Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 1. Stop sign You us bring your vehicle to a complete stop and be sure the way s clear before proceeding 2. Yield sign Yield the right of way. Slow down and let vehicles crossing your path go by. If necessary, stop before going ahead. If pedestrians are in or about to enter the crosswalk, stop until they have crossed the roadway, then proceed. 3. School zone sign When children are present the maximum speed limit is 30km/h where the approaching speed limit is 50km/h 4. crossbuck sign red and white x-shaped railroad crossing sign with black wording on a white background means the same as a Yield sign 1 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 5. What does this railway Indicates number of tracks to cross crossing mean? 6. Railway crossing ahead Means you're approaching a railway crossing. the direction or angle of the tracks is reflected on the sign. (In this case, it's perpendicular) 7. slippery when wet sign Slippery when wet 8. Traffic signal lights ahead sign Traffic signal ahead 9. stop sign ahead Stop sign ahead 2 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 10. Truck Entering sign Truck entering ahead 11. Yellow Broken center lines Two-way road where passing with care is allowed in both directions 12. Double solid yellow lines mark the center of the road and separate traffic travelling in two different directions. Passing is not allowed in either direction. You may not cross the lines unless you are making a left turn. 13. Broken center line with A solid yellow line to the right of a broken yellow solid line center line means passing or crossing is prohibited 3 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at in that lane, except when turning left. If the broken line is closer to you, you can cross the broken line only to pass another vehicle and only when it is safe to do so. 14. Left edge solid yellow line on a divided highway Single solid yellow lines are used as left-edge lines on divided highways. If you see the reverse, you are travelling in the wrong direction 15. Single solid white lines used as right -edge lines along the roadway and for guiding traffic travelling in the same traffic 16. Climbing lanes Designed to allow faster-moving traffic to pass the slower moving traffic all traffic must keep to the right unless passing. To pass you must use the left lane then return back t the right when the pass is completed. 4 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 17. Continuity lines Painted on the highway at entry and exit ramps. They indicate the separation between the trough-lane and the entry or exit ramps. They're wider than regular lanes. 18. Crosswalk sign: Pedes- Indicates the location of a pedestrian crosswalk trian crosswalk 19. Crosswalk sign: school Indicates the location of a school crosswalk crosswalk 20. regulatory sign: no turns No turns 21. Crosswalk sign: Playground You are approaching a playground: Reduce speed, watch for children 5 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 22. Regulatory sign: No No parking on either direction of the sign parking on either direction of the sign 23. Regulatory sign: Truck Truck traffic may proceed only in the direction indiroute cated by the arrow(s) 24. Regulatory sign: No No right turn on red signal. Wait for green light right turn on red signal before making a right turn 25. Regulatory sign:No left No left turn permitted turn permitted 6 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 26. Regulatory sign: Do not Do not litter litter 27. Regulatory sign: No U-turn permitted Do not turn to go in the opposite direction 28. Regulatory sign: No stopping No stopping 29. Regulatory sign: Pass- You can pass others on this road ing permitted 7 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 30. Regulatory sign: One-way sign Indicates to drivers that traffic is allowed to travel only in the direction of the other. 31. Regulatory sign: Do not You can NOT pass others on this road pass 32. Regulatory sign: Do not Don't enter enter 33. Regulatory sign: Through or right turn Through (straight) or left turn only. 8 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 34. Regulatory sign: Change in maximum speed limit up ahead Change in maximum speed limit up ahead. Be prepared to adjust your speed accordingly. 35. Regulatory sign: Maxi- Maximum speed limit. Speed signs indicate the mum speed limit maximum speed allowable under ideal conditions: reduce your speed when poor conditions exist or visibility is restricted. 36. Regulatory sign: Keep Keep to the right of the traffic island or obstruction to the right of the traffic island or obstruction 37. 9 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at Regulatory sign: Hazard warning, lines are sloped to the right 38. Regulatory sign: Hazard warning, lines are sloped to the left If lines are sloped to the right, drive to the right of the sign. If lines are sloped to the left, drive to the right of the sign. 39. Warning sign: Road nar- Quite often when the road narrows, hazard warning rows ahead sign signs will be posted to alert divers to keep to the left or right, or between the signs if both are posted. Example: at an approach to a bridge. 40. Warning sign: Firetruck Fire truck entrance ahead. indicates to drivers that entrance ahead sign they are approaching a location at which fire trucks are entering or leaving. 10 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 41. Warning sign: Hidden Hidden Intersection ahead. Drivers on the side of Intersection ahead sign the road at the intersection ahead don't have a clear view of approaching traffic: Use caution and be prepared to slow down. 42. Warning sign: Steep de- Steep decline ahead. You may need to use a lower cline ahead sign gear. 43. Warning sign: Bump or Bump or rough road ahead. Slow down. rough road ahead sign 44. Warning sign: Divided highway ends sign 11 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at Two-way traffic beyond this section of the highway; often followed by two-way traffic sign to reinforce the message. 45. Warning sign: Divided highway ahead sign Transition from an undivided to a divided highway 46. Warning sign: Bridge opening sign Indicates to drivers that they are approaching a bridge that can be opened to permit the passage of boats 47. Warning sign: Right curve ahead sign Posted speed sign indicates safe speed for this turn 48. 12 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at Warning sign: Narrow structure ahead sign 49. Warning sign: Right lane ends sign Indicates a structure such as a road, bridge, culvert, underpass, overpass, or similar structure having a clear road width less than the width of the approaching road Right lane ends 50. Warning sign: Chevron Chevron (arrow) signs are posted in groups to (arrow) sign guide drivers around sharp curves in the road 51. Warning sign: Sharp Checkerboard design is a warning o slow down; the turn or bend in the road- arrow indicates the direction of the roadway way ahead sign 13 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 52. Warning sign: Low clearance sign Low clearance. Underpass ahead; overhead clearance as shown 53. Warning sign: Merge sign Merge. Prepare to merge with other vehicles. 54. Lane arrows: Right turn Indicates to drivers approaching an intersection in only lane sign the designated lane that they must only turn right from the designated lane at the intersection--- if this arrow was reversed the above wold apply for the left turns only 55. Lane arrows: Straight or Indicates to drivers approaching an intersection in left turn only lane sign the designated lane that the must only proceed straight through or turn left 14 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 56. Lane arrows: Two-way left turn lane sign Indicates to drivers that the designated lane is reserved for left turning vehicles only 57. Lane arrows: Two- way Indicates to drivers that the section of the road traffic sign. which they are travelling on is a two-way road, and that the normal rules of the road for two-way operation apply. 58. Guide sign: Highway 102 Provincial highway with controlled access;also referred to as the 100-series highway 59. Construction zone 15 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at prepare or unusual road conditions or construction traffic that may be moving at a different speed 60. Construction ends The road has returned to normal. Expect no more impact from road work when the end point of a project is obvious, this signs not used. 61. Construction activities Choose a different route or be prepared for delays will begin 1.5km ahead 62. Road surface condiRoad surface conditions may be rutted, grooved, or tions may be rutted, pose another danger. bicycles or motorcycles may grooved, or pose anoth- become unstable er danger. 63. Difference in elevation A tire catching the edge could cause a vehicle to between the lanes lose control 16 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 64. Construction traffic Be careful whenever there are differences in could be leaving or en- speeds. A similar sign shows the entrance way on tering the road on the the left of the road right and may be moving slower than through traffic. 65. Human Activity signs: Workers are active at the site Driving mistakes have the potential to cause fatal injuries to road workers. Red/orange flags are used on human activity signs when they are displayed close to the ground 66. Human Activity signs: Traffic control person sign Traffic control persons are actively managing traffic past the workplace using stop/slow paddles. 17 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 67. Human Activity signs: Survey work sign Survey work is being done on or near the road 68. Human Activity signs: Work is going on overhead with electrical or data Work is going on over- tables. head with electrical or data tables. 69. Human Activity signs: Flashing light unit displaying two arrow heads Flashing light unit sign means that the lane ahead is closed and you will displaying two signs have to drive around. When two arrow heads are displayed at the same time it is safe to pass on either side of the Flashing light unit. 70. Human Activity signs: Flashing light unit sign displaying a left or right arrow Flashing light unit displaying 1 arrow means that the lane ahead is closed and you will have to move over, or there is an obstruction which you will have to drive around.When a single arrow head is displayed at the same time it is safe to pass on either side of the Flashing light unit, but only on the side indicated by the arrow. 18 / 19 Nova Scotia Drivers Handbook Study online at 71. Human Activity signs: Lamps in a straight line or bar is called "caution" mode Used to alert drivers to a hazard, such as a vehicle occupying a lane or workers laying out signs. It does not indicate to drivers that it is safe to drive.Drivers must evaluate the situation and make a decision to pass based on conditions present in the work zone. 19 / 19