INTERNSHIP INFORMATION Hello, We will start with the Internship soon. For now, you all can just analyse and be familiar with the project and contact your group head to clear any further doubts you might have. During the course of the Internship, you will be collecting donations on the foundation’s behalf and we will organise distribution drives. You will also be invited to distribute some kits if it is feasible. However, this internship will not only include collecting donations. You will be given additional tasks centred around the program so everyone feel involved. Further, you will also be provided with some optional tasks relating to social work. We hope you all will be sincere and regular in your working and we wish to make this program a huge success. Regards Team Pledge A Smile Performance BASED STIPEND It has already been intimated that in this internship you will get a performancebased stipend. The procedure will be as follows:1. Inters who raise between Rs.0 - Rs.5000, will be rewarded with *5%* of the total amount raised as a stipend. 2. Inters who raise between Rs. 5,000- Rs.15,000, will be rewarded with *10%* of the total amount raised as a stipend. 3. Inters who raise above Rs. 15,000, will be rewarded with *15%* of the total amount raised as a stipend.