Polytechnic University of the Philippines College of Engineering Sta. Mesa Manila Engineering Utilities 2 (Basic Mechanical Engineering) – Activity 01 Instruction: Answer the following questions. Write your answer on the space below each question. 1. Enumerate the different types of utilities and explain their purpose. Utilities plays a significant role to every Industrial plant in producing final products. It helps the manufacturing to undergo a process smoothly therefore, it needs a proper condition and maintenance to be efficient and effective in every operation. The followings are the different types of utilities and their purposes. a. Water Utility Water is known as one of the essential resources of all living things on Earth for them to survive. Aside from being beneficial to all living things, it also used in all industrial companies for their services and those people are the one who oversees or manage all safe distributions of water. There are different qualities of water in a plant which being produced to used in different purposes namely Raw water which is untreated from Natural Resources and can be used by fire fighters , Potable water; a filtered, disinfected and usually used as drinking water, Process water; a potable but not suitable as drinking water since it is being used in industrial plants, Demineralized water; undergo purifications, minerals are being removed and use as boiler feed water, Higher grades water; used in pharmaceutical production and lastly the Ultrapure water; the purest water of all that can be used for cleaning application, semiconductors and make microchips. Moreover, water can be used as heating, cooling, washing and as solvent. b. Steam Utility Steam Utility produces steam for heating, and steam is used both as a process fluid and utility. According to Chen, Lee, Sleyster, and Aunins (2014), Steam is often used in chemical plant as heat utility because it is versatile and useful. Its versatility can be used in many ways such as reducing the viscosity of oil, power generation in turbo – generators, drive pumps and compressors etc. When it comes to being a process fluid, it can be a stripping agent in absorbers and adsorbers, diluent to absorb heat of reaction etc. Steam Utility also controlled the pressure does the steam gives since the temperature is essentials in every process. By using boiler feed water, it creates a high pressure and high temperature steam stream. c. Fuel Fuel is the source of heat energy for driving a pump, compressors and to run an engine, it processes fuels to provides energy services specifically heating, electricity and transportation. Since energy cannot be produced by human, fuel utility is being used to convert energy to another form to produces combustion. Metaphorically speaking, fuel is like a blood of human when it is being fired up, it can form an energy to perform a certain task. Fuel can be found naturally and/or created by human. As the source of heat energy, the fuel utility also uses different kind of fuel such as fuel gas, fuel oil and solid fuel. d. Electrical Power Utility Electrical power utility used for transmitting, converting, and measuring the electrical power that is also generated at power plants. In transmitting an electricity, the utility transformed the power into voltage and distribute it to the consumers and other generating sites. It also shows the amount of power load which is required in operations and other general use. Since the world is now in the modern generation, the industrial society also improved when it comes to using power and it becomes high demand especially in chemical process plants which energy is required for compression, pumping air cooling and etc. e. Compressed Air Utility Compressed Air Utility can be seen in manufacturing that converts and provide kinetic energy to do a certain work in any sites or facilities. The Utility produce compressed air to supply, to transmit and to demand. In supplying, the production of compressed air is converted from stored energy to its designated purpose. The power produced by the compressed air can be substitute for steam and for electricity in most engineering and industrial fields. f. Inert Gas Utility This utility is commonly used in marine or cargo tanks. It produces inert gas which is a mixture of certain gases that has insufficient amount of oxygen to make and support the combustion of hydrocarbons. The Inert gas system’s main purpose is to reduce the level of oxygen inside the tank to prevent some combustions. Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide are most common gases used to produce inert gas. 2. Rank the types of utilities discussed in this module based on their application and explain the reason behind their ranking. The ranking of utilities was based on two criteria; First, it is initially based on the table below (Table 1.1), the first column of the table contains different usage of utilities such as (1) Supply/transfer of energy, (2) General purpose – cleaning, flushing, pressure testing and etc. , and (3) safety/process protection. Second, the ranking from the table 1.1 was being supported and explained by the following factors that will determine their overall applications and availability. Table 1.1 Different Usage of Utilities in Process Plants. Reference: (Ray, S. and Das, G. (2020). Process Equipment and Plant Design Principles and Practices. Elsevier, United Kingdom) The final choices of the ranking was supported by these following factors to compare the advantages of their usage namely the (1) Availability; the utilities that can easily get or access, (2) Economics/Production Cost; expenses from manufacturing a product, (3) Reliability; the consistency of the utilities, (4) Operational flexibility; versatile and can easily change the process and (5) Safety Consideration; The possible hazard that the utility might cause (Ray & Das, 2020). Moreover, the conclusion was written at the end of the ranking. Ranking: 1. Water a) Availability Earth consists of 71 percent of water on its surface. Due to water cycle, water also exists even in air – like water vapor, in rivers, lakes and glaciers. Water is essentials to all living things that is why it is easily be found and access by everyone. b) Production Cost The production cost of water is low because it can easily access, and it is used in every plants. c) Reliability Water is very essential resources; it is one of the most important utility in all plants since it can utilize all throughout the plant process. d) Operational Flexibility It is a versatile utility; it can used in every kind of process. Water can convert into electricity by using turbines, can used to produce steam by boiling it etc. e) Safety Consideration It is harmless and cannot produce hazardous chemicals. It is also treatable, and it is very sensitive when it comes to its maintenance. There are different qualifications to keep the water on its right conditions like – in water tank, light and air must be excluded to prevent the growth of some organisms. 2. Steam a) Availability Steam is a gas phase of water. Since, water can easily find, steam can also easily access but it only needs a high and large installations since it cannot be transported over long distance. b) Production Cost It cannot be transported economically because it needs multiple boiler house for its large installations, so its production cost is high. The cost of boiler houses also includes for the maintenance, treatment of water, allowance of make ups and degassing which twice the cost of raw water. c) Reliability It is most used as hot utility, and it is needed in many types of plants. Steam also self-sustaining when it comes to heat but not as utility because it is also depended on water and fuel. d) Operational Flexibility It is also high when it comes to operational flexibility because it is also convertible. Like water, it can also convert to electricity other than being just a hot utility. e) Safety Consideration Steam is both harmless and dangerous. As utility, it is harmless since it uses nonflammable and non-toxic materials. When there is a leakage, it is easily to determine and detected because of the noise escaping from the tube. To workers, it is dangerous because it warms the atmosphere and since it is hot, it can cause severe burns to people. 3. Compressed Air a) Availability The main component of compressed air is obviously air. Since the air in Earth has 78% of Nitrogen, 20-21% oxygen and 1-2% of water vapor, carbon dioxide and other gases (NASA, 2016), so it is also easily accessed. b) Production Cost Compressed Air is one of the most expensive sources of energy in plant, obviously that its production cost is high. It consumed a lot of electrical power because it takes a lot of energy to compress an air. c) Reliability It is very high reliable because according to Smith and Stokes (2011), Compressed air has preventive maintenance, can reduced operating pressure, and maximize the size storage efficiently. It is also self-sustaining because if there is a sufficient waste and has been eliminated from the system, it can save energy and provide a backup. Moreover, it can carry signals between instruments. d) Operational Flexibility The compressed air can easily adjust its pressure into low or high pressure. It is also depending on the manufacturing what degree of cleanliness is compressed air. e) Safety Consideration It is not hazardous since there is no chemical was being used. It is only dangerous when it is being misused or when the pressure vessels cannot handle the pressure anymore, it might explode. Additionally, there is a provision that the government must be the one to controlled it. 4. Electrical Power a) Availability The production of electricity is limited, it only produced when something is being converted like – water, coal, fossil fuels, wind etc. It does not have its own sources, that is why if the sources run out, then there will be no electricity will be produced. b) Production Cost The production of electricity is high, because it is the one who provides power to chemical plants whose consumed a lot of energy. c) Reliability It can be both reliable and not reliable. Reliable because people used it every day, but on the other hand, it can easily interrupt by some casualties or other natural causes. d) Operational Flexibility The operational flexibility of Electricity can be adjusted and controlled depends on its demand and generation – It can adjust the outputs of the power. e) Safety Consideration Electricity is very dangerous and deadly especially in contacting a live part, it may cause a shock and burns. It can also be the source of the ignition and explosions that is why, it is required to follow safety precautions especially by using safety attire. 5. Inert Gas a) Availability The gases used by this utility is also limited. It only allows certain gases like – Nitrogen, Argon, and other Noble Gases to avoid certain chemical reaction like explosion and flames. b) Production Cost Inert gas is also high cost in productions since it uses gases that is not common and cannot easily found. c) Reliability It is reliable when it comes to its purpose, but its sustainability is low since it only uses certain gases. d) Operational Flexibility The system can be reduced and increased by its concentration to avoid and prevent some ignition. e) Safety Consideration The inert gas must be maintained, and the oxygen content must always monitor carefully throughout the operations because it is sensitive with the other gases. The workers also must carry a breathing apparatus to avoid contact with its air. 6. Fuel a) Availability The production of fuel is also limited since the sources is also nonrenewable. Same with the electricity, it is not easy to produce product because it needs something to be converted of. b) Production Cost Its production cost of fuel is depending on what gas will be using. But obviously it is high, especially the crude oil. c) Reliability The coal is much lesser than the other gases, but it is dangerous in environment because it can be a caused of pollution. It only used as hot utility. d) Operational Flexibility It has low operational flexibility since it only used as hot utility. e) Safety Consideration The fuel is extremely dangerous and flammable. It also harmful in environment. In Conclusion, the table 1.1 shows: (1) Water and Stream satisfied all three usages as them being “utility”. It obviously shows that they are the most usable when it comes to applications, but based on the factors, Water is the most prominent and versatile between them. (2) The Compressed Air, Electrical Power and Inert Gas has 2 out of 3 usages from the table. Compressed Air is the one who can be easily accessed than the other two because it can use regular air as the source. Electrical Power is most reliable than Inert Gas because people are using it every day. (3) Fuel and Thermic Fluid got 1 out of 3 usages, but thermic fluid will not be part of the ranking since it is only applied from some plants. So, automatically, fuel is in the last of ranking. References Chen, D., Lee, J., Sleyster, B., & Aunins, T. (2014, January 13). Utility systems. Retrieved October 17, 2020, from https://processdesign.mccormick.northwestern.edu/index.php/Utility_systems Ray, S., & Das, G. (2020). Utility services in process plants. In Process Equipment and Plant Design Principles and Practices (p. 660). Cambridge, MA 02139, United States: Joe Hayton, Elsevier Inc. How Much Water is There on Earth? (n.d.). Retrieved October 18, 2020, https://www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/how-much-water-thereearth?qt-science_center_objects=0 from NASA. (2016, November 02). 10 interesting things about air – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from https://climate.nasa.gov/news/2491/10-interesting-things-aboutair/ Smith, D., & Stokes, A. (n.d.). Optimize compressed air reliability. Retrieved October 18, 2020, from https://www.plantservices.com/articles/2011/10-optimize-compressed-air-reliability