYROXPHVRIWRSHUFHQW%HFDXVHWKH¿EHUYROXPH LQÀXHQFHVWKHJURVVODPLQDWHSURSHUWLHVSUHFXUHGODPLQDWHVXVXDOO\KDYHKLJKHUPHFKDQLFDOSURSHUWLHVWKDQODPLQDWHVFUHDWHGXVLQJWKHZHWOD\XSWHFKQLTXH =HURGHJUHHVUHSUHVHQWVXQLGLUHFWLRQDO¿EHURULHQWDWLRQ =HURGHJUHHV RU±GHJUHHV UHSUHVHQWV¿EHUEDODQFHGLQWZRRUWKRJRQDOGLUHFWLRQVZKHUHGHJUHHVLVWKHGLUHFWLRQRIORDGLQJDQGGHJUHHVLVQRUPDOWRWKHGLUHFWLRQ of loading. Tension is applied to 0-degree direction. All FRP bar properties are in the 0-degree direction. Table A.4—Ultimate tensile strength* of some commercially available FRP systems Ultimate strength† Fabric weight )53V\VWHPGHVFULSWLRQ ¿EHUW\SHVDWXUDWLQJUHVLQIDEULFW\SH General purpose carbon/resin unidirectional sheet High-strength carbon/resin unidirectional sheet High-modulus carbon/resin unidirectional sheet General-purpose carbon/resin balanced sheet 3 oz/yd 3 g/m lb/in. kN/mm 6 200 2600 500 12 400 3550 620 7 230 1800 320 300 4000 700 18 620 5500 300 3400 600 300 1000 180 27 4100 720 10 350 1300 230 E-glass/balanced fabric 300 680 120 Aramid/resin unidirectional sheet 12 420 4000 700 E-glass/resin unidirectional sheet ‡ ‡ High-strength carbon/resin precured, unidirectional laminate 70 2380 3300 E-glass/vinyl ester precured, unidirectional shell 50‡ 1700‡ 1580 *Values shown should not be used for design. † Ultimate tensile strength per unit width of sheet or fabric. ‡ Precured laminate weight. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) APPENDIX B—SUMMARY OF STANDARD TEST METHODS Table B provides a summary of test methods for the shortand long-term mechanical and durability testing of FRP rods and sheets. The recommended test methods are based on the knowledge gained from research results and literature worldwide and include those methods described in ACI 440.3R that have not yet been adopted by ASTM. 107 Durability-related tests use the same test methods but UHTXLUH DSSOLFDWLRQVSHFL¿F SUHFRQGLWLRQLQJ RI VSHFLPHQV Acceptance of the data generated by the listed test methods FDQEHWKHEDVLVIRU)53PDWHULDOV\VWHPTXDOL¿FDWLRQDQG DFFHSWDQFH IRUH[DPSOHACI 440.8 Table B—Test methods for FRP material systems Property $670WHVWPHWKRG V ACI 440.3R test method Summary of differences Test methods for sheets, prepreg, and laminates D2538 Surface hardness D2240 — No ACI methods developed D3418 &RHI¿FLHQWRIWKHUPDO expansion ' — No ACI methods developed Glass-transition temperature E1640 — No ACI methods developed — No ACI methods developed Volume fraction D3171 D2584 Sheet to concrete adhesion GLUHFWWHQVLRQSXOORII D7522/D7522M L.1* $&,PHWKRGSURYLGHVVSHFL¿FUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUVSHFLPHQSUHSDUDWLRQQRW found in the ASTM method Tensile strength and modulus ''0RU D7565/D7565M, as appropriate L.2* ACI method provides methods for calculating tensile strength and PRGXOXVRQJURVVFURVVVHFWLRQDODQGHIIHFWLYH¿EHUDUHDEDVLV6HFWLRQ 3.3.1 is used to calculate design values. Lap shear strength D7616/D7616M L.3* $&,PHWKRGSURYLGHVVSHFL¿FUHTXLUHPHQWVIRUVSHFLPHQSUHSDUDWLRQ Test methods for FRP bars Cross-sectional area D7205/D7207M B.1* Two options for bar area are provided in ASTM D7205/D7205M QRPLQDODQGDFWXDO ZKHUHDVRQO\QRPLQDODUHDLVXVHGLQ$&,5 Method B.1 Longitudinal tensile strength and modulus D7205/D7205M B.2* Strain limits for calculation of modulus are different in the two methods. D7617/D7617M * The ACI method focuses on dowel action of bars and does not overlap with existing ASTM methods that focus mainly on beam shearing failure PRGHV%DUVKHDUVWUHQJWKLVRIVSHFL¿FFRQFHUQIRUDSSOLFDWLRQVZKHUH FRP rods are used to cross construction joints in concrete pavements. Shear strength B.4 Durability properties — B.6 Fatigue properties ''0 B.7 Creep properties D7337/D7337M B.8* Relaxation properties Flexural tensile properties Flexural properties &RHI¿FLHQWRIWKHUPDO expansion ' E328 — ' D4476/D4476M E831 ' No existing ASTM test methods available. % $&,PHWKRGVSURYLGHVSHFL¿FLQIRUPDWLRQRQDQFKRULQJEDUVLQWKHWHVW ¿[WXUHVDQGRQDWWDFKLQJHORQJDWLRQPHDVXULQJGHYLFHVWRWKHEDU7KH $&,PHWKRGVDOVRUHTXLUHVSHFL¿FFDOFXODWLRQVWKDWDUHQRWSURYLGHGLQWKH ASTM methods. B.11 No existing ASTM test methods available. — No ACI methods developed. — No ACI methods developed. — No ACI methods developed. — No ACI methods developed. E1356 Glass-transition temperature E1640 D648 ( Volume fraction D3171 * Test method in ACI 440.3R is replaced by reference to appropriate ASTM method. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 108 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) APPENDIX C—AREAS OF FUTURE RESEARCH Future research is needed to provide information in areas that are still unclear or are in need of additional evidence to validate performance. The list of topics presented in this appendix provides a summary. D 0DWHULDOV L0HWKRGVRI¿UHSURR¿QJ)53VWUHQJWKHQLQJV\VWHPV ii. Behavior of FRP-strengthened members under elevated temperatures iii. Behavior of FRP-strengthened members under cold temperatures iv. Fire rating of concrete members strengthened with FRP systems Y(IIHFWRIGLIIHUHQWFRHI¿FLHQWVRIWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQ between FRP systems and member substrates vi. Creep-rupture behavior and endurance times of FRP systems vii. Strength and stiffness degradation of FRP systems in harsh environments E )OH[XUHD[LDOIRUFH i. Compression behavior of noncircular members wrapped with FRP systems ii. Behavior of members strengthened with FRP systems oriented in the direction of the applied axial load iii. Effects of high concrete strength on behavior of FRP-strengthened members iv. Effects of lightweight concrete on behavior of FRPstrengthened members Y0D[LPXPFUDFNZLGWKDQGGHÀHFWLRQSUHGLFWLRQDQG control of concrete reinforced with FRP systems YL /RQJWHUP GHÀHFWLRQ EHKDYLRU RI FRQFUHWH ÀH[XUDO members strengthened with FRP systems F 6KHDU i. Effective strain of FRP systems that do not completely wrap around the section ii. Use of FRP systems for punching shear reinforcement in two-way systems G 'HWDLOLQJ i. Anchoring of FRP systems 7KHGHVLJQJXLGHVSHFL¿FDOO\LQGLFDWHVWKDWWHVWPHWKRGV are needed to determine the following properties of FRP: D %RQG FKDUDFWHULVWLFV DQG UHODWHG ERQGGHSHQGHQW FRHI¿FLHQWV E &UHHSUXSWXUHDQGHQGXUDQFHWLPHV F )DWLJXHFKDUDFWHULVWLFV G &RHI¿FLHQWRIWKHUPDOH[SDQVLRQ H 6KHDUVWUHQJWK I &RPSUHVVLYHVWUHQJWK @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) APPENDIX D—METHODOLOGY FOR COMPUTATION OF SIMPLIFIED P-M INTERACTION DIAGRAM FOR NONCIRCULAR COLUMNS $[LDO ORDGPRPHQW P-M LQWHUDFWLRQ GLDJUDPV PD\ EH GHYHORSHGE\VDWLVI\LQJVWUDLQFRPSDWLELOLW\DQGIRUFHHTXLOLErium using the model for the stress strain behavior for FRPFRQ¿QHG FRQFUHWH SUHVHQWHG LQ (T F WKURXJK H )RUVLPSOLFLW\WKHSRUWLRQRIWKHXQFRQ¿QHGDQGFRQ¿QHG30 diagrams corresponding to compression-controlled failure can be reduced to two bilinear curves passing through the following SRLQWV )LJ 7KHIROORZLQJRQO\PDNHVUHIHUHQFHWRWKH FRQ¿QHGFDVHEHFDXVHWKHXQFRQ¿QHGFDVHLVDQDORJRXV D 3RLQW$ SXUHFRPSUHVVLRQ DWDXQLIRUPD[LDOFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQRIFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHİccu E 3RLQW % ZLWK D VWUDLQ GLVWULEXWLRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR zero strain at the layer of longitudinal steel reinforcement QHDUHVWWRWKHWHQVLOHIDFHDQGDFRPSUHVVLYHVWUDLQİccu on the compression face F 3RLQW & ZLWK D VWUDLQ GLVWULEXWLRQ FRUUHVSRQGLQJ WR EDODQFHG IDLOXUH ZLWK D PD[LPXP FRPSUHVVLYH VWUDLQ İccu DQGD\LHOGLQJWHQVLOHVWUDLQİsy at the layer of longitudinal steel reinforcement nearest to the tensile face )RUFRQ¿QHGFRQFUHWHWKHYDOXHRIࢥPn corresponding to 3RLQW$ ࢥMnHTXDOV]HUR LVJLYHQLQ(T D DQG E while the coordinates of Points B and C can be computed as: ⎡ A yt 3 + B yt φPn B C = φ ⎢ ⎣ + D + ∑ Asi f si φM n B C 2 + C yt ⎤ ⎥ ⎦ ⎡ E yt 4 + F yt 3 + G yt 2 ⎤ = φ⎢ ⎥ ⎣ + H yt + I + ∑ Asi f si di ⎦ ' ' where −b Ec − E2 A= 12 f c′ B= 2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎜⎝ ⎟ c ⎠ 2 'D b Ec − E2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎜⎝ c ⎟⎠ 2 'E C = –bfcƍ D = bcf c′ + 'F bcE2 ε ccu 2 −b Ec − E2 E= 16 f c′ 2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎜⎝ c ⎟⎠ 'G 2 ⎡ ⎛ h ⎞ Ec − E2 2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎢b ⎜ c − ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2 ⎠ 12 f c′ ⎝ c ⎠ F=⎢ ⎢ b E −E ⎛ε ⎞ 2 c ccu ⎢+ ⎜⎝ ⎟ 3 c ⎠ ⎣⎢ 'H 2 ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦⎥ 'I 109 Fig. D.1—Strain distributions for Points B and C for simpli¿HGLQWHUDFWLRQGLDJUDP ⎛b h ⎞ E − E2 ⎛ ε ccu ⎞ ⎞ ⎛ G = ⎜ f c′ + b ⎜ c − ⎟ c ⎜⎝ ⎟ ⎝ 2⎠ 2 c ⎠ ⎟⎠ ⎝2 'J h⎞ ⎛ H = bf c′ ⎜ c − ⎟ ⎝ 2⎠ 'K ⎡ bc 2 h ⎞ bc 2 E2 ⎛ f bcf c − − ε ccu ′ ′ ⎢ ⎟+ c c ⎜ ⎝ 2 2⎠ 3 ⎢ I= ⎢ bcE2 ⎛ h⎞ ⎢− ⎜⎝ c − ⎟⎠ ε ccu 2 2 ⎣ ⎤ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎥ ⎦ 'L ,Q (T 'D WKURXJK 'L c is the distance from the H[WUHPHFRPSUHVVLRQ¿EHUWRWKHQHXWUDOD[LV )LJ' DQG LW LV JLYHQ E\ (T ' 7KH SDUDPHWHU yt represents the vertical coordinate within the compression region measured from the neutral axis position and corresponds to the transiWLRQVWUDLQİtƍ (T ' >UHIHUWR)LJ'@ for Point B ⎧d ⎪ ε ccu c=⎨ for Point C ⎪d ε + ε ccu ⎩ sy yt = c ε t′ ε ccu ' ' where fsi is the stress in the i-th layer of longitudinal steel reinforcement. The values are calculated by similar triangles from the strain distribution corresponding to Points B and C. Depending on the neutral axis position c, the sign of fsi will be positive for compression and negative for tension. A ÀRZFKDUWLOOXVWUDWLQJWKHDSSOLFDWLRQRIWKHSURSRVHGPHWKodology is shown in Fig. D.2. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 110 EXTERNALLY BONDED FRP SYSTEMS FOR STRENGTHENING CONCRETE STRUCTURES (ACI 440.2R-17) Fig. D.2—Flowchart for application of methodology. @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation American Concrete Institute – Copyrighted © Material – www.concrete.org MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library As ACI begins its second century of advancing concrete knowledge, its original chartered purpose remains “to provide a comradeship in finding the best ways to do concrete work of all kinds and in spreading knowledge.” In keeping with this purpose, ACI supports the following activities: · Technical committees that produce consensus reports, guides, specifications, and codes. · Spring and fall conventions to facilitate the work of its committees. · Educational seminars that disseminate reliable information on concrete. · Certification programs for personnel employed within the concrete industry. · Student programs such as scholarships, internships, and competitions. · Sponsoring and co-sponsoring international conferences and symposia. · Formal coordination with several international concrete related societies. · Periodicals: the ACI Structural Journal, Materials Journal, and Concrete International. Benefits of membership include a subscription to Concrete International and to an ACI Journal. ACI members receive discounts of up to 40% on all ACI products and services, including documents, seminars and convention registration fees. As a member of ACI, you join thousands of practitioners and professionals worldwide who share a commitment to maintain the highest industry standards for concrete technology, construction, and practices. In addition, ACI chapters provide opportunities for interaction of professionals and practitioners at a local level to discuss and share concrete knowledge and fellowship. American Concrete Institute 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331 Phone: +1.248.848.3700 Fax: +1.248.848.3701 www.concrete.org @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library 38800 Country Club Drive Farmington Hills, MI 48331 USA +1.248.848.3700 www.concrete.org The American Concrete Institute (ACI) is a leading authority and resource worldwide for the development and distribution of consensus-based bcM]QMaQbM]QcRPV]WPMZaRb^daPRb͜RQdPMcW^]MZ_a^UaM\b͜M]QPRacWŬPMcW^]b for individuals and organizations involved in concrete design, construction, and materials, who share a commitment to pursuing the best use of concrete. Individuals interested in the activities of ACI are encouraged to explore the ACI website for membership opportunities, committee activities, and a wide variety of concrete resources. As a volunteer member-driven organization, ACI invites partnerships and welcomes all concrete professionals who wish to be part of a respected, connected, social group that provides an opportunity for professional growth, networking and enjoyment. 9 781945 @Seismicisolation @Seismicisolation 487590 MCPOL Licensed to: McMaster University Library