Uploaded by Bikram Bhuson Deb

SOP for MarkAquision

Name: Bikram Bhuson Deb
Roll No.: 2310112
It’s Storytime :
“Oh, imagine a land, it's a far-away place, Where the caravan camels roam, Where you wander among every
culture and tongue, It’s chaotic, but,” wait wait wait…. got carried away a little….so yeah, there lived this
mischievous and brooding but undeniably funny marketer named BBD(nobody knew his real name though) in the
glorious city of Looneyville. With a quick wit that could rival the speed of a well-executed marketing campaign,
BBD was known to bring laughter and a dash of mischief to every corner of the marketing realm.
On weekdays, BBD could be found navigating through the intricacies of consumer behaviour, armed with
spreadsheets and a sly grin. A genius with numbers, he could effortlessly decipher data trends and create
marketing strategies that left competitors scratching their heads in awe.
But when the weekend rolled around, he shed his corporate attire and transformed into a football-addicted
maestro. Their dedication to the beautiful game knew no bounds. They could recite player stats, dissect game
plays, and cheer with unmatched enthusiasm. They called him the non-bald Guardiola.
But that wasn't all; hidden beneath the marketing wizard and football aficionado was a secret talent waiting to be
unleashed. BBD was an extraordinaire guitar player. With nimble fingers and a soulful strum, could transport
listeners to a world where melodies danced, and lyrics took flight. Their marketing colleagues would gather
around during lunch breaks, and captivated by his melodic charm, they effortlessly went into their daily routines.
One day, during a marketing pitch to a sceptical client, BBD picked up his trusty guitar and strummed a catchy
song that perfectly encapsulated the client's brand. The room erupted with laughter and applause, and the client's
doubts melted away. He had once again proven that humour, combined with his marketing genius, could conquer
any challenge.
And thus, BBD continued to conquer the marketing world, one pun, one football match, and one soulful strum at a
time, leaving a trail of laughter and inspired campaigns in their wake.
P.S.: I have just negligible knowledge about marketing.
What can I bring to the MarkAdz table?
Idea Generation for promotional campaigns: For example – “ An Emoji Translator” Campaign -
Alteast one-sided lovers won’t have a hard time deciphering their crush’s emojis.
Latest Techs: Having worked in an IT environment, I can keep the marketing club updated with
the latest trends, innovations, and news in the marketing industry.
Innovative content creation: We can create marketing content in the form of innovative stories
like writing blog posts or crafting social media captions so that it resonates with a larger audience.
Organizing Marketing Meme Battle: Setting up a marketing competition for the entire PGP batch
and award prizes to the most innovative, funny or relatable marketing memes.
Organizing Marketing themed Stand-Up Comedy Nights: Setting up events like these for both
club members and others interested, thus providing a platform for participants to showcase their
comedic talents while bonding over shared humorous moments in the marketing field.
Let’s go to Sherlock Mode Then:
“ The name’s Sherlo….”Oh man, got sidetracked again…Well, on a serious note, it’s really difficult to give
suggestions for improvement to the most followed club in IIM Visakhapatnam, but we can open an account
on Twitter, and with our talents and contents, maybe we can grab the attention of Elon Musk, sponsorship
for events would be easy then along with a small hope of convincing Twitter for placements purposes.
Secondly, we can organize competitions like the two I suggested above followed by showcasing our skills
and problem-solving on a Youtube channel, or collaborating with some popular domestic Youtubers.
Lastly, we can combine with clubs of other domains and organize cross-domain events for broadening the
horizons of the PGP students. It’s all about Marketing ain’t it?