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Generator Set Fuel Sources: Application & Code Considerations

and Code
for Specifying
Generator Set
Fuel Sources
PowerHour webinar series for consulting engineers
Experts you trust. Excellence you count on.
February 18, 2021 11:00 PST / 14:00 EST
(1PDH issued by Cummins)
Cummins PowerHour webinar series is designed to help our engineer partners to…
▪ Keep up to date on products, technology, and codes and standards development
▪ Interact with Cummins experts and gain access to ongoing technical support
▪ Participate at your convenience, live or on-demand
▪ Earn Professional Development Hours (PDH)
Technical tips:
▪ Audio is available through teleconference or Zoom application.
▪ Attendees are in “listen only” mode throughout the event.
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Meet Your Panelists
Cummins Presenter & Panelists
Mark Taylor
Technical Marketing Specialist
Cummins Inc.
Earnest Glaser
Senior Sales Application
Cummins Inc.
Scott Thomas
Director - Sales Application
Cummins Inc.
Cummins Facilitator:
Michael Sanford
Product Strategy and Sales
Enablement Leader
Cummins Inc.
Your local Cummins contacts:
AZ, ID, NM, NV: Carl Knapp (carl.knapp@cummins.com)
CO, MT, ND, UT, WY: Christopher Scott (christopher.l.scott@cummins.com)
CA, WA, OR, AK, HI: Brian Pumphrey (brian.pumphrey@cummins.com)
MA, ME, NH, RI, VT: Jim Howard (james.howard@cummins.com)
CT, MD, NJ, NY : Charles Attisani (charles.attisani@cummins.com)
Northern IL, MI, IA : John Kilinskis (john.a.kilinskis@cummins.com)
NE, SD, KS: Earnest Glaser (earnest.a.glaser@cummins.com)
IL, IN, KY, MO: Jeff Yates (jeffrey.yates@cummins.com)
LA, MS, AL: Trina Casbon (trina.casbon@cummins.com)
TX: Scott Thomas (m.scott.thomas@cummins.com)
OK, AR: Wes Ruebman (wes.ruebman@cummins.com)
TN, GA: Mariano Rojas (mariano.rojas@cummins.com)
FL: Bob Kelly (robert.kelly@cummins.com)
NC, SC, VA: Bill Morris (william.morris@cummins.com)
Canada: Ian Lindquist (ian.lindquist@cummins.com)
PA, MD: Brian Cathcart (brian.cathcart@cummins.com)
DE, MN, ND, OH, WI, WV: Michael Munson (michael.s.munson@cummins.com)
The views and opinions expressed in this
course shall not be considered the official
position of any regulatory organization and
shall not be considered to be, nor be relied
upon as, a Formal Interpretation.
Participants are encouraged to refer to the
entire text of all referenced documents. In
addition, when it doubt, reach out to the
Authority Having Jurisdiction.
Course Objectives
Application and Code Considerations for Specifying Generator Set Fuel Sources
The installation of gaseous generator sets in a wide variety of applications continues to rise in North
America while facility performance requirements, codes and standards are often most closely linked
to their traditional diesel counterpart. As natural gas and propane fueled generator sets reach the
market with “diesel-like” performance, it’s critical to understand how best to apply these products in
order to maximize the value they provide. This course will provide an overview of gaseous generator
set capabilities in various applications and will empower participants to recognize how to best apply
gaseous generator sets to meet common performance and code requirements.
After completing this course, participants will be able to:
• Recognize performance requirements applicable to both diesel and gaseous generator sets.
• Describe key features and capabilities of gaseous generator sets.
• List key application considerations unique to gaseous generator set installations.
When compared to a diesel generator
set, what are some of the differentiators
unique to a natural gas (or propane)
fueled generator set?
Generator Set Fuel Sources
Diesel and Gaseous Fuels
Diesel Fuel
Power dense, high energy content
ULSD Diesel #2 ASTM D975
Gaseous Fuel
Variable energy content
“Pipeline natural gas”
Relative Energy
Diesel Fuel
Propane Liquid Gas
Propane gas
Natural Gas
Generator Set Fuel Sources
Gaseous Fuels
Also Known As
Pipeline Gas, Standard Gas
Associated Petroleum Gas (APG)
Flare Gas, Field Gas
Associated-Dissolved Gas (ADG)
Wellhead Gas
Coal Bed Methane (CBM)
Coal Mine Methane (CMM)
Anaerobic Digester Gas (ADG)
Wastewater Treatment Plant Gas
Synthesis Gas, Pyrolysis Gas
Very Low
Industrial Gas
Town Gas
Very Low
Natural Gas
Natural Gas
Spec Note Conduct a fuel sample analysis, include the results in the specification and require
manufacturers to provide documentation demonstrating capability with the on-site fuel.
Generator Set Fuel Sources
Gaseous Fuels - Methane Number
Methane Index Number (MN)
▪ Defines likelihood of a fuel to auto-ignite
▪ Scale of 0-100
• Higher MN may be less likely to autoignite (knock) and may be suitable for
high power density applications.
• Lower MN may be more likely to
auto-ignite (knock) and may require
power derate and/or timing changes.
▪ High quality pipeline natural gas is
typically 80-90 MN.
Spec Note Require generator set manufacturers to provide documentation indicating product
performance at a specified Methane Number or range based on site fuel sample analysis.
Generator Set Fuel Sources
Gaseous Fuels - Methane Number
Methane Index Number (MN)
▪ Defines likelihood of a fuel to auto-ignite
▪ Scale of 0-100
• Higher MN may be less likely to autoignite (knock) and may be suitable for
high power density applications.
• Lower MN may be more likely to
auto-ignite (knock) and may require
power derate and/or timing changes.
▪ High quality pipeline natural gas is
typically 80-90 MN.
Spec Note Require generator set manufacturers to provide documentation indicating product
performance at a specified Methane Number or range based on site fuel sample analysis.
Generator Set Fuel Sources
Rich Burn and Lean Burn Engines
Rich Burn
Lean Burn
Air Fuel Ratio
~14.6 : 1
~25 : 1
Excess Air (O2)
0.2 to 0.8%
Fast start, large block loads
High efficiency, continuous
operation, ramping load
Aftertreatment may be required
to reduce NOx and CO
Can often meet emissions
requirements without
Generator Set Fuel Sources
Rich Burn and Lean Burn Engines
Rich Burn
Lean Burn
Air Fuel Ratio
~14.6 : 1
~25 : 1
Excess Air (O2)
0.2 to 0.8%
High efficiency, continuous
Not Exclusive!
Fast start, large block loads
operation, ramping load
Aftertreatment may be required
to reduce NOx and CO
Can often meet emissions
requirements without
Spec Note Specify project requirements critical to the generator set such as transient
performance, motor starting capability or emissions limits. Avoid specifying “Rich Burn”
or “Lean Burn” as it may drive unnecessary product requirements.
Concept Check
When describing gaseous fuels, which of the following attributes
are often used to describe fuel composition? (Choose one)
a) Methane Number (MN)
b) ASTM D975
c) Air/Fuel Ratio
d) Smell & odor
Concept Check
When describing gaseous fuels, which of the following attributes
are often used to describe fuel composition? Choose all that apply.
a) Methane Number (MN)
b) ASTM D975
c) Air/Fuel Ratio
d) Smell & odor
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Myths and Misconceptions
MYTH: “Gaseous generator sets may not be
suitable for emergency or life safety
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Fuel Source for Emergency Systems
NFPA 110-2019
5.1.1 The following energy sources shall be
permitted to be used for the emergency
power supply (EPS):
(1) Liquid petroleum products…
(2) Liquified petroleum gas…
(3) Natural or synthetic gas
Exception: For Level 1 installations in locations where the
probability of interruption of off-site fuel supplies is high, on-site
storage of an alternate energy source sufficient to allow full
output of the EPSS to be delivered for the class specified shall
be required, with the provision for automatic transfer from the
primary energy source to the alternate energy source.
Reprinted with permission from NFPA 110-2019, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, Copyright © 2015, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. This reprinted material is
not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety which can be obtained through the NFPA web site at www.nfpa.org.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Fuel Source for Emergency Systems
NFPA 110-2019
Natural Gas Council
5.1.1 The following energy sources shall be
permitted to be used for the emergency
power supply (EPS):
Natural gas is a secure, reliable and resilient
choice for customers
(1) Liquid petroleum products…
(2) Liquified petroleum gas…
(3) Natural or synthetic gas
Exception: For Level 1 installations in locations where the
probability of interruption of off-site fuel supplies is high, on-site
storage of an alternate energy source sufficient to allow full
output of the EPSS to be delivered for the class specified shall
be required, with the provision for automatic transfer from the
primary energy source to the alternate energy source.
▪ Operational reliability
• 2017 survey of 51 interstate pipelines –
99.97% of contractual commitments
• Geographic dispersion of production
reduces vulnerability to local weather
• Transportation network interconnected,
offering multiple pathways for rerouting
▪ Contractual continuity of service
• Firm or interruptible contracts
Reprinted with permission from NFPA 110-2019, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, Copyright © 2015, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. This reprinted material is
not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety which can be obtained through the NFPA web site at www.nfpa.org.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Fuel Source for Emergency Systems – Canada
CSA 282 Emergency Electrical Power Supply for
7.3.1 Minimum Quantity
A quantity of fuel sufficient for operating the
engine under maximum site design load for
at least 2h shall be maintained on site at all
7.3.2 Health care facilities
…where a generator set is required for
emergency power supply to essential
electrical systems in conformance with CSA
Z32, a fuel supply shall be maintained on
site at all times…
7.3.3 Off-site fuel supply
Notwithstanding Clause 7.3.1, when it can
be demonstrated to the authority having
jurisdiction that the reliability of the off-site
utility fuel supply and the associated
piping meets the requirements of Clause
7.3.1 for a continuous fuel supply, on-site
storage might not be required.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Fuel Source for Emergency Systems
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Fuel Source for Emergency Systems
NFPA 70 –
NEC Article:
Gaseous (utility &
on-site fuel source)
Gaseous (utility
source only)
708 “COPS”
700 “Life Safety”
701 “Legally Req’d”
702 “Optional”
* Follow exemption process w/ AHJ per NFPA 110 Level 1 Systems
** NEC Article 708: Prime movers shall not be solely dependent on a public utility gas system for
their fuel supply… Where internal combustion engines are used as the prime mover, an on-site fuel
supply shall be provided…
Spec Note Specify natural-gas fueled generator sets for emergency power systems
where permitted by the local Authority Having Jurisdiction. (Perform a Hazard Analysis
or Risk Assessment with the utility and AHJ early in the design phase.)
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Generator Set Ratings
ISO 8528: Defines application, ratings and performance
of generator sets.
▪ Emergency Standby Power (ESP)
▪ Prime Rated Power (PRP)
▪ Limited Time Prime Power (LTP)
▪ Continuous Operating Power (COP)
▪ Data Center Power (DCP)
International Organization for Standardization.2018-02.ISO 8528-1.www.iso.org
Any manufacturer can go above and beyond the ISO
ratings definitions.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Generator Set Ratings
Emergency Standby Power (ESP)
▪ “Maximum power available during a variable
electrical power sequence…for up to 200 h of
operation per year”
▪ “The permissible average power output over
24 h of operation shall not exceed 70% of the
ESP unless otherwise agreed by the RIC
engine manufacturer”
Spec Note Specify ISO 8528 generator set power rating based on application
Compliance to Codes and Standards
NFPA 110 Type Requirements
4.3 Type.
The type defines the maximum time, in seconds, that the EPSS will
permit the load terminals of the transfer switch to be without acceptable
electrical power.
Reprinted with permission from NFPA 110-2016, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, Copyright © 2015, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. This reprinted material is
not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety which can be obtained through the NFPA web site at www.nfpa.org.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
NFPA 110 Type Requirements
4.3 Type.
The type defines the maximum time, in seconds, that the EPSS will
permit the load terminals of the transfer switch to be without acceptable
electrical power.
Spec Note Specify NFPA 110 Type requirement for Emergency Power Supply System based
on application requirements and loads served.
Reprinted with permission from NFPA 110-2016, Standard for Emergency and Standby Power Systems, Copyright © 2015, National Fire Protection Association, Quincy, MA. This reprinted material is
not the complete and official position of the NFPA on the referenced subject, which is represented only by the standard in its entirety which can be obtained through the NFPA web site at www.nfpa.org.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Starting Time Requirements – Canada
CSA 282
6.4 Power Supply Performance
6.4.1.b …an emergency electrical power
supply system shall be connected to life
safety equipment …and similar equipment
6.2.1 Vital and delayed vital branches
…allow the vital and delayed vital branch loads
to be transferred within 10 s and 2 min,
essential for the operation of the emergency
electrical power supply system within:
i) 15 s of loss of normal power
ii) 10 s of loss of normal power … to vital loads of
the essential electrical systems in conformance
with CSA Z32
6.4.1.c Connections to firefighters’ elevators,
elevators serving floors above the first story in a
high building, and smoke-venting fans may be
delayed up to 60 s.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Myths and Misconceptions
MYTH: “Gaseous generator sets may not be
suitable for emergency or life safety
✓ Generator set manufacturers may be able to offer
gaseous-fueled products that meet a wide range of
✓ Natural gas may be acceptable to local authority having
jurisdiction for life safety applications.
✓ Gaseous products may provide advantages over diesel
products in applications due to fuel quality and logistics.
NFPA 110 Time-to-Readiness Overview
White Paper
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Myths and Misconceptions
MYTH: “Because gaseous generator sets are ALWAYS cleaner than their
diesel counterparts and they NEVER need exhaust aftertreatment.”
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Emissions Requirements
How is it formed?
Oxides of nitrogen
Forms at high in-cylinder
temperatures, most prominent during
high engine load.
Over 100 different types of
Product of incomplete combustion,
most prominent during low engine
Anything that is trapped on or
condenses onto a filter
Most prominent during low load
Carbon Monoxide
Product of imperfect combustion, most
prominent during low engine load.
Oxides of Sulfur
Product of combustion process when
sulfur is present. Increases linearly
with fuel consumption.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Emissions Requirements
US EPA New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
Fuel Type
▪ Compression Ignition (Diesel) and Spark-Ignited (Gaseous)
▪ Stationary Emergency – operation when utility power is not available
▪ Stationary Non-Emergency – operation when utility power is available
▪ Non-road – mobile, non-propulsion without operational limitation (trailerized)
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Emissions Requirements
▪ Mandatory factory certification of rich burn propane engines
▪ Optional factory certification of all natural gas engines and lean burn propane engines
▪ If not factory certified, the owner/operator may be responsible for demonstrating compliance:
Engine Power
Maintenance plan
and records,
engine in a way to
minimize emissions
Initial performance
testing within 1 year performance testing
of engine startup
every 8,760 hours or
3 years, whichever
comes first
< 100 hp
100-500 hp
> 500 hp
Reference: 40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ §60.4243 (a)(2)(i-iii)
Spec Note Require generator set vendor to provide documentation demonstrating
compliance with specific emissions levels or engine certification.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Emissions Requirements - Canada
Maintenance and NOx emission intensity limits for modern engines
Regular-Use, Modern
NOx emission intensity
Initial performance
testing within 1 year of
Ppmvd-15% / g/kWh
engine startup
Subsequent emissions
checks every year
Engine Power
75 - 375 kW
160 / 2.7
< 375 kW
160 / 2.7
Low-Use, Modern
NOx emission intensity
Initial performance
testing within 1 year of
Ppmvd-15% / g/kWh
engine startup
Subsequent emissions
checks every year
Engine Power
< 100 kW
160 / 2.7
Pre-existing engines information not shown; Reference: Multi-Sector Air Pollutant Regulations (MSAPR) SOR/2016-151) Part 2
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Emissions Requirements
US EPA New Source Performance Standards (NSPS)
Fuel Type
▪ Compression Ignition (Diesel) and Spark-Ignited (Gaseous)
▪ Stationary Emergency – operation when utility power is not available
▪ Stationary Non-Emergency – operation when utility power is available
▪ Non-road – mobile, non-propulsion without operational limitation (trailerized)
Local Air Quality Management Board
▪ May mandate stringent emissions limits requiring exhaust aftertreatment
Spec Note Require generator set vendor to provide documentation demonstrating
compliance with specific emissions level requirement and applicable test methodology.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Aftertreatment Systems
Emissions requirements and usage may drive need for aftertreatment
when applicable
▪ Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) reduces PM
▪ Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) reduces NOx
▪ Oxidation Catalyst (OxiCat) reduces CO, HC, some
▪ Three Way Catalyst reduces CO, HC, some PM
Spec Note Federal and local emissions requirements & usage are key specification inputs.
Work with manufacturer to determine best approach for aftertreatment systems if necessary.
Compliance to Codes and Standards
Myths and Misconceptions
MYTH: “Because gaseous generator sets are cleaner than their diesel
counterparts, they NEVER need exhaust aftertreatment.”
✓ Emissions limits may be based on a combination of
Federal (US EPA), state (local air board) or
customer-driven requirements.
✓ Application type (standby vs. nonroad, emergency
vs. non-emergency) drive emissions limits.
✓ Engine manufacturers offer a wide range of products
capable of meeting the most stringent requirements.
Content EPA Emissions Regulations
White Paper
✓ In some cases, exhaust aftertreatment may be
needed to achieve targeted emissions levels.
Concept Check
When specifying a generator set solution for an emergency power
system, make sure to include… (choose all that apply)
a) US EPA and other applicable emissions requirements
b) ISO 8528 Power rating
c) NFPA 110 Type requirement for system
d) Engine air/fuel ratio
Concept Check
When specifying a generator set solution for an emergency power
system, make sure to include… (choose all that apply)
a) US EPA and other applicable emissions requirements
b) ISO 8528 Power rating
c) NFPA 110 Type requirement for system
d) Engine air/fuel ratio
Installation Considerations
Gaseous and Diesel Generator Sets
▪ Foundation, mounting and vibration
▪ Exhaust systems
▪ Cooling and ventilation
▪ Service and maintenance access
▪ Starting system
▪ Sound considerations
▪ Remote monitoring solutions
▪ Housing and enclosure requirements
Generator Set Application Manual
Application Guidelines T-030
Installation Considerations
Fuel Source and Maintenance
Maintenance of Diesel Fuel
Diesel fuel quality critical to equipment operation.
▪ Typical stable lifespan of diesel is 12 – 16 months in
ideal conditions.
▪ Diesel sulfur content reduction (ULSD) limits fuel’s
anti-microbial properties.
▪ Bio-diesel blending may reduce fuel stability (up to 6
months), promotes water absorption and biomass
Spec Note Require vendors to provide service and maintenance
contracts that include fuel testing at least annually.
Installation Considerations
Fuel Source and Maintenance
Maintenance of Gaseous Fuel
▪ Natural gas available through extensive
pipeline network
▪ Avoid fuel transportation, handling, and
storage issues
▪ No fuel tank cleaning required
▪ No fuel degradation over time
▪ Various fuels can be used
Installation Considerations
Fuel System Requirements
▪ Volume and pressure must be available at
RATED load, not static pressure
▪ Be aware of fuel system pressure drop
▪ Provide a dedicated fuel line to generator set
▪ Accumulator or compressor to boost pressure, if
▪ Consult generator set manufacturer for specific
fuel system requirements.
Spec Note Require generator set vendors to provide documentation
indicating engine minimum fuel pressure at rated load.
Operational Considerations
Operating Costs of NG-Fueled Generator Sets
Natural Gas Operating Costs
▪ Natural gas generator set may be associated
with greater capital costs (when compared to
diesel) due to power density.
▪ Long term total cost of ownership indicates for
diesel and natural gas products to be
comparable in similar applications.
▪ Non-emergency operation (demand response,
peaking, etc.) mandates Tier 4 levels for CI
engines minimizing capital investment
difference when compared to natural gas.
Gaseous Generator Set Applications
Myths and Misconceptions
MYTH: “Gaseous generator set transient performance and load
acceptance is always worse than their diesel counterparts.”
✓ Engine control and fueling strategies continue to evolve.
✓ Rated load acceptance may not be suitable as a
benchmark for product performance – transient
performance limits must be based on application.
✓ Generator set sizing software may help to determine
right-size generator set for a given application.
GenSize on powersuite.cummins.com
Spec Note Require generator set vendors to provide documentation from
sizing software indicating compliance with transient and other project limits.
Concept Check
When considering natural gas generator sets, which of these are
NOT a key installation and operational differentiators when
compared to diesel generator sets?
a) Fuel system design requirements
b) Fuel quality management
c) Foundation, mounting and vibration
d) Cost of operation
Concept Check
When considering natural gas generator sets, which of these are
NOT a key installation and operational differentiators when
compared to diesel generator sets?
a) Fuel system design requirements
b) Fuel quality management
c) Foundation, mounting and vibration
d) Cost of operation
Gaseous Generator Sets
Key Takeaways
Natural gas fueled generator sets can provide…
… reliable power generation in emergency and
non-emergency applications
… emissions solutions that fit application
… high efficiency options for prime and
continuous operation
… compliance with appropriate codes and
… low or comparable cost of ownership
… strong performance capability comparable to
diesel counterparts.
Course Summary
Considerations for Specifying Generator Set Fuel Sources
• Recognize performance requirements applicable to both diesel and gaseous generator sets.
• Describe key features and capabilities of gaseous generator sets.
• List key considerations unique to gaseous generator set installation.
Key Takeaways
• Write specifications based on performance and application requirements such loads,
transient limits, emissions, start-time and other code-driven requirements.
• Consider gaseous-fueled generator sets in applications where appropriate.
Additional Resources
Cummins White Papers
▪ NFPA 110 Type 10 Starting Requirements for Generator Set
▪ Understanding EPA NSPS Emissions Regulations for Stationary
Spark-ignited Engines
▪ The Latest Evolution Of Distributed Energy Resources:
Opportunity For Business Within The PJM
Cummins On-Demand Webinars
▪ NFPA 110 Type 10 Requirements for Emergency Power Systems
▪ Gaseous Generator Set Installations and Case Studies
▪ Introduction to Generator Set Sizing Software
▪ EPA Emissions and Air Permitting
Please type your questions, comments and feedback in the Zoom Q&A window.
After the PowerHour, a complete list of questions and answers will be published on powersuite.cummins.com.
Please complete the brief survey after exiting the webinar!
Mark Taylor
Technical Marketing Specialist
Cummins Inc.
Your local Cummins contacts:
Earnest Glaser
Senior Sales Application
Cummins Inc.
Scott Thomas
Director - Sales Application
Cummins Inc.
AZ, ID, NM, NV: Carl Knapp (carl.knapp@cummins.com)
CO, MT, ND, UT, WY: Christopher Scott (christopher.l.scott@cummins.com)
CA, WA, OR, AK, HI: Brian Pumphrey (brian.pumphrey@cummins.com)
MA, ME, NH, RI, VT: Jim Howard (james.howard@cummins.com)
CT, MD, NJ, NY : Charles Attisani (charles.attisani@cummins.com)
Northern IL, MI, IA : John Kilinskis (john.a.kilinskis@cummins.com)
NE, SD, KS: Earnest Glaser (earnest.a.glaser@cummins.com)
IL, IN, KY, MO: Jeff Yates (jeffrey.yates@cummins.com)
LA, MS, AL: Trina Casbon (trina.casbon@cummins.com)
Michael Sanford
Product Strategy and Sales
Enablement Leader
Cummins Inc.
TX: Scott Thomas (m.scott.thomas@cummins.com)
OK, AR: Wes Ruebman (wes.ruebman@cummins.com)
TN, GA: Mariano Rojas (mariano.rojas@cummins.com)
FL: Bob Kelly (robert.kelly@cummins.com)
NC, SC, VA: Bill Morris (william.morris@cummins.com)
Canada: Ian Lindquist (ian.lindquist@cummins.com)
PA, MD: Brian Cathcart (brian.cathcart@cummins.com)
DE, MN, ND, OH, WI, WV: Michael Munson (michael.s.munson@cummins.com)
Watch out for a follow-up email including:
▪ A link to the webinar recording and copy of the presentation
▪ A certificate issuing one professional development hour (1 PDH)
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110 Standard for Emergency and
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Please contact Michael Sanford if you have any questions related to the PowerHour webinar (michael.sanford@cummins.com)