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English Phrases: Yes, No, I Don't Know Worksheet

Speak English With Vanessa
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Yes, No, I don’t know
Dear English Learner,
Get ready to speak confidently! I recommend reading the worksheet out loud and using the
blank space on the last page to answer my challenge question. Click here to watch the original
video. Thanks so much for learning English with me!
Your teacher,
10 Ways to Say Yes
1. Yup/yep
TIP: This is a very casual, informal, way of showing agreement. You wouldn’t use
this if your boss asked you something.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Yup/yep (too informal for the workplace)
2. Sure thing
TIP: This one is a little more formal, but it all depends on the way you say it. If
you say it a certain way, it could be considered rude.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Sure thing (if you say it plainly, you might seem like you’re not really excited
about the thing)
-Sure thing! (if you say it with more enthusiasm, it’ll show that you really are
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Sure thing. I’ll send it over as soon as it’s ready.
3. Absolutely
TIP: This is a strong agreement and can be used in either formal or informal
situations, but beware–because it’s so strong, make sure you really do agree or
mean it.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
4. 100%
TIP: This is another way of showing strong agreement
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-100%! (Again, you’re locked in, no backing out!)
Can you help me with this project? I could really use your help.
-100%, happy to help!
5. For sure
TIP: This is a less strong form of agreement, but, like most of these, it can be
stronger if you say it with more enthusiasm. It can be formal or informal.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-For sure
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-For sure
6. Right
TIP: You wouldn’t typically use it to answer a question, but it is still a very
common way of agreeing to a statement
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
I am so glad we’re gonna hang out this weekend!
-Right?! Me too, it’s been too long!
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
“We really need to have this report ready by the end of the week.”
7. You bet
TIP: This is a less strong form of agreement, but, like most of these, it can be
stronger if you say it with more enthusiasm. It can be formal or informal, though
you probably wouldn’t say it to your boss, but it really depends on the type of
work you do and the workplace culture.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-You bet! Or You betcha!
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-You bet.
8. Of course
TIP: This is a good one because it’s pretty safe to use in most situations, formal
or informal. You can emphasize it when you’re really excited, or just say it plainly
to show agreement.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Of course! I can’t wait.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Of course. I’ll send it over as soon as it’s ready.
9. Sounds good
TIP: This is shortened from “Sounds good to me”, and both are more casual and
informal. You wouldn’t really want to use this with your boss, but maybe with your
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Sounds good!
Can I send you this report to look over? I’d like to have your opinion on it.
-Sounds good. Send it over.
10. Mm-hmm!
TIP: This is not really a phrase, it’s more of a sound. It’s typically accompanied by
a head nod. It could be seen as rude if you use it in formal situations, like with
your boss. Also, because this is a sound, we don’t typically use it in texts, but if
you do, it’s almost always used sarcastically.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Mm-hmm. Or Mm-hmm!
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Mm-hmm. (too informal for work)
Sarcastically: **be very careful when and where you use this!**
The boss said we’ll all get bonuses if we hit our sales goals this month.
-Mm-hmm, I’ve heard that before.
10 Ways to Say No
Be careful because saying these “no” phrases by themselves can often be seen as
rude. It’s always better to add more details and explain why you are saying “no.”
1. Nah/Nope
TIP: This is a very casual, informal response that you would probably not use
with your boss
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Nah/Nope. (rude)
-Nah, I’m sorry I can’t, I already have plans. How about next weekend?
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Nah/Nope (rude)
2. I’m good
TIP: This is a great response if someone, like a waiter at a restaurant or a host at
a dinner, asks if you need anything (and you don’t need anything). But used in
other contexts, it doesn’t really work.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I’m good. (rude)
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-I’m good (rude)
(at a restaurant) Would you like another beer?
-I’m good. Thanks.
3. I’m all set
TIP: This one is very similar to “I’m good” and can be used in a lot of the same
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I’m all set. (a bit rude, so it’s better to give more details)
-Thanks for the invite, but I’m all set for this weekend–I am fully booked. How
about next weekend?
Do you need any more information from the team for that report that’s due by the
end of this week.
“I’m all set. The team sent me all the information I needed, so I’ll have it ready to
submit by Friday.
4. No way
TIP: This one is very casual and informal. It is often used as a way of stating
disbelief (No way, really?!) but also as a very definite “no”
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-No way. (rude)
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-No way. (rude)
Do you want to buy this car?
-No way! It’s too expensive!
I heard that Sarah is pregnant again. -No way! (this doesn’t mean “no,” instead, it
means, “Wow, I’m so surprised.”)
5. Not gonna happen
TIP: This is a very informal phrase used when you feel very strongly about the
outcome of something.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Not gonna happen. (could be rude if you don’t give a reason)
-Not gonna happen, I have so much work to get done this weekend. Maybe we
can grab dinner or drinks next week?
Can I have that report by the end of the week? -Not gonna happen. (rude if you
don’t give a reason)
Hey, I know it’s short notice, but do you think you could write a 20 page report for
me by tomorrow?
-Sorry, not gonna happen. My boss needs me to get a report for her by the end of
the week.”
6. Thanks, but no thanks
TIP: This is a polite way of saying “no” that can be used formally or
informally–but not necessarily in the workplace when your boss is asking for
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Thanks, but no thanks. (rude if you don’t give more details)
-Thanks, but no thanks, I have family in town this weekend. Maybe we can meet
up for dinner on Tuesday?
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Thanks but no thanks (rude)
Do you want to do this report for me? I don’t feel like working today.
-Thanks but no thanks. I have my own report to work on.
7. Afraid not
TIP: This is an informal way of telling someone something that you know they
won’t be happy to hear.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Afraid not, I have a bunch of yard work to get done while the weather is nice.
Unless you wanna come help?
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Afraid not. We’re still collecting all the information and putting it together. But our
team is going to work hard all weekend, and you’ll have it first thing Monday
*note: when you have to deliver bad news, like saying no to your boss, it can
usually help you to be more polite if you include solutions. In this case, you’re
saying why the report won’t be ready and what you are doing to make it right.
8. If only I could… or I wish I could but…
TIP: This is a great way to softly express regret that you can’t do something
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I wish I could but I’m going to a friend’s wedding out of town.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-If only I could get someone else to go to these meetings I am scheduled to
attend today and tomorrow, I could. Can you help me out with that?
9. I really shouldn’t…
TIP: This is a phrase that you may use when you know the answer should be
“no,” but you’re really tempted to say “yes”
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I really shouldn’t because I told my sister I would help her paint her house…but
hanging out with you definitely sounds like more fun.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-I really shouldn’t (rude)
10. Mm-mm/Uh-uh
TIP: a sound for “no”. It’s typically accompanied by a head shake. It’s more
informal, could be dismissive or non-committal, and you could be seen as rude if
you use it in formal situations, like with your boss.
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Mm-mm/uh-uh I am so exhausted from this week, I think I am going to sleep the
entire weekend. Can I get a raincheck?
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Mm-mm/uh-uh (rude)
Are you working late until the report is ready for your boss?
-Mm-mm/uh-uh, I have to go home and get some sleep, otherwise I’ll be too tired
to function tomorrow.”
10 Ways to Say I Don’t Know
1. I dunno
TIP: the fast way of saying “I don’t know” and is casual
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I dunno. Let me check my planner. I’ll get back to you.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-I dunno. (rude in the workplace)
-I don’t know that I’ll have the final draft ready by the end of the week, but I’ll
send you what I have. (better for the workplace)
2. I’m not sure
TIP: polite; can be used both formally and informally
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I’m not sure. I may have to help my parents move their furniture. I’ll have to get
back to you.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-I’m not sure, I have been working with the rest of the team to get the data I
need, but there is still some information missing.
3. I’m not 100% on that
TIP: a great way to say that you have some doubt about something. You can use
other percentages like “I’m 80% sure” when you’re fairly certain that something is
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I think I’ve already made plans, but I’m not 100% on that. Let me check my
calendar and I’ll get back to you.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Since it’s a collaboration of the whole team, I’m not 100% on that. I’ll have the
project manager send you an update.
4. Beats me
TIP: a very informal way of saying “I don’t know”
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Beats me. It's only Monday! I haven’t started thinking about the weekend yet.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Beats me. (rude in the workplace)
How does management expect us to have the budget ready for the year? We
don’t even have last year’s budget for comparison!
-Beats me, I don’t work in management or finance. (better situation for the
5. Ya got me
TIP: very informal
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Ya got me. I barely know what day today is. This week has been a blur!
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Ya got me. (rude in the workplace)
Do you know what today’s staff meeting is about?
-Ya got me. All I heard was there is gonna be free donuts!
6. I have no idea/clue or just No idea/clue
TIP: this is a great way of saying that you absolutely do not know something
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I have no clue if I’ve already made plans or not, can I get back to you after I
check my calendar?
-No clue, can I get back to you?
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-The team and I have been putting in extra hours to make sure it’s ready on time.
I have no idea exactly when it’ll be ready, but we’ll do our best and I’ll keep you
-No idea, but the team is working as hard as they can to make sure it is finished
as soon as possible.
7. Don’t ask me
TIP: this is a great way to deflect when you don’t have knowledge or
understanding about something. It’s a way of saying “Someone knows this
answer, but it’s not me”
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Don’t ask me. I think the boys have plans for us–you’ll have to ask them.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Don’t ask me (rude in the workplace)
Do you know who is getting promoted to manager?
-Don’t ask me. I try to stay out of office politics. (better for the workplace)
8. I can’t say
TIP: this can be a good way to deflect questions when you’re trying to keep a
secret or you don’t have the information
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-I can’t say, I might have plans, I might not.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-I can’t say for sure. There are still some parts missing, but I will do my best to
get it to you.
9. Your guess is as good as mine
TIP: a great way of saying “I don’t know. Do you know? We’re both just
Can you hang out this weekend?
-Your guess is as good as mine. My boss still hasn’t made the schedule for the
weekend, so I may have to work.
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Your guess is as good as mine (rude in the workplace)
Do you think we’ll get our bonuses this month?
-Your guess is as good as mine. Sometimes we get them, sometimes we don’t.
10. Iuhno
TIP: a non-word sound for “I don’t know”; typically accompanied by a shrug
and/or head shake
Do you wanna hang out this weekend?
-Iuhno. (could be rude, depending on your tone of voice)
Can I have that report by the end of the week?
-Iuhno (rude in the workplace)
They laid off 100 people, but we got a new coffee machine in the break room?
How does that make sense?
-Iuhno. (better in the workplace)
Vanessa’s Challenge Question
Use the space below to write a few sentences answering this question: Imagine that
your friend has asked you to help them move this weekend. You don’t want to be
rude, but moving is such hard work! How will you answer their question?
Sample answer: I wish I could help you because you always help me when I need it. But
I am pretty sure my family is coming to visit me from out of town. I’m not 100% on that
though, so can I get back to you?
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