Uploaded by vincefanoy

Response to Article on English Language & Literature

I like about this article is academic English language and literature as their focus because in
that way we could be more enhanced when it comes to our communication skills and roots of our
culture which is our history. The case that I’ll find annoying is the colonization period of different
country’s to us that’s why our own literature is very messy.
My stand for this article it is very helpful to us to become more responsive and adaptive to the
change of time. As an educator I realized that formal schooling is no longer preparation for life where
the linear paradigm is to study, work and retire. I’ve learned that in real world experience in teaching all
we want is to deliver knowledge to our students and cater every learner based on their individual
differences. As a teacher my comments about this article is thank you for sharing the dynamic situation
of educational system here in the Philippines.
And one thing that I want to improve on this article is give additional information about the
dynamics practices that we used in teaching and explain how it evolved from past up to present. If I had
chance to do this article I would add the practices we have today in teaching and from what country’s
influence it is. I learned in this article in a way of giving importance to understand a take your time to
read and analyze the every information.
I’ve learned and realize when im in graduate school that expressing your true self, your true
understanding and conceptualizing situation can lead us to make ideas for innovation. I would keep this
kind of mindset and keep nurturing our own ideas to make us keep fully prepared in a real life situation
in teaching until I graduate my masters degree.