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NUR 211 Syllabus: Care of Childbearing Family

Syllabus –Fall, 2022 – NUR 211
Course Number and Title: NUR 211 – Care of the Childbearing Family
Course Description: This course facilitates the application of the nursing process to assist in meeting the needs of
the childbearing family. The focus is on both normal and abnormal aspects.
Credit hours: 4
Lecture hours: 2
Laboratory hours: 6
Course exemption: No
Prerequisites: NUR 101, NUR 106, NUR 131
Substitutions: None
Co-requisites: NUR 165, BIO 225
Author (Year)
Title, #Edition, Publisher
Lowdermilk & Perry with
Maternity & Women’s Health Care 12 ed.
Adaptive learning (2020)
Lutz, Mazur & Litch (2015)
Nutrition and Diet Therapy 6th ed. F.A. Davis
Lowdermilk & Perry (2020)
Study Guide: Maternity & Women’s Health 12th
Optional: NOT required
ed. Mosby
Required Equipment: Stethoscope, bandage scissors, pen light, black ink pen, small notebook and watch with
second hand.
Instructor Name
Angela Duffie, MSN, RNC-OB
Buffy Halter, MSN, RN (Clinical only)
Susan Ferrara, MSN, RN (Clinical only)
Office Hours
As Posted
Semester/Year: Fall, 2022
Lecture: Wed
1 pm-3 pm
CEAM building Room 1700
As assigned
ARMC, DHOA, or Piedmont of
Augusta/as assigned
Syllabus Fall 2022
T, TH, F or Sat
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Upon completion of the Aiken Technical College Nursing Program, the graduate will demonstrate a mastery of
entry level nursing behaviors. These behaviors include:
Associate Degree Nursing
Transition to the role of the professional nurse
functioning within the legal and ethical scope of the
profession, and assuming responsibility and
accountability for the quality of care given and/or
delegated to others.
Transition to the role of the Registered Nurse functioning
within the legal and ethical scope of the profession, and
assuming responsibility and accountability for the quality of
care given and/or delegated to others.
Apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes to make safe
nursing judgments, provide patient-centered
nursing care to clients and their families; and to
maintain or promote safety for clients and
healthcare professionals.
Apply knowledge, skills, and attitudes to make safe nursing
judgments, provide patient-centered nursing care to clients and
their families that is consistent with the RN Scope of Practice;
and to maintain or promote safety for clients and healthcare
Establish therapeutic relationships that teach and
assist clients and families in meeting outcomes
related to health promotion, recovery from acute
illness, management of chronic illness, and end of
life care.
Establish therapeutic relationships that teach and assist clients
and families in meeting outcomes related to health promotion,
recovery from acute illness, management of chronic illness,
and end of life care that is consistent with the RN Scope of
Demonstrate respect for the client and family’s
dignity, privacy, ethnicity, spiritual and cultural
beliefs, while providing holistic collaborative care.
Demonstrate respect for the client and family’s dignity,
privacy, ethnicity, spiritual and cultural beliefs, while
providing holistic collaborative care that is consistent with the
RN Scope of Practice.
Utilize evidence-based nursing practice in a variety
of client care environments to enhance safety and
quality of care.
Utilize evidence-based nursing practice in a variety of client
care environments to enhance safety and quality of care that is
consistent with the RN Scope of Practice.
Utilize current technology and informatics in the
delivery of client care.
Utilize current technology and informatics in the delivery of
client care that is consistent with the RN Scope of Practice.
ATC’s Critical Thinking Definition “Critical thinking is the open-minded, deliberate, dynamic, and reflective process of collecting, analyzing,
evaluating, and applying information in order to reach a reasonable position, decision, and/or plan of action.”
ATC’s Core Educational Outcomes • Graduates will demonstrate effective oral communication skills.
Graduates will demonstrate effective written communication skills.
Graduates will solve problems using critical thinking skills and formulate strategies to identify, collect,
analyze, develop, and evaluate information.
Graduates will demonstrate quantitative skills and analysis appropriate to their area of study.
Graduates will comprehend appropriate technology commensurate with their area of specialization
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Upon completion of NUR 211, the student will be able to:
1. Demonstrate accountability and responsibility for own nursing
practice according to the legal and ethical standards of the profession.
2. Perform safe and accurate medication management, including
accurate dosage calculations.
3. Apply the nursing process in the design and implementation of
comprehensive, individualized plans of care to women and infants in
the acute care setting.
4. Extend respect and value for the client and family’s dignity, privacy,
culture, ethnicity and religion.
5. Demonstrate strategies, including education of the childbearing
families that emphasize health promotion, risk reduction and disease
6. Utilize appropriate verbal and written methods to communicate and
collaborate effectively with members of the health care team, the client
and their families.
7. Utilize informatics technology to retrieve, process, communicate and
document client information while providing safe, collaborative care.
8. Demonstrate evidence-based practice while providing safe,
quality client care.
Evaluation method
Clinical performance and written tests.
Completion of assigned course work.
Clinical performance and written tests.
Clinical performance, individualized
plans of care, concept maps and written
tests. Completion of assigned
Clinical performance, Shadow Health
Digital Clinical Experience, Simulation
Clinical performance and Concept
Maps. Class project
Clinical performance, written tests,
individualized plans of care, written
Clinical performance and Shadow
Health Digital Clinical Experience
Clinical performance and written tests’
individualized plans of care
Learning Strategies
To enhance student learning, various tools and assignments are used; and may include:
• Assigned homework
• Worksheets
• Concept maps
• Group work
• Nursing care plans
• Computer module- A module on Safe Sleep is required
• Simulated lab experiences
• Adaptive learning
• Student presentation
• Critical thinking assignment
Assignments must be completed as per instructor guidelines for successful completion of NUR 211. Failure
to complete assignments as directed by instructor may result in failure of the course.
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***The Course Calendar Is Subject to Change at the Discretion of the Lead Instructor According
to the Needs of the Class***
All classes will be in Room 1700 of CEAM Building from 1-3 PM unless otherwise specified
Lecture Topic
Review syllabus and
clinical paperwork.
Unit 3 pregnancy
ATI Practice Assessment
B opens by 12 noon
Clinical Skills Checkoff
Skills Lab
OB Lab 9 am-3 pm
Skills Lab
(Read prior to
Chapters 7, 12, 13,
14 and 15.
Chapter 5-Intimate
Partner Violence
Evaluation Criteria
Chapters 3, 4 and 5
For course: Six-unit
tests and an ATI exam.
The student is
responsible for
information in assigned
readings. Exam
questions will be taken
from textbook, ATI
book, lecture, handouts,
and/or assignments.
Pop quizzes &
assignments for points
may also be utilized for
part of the evaluation
criteria. A satisfactory
grade must be achieved
in the clinical area as
well as the classroom to
pass this course.
Must achieve 90% on
Assessment B by
November 4th at
See page 8 of
syllabus for details
Video Links
OB Orientation
After test, Shadow
Health discussion
Test 1
Unit 7 Pregnancy
Chapters 26, 27, 28,
29 & 30
Test 2
After test,
Shadow Health:
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ATI Correlated
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Prep for Skills Lab
Chapter 12
Test 1 (15%)
Chapters 7, 12, 13, 14
& 15. Ch. 5 Intimate
Partner Violence
Chapters 6, 7, 8, 9,
10, 15, & 16
Test 2 (15%)
Chapters 26, 27, 28, 29,
& 30
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Lecture Topic
Shadow Health Assignment
Due: Pre-Eclampsia
Unit 4 Childbirth
Unit 4 Childbirth (cont.)
Test 3
Shadow Health Assignment
Due: Uncomplicated Delivery
(Read prior to
ATI Correlated
Due by 11pm
Must score 85% or
higher to gain
clinical credit (S)
Chapters 16, 17,
18, 19, & 32
Chapter 5- Human
Chapters 16, 17,
18, 19, & 32
Chapter 5- Human
After test, Shadow
Chapters 11, 12, 13,
14, & 15
Postpartum & Postpartum
Chapters 8, 20,
21, 31 & 33
Chapters 17, 18, 19,
20, 21, & 22
Test 4
After test, Shadow
Shadow Health Assignment
Due: Gestational Diabetes
Chapters 22, 23,
24, & 25
Test 5
After test, Shadow
Health- NonReassuring Fetal
Shadow Health Assignment
Due: Non-Reassuring Fetal
Syllabus Fall 2022
Chapters 11, 12, 13,
14, & 15
Test 3 (15%)
Chapters 16, 17, 18,
19, & 32
Ch. 5- Human
Padlet due for Sex
Due by 11pm
Must score 85% or
higher to gain
clinical credit (S)
Test 4 (15%)
Chapters 8, 20, 21,
31 & 33
Due by 11pm
Must score 85% or
higher to gain
clinical credit (S)
Chapters 23, 24, 25,
& 26
Test 5 (15%)
Chapters 22, 23, 24,
& 25
Due by 11pm
Must score 85% or
higher to gain
clinical credit (S)
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No Classes
Maternal Newborn ATI
Computer Room
Newborn Complications
Chapters 34, 35,
36 & 37; Safe
Sleep Certificates
Shadow Health Assignment
Due: Postpartum Care
For ATI retake, remediation
notebook due by 1pm
No Classes
Test 6
Groups/Times TBA
Review CH 33
ATI Retake (As applicable)
Center/Online at
Groups/Times TBA
Review CH 33
ATI (10%)
Chapter 27
Safe Sleep
Certificates due
Due by 11pm
Must score 85% or
higher to gain
clinical credit (S)
Due by 1pm
Test 6 (15%)
Chapters 34, 35, 36,
& 37
Padlet for
Perinatal Loss Due
The grade received
on the re-test of the
proctored exam will
be averaged with the
grade received on the
first proctored exam
for the final score of
that grade.
In helping you to reach the goal of becoming a registered nurse, all assigned coursework is important. For a
satisfactory completion of this course, all assignments must be completed as directed by the course instructor and
to the satisfaction of the course instructor.
Documents are expected to be neat, complete and turned in on time. Sloppy, incomplete work, and/or late work
will have 10 points deducted from the assignment score for each day that it is late/ has to be redone. In the case of
clinical paperwork, a grade of “U” will be assigned congruent with the area(s) that do not meet the criteria being
addressed in the paperwork. It is possible for the student to receive a “U” for the day.
All papers and documents greater than 2 pages must be submitted in a folder with the student’s name on the
outside of the folder (unless it is a research or formal typed paper). Loose documents will not be accepted.
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The Student Code of Conduct for South Carolina Technical College System is in effect for all college-sponsored
activities to include classrooms, labs, clinical, field trips, etc. The Student Code of Conduct and Student
Grievance Procedure Manual are available on the ATC website.
All forms of academic dishonesty including, but not limited to cheating on tests, plagiarism, collusion, and
falsification of information will call for progressive discipline.
1. Cheating on a test is defined to include the following:
• Copying from another student’s test.
• Using materials during a test not authorized by the person giving the test.
• Collaborating with any other person during a test without permission.
• Knowingly obtaining, using, buying, selling, transporting, or soliciting in whole or in part the
contents of an un-administered test.
• Bribing any other person to obtain tests or information about test.
• Substituting for another student, or permitting any other person to substitute for oneself.
2. Plagiarism is defined as the appropriation of any other person’s work and the unacknowledged
incorporation not that work in one’s own work offered for credit.
Discussion and expression of all views relevant to the subject matter is recognized as necessary to the educational
process, but students have no right to interfere with the freedom of instructors to teach or the rights of other
students to learn. The instructor sets the standard of behavior acceptable in the classroom by announcing these
standards early in the term. If a student behaves disruptively in class after the instructor has explained the
unacceptability of such conduct, the instructor may dismiss the student for the remainder of that class period.
The policy regarding cellphones will be strictly enforced. The policy is listed in Section 4 of the Nursing
Student Handbook. No cell phones allowed on or out in the classroom at any time . The use
of voice recorders may be allowed if pre-approved by the instructor (A Request for the use of an Electronic
Device form will need to be completed). The student must complete the Request for the use of an Electronic
Device form. Students will be placed on probation for violation. 2nd offense will result in dismissal from
class and failure of the course.
No photographs or images of the instructor or any class materials may be taken at any time without the
consent of the instructor.
Students are expected to complete all reading assignments before the lecture so they are prepared to
participate in class discussion and activities.
Due to the rapid pace of the nursing programs, any absence jeopardizes the student’s mastery of critical content
and essential clinical skills. The faculty views absences as extremely deleterious to a student’s progress in the
program and require the highest levels of written and validated justification for any absence. There are no
excused absences or allowed cuts from class or clinical. Serious illness, death in the immediate family, accidents
and other untoward events will be evaluated 1:1 with the lead teacher. Notification to the lead instructor prior to
the known absence is expected and is considered professional behavior.
A single absence (class or clinical) will result in probation; two absences will constitute failure of the course.
Absence from a test will result in a “0”. Absence from clinical will result in an “unsatisfactory” for that clinical
day. Make-up work for missed lecture time is at the discretion of the lead instructor. Any clinical time missed
must be made up prior to progressing to the next semester courses per instructor stipulation. Tardy is defined as
one minute late by the instructor’s watch. If a student leaves class or clinical early or is late returning from break
this will be counted as a tardy. Two tardies to class, clinical, or skills lab constitute one absence. If a student will
be tardy for any reason, it is the responsibility of the student to notify the instructor prior to the time for the
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session to start.
Covid-19 requirements for testing, screening, and vaccination will vary based on the assigned clinical facility for
the course. Please note, students and faculty must meet the facility requirements in order to attend clinical.
In addition to regularly scheduled lecture and clinical hours, students may be required to attend
laboratory activities. Simulated Clinical Experiences may be used and are designed to focus on
critical thinking and hands-on skill development.
Each semester, open lab hours are posted for that semester. Please refer to the schedule that is posted on the lab
door. Open lab is designed to provide the student with opportunities to seek additional assistance with subject
matter. This may include course content that needs clarifying, additional practice with medication calculations, or
hands on practice with a skill. The Open Lab is staffed by the nursing faculty during the assigned times and
additional times may be scheduled by appointment with the lead instructor.
The instructor has posted office hours on the office door (Room 1405 for Mrs. Duffie) during which time she is
available to the students. If a student needs to meet with the instructor at a time outside of those hours, the student
may contact the instructor so that a time that is convenient for the student can be provided.
It is the student’s responsibility to check the ATC student email account as well as blackboard for
messages from the instructor.
6 tests at 15% each
10% ATI Exam required for this course: Maternal Newborn
The following grading scale applies to all nursing courses:
A 93 – 100 Clinical performance is graded as Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory. Unsatisfactory (U) clinical
performance will result in failure of the course, regardless of the theory grade. Clinical failure
is defined as failure to achieve clinical requirements that demonstrate a level of competency
B 86 – 92
commensurate with current placement in the program. Unsatisfactory evaluations for any two
clinical days will result in failure of the course.
C 80 – 85 Test grades are based on the items selected on the Scantron.
D 70 – 79
GRADING: In the ATC nursing program, no less than 80% of grading criteria must consist of tests. Each student
must achieve an average of 80% or above on all unit tests and the ATI before any other grading criteria will be
considered. Exams are weighted per course schedule. If a student is absent for a test, he/she receives a “0” grade for
that test. For this course, Unit Tests and ATI account for 100% of the overall course grade.
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ATI Assessments
For this course you are required to take a proctored ATI exam at the Aiken Technical College Testing Center.
Your proctored exam date can be found on the course calendar. You will be given access to a practice assessment
prior to taking the proctored exam at the testing center. You are required to take Practice Exam B. Based on your
individual assessment findings, remediation is required to be completed for each of your identified areas needing
Practice Assessment B will be available to you on the ATI site beginning by noon on August 26th. You may take
this practice assessment as many times as you like. However, there is a 48-hour lockout time period after each
attempt at Assessment B.
By November 4th at 11:59pm, you must make a score of at least 90% on Practice Assessment B in order to be
allowed to sit for the ATI proctored exam scheduled for November 9th. If, on the proctored exam, the minimum
Level 2 benchmark is not met, you will then remediate and retest. The ATI retest is scheduled for December 1st at
1 pm in the Testing Center.
➢ Level 2 will be the benchmark for all Content Mastery exams.
➢ Students who do not achieve the benchmark on the 1st Proctored Exam in a course/content area must
remediate and retake the exam. (See ATI Contract and Policy)
➢ The first score on each proctored exam content area will count toward the course grade per the grading
guidelines found in the course syllabus.
➢ The grade will be assigned based on the achieved level of proficiency.
o Proficiency Level 3:
Grade 96
o Proficiency Level 2:
Grade: 89
o Proficiency Level 1:
Grade: 79
o Proficiency Level < 1:
Grade: 69
➢ Print ATI exam results give a listing of the topics needing review. This printout should guide study
through ATI review modules and course materials.
➢ The student is to develop a Focused Review based on the proctored exam results. A minimum of 3 hours
must be completed per test (Refer to ATI Remediation worksheet).
➢ Students required to remediate must meet individually with the course professor (or other designated
nursing faculty member) to receive remediation direction and provide evidence that remediation has been
completed prior to retesting. Remediation and retesting may be necessary to take place between
➢ Retest for a proctored test will occur as scheduled on course calendar.
➢ The grade received on a re-test of a proctored exam will be averaged with the grade received on the
first proctored exam for the final score of that grade.
➢ Only those students not achieving at least a Level 2 on the first ATI proctored test will be assigned
or permitted to take a re-test of the proctored ATI test.
➢ Failure to re-test as assigned will result in grade of “zero” for the second attempt.
▪ The following must be met in order for a student to progress in the Nursing Program
▪ Final grade of “C” (80%) or better in all required courses for the Nursing Program.
▪ All required courses must be completed prior to or at the time they are shown in the curriculum display for the
student to progress.
▪ A student who has attempted and/or failed (defined as “D”, “F”, “WF”, or “W”) a single nursing course twice
or any two nursing courses (either LPN or RN course) is not eligible to continue in the Nursing Program.
▪ Maintenance of a satisfactory level of competence in the clinical/lab components of each nursing course. A
summative clinical evaluation of unsatisfactory will constitute a failure (“F”) in the course.
▪ Cumulative grade point average may not fall below 2.0.
▪ Health calculations competency tests throughout the program must be passed (See section below).
▪ Standardized achievement tests are required each semester of the program.
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All nursing students are required to take a standardized achievement test related to each course. For NUR 211,
the ATI will count for 10% of the final grade. ATI Test required for course: Maternal Newborn. All students take
the ATI proctored exam as scheduled in the Testing Center.
PROBATION - A student will be placed on probation for the following:
• Nursing course midterm grade average <80%.
• Attendance or conduct violation(s). (See Handbook)
• One unsatisfactory (U) clinical performance evaluation.
FAILURE - A student can fail a nursing course due to the following:
• Final course grade <80%.
• Repeated attendance or conduct violations.
• Two unsatisfactory (U) clinical performance evaluations.
• Failure to successfully pass required medical math and/or standardized tests.
TERMINATION - A student will be permanently dismissed from the nursing program for the following:
• Failure (D, F, WF) of two nursing courses or the same nursing course twice.
• Continued attendance or conduct violations.
• Continued unsatisfactory (U) clinical performance evaluations.
• A critical incident (See Appendix A.)
A critical incident is defined as a potentially life-threatening event which compromises a patient’s health
or safety. This includes performance of an illegal act, intentionally acting outside the scope of the
student’s practice, falsifying medical records, and/or repeated occurrences of unsafe practice after
correction. Any student who fails a nursing course due to a critical incident will be terminated from the
program without the option of returning. Termination from the nursing program due to a critical incident
shall be by majority vote of the nursing faculty.
A QEP is part of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges decennial
reaccreditation process. The QEP describes a carefully designed course of action that addresses a well-defined and
focused topic or issue related to enhancing student learning and/or student success. Aiken Technical College’s
QEP is READ, WRITE, ACHIEVE! Its goals are to increase student awareness and utilization of student support
services; to improve transition and success rates for students moving from transitional writing to ENG 101 and
ENG 160; and to improve student reading and writing outcomes. Year 1 (2020-21) focuses on student awareness
and utilization of support services, such as Academic Counseling, Tutoring, and Library Resources. Year 2 (202122) incorporates Open Educational Resources (OER) into transitional reading and writing and ENG 101 courses.
Year 3 (2022-23) introduces a co-requisite approach to transitional writing (via ENG 012) and a focused
transitional reading course (RDG 100). Please connect with the Student Success Center staff in Room 770 or the
Learning Resource Center Staff in Room 1001 for details on support services offered. Note there is also a direct
link to the Student Success Center Online at the top of the Blackboard main page.
Counseling Services at (803) 508-7379 (Office 779 in the Student Success Center) are provided to students to
assist them with their career, academics and personal questions. The mission of Counseling Services at Aiken
Technical College is to increase the potential for every student’s success by providing services that meet the goals
and outcomes identified by the student. ATC maintains a staff of professional counselors who are available both
day and evening to counsel any student confidentially regarding academic, professional, personal or social
concerns. Counseling Services staff members also provide assistance for students affected by emergency
situations. A student can meet with a counselor on a walk-in basis or by making an appointment.
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ATC provides special services to students with disabilities. The goal is to improve the educational development of
all students by offering an understanding and supportive campus environment. A counselor is available to provide
direct assistance to these students. In order for a student to receive class accommodations based on a disability,
the student must complete a form requesting assistance and submit documentation supporting the request. The
counselor will review the documentation, determine the appropriate accommodation, and notify the student. The
student will then take the form to each of his/her instructors during the first week of each semester.
The College will make reasonable accommodations for persons with documented disabilities. Students should
promptly notify the Counselor for Students with Disabilities and their instructors of any special needs.
In addition to regularly scheduled lecture and clinical hours, students are required to attend OB laboratory
activities as scheduled. Laboratory training is designed to focus on critical thinking and hands-on skill
development. (See course calendar.) Additional lab activities may be scheduled throughout the semester as
deemed by the instructor.
For specific information about any nursing program policies or forms, please refer to the Nursing Student
Prior to final exam, students will be requested to complete an end of course survey.
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NUR 211: Care of the Childbearing Family
Fall, 2022
I, _______________________________, acknowledge and testify by my signature
below that I have received and read the Course Syllabus for NUR 211 –Nursing Care of the
Childbearing Family. I understand and I agree with the course particulars and classroom behavior
standards. I will be respectful to the instructor, classmates and others that I interact with in clinical and
class. I will make an appointment with the instructor and discuss any concerns that I have regarding the
course and/ or my progress.
Academic Integrity Pledge
In keeping with Aiken Technical College’s Honor and Student Codes, I pledge that I will neither
give nor accept any unauthorized help on any of the assignments/tests in this course. I will only
use instructor authorized outside sources for completing my work.
I further pledge that all such outside sources will be cited in my work.
I accept full responsibility for honesty in all my work.
Student Signature
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Request for the use of an Electronic Device in the Classroom
I ___________________ request to use a ________________________ (type of device-voice recorder)
in NUR 211 for the sole purpose of recording the class lecture. During the class session, no photographs
or images of the instructor or any class materials may be taken at any time without the consent of the
instructor. If the instructor has reason to believe that the electronic device is being used for any reason
other than the stated purpose, the instructor reserves the right to revoke the use of the electronic device
by the student for the reminder of the semester. The electronic device will be placed in the classroom at
a location as directed by the instructor.
My signature below indicates that I agree to the terms set forth in this document.
Printed name of student
Signature of student
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