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Entering Her Vortex: Manifesting Spiritual Relationships

Her Vortex
How to Manifest a Spiritually
Purposeful Relationship Using The
Law of Divine Magnetism
by Jakal El-Malik
Dedicated to the reclamation of divine
energy on the planet that leads to the
ultimate union of Mother, Father, Child,
and Community.
This book covers a variety of topics including: sex, relationships, intimacy,
leadership, etc. but its primary theme is
Love is the universal principle that
governs all things.
Unfortunately, we live in a society that has
made love a commodity.
Something that has to be seen; instead of
simply expressed and experienced.
We have lost the energy of love; mainly
because we are a society of people who
have lost the internal love for ourselves.
Constantly pushing in this external world
for a sense of worth and value; forgetting
that we are abundant in our own
We have so much depth to explore within
ourselves that when you really tap into
your own spiritual potential here on this
planet, you begin to see others more
clearly and more deeply.
There is much love to be found in that
reality; enough to last us for three or four
Yet, we push and we push.
And because we grow and learn to push
for our own sense of self-worth and
self-love, we not only expect others to do
the same for themselves..
We expect them to push to show their
love for us and love becomes
transactional, because it’s the only love
most of us really know.
This book is about getting back to the
TRUE energy of love and magnetism.
It is about healing from our broken ideas
surrounding love, sex, and relationships.
It’s about restoring the family unit.
But not just for the sake of traditionalism;
but for the sake of restoring divine order
through the power of love.
Strong people create strong relationships.
Strong relationships create strong
Strong households create strong families.
Strong families create strong communities.
Strong communities create strong people.
And it all starts with SELF.
Your responsibility is to become the best
version of you because that is the ONLY
place you will discover the BEST version
of a relationship with someone else.
The ripple effect continues on from there.
Which consequently means that wounded
people create wounded relationships.
Wounded relationships create wounded
Wounded households create wounded
Wounded families create wounded
Wounded communities create wounded
This cycle is inevitable.
And it is one that we have the power to
shift by understanding our energy.
In this book, we’re going to be talking
about masculine and feminine energy and
the roles they play in establishing a
healthy relationship with self (which is
most important) and a healthy
relationship with others - speci ically, our
So before we dive in deep, I want you to
look at the term: HEALTHY
The baseline word in healthy is HEAL.
To heal means to make well or whole.
The word RELATIONSHIP is de ined as
the way in which two or more concepts,
objects, or people are connected.
A relationship with self is the connection
between your Masculine Energy and your
Feminine Energy.
Your masculine energy is all about your
tangible expression, embodiment, and
It is the manifestation of the ego.
It is your idea of who Self is, externalized
in real time.
Someone who believes they are an angry
person shall behave like an angry person;
but it doesn’t mean that is who they truly
It is just their masculine expression.
The masculine is an illusion.
But it’s not necessarily “real” or “fake”, for
that matter.
It is simply a representative of our own
perception and consciousness.
The masculine form is dynamic in the
sense that it is always subject to
reformation because of the feminine low
of life that naturally inspires change.
We will go into this a lot deeper a little
later, but for now just understand that
masculine energy is meant to create a
stable sense of “reality” that grounds us to
our human experience.
When misaligned, the stability of
masculine energy can become extremely
stagnant and rigid if it is not evolving with
the feminine low.
Or it can become extremely erratic and
unstable all together.
All things are meant to grow and evolve
over time.
Nothing stays the same.
We are here to experience new realities;
just as we are here to experience new
versions of ourselves.
This is what we call growth.
And in order to grow in low with the
universe, we are never to get too attached
to who we think we are, where we are, or
why we’re here.
Because the truth lies in the power of the
unknown, which is found in our Feminine
The Feminine represents luidity,
creativity, imagination, low, and the
In order to be in a HEALTHY state of
connection (a relationship) with Self, the
Masculine must honor the Feminine.
The feminine is the gateway to change.
The masculine is the structure of
Said another way, masculine energy is the
tangible expression or representation of
feminine energy.
Healthy masculine energy is clear, stable,
and structured in its expression.
It presents a CLEAN SIGNAL or ‘vibration’.
Without a healthy masculine energy, one’s
feminine energy will be presented
chaotically; because feminine energy does
not have structure or order.
Without a healthy feminine energy, one’s
masculine energy will be uninspired to
create or produce.
Without the structure and order of the
Masculine; the creativity of the Feminine
would not be able to be expressed.
Without the creativity and low of the
Feminine; the Masculine has no
inspiration for what to build.
You see, these two energies are here to
work together in harmony to form a
healthy relationship with SELF.
A healthy self (HEAL-THY SELF) can then
form a healthy relationship with another
healthy being.
And in doing this with yourself, you will
more deeply understand how your energy
operates with another - especially after
reading this book.
There is nothing more powerful than the
synergy created by two healthy beings in
a relationship rooted in love AND spiritual
That is what this book is about.
We will break down this process in detail
and give you the manual to how we
should operate in our masculine and
feminine energies within ourselves and
within our relationships.
I pray you ind this text at the appropriate
time for you and that it shifts your life
forever as you walk deeper into the
in inite amount of love that is meant for
you to experience inside and outside of
So let’s begin..
“There is nothing more
powerful than the synergy
created by two healthy
beings in a relationship
rooted in love AND spiritual
Before we really dive into the details of
this book, it’s important that we irst
understand how energy works on an
elementary level.
Because energy is all that we are.
Everything is a re lection of our frequency
or vibration.
When we are in a negative state, we
attract negative energy into our lives.
We are signaling to the universe that we
desire more negative vibrations to enter
our vortex (our electromagnetic ield).
So understanding energy is vital, because
if we are going to attract purposeful love
into our lives..
It will only be a result of living in the
frequency of purposeful love for
That means nourishing yourself, loving
yourself, establishing and respecting your
boundaries, doing things you love,
committing to your success, etc.
It means giving yourself gifts, spending
quality time alone, maintaining good
health, pampering yourself, af irming
positive things for your life, etc.
Self-love is a superpower.
And it’s one that you will need to use as
often as possible.
If you’re not loving yourself properly, then
how will you be able to recognize when
others aren’t loving you properly?
Your standards for yourself should be so
high, that it takes an amazing partner to
meet you where you are energetically.
This is the power of energy.
You must become a master of your own
energy and the space around you before
you can even recognize what type of
energy is harmonic to your life’s purpose.
We are not looking for romance or
We are looking for a deep spiritual union
that ampli ies our being.
We are looking for something that not
everyone can give us.
And so we must irst give that to
This frequency of love is recognizable.
And you will want a partner who has
learned to love themselves fully, so that
they know how to love you properly.
How can a person with weak boundaries
ever respect yours?
How can a person who doesn’t
understand their triggers, understand
How can a person who hasn’t found love
deep within themselves, ind love within
Energy is at the center of it all.
This is why we are going to take a deep
dive into Masculine and Feminine energy.
These are the two primary components of
the entire universe.
They are present in every interaction,
thought, object, being, space, time, etc.
Understand that everything is inherently
Feminine energy is a free- lowing energy
with no form or structure.
It is pre-manifested energy.
Masculine energy is a very rigid energy.
It is what happens when feminine energy
becomes solid.
It is manifested energy.
For example..
Sadness is feminine. Crying is masculine.
Masculine energy however is deceptive.
Because the masculine expression of
crying could also come from the feminine
energy of happiness or anxiety.
The masculine is a representation of the
But the representation is never really
100% accurate, because the feminine has
no form.
The minute there is form or structure,
there is illusion.
There is something to be observed or
consumed to get to the root of it.
Have you ever heard a song and you could
FEEL the music?
The notes and lyrics are masculine, but
the FEELING is feminine.
The greatest artists of all time are
celebrated because they know how to use
their masculine energy to express their
feminine energy.
The songwriting process is masculine, but
the creativity is feminine.
The two are ALWAYS working in tandem.
This very book that you’re reading is
masculine, but the energy within the
words are very feminine.
We’re all here decoding our feminine
energy into masculine manifestations.
Manifestations (masculine energy)
require observation and
pre-manifestations (feminine energy)
require re lection.
This is important to remember as we
move forward because this plays out a
great deal in relationships, dating, and
communication (both verbal and
In essence, the masculine holds space for
and supports the feminine.
Without a healthy feminine, the masculine
is nothing but an empty illusion.
Masculine energy has no purpose but
to support the feminine.
The feminine is free- lowing and needs
the masculine to bring her vision to
tangible form.
She is the inspiration for his structure.
Without the masculine, the feminine
cannot create and would only be an ever
growing low of ideas that end up creating
confusion and chaos.
Feminine energy has no purpose but to
inspire the masculine.
These two energies are one in the same,
but they operate differently.
They need each other and without
balance true synergy cannot be obtained.
Finding this balance within oneself is
key before trying to ind balance
within another individual.
Two fools connected by imbalance will
end up overcompensating in their
Two balanced souls need not perform or
overcompensate for a lack of balance.
They can experience peace on a new level;
knowing that they have met their spiritual
For the men reading this book, I will
reveal to you how to walk in your highest
masculine form to enter her vortex
properly. For the women reading, you will
know how to rest in your highest feminine
nature to magnetize the man who will
enter your vortex properly.
“Everything is a
re lection of our
frequency or vibration.”
Entering her vortex is a sacred act.
It is the art of synergy between two
But we must irst examine masculine and
feminine energy in their higher and
lower states before we address the vortex
and the synergy that can be created in our
electromagnetic ields.
Masculine and feminine energies are both
made recognizable by the state of energy
that they are in.
It is not exactly a binary status of this or
that, but moreso a multi-dimensional
But for the sake of simplicity and
understanding, we will examine these
energies at their polar opposite truths.
On one end of this spectrum, we have the
Divine Feminine and the Divine
On the other, we have The Wounded
Masculine and The Wounded Feminine.
These energies operate in function and
dysfunction, respectfully.
Let’s look at each energy type and assess
them individually.
We’ve established that Masculine energy
is all about order.
It is the manifesting energy of life.
Creation is meant to live within the
bounds of masculine energy.
Things like law, physics, math, economics,
business, and politics all are very
masculine functions of society.
These things rely on rules to remain
These “rules” are energetic in nature.
And the nature of rules is what masculine
energy is all about.
Discipline, order, dependability,
functional, solid, foundational, grounded,
stability, etc.
This is how masculine energy is
A man without discipline, order, and
structure is a man that is not operating
from a strong masculine frequency.
And because he is operating from a
weaker frequency, the results he produces
in his life will be a re lection of that lower
In the con ines of a relationship, high
frequency masculine energy (aka Divine
Masculine Energy) is what enables and
empowers a man to be a provider for his
He is responsible, disciplined, and fully
embraces the need to produce (manifest).
This is the energy that creates divine
con idence within him.
A man that is not producing within his
means is a man that is operating at a
lower state.
He is a distracted man and thus incapable
of protecting and providing for his family
in the proper way.
But because this man is distracted, he is
not empowered by masculine energy and
not even seeking to live in alignment with
He is not seeking to rise.
He is not seeking to produce.
He makes excuses.
He expects life to present him with things
he has not deserved.
He wants other men to produce while he
consumes like a woman.
He may even expect a woman to produce
for him or to co-produce to take the load
off of himself.
This man is not stable.
He does not know who he is inside.
This wounded state of masculinity is a
detriment to the family unit and to the
community as a whole.
This man cannot lead.
And a man that cannot lead can only
Remember that politics, science,
economics, religion, and many other
important aspects of life are determined
by the masculine energy of the planet.
Well, what do you think happens when we
have a community or family of men who
are not operating from their Divine
Masculine energy?
What happens to the governance and
politics of a family/community when the
men are off-balanced?
What happens to household economics
when men are not producing ef iciently?
What happens to the resources of a home,
community, and/or country when the
men are not energetically quali ied to
manage them properly?
This is what creates dysfunction in
Men are the backbone of the world.
Men are here to be the stability and
foundation of certainty in times of change
and uncertainty.
A Divine Masculine Man (DMM) has to
carry the slack for the Wounded
Masculine Men (WMM).
In a later chapter, we will dive deeper into
the spectrum of men and the road to
becoming a divine masculine man.
But right now, we have to also look at the
polar opposite energy of the masculine which is feminine energy.
Unlike masculine energy - which is all
about order - feminine energy is all
about FLOW.
Feminine energy is the connecting force
to the non-physical world.
It’s why we often talk about intuition and
vision when discussing feminine energy.
All things are born from the feminine.
The masculine is the manifestation of
gestated feminine energy.
Feminine energy is stillness.
Masculine energy is animated.
Feminine energy is oneness.
Masculine energy is separateness.
This ‘yin and yang’ is what keeps our
worlds in sync (and/or out of sync).
Just like with the masculine, there is a
divine feminine state and a wounded
feminine state.
When feminine energy is in it’s highest
divine status, it is a clear vessel for the
divine to shine through.
Feminine energy is the source for all
INSPIRATION; whereas masculine energy
is a more MOTIVATING source as it looks
at the external world.
The feminine is all about the INTERNAL
She also affects how we manage our
mental and emotional states.
If one’s feminine energy is not intact and
in a proper state, it will create CHAOS.
Drama, dysfunction, and uninspiring
energy is what is created from low
frequency feminine energy.
Divine Feminine energy is here to
inspire the Divine Masculine.
Because she is in tune with the spiritual
world, she can guide and inspire the
masculine’s vision properly.
The two energies are made to work in
tandem with each other.
When one of these energies are out of
balance, it will create imbalance with the
They are inherently connected.
This is why you will never ind a family
full of divine feminine women and
wounded masculine men.
Nor will you see a family of divine
masculine men and wounded feminine
Because magnetism will align the
masculine and feminine energies to the
frequency that resonates with it.
Divine masculine men resonate with
divine feminine women.
Wounded masculine men resonate
with wounded feminine women.
A wounded masculine man may be
attracted to a divine feminine woman; and
a wounded feminine woman may be
attracted to a divine masculine man but
there will be little to no resonance
present in those dynamics.
We all possess masculine and feminine
energy, but those energies lead us to the
embodiment of either the Divine
Masculine or the Divine Feminine.
When one does the work to operate from
their higher self, the goal is to build a
family unit with the frequency that
matches their energy.
In the next chapter, we will further
discuss the roles of the family unit and
how these energies play their part in
creating UNITY.
This is the ultimate transformation of
society and culture.
“Men are here to be the
stability and foundation of
certainty in times of change
and uncertainty.”
First, let’s start with the role of the man;
as he is the leader of the family unit.
As we have mentioned before, all humans
contain both masculine and feminine
So why does the man lead if women
have masculine energy too?
The difference is found in our divine
Remember, feminine is the low and
masculine is the form.
You can consider feminine energy as the
spiritual DNA of a person; whereas
masculine energy is the material
manifestation of that DNA.
A man’s spiritual DNA (feminine energy)
creates a masculine polarization;
making him a master of this material
Masculine energy is not void of feminine
It is merely the manifestation of it.
So, in order for a man to be walking in his
divine masculine energy, he must be
attuned to his feminine energy - as it
reveals his purpose.
This is what allows the man to master his
material reality and become a leader of
the family unit.
Man is here to bring life to his purpose in
a way that will allow for material
If he is following his higher self, he will
walk in a path that develops his skillset,
character, discipline, con idence, and
overall productivity.
This all requires a man to be living out his
true masculine form.
The problem with many modern men is
that they do not follow their purpose.
They lack discipline and focus.
They are distracted by worldly ideas of
what it means to be a man.
They pursue sex, women, and
entertainment before they deserve either
of the three.
In order to be it for a family, a man must
develop stability in his life.
This stability allows him to lead, protect,
and provide for the feminine.
We’ll get into this in a little more detail
later, but this ultimately allows the
woman to fully be in tune with her divine
feminine energy in a safe way.
A man who is truly mastering the self
does not seek to bring a woman into his
energy ield unless she is aligned with his
PURPOSE and worthy of his DEVOTION.
An unstable man ( inancially, spiritually,
character-wise, mentally, or emotionally)
will cause instability in a woman’s life.
This chaos comes from his imbalanced
feminine energy.
It is imbalanced energy because he is
working against the true nature of his
higher self.
This causes friction in the mind; which
ultimately leads to a lack of con idence in
his ability to produce and create.
Lack of con idence leads to a lower and
lower feminine vibration which places the
man into a wounded feminine state which
manifests itself as a wounded masculine
This type of man always has excuses as if
he is not in control of his material reality.
He has lost his power because he is acting
against himself.
True spiritual con idence comes from
following your spiritual purpose; as it is a
man’s guiding light.
It is an internal compass that all men
must follow; else they fall victim to their
lower self.
This compass is the center of a man’s life.
As he brings himself closer to it, he
becomes more attuned to the frequency of
his feminine energy that inspires him
from within.
This attunement strengthens and
reinforces the magnetism of his
Things begin to low into his life with a
greater sense of ease; but he mustn’t fall
victim to this.
There is a saying that “Hard times create
strong men. Strong men create good
times. Good times create weak men. Weak
men create hard times.”
And it is certainly true if man allows the
pendulum in his life to sway too far during
good times.
As long as you are on earth, man should
act and live as if we are either: in or
headed towards hard times.
As leader of the family unit, he must be
prepared for the worst.
This is why man should not blindly
pursue women and sex; as sexual energy
is where man derives his material
It is a manifesting energy; and a man who
has not properly used energy to create a
stable spiritual, mental, emotional, and
material life should not be exchanging his
energy with a woman.
He should be learning how to get more in
tune with Self, so that he can be a
legitimate leader of the family unit.
Else, he curses the woman he is with and
any child that may be a byproduct of their
He will be actively putting his family on
unstable ground and placing the burden
of stability on them.
This is spiritually incorrect and will cause
con lict in the relationship as it forces the
woman to question the man’s leadership
When a woman has to be analytical and
question a man’s material power (his
spiritual dominion), she will soon lose
respect for him energetically.
She may retain love, as love requires no
logic, but spiritually she will not be
operating from a divine feminine state.
There will be little to no polarization;
and in that instance sex will be used to
overcompensate or it can lame out.
In both cases, this will create a negative
dynamic in the relationship.
The man maintaining a high vibration is
absolutely vital for the household.
He is the bona ide leader as his energy is
the frequency that will determine which
way the family goes.
If he is in his divine masculine energy and
is living life as a focused, disciplined, and
stable man who is purposeful - then the
family will be led to a place of strength
and prosperity.
But if he is operating from his lower self,
then he will lead them to a place of
instability and the woman will have to
pick up the slack (which draws her out of
her feminine energy).
To recap a little on the man and the role of
the masculine energy in a family unit..
The man is the leader of the family unit
and the ruler of the material plane.
His feminine energy is guiding him
towards purpose, discipline, and
A man that acts against his own nature,
will suffer and bring suffering into the life
of others.
A man is to avoid sex until he is in a
place of material abundance and
And once he reaches that point in his life,
he should not give his sexual energy away
If she is not it to be your wife, she is not
it for your sexual energy.
If you are not inspired by her feminine
energy to provide and protect her by any
means then she is not it for your sexual
If she is not a woman that compliments
your purpose here on earth, then she is
not it for your sexual energy.
Man is the seed of life.
Where he plants his seed is vital.
Planting the seed in the wrong soil (or in
the right soil, prematurely) will cause
unnecessary dysfunction.
Her soil must be cultivated by the works
of self-mastery.
As a man, you will really have a deeper
understanding of these things once you
have developed yourself in a way that
does not accept the toxic norms of a
culture that thrives on dysfunction,
trauma, and broken families.
When a man is in tune with his higher
state, spiritually and materially, he will be
able to magnetize his divine feminine
partner who will naturally inspire him.
All other exchanges with women are
based solely on the polarization of sexual
desire; and not the polarization of the
Man is naturally attracted to a woman
because of his animal instincts, but just
because a woman is physically attractive
doesn’t mean that she was spiritually
ordained to dwell in your kingdom.
This also applies to women you are
emotionally attracted to.
Truthfully, only weak men act out of
physical or emotional attraction.
A divine masculine man will experience
physical and emotional attraction, but he
is driven by his attunement to his internal
He resonates with the energy that
matches his own feminine energy.
Therefore, his purpose is naturally
connected to her higher energetic being;
and when they are both operating in that
space, it is a different level of interaction
that one must experience to fully
And it is de initely an experience like no
Women will be polarized by a divine
masculine man and are driven by physical
and emotional attraction as well.
But it doesn’t mean she is your divine
partner just because she is attracted to
It simply makes her human; as women are
attuned to security and stability.
But her ENERGY and her PRESENCE in
your life is what determines whether she
is attuned to your purpose.
Exercising discipline and restraint is
highly important.
A woman who isn’t spiritually ordained to
access your time, energy, or resources will
drain your energy and use you for
everything you have.
A Divine Masculine Man needs a Divine
Feminine Woman who knows her role and
fully embraces her feminine power.
Every other woman will create chaos,
drama, and dysfunction in your life.
As a man, you must be wise about who
you entertain energetically.
Your legacy depends on it.
“A Divine Masculine Man
needs a Divine Feminine
Woman who knows her role
and fully embraces her
feminine power.”
So let’s dive into the energy of the
feminine and her role in the family unit.
We have already established the man as
the leader of the family, so what is the role
of a woman?
What if she doesn’t want to be lead?
What if she doesn’t want to be
What if she believes that gender roles
are outdated?
Then, that is simply NOT a divine
feminine woman and it’s not the kind of a
woman that a Divine Masculine Man will
want to marry.
She will either attract a man who is
incapable of carrying the load or a man
that has resources but lacks the
con idence and leadership skills of a true
masculine man.
These are the women that strong men
stay away from, because these women are
users, abusers, and control-freaks.
A divine feminine woman, on the other
hand, is a submissive multiplier.
But let’s back up a second here.
Because it’s not that the woman’s primary
role in the family is to be submissive; it’s
that her role is made easier if she is in a
situation where submission is power.
This means that she must look to
submit, to ind a partner worthy of
A woman who is against submission, will
only attract A.) weak men who are against
leading and/or B.) men who have nothing
to submit to.
And a man who doesn’t understand the
importance of masculine leadership, will
not be a man walking in his divine
masculine energy.
This all leads us to a woman’s true
purpose as divine portals.
Understand that women are the spiritual
gateways of the planet.
They determine who enters this physical
It is one of the greatest responsibilities in
the world.
The highest honor you can give a man is a
child; but giving an un it man a child will
become a woman’s greatest burden
because she will not be protected and
provided for like she was designed to be.
This is why discipline surrounding sexual
energy is so key and it’s why choosing a
man that is capable of leading the family
is important so that you can rest in your
feminine energy.
Women must truly master Self before they
begin throwing around their sexual
Lust, loneliness, and lack of
self-ful illment are not reasons to create
We are here to evolve spiritually and to
align with the partners that polarize us in
our highest states - not our lowest states.
A divine feminine woman puts her family
irst; in her mind, heart, and spirit.
Before she has a family, her number one
responsibility is developing the skills,
tools, and knowledge necessary to be an
effective wife and mother.
Emotionally: this means developing
compassion, empathy, and healing over
past wounds.
Mentally: this means developing a
positive mindset, an expertise, great
communication skills, and a high level of
con idence & poise.
Physically: this means developing a
personal health and nutrition plan to
maintain the body.
Spiritually: this means gaining a deep
personal connection with the Divine so
that she is guided by her divine feminine
This is important because her husband
must be a SPIRITUAL MATCH before
worldly things are ever to be considered.
He must be walking in his spiritual
purpose and building from an elevated
state of consciousness.
A woman not walking in her highest
feminine self, can only attract men not
walking in their highest states.
A queen requires a king and a king
requires a queen.
Meeting someone at your level requires
discernment, discipline, and true
activation of spiritual purpose.
This is the way the divine feminine and
divine masculine energies work in
Divine Feminine energy carries the
feminine pole of the magnet.
Her masculine energy is used to
embody her feminine state as a
re lection of spirit.
It is not the same masculine energy as a
man; as his energy is guiding him
But divine feminine energy is guiding
her INWARD, instead.
What she re lects, embodies, and creates
brings life to the feminine pole of
masculine energy.
When purpose is synchronized spiritually,
the Divine Masculine pole and the Divine
Feminine pole magnetize each other
There is no additional work to be done to
create divine magnetism.
Very few people reach this state because
it requires two elevated beings in a state
of surrender to their purpose.
It requires commitment to the spiritual
walk of life and allowing it to take
precedence over other worldly things.
It requires an element of low that is not
present when lust, loneliness, dishonesty,
abuse, trauma, and/or manipulation are
This is God’s greatest gift to mankind; the
ability to have a divine connection and not
a mundane one.
Men here will have to avoid the
temptations that take them off their
divine path.
Can he commit his life to building at the
highest levels possible?
Will he make the sacri ices necessary to
go the extra mile?
Will his foundation be solid enough for a
Will his wife be safe and secure enough to
fully embody her Divine Feminine energy?
Will sex take precedent in his life or will
he channel that energy into divine
Will he develop his character and his
ability to manage resources?
These are all essential parts of manhood
that set the stage for a healthy family.
And for the woman, she must be in tune
with his mission (sub-mission) and his
purpose to be able to naturally inspire
Spiritual purpose is the connecting force
for this union.
They are both in tune with their feminine
energy and create the polarization
necessary for them to embody Divine
Purpose governs them beyond emotions,
logic, or other self-interests.
They become one for a purpose and serve
together out of spiritual responsibility
and duty.
Love is a beautiful thing, but it is not the
foundation to a spiritual union.
Where there is love and no purpose, there
will be misalignment.
Where there is purpose and no love, there
will be duty.
This does not mean that love is not
important, but it does not take
precedence over spiritual duty.
Love can be forced, faked, and
Duty cannot.
Purpose cannot.
Responsibility cannot.
This is why purpose is the centerpoint for
You can only ind out why you are here
through purpose; not love.
Self-love is important, but it doesn’t
supersede purpose.
Just as you must ind purpose within
yourself, there must be purpose within
your connection to others.
It is not something you should try to
manufacture to hold together a
misaligned union.
There is either purpose or there is not.
If two spirits align, purpose reveals itself.
That is the beautiful thing about true
Divine Magnetism is that it does not
require a lot of mind work.
It is a simple matter of energetics.
Alignment in this way must be
experienced to fully be understood.
But ultimately, if a man is walking in his
Divine Masculine energy then he is
polarized to a woman emitting a
re lection of his purpose here on earth.
If a woman is walking in her Divine
Feminine energy and embodies the
re lection of her purpose, then there will
be a supernatural connection that really
cannot be explained properly with words.
She will inspire him, speak life into him,
guide him, adore him, support him,
submit to him, and care for him in ways
that allow him to tap into his masculine
energy more.
He will protect her, provide for her, devote
himself to her, lead her, and care for her in
ways that allow her to feel free in her
feminine energy.
They will both feel at home with each
Not only because of the raw energetics,
but also because purpose attracts
And when you encounter another being
who has made the same level of spiritual
sacri ices you have made to elevate to a
certain level of consciousness the clarity
will be unmatched.
It will actually be so clear that it may
frighten you.
Your mind will expand in attempts to
grasp what’s happening, but all it can do
is surrender to the magnetism and
welcome it in.
This is how you connect with your divine
This is how you begin to build for the next
generation of aligned leaders.
“Just as you must ind purpose
within yourself, there must be
purpose within your
connection to others.”
A relationship that is not spiritually
aligned will reveal itself in several
different ways.
1.) You will NOT feel like you are
working for a common purpose.
Yes, you may connect emotionally and/or
sexually, but life is really taking you to two
different destinations, but you hold on to
each other because you have a fear of
walking your paths alone.
2A.) He will not be able to lead
Because you are not naturally moving in
the same direction, the man will harness
the frustration he feels from being in a
misaligned union and may take it out on
the woman by attempting to lead from a
place of force or dominance; scolding her
as if he is the woman's father and she is
his child.
This low vibrational energy can lead to
abuse, violence, and/or mental health
2B.) He will not be a leader at all.
This man is in a deep wounded masculine
state and lives as if the woman is his
mother. He never developed the discipline
necessary to become a high vibrational
leader and places the burden on the
woman to carry the masculine energy
within the home.
3A.) She will not be able to guide
Because he is not able to lead properly,
she will focus on her own plan for her life
and suggest things to him that are not a
part of his true purpose. Eventually, he
will feel that she does not trust his
direction which is a heavy blow to his
masculine energy.
Alternatively, she can attempt to follow
his plan and sacri ice everything that her
spirit is telling her to do in life to keep
him happy.
This will create resentment and
eventually a severe level of emotional
detachment in the relationship.
3B.) She will not guide at all.
This woman is in a disempowered
feminine state and wants the man to take
care of everything without adding
anything to his life.
She doesn't understand her purpose as a
woman and treats him as if he is a father
spoiling his daughter.
Eventually, the man will grow drained and
emotionally detached.
These are the telltale signs that your
current relationship is not spiritually
aligned and you can even observe these
characteristics in your past relationships.
(Note: Just because people are “nice” or
have good character does not make them
a spiritual match for you.)
Learn to let people go and do the healing
work necessary to call in the person who
was meant for you in this lifetime.
Holding on to people that you know are
not meant for you is a scarcity mindset
and will only limit your ability to expand.
There is no repairing a relationship where
there is no purpose.
You may learn how to function together,
but there will be no spiritual expansion
cultivated by the dynamic.
A mundane relationship will never have
the capacity of a spiritually ordained one.
This question seems to come up very
often when people are discussing roles
and responsibilities of men and women in
Most of the time, people are not
approaching this topic from a spiritual
There are a lot of hyper-masculine
women and hyper-feminine men who like
to debate over this topic, but we will make
it plain here.
A man, barring injury or illness, is to rule
his own domain with or without a woman
Base-level survival requires a man to
manage a place of dwelling for himself, to
provide food, and to remain in good
health before a woman ever becomes part
of the equation.
We’ll touch on this topic in a later chapter,
but the problem is that most men and
women engage each other emotionally,
romantically and sexually, prematurely.
He is often not in a position to take on a
woman and she is not in position to
support a man in his mission.
Ultimately, a man’s quality of life must be
satis iable to himself.
Therefore, any woman he attracts will
understand his material conditions.
If he is not in a reasonable material
surplus, it makes no sense to seek out a
And it makes no sense for a woman to
receive a man who has not even pursued
his own purpose.
This is why the world has so many broken
homes and communities.
The lack of healing is the problem and it’s
why 50/50 is such a big conversation.
Because you have two half-empty people
coming together.
Divine Feminine women are not the ones
barking their demands to men about what
they need and what they require.
They understand that they receive
everything in alignment with their energy
and anything in misalignment with it is
naturally released.
Divine Masculine men are not arguing
with women about what they do or don’t
They understand that a woman is to be
protected and provided for.
So where does the confusion come from?
It comes from the pain of women who
have not been in tune with themselves so
they allowed the wrong men to enter their
They hold bitterness, guilt, shame, and
resentment within their energy ields.
And it comes from the pain of men who
have not been in tune with themselves
and have not been able to produce
anything worthy of value.
They struggle to maintain resources and
hold bitterness, shame, and resentment
within their energy ields.
You see? They are holding the same
negative energetic space for each other.
The woman is hurt over her past mistakes
so she feels that she needs to make her
requirements known - because deep
down she doesn’t trust what she attracts
with her own energy.
She hasn’t done the healing work to repair
her connection with her intuition.
She hasn’t softened herself and connected
to the openness of the Unknown.
So she goes the masculine route in
attempts to “control” her fate.
But this energy only attracts wounded
masculine men who resonate with her
The wounded masculine man has low
con idence and can’t really fathom how a
man could provide for a family, because
he can barely provide for himself.
Unfortunately, these types of men and
women are in the vast majority.
So the energy and the broken families it
creates is seen as normal.
Even single-parent households have
become fairly normalized.
Society has gotten so used to single
mothers leading households that the men
with wounded masculine energy believe
they are handling their responsibility as a
man by going 50/50.
Remember, if he never developed his own
domain or was barely making it on his
own then a woman is not being brought
into his life to be protected and provided
for; she is there to help him stay a loat.
This puts a woman in survival mode, so
she is going to be reduced to being an
addition instead of her true role as a
A man willing to go 50/50 with a woman
is a man that doesn't yet have the plan or
initiative to be a inancial provider.
Masculine energy lives by "if it ain't broke,
don't ix it".
If he saw you and wasn't motivated
enough to get in position inancially
(which he should already want for
himself), then how motivated will he be
when he has open access to your energy?
You've rewarded him for mediocrity.
You've given a boy the privileges of a man.
You've effectively emasculated him.
There are so many men walking around
with the energy of entitlement who don't
know how to hunt and accumulate
resources; but they know how to consume
resources and make babies.
They'll gladly accept your body and
everything you have to offer.
..all while providing 50% (or less).
If you fall into this dynamic, 9 times out of
10, you're going to be going 50/50 forever
and you’re never really going to get ahead
inancially because the man is not leading
or producing properly.
A divine feminine woman and a divine
masculine man with the right plan will
accumulate, allocate, and distribute 10x
the amount of resources together than
they could **ever** produce alone.
This is how you access spiritual wealth.
"He who inds a wife, inds a good thing."
Generally speaking, a woman shouldn’t
date a man that makes signi icantly less
than her.
Money is a masculine energy.
It materializes based on productive
Because The Divine Masculine is a
provider, his output should not be less
than The Divine Feminine.
There are rare exceptions, but let’s say a
woman is making $220k per year.
Dating a guy making $60k would
eventually create a role-reversal.
The dynamic may work for a short while,
but at some point the primal needs of the
woman will surface and create tension in
the relationship.
A man making $60k maybe okay for a
woman making up to $75k or $80k.
As long as the man has established
himself and still is The Provider for the
You are both on the same team at the end
of the day, but the primal feminine energy
will grow resentful if she feels
unprotected and the primal masculine
energy will grow resentful if he feels like
he isn’t trusted as a leader.
Money isn't the sole factor but it is a
primary factor of life.
It is how we accumulate resources.
Being able to healthily live on one income
while the second income is put into
savings, debt, and investments is ideal.
Be mindful that you do not expand your
quality of life based on two incomes.
This puts a woman into survival mode as
now her income (aka her labor) is
required to sustain the home.
One income should be able to cover the
primary living expenses, else you are
living beyond your means.
What happens when the woman wants to
stay with her children for the irst 7-10
years of life so that she can teach them
and nurture them more actively?
(Note: That is the most important
developmental time for children.)
She will not be able to if her career is
necessary to sustain the home.
And there will be a lack of masculine
stability because her income was always
needed to provide.
“A man willing to go 50/50
with a woman is a man that
doesn't yet have the plan or
initiative to be a inancial
Divine Masculine men move with spiritual
purpose, intention, focus, and discipline.
They are productive citizens who add
value to their families, community, and
society as a whole.
They uplift, protect, and provide for their
They are inspired by the Divine Feminine
to build.
They don't make excuses.
They understand that they must
accumulate and effectively manage
They are not afraid of war or competition,
but understand the importance of peace
and collaboration.
They are leaders in their own right, but
they understand the function of hierarchy
and following order.
They are lifelong learners and leave an
impact wherever they go.
In this era and current cultural climate,
these men seem few and far in between..
But we will begin training up the new
leaders to reclaim their role as MEN.
It’s not easy, but it's not supposed to be
"easy" being the man.
It is, however, extremely simple.
Having focus, discipline, integrity,
leadership, maturity, and provision are
not complex concepts for a man to
Yet due to generations of societal and
cultural misalignment, we have a vast
amount of men who resent the
responsibility of being a man while
wanting all the bene its of being a man.
He wants to judge without uplifting.
He wants to lead without direction.
He wants to possess without building.
"This isn't the 1920s anymore", they say.
Which is code for: "I want my wife to be
half of the man for me, but she also has to
be ALL of the woman."
This is an unbalanced equation.
Men cannot handle the role of being a
Her body prepares to bring life into this
world each month.
She protects, carries, and nurtures your
seed for 8-10 months and then raises that
child to become the highest re lection of
And to them we say..
I will not provide for you.
I will not marry you.
I will not lead you.
But I will fuck you and if you get you
pregnant, we'll " igure it out" as we go
with no plan because I am a man who
lacks intention.
This is why our communities are
The masculine energy of our society is
There is no real structure, order, or
Yet, many want to push women to be
more masculine instead of providing the
masculine support needed to honor,
uplift, and protect their feminine essence.
And when you go deeper, there is a dark
layer of self-doubt and lack of self-worth
amongst men and women that enables
this cycle.
He doesn't feel con ident that he is able to
develop himself further to become a
leader and provider.
He doesn't trust his ability to plan or his
discipline to follow-thru.
But he performs this pseudo-masculine
image and bravado so well to where she
doesn't know that he feels uncertain
about his life direction.
She doesn't think he's going to leave after
she gets pregnant because she never
thought about getting pregnant.
She wasn’t thinking like a divine feminine
woman and prioritizing the protection of
her womb.
She's not con ident enough in herself to
not fold on her standards for herself and
her life.
Everybody wants sex and companionship
without preparing to be a husband or a
So they naturally engage with people from
a place of lack.
Everyone is just using one another to ill
emotional voids.
Exchanging energy with people they
would NEVER consider had they been in a
high vibration and thinking with due
diligence: "is this a person I'd want to
spend the rest of my life with spiritually,
emotionally, mentally, and inancially?"
The need for short-term grati ication is a
temptation that most cannot resist due to
a lack of self-discipline.
But rewards without responsibility bring
nothing but delayed consequences.
You have to get clear on your standards
for SELF and put them into practice by
living up to those standards.
THEN, and only then, can you begin
analyzing the standards you set for a
Self-Mastery precedes Family-Mastery,
Are you arriving as a man?
Or as a boy in men's clothing?
Are you approaching her with intention
because she has the quali ications to be
your wife?
Or are your standards so low (a re lection
of self-worth) that you don't care who you
exchange energy with?
Are your actions building up family
Or are you doing the devil's work in
At the end of the day, people do what they
want to do.
But just remember that if you WANT
something different, you have to DO
something different.
Your job here is to expand in the material
world so that your descendants can
experience a higher quality of life that
aligns with their spiritual purpose.
This is the primary role of masculine
When they say "it's a man's world", it's
1000% true.
Masculine energy is supreme in the
material world.
What you produce for yourself is a
re lection of your masculine power.
This is why the man is supposed to
provide inancially for his wife and his
Family is legacy.
And a man that cannot afford to take care
of his legacy, should not be procreating or
attempting to pursue any woman that he
cannot or will not provide for.
This may seem harsh, but it is unwise to
plant seeds during the wrong season.
As a man, if you are not in the season of
surplus and abundance, why would you
subject a woman (and potentially a child)
to living under the conditions of your
damaged state?
Why must others suffer in misalignment
because you have not mastered Self?
Focus and intention are a man's biggest
spiritual assets.
Do not let lust, loneliness, and laziness
take you off your path.
Else, you (and the legacy you create) will
suffer the consequences until the cycle is
This is why we have so much unhealed
trauma and unbalanced energy in our
Because the man has lost focus and
become a spiritually bankrupt vessel for
Dooming him to a life of adult boyhood
illed with excuses, lack of accountability,
victim mentality, toxic/overcompensating
masculine energy, sexual immaturity,
violence, poverty, etc.
Understand that the community will
ALWAYS be in luenced by the energy of its
This is why "going 50/50" is a lose-lose
when it comes to spiritual growth and
A woman cannot fully embody and
expand her feminine energy if she is
coerced by circumstance to cover 50%.
A man cannot fully embody and expand
his masculine energy if he is dependent
on the woman he's supposed to provide
for to cover 50%.
This dynamic does not work.
A man is to maintain his own domain as
He has not entered kinghood, otherwise.
Kinghood is about structure, focus,
discipline, and intention.
A man who pursues out of lust or ill
intentions will eventually forfeit his
A king should seek a queen that
inspires him to expand, provide, and
protect her on a deeper intimate level.
When she is free from the masculine via
surrender and submission, her intuitive
and creative feminine energy will have full
power and authority to guide him on a
spiritual level.
This same energy allows her to guide the
family unit as well.
The man surrenders his feminine energy
(spirit) to her.
The woman surrenders her masculine
energy (ego) to him.
The two become integrated as one;
forming a spiritual union.
If you do not want her spirit passed down
to your offspring, she is not your match.
If you do not want his ego passed down to
your offspring, he is not your match.
Love, marriage, and family are not to be
taken lightly.
There is more than enough evidence
around us to show us the rami ications
when we do not honor these rituals
This is a thought that often comes from a
wounded masculine state of mind.
If you are being disciplined and
intentional, then you will be mindful to
only select a woman who is aligned to
your higher purpose.
Masculine energy attracts the resonant
vibration in feminine energy.
If a woman doesn't appear feminine to
you, it may be because your divine
masculine energy is not being fully
embodied and she doesn't feel safe.
So her masculine energy goes into
defensive mode and her walls go up
spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and
physically to bring balance.
It could also be because she is an
unhealed woman, but if you constantly
attract rebellious and drama- illed
women, it's because of your frequency.
So how do you attract a high vibrational
Become a high vibrational man.
It's that simple.
Feminine energy is naturally magnetized
towards masculine energy.
It's why as a man, you should never go out
of your way and pursue a woman
Your job is to build and to prepare for
your legacy.
Your job is not to be focused on women
when you're in a spiritual, emotional,
and/or inancial de icit.
Your job is not to become distracted by
and/or a slave to sexual desires.
These things all plague men and can
potentially destroy legacies before they
are ever built.
If you are building in high masculine
vibrations and she is attracted to what she
observes, then her masculine energy will
retreat allowing her feminine energy to
make itself known.
You will feel her presence.
And you will either be inspired to expand,
cover, protect, and provide for her.. or you
..but you will never have to “chase” a
woman who is ready to receive you.
If you're chasing that means she must be
running away because there is no
spiritual attraction.
Honor your masculine energy and leave
that woman alone.
Feminine energy is meant to be
free- lowing and expansive.
Masculine energy is meant to be stable
and structurally sound.
You cannot properly tend to your
kingdom if you're running after every
single woman that walks by.
Having a high frequency of intention and
focus requires an equal amount of
restraint and discipline.
This allows you to set the bar high for
yourself which will attract a high
vibrational partner that you can pour into
But building is still your number one
priority as a man.
Don't waste your energy pursuing women
for sex when you should be preparing the
kingdom for your future wife.
You won't have to worry about "gold
diggers", if you don’t date and entertain
broken and unhealed women just because
they are physically attractive.
Dating a high-caliber woman requires you
to really rise into your Divine Masculine
from a deeper spiritual place to cover a
woman who is more or less materially
You need a higher frequency of intention
to properly lead her because she has
already found prosperity in spirit.
She’s not impressed by money.
And she's not going to marry a man just
because he has a big bank account.
She's looking for masculine energy that is
not attached to your ego, but to your
"Can you cover me in a way that I cannot
cover myself?"
That's what she wants to know.
Otherwise, you're not an asset in her life.
But if you can cover AND properly pour
into an abundant woman, you will have
prosperity forever.
Or you can stay in a space of emotional
scarcity and date women who are
liabilities to your legacy; all so you can
have a false sense of authority and power.
Those wounded women cannot see you
beyond their frequency of understanding.
They are simply performing a role that
caters to your ego because you’re too
insecure to go after a woman who is
complimentary to your mission in life.
You don’t become a Divine Masculine Man
by doing what's easy..
So why on earth would you take the easy
way out when it comes to love, marriage,
family, and legacy?
Running from broken woman to broken
woman is unsatisfying and a sign of your
own brokenness.
These women will never be able to pour
into you properly.
A true man must learn to master his
masculine energy in a holistic spiritual
Establishing your kinghood without
securing a queen is futile.
Don’t entertain women who are not it to
sit at the throne.
A woman that cannot speak life into your
purpose as a Divine Masculine man is a
woman that is not for you.
She may be beautiful.
She may be intelligent.
She may be sexy.
But that doesn't make her your wife.
Your Divine Feminine queen will be in
tune with your spiritual purpose.
It will be the dominant energy that
magnetizes her to you.
The man provides the seed.
The woman provides the soil.
The seed and the soil must be spiritually
designed to work together to bear high
vibrational fruit.
She will be your divine multiplier.
This is why you must build in alignment
with your spiritual purpose in order to
attract your spiritual mate.
Build in alignment with the world, and
you will attract worldly women.
The women you allow into your Kingdom
all come with consequences.
Remember that a man’s greatest
spiritual strengths are intention and
When a man is distracted, it’s easy to
break him.
And women are a man’s greatest
That’s why you have to know who’s
compatible with what you are building
and who’s not.
If you are not where you want to be,
DEDICATE the next 12-36 months into
producing and leveling up.
Cut off the foolish pursuit of women and
focus 100% of your energy on growth.
I promise you, your life will change
“A king should seek a queen
that inspires him to expand,
provide, and protect her on a
deeper intimate level.”
The Divine Feminine is here to be the
ultimate re lection of The Divine
Much like The Moon is a re lection of The
It is not about what you bring to the table.
It’s not about your education, skillset,
status, career, etc.
It’s about how you can help support the
overall mission of your king and the
If you lead with the tangible things, then it
is going to be hard for a Divine Masculine
Man to take you seriously.
Your #1 question should be “What is this
man producing that I can support?”
You want your man to be empowered by
your energy, your presence, your spirit,
your mental, and your emotional state so
that he can be able to protect and provide
for the family.
You are the yin to his yang.
We’ve recognized that FEMININE
ENERGY is free- lowing by nature.
It is about intuition, wisdom, and
It is NOT anti-structure or anti-order, but
there is no inherent structure or order to
feminine energy itself.
When in its lower state, feminine energy
is chaotic, rebellious, and
When in a higher state, feminine energy is
lowing, receptive, present, and
Spiritually, a man is judged by what he
produces; but a woman is judged by what
she consumes and re lects.
That is, what she allows to penetrate her
spirit, mind, and body.
(Books, foods, media, hobbies,
conversations, friendships, environments,
relationships, etc.)
By nature, what she consumes will mold
her masculine energy.
Her energy is not built to focus on the
external world; it is made to receive from
the spiritual to manifest INTO the external
She is the creator who expands into her
What she consumes regularly will alter
her self-image and shift her connection
with spirit.
This is why there is a multi-trillion dollar
effort that produces low-vibrational
imagery and "entertainment" that often
keeps the woman spiritually enslaved to
her lower self.
Often creating issues with self-esteem,
con idence, and overall mental and
emotional health.
This all leads to premature unions with
men who are not in their Divine
Masculine energy - because she attracts
the energy she’s operating in.
Maintaining a higher connection to spirit
is the primary task of the feminine.
She is the mystery and the decoder all at
When she feels protected, provided for,
and properly led she will open you up to
an entirely different world.
Without a doubt, the greatest gift a man
can ever receive is a woman connected to
the presence of God within herself.
A woman who consumes The Unknown is
powerful beyond measure and will
amplify the energy around her when she
is in a place of spiritual abundance.
This is why she must be protected and
provided for.
She is a cosmic treasure.
But she must irst learn to integrate into
the 3-dimensional masculine world
without being totally consumed by it.
From the beginning of time, the feminine
has not been properly understood or
She was denied the right to step into her
masculine energy as a creative
contributor to society.
She has been made to play smaller than
what she is.
She has been made to perform for a
misaligned masculine world that
desperately needs her liberated energy.
So she has been and is continually
siphoned from; but not like a mother
breastfeeding her child out of love, but
like cattle being forced to produce milk
for commerce in ill-conditions.
Her entire existence is about experiencing
the true freedom of her feminine energy,
but we have often enslaved her instead.
This long history is often incorrectly
internalized and brings the feminine to a
lower state of chaos and rebellion.
A woman in chaos cannot manifest order;
nor can a woman in rebellion attract
This is why all beings must master SELF.
You cannot change the
masculine-feminine dynamic of the world,
but you can change it within yourself and
healthily apply it to your life and your
We need to promote healthy
masculine-feminine synchronizations and
not put negative energy towards that
which will die naturally as we ascend
together and raise the standard of the
aligned family unit.
The caveat is.. what the feminine
consumes must be a vibrational match to
the vision she was given by God so that
the masculine within and around her can
build in accordance and alignment with it.
Else, you'll always experience a life of
con lict and chaos.
The Divine Feminine is not triggered by
the word SUBMIT.
She understands that submission is not a
It is her power.
She guides without force.
She inspires without control.
She creates without hustle.
And she has no problem allowing the
Divine Masculine to support, protect, and
build her vision.
But it takes DEEP spiritual work to get to
this place.
A woman who is NOT in her feminine low
and submitting to the Divine will never be
able to recognize divinity (or lack thereof)
in the men around her.
She will choose a mate based on worldly
things and lack the discernment to see a
man's true spirit.
She will not submit, whether he is worthy
of it or not.
But chances are.. he won't be worthy
when YOUR energy is not con igured to
accept, recognize, or receive divine
leadership from a man.
So the men you receive will be a re lection
of your own lack of spiritual maturity,
belief, and discernment.
A woman becomes a product of what she
Again, this is why there are mass media
campaigns created to lower the feminine
vibration by showing toxic ideas about
love, relationships, family, and sex.
It's why there are sociopolitical
campaigns that are strategically
positioned as a way to " ight back" against
the patriarchy.
Understand that The Divine Feminine
does not need to ' ight back' to inspire
When in her highest vibration, she is
already the change.
She embodies it fully while understanding
that the masculine will support her in her
aims, as it is spiritual law.
This means that in times of crisis and
chaos, she understands that she must give
honor to the new masculine energy
coming to form.
She knows that dismissing the masculine
only blocks off the energy of receiving the
But again, this all requires a deep spiritual
practice that brings her in initely closer to
her divine feminine nature and power.
You see.. patriarchy isn't the problem.
The lack of healing and spiritual
development is.
And it isn't a one-sided issue.
Women have to do their spiritual work.
Men have to do their spiritual work.
No one is void of responsibility.
But what use is a high vibrational man if
he is denied submission to his protection
and leadership within a union?
Many people do not quite understand this
dynamic, but the bond between man and
woman is a complimentary partnership not an "equal" one.
Every man isn't spiritually mature enough
to lead and every woman isn't spiritually
mature enough to submit.
When she rests in her submission, she
RISES to her true in inite power.
When thinking this way, you are too
focused on the external world and you are
not connected to your own inner power.
The lack of masculine men around you is
not evidence that there are not masculine
It is evidence that you are not fully
embodying your feminine energy.
You can't wait for the "right man" to come
along before you are feminine and
You have to want (and trust) that energy
for yourself.
Because it can and it will affect the
energies you attract.
If you're walking around hyper-masculine
and combative, it's a sign that you need to
go inward to create balance.
Don't be a boundary that a man has to
Be a portal that he has to align with to
An overcompensating masculine
boundary signals an energetic challenge
to most men that will create an
underlying sense of competition; resulting
in you playing stupid games with stupid
A healthy feminine portal, however,
simply requires you being in tune with the
natural gravity of your energy so that it
can ilter through the BS with much less
effort from your masculine.
But you have to prioritize your feminine
energy over all the masculine
achievements modern society has
programmed you to labor over.
(Note: That includes relationships.)
Your mental health can’t be healed by
codependent relationships.
Your self-love can't be bought at a store.
Your con idence isn't determined by
Instagram likes.
Your spiritual health doesn't care that
you're a "boss chick”.
Your heart doesn't care about awards and
Masculine energy creates con lict.
Feminine energy inspires resolution.
And until you resolve the inner you to
discover your spiritual purpose on this
planet, you will forever be at con lict with
the masculine world.
As a woman, you simply cannot continue
blaming the world for putting you into a
hypermasculine state.
It is your responsibility to learn how to
tap back into your divine feminine state with or without a man present.
(Note: A man embodying his divine
masculine energy will help polarize you
into the Divine Feminine state, but your
ability to tap into your feminine power is
not exclusively reliant on this dynamic.
That power is already within you.)
For a lot of women, therapy is a good irst
step to reigniting that divine feminine
connection because healing is extremely
Unresolved trauma eats aways at mental
and emotional wellness over time.
And this diminishes the connection you
have with your In inite Self.
Take some time to get clear on areas
where you may be hurting or harboring
negative thoughts, feelings, and energies
so that you can seek out the proper
form(s) of therapy.
There also needs to be some sort of DAILY
spiritual practice that connects you to the
greater energy of The Divine.
The combined acts of learning +
submission places you into the energy of
your divine feminine.
Remember, femininity is all about
What this process looks like will be
different for every individual based on
their own spiritual and religious beliefs.
But it's all about expanding the depth of
your knowledge and connection to the
spiritual realm.
Daily practices of prayer, yoga, and
meditation are very powerful spiritual
technologies to ignite the divine feminine.
** Learning + Acts of Submission =
Divine Receptivity **
Overall this is about cleansing, healing,
and detoxing your energy ield so that you
have a clear connection to the spirit
Women who carry a lot of stress and
emotional burden are not able to access
Spirit the same way a woman who is deep
in the work is.
Consequently, the type of men those
women entertain will be a re lection of
their inner work.
Health and wellness is the overall goal, in
all areas - and it starts with Self.
Take the time to pour into yourself.
Get to know yourself on a deeper level.
Love yourself and continue to speak life
into all things positive.
And your return to The Divine within
shall low with grace and ease.
A woman whose feminine energy is
constantly in a state of chaos will
naturally repel a man who has the
masculine structure and order needed to
support her highest self.
We know that feminine energy is very
dynamic and powerful when in a
free- lowing *and* high frequency state.
But low frequency feminine energy is
often chaotic, rebellious, and erratic;
removing it from the full potential of its
intuition, creativity, and imagination.
It's a bit of chicken-egg theory, but
feminine energy typically goes into lower
vibrations when there is a lack of divine
masculine support present (especially in
the irst 7 years of life).
Hence, the levels of patriarchal trauma we
have on this planet.
(Note: This phenomena happens in both
men and women.)
It's why we have so many men detached
from their feminine energy and so many
women overly reliant on their masculine
energy; all while acting out of feminine
And people wonder why LOVE (the
simplest concept in the entire universe)
and relationships are so toxic and
Because people need energy healing mind, body, & spirit.
When you ind yourself spiritually and
you operate from that place, things just
low and expand naturally.
You'll no longer need to overcompensate
for spiritual depletion by using unhealthy
amounts of masculine energy to get what
you want.
That type of masculine energy cannot
sustainably or effectively protect the
wounded feminine energy that it was
birthed from.
Vulnerability is the path to openness.
Openness is the path to surrender.
Surrender is the path to healing.
When you stop looking for external paths
to healing, you'll ind the path that leads
back to the parts of you that you tend to
Until then we're going to keep seeing
trauma passed down generation after
generation resulting in broken homes,
families, and communities.
“As a woman, you simply
cannot continue blaming the
world for putting you into a
hypermasculine state.”
Sexual energy is the governing force of the
material world.
When men give their sexual energy away
freely and without high purpose,
EVERYONE suffers for it.
Yet society has programmed men to act
from their lowest animalistic nature and
subsequently programmed women to
attract Man based on his lowest self.
This isn't to say that "sex is bad" or that
we should all be covered up in robes.
This is to say that sex is way too
important to not protect the sanctity of it.
At the end of the day, we are all spawns of
our parents' sexual energy.
Look back at any trouble in your life and
see where lust, temptation, or misuse of
sexual energy played a role.
This is all part of our next spiritual
Where sex goes from being a commodity
based on lack to a purposeful and
abundant spiritual exchange.
If she is not worthy of standing at your
arm as your wife, why would you give her
your body and your seed?
Solely for pleasure? Or to make her think
you are considering her in that way?
You are draining your life force energy at
the core.
This is how society creates weak men.
They break your discipline which takes
you away from your higher purpose.
This is why we have so many men
addicted to food, sex, gambling, drugs, and
And because these men are too spiritually
weak to lead, they become fathers who
cannot properly prepare their daughters
or sons to achieve spiritual purpose.
Women do not know that their job is to
inspire and speak life into the highest
vibrations of masculinity.
Men do not know that their job is to build
and support the vision of the highest
vibrations of femininity.
Instead, we meet each other as our lower
selves and build chaos from our unions.
We have women having to be independent
We have men who are lazy, entitled, and
And it will only get worse if we do not
attack the issue.
Healing is absolutely necessary for us to
view and practice sex in a spiritually
healthy way.
A woman who lives in internal con lict
will manifest external con lict and thus
become a liability to the kingdom.
A high vibrational man should beware of
this type of woman.
It is not your job to shelter the sick or to
perform as her father.
Healthy fruit requires healthy soil.
Do not plant your seed into a woman if
YOU have not mastered Self.
Do not plant your seed into a woman if
SHE has not mastered Self.
Acting out of lust and loneliness will
destroy you both.
Yet, we live in a hypersexualized world
where women have been pushed to
market themselves to the lower self of
And men have been taught to treat
women as sexual commodities that give
them a false sense of manhood.
Ladies Always Remember: If you put
energy into attracting his lower self, his
lower self is what you're going to get.
It takes a woman of high spiritual caliber
to speak to the soul of a man's higher self.
A woman who has mastered self and
successfully integrated into the masculine
world will have a different level of
spiritual insight, wisdom, and
discernment concerning any man that
attempts to enter her vortex.
Her standards will be high because she
will not surrender her masculine energy
for any and everybody.
She will not even entertain a situation
where she doesn’t feel properly led,
because submission is her power.
And she will not let a weak man take away
her power for lust and low vibrations.
Women who follow men incapable of
leading will eventually run into a spiritual,
emotional, mental, inancial, or sexual
Often, all of the above.
There is no space for you to grow if the
man covering you is not growing.
This is why it's so important that you DO
NOT judge a man based on his potential;
but only on the fruit he currently bears.
His masculine energy needs to be able to
cover you.
His purpose should ignite your feminine
This is important for two reasons:
1. It is extremely easy for women to
become overimaginative and see the
highest potential of someone.
That puts you in situations with people
that you had no business ever having a
two-minute conversation with.
Judge him based on where he is.
Does that align with where you are?
Can you see him as a HUSBAND based on
where he is right now?
If you have to think too hard, IT’S A NO!
2. A man who is not where he needs to
be will be distracted by your chaotic
I know you think you can " ix him" and
"build him up", but you are not his mother
and that is not a godly dynamic.
He needs to spend time with his purpose
so that he can build himself up to where
he feels con ident in his ability to see you
Otherwise, you are settling from the start,
all because YOU are also in a lower
vibrational state willing to accept
"potential" because you're excited
someone is giving you love, time,
attention, sex, company, money, gifts, etc.
Dealing with a man/woman you don't
value just to have sex is a re lection of
your lack of commitment to yourself and
your mission in life.
Sexual immaturity has been destroying
communities for generations and it's time
to stop practicing and celebrating
A woman who allows a man of a lower
vibration to enter her vortex will manifest
great dissonance in her life.
ATTENTION MEN: A woman who wants
to "build with you" when you are not in
your highest state is also not in her
highest esteem.
That's why you attracted each other.
Because you're operating at the same
Do not pass go.
Do not collect $200.
Because you will likely be nothing more
than codependent distractions acting out
of lust and emotional depravity instead of
two souls coming together as their higher
If she has mastered self and you have
mastered self, she will amplify your
kingdom and multiply your fruits.
This is how you form divine connections.
They are much more rare, because they
are supposed to be.
Mastering self is a challenging journey.
So inding your compatible match who
has also done that work to become
spiritually, emotionally, and inancially
abundant is not going to be an easy task..
...especially with an online world that
gives everyone access to your energy for
virtually nothing.
But your patience and obedience to spirit
will pay off in the long run.
Protect your energy.
Protect your peace.
Master thy self.
Else we will fall into the societal trap of
placing ill-prepared men in the most
important positions of power: Husband &
And every man isn’t quali ied to be a
father or a husband.
There is deep spiritual work all men must
do to raise the frequency of their
masculine energy.
When he achieves this level of
self-realization, he will embody the Divine
Masculine energy that requires a Divine
Feminine woman who is spiritually
aligned with his PURPOSE.
He will have the qualities, characteristics,
resources, and principles necessary to
protect, provide, and lead the family unit.
But we have so much misused sexual
energy that we have men becoming
fathers who then abandon their families
physically, spiritually, and/or emotionally.
We have women foolishly opening
themselves up to men who will never take
responsibility for the outcomes of their
All because of lust and emotions.
This is why self-mastery is the most
important work you can do in this
You don't ever have to be perfect.
But you do have to BE BETTER!
Sex is the ultimate exchange of spiritual
The quality of any sexual exchange
depends heavily on the spiritual
maintenance of each individual.
There are many names used to describe
the energy low within the body, but the
Chakra System is a pretty well-known
We have an evolved 9-chakra system.
Each chakra represents it's own
non-linear form of consciousness;
meaning you can have "3rd eye
consciousness" (ajna chakra) and a
completely jacked up solar plexus chakra.
Sex, on a base level is experienced thru
the Root (Survival) and Sacral chakras
But it also contains the energy *or lack
thereof* of the remaining chakras.
Virtually all sentient beings understand
survival consciousness. Everything from
single-cell organisms to human beings
reproduce to prevent extinction.
Yet, not all beings use sex for pleasure.
The ability to have multi-chakra sex
makes us somewhat unique.
And it's important that you don't diminish
your whole 9-chakra being (that also
seeks intimate connection) down to just
sacral pleasure.
There are virtually millions of people that
can give you sexual pleasure.
But not everyone can tap into your
intuition, connect to your mind, ease your
vulnerabilities, empower your
nonphysical being, be in tune with your
emotions, etc.
7-, 8-, and 9-chakra sex require a totally
different level of worship.
And it actually intensi ies the sacral
This is how gods build their kingdoms.
With intention, focus, love, clarity, and
Communal and societal change means we
need more people focused on BUILDING
in this way.
Someone wanting to fuck you is not a
What have they built for themselves?
What have they built for others?
How do they carry themselves?
What energies do they bring to the table?
Are they expanding and evolving?
Or are they stagnant and complacent?
How do they treat people?
How do they treat themselves?
Because that's the same energy they are
gonna bring to anything you build
Someone who is self-destructive will
bring destruction into your life.
Someone who always has bad news will
bring bad news into your life.
Someone who has unhealed traumas will
bring unhealed trauma into your life.
Many exchange moments of pleasure and
end up trying to build a kingdom with a
court jester.
There is no amount of social or
government reform that can make up for
You are the CREATOR of your own reality.
You have to BUILD with intention.
Our sexually destructive society feeds off
of brokenness, lack of discipline, and
Exchanging with those who are not your
equals in spirit, only bring your energy
levels down.
If we truly understood the importance of
sex, we'd BUILD in a completely different
We'd govern ourselves to become the
change instead of waiting for change to
And until The Divine Masculine and
Divine Feminine is reestablished and
united within the Temple..
Our young boys will continue looking up
to adult boys who are sexually immature,
indecent, and indiscriminate..
Our young girls will continue looking up
to adult girls who are sexually immature,
indecent, and indiscriminate..
The need/desire for sex is one of our most
animalistic natures when we do not know
how to control the energy of our sacral
This is why millions of people are
addicted to porn.
This is why millions of people are
traf icked into sexual slavery.
This is why millions of families are
created out of lust instead of love.
This is why "sex sells".
All of that toxic energy doesn't just go
away after you're done cheating on your
spouse or after you're done watching
porn or after you're done pursuing
someone out of lust or marketing yourself
to be pursued out of lust..
But most people will tell you that sex isn't
that deep.
Even though every sacred energy
exchange between man and woman will
result in the woman being imprinted on
Whatever energy, sickness, trauma, pain,
narratives, etc. that the man is harnessing
will begin governing the energy of the
If there is harmony between energies,
there will be balance.
If there is con lict, however, there will be
chaos manifested into her life.
That's why it's super important to be
mindful of who you connect with
Reversing the effects requires one to
maintain spiritual cleanliness while
taking the time to heal and break ties.
If a man is sexually out of order, life will
become out of order.
Lack of sexual restraint and discipline
creates chaos.
If he abandons the responsibility of a
family unit, the family unit will have to
redistribute the workload.
This is what happens when a man is not
operating from spiritual purpose.
But there's also spiritual, mental, and
emotional work that will be left undone
within the family as a result.
And it will take time for those affected to
heal from the trauma of a man's absence.
It's why I advise men to become stable
spiritually, mentally, emotionally, AND
inancially before seeking out marriage.
And it's why I advise women to be
mindful of a man's stability and spiritual
purpose because they will ultimately be
held accountable for the type of man they
allow into their life.
A signi icant portion of life is determined
by your discipline and your sexual
No sex usually means better decisions.
Sex isn't a "bad thing", but it is a SACRED
act that should be treated as such.
Sex is a beautiful thing and an amazing
spiritual experience.
Just don't go giving your energy to any
and everyone.
“Our sexually destructive
society feeds off of
brokenness, lack of
discipline, and immaturity.”
You are now a part of a very select group
of people who understand the
masculine-feminine dynamic and why it’s
important for each of us to walk in our
divine energy.
You can see how the way society has
operated in the last 100 years contributed
to the erosion of the family unit.
And now it is time for a rebirth of Divine
Magnetism & Divine Family.
Everything in society is structured around
the presence or lack thereof of the
synergy created by the Divine Masculine
Man and the Divine Feminine Woman.
When they are united together through
spiritual purpose, they are in full
alignment with the divine.
This makes them beacons of light who are
able to show others the path to healing
and ascension.
Please beware.
Everyone isn’t going to understand your
journey or why you are seeking to become
the best version of yourself.
Everyone isn’t going to support your
decision to reclaim your sexual energy so
that you can go deeper within your own
In fact, most people will present you with
opportunities to sabotage yourself and go
against your mission.
And it’s not that they always do it
maliciously; it’s that they have not risen to
the frequency needed to understand how
important our energy is.
Choosing the right mate is the most
important job we have on this planet
because it dictates the future.
It determines the trauma faced by the
child; which will in turn shape their ideas
of relationships.
This slowly leads to the increase of burnt
out mothers who are playing 1.5 roles.
If a child is raised to see their mother
overworked and underappreciated, that
becomes their normal expectation of
women in relationships.
It’s subconscious.
If a child is raised to see their father
struggle to lead or manage money, then
they will normalize underperformance in
This is a very dif icult cycle to stop.
Our children need to be raised in an
environment where they are loved,
protected, and provided for without
unnecessary, self-induced, and avoidable
This is accomplished by men walking into
their Divine Masculine to be providers
and women walking into their Divine
Feminine to be the spiritual vessel.
Working together in synergy creates the
foundation for the Divine Child to walk
into purpose at a young age.
Doesn’t it make sense that a Divine
Masculine Man and a Divine Feminine
Woman can raise the vibration of a child
moreso than two broken adults?
No one wants to admit that because there
is alot of shame and guilt around our poor
sexual decisions.
And this is why we must continue to teach
the Divine Way of Family.
Our next level of spiritual growth and
ascension as human beings is dependent
on us relearning how to properly build a
family unit.
Once we have mastered the family unit,
we can build the greater family structure.
Imagine having a family where your aunts
and uncles all have Divine Unions.
When your grandparents, your cousins,
your nieces and nephews, your parents,
and your children are all walking in this
divine energy with divine partners, it
creates an incredible platform for The
In inite to shine.
This is how you build an empire.
But as you can see, it takes discipline,
sacri ice, commitment, and healing to
operate at this level of spirituality.
As challenging as it may seem, the future
of our society is banking on our evolution
in this way.
Technology cannot override poor sexual
decisions that lead to unprotected
children, stressed out fathers, and
overworked mothers.
The energy within that family unit is in a
negative vibration and momentum is not
on their side.
We must not confuse quality of life for
growth and expansion when our family
units are in more disarray.
Moving forward, we choose healing.
We choose peace.
We choose honor.
We choose discipline.
We choose family.
And we reject those things that exist in
direct opposition to the ful illment of
those morals, values, and principles that
promote healthy families.
It is my hope that this book has altered
not only your perspective, but will in turn
alter your life and the legacy of your
You may have not been taught certain
things growing up, but now you are able
to pass on this knowledge and more
importantly - this energy - to your family
so that they can build in alignment with
their highest self in the highest vision of
the divine.
I wish you nothing but peace, love, and
prosperity on your journey.