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Science 4 Lesson Plan: Types of Soil

Detailed lesson plan in Science 4
Prepared by: Dianne Claire Torre
At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to:
a. Recognize comprehensively the different types of soil through Soil
b. Compare and contrast accurately the different types of soil through
c. Appreciate the value the different types of soil through Socratic method
Subject Matter
a. Topic: Different types of soil ( Sandy soil, Clay soil, Loamy Soil)
b. Reference: Florina S, Ulep-Rosal P and Caluag D. (2013). Journey into
the World of English Language 1. Diwa Learning System Inc.
c. Materials: DLP, Laptop, Cartolina and etc.
d. Values Integration: Appreciation on God’s Creation
e. Skill/s developed: socialization
f. Teaching strategy: Observation chart,
Teachers Activity
A. Preparatory
Today, I’m going to be your teacher,
my name is Teacher Dianne. What’s
my name?
Pupils Activity
Teacher Dianne
In the name of the Father and of
the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
Good job, so before we start everybody
let’s stand for a prayer.
In the name of the Father and of the
Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen
Our father in heaven Holy be thy name
thy kingdom come thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this
day our daily bread and forgive those
who sinned against us. Don’t lead us to
the test but deliver us from evil, Amen.
Our father in heaven Holy be thy name
thy kingdom come thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread and forgive those who
sinned against us. Don’t lead us to the
test but deliver us from evil, Amen.
Good Morning/Afternoon Grade 4
Good Morning/Afternoon Teacher
Before you take your seat, please
arrange your chairs and pick up pieces
of paper.
Are you done?
You may now take your seat.
Yes teacher
None teacher
Yes teacher
Who is absent for today?
Very good, I would like to impose rules
in our class.
I don’t want to see anything
on your arm chair.
The one mouth rule. If there
is someone speaking, listen
to the one who talks and do
not talk with your seatmate.
Raise your hand if you want
to answer or you want to ask
a question
Seat like a smart kid and
participate actively in class.
Lastly, follow the rules and
you will be rewarded.
Is everything clear?
A. Motivation
Today we will have a game I will divide
the group into 3. Row 1 you will be the
group 1, row two you will be the group
2, row 3 you will be the group 3. You
are going to form a circle quietly and
remember do not drag your chair.
Group 1 you will be on the right, group
2 you will be on the center and group 3
you will be on the left.
Each group will be given envelopes;
inside the envelope you can see
broken pictures. I want you to solve the
broken pictures neatly and post your
work under the name of your group on
the board. I will give you 1 minute to
finish the puzzle. Also, I would like to
remind you that we are inside the
classroom; so please use your inside
voice, talk softly do not shout.
Are we clear? I want you to have a fair
and clear game.
Are you ready?
I will give you 10 seconds to form a
circle. When I say go form a circle. At
go, 1, 2, 3, go.
Yes teacher
Yes teacher
Yes teacher
I will now give the envelopes.
Does everyone have an envelope?
At go open the envelopes and arrange
the pictures.
2 3
Wow! You did a great job! Every give
yourself a band clap
This is how you do the band clap,
Boom tarat-tarat, boom boom tarattarat ting ting boom boom. Get ready!
At count of three arrange the your
chairs, get ready, 1 2 3
Everybody please settle down
Now everybody, what can you observe
to the following pictures?
- Boom tarat-tarat, boom boom tarattarat ting ting boom boom.
Yes Trisha,
Very good, these pictures are all soil.
And that will be our lesson for today,
The Different types of soil
Soil teacher
But before that, everybody read our
objectives for us to be guided.
B. Presentation
Thank you. Okay now listen, Let me
define first what is a soil.
So a soil is a natural body on the
surface of the earth that is made up of
minerals, organic matter, air and water.
There are different types of soil.
At the end of the lesson,
the pupils are expected to:
a. Recognize
comprehensively the
different types of soil
through Soil Observation.
b. Compare and contrast
accurately the different
types of soil through Venn
c. Appreciate creatively the
importance of different
types of soil through poster
Look at here, I have 3 containers with a
soil. With the same group earlier, I will
give each group 1 container and I want
you to write your observation on the
chart that I will give. And choose 1
representative to report your
observation. I will give you 2 minutes to
this. At count of three, everybody form
a circle. Get ready, 1 2 3 .
Okay, When I say “Ready na, ready
na” you say “Aha, Aha” And when I say
“Aha, Aha” You say “Ready na, Ready
Ready na, ready na
Aha, Aha
Aha, aha
Ready na, ready na
Your 2 minutes starts now.
Your 2 minutes is over.
Let us start with group 1. Kindly
present your observation chart.
Group 1
Texture/ feel
a. When wet
b. When dry
Texture/ feel
Group 2
Thank you Group 1. Next Group 2.
When wet
When dry
Thank you. Group 2, and lastly group 3
Sticky and soft
Hard, smooth
Group 3
Texture/ feel
a. When wet
d. When dry
Good Job, you did a great job. You
deserve a kiss. Everybody kiss you
C. Comparison and Abstraction
Good job, Lets talk about the group 1
work. The soil in group one has a color
of white and a rough texture. Also, the
granules of this soil are loose. This
kind of soil is sandy.
Who among you here saw a sandy
Where can you find a sandy soil?
On the beach
Sandy soil
Yes teacher
Yes teacher
Yes Claire
Very good, Claire sandy soil usually
found on beaches or on the seashore.
This type of soil is widely used in
constructing buildings. It is not ideal to
plant in sandy soil because it cannot
hold water.
Again, What do you call a soil that has
a loose granules of rocks and has a
rough texture?
Yes Monica?
Very good, Monica it is sandy soil.
Let’s go to group 2, The soil in group 2
has a brown color and it soft and sticky
when it is wet. But when dry it is hard
and smooth, this soil is a clay.
Have you seen a clay soil?
Dark brown/black
Very good but I will make myself clear
to you it is not the clay that you buy on
school supplies, the one you used to
play with.
This clay is used to create potteries.
It is a great material to be used in
potteries because when it is wet it is
sticky and soft; it can hold the shape
that form. Also, some plants can live on
clay because it can hold more water
that sandy soil.
Again, what type of soil that is sticky
and you can shape it in different
Clay teacher
No teacher
Yes Teacher
In farm lands
Yes Tiff?
Very good, is there any questions so
Did I make myself clear?
Ok, lets continue with group 3, the soil
in group 3 has a dark color and soft
texture. This soil is a Loamy soil.
Where can you usually see this type of
Yes Jasmine?
Very good, Jasmine this soil is a very
good soil in planting because this soil
is composed of organic material and
rich in oxygen. Plants that been
planted in a loamy soil grow healthy.
Let me see, What type of soil that has
a dark color and it is good to grow
plants wit it?
Yes Gwen?
Loamy soil
Sandy soil, clay soil and loamy
No teacher
What is the difference between sandy
and clay?
Yes Bryan
The sandy soil is dry and cannot
hold water while the clay is soft
and can hold water. Also, you can
form different shape with clay.
Good job. How about the clay and
Yes, Jerica
The loamy is a good soil you can
grow plants with it because of
richness in nutrients and oxygen
while the clay can just hold water
and only few plants can grow in
Yes teacher
Clay teacher
Loamy sol
Very good, Gwen. Again What are the
different types of soil?
Good job. Is there any clarification?
Very good. Wow! You are all smart.
D. Generalization
Let’s review one more time. What type
of soil that holds a water for a long time
and you can hold the shape that you
Yes Angie
Very good, Next what type of soil that
is consider as healthy soil because its
richness with nutrients and oxygen?
Yes Esfer
Very good, How about the soil that is
dry and has loose granules of rocks. It
is use mostly in construction?
Sandy soil
Soil teacher
I think if we don’t have a soil then
we don’t have a place to walk.
Aha, aha
Ready na, ready na
Yes Joy
Very good, Lastly, what is the natural
body on the surface that serve as a
medium for plants and land forms to
Yes Aileen?
Good job. We can soil everywhere.
God made them. But did you ever
wonder? What do you think will happen
if we don’t have soil?
Yes Erika?
Very good, Imagine yourself walking
without soil. Also, imagine your
surrounding without plants and trees.
That is how soil is very important to us.
A. Application
Good job, Now, let’s have another
game, I will give you an envelop with
paper strips inside. Some paper strips
have a word/sentence written on it and
some have none. The word/sentence
written are words that describe each
type of soil. I want you to place the
correct description on the correct
Ready na, ready na
Aha, Aha
Okay, here’s your envelop.
Let’s make it organize. Row 1 who
among you has a paper strip with word
or sentences? Please stand and place
it on the correct column. Next row
please prepare and so on.
Let me check you work, Very good, All
you answers are correct.
E. Evaluation
Write S for sandy, C for clay and
L for loamy
______1. Hard and dry
_____2. Healthy soil
the different types of soil
compare and contrast the characteristics of different types of soil;