FULL NAME:________________________________ WATER IN THE WORLD Y7 GEOGRAPHY - TERM 3 FORMATIVE ASSESSMENT BOOKLET: WEEK 5 & 6 TOPICS WATER AS A RESOURCE STATES OF WATER & THE WATER CYCLE VALUE OF WATER Assessment HASS - Geography 2023 Task 1: Our Relationship with Water Year Level 7 Date Due 25 August 2023 Length of Time 6 Lessons Requirements Completed in Class and at home Learning Area/s Show what you have learnt – Task Description Task Description: In this task, you will investigate your water usage at home over a period of 3 days. The purpose of this investigation is to deepen your understanding of the value of water, water as a renewable resource, and the cycle of water and its three states. You will monitor, record, and analyse your water usage. Water in the World: Water as a Resource – Why water is important, water as an environmental resource, water as a commodity, natural resource management, First Nations People and water. Task Guidelines: 1. Monitoring and Recording: a. Begin by locating your household water meter and familiarize yourself with how to read it. b. Record the initial reading on your water meter before starting the investigation. c. Over the next 3 consecutive days, use the provided workbook to record your water usage in detail and complete the associated activities. States of Water & the Water Cycle – Water everywhere, water for life, the water cycle, water in Australia. Value of Water – Uses of water in transport, agriculture, recreation, spiritual wellbeing, aesthetics, health, energy, Australia. 2. Interpretation and Reflection: a. After the 3-day monitoring period, review your recorded data to reflect on your water usage patterns using the workbook. b. Analyze your findings in relation to the value of water, water as a renewable resource, and the cycle of water and its three states. c. Consider the impact of your water usage on the environment and explore ways to reduce water consumption or implement water-saving strategies. Questioning & Research. Interpreting and analysing. Communicating. Task Submission ● Submit your completed workbook to your teacher by the designated due date. ● Your teacher will assess your work based on your monitoring, recording, analysis, and reflection. ● Remember to follow safety guidelines while accessing and recording the water meter readings. Student Score A B St Joseph’s Catholic College Geography – Year 7 C D E Page 1 of 3 HOW MUCH WATER DO YOU USE? FIRST FIND THE LOCATION OF YOUR HOUSES WATER METER IT SHOULD LOOK SOMETHING LIKE THIS AND CAN USUALLY BE FOUND AT THE ENTRANCE TO YOUR PROPERTY NEXT, WRITE DOWN IN THIS BOX YOUR WATER METERS CURRENT READING. IN THIS BOX WRITE THE TIME YOU RECORDED THIS READING HOW MUCH WATER DO YOU USE? NOW, RECORD THE WATER METERS READING AT THE SAME TIME TOMORROW AND CALCULATE HOW MANY UNITS YOUR HOUSEHOLD HAS USED IN THE LAST 24 HOURS DATE TIME READING UNITS USED HERE'S A SIMPLE EXAMPLE CALCULATION TO DETERMINE YOUR HOUSEHOLDS WATER USAGE OVER THE LAST 24 HOURS BASED ON THE GIVEN READINGS: STEP 1: SUBTRACT THE PREVIOUS READING FROM THE NEW READING TO CALCULATE THE DIFFERENCE: NEW READING - PREVIOUS READING = WATER USAGE IN THE LAST 24 HOURS FOR EXAMPLE: 2002879 (NEW READING) - 2002123 (PREVIOUS READING) = 756 LITERS THEREFORE, THE WATER USAGE OVER THE LAST 24 HOURS WOULD BE 756 LITERS. PLEASE USE THE ACTIVITY SHEET TITLED "HOW DO I USE WATER" TO ALSO RECORD THE WAYS IN WHICH YOU USE WATER OVER THE RECORDING PERIOD. THIS IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION THAT YOU WILL NEED IN ORDER TO ANSWER QUESTIONS IN RELATION TO YOUR HOUSEHOLDS WATER USAGE HOW MUCH WATER DO YOU USE? NOW USE THE SPACE BELOW TO CREATE A VISUAL REPRESENTATION OF YOUR HOUSEHOLDS WATER USAGE OVER THE ENTIRE PERIOD RECORDED MY HOMES WATER USAGE LITRES USED IN A DAY DETERMINE THE FOLLOWING USING YOUR GRAPH AND DATA ON WHICH READING DID YOUR HOUSEHOLD RECORD ITS HIGHEST USE OF WATER ______________________ HOW MUCH WATER DID YOUR HOUSEHOLD USE IN TOTAL OVER THE RECORDING PERIOD ______________________ NOW USE THE TABLE BELOW TO RECORD ALL OF THE WAYS IN WHICH YOU USE WATER OVER THE RECORDING PERIOD AS WELL AS WHAT HAPPENS TO THAT WATER (TWO EXAMPLES HAVE BEEN GIVEN IN RED) HOW DO I USE WATER? MY WATER USE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS TO REFLECT ON YOUR FINDINGS USE THE DATA OBTAINED FROM YOUR GRAPH AS WELL AS YOUR WATER USAGE TABLE TO GUIDE YOUR ANSWERS DID YOU THINK ABOUT HOW YOU USE WATER BEFORE YOU STARTED THIS ACTIVITY? GOOGLE THE AVERAGE WATER IN LITRES USED BY HOUSEHOLDS IN AUSTRALIA PER DAY. HOW MUCH IS IT? CALCULATE YOUR OWN HOUSEHOLDS AVERAGE WATER USAGE IN LITRES OVER THE RECORDING PERIOD. WRITE DOWN THIS AVERAGE AND THEN STATE IN LITRES HOW MUCH MORE OR LESS THIS IS IN RELATION TO THE NATIONAL AVERAGE HOW TO CALCULATE AN AVERAGE Step 1: Add up the 4 readings of the water meter. Step 2: Divide the sum by 4 (since there are 4 readings). Step 3: The result is the average of the 4 readings. MY WATER USE USE THE DATA OBTAINED FROM YOUR GRAPH AS WELL AS YOUR WATER USAGE TABLE TO GUIDE YOUR ANSWERS BASED ON THE COMPARISON OF YOUR HOUSEHOLDS WATER USAGE WITH THAT OF THE NATIONAL AVERAGE, DO YOU THINK YOUR HOUSEHOLD USES MORE OR LESS WATER THAN IS NECESSARY? IN REFERENCE TO THE ABOVE ANSWER EXPLAIN WHY YOU THINK THIS IS SO. PROVIDE ONE EXAMPLE WHERE YOU THINK YOUR HOUSEHOLD EITHER WASTES OR SAVES WATER BASED ON YOUR TABLE OF WATER USAGE, IDENTIFY ONE WAY IN WHICH YOU THINK YOU CAN REDUCE YOUR WATER USAGE BASED ON YOUR TABLE OF WATER USAGE, IDENTIFY ONE WAY IN WHICH YOU THINK YOUR HOUSEHOLD CAN REUSE WATER IN THE SPACE BELOW COME UP WITH AN IDEA THAT YOU THINK COULD EASILY BE APPLIED BY OTHER PEOPLE TO INCREASE THE RENEWABILITY OF WATER IN THEIR HOUSEHOLD THE WATER CYCLE Label the parts of the water cycle: precipitation condensation water collection evaporation THE WATER CYCLE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION BASED ON THE WATER CYCLE In the space below, explain each stage of the water cycle. (You can do this using either a written paragraph or by sketching and labeling a diagram) Use the local environment of Katherine as a basis for this explanation. Provide examples of where the water comes from and goes to as well as how it is transformed from each state to another. You must include all three states of water in this description, i.e, Water, Water Vapour and Ice. (Hint - For Ice think about your Kitchen) THE WATER CYCLE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION BASED ON THE WATER CYCLE In the space below, discuss how water is distributed in the environment of the Katherine Region. In your answer include examples of where water can be found and how the weather influences that distribution across time and place. LAYERS OF THE ATMOSPHERE Label the layers of the atmosphere: stratosphere mesosphere thermosphere troposphere exosphere IN THE SPACE BELOW IDENTIFY THE LAYERS WITHIN WHICH WEATHER ON EARTH OCCURS. AND LASTLY, EXPLAIN WHY THE EARTHS ATMOSPHERE IS IMPORTANT FOR LIFE ON EARTH AND HOW IT CAN BE DAMAGED WATER AS A RESOURCE Everyone needs water to survive. For some, it's not as easy as turning on a tap. Around 1 in 6 people do not have access to safe water. IDENTIFYING RENEWABLE, NONRENEWABLE AND CONTINUOUS RESOURCES RESOURCE SOLAR RADIATION WATER CRUDE OIL GOLD WIND WOOD COAL FOOD OCEAN TIDES RENEWABLE, NONRENEWABLE OR CONTINUOUS IF RENEWABLE GIVE ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW IT CAN BE RENEWED WATER AS A RESOURCE NOW THINKING SPECIFICALLY ABOUT WATER AND BASED ON YOUR ANSWER ABOVE, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS USING YOUR KNOWLEDGE OF WATER AS A COMMODITY, DISCUSS WHY WE PAY FOR THE WATER IN OUR HOMES, THE PROCESS IT FOLLOWS IN ORDER TO BE SOLD TO US AND WHO SELLS IT. IN YOUR OWN WORDS DISCUSS WHY YOU THINK WATER IS NOT FREE. RELATE YOUR ANSWER TO WATER MANAGEMENT. ALSO PROVIDE ONE EXAMPLE OF HOW HOUSEHOLDS CAN SECURE THEIR OWN WATER FOR FREE VALUE OF WATER IDENTIFY EACH IMAGE WITH REFERENCE TO THE USE AND VALUE OF WATER BY HUMAN SOCIETIES BY WRITING THE CORRECT WORD IN THE SPACE ALONGSIDE. IN THE REMAINING SPACE YOU ARE TO WRITE AN EXPLANATION OF HOW AND WHY WATER IS VALUED IN THAT CONTEXT AS WELL AS PROVIDE A REAL WORLD EXAMPLE. THE FIRST IMAGE HAS BEEN ANSWERED AS AN EXAMPLE TO GUIDE YOU RECREATION ...................................................................................................................... WATER IS VALUED FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES IT CREATES FOR ...................................................................................................................... HUMANS TO HAVE FUN AND EXERCISE ...................................................................................................................... EXAMPLES INCLUDE: SWIMMING, WATER SKIING & BOAT CRUISES ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... VALUE OF WATER AS HUMANS WE VALUE WATER SO MUCH THAT SOMETIMES WE BUILD DAMS IN ORDER TO ENSURE THAT IT IS ALWAYS READILY AVAILABLE TO US. ARTIFICIALLY CONTROLLING WATER BY BUILDING DAMS COMES WITH BOTH ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES IN THE SPACES PROVIDED BELOW LIST SOME OF THESE ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES ADVANTAGES ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... DISADVANTAGES ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... ...................................................................................................................... CHOOSE ONE DISADVANTAGE ABOVE AND PROVIDE A WAY BY WHICH ITS NEGATIVE EFFECTS CAN BE MINIMISED OR ELIMINATED WORLD WATER DAY WORD SEARCH Find the words listed below and mark them. A L B K C D J E I F H R G E N V I R O N M E N T I D M A O T U C W Y B B C V E P T R P R E C I O U S E F N U S V T A P Z T A A R D Y R Z Q W N V N T M V H R B E A X E T U O L L E G O C D F G W A S T E J K I P M A R C H T R P L I F E Z SAVE LIFE TAP DROP MARCH RIVER WASTE NATURE OCEAN PRECIOUS ENVIRONMENT BOTTLE Rubric for HASS – Geography (Term 3 - Reporting) Year 7 2023 How We Use Water: Analysis Activity Water Cycle 3 States of Water Water as a Resource Focus E - Developing I can identify renewable, non-renewable and continuous resources I can identify the three states of water I can sketch or label a basic water cycle D - Approaching C - At Level B - Above I can identify and explain why water is a renewable resource amongst nonrenewable and continuous resources I can identify and explain water as a renewable resource amongst nonrenewable and continuous resources, in the context of renewability And… I can relate this further to the topic of water as a commodity I can identify the three states of water in various natural environments I can sketch or label a basic water cycle as well as the layers of the atmosphere St Joseph’s Catholic College Geography – Year 7 I can identify and explain the three states of water in various natural environments with reference to what drives its changing states I can sketch or label a basic water cycle as well as the layers of the atmosphere and explain them in simple terms A - Well Above And… I can relate this further to the topics of commodity and resource management And… I can discuss this in relation to its distribution across environments And… I can discuss this in relation to its distribution across environments as well as the properties that govern it And… I can understand this in relation to Australia’s water cycle And… I can understand this in relation to Australia’s water cycle and the weather Page 2 of 3 Value of Water (How We Use Water) Skills (Data Usage) I can identify several ways in which water is used and valued by human societies I can identify sources of data related to water usage I can identify several ways in which water is used and valued by human societies and provide real life examples I can identify sources of data related to water usage and record it St Joseph’s Catholic College Geography – Year 7 I can identify and explain several ways in which water is used and valued by human societies and provide real life examples I can identify sources of data related to water usage, as well as record and present it by way of a graph And… I can identify advantages and disadvantages with reference to its use And… I can interpret that data to make evidencebased statements and conclusions Page 3 of 3 And… I can identify advantages and disadvantages with reference to its use as well as methods by which advantages can be achieved And… I can interpret that data to make evidencebased statements and conclusions, as well as providing suggestions related to reducing water wastage