Uploaded by Jin Wen Chang

Global Warming: Causes and Effects

Global warming is defined as gradual increase in average global temperatures caused
by the greenhouse effect. Certain gases in the atmosphere operate like greenhouse glass,
allowing sunlight to pass through but trapping heat as it reflects back into space. For
example, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide are the three most common
greenhouse gases found in nature. The Earth becomes hotter as greenhouse gases
accumulate in the atmosphere. This process is causing a massive change in the climate,
which is also known as climate change. According to the recent data, global warming has
validated the notion that the earth is heating up as a result of a human-enhanced
greenhouse effect. Over the last 100 years, the planet's surface temperature has risen the
most. However, between 1906 and 2006, the Earth's average surface temperature increased
by 0.6 to 0.9 degrees Celsius. However, there are some visible signs of global warming such
as extreme weather conditions, increase in sea level, melting of glaciers and extinction of
flora and fauna.
The first cause of global warming is the depletion of ozone layer. For example, in a
study by Molina,M. and Rowland,S., they wrote an article in Nature in 1974 explaining the
dangers of chlorofluorocarbon (CFC) gases to the ozone layer. CFCs were commonly applied
as aerosol sprays and as coolants in many refrigerators at the time. When CFCs reach the
stratosphere, the sun's UV rays break them down into molecules such as chlorine. Besides
that, Carslaw,K. also found out that when the ozone layer heals and clouds disperse, "this
will contribute to a rise in temperature [in regions of the southern hemisphere] faster than
currently expected by models." In addition, according to the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, stated that more than 100,000 ozone molecules can be destroyed by a single atom
of chlorine which mean ozone is being depleted faster than it can be recovered. Therefore,
the effect of this situation is that ozone layer depletion had increased the levels of UV
radiation at the Earth's surface, which make huge impacts to human health. However, the
increase of UV radiation had caused some negative effects for humans such as increase the
risk of getting skin cancers, immune deficiency disorders and eye cataracts.
The next cause of global warming would be greenhouse gases. There are some
examples of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorine and
bromine containing compounds. The accumulation of these gases in the atmosphere alters
the radiative equilibrium in the atmosphere. Firstly, carbon dioxide emissions are mainly
come from both anthropogenic and natural sources. Human sources of carbon dioxide
emissions have increased since the Industrial Revolution. For instance, the primary cause of
increased carbon dioxide concentrations in the atmosphere is human activity which
included the combustion of oil, coal, and gas, as well as deforestation. As carbon dioxide
warms the globe, more water evaporates into the atmosphere, raising the temperature
even higher. Secondly, methane is produced by a variety of natural processes, including the
digestive tracts of livestock maintained for meat production, waste breakdown in landfills,
and biomass combustion. Based on the research given, methane is a greenhouse gas that is
twenty-one times as potent as carbon dioxide. As a result, rising of sea levels formed due to
rising temperatures of Earth that causes ice and glaciers to melt quickly. Thus, this will cause
rising water levels in oceans and rivers which potentially causing destruction in the form of
The third cause of global warming is deforestation. Deforestation refers to the
removal of forest into less bio-diverse ecosystems (Kricher, 1997). First of all, trees have the
ability to absorb carbon dioxide and when forests are clear-cut for urban uses, they no
longer have this ability. Moving further, the rising demand for meat and dairy cattle has
resulted in the establishment of feed lots in previously wooded areas. Logging for wood and
paper, as well as clearing for crop development, necessitates the cutting of trees, often
illegally. There is a scientific report stated that one mature tree can absorb up to 48 pounds
of CO2 per year, and according to one estimate, 3.5 to 7 billion are cut down each year.
Thus, the effect of deforestation is lost of wildlife and biodiversity. Scientists and experts
believe that global warming is constantly destroying the ecosystems of numerous species
and playing a bad influence in their extinction. For example, Sumatran Rhino had extinct in
year 2019. Due to lost of habitat of animals, species of animals is reduced because they no
longer to survive without a living space.
In conclusion, given the lethal nature of global warming's impacts and the fact that
global warming is predominantly the result of human activity, there is a need for collective
responsibility to save Mother Nature. Failure to do so can result in a slew of disastrous
disasters that endanger the well-being of both current and future generations. Therefore,
we could plant more trees and flowers in our surrounding and donate money to a
reforestation project in order to slow down the process of global warming.