See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at: Simple methods for the calculation of thermodynamic properties for metering Conference Paper · May 2020 CITATIONS READS 0 1,248 1 author: Andrew Laughton Independent 15 PUBLICATIONS 75 CITATIONS SEE PROFILE Some of the authors of this publication are also working on these related projects: Equation of State View project All content following this page was uploaded by Andrew Laughton on 09 June 2020. The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Simple methods for the calculation of thermodynamic properties for metering Andrew Laughton 1 INTRODUCTION This paper specifies a method to calculate viscosity and other properties, excluding density, for use in the metering of natural gas flow. This paper gives simplified methods for the calculation of (dynamic) viscosity, Joule-Thomson coefficient, and isentropic exponent for use in natural gas calculations in the temperature range –20 to 40 oC (-4 to 104 oF) and pressures up to 100 bar(abs) (1450 psia) in the gas phase. For Joule-Thomson and isentropic exponent, the uncertainty of the equations provided is greater than that obtained from a complete equation of state such as GERG (reference [1]), ISO-20765:2 [2] or AGA-8 [3]; but is considered to be fit for purpose. The equations are much simpler. The motivation for providing simplified methods is mainly for the calculations required, according to ISO-5167 or AGA-3, to measure flow of high pressure natural gas with an orifice plate meter (references [4], [5], [6], [7], [8] and [9]) The basic mass flowrate equation is :𝑞= 𝐶 √1−𝛽 4 𝜋 (1) 𝜀 𝑑 2 √2.Δp.ρ 4 where C is function of and Re, and of the type of orifice pressure tappings, and is a function of , P, p, and . The above standards differ in the functions for C and . Although q is given by equation (1), iteration is required since C is a function of Re and Re is a function of q. Similarly, given q, equation (1) does not directly give p since is a function of p. (See Appendix 6 for more details.) The use of the equations in ISO-5167 (2003) [7] for calculating flow (q) for an orifice plate meter, over a typical input range of temperature, pressure, differential pressure, and gas composition, gives the following uncertainty equation (when the only source of uncertainties is considered to be in the calculation of the required gas thermophysical properties): [u(q)/q]2 = + + + [ [ [ [ 0.5 0.0006 0.002 -.0004 0.0002 ]2 .[u()/]2 0.0002 ]2 .[u()/]2 0.0012 ]2 .[u()/]2 0.0002 ]2 .[u()/]2 mass density viscosity isentropic exponent Joule-Thomson coefficient (2) This equation can be used to estimate the required uncertainty for the calculation of the properties. For the contribution to the expanded uncertainty (U) (coverage factor k=2, 95% confidence interval) in the flow to be less than 0.1 %, then U()/ < 0.1 % U()/ < 85 % U()/ < 25 % For the uncertainty contribution to be less than 0.02 %, then 1 U()/ < 125 % American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) U()/ < 0.02 % U()/ < 17 % U()/ < 5 % U()/ < 25 % Thus, density needs to be calculated as accurately as possible, while the calculation does not need to be very accurate for the other properties. Their target uncertainty is no better than about 25%. 2 VISCOSITY () 2.1 Introduction This section is concerned with gas phase viscosity (dynamic viscosity; S.I. units of kg m-1 s-1 = Pa.s). Gas phase viscosity typically increases with increasing temperature, as opposed to liquid viscosity which decreases with increasing temperature. Both, gas and liquid, tend to increase with increasing density (effectively pressure). Gas phase viscosity is typically about 100 µP (micro-Poise) ( = 0.01 cP = 0.01 mPa.s) (liquid viscosity is typically about 0.5 mPa.s (cP) ). 2.2 Composition method There are many methods for the calculation of gas phase (dynamic) viscosity. Some, based in theory, are quite complicated. Of all the methods, the LohrenzBray-Clark (LBC) method is relatively simple, requires minimal component data, and is a method that is widely implemented (reference [10]). It is the method recommended here. One disadvantage is that it is sensitive to the input density; but for the application considered here, accurate densities will be available, so this is not a problem. Below outlines the required parameters and equations to implement this method. Table 1 – Component Parameters CH4 N2 CO2 C2H6 C3H8 nC4 iC4 nC5 iC5 nC6 nC7 nC8 nC9 nC10 H2 O2 CO H2O H2S He Ar neoC5 M (g/mol) Tc (K) Pc (bar) ρc (mol/dm3) 16.04246 28.0134 44.0095 30.06904 44.09562 58.1222 58.1222 72.14878 72.14878 86.17536 100.20194 114.22852 128.2551 142.28168 2.01588 31.9988 28.0101 18.01528 34.08088 4.002602 39.948 72.14878 190.564 126.192 304.1282 305.322 369.825 425.125 407.817 469.7 460.35 507.82 540.13 569.32 594.55 617.7 33.19 154.595 132.86 647.096 373.1 5.1953 150.687 433.75 45.9920 33.9580 73.7730 48.7180 42.4661 37.9053 36.3729 33.7098 33.7823 30.4293 27.3107 24.9781 22.8198 21.0137 13.1500 50.3895 34.9821 220.640 89.9873 2.2746 48.5963 31.94 10.139342719 11.1839 10.624978698 6.870854540 5.000043088 3.920016792 3.860142940 3.215577588 3.271 2.705877875 2.315324434 2.056404127 1.81 1.64 14.94 13.63 10.85 17.873716090 10.19 17.399 13.407429659 3.24397 2 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) The above parameters are from ref.[1] (Table A5, p.3075); with Pc calculated as the pressure from the GERG-2008 equation of state at T=Tc and ρ=ρc (to 4 decimal places). Mmix = ∑N i=1 X i Mi Mixture parameters: (3) Xi is component mole fraction 1 Vcmix = ∑𝑁 𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 ρc 𝑖 Pc Tcmix = ∑𝑁 𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 Tc𝑖 Viscosity at low pressure: 𝑖 Pcmix = ∑𝑁 𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 1.01325 Tr = T / Tci (4) (5) 0.00034Tr0.94 Tr 1.5 = Tr > 1.5 = 0.0001778(4.58Tr - 1.67)0.625 (7) for H2 & He = 0.0001(7.08Tr + 2.26) (8) 1 ⁄ MW𝑖 2 Component viscosity: 𝜂𝑖 = Mixture viscosity: 𝜂mix = 1 ⁄ Tc𝑖 6 𝜉= 2⁄ 3 (1.01325) 0.72 𝛼 (9) ∑𝑁 𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 𝜂𝑖 √M𝑖 (10) ∑𝑁 𝑖=1 𝑋𝑖 √M𝑖 2⁄ 1⁄ Viscosity at high density: Pc𝑖 (6) 2 Pc 3 Mmix mix (11) 1⁄ 6 Tcmix where the units are : Mmix [g/mol], Pcmix [atm], r = Vcmix ρ P [bar], T [K], Tcmix [K] ρ calculated by AGA8 [3] δ = 0.1023 + 0.023364r + 0.058533r2 - 0.040758r3 + 0.0093324r4 (12) Viscosity: (13) 𝜂 = 𝜂mix + ξ (𝛿 4 − 0.0001) This is the viscosity of the natural gas mixture (units mPa.s = cP) (ξ is a group of parameters with, in principle, the same dimensions as viscosity and is commonly used as a reducing parameter that brings viscosities to an equivalent, dimensionless value. Actually ξ is (MW/NA)1/2(Pc)2/3/(RTc/NA)1/6, where NA = 6.0221367×1023 mol-1, R = 8.314510 J/mol.K and MW [kg/mol], Pc [Pa], Tc [K]. Although, as above, it is defined with MW, Pc & Tc having engineering units, which means it isn’t dimensionless and thus care must be taken with the equations which have units conversion factors ‘hidden’ in the coefficients.) From the following experimental data, the estimated uncertainty of this method is about 4% (95% confidence interval). (Bias=-0.31 %, RMS=1.59%; actually 95.1% of errors are within 3.8%). Note that the experimental data was not used in the development of the LBC equation. Total number of points 721 Temperature range 260 to 344 K (-13 to 71 oC) Pressure range 1 to 127 bar 3 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Experimental data is from the following references :[11] Carr (1953) 3 mixtures 55 points [12] Golubev (1959) 1 mixture 17 points [13] Gonzalez et al. (1970) 8 mixtures 35 points [14] Nabizadeh et al. (1999) 1 mixture 32 points [15] Assael et al. (2001) 1 mixture 22 points [16] Schley et al. (2004) 3 mixtures 521 points [17] Langelandsvik et al. (2007) 2 mixtures 39 points The above mixture compositions are given in Appendix 3. The following figures show the distribution of the errors. Figure 1 LBC errors in viscosity as a function of temperature and of pressure Figure 2 Histogram of LBC errors in viscosity 4 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) If a detailed composition is not available, but only bulk properties, e.g., calorific value (CV), relative density (RD), and CO2 mol%, then this can be converted to an equivalent N2/CO2/CH4/C3H8 mixture, and the above equation for viscosity can be used for this equivalent 4 component mixture. This 4 component mixture has 2 unknown mol% (N2-mol% and C3H8-mol%) (CO2mol% is given, and CH4-mol%=100-N2-CO2-C3H8). These 2 unknowns are determined from the CV and RD. The procedure is to assume Z (e.g. 0.9975), solve the linearized CV and RD equations, update Z, and repeat until converged. Convergence is rapid since Z does not change much with natural gas composition. 2.3 Simple viscosity equation When only temperature and (mass) density are known (i.e. the gas composition is not known), the following simple equation can be used η = 0.01036 + 0.000033t + 0.000021D + 0.00000017D2 (14) where t is given in oC, and D in kg/m3 (=g/dm3), and η is mPa.s The estimated uncertainty of this method is about 5 % (95 % confidence interval) (Bias=0.08 %, RMS=2.57 %; actually 95.0% of errors are within 4.7%). Note : eq.14 was fitted to the experimental data. Note : eq.14 correctly monotonically increases with temperature and with density. The figures below show the distribution of the errors for the 721 data points Figure 3 Simple equation errors in viscosity as a function of temperature pressure Figure 4 Histogram of simple equation errors in viscosity 5 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) 3 OTHER PROPERTIES Other properties can be accurately calculated using the GERG-2008 equation of state (as detailed in ISO-20765:2 [2] and AGA8 [3]), and implemented in the DNVGL program GasVLe. There are no existing widely-used simple methods for these properties (unlike the case above for viscosity), so new equations were derived. To determine the optimal equations, a range of simulated natural gases was generated based on the following rules: Table 2 – Natural Gas rules mol % Lower limit Upper limit N2 0.05 10 CO2 0.01 4 CH4 80 98 C2H6 0.25 9 C3H8 0.01 3.5 nC4 0.001 1 nC5 0.001 0.2 nC6 0.001 0.1 iC4/nC4 0.45 0.83 iC5/nC5 0.83 1.33 neoC5/nC5 0.01 0.015 Cn/Cn-1 0.2 0.4 CV (MJ/sm3) 35 45 The procedure was to generate N2, CO2, and C2H6 composition values uniformly within this range; C3H8 values were generated from ratio limits (Cn/Cn-1) using the C2H6 value, and similarly for nC4, nC5, and nC6 (using ratio limits with C3H8, nC4, or nC5, respectively); generate iC4, iC5, and neoC5 from ratio limits. The CH4 composition is the remainder. The CH4 value and CV ranges were checked (as well as C3H8, nC4, nC5, and nC6 values to be within their ranges). The composition was accepted if all the above limits were satisfied. The GERG-2008 equation of state was then used to calculate the properties for all the mixtures in a grid of temperatures and pressures over the range of interest. From these calculations it was observed that the compositional variation was not significant, compared to the temperature and pressure variation, and was within the target uncertainty outlined in the introduction. Thus, equations as a function of T and P only were sought. (The compositional variation is accounted for in the final overall uncertainty.) The GERG-2008 equation of state has uncertainty with respect to reliable, consistent, experimental data. However, the uncertainties in (Joule-Thomson coefficient) and (isentropic exponent) are not directly given. AGA8 part 2 table 7 gives the expanded uncertainty (U) (k=2) for density (D) as <0.1 % (250 to 450 K, less than 350 bar); for speed of sound (W) as <0.1% (250 to 450 K, less than 120 bar); and for gas phase heat capacities (Cp and Cv) as <1 to 2 %. Whilst ISO 20765-2 table 7 gives the expanded uncertainty in density as 0.03 to 0.05 % and speed of sound as 0.03 to 0.05 %, both for the gas phase (less than 300 bar). For the conditions considered here (-20 to 40 oC, less than 100 bar) it is realistic to take U(D) = 0.05%, U(W) = 0.05% and U(Cp) = 1%. 6 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) can be expressed as = (R.T2/P.Cp).(Z/T)P ; so using the standard uncertainty (quadrature) equation {U()/} = √[ {U(Cp)/Cp}2 + {U(Z/T)/(Z/T)}2 ] (assuming that the uncertainties are uncorrelated). Assuming U(Z/T) is essentially the same as U(D); then the uncertainty in is about 1.0% (=√[12+0.052]) (U(Z/T) would need to be 0.5% for the combined uncertainty to increase to 1.1%) can be expressed as = W2.D/P (re-arranged equation 18 below) so {U()/} = √[ 4.{U(W)/W}2 + {U(D)/D}2 ] , (assuming that the uncertainties are uncorrelated). Thus, the uncertainty in is about 0.1% (=√[4×0.052+0.052]) RMS corresponds to the standard uncertainty (k=1), so the RMS% given in sections 3.1 and 3.2 below should be increased be adding, in quadrature, half the uncertainties above (to allow for the GERG-2008 equation of state uncertainty). For the RMS% below is about 7.0%, this should be √[7.02+(1.0/2)2] = 7.0% For the RMS% below is about 1.0%, this should be √[1.02+(0.1/2)2] = 1.0% Thus, the GERG-2008 uncertainty does not add anything significant to the RMS% tables in section 3.1 and 3.2 To determine the optimal equation, a bank of terms with powers of T and P (including fractional powers, and positive and negative values) was used with the SuperFit routine of the DNV GL Excel Add-In GasTools. In the end, the equations chosen as achieving the requirements were very straightforward. The recommended equations are given below, with a table of values (from the equation), a table of bias errors, and a table of RMS errors (as absolute values and as percent). The RMS can be interpreted as a standard uncertainty (coverage factor k=1). The bias and RMS (root-mean-squared) errors with respect to the calculation of ISO-20765:2 (GERG-2008 equation of state) are (for property X): 1 gerg eqn bias = ∑𝑁 − 𝑋𝑖 ) 𝑖=1(𝑋𝑖 𝑁 1 gerg eqn RMS = √ ∑𝑁 − 𝑋𝑖 ) 𝑖=1(𝑋𝑖 2 (15) 𝑁 The value N is the number of test points (=5000). The major contribution to the RMS comes from the compositional variation in the property, rather than from the inadequacy of the simple equation. 3.1 Joule-Thomson coefficient () 𝜕𝑇 Definition: 𝜇=( ) Equation: = ( 0.594 - 0.0042t ) + (-0.177 + 0.0021t )(P/100)2 𝜕𝑃 𝐻 (16) where t is given in oC and P bar(abs) The data were actually fitted in the range 0 to 30 oC, 10 to 100 bar(abs), but as shown in the table below, the extrapolation outside of this range is acceptable. Table 3 – Joule-Thomson coefficient equation value and bias P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/oC 0.459 0.538 0.599 0.643 0.669 -20 Joule-Thomson coefficient value 0.438 0.417 0.396 0.375 0.509 0.481 0.452 0.424 0.565 0.530 0.496 0.461 0.604 0.566 0.527 0.488 0.628 0.587 0.546 0.505 -10 0 10 20 (K/bar) 0.354 0.395 0.427 0.450 0.463 30 7 0.333 0.366 0.393 0.411 0.422 40 0.043 0.006 -.018 -.020 -.012 -20 0.019 0.004 -.005 -.004 0.001 -10 Bias (K/bar) 0.008 0.004 0.003 0.005 0.007 0.007 0.003 0.008 0.009 0.006 0.010 0.010 0.009 0.011 0.009 0 10 20 0.003 0.006 0.007 0.006 0.003 30 0.002 0.003 0.002 -.001 -.005 40 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Table 4 – Joule-Thomson coefficient uncertainty (RMS and RMS %) P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/oC RMS (K/bar) 0.018 0.019 0.019 0.028 0.028 0.027 0.037 0.034 0.031 0.040 0.037 0.034 0.040 0.037 0.033 0 10 20 0.044 0.024 0.047 0.054 0.051 -20 0.021 0.028 0.040 0.045 0.044 -10 3.2 Isentropic exponent () 0.019 0.025 0.028 0.030 0.029 30 0.019 0.023 0.025 0.026 0.027 40 10.6 4.7 7.2 7.8 7.2 -20 5.2 5.6 7.0 7.3 7.0 -10 RMS% 5.0 6.5 7.2 7.4 7.2 10 4.5 6.1 7.1 7.3 7.1 0 5.4 6.7 7.2 7.3 6.9 20 5.6 6.6 7.0 6.9 6.4 30 5.8 6.4 6.5 6.4 6.1 40 𝑉 𝜕𝑃 Definition: 𝜅 = − 𝑃 (𝜕𝑉) Equation: 𝑆 = + + ( 1.3028 - 0.0005794t ) (-0.08437 + 0.002658t ) (P/100) ( 0.3267 - 0.005517t ) (P/100)2 (17) where t is given in oC and P bar(abs) The data were actually fitted in the range 0 to 20 oC, 5 to 75 bar(abs), but as shown in the table below, the extrapolation outside of this range is acceptable. Table 5 – Isentropic exponent equation values and bias P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/oC 1.614 1.484 1.389 1.329 1.304 -20 Isentropic exponent value 1.580 1.545 1.511 1.476 1.442 1.464 1.444 1.425 1.405 1.385 1.379 1.370 1.360 1.350 1.341 1.325 1.321 1.317 1.313 1.309 1.302 1.299 1.296 1.294 1.291 -10 0 10 20 30 1.408 1.365 1.331 1.305 1.288 40 -.224 -.058 -.003 0.002 -.001 -20 -.107 -.024 0.001 0.001 -.002 -10 -.055 -.010 0.002 0.000 -.002 0 Bias -.033 -.005 0.002 -.001 -.002 10 -.027 -.007 0.000 -.001 -.002 20 -.032 -.011 -.003 -.001 -.001 30 2.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 1.0 30 2.9 1.6 1.1 1.1 1.0 40 Table 6 – Isentropic exponent uncertainty (RMS and RMS %) P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/oC RMS 0.034 0.009 0.014 0.015 0.013 10 0.250 0.062 0.010 0.015 0.013 -20 0.119 0.025 0.012 0.015 0.013 -10 3.3 Speed of Sound (W) Definition: 0.060 0.010 0.013 0.015 0.013 0 1 0.027 0.012 0.014 0.014 0.013 20 0.032 0.016 0.014 0.014 0.013 30 0.043 0.022 0.015 0.014 0.013 40 12.9 4.0 0.7 1.1 1.0 -20 6.9 1.7 0.9 1.1 1.0 -10 3.7 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.0 0 RMS % 2.2 0.6 1.0 1.1 1.0 10 1.8 0.8 1.0 1.1 1.0 20 𝜕𝑃 𝑊 = √𝑀 (𝜕𝜌) 𝑆 Equation: W = [P105/D] m/s, P bar(abs), D kg/m3 (18) from equation (15) above, D from accurate equation of state Because W varies with D, it is only useful to provide a table of RMS % uncertainty. Table 7 – Speed of sound uncertainty (RMS %) P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/oC 6.75 2.02 0.34 0.57 0.50 -20 3.51 0.84 0.43 0.56 0.50 -10 1.86 0.36 0.48 0.56 0.50 0 8 RMS % 1.11 0.32 0.51 0.55 0.50 10 0.91 0.42 0.52 0.55 0.49 20 1.09 0.57 0.54 0.54 0.49 30 1.48 0.79 0.57 0.54 0.49 40 -.042 -.018 -.005 0.000 0.000 40 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) USAGE 4 In order to calculate flow (according to equation (1)), the required properties (, and ) are calculated at the upstream temperature and pressure. However, to calculate the upstream temperature from the measured downstream temperature using (references [4] and [5]) or (references [6] and [7]), there are a number of feasible conditions to use. There is also the option of using an averaged value (rather than a value from the equation at a specified T & P). Using the property equation at the measured downstream T and upstream P has the merit of not requiring recalculation of the property. In general, the best property to use is calculated at the average upstream & downstream temperature & pressure (compared with an exact isentropic or isenthalpic calculation). The difference between the various options is general insignificant. The variation in upstream temperature is usually less than 0.01 K (whilst the difference with a proper thermodynamic calculation is more like 0.05 K). CONCLUSION 5 Equations have been given that are simple to implement, but that are accurate enough to be useful (especially for high pressure orifice plate metering) for natural gas in the temperature range -20 to 40 oC and pressure range up to 100 bar. Some of the equations have already been implemented by some manufacturers in their flow computer. The methods and equations are proposed to be ISO 20765 part 5 (“Natural gas – Calculation of thermodynamic properties – Part 5: Calculation of viscosity, Joule-Thomson coefficient, and isentropic exponent”). NOTATION 6 Symbol Meaning Units C discharge coefficient [-] d orifice diameter [m] D pipe (inside) diameter [m] D mass density [kg/m ] H enthalpy [kJ/kg] M molar mass [g/mol] P pressure (absolute) [bar] S entropy [kJ/kg.K] T temperature [K] t temperature [oC] q mass flowrate [kg/s] Re Reynolds number, (4.q)/(..D) [-] V molar specific volume, =1/ [dm3/mol] W speed of sound [m/s] Xi mole fraction of component i [mol/mol] diameter ratio, [-] p differential pressure [bar] permanent pressure loss [bar] expansibility factor [-] fluid dynamic viscosity [mPa.s] isentropic exponent [-] (used in Re and ) 3 = d/D 9 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Joule-Thomson coefficient = 3.141592654… molar density [K/bar] [mol/dm3] 7 REFERENCES [1] O.Kunz and W.Wagner, “The GERG-2008 wide-range equation of state for natural gases and other mixtures: An expansion of GERG-2004”, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 57, 3032-3091, (2012) ISO 20765-2, “Natural gas – Calculation of thermodynamic properties – Part 2: Single-phase properties (gas, liquid, and dense fluid) for extended ranges of application”, (2015) American Gas Association Report No. 8, Part 2, “Thermodynamic Properties of Natural Gas and Related Gases, GERG-2008 Equation of State”, (2017) ISO 5167-1:1991, “Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Part 1. Pressure differential devices – Section 1.1: Specification for square-edged orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full”, (BS 1042:Section 1.1:1992) BS EN ISO 5167-1:1997, “Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices – Part 1: Orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full”, (BS 1042-1.1:1992 renumbered, incorporating Amendment No.1 (renumbering the BS as BS EN ISO 5167-1:1997), and Amendment No.1 to BS EN ISO 5167-1:1997) BS EN ISO 5167-1:2003, “Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full – Part 1: General principles and requirements” BS EN ISO 5167-2:2003, “Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full – Part 2: Orifice plates” American Gas Association Report No. 3, “Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids”, Part 1, “General Equations and Uncertainty Guidelines”, (1990) American Gas Association Report No. 3, “Orifice Metering of Natural Gas and Other Related Hydrocarbon Fluids”, Part 3, “Natural Gas Applications”, (1992) J.Lohrenz, B.G.Bray and C.R.Clark, “Calculating Viscosities of Reservoir Fluids From Their Compositions”, J.Petrol.Technol., pp.1171-1176, October (1964) N.L.Carr, “Viscosities of natural gas components and mixtures”, Institute of Gas Technology Research Bulletin 23, (1953) I.F.Golubev, “Viscosity of Gases and Gas Mixtures: A Handbook”, p.214 (1959) (translation 1970) M.Gonzalez, B.E.Eakin and A.L.Lee, Monograph on API Research Project 65, American Petroleum Institute (1970) H.Nabizadeh and F.Mayinger, High Temperatures-High Pressures, 31, pp.601-612 (1999) M.J.Assael, N.K.Dalaouti and V.Vesovic, Int. J. Thermophysics, 22(1), pp.61-71 (2001) P.Schley, M.Jaeschke, C.Kuchenmeister and E.Vogel, Int. J. Thermophysics, 25(6), pp.1623-1651 (2004) L.I.Langelandsvik, S.Solvang, M.Rousselet, I.N.Metaxa and M.J.Assael, Int. J. Thermophys. 28, pp.1120-1130 (2007) [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] 10 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Appendix 1 : Methane Viscosity Viscosity for pure methane is tabulated in the following standard reference works :1) B.A.Younglove & J.F.Ely, J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,vol.16,no..4,pp.577-798,(1987) 2) Encyclopedie des Gaz, L'Air Liquide (1976), p.296 3) N.B.Vargaftik, Y.K.Vinogradov & V.S.Yargin, p.436, “Handbook of Physical Properties of Liquids and Gases”, 3rd ed., (1996) 4) D.G.Friend, J.F.Ely & H.Ingham, J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data,vol.18,no.2,pp.583-638,(1989) 5) P.Schley, M.Jaeschke, C.Kuchenmeister & E.Vogel, Int.J.Thermophys.,vol.25,no.6,pp.1623-1652,(2004) The figure below shows the first four references compared to the data from the last (actually using the provided equations from ref.5 as a function of density for the five isotherms). The figure shows that even for methane the agreement of viscosity measurements is no better than 1 to 2 %. Methane Viscosity Comparisons 3 % difference 2 1 Younglove E.d.Gaz 0 Vargaftik Friend -1 -2 -3 250 260 270 280 290 300 310 320 330 340 350 T (K) Thus, any method that reliably calculates viscosity with an uncertainty of about 2% can be considered satisfactory. 11 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Viscosity of pure methane using the reference formulas as implemented in NIST RefProp 10.0 (2018). This uses the equation of state of U.Setzmann and W.Wagner, J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data, 20:1061-1151 (1991), and the viscosity method of S.E.Quinones-Cisneros, M.L.Huber and U.K.Deiters, unpublished work (2011). P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/°C 0.014007 0.012412 0.011247 0.010443 0.009908 -20 0.013729 0.012435 0.011450 0.010736 0.010238 −10 Reference viscosity 0.013623 0.013619 0.012532 0.012675 0.011676 0.011916 0.011031 0.011327 0.010565 0.010888 0 10 P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/°C 0.59 -0.65 -0.99 -0.65 0.01 -20 -0.07 -0.93 -1.05 -0.63 0.06 −10 -0.47 -1.05 -1.03 -0.56 0.14 0 P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/°C -0.22 0.84 1.55 1.86 1.80 -20 -0.04 0.75 1.29 1.57 1.55 −10 (mPa.s) 0.013683 0.012850 0.012165 0.011622 0.011206 20 0.013792 0.013045 0.012422 0.011917 0.011522 30 0.013933 0.013256 0.012682 0.012210 0.011834 40 -0.92 -1.16 -0.97 -0.47 0.22 20 -1.25 -1.39 -1.18 -0.68 -0.01 30 -1.53 -1.60 -1.37 -0.88 -0.23 40 Simple equation error % 0.05 0.12 0.18 0.67 0.62 0.59 1.11 0.98 0.92 1.35 1.20 1.12 1.36 1.24 1.18 0 10 20 0.26 0.61 0.89 1.08 1.16 30 0.35 0.66 0.91 1.09 1.18 40 LBC error % -0.68 -1.05 -0.94 -0.44 0.25 10 The reference viscosity estimated uncertainty is less than 0.3 %. LBC equation : Bias = -.67% , RMS = 0.87% Simple equation : Bias = 0.91% , RMS = 1.04% (Neither method used this data as part of the equation development.) The Schley et al. (2004) data for pure methane (at 260, 280, 300, 320, 340 & 360 K, 2 to 220 bar; 340 points) has been fitted to the following equation :- η = (-0.000884 + 0.014228×τ - 0.002262×τ2) + (0.001187 + 0.00062×τ)×δ + (0.002908 - 0.000366×τ)×δ2 – 0.000565×δ3 + 0.000186×δ4 (mPa.s), where τ = T/298.15 (T in K), and δ = D/100 (D in kg/m3) (D calculated using the GERG-2008 equation of state.) Bias = 0.001%, RMS = 0.034%, Maximum error = 0.103% This equation agrees with the Quinones-Cisneros et al. equation (250 to 340 K, 1 to 100 bar) with errors : Bias = -0.034%, RMS = 0.080%, Max = 0.273%. Joule-Thomson coefficient and Isentropic Exponent For pure methane, -20 to 40 oC and 0 to 100 bar (compared to Setzmann & Wagner or GERG-2008 – the differences are less than 0.001 for , 0.002 for ) : Eq.16 has bias=0.056 , RMS=0.057 , max=0.076 (C/bar) . The improved equation below has bias=0.003, RMS=0.006, max=0.013 :CH4 = ( 0.525 - 0.0036t ) + (-0.145 + 0.0016t )(P/100)2 12 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Eq.17 has bias=-0.023, RMS=0.024, max=0.082 . The improved equation below has bias=-.004, RMS=0.013, max=0.025 :CH4 = (1.3288 - 0.000101t ) + (-0.1496 + 0.00314t )(P/100) + (0.4129 - 0.00607t )(P/100)2 Compression Factor The compression factor (compressibility factor, Z, = (P.V)/(R.T) ) for pure methane is accurately given as an explicit function of temperature (T) and pressure (P) by the following equation : Z = 1 + p1×Pr + p2×Pr2 + p3×Pr3 + p5×Pr5 where p1 = 0.0020223 + 0.1263/Tr - 0.28396/Tr2 - 0.17754/Tr3 p2 = 0.058793/Tr - 0.32923/Tr2 + 0.70391/Tr3 - 0.50675/Tr4 p3 = 0.006748/Tr4 - 0.100907/Tr14 p5 = -0.0021805/Tr4 + 0.0067056/Tr6 and Tr = T / 190.564 Pr = P / 45.992 (T in K, P in bar(abs)) In the range -20 to 40 oC, up to 80 bar: the difference from the GERG-2008 equation of state is : Bias = -.001%, RMS = 0.003%, Max = 0.019% The above equation was developed using GERG-2008 for methane. p1 and p2 were fitted to B and C virial coefficients from Setzmann & Wagner (1991) over the range -30 to 50 oC (p1=B×Pc/(R×T) , p2=(C-B2)×Pc2/(R×T)2) (Compared with the equation of U.Setzmann & W.Wagner, J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data, vol.20,pp.1061-1151,(1991) : Bias=-.001%, RMS=0.004%, Max=0.033%) The following table gives the breakdown of the differences from GERG-2008 as a function of temperature and pressure :P/bar Errors in Z : 100×(Zeqn-ZGERG)/ZGERG 100 Bias% RMS% Max% 80 Bias% RMS% Max% 60 Bias% RMS% Max% 40 Bias% RMS% Max% 20 Bias% RMS% Max% 0 T/oC -20 -.006 0.033 0.097 0.042 0.054 0.119 0.040 0.051 0.117 0.025 0.034 0.089 0.009 0.016 0.052 -.003 0.006 0.020 0.000 0.005 0.019 0.000 0.001 0.004 -.002 0.003 0.004 -.004 0.004 0.006 -.005 0.005 0.006 -.004 0.004 0.007 0.007 0.007 0.010 0.003 0.003 0.005 0.001 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.003 -.001 0.001 0.002 0.000 0.001 0.002 0.002 0.003 0.006 0.001 0.002 0.004 0.000 0.001 0.002 -.001 0.001 0.002 -.001 0.001 0.003 -.001 0.002 0.003 -.001 0.001 0.002 -.002 0.002 0.002 -.002 0.002 0.003 -.002 0.002 0.003 -.002 0.002 0.003 -.002 0.002 0.003 -10 0 10 20 30 (The statistics in each box comes from the comparison of 440 calculations.) 13 40 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Appendix 2 : Methods for the Calculation of the Viscosity of Natural Gas 1 Introduction The viscosity of natural gas is required for the calculation of flowrate through orifice plate meters using the equations in ISO 5167. Viscosity is used to calculate the Reynolds number, which is used in the equation for the discharge coefficient. The relevant conditions are : Temperature 260 to 340 K (-13 to 67 oC) (8 to 152 oF) Pressure up to 120 bar (up to 1740 psia) This is also essentially the primary range given for the calculation of Z in ISO 20765, and AGA8. 2 Viscosity methods Viscosity can be calculated from the composition, temperature and density. (Pressure is an alternative to density, but, theoretically and empirically, density is the better input to use). In this report P and Z were used for convenience as the input (density = P/(ZRT) ), where Z was calculated using the AGA8 (detail characterization) method. The books by Reid et al. (1977), Reid et al. (1987) and Poling et al. (2001) discuss viscosity and list a number of methods that are considered here. The units for viscosity, , used here, are [mPa.s] (=cP , centipoise). There are three principle approaches to calculating viscosity :1. General corresponding states methods, which can be applied to gases, liquids and dense fluids, and are quite general. Such methods are NBS, PFT and CLS as implemented in GasVLe. 2. Semi-theoretical gas phase methods. Such methods are DIL and LBC as implemented in GasVLe. 3. Empirical methods. Often given in engineering books, which are simple to use but are limited in use – both in T & P range, and composition. NBS : a modified form of the NBS program TRAPP. J.F.Ely & H.J.M.Hanley, Ind.Eng.Chem.Fundam., vol.20,pp.323-332,(1981) J.F.Ely & H.J.M.Hanley, Ind.Eng.Chem.Fundam., vol.22,pp.90-97,(1983) M.L.Huber & H.J.M.Hanley, chapter 13, "Transport Properties of Fluids", Eds. J.Millat, J.H.Dymond & C.A.Nieto de Castro, (1996) PFT : method of Pedersen, Fredenslund, Christensen & Thomassen. K.S.Pedersen, A.Fredenslund, P.L.Christensen & P.Thomassen, Chem.Eng.Sci.,vol.39,pp.1011-1016,(1984) K.S.Pedersen & A.Fredenslund, Chem.Eng.Sci.,vol.42,pp.182-186,(1987) J.K.Ali, J.Pet.Sci.& Eng.,vol.5,pp.351-369,(1991) CLS : method of Chung, Lee & Starling, T.H.Chung, L.L.Lee & K.E.Starling, Ind.Eng.Chem.Fundam., vol.23,p.8,(1984) T.H.Chung, M.Ajlan, L.L.Lee & K.E.Starling, Ind.Eng.Chem.Res., vol.27,p.671,(1988) 14 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) DIL : method based on dilute gas methods; generally cubic polynomial (in T) for dilute gas viscosity, Wilke mixture rule, and Stiel & Thodos density correction. LBC : method of J.Lohrenz, B.G.Bray & C.R.Clark, J.Pet.Technol.,pp.1171-1176,Oct.1964 The first methods are rather complicated and involved. They are not considered suitable for use in an online flow computer, and as shown in the comparisons, are not any better than the other methods for natural gas at the conditions of interest. The second methods are considered in detail in this report. These methods are made up of three stages :a) Calculation of the individual pure component dilute gas viscosities (i) at the temperature T b) Calculation of the mixture dilute gas viscosity (mix) using mixing rules for i c) Calculation of the density correction to get the final gas mixture viscosity () at the temperature and density required (or equivalently at the required T & P) (The dilute gas is the low or moderate pressure range where viscosity is independent of pressure (and density). E.g. for methane at 290 K, viscosity changes by less than 1% up to 8 bar (for gas, viscosity increases with P, and increases with T). There is a low P limit when the mean free path of the gas molecules is comparable to the size of the gas container – but this isn’t usually important in practice.) This is the approach recommended in API (2005) :a) Procedure 11B1.3 : “Viscosity of Pure Gases at Low Pressure” uses Stiel & Thodos (alternative procedure 11B1.1 uses DIPPR equation), b) Procedure 11B2.1 : “Viscosity of Gaseous Mixtures at Low Pressure” uses Wilke, c) Procedure 11B4.1 : “Viscosity of Pure Hydrocarbon Gases and their Gaseous Mixtures at High Pressure” uses Dean & Stiel. 3 Equations 3.1 Critical Data Required data for each component are : Molecular weight MWi [g/mol] Critical temperature Tci [K] Critical pressure Pci [bar] Critical compressibility factor Zci [-] 3.1.1 VIPAN Critical parameters from British Gas program VIPAN (from HPMIS source code). 3.1.2 DIPPR Design Institute for Physical Property Data, A.I.Ch.E., “Physical Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals”, databooks, 1994 revision. 15 and American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) 3.1.3 GasVLe Critical parameters currently used in the DNV GL program GasVLe ; typically from the CRC Handbook (as recommended by D.Ambrose). 3.2 Critical Mixing Rules N MWmix X i MWi In all cases Xi is component mole fraction i 1 Tcmix and Pcmix (atm units) are required for the viscosity reducing parameter; Vcmix is required for calculating the reduced density (units of K/bar, i.e. R cancels). 3.2.1 Kay Kay, Ind.Eng.Chem.,(1936) N Vc mix X i i 1 N Zc i Tc i Pci N Tc mix X i Tc i Pcmix X i i 1 i 1 Pci 1.01325 3.2.2 Lorentz & Berthelot Assael et al.,(1996) p.85 (based on the Lorentz-Berthelot combining rules for the length and energy parameters in the intermolecular potential, Lorentz (1881) and Berthelot (1898)). 1 Zc Tc Vc ij i i 2 Pci N N Vc mix X i X j Vc ij 1 3 Zc j Tc j Pc j Tc mix i 1 j1 1 1 Vc mix 3 N 3 N Pcmix X i i 1 Pci 1.01325 N X X Vc i 1 j1 i j ij Tc i Tc j 3.2.3 Prausnitz & Gunn Prausnitz & Gunn, AIChE J.,(1958) N Vc mix X i i 1 3.3 Zc i Tc i Pci N Tc mix X i Tc i Pc mix i 1 Tc mix Vc mix N X i 1 i Zc i 1.01325 Viscosity at low pressure 3.3.1 API (1981) Used in VIPAN, Gasunie book p.82, API (1981) procedure. Based on the ChapmanEnskog equation, using intermolecular potential parameters from general equations. 1.8617 Zc i 0.08314510 Tc i σi Pci Zc1.2 i 1 3 10 T α Ln 3.6 65.3 Tc Zc i i i = 1/( 0.91426362 - 1.068936 2 + 0.68077797 3 -0.21208677 4 + 0.034487186 5 - 0.0028188225 6 + 0.000091590342 7) η i 0.002669 MWi T σ i2 Ω i 16 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) 3.3.2 Assael et al. Gasunie book p.83, Assael et al. (1996), p.283, using tabulated values for i and (/k)i (determined from viscosity data). = T / (/k)i i = 1.16145 / 0.14874 + 0.52487 Exp(-0.7732 ) + 2.16178 Exp(-2.43787 ) - 0.0006435 0.14874 Sin(18.0323/0.7683 - 7.2371) ηi MWi T 0.3125 8314.51 6022.1367 π σ i2 Ω i 3.3.3 Stiel & Thodos Stiel & Thodos, AIChE J.,(1961) : Tr = T / Tci Tr 1.5 : = 0.00034 Tr0.94 Tr > 1.5 : = 0.0001778(4.58 Tr - 1.67)0.625 1 2 MWi 2 Pci 3 ηi α 1 6 1.01325 Tc i 3.3.4 DIPPR Component parameters A, B, C and D for semi-empirical equation :i = Ai TBi /( 1 + Ci / T + Di / T2 ) 3.3.5 Reichenberg Reichenberg (1971). Experimental component viscosities at 290 K (from various J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data sources) used with Reichenberg temperature dependence function. T290 = 290 / Tci ηi η 3.4 290 i Tr = T / Tci 1 0.36T290 T290 116 T290 Tr 1 0.36Tr Tr 116 Viscosity of Mixture 3.4.1 Wilke Wilke, J.Chem.Phys.,(1950); Bromley & Wilke, Ind.Eng.Chem.,(1951) 12 MW 14 j 1 η i η j MWi φ ij 12 MWi 81 MW j 2 η mix 3.4.2 Herning & Zipperer Herning & Zipperer, Gas-Wasserfach,(1936) 17 X i ηi N i 1 X j φ ij j1 N American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) N η mix X η i 1 N i X i 1 i i MWi MWi (Which is Wilke method with ij set to (MWj/MWi)1/2) This method doesn’t require the I to be stored. 3.4.3 Reichenberg Reichenberg (1974) and (1977). Tri = T / Tci Trij = T / (Tci Tcj) 1 1 MWi 4 Tri 2 Ci 1 1 η i 2 1 0.36Tri Tri 1 6 MWi MW j H ij 3 32MWi MW j Ki 1 2 1 2 1 0.36T T rij rij 1 C 1 1 6 Cj 2 i Trij2 X i ηi N 2MWj X i η i X j H ij 3 MWi j1 i N i 1 N N η mix K i 1 2 H ij K j H ij H ik K j K k i 1 j1 j1 i k 1 i 3.5 Viscosity at high density 2 1 ξ 3 MWmix2 Pc mix 1 where MWmix [g/mol], Pcmix [atm], Tcmix [K] 6 Tc mix r = VcmixP /( ZT ) P [bar], T [K], gas Z calculated by AGA8 ( is a group of parameters with, in principle, the same dimensions as viscosity [Pa.s] and is commonly used as a reducing parameter that brings viscosities to an equivalent, dimensionless value. Actually is (MW/NA)1/2(Pc)2/3/(RTc/NA)1/6, where NA = 6.02213671023 mol-1, R = 8.314510 J/mol.K and MW [kg/mol], Pc [Pa], Tc [K]. Although, as above, it is defined with MW, Pc & Tc having engineering units, which means it isn’t dimensionless and thus care must be taken with the equations which have units conversion factors ‘hidden’ in the coefficients.) 3.5.1 Dean & Stiel Dean & Stiel, AIChE J.,(1965), API (2005) procedure = 0.000108 [ Exp(1.439 r) - Exp(-1.11 r1.858) ] = mix + 3.5.2 Jossi, Stiel & Thodos Jossi, Stiel & Thodos, AIChE J.,(1962) : = 0.1023 + 0.023364 r + 0.058533 r2 - 0.040758 r3 + 0.0093324 r4 = mix + (4 – 0.0001 ) 18 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) 3.5.3 Reichenberg Reichenberg (1975). Tr = T / Tcmix Pr = P /(1.01325Pcmix) A = (0.001982358 / Tr)Exp(5.26827 / Tr0.576687) B = A(1.655163Tr - 1.276002) C = (0.131889 / Tr) Exp(3.703471 / Tr79.867774) D = (2.949592 / Tr) Exp(2.918976 / Tr16.616883) E = BPr + 1 / (1 + CPrD) = mix ( 1 + APr1.5 / E) This method doesn’t require gas Z to be calculated. 3.6 Empirical Methods Quoted in engineering books, such as McCain (1990) (p.514), Danesh (1998) (p.83) The methods below require only the MW of the gas. 3.6.1 Lee, Gonzalez & Eakin A.Lee, M.H.Gonzalez & B.E.Eakin, J.Petrol.Trans.,pp.997-1000,August (1966) T [K] & P [bar] input, and Z is the calculated value for the gas. A = (9.379 + 0.01607MWmix)(1.8T)1.5 /(209.2 + 19.26MWmix + 1.8T) B = 3.448 + 986.4 / (1.8T) + 0.01009MWmix C = 2.447 - 0.2224B = MWmixP0.1 / (Z8.31451T) = A0.0001Exp(BC) There are enhancements which have additional terms for CO 2 , e.g. Elsharkawy (2004). 3.6.2 Starling & Ellington K.E.Starling & R.T.Ellington, AIChE J.,(1964). A = (7.77 + 0.0063MWmix) (1.8T)1.5 / (122.4 + 12.9MWmix + 1.8T) B = 2.57 + 1914.5 / (1.8T) + 0.0095MWmix C = 1.11 + 0.04B = MWmixP0.1 / (Z8.31451T) = A0.0001Exp(BC) 4 Comparisons 627 experimental values selected to compare the various combinations outlined above. Data sources :1) Golubev (1959) 92 mol% CH4 17 points 2) Nabizadeh et al. (1999) 95 mol% CH4 32 points 3) Assael et al. (2001) 85 mol% CH4 22 points 4) Gonzalez et al. (1970) 72 to 98% CH4 35 points 5) Schley et al. (2004) 19 100 mol% CH4 201 points 90 mol% CH4 160 points 84 mol% CH4 160 points American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Error% = 100 (calc – expt )/ expt Bias% = ( error% )/ 627 RMS% = [ { (error%)2 }/ 627 ] There are 33533 = 405 combinations of methods. The table below lists some. The number in the first column refers to the method given in the subsection of section 3.1, e.g. section 3.1.3 for the first row. Similarly for the other columns. 3.1.? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 crit.mix 3.2.? 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 1 1 1 vis.lowP 3.3.? 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 4 5 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 3 5 vis.mix 3.4.? 2 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 vis.den 3.5.? 1 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 2 2 5 3 2 3 1 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 3 5 5 4 5 3.6.1 3.6.2 Bias% RMS% -.53 -.18 -.95 -.47 -.18 -.53 -.18 -.23 -.18 -.05 -.18 -.18 -.97 1.36 -.18 1.84 0.44 1.16 1.50 0.91 1.48 1.83 1.27 1.12 1.46 0.87 -.72 -.71 -.71 -.60 -.59 -.59 -.73 -.72 -.72 -1.22 -.82 -.26 1.26 1.37 1.69 1.32 1.37 1.33 1.37 1.37 1.37 1.36 1.37 1.37 1.73 1.93 1.37 2.29 1.47 1.49 1.97 1.53 1.81 2.28 1.86 1.45 1.93 1.48 1.40 1.39 1.39 1.38 1.38 1.38 1.39 1.39 1.39 1.66 1.30 1.03 1 -.35 1.02 3 3 -2.29 2.56 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 -.25 0.05 1.18 -.24 0.17 -2.38 1.03 1.16 1.51 1.04 3.56 3.99 20 change of vis.den. change of vis.mix change of crit.mix change of change of vis.lowP change of vis.mix and vis.den. change of and crit.mix smallest RMS largest RMS Best American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) NBS PFT CLS DIL LBC 0.91 1.22 -1.14 0.61 -.18 1.49 1.51 2.06 1.10 1.37 GasVLe (For ease of comparison some combinations are listed more than once.) In general, there is not a big difference between any of the methods and combinations. The type 1 methods (NBS, PFT & CLS) are no better than the other methods. Only the type 3, empirical methods (3.6.1 & 3.6.2) are not so good, but they are not a lot worse. LBC, (Lohrenz et al., 1964)) is the same as method (3,1,3,2,2). DIL is similar to (3,3,4,1,1) or (3,3,5,1,1). The difference is due to a different component low pressure viscosity equation being used. (DIL uses polynomial equations from ESDU data items vol. 6e & 6f.) API (2005) corresponds to (2,1,3,1,1) or (2,1,4,1,1) API(1981), VIPAN corresponds to (1,1,1,1,1) (although test results from the VIPANII.exe DOS program (Oct.1990) do not agree exactly – for example, VIPAN uses API (Lee-Kesler) procedure to calculate Z rather than AGA8) From all the 405 combinations, biases go from -2.29% to +1.92%. The minimum RMS is 1.02%. The (3,1,5,1,1) method is arguably the best since the bias is slightly less and it is computationally moderate. Overall the recommended method is LBC (3,1,3,2,2). Figure 1 in the main text show the errors as a function of temperature and pressure. 5 Recommendations The empirical methods are simplest, but not the best. The recommendation is one of the type 2 method combinations, chosen by the following reasons :1. The critical data used is not important. Any reasonable set could be used. 2. No critical mixing rule is significantly better. Thus, the simplest method, 3.2.1 (Kay) is recommended. 3. Using experimental pure component viscosity does not appear to be significantly better than general equations. Hence, for simplicity and minimal data storage, method 3.3.3 is recommended 4. All mixture viscosity methods are similar. The simplest method 3.4.2 is thus recommended, also i does not needed to be stored. 5. Either method 3.4.1 or 3.4.2 looks to be satisfactory. Thus, the recommendation is (3,1,3,2,2) - Lohrenz-Bray-Clark (LBC). This is also a standard method used in reservoir engineering, e.g. Pedersen et al. (1989), Danesh (1998), Pedersen et al. (2007), and is generally accepted as being an industry standard method and widely available. The only disadvantage is that the calculated viscosity is sensitive to the value of the density (or Z) used. However, this is not relevant for metering since using the AGA8 method will provide an accurate Z. 6 References 1) API Technical Data Book, 7th ed., The American Petroleum Institute and EPCON International, (2005) 21 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) 2) M.J.Assael, J.P.M.Trusler & T.F.Tsolakis, “Thermophysical Properties of Fluids”, Imperial College Press, (1996) 3) M.J.Assael, N.K.Dalaouti & V.Vesovic, “Viscosity of Natural-Gas Mixtures: Measurements and Prediction”, Int.J.Thermophysics, vol.22,no.1,pp.6171,(2001) 4) D.Berthelot, Compt.Rend.Acad.Sci., vol.126,pp.1703-6,1857-8,(1898) 5) L.A.Bromley & C.R.Wilke, “Viscosity behaviour of gases”, Ind.Eng.Chem.,vol.43,no.7,pp.1641-1648,(1951) 6) A.Danesh, “PVT and phase behaviour of petroleum fluids”, Elsevier, (1998) 7) D.E.Dean & L.I.Stiel, “The viscosity of nonpolar gas mixtures at moderate and high pressures”, AIChE J.,vol.11,no.3,pp.526-532,(1965) 8) DIPPR, Design Institute for Physical Property Data, A.I.Ch.E., “Physical and Thermodynamic Properties of Pure Chemicals”, databooks, 1994 revision. 9) A.M.Elsharkawy, “Efficient methods for calculation of compressibility, density and viscosity of natural gases”, Fluid Phase Equil.,vol.218,pp.113,(2004) 10) Encyclopedie des Gaz, L'Air Liquide (1976), p.296 11) D.G.Friend, J.F.Ely & H.Ingham, “Thermophysical properties of methane”, J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data, vol.18,no.2,pp.583-638,(1989) 12) Gasunie, “Physical Properties of Natural Gas”, N.V.Nederlandse Gasunie, (June 1988), section 13) I.F.Golubev, “Viscosity of Gases and Gas Mixtures : A Handbook”, p.214, (1959), Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem, (1970) 14) M.Gonzalez, B.E.Eakin & A.L.Lee, “Viscosity of Natural Gases”, Monograph on API Research Project 65, American Petroleum Institute,(1970) 15) F.Herning & L.Zipperer, “Calculation of the viscosity of technical gas mixtures from the viscosity of the individual gases”, Gas u. 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II. Methane, ethane, propane, isobutane and normal butane”, J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data, vol.16,no..4,pp.577-798,(1987) 23 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Appendix 3 : High Pressure Viscosity of Natural Gas The focus of the methods in this paper have been for natural gas metering in transmission and distribution pipelines, which are generally below 100 bar. However, metering sometimes occurs at higher pressure, often offshore at reservoir conditions. This appendix examines the errors in the LBC (Lohrenz-BrayClark) viscosity method (section 2.2 above) for high pressure natural gas (using the GERG-2008 equation of state for density). References : [C] [GO] [G] [NM] [AD] [S] [L] [A] N.L.Carr, “Viscosities of natural gas components and mixtures”, Institute of Gas Technology Research Bulletin 23, (1953) Mixtures : [C1], [C2], [C3], [C4] & [C5] I.F.Golubev, “Viscosity of Gases and Gas Mixtures : A Handbook”, p.214, (1959) (translation 1970) M.Gonzalez, B.E.Eakin & A.L.Lee, “Viscosity of Natural Gas”, Monograph on API Research Project 65, American Petroleum Institute, (1970) Mixtures : [G1], [G2], [G3], [G4], [G5], [G6], [G7] & [G8] H.Nabizadeh & F.Mayinger, High Temperatures-High Pressures, vol.31, pp.601-612, (1999) (table with Tn=263.15 K should be Tn=363.15 K) M.J.Assael, N.K.Dalaouti & V.Vesovic, Int. J. Thermophys., vol.22, pp.6171, (2001) P.Schley, M.Jaeschke, C.Küchenmeister & E.Vogel, Int. J. Thermophys., vol.25, pp.1623-1652, (2004) Mixtures : [S1], [S2] & [S3] L.I.Langelandsvik, S.Solvang, M.Rousselet, I.N.Metaxa & M.J.Assael, Int. J. Thermophys., vol.28, pp.1120-1130, (2007) Mixtures : [L1], [L2] & [L3] M.Atilhan, S.Aparicio, R.Alcalde, G.A.Iglesias-Silva, M.El-Halwagi & K.R.Hall, J. Chem. Eng. Data, vol.55, pp.2498-2504, (2010) Mixtures : [A1], [A2] & [A6] (this is pure methane) ([A2] 450 K data looks wrong, and the 12 points were ignored) M.Atilhan, S.Aparicio, G.A.Iglesias-Silva, M.El-Halwagi & K.R.Hall, J. Chem. Eng. Data, vol.55, pp.5117-5123, (2010) Mixtures : [A3], [A4] & [A5] Mixture compositions : Mol% N2 CO2 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 iC4 nC4 nC5 He Mol% N2 CO2 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 iC4 [C1] 15.8 0 73.1 6.1 3.4 0.2 0.6 0 0.8 [G1] 0.21 0.23 97.80 0.95 0.42 0 [C2] 0.3 0 95.6 3.6 0.5 0 0 0 0 [G2] 5.20 0.19 92.90 0.94 0.48 0.01 [C3] 0.6 0 73.5 25.7 0.2 0 0 0 0 [G3] 0.55 1.70 91.50 3.10 1.40 0.67 [C4] 0.4 0 99.0 0.5 0 0 0 0 0 [C5] 0 0 99.8 0.1 0.1 0 0 0 0 [GO] 5.0 0 91.5 1.8 0.8 0 0.6 0.3 0 [NM] 1.83 0 94.67 3.50 0 0 0 0 0 [AD] 5.60 0.66 84.84 8.40 0.50 0 0 0 0 [G4] 0.04 2.04 88.22 5.08 2.48 0.87 [G5] 0 3.20 86.3 6.80 2.40 0.43 [G6] 0.67 0.64 80.90 9.90 4.60 0.76 [G7] 4.80 0.90 80.70 8.70 2.90 0 [G8] 1.40 1.40 71.70 14.00 8.30 0.77 24 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) nC4 nC5 nC6 nC7 He 0.23 0.09 0.06 0.03 0 0.18 0.06 0.06 0 0 Mol% helium carbon_dioxide nitrogen oxygen+argon hydrogen methane ethane propane n-butane isobutane n-pentane isopentane neopentane hexanes heptanes octanes nonanes decanes+ benzene toluene xylenes Mol% Hydrogen Helium Water Argon+oxygen Nitrogen Carbon_dioxide Methane Ethane Propane n-Butane i-Butane n-Pentane i-Pentane neo-Pentane Hexanes Heptanes Octanes Nonanes Decanes+ Benzene Toluene Xylene mix1 0 0.0068 0.0006 0.0514 0.7587 1.7947 90.1584 6.3077 0.8010 0.0643 0.0446 0.0044 0.0054 0.0003 0.0014 0.0005 0.0001 0 0 0.0002 0 0 0.50 0.28 0.26 0.08 0 H gas 0.0137 0.7740 1.5324 0.0419 0.0007 89.5669 6.1464 1.2532 0.1924 0.2857 0.0324 0.0565 0.0032 0.0572 0.0340 0.0038 0.0010 0.0009 0.0021 0.0009 0.0006 mix2 0.0010 0.0084 0 0 0.6601 2.1902 80.0079 9.3063 4.9630 1.2791 0.7188 0.2499 0.2556 0.0055 0.1793 0.1010 0.0197 0.0086 0.0063 0.0173 0.0157 0.0061 0.58 0.41 0.15 0.13 0 0.48 0.22 0.10 0.04 0 L gas 0.0520 1.4523 9.7520 0.0100 0.0005 84.3322 3.4085 0.6023 0.1282 0.1033 0.0350 0.0357 0.0056 0.0388 0.0174 0.0041 0.0021 0.0013 0.0250 0.0031 0.0010 Used N2 CO2 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 nC6 nC7 nC8 nC9 nC10 He H2 O2 mix3 0.0005 0.0168 0 0 1.3916 1.0030 92.2045 4.3373 0.5396 0.0771 0.2562 0.0198 0.0468 0.0033 0.0606 0.0364 0.0038 0.0009 0.0002 0.0007 0.0006 0.0003 25 Used N2 CO2 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 nC6 nC7 nC8 nC9 nC10 He H2 O2 H2O 1.35 0.60 0.39 0.11 0.05 1.70 0.13 0.06 0.03 0.03 [S1] 1.5324 0.7740 89.5669 6.1464 1.2532 0.2857 0.1924 0.0597 0.0324 0.0593 0.0349 0.0044 0.0010 0.0009 0.0137 0.0007 0.0419 [L1] 0.7587 1.7947 90.1584 6.3077 0.8010 0.0446 0.0643 0.0057 0.0044 0.0016 0.0005 0.0001 0 0 0.0068 0 0.0514 0.0006 1.90 0.39 0.09 0.01 0.03 [S2] 9.7520 1.4523 84.3322 3.4085 0.6023 0.1033 0.1282 0.0413 0.0350 0.0638 0.0205 0.0051 0.0021 0.0013 0.0520 0.0005 0.0100 [L2] 0.6601 2.1902 80.0079 9.3063 4.9630 0.7188 1.2791 0.2611 0.2499 0.1966 0.1167 0.0258 0.0086 0.0063 0.0084 0.0010 0 0 [S3] 0 0 100 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 [L3] 1.3916 1.0030 92.2045 4.3373 0.5396 0.2562 0.0771 0.0501 0.0198 0.0613 0.0370 0.0041 0.0009 0.0002 0.0168 0.0005 0 0 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Mol% methane ethane propane isobutane n-butane isopentane n-pentane n-octane toluene methylcyclopentane nitrogen carbon_dioxide mix1 84.990 5.529 2.008 0.401 0.585 0.169 0.147 0.152 0.090 0.102 3.496 2.331 mix2 90.260 5.828 2.106 0.412 0.641 0.214 0.162 0.161 0.110 0.111 0 0 mix3 80.340 5.189 1.878 0.384 0.573 0.188 0.140 0.145 0.092 0.092 6.596 4.380 mix4 84.700 5.584 1.962 0.416 0.553 0.214 0.155 0.150 0.098 0 3.711 2.457 mix5 85.094 5.529 2.009 0.401 0.612 0.171 0.141 0.152 0 0.099 3.496 2.296 Used N2 CO2 CH4 C2H6 C3H8 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 nC6 nC7 nC8 [A1] 3.496 2.331 84.990 5.529 2.008 0.401 0.585 0.169 0.147 0.102 0.090 0.152 [A2] 0 0 90.260 5.828 2.106 0.412 0.641 0.214 0.162 0.111 0.110 0.161 [A3] 6.596 4.380 80.340 5.189 1.878 0.384 0.573 0.188 0.140 0.092 0.092 0.145 Calculated results (for all data) : [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [GO] [G1] [G2] [G3] [G4] [G5] [G6] [G7] [G8] [NM] [AD] [S1] [S2] [S3] [L1] [L2] [L3] [A1] [A2] [A3] [A4] [A5] [A6] T range (K) 299-394 303-398 298-339 294-340 295-367 273-523 311-444 311-444 311-444 311-444 311-444 311-444 344-444 311-444 299-399 241-455 260-320 260-320 260-360 263-303 263-304 263-304 250-450 250-440 250-450 250-450 250-450 250-450 P range (bar) 1-661 1-584 1-692 1-554 1-277 1-456 14-552 28-207 28-552 1-276 14-276 14-483 14-172 48-552 1-67 2-140 1-201 1-202 1-292 45-251 133-253 50-252 100-650 100-650 100-650 100-650 100-650 100-700 Overall 241-523 1-700 points Bias% RMS% Max% 35 33 53 36 41 112 38 34 27 31 30 26 24 34 59 40 224 224 345 45 34 45 248 236 248 248 246 77 1.6 1.0 1.1 -0.1 2.4 1.5 -3.6 -6.0 -4.3 -2.5 -3.8 -5.5 -4.5 -0.4 -1.1 -0.5 1.1 1.6 0.0 -2.0 -2.6 -1.5 -1.5 -0.8 1.2 -1.8 -1.6 2.4 3.2 3.0 3.3 2.4 4.5 3.7 5.1 6.9 6.4 6.1 4.2 5.9 4.9 3.7 1.3 0.9 2.3 2.5 1.7 2.8 3.5 2.2 2.9 2.8 2.8 3.1 3.0 4.3 7.8 6.7 11.9 5.3 7.1 11.1 12.1 15.7 18.0 14.4 6.1 10.8 7.9 6.4 2.5 2.3 5.8 7.0 5.8 5.4 8.3 4.2 5.5 6.3 7.0 6.2 5.8 7.6 2873 -0.4 3.1 18.0 The figure below shows the distribution of the errors for the 2,873 data points : 26 [A4] 3.711 2.457 84.700 5.584 1.962 0.416 0.553 0.214 0.155 0 0.098 0.150 [A5] 3.496 2.296 85.094 5.529 2.009 0.401 0.612 0.171 0.141 0.099 0 0.152 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Close-up of the below 200 bar results : (Gonzalez data looks to be incorrect – either in measurement of viscosity etc., or reporting of the composition) 27 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Calculated results for below 105 bar, and above 105 bar : [C1] [C2] [C3] [C4] [C5] [GO] [G1] [G2] [G3] [G4] [G5] [G6] [G7] [G8] [NM] [AD] [S1] [S2] [S3] [L1] [L2] [L3] [A1] [A2] [A3] [A4] [A5] [A6] overall Pressure below 105 bar points Bias% RMS% Max% 17 -0.1 1.5 3.1 17 -0.6 1.6 3.6 28 0.4 2.0 4.3 25 -0.9 2.0 3.9 11 -0.6 2.2 4.3 42 0.7 3.7 11.1 17 -6.0 6.6 12.1 22 -5.6 6.2 9.9 8 -8.5 8.8 12.1 25 -4.9 5.1 6.5 18 -4.1 4.4 5.9 12 -4.8 5.1 10.0 21 -4.2 4.6 7.4 8 -4.8 4.9 6.1 59 -1.1 1.3 2.5 34 -0.6 0.9 2.3 147 0.0 0.8 2.0 147 0.7 1.0 2.0 222 -0.7 1.1 2.4 14 -4.1 4.3 5.4 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 15 -3.4 3.4 4.2 17 0.0 1.4 2.7 16 -3.4 3.9 5.9 17 3.0 3.0 3.1 17 0.1 1.4 2.8 15 -0.3 1.3 1.9 11 -2.8 3.3 4.7 1002 -1.0 2.6 12.1 Pressure above 105 bar points Bias% RMS% Max% 18 3.2 4.3 7.8 16 2.8 4.0 6.7 25 1.8 4.3 11.9 16 1.2 3.0 5.3 25 3.8 5.2 7.1 70 2.0 3.7 8.8 21 -1.8 3.3 6.7 12 -6.8 8.0 15.7 19 -2.5 5.1 18.0 6 7.7 9.1 14.4 12 -3.4 3.9 6.1 14 -6.1 6.5 10.8 3 -6.4 6.5 7.9 26 1.0 3.3 6.4 0 6 0.1 0.6 1.2 77 3.1 3.7 5.8 77 3.3 4.0 7.0 123 1.1 2.5 5.8 31 -1.1 1.8 4.8 34 -2.6 3.5 8.3 30 -0.6 1.1 2.8 231 -1.6 3.0 5.5 220 -0.6 2.7 6.3 231 1.1 2.8 7.0 231 -1.9 3.2 6.2 231 -1.7 3.0 5.8 66 3.3 4.4 7.6 1871 -0.1 3.3 18.0 For the over 105 bar data, 95% of the errors are less than 5.9%. (5% of errors are less than -4.9%, and 5% of errors are greater than 5.5%; hence, 90% of errors are actually between -4.9% and 5.5%). Thus, below 105 bar the uncertainty (given in section 2.2 above) is about 4% (95% confidence limit); whilst above 105 bar it is about 6% (although there are some large errors). It is still within the target uncertainty (given in section 1 above) of 17%. For the simple equation (eq.14) the results are : Eq.14 All data Below 105 bar Above 105 bar points 2873 1002 1871 Bias% -3.4 0.6 -5.6 RMS% 7.5 2.9 9.1 Max% 33.7 10.9 33.7 Thus, eq.14 is reasonable for all conditions – although there some large errors. 28 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Appendix 4 : Viscosity of Hydrogen and Natural Gas Currently it is being considered to replace natural gas with hydrogen, or hydrogen enriched natural gas (up to 20 mol% H2). This Appendix looks at the accuracy of the LBC viscosity method (using GERG-2008 density) for hydrogen and hydrogen in natural gas. Experimental data has been reported by H.Nabizadeh & F.Mayinger, “Viscosity of binary mixtures of hydrogen and natural gas (hythane) in the gaseous phase”, High TemperaturesHigh Pressures, vol.31, pp.601-612, (1999) This has experimental viscosity data for mixtures of Natural gas + 5, 15, 30 & 75 mol% Hydrogen, and pure H2; temperature 298 to 400 K, pressure 1 to 70 bar (total 333 points, including Natural gas – see Appendix 3, [NM]) At 300 K, the reduced temperature (Tr) for hydrogen is about 9; thus eq.7 is not appropriate, hence eq.8 was developed for hydrogen (and helium) (modified LBC). Eq.8 was fitted to pure H2 and He viscosity (at 1 bar) as calculated by NIST RefProp (version 10.0, database 23, 2018) from 150 to 1000 K, (H2 RMS%=1.0, He RMS%=1.5). Calculated results : Nat.Gas +5% H2 +15% H2 +30% H2 +75% H2 Pure H2 Original LBC Bias% RMS% Max% -1.1 1.3 2.5 -1.8 1.9 3.2 -3.4 3.5 4.6 -5.7 5.7 6.9 -12.8 12.8 14.0 -13.7 13.7 15.7 Modified LBC Bias% RMS% Max% -1.1 1.3 2.5 -1.6 1.8 3.0 -2.8 2.9 4.0 -4.3 4.4 5.5 -7.0 7.0 8.0 0.0 0.8 1.5 Thus, showing the improvement in the modified LBC, and also showing the suitability of LBC for hydrogen containing natural gas. Although for less than 50 mol% hydrogen, there is actually little effect of hydrogen on the natural gas mixture viscosity. For hydrogen mixtures the Wilke equation for the (low pressure) mixture viscosity (Appendix 2, section 3.4.1) is better than the LBC eq.10 (Appendix 2, section 3.4.2). This can be written as follows, with the calculated results : 𝜑ij = 2 1/4 MW1/4 MW j i [ 1/2 + 1/2 ] η η i j 1⁄2 8 8 [ + ] MW𝑖 MW𝑗 X MWi i ηmix = ∑N i=1 (∑N j=1 Xj φij ) 29 Nat.Gas +5% H2 +15% H2 +30% H2 +75% H2 Pure H2 Modified LBC with Wilke Bias% RMS% Max% -1.3 1.5 2.6 -1.1 1.3 2.5 -1.0 1.2 2.2 -0.7 0.9 1.8 1.3 1.4 1.9 0.0 0.8 1.5 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Appendix 5 : Python routine for LBC Viscosity def VisLBC(Tin, Din, Xin): # Lohrenz-Bray-Clark method for viscosity, # Tin degC , Din mol/dm3 : Vis mPa.s = cP # MW g/mol , Tc K , Pc bar , Dc mol/dm3 # 1:CH4 2:N2 3:CO2 4:C2H6 5:C3H8 6:nC4 7:iC4 8:nC5 9:iC5 10:nC6 11:nC7 # 12:nC8 13:nC9 14:nC10 15:H2 16:O2 17:CO 18:H2O 1 9:H2S 20:He 21:Ar 22:neoC5 M=(0.0, 16.04246, 28.0134, 44.0095, 30.06904, 44.09562, 58.1222, 58.1222, 72.14878, 72.14878, 86.17536, 100.20194, 114.22852, 128.2551, 142.28168, 2.01588, 31.9988, 28.0101, 18.01528, 34.08088, 4.002602, 39.948, 72.14878) Tc=(0.0, 190.564, 126.192, 304.1282,305.322, 369.825, 425.125, 407.817, 469.7, 460.35, 507.82, 540.13, 569.32, 594.55, 617.7, 33.19, 154.595, 132.86, 647.096, 373.1, 5.1953,150.687, 433.75) Pc=(0.0, 45.992, 33.958, 73.773, 48.718, 42.4661, 37.9053, 36.3729, 33.7098, 33.7823, 30.4293, 27.3107, 24.9781, 22.8198, 21.0137, 13.15, 50.3895, 34.9821, 220.64, 89.9873, 2.2746, 48.5963, 31.94) Dc=(0.0,10.139342719,11.1839,10.624978698, 6.870854540, 5.000043088, 3.920016792, 3.860142940, 3.215577588, 3.271, 2.705877875, 2.315324434, 2.056404127, 1.81, 1.64,14.94,13.63,10.85,17.873716090,10.19,17.399, 13.407429659, 3.24397) NC = 0 X = [0.0]*23 sumX = 0.0 for i in range(1,23): X[i] = Xin[i]; sumX = sumX + X[i] if (X[i]>0.0): NC = i+1 if (sumX<0.01): sumX = 1.0; X[1] = sumX; NC = 2 for i in range(1,NC): X[i] = X[i]/sumX T = Tin + 273.15 #degC to K Mmix = 0.0; Vcmix = 0.0; Tcmix = 0.0; Pcmix = 0.0; Vis1 = 0.0; Vis2 = 0.0 for i in range(1,NC): Mmix = Mmix + X[i] * M[i] #eq.3 Vcmix = Vcmix + X[i] / Dc[i] #eq.4 Tcmix = Tcmix + X[i] * Tc[i] #eq.4 Pcmix = Pcmix + X[i] * Pc[i]/1.01325 #eq.4 Tr = T / Tc[i] #eq.5 if (Tc[i]<40.0): alpha = 0.0001 * (7.08 * Tr + 2.26)**0.72 #eq.8 else: if (Tr <= 1.5): alpha = 0.00034 * Tr**0.94 #eq.6 else: alpha = 0.0001778 * (4.58 * Tr - 1.67)**0.625 #eq.7 SM = math.sqrt(M[i]) Vis = SM * Tc[i]**(-1.0/6.0) * (Pc[i]/1.01325)**(2.0/3.0) * alpha #eq.9 Vis1 = Vis1 + X[i] * SM #eq.10 Vis2 = Vis2 + X[i] * SM * Vis #eq.10 Vismix = Vis2 / Vis1 #eq.10 xi = math.sqrt(Mmix) * Tcmix**(-1.0/6.0) * Pcmix**(2.0/3.0) #eq.11 Dr = Vcmix * Din #eq.12 delta = 0.1023 +Dr*(0.023364 +Dr*(0.058533 +Dr*(-0.040758 +Dr*0.0093324))) #eq.12 Vis = Vismix + xi *( delta**4 - 0.0001) #eq.13 if (Vis < 0.0): Vis= 0.0 return (Vis) 30 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Appendix 6 : Equations for Orifice Plate Flow Metering 6.1 Introduction The International, European and British standard ISO 5167 has undergone revisions. The standard has been issued in 1991(ref.1), 1997 (ref.2) and 2003 (refs.3 & 4). This appendix outlines the methods for orifice plate flow measurement. 6.2 Symbols C d D P T q Re p discharge coefficient orifice diameter pipe (inside) diameter pressure (absolute) (upstream) temperature (upstream) mass flowrate Reynolds number, (4.q)/(..D) diameter ratio, d/D differential pressure permanent pressure loss expansibility factor fluid dynamic viscosity (at T,P) isentropic exponent Joule-Thomson coefficient = 3.141592654… fluid density (at T,P) [-] [m] [m] [Pa] [K] [kg/s] [-] [-] [Pa] [Pa] [-] [Pa.s] [-] [K/Pa] [kg/m3] 6.3 Basic Equations The basic mass flowrate equation is :- q π ε d 2 2.p.ρ 1 β4 4 C (1) C is function of and Re, and of the type of orifice pressure tappings, is a function of , P, p and . The standards differ in the functions for C and . Note that although q is given by equation (1) iteration is required since C is a function of Re and Re is a function of q. Similarly, given q, equation (1) does not directly give p since is a function of p. 6.3.1 Discharge coefficient ISO-5167:1991 uses the Stolz equation :- C 0.5959 0.0312β 2.1 Corner tappings D & D/2 tappings Flange tappings : : : 106 0.1840β 0.0029β Re 8 2.5 L1 = 0 L1 = 0.4333 L1 = 0.0254/D 0.75 0.0900L1 β4 0.0337L2β 3 (2) 4 1 β L2 = 0 L2 = 0.47 L2 = 0.0254/D ISO-5167:1997 and 2003 use the Reader-Harris/Gallagher equation :- 106 β C 0.5961 0.0261β 0.216β 0.000521 Re 2 8 0.043 0.080e10L1 0.123e7L1 0.7 106 0.0188 0.0063A β Re β4 1 0.11A 4 0.031 M 2 0.8M21.1 β1.3 1 β 31 0.3 3.5 (3) American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) when D < 0.07112 m, the following term is added : 19000β A Re Where Corner tappings D & D/2 tappings Flange tappings : : : 0.8 and M2 L1 = 0 L1 = 1 L1 = 0.0254/D D 0.0110.75 β 2.8 0.0254 2L 2 1 β L2 = 0 L2 = 0.47 L2 = 0.0254/D 6.3.2 Expansibility factor ISO-5167:1991 and 1997 use the following equation : = 1 – (0.41 + 0.35 4) p/(P) ISO-5167:2003 uses the following equation : = 1 – (0.351 + 0.2564 + 0.938 )(1 - (1 - p/P)1/) (4) (5) 6.3.3 Permanent pressure loss ISO-5167:1991 and 1997 use the following equation :- Δω 1 β 4 Cβ 2 1 β 4 Cβ 2 Δp (6) ISO-5167:2003 uses the following equation :- Δω 6.4 1 C Cβ 1 β 4 1 C 2 Cβ 2 1 β4 2 2 Δp (7) Upstream temperature Metering installations typically measure the upstream pressure, the differential pressure across the orifice, whilst only the downstream temperature is measured – in order not to disturb the upstream flow. The downstream pressure is calculated from the permanent pressure loss equation. ISO-5167:2003 assumes that the overall process is isenthalpic (ref.3 section (i.e. T is approximately given by Tdownstream + .). Whilst ISO-5167:1991 and 1997 do not specify what the overall process is – merely that the upstream T can be calculated (refs.1 & 2 section 5.4.2); the general assumption is that it is isentropic (i.e. also assuming constant Z (=P.V/R.T) (e.g. ideal gas Z=1), T is approximately given by Tdownstream.(1 - /P)1/-1). 6.5 References 1) ISO 5167-1:1991, “Measurement of fluid flow in closed conduits – Part 1. Pressure differential devices – Section 1.1: Specification for square-edged orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full”, (BS 1042:Section 1.1:1992) 2) BS EN ISO 5167-1:1997, “Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices – Part 1: Orifice plates, nozzles and Venturi tubes inserted in circular crosssection conduits running full”, (BS 1042-1.1:1992 renumbered, incorporating Amendment No.1 (renumbering the BS as BS EN ISO 5167-1:1997), and Amendment No.1 to BS EN ISO 5167-1:1997) 3) BS EN ISO 5167-1:2003, “Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full – Part 1: General principles and requirements” 4) BS EN ISO 5167-2:2003, “Measurement of fluid flow by means of pressure differential devices inserted in circular cross-section conduits running full – Part 2: Orifice plates” 32 American Gas Association Operations Conference, Chicago, May 21, 2020 (cancelled) Appendix 7 : Alternate Joule-Thomson coefficient equation ISO/TR 9464 (2008), “Guidelines for the Use of ISO 5167:2003”, gives an alternative equation for Joule-Thomson coefficient : = ( 0.35 - 0.00142t ) + ( 0.231 - 0.00294t + 0.0000136t2) (0.998+0.00041P-0.0001115P2+0.0000003P3) Range of applicability : 0 to 100 oC, 1 to 200 bar, natural gas with CH4 > 80 mol%. The expanded uncertainty, U (k=2, 95% interval) is given as 0.066(1-t/200) (for P<70 bar), 0.066(1-t/200)(1-(290-t)/4(1/70-1/P)) (for P>70 bar), (K/bar). For 40,001 simulated natural gas mixtures generated according to the procedure outlined in section 3 (9,781 rejected as not satisfying all constraints), the results compared to the calculations using GERG-2008 are : Joule-Thomson coefficient uncertainty (RMS) P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/oC 0.042 0.025 0.040 0.046 0.044 -20 0.023 0.028 0.036 0.041 0.041 -10 Eq.16 0.019 0.028 0.035 0.039 0.040 0 RMS (K/bar) 0.019 0.020 0.028 0.027 0.034 0.032 0.037 0.034 0.038 0.034 10 20 0.019 0.025 0.029 0.030 0.028 30 0.013 0.022 0.024 0.025 0.024 40 0.027 0.024 0.046 0.049 0.045 -20 ISO/TR 9464 eq. RMS (K/bar) 0.012 0.015 0.018 0.019 0.018 0.028 0.028 0.026 0.024 0.022 0.039 0.034 0.030 0.027 0.025 0.041 0.036 0.032 0.029 0.026 0.039 0.036 0.032 0.029 0.026 -10 0 10 20 30 0.017 0.020 0.023 0.024 0.024 40 The two equations are very similar, and both certainly satisfy the requirement given in section 1; eq.16 being somewhat simpler. The source of the RMS is largely from the composition variation, rather than from the simple form of the equation. The table below gives the average values (for the same mixtures) and the standard deviation (SD) of the values. The SD arises from the variation in compositions. Thus, SD is the limit (for the RMS) to which any equation that ignores the composition effect can possibly achieve. Joule-Thomson coefficient values P/bar 100 80 60 40 20 t/oC 0.414 0.532 0.620 0.667 0.685 -20 0.419 0.507 0.573 0.612 0.630 -10 Average value (K/bar) 0.409 0.393 0.373 0.352 0.478 0.447 0.418 0.391 0.530 0.490 0.455 0.422 0.563 0.520 0.481 0.446 0.581 0.538 0.498 0.462 0 10 20 30 0.332 0.365 0.392 0.414 0.430 40 0.011 0.024 0.047 0.055 0.054 -20 Standard deviation (K/bar) 0.010 0.016 0.020 0.021 0.021 0.029 0.030 0.030 0.028 0.026 0.044 0.040 0.036 0.033 0.030 0.049 0.044 0.039 0.035 0.032 0.048 0.043 0.039 0.035 0.032 -10 0 10 20 30 0.020 0.024 0.027 0.029 0.029 40 The above figures are based on calculations using GERG-2008. Section 3 gives the estimated uncertainty in Joule-Thomson coefficient of 1 % (i.e. about 0.005 K/bar). Compared to the composition variation this is small and has no significant effect on the RMS values in the tables (which can be interpreted as the (standard, k=1) uncertainty of eq.16). 33 View publication stats