Uploaded by Sunday Joseph

Winter Break Homework: Reading & Newspaper Project

Winter Break Home-Fun (Pizza)
You have been working so hard all year. It is time to take a break, sit back, and enjoy a few
weeks on holiday!
Here are some things we at RMA hope you manage to tick off:
Watch all your favourite movies back-to-back.
Go the park for a picnic with your friends and siblings.
Wear your favourite outfit all day.
Sleep a bit (with parental permission and without sleeping the whole day away)
Read any story book of your choice during the break. Turn on the closed
captioning on YouTube videos and Netflix shows. Read a blog post or a web
article about Mine craft. JUST KEEP READING!
The following favorite books are recommended;
Every Day by David Levithan
The Immortal life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot (non-fiction)
I’II Give You the Sun by Jandy Nelson.
Endeavour to check outs FREE ebooks online!
Tasks: from any book(s) you have read, summarize it and state the moral lessons you have
Submission Date: Monday 9th January, 2023.
Winter Break Home-Fun (Shawarma)
Tasks: Make Your Own Newspaper minimum of 4 pages with the title of your choice.
Instructions to be followed:
 Make use of A-3 sheets for making newspaper.
 Make sure that the name of the newspaper should not be copy from anywhere, it should
be self made.
 Handmade pictures or cuttings can be used anywhere in the newspaper.
 The colour choice should be decent and attractive.
 Font size: (i) Headings should be written in bold and the font size of the heading should
be different from text.
(ii) The newspaper should include the following sections: sports, Literature, International
news, National news, Business/finance/economy news, Entertainment/comics/crossword,
RMA FESTAC 2022 news.
Submission Date: Monday 9th January, 2023