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K-8 Vocabulary Word Lists by Grade

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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. gallop
1. age
37. gentle
2. appear
38. giggle
3. artist
39. glance
4. autumn
40. glossy
5. bay
41. glow
6. beak
42. goal
7. bloom
43. healthy
8. bumpy
44. half
9. burst
45. healthy
10. buzz
46. herd
11. care
47. hoof
12. check
48. include
13. chilly
49. invitation
14. chore
50. knight
15. comfort
51. laundry
16. community
52. lazy
17. country
53. leaf
18. covered
54. leak
19. cradle
55. library
20. dangle
56. market
21. decision
57. melt
22. delicious
58. miserable
23. dentist
3. 24.
59. month
60. muddy
25. disappear
61. museum
26. drawer
62. note
27. dusty
63. pace
28. edge
64. pair
29. farmer
65. patient
30. fear
66. peaceful
31. firefly
67. peck
32. fix
68. pilot
33. flipper
69. plan
34. fluffy
70. pointy
35. follow
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71. polite
72. pond
73. president
74. protect
75. proud
76. race
77. reach
78. relax
79. rotten
80. round
81. row
82. sail
83. scene
84. scrub
85. shade
86. shaky
87. ship
88. shore
89. silky
90. sink
91. slide
92. slip
93. sniff
94. soapy
95. sparkle
96. spotted
97. spring
98. stare
99. summer
100. supplies
101. tangled
102. tent
103. tomorrow
104. trade
105. trunk
106. warm
107. wave
108. week
109. wiggle
110. winter
111. wish
112. yesterday
113. young
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. compass
1. ache
37. complain
2. adjust
38. conductor
3. affordable
39. consequences
4. alarm
40. construct
5. alone
41. costume
6. annoy
42. cozy
7. apologize
43. cranky
8. appetite
44. crash
9. applause
45. creak
10. artistic
46. croak
11. atmosphere
47. crowded
12. attach
48. cue
13. attention
49. curve
14. bashful
50. daily
15. basket
51. dainty
16. batch
52. dart
17. behave
53. decide
18. belong
54. decorate
19. bend
55. delighted
20. blink
56. denied
21. blush
57. deserve
22. bolt
58. directions
23. borrow
3. 24.
59. disappointed
60. discover
25. cabin
61. divide
26. caterpillar
62. dodge
27. caution
63. drenched
28. cave
64. drowsy
29. celebrate
65. embarrassed
30. centaur
66. enormous
31. champion
67. equal
32. chat
68. exclaim
33. cheat
69. exhausted
34. chimney
70. expensive
35. comfortable
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71. explore
72. fair
73. fancy
74. fascinating
75. fasten
76. feast
77. filthy
78. flat
79. flee
80. focus
81. fog
82. footprint
83. forest
84. freezing
85. frustrated
86. gather
87. giant
88. glad
89. gleaming
90. glum
91. grab
92. grateful
93. grin
94. grip
95. groan
96. grumpy
97. hatch
98. heap
99. hide
100. hobby
101. honest
102. howl
103. huge
104. ignore
105. illustrator
106. important
107. injury
108. instead
109. investigate
110. invite
111. jealous
112. knob
113. leader
114. list
115. listen
116. lively
117. loosen
118. lovely
119. mask
120. measuring
121. miserable
122. misty
123. modern
124. mountain
125. mumble
126. narrow
127. negative
128. nervous
129. nibbled
130. note
131. notice
132. obey
133. observing
134. opposite
135. ordinary
136. pain
137. passenger
138. pattern
139. pest
140. polish
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
176. slippery
141. positive
211. wonder
142. precious
212. worried
178. sneaky
143. prefer
213. yank
179. sob
144. pretend
180. special
145. problem
181. spiral
146. promise
182. splendid
147. protect
183. spotless
148. proud
184. sprinkle
149. question
185. squirm
150. rapid
186. startle
151. reminds
187. steep
152. remove
188. stomped
153. repeat
189. stormy
154. report
190. striped
155. rescue
191. suddenly
156. restart
192. suggestion
157. return
193. surprise
158. rhyme
194. surround
159. ripe
195. switch
160. rise
196. terrified
161. roar
197. thick
162. rough
198. thunder
163. rusty
3. 164.
199. ticket
200. timid
165. scratch
201. transportation
166. searching
202. travel
167. seed
203. trust
168. selfish
204. uncomfortable
169. serious
205. upset
170. shell
206. warning
171. shovel (verb)
207. weed
172. shriek
208. whimper
173. sibling
209. whirl
174. silent
210. wicked
175. simple
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. classify
1. accident
37. claw
2. agree
38. clear
3. amaze
39. cliff
4. amusing
40. club
5. analyze
41. collect
6. annoy
42. community
7. arranged
43. conclusion
8. arrive
44. connect
9. astronomy
45. continue
10. atlas
46. cooperation
11. attention
47. core
12. avoid
48. corner
13. award
49. couple
14. aware
50. crowd
15. balance
51. curious
16. banner
52. cycle
17. bare
53. damp
18. base
54. dangerous
19. beach
55. dash
20. besides
56. data
21. blast
57. dawn
22. board
58. deep
23. bounce
3. 24.
59. demolish
60. describe
25. branch
61. design
26. brave
62. detail
27. bright
63. diagram
28. cage
64. difference
29. calf
65. different
30. calm
66. discard
31. career
67. discover
32. cause
68. dive
33. center
69. dome
34. cheer
70. doubt
35. chew
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71. dozen
72. drowsy
73. earth
74. edit
75. effect
76. enemy
77. energy
78. enormous
79. escape
80. estimate
81. evening
82. exactly
83. excess
84. exercise
85. expect
86. factory
87. fair
88. famous
89. feast
90. field
91. finally
92. flap
93. float
94. flock
95. flood
96. fold
97. fresh
98. friendly
99. frighten
100. frown
101. fuel
102. gap
103. gasp
104. gather
105. gaze
106. gift
107. gravity
108. greedy
109. gust
110. harm
111. helpful
112. herd
113. idea
114. include
115. insect
116. insist
117. instrument
118. invent
119. investigate
120. island
121. label
122. leader
123. leaned
124. leap
125. living
126. lizard
127. local
128. lonely
129. luxury
130. march
131. matter
132. mention
133. noise
134. motor
135. necessary
136. nervous
137. net
138. nibble
139. non-living
140. notice
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
176. smooth
141. observe
177. soil
142. ocean
178. stack
143. opinion
179. steady
144. pack
180. steaming
145. pale
181. stormy
146. parade
182. strand
147. past
183. stream
148. peak
184. sum
149. peeking
185. support
150. plan
186. suppose
151. planet
187. sway
152. pole
188. swoop
153. predict
189. team
154. prefer
190. telescope
155. present
191. tiny
156. process
192. tower
157. proof
193. travel
158. publish
194. treasure
159. records
195. tremble
160. reflect
196. universe
161. revise
197. vanish
162. rumor
198. village
163. safe
3. 164.
199. volunteer
200. warn
165. seal
201. weak
166. search
202. wealthy
167. separate
203. whisper
168. settle
204. wise
169. share
205. wonder
170. shelter
206. worry
171. shiver
207. yard
172. shy
208. zigzag
173. similar
174. skill
175. slight
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. coast
1. ability
37. compare
2. absorb
38. confess
3. accuse
39. consider
4. act
40. construct
5. active
41. contain
6. actual
42. continent
7. additional
43. contrast
8. adopt
44. convince
9. advantage
45. coward
10. advice
46. credit
11. agreeable
47. crew
12. ambition
48. crumple
13. ancient
49. culture
14. approach
50. custom
15. artic
51. dangle
16. argue
52. decay
17. arrange
53. deed
18. assist
54. defend
19. attitude
55. delicate
20. attract
56. describe
21. average
57. details
22. avoid
58. develop
23. bold
3. 24.
59. device
60. diagram
25. brief
61. digest
26. brilliant
62. disappointed
27. cable
63. disease
28. capture
64. distant
29. careless
65. division
30. cause
66. doze
31. certain
67. drift
32. chill
68. effect
33. clever
69. elect
34. climate
70. elegant
35. cling
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71. enable
72. endangered
73. event
74. examine
75. example
76. experience
77. explore
78. fan
79. fatal
80. fierce
81. flexible
82. flutter
83. fortunate
84. frail
85. furious
86. gasp
87. gathered
88. gist
89. glide
90. globe
91. grace
92. gradual
93. grasp
94. habit
95. harsh
96. imitate
97. individual
98. infer
99. intelligent
100. intend
101. invitation
102. irritate
103. journey
104. launch
105. limit
106. locate
107. loyal
108. magnificent
109. marine
110. marsh
11. mend
112. method
113. misery
114. moisture
115. multiply
116. mural
117. mystify
118. nation
119. nectar
120. nervous
121. nursery
122. observe
123. occur
124. opponent
125. opposite
126. ordeal
127. origin
128. outcome
129. passage
130. pastime
131. patient
132. pause
133. peer
134. perform
135. persuade
136. pleasant
137. plunge
138. prank
139. predator
140. predict
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
141. prevent
142. primary
143. privilege
144. process
145. purpose
146. rare
147. rate
148. recall
149. recognize
150. region
151. rely
152. remark
153. repair
154. resident
155. respect
156. responsible
157. reverse
158. revive
159. ridiculous
160. risk
161. scar
162. scatter
163. schedule
164. sensitive
165. shiver
166. signal
167. similar
168. slumber
169. solution
170. spoil
171. starve
172. steer
173. struggled
174. stumble
175. suitable
176. survey
177. swift
178. symbol
179. tackle
180. talent
181. tentacle
182. theory
183. thrill
184. treasure
185. triumph
186. typical
187. unite
188. unusual
189. value
190. vehicle
191. vision
192. volunteer
193. wander
194. wisdom
195. wit
196. woe
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. century
1. accomplish
37. chamber
2. accurate
38. circular
3. adaptation
39. coax
4. address
40. column
5. afford
41. communicate
6. alert
42. compare
7. analyze
43. competition
8. ancestor
44. complete
9. annual
45. concentrate
10. apparent
46. concern
11. approached
47. conclude
12. appropriate
48. confirm
13. arena
49. confuse
14. argued
50. congratulate
15. arrest
51. considerable
16. ascend
52. content
17. assist
53. contrast
18. attempt
54. contribute
19. attentive
55. convince
20. attractive
56. crafty
21. automatically
57. create
22. avoid
58. critical
23. awkward
3. 24.
59. decrease
60. defend
25. basic
61. demonstrate
26. benefit
62. descend
27. blend
63. describe
28. blossom
64. desire
29. border
65. destructive
30. burrow
66. detail
31. calculate
67. develop
32. capable
68. difference
33. captivity
69. disappointed
34. carefree
70. disaster
35. cause
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71. disclose
72. distract
73. distress
74. distribute
75. dusk
76. eager
77. ease
78. effective
79. eliminate
80. entertain
81. entire
82. entrance
83. envy
84. essential
85. estimate
86. evidence
87. example
88. except
89. exclaimed
90. experiment
91. extraordinary
92. flexible
93. focus
94. fortunate
95. fragile
96. frantic
97. frequent
98. frontier
99. furious
100. generosity
101. hail
102. hardship
103. heroic
104. host
105. humble
106. impact
107. increase
108. indicate
109. infer
110. inform
11. insert
112. inspire
113. instant
114. invisible
115. jagged
116. lack
117. limb
118. limp
119. manufacture
120. master
121. mature
122. maximum
123. meadow
124. minimum
125. mistrust
126. mock
127. modest
128. noble
129. observe
130. obvious
131. orchard
132. organized
133. outstanding
134. passage
135. peculiar
136. peer
137. permit
138. persuade
139. plead
140. plentiful
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
141. pointless
142. portion
143. practice
144. precious
145. predict
146. prefer
147. prepare
148. previous
149. proceed
150. purpose
151. queasy
152. rarely
153. reason
154. recent
155. recognize
156. recommend
157. reduce
158. release
159. represent
160. request
161. resist
162. response
163. result
164. reveal
165. routine
166. scarce
167. select
168. separate
169. severe
170. shabby
171. shallow
172. simplify
173. sole
174. source
175. sturdy
176. summarize
177. support
178. surface
179. surround
180. survive
181. temporary
182. terror
183. threat
184. threatens
185. tidy
186. tour
187. tradition
188. tragic
189. typical
190. usually
191. vacant
192. valiant
193. variety
194. vast
195. venture
196. weary
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. character
1. abolish
37. claim
2. absurd
38. combine
3. abuse
39. companion
4. access
40. compassion
5. accomplish
41. compensate
6. accurate
42. comply
7. achievement
43. compose
8. aggressive
44. concept
9. alternate
45. conclude
10. altitude
46. confident
11. announce
47. conflict
12. antagonist
48. consistent
13. antonym
49. context
14. anxious
50. convert
15. apparent
51. convince
16. approach
52. course
17. approval
53. courteous
18. approximate
54. crave
19. argument
55. culture
20. aroma
56. debate
21. assume
57. decade
22. astound
58. decline
23. available
3. 24.
59. dedicate
60. deprive
25. avoid
61. detect
26. banquet
62. dictate
27. beverage
63. dissatisfied
28. bland
64. document
29. blizzard
65. dominate
30. briskly
66. drowsy
31. budge
67. duplicate
32. bungle
68. edible
33. cautiously
69. effortless
34. cease
70. endanger
35. challenge
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71. equivalent
72. escalate
73. escalate
74. establish
75. evade
76. evaluate
77. evidence
78. exasperate
79. excavate
80. exert
81. exhaust
82. exhibit
83. expansion
84. expectation
85. explain
86. express
87. extend
88. exult
89. familiar
90. feeble
91. frequent
92. frigid
93. gigantic
94. gist
95. glare
96. gorge
97. guardian
98. harsh
99. hazy
100. hearty
101. heroic
102. hesitate
103. hilarious
104. historic
105. homonym
106. horizontal
107. hostile
108. huddle
109. identical
110. identify
11. illegible
112. illuminate
112. immense
114. immigrate
115. impressive
116. independent
117. industrious
118. influence
119. intense
120. intercept
121. investigate
122. jubilation
123. kin
124. luxurious
125. major
126. miniature
127. minor
128. mischief
129. monarch
130. moral
131. myth
132. narrator
133. navigate
134. negative
135. nonchalant
136. numerous
137. oasis
138. obsolete
139. occasion
140. opposed
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
176. significant
141. ordinary
177. slither
142. overthrow
178. sluggish
143. pardon
179. soar
144. passage
180. solitary
145. pasture
181. solo
146. pedestrian
182. source
147. perish
183. sparse
148. persuade
184. spurt
149. petrify
185. strategy
150. portable
186. suffix
151. prefix
187. suffocate
152. preserve
188. summarize
153. primary
189. summit
154. protagonist
190. superior
155. provide
191. superior
156. purchase
192. synonym
157. realistic
193. talon
158. reassure
194. taunt
159. recently
195. tension
160. reference
196. thrifty
161. reign
197. tolerate
162. reliable
198. translate
163. require
3. 164.
199. tremble
200. tropical
165. retain
201. unexpected
166. retire
202. unfamiliar
167. revert
203. vertical
168. review
204. visible
169. review
205. visual
170. route
206. vivid
171. saunter
207. wilderness
172. scarce
208. withdraw
173. seldom
174. senseless
175. sever
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. capacity
1. abandon
37. capital
2. abundant
38. catastrophe
3. access
39. chronological
4. accommodate
40. citizen
5. accumulate
41. civic
6. adapt
42. civilization
7. adequate
43. clarity
8. adhere
44. collaborate
9. adjacent
45. collide
10. agony
46. commend
11. allegiance
47. commentary
12. ambition
48. compact
13. ample
49. compose
14. analyze
50. composure
15. anguish
51. concise
16. anticipate
52. conclusion
17. anxious
53. congruent
18. apparel
54. consent
19. appeal
55. consequence
20. apprehensive
56. conserve
21. appropriate
57. conspicuous
22. arid
58. constant
23. arrogant
3. 24.
59. construct
60. contaminate
25. awe
61. context
26. barren
62. continuous
27. beacon
63. contrast
28. beneficial
64. contribute
29. benefit
65. controversy
30. blunder
66. convenient
31. boisterous
67. cope
32. boycott
68. cordial
33. burden
69. cultivate
34. calculate
70. cumulative
35. campaign
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71. declare
72. deluge
73. democracy
74. dense
75. deplete
76. deposit
77. designate
78. desperate
79. deteriorate
80. dialogue
81. diligent
82. dimension
83. diminish
84. discretion
85. dissent
86. dissolve
87. distinct
88. diversity
89. domestic
90. dominate
91. drastic
92. duration
93. dwell
94. eclipse
95. economy
96. eerie
97. effect
98. efficient
99. elaborate
100. eligible
101. elude
102. encounter
103. encourage
104. equation
105. equivalent
106. erupt
107. esteem
108. evaluate
109. evolve
110. exaggerate
111. excel
112. exclude
113. exhaust
114. expanse
115. exploit
116. expression
117. extend
118. extensive
119. extinct
120. extract
121. exaggerate
122. factor
123. ferocious
124. former
125. formulates
126. frequent
127. fuse
128. futile
129. generate
130. genre
131. genuine
132. government
133. habitat
134. hazardous
135. history
136. hoax
137. hostile
138. hypothesis
139. idiom
140. ignite
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
176. negotiate
141. immense
177. obedient
142. improvises
178. objective
143. inept
179. oblivious
144. inevitable
180. obstacle
145. influence
181. omniscient
146. ingenious
182. onset
147. innovation
183. optimist
148. insists
184. origin
149. intimidate
185. originate
150. irrigate
186. painstaking
151. jovial
187. paraphrase
152. knack
188. parody
153. leeway
189. peculiar
154. legislation
190. persecute
155. leisure
191. persuade
156. liberate
192. plummet
157. likeness
193. possess
158. linger
194. poverty
159. literal
195. precise
160. loathe
196. predicament
161. lofty
197. predict
162. lure
198. prejudice
163. majority
3. 164.
199. preliminary
200. primitive
165. manipulate
201. priority
166. marvel
202. prominent
167. massive
203. propel
168. maximum
204. prosecute
169. meager
205. prosper
170. mere
206. provoke
171. migration
207. pursue
172. mimic
208. quest
173. minute
209. quote
174. monotonous
210. realistic
175. narrate
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211. recount
212. refuge
213. reinforce
214. reluctant
215. remorse
216. remote
217. repetition
218. resolute
219. restrain
220. retaliate
221. retrieve
222. rigorous
223. rural
224. salvage
225. sanctuary
226. siege
227. significant
228. similar
229. solar
230. solution
231. soothe
232. stationary
233. stifle
234. strategy
235. strive
236. subordinate
237. subsequent
238. substitute
239. superior
240. supplement
241. suspense
242. swarm
243. tangible
244. tentative
245. terminate
246. terrain
247. thesis
248. trait
249. transfer
250. transform
251. transport
252. treacherous
253. unanimous
254. unique
255. unruly
256. urban
257. vacate
258. variable
259. verdict
260. verge
261. vibrant
262. vital
263. vow
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. belligerent
1. abate
37. bellow
2. abdicate
38. beseech
3. abnormal
39. bestow
4. abode
40. bewilder
5. abrasive
41. bias
6. abrupt
42. bigot
7. accelerate
43. blatant
8. acclaim
44. bleak
9. acknowledge
45. boycott
10. acquire
46. braggart
11. acrid
47. brawl
12. addict
48. browse
13. adequate
49. bystander
14. adjacent
50. candid
15. admonish
51. candor
16. affiliation
52. canine
17. affliction
53. canny
18. agitate
54. capricious
19. ajar
55. capsize
20. akin
56. casual
21. allege
57. casualty
22. allocate
58. catastrophe
23. alternative
3. 24.
59. cater
60. cause
25. annihilate
61. characterize
26. anonymous
62. chorus
27. antagonize
63. chronological
28. apathy
64. citrus
29. arbitrate
65. clamber
30. aspire
66. climax
31. astute
67. compel
32. attribute
68. competent
33. authentic
69. component
34. avert
70. compromise
35. bamboozle
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71. conclusive
72. concur
73. condemn
74. confront
75. congested
76. conjure
77. connotation
78. consecutive
79. consult
80. contrast
81. copious
82. correspond
83. corrupt
84. counterfeit
85. covet
86. customary
87. dawdle
88. debut
89. deceased
90. deceitful
91. demeanor
92. dependent
93. derogatory
94. despondent
95. detach
96. devastate
97. devious
98. devour
99. dishearten
100. dismal
101. dismantle
102. distraught
103. diversity
104. docile
105. downright
106. drone
107. dumbfound
108. eligible
109. emblem
110. emphasize
111. endure
112. ensue
113. enthrall
114. epidemic
115. erode
116. estimate
117. evaluate
118. exonerated
119. exposition
120. exuberant
121. exuberant
122. famished
123. fathom
124. feud
125. figment
126. firebrand
127. flabbergast
128. flagrant
129. flaw
130. formidable
131. fruitless
132. gaudy
133. geography
134. gratify
135. gravity
136. grim
137. grueling
138. gruesome
139. haggle
140. harass
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
176. lurk
141. headlong
177. magnetic
142. hilarious
178. magnitude
143. homage
179. mandatory
144. homicide
180. maternal
145. hospitable
181. maul
146. hurtle
182. melancholy
147. hybrid
183. mellow
148. illiterate
184. mirth
149. impartial
185. mitigate
150. impede
186. momentum
151. implore
187. mortify
152. incident
188. mull
153. incredulous
189. murky
154. indifferent
190. naïve
155. industrious
191. narrate
156. inevitable
192. narrative
157. infamous
193. necessity
158. infuriate
194. negligent
159. inhabitants
195. nimble
160. initiate
196. nomadic
161. insinuate
197. noteworthy
162. intensified
198. notify
163. intimidate
3. 164.
199. notorious
200. nurture
165. irate
201. obnoxious
166. irrelevant
202. omit
167. lavish
203. opposition
168. legacy
204. oppress
169. legitimate
205. oration
170. legendary
206. orthodox
171. lethal
207. overwhelm
172. liaison
208. pamper
173. libel
209. patronize
174. loath
210. peevish
175. ludicrous
Copyright © 2020 Speech Therapy Store All Rights Reserved
211. pelt
212. pending
213. perceive
214. perjury
215. permanent
216. persist
217. persuasive
218. perturb
219. pique
220. pluck
221. poised
222. ponder
223. potential
224. predatory
225. prediction
226. presume
227. preview
228. prior
229. prominent
230. prospective
231. prowess
232. punctual
233. quench
234. quote
235. radiant
236. random
237. rant
238. recede
239. relinquish
240. reprimand
241. resolve
242. resume
243. retort
244. robust
245. rudimentary
246. rupture
247. saga
248. secession
249. sequel
250. sham
251. shrink
252. signify
253. simultaneously
254. snare
255. sovereign
256. species
257. status
258. stodgy
259. substantial
260. subtle
261. sullen
262. supervise
263. suspense
264. talisman
265. tamper
266. tentative
267. throb
268. toxic
269. tragedy
270. treason
271. trickle
272. trivial
273. uncertainty
274. unscathed
275. upright
276. urgent
277. utmost
278. vengeance
279. vicious
280. viewpoint
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
281. vindictive
282. vista
283. vocation
284. void
285. wary
286. whim
287. wince
288. wrath
289. yearn
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. barter
1. abet
37. belligerent
2. abhor
38. benign
3. abrasion
39. bisect
4. accord
40. bizarre
5. adept
41. blasé
6. advocate
42. bonanza
7. agile
43. bountiful
8. allot
44. boycott
9. aloof
45. cache
10. alternative
46. capable
11. ambiguous
47. capacious
12. amiss
48. caption
13. analogy
49. cause
14. anarchy
50. characterize
15. anonymous
51. chastise
16. anthology
52. chronological
17. antics
53. citadel
18. apathy
54. cite
19. apprehend
55. clad
20. ardent
56. clarify
21. articulate
57. colleague
22. assail
58. commemorate
23. assimilate
3. 24.
59. commence
60. compels
25. atrocity
61. component
26. attribute
62. concept
27. audacious
63. concise
28. augment
64. conclude
29. authority
65. confiscate
30. avail
66. conjecture
31. avid
67. connoisseur
32. awry
68. conscientious
33. balmy
69. consecutive
34. ban
70. conservative
35. banter
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71. consistent
72. conspire
73. construct
74. contagious
75. contrast
76. conventional
77. convey
78. corroborate
79. crucial
80. crusade
81. culminate
82. deceptive
83. decipher
84. decree
85. deface
86. defect
87. depict
88. deplore
89. deploy
90. derive
91. desist
92. desolate
93. despicable
94. despondent
95. deter
96. dialect
97. dire
98. discern
99. disdain
100. disgruntled
101. dispatch
102. disposition
103. doctrine
104. dub
105. durable
106. eccentric
107. elapse
108. elite
109. embargo
110. embark
111. encompass
112. encroach
113. endeavor
114. enhance
115. enigma
116. epoch
117. era
118. eventful
119. evidence
120. evoke
121. evolve
122. exceptional
123. excerpt
124. excruciating
125. exemplify
126. exotic
127. facilitate
128. fallacy
129. fastidious
130. feasible
131. fend
132. ferret
133. flair
134. flustered
135. focus
136. foreboding
137. forfeit
138. formidable
139. formula
140. fortify
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
176. loll
141. foster
177. lucrative
142. gaunt
178. luminous
143. generation
179. memoir
144. gingerly
180. mercenary
145. glut
181. merge
146. grapple
182. meticulous
147. grope
183. mien
148. gruesome
184. millennium
149. gullible
185. minimize
150. haggard
186. modify
151. haven
187. muse
152. heritage
188. muster
153. hindrance
189. mutiny
154. hover
190. narrate
155. humane
191. novice
156. imminent
192. obsolete
157. impel
193. onslaught
158. imperative
194. opposition
159. inaugurate
195. ornate
160. incense
196. ovation
161. indifferent
197. overt
162. infinite
198. pang
163. instill
3. 164.
199. panorama
200. perish
165. integrate
201. perspective
166. interrogate
202. persuasive
167. intervene
203. phenomenon
168. intricate
204. pioneer
169. inventive
205. pithy
170. inventory
206. pivotal
171. irascible
207. plagiarize
172. jurisdiction
208. plausible
173. languish
209. plunder
174. legendary
210. porous
175. liberal
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211. precise
212. prediction
213. preposterous
214. prevalent
215. principal
216. procedure
217. prodigy
218. proficient
219. profound
220. proprietor
221. prudent
222. pseudonym
223. pungent
224. quote
225. rankle
226. rational
227. rebel
228. rebuff
229. rebuke
230. reception
231. recourse
232. recur
233. renounce
234. renown
235. resilient
236. response
237. revenue
238. reverberate
239. rubble
240. rue
241. sage
242. sedative
243. serene
244. servile
245. shackle
246. significant
247. similar
248. simulate
249. simultaneous
250. sleek
251. source
252. specific
253. spontaneous
254. sporadic
255. stamina
256. stance
257. staple
258. stint
259. strident
260. sublime
261. subside
262. succumb
263. surmise
264. surpass
265. susceptible
266. suspense
267. swelter
268. tedious
269. teem
270. theme
271. theory
272. tirade
273. tract
274. transition
275. trepidation
276. turbulent
277. tycoon
278. ultimate
279. ungainly
280. universal
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
281. validate
282. variable
283. vice versa
284. vie
285. vilify
286. voracious
287. wage
288. wrangle
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. exemplify
1. absolve
37. explicit
2. alleviate
38. exposition
3. alternative
39. falter
4. ambivalent
40. feasible
5. analyze
41. feign
6. animosity
42. fluctuate
7. approximate
43. formulate
8. arbitrary
44. generate
9. attribute
45. gist
10. beneficial
46. hypothetical
11. comprehensive
47. impartial
12. connotation
48. implausible
13. contrast
49. implication
14. credible
50. imply
15. cursory
51. incentive
16. cynic
52. incoherent
17. dearth
53. indolent
18. deficient
54. infamous
19. demonstrate
55. infuriate
20. depict
56. innovation
21. derive
57. intercede
22. detract
58. interpret
23. devastate
3. 24.
59. intimidate
60. isolate
25. dilemma
61. jeopardize
26. diligent
62. lucrative
27. dissent
63. mandatory
28. distort
64. mediate
29. diversion
65. mortify
30. elation
66. niche
31. elicit
67. obscure
32. escalate
68. obsolete
33. evaluate
69. pacify
34. exacerbate
70. perception
35. excerpt
Copyright © 2020 Speech Therapy Store All Rights Reserved
71. perspective
72. pertinent
73. ponder
74. prevalent
75. proponent
76. punitive
77. rapport
78. rationale
79. reconcile
80. redundant
81. respective
82. retaliate
83. sabotage
84. scrutiny
85. similar
86. simulate
87. squander
88. succumb
89. tangible
90. technique
91. traumatic
92. turmoil
93. valid
94. verify
95. viable
96. vulnerable
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. emulate
1. abstract
37. equitable
2. admonish
38. eradicate
3. advocate
39. estrange
4. alternative
40. exacerbate
5. ambiguous
41. expedite
6. analogy
42. fabricate
7. anarchy
43. facilitate
8. assiduous
44. fortuitous
9. assimilate
45. fraudulent
10. augment
46. heinous
11. authentic
47. hypothetical
12. belligerent
48. illicit
13. bolster
49. imminent
14. bureaucratic
50. impetuous
15. circumvent
51. incongruous
16. coalition
52. indigenous
17. cohesive
53. indiscriminate
18. collaborate
54. inherent
19. comply
55. jurisdiction
20. concurrent
56. lax
21. connotation
57. meticulous
22. constituent
58. negligent
23. contingent
3. 24.
59. nonchalant
60. oblivious
25. demeanor
61. obscure
26. deplore
62. omnipotent
27. derogatory
63. opportune
28. disparity
64. oppose
29. disseminate
65. panacea
30. dissident
66. perfunctory
31. distraught
67. preposterous
32. divert
68 .precarious
33. dormant
69. precipitate
34. egocentric
70. preclude
35. elusive
Copyright © 2020 Speech Therapy Store All Rights Reserved
71. proficient
72. propensity
73. qualitative
74. quantitative
75. recalcitrant
76. redeem
77. rejuvenate
78. relegate
79. relinquish
80. repugnant
81. resilient
82. retrospect
83. sanction
84. spontaneous
85. static
86. stringent
87. subordinate
88. subsidize
89. tenuous
90. travesty
91. tumult
92. unilateral
93. validate
94. vindicate
95. zealot
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. copious
1. aberration
37. cordial
2. abstract
38. dearth
3. accolade
39. debilitate
4. accommodate
40. decadence
5. aesthetic
41. deference
6. affinity
42. delineate
7. altercation
43. deprecate
8. ameliorate
44. despot
9. amicable
45. devious
10. anarchy
46. didactic
11. anomaly
47. disparage
12. appall
48. dissonance
13. archaic
49. duplicity
14. arduous
50. edifice
15. articulate
51. effervescent
16. astute
52. egregious
17. authoritarian
53. elusive
18. aversion
54. equivocal
19. biased
55. erroneous
20. brevity
56. exemplary
21. cajole
57. expedient
22. callous
58. extraneous
23. capitulate
3. 24.
59. formidable
60. frivolous
25. catharsis
61. grueling
26. caustic
62. haphazard
27. censure
63. heretic
28. chastise
64. hindrance
29. clamor
65. hypocrisy
30. coalesce
66. iconoclast
31. cognizant
67. incessant
32. commiserate
68. incidental
33. composure
69. incite
34. conciliatory
70. incorrigible
35. contrast
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71. incite
72. indoctrinate
73. insurgent
74. intangible
75. judicious
76. lavish
77. listless
78. meager
79. meander
80. negligent
81. obliterate
82. ponderous
83. preclude
84. prerequisite
85. proximity
86. rectify
87. rescind
88. resolution
89. rigorous
90. scrutinize
91. substantiate
92. surmise
93. tirade
94. turbulence
95. unimpeachable
96. unobtrusive
97. usurp
98. vacillate
99. whimsical
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TIER 2 Vocabulary Words Lists
36. emulate
1. anachronistic
37. enervating
2. abbreviate
38. enhance
3. abdicate
39. ephemeral
4. abstinence
40. evanescent
5. adulation
41. exasperation
6. adversity
42. exemplary
7. aesthetic
43. extenuating
8. amicable
44. florid
9. anecdote
45. fortuitous
10. anonymous
46. frugal
11. antagonist
47. hackneyed
12. arid
48. haughty
13. assiduous
49. hedonist
14. asylum
50. hypothesis
15. benevolent
51. impetuous
16. camaraderie
52. impute
17. censure
53. incompatible
18. circuitous
54. inconsequential
19. clairvoyant
55. inevitable
20. collaborate
56. integrity
21. compassion
57. intrepid
22. compromise
58. intuitive
23. condescending
3. 24.
59. jubilation
60. lobbyist
25. conformist
61. longevity
26. congregation
62. mundane
27. convergence
63. nonchalant
28. deleterious
64. novice
29. demagogue
65. opulent
30. digression
66. orator
31. diligent
67. ostentatious
32. discredit
68. parched
33. disdain
69. perfidious
34. divergent
70. precocious
35. empathy
Copyright © 2020 Speech Therapy Store All Rights Reserved
71. pretentious
72. procrastinate
73. prosaic
74. prosperity
75. provocative
76. prudent
77. querulous
78. rancorous
79. reclusive
80. reconciliation
81. renovation
82. resilient
83. restrained
84. reverence
85. sagacity
86. scrutinize
87. spontaneity
88. spurious
89. submissive
90. subtle
91. subtle
92. superficial
93. superfluous
94. suppress
95. surreptitious
96. tactful
97. tenacious
98. transient
99. venerable
100. vindicate
101. wary
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