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Transformational Leader Analysis Matrix

Transformational Leader Analysis & Review Matrix
Assignment Instruction
Choose a transformational leader from one of the recommended book list and read.
Complete the matrix by addressing the following questions.
Student Name
Book you are reviewing
Answer: Two paragraphs each question (minimum)
Please note: Expanded thinking is encouraged! Additional
comments/thoughts are welcome for any of the following questions. Do
not feel limited to two paragraphs if there is more to discuss.
For each question listed below (A through H): Be specific with
your examples - showing that you read the book. Use APA 7th edition
format for in-text citations. .
A. List one leadership
trait possessed by the
leader. Describe an
example of his
leadership trait from
the book.
How can you use this
leaders example in
your own clinical
B. How did the leader
manage conflict?
How can you use the
leader's experiences
to help you manage
C. What role did
collaboration play in
the leader's
leadership style?
Does your unit or
collaborate? What
aspects of
collaboration could
you improve if you
were the leader?
D. Describe the concept
of “servant
leadership.” Provide
an example of this
leadership style from
the book.
Have you worked
with someone who
exemplifies servantleadership? In what
ways do you serve
others in the
E. Describe an example
from the book where
the transformational
leader overcame a
significant obstacle.
Hint: Sometimes
failures lead to huge
Have you ever
learned a powerful
lesson and become
stronger from a
F. Explain the leader’s
style of decisionmaking.
How are decisions
made in your
G. Choose a leadership
theory from Chapter
4 and apply it to your
Leader’s experiences.
Chaos Theory
Quantum Theory
Cognitive Theory
Developmental Theory
Complexity Theory
Perspective Theory
H. What is your favorite
chapter from the
book and why?
How will you apply
the information in
this chapter to your
own future
APA 7th edition format reference: List the reference for the text here
Reminder: APA 7th edition format required. Use “in-text citations” / reference(s) for
your answers & include the reference at the end.