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Facebook & Micro-Businesses: A Research Paper

Nancayasan, Urdaneta City
A Research Paper presented to the Senior High School Department of Phinma-University of
Pangasinan for S.Y. 2022-2023
Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for
Submitted to:
Submitted by:
11ABM-01 Students
Chapter I
Background of the study
Micro-Businesses are the smallest form of business with local operations.
Micro-businesses are present in almost all communities and are an essential
part of society. In fact, according to David J Hoare (2015) Micro-Businesses are
the foundation of the Economic prosperity of our country in the way that it
provides more livelihoods for the locals and aim to promote skill development
(Roberts, P. W., & Wortham, D. D.,2018). They also contribute to the Local Tax
Basis which is beneficial for the local economy. While big businesses and
corporations are undoubtedly impactful on the economy in terms of efficiency
and scale, micro-businesses on the other hand, are crucial factors for economic
However, the year 2020 has been very tough for everyone. The Pandemic
has brought us Multiple Social problems affecting various scopes of businesses
from Macro to Micro Business Nationwide. People have gone through so many
challenges and uncertainties in the past years especially when Covid cases have
risen in number resulting in a national lockdown and causing multiple
businesses to close down.
Changes are always constant, and along with these adjustments come
enhancements and innovations. This study is to determine the impact of social
media, specifically Facebook, in promoting micro-businesses in the community
and how the Covid-19 phenomenon affects these small enterprises. For the past
two years, we have witnessed our Country’s economic downfall. Businesses have
been forcibly closed due to strict health protocols implemented to mitigate the
widespread of the virus. At that time of the year, countrymen’s health is at stake,
so they must sacrifice and decide for the sake of everyone. This phenomenon
caused job layoffs depriving the livelihood of many people, but Filipinos are
known to be strong and resilient.
Our study is about how Filipinos became innovative in a time when
everything was uncertain with the help of technological Innovations whereas
everything has been upgraded and social media has become the driving force
and has been developed to be the modern way of social interaction. Social media,
specifically, Facebook, had a big impact on fostering small businesses during the
pandemic because it is an accessible platform for most consumers. MicroBusiness owners can reach their target audience through this platform through
an effective promotion that may catch the attention of a wide range of consumers.
In today’s generation, it is proven and evident that social media is effective when
it comes to promoting different kinds of services and products because it is easily
accessible to most consumers who are using this platform. In fact, according to
(Nabila Stapleton-Charles, Content manager at weave) Facebook platform has
over 2 billion active users and these 2 billion users all have the potential to be a
consumer. As a business owner, if you don’t grab the opportunity to promote
your business on major social media sites, then you are potentially missing out
on an efficient marketing strategy that won’t cost you many resources to get the
attention of consumers and investors that might help your business to flourish
and prosper. Facebook is also responsible for supplying tantamount information
to the consumers with your business which is an easy way for them to engage
with your business and contact you for further questions and inquiries.
We the Researchers Aim to show how impactful social media is in fostering
small businesses in our community.
Statement of the Problem
According to the statistics, the economy contracted by 9.5 percent from
the previous year. This happened because of the drastic quarantine measures
that the government undertook which affected various businesses, especially
small enterprises, which only have a small capital, to begin with.
Our research entitled "A Social Media's Impact: The Roles of Facebook in
the Prosperous Advancement of Micro-Businesses" focuses on the vital role of
this social media platform in fostering various small businesses in our
community despite the devastating effect of the Pandemic.
Specifically, it seeks to answer the following Questions:
How Social media platforms like Facebook are suitable for fostering microbusinesses?
How do Micro-businesses rise from the pandemic's aftermath through
these platforms?
Significance of the Study
The researcher expects that this study will be useful and can give a
contribution to some parties, as follow:
Students. It is significant in a way that this paper will provide enough
information that will help them conceptualize that Facebook is not only for
pastime but also an effective avenue to promote products that will help the seller
to make their business more successful and profitable.
Business Owners. It allows them to gain information about how impactful
Facebook is when it comes to effective marketing strategies that will cost them
fewer resources.
Consumers. This research paper will give them an idea of how Facebook is being
used in purchasing products, especially right now that we are in a Pandemic. It
also brings awareness to more potential consumers about the significance of
small businesses and hopefully, this will urge more people to support these small
Future Researchers. This study intends to be informative research that we hope
will also be helpful to future researchers to broaden their knowledge and gain
more factual data that will help them justify their future studies. It will serve as
their core and instrument that could help them build a strong foundation for
their future research.
Scope and Delimitations
It is limited to small businesses that use social media, in this case,
Facebook, to be precise in the promotion of their offered services to the
consumers. Small Business owners were selected as participants in the said
This research study will further consider the personal backgrounds of its
respondents regarding their experience in using Facebook to promote their
business and how this is effective in boosting their business and reaching their
target profit. Each of them will be given the same questionnaire to answer that
is related to the topic. Moreover, this study will only focus on small business
owners in the present year.
Conceptual Definition of Terms
The following are defined as how they were defined in dictionaries:
Depriving. to take (something) out from (somebody or something).
Facebook. An online social networking website where people can create profiles,
share information such as images and quotations about themselves, and
respond to or tie to the information posted by others.
Innovation. In business, innovation is a procedure, output,
business concept, or variety that has been activated in the marketplace and
produces new profit and development for the organization.
Micro-business. a small business that employs limited than
10 people.
Mitigate. countering the consequence of something violent or painful.
Phenomena. A situation or fact that is observed to occur or
happen, particularly one whose cause or explanation is in question.
Tantamount. is synonymous with value, consequence, or impact.
Operational Definition of Terms
The following terms are defined by how they were used in the study:
Depriving. Lack of something like a Job and Food Deprivation.
Facebook. A social media platform that has over 2 billion active users and these
2 billion users all have the potential to be a consumer.
Innovation. Everything has been upgraded and social media has become the
driving force and has been developed to be the modern way of social interaction.
Micro-Business. is the smallest form of business with local operations. Microbusinesses are present in almost all communities and are an essential part of
Mitigate. To control the spread of the Virus.
Phenomenon. Affects small businesses causing job layoffs and resulting in job
and livelihood deprivation.
Chapter II
Review of Related Literature and Studies
This chapter presents a precise overview of the related literature from
local and foreign resources, which will further intensify the data collected
concerning the chosen topic for the study.
Related Literature
The researchers were tasked to look at the relationship between social
media and its effectiveness for low-cost marketing before proceeding to the next
component of the research paper. Some experts have already talked about Social
Media’s impact and the Role of Facebook in the Prosperous Advancement of
Micro-Businesses. This portion shows the collected related articles, literature,
journals, etc. to further assess the research topic.
Social media is huge in the Philippines, which is impossible to ignore if
you want to grow your business faster. A strong social media presence exposes
your brand to a larger audience. You can cultivate relationships with both
current and prospective customers. It allows you to stay one step ahead of your
competitors. Social media also levels the playing field for small businesses with
limited marketing budgets, allowing them to compete for consumers' attention
with larger corporations. Here are some facts about social media in the Country:
(1) Filipinos are one of the most active social media users in the world with 73
million social media users in 2020 comprising 67% of the total population which
is higher than the global average with the rate of 49%. Users spend most time
every day for more or less 4 hours. (2) Facebook and YouTube are the most
popular social networks in the Philippines. Currently, Facebook dominates
“Similarweb’s list of most visited websites in the Philippines which is therefore
said to be the most used social network in the country. (3) Social Media has a
great and huge influence on people’s decision-making when it comes to buying
multiple products on online platforms. As a source of new brand discovery for
Filipino consumers, social media advertisements are tied for first place with TV
commercials. In the Philippines, social media is the primary source of online
information for consumers. According to a Boston Consulting Group survey, the
majority of Filipinos (95%) use social media to guide their retail purchases. Here
are also some of the known benefits of social media for Businesses: (1) Increased
brand awareness. Social media marketing can assist your company in reaching
a larger audience. People are more likely to notice your brand as they scroll
through their social media feeds. You'll have a better chance of attracting
followers who are interested in your product and will eventually become
customers. Social media can be used to interact with your followers through
posts, likes, comments, shares, and direct messages, in addition to informing
them of your brand's existence. Such interactions are visible not only to your
followers but also to their friends, allowing more people to learn about your
company. (2) Website traffic has increased. With so many people browsing their
news feeds daily, you can drive more visitors to your website or e-commerce store
by posting content on social media with a link to your site. When people search
for a specific product or service, your social media pages and posts may appear
at the top of search engine results. (3) Low-cost advertising. Social media is a
less expensive marketing channel than traditional media such as TV, print, and
radio, which require advertising budgets in the millions of pesos. As a result,
social media marketing is ideal for micro and small-scale businesses with no to
low brand promotion budgets. You can set up social media accounts and share
content for free. If you want to reach more people, you'll only need to spend a
small amount of money on running ads or posting sponsored content. (Zoleta,
Hiring celebrity influencers has been the most popular way to market
products in recent years, but change is a constant, so companies today are
stepping up the innovation ladder and creating new products with usage. A new
marketing strategy must be implemented with each launch. Various software
platforms like Facebook are the most popular, dominant, and favored pages of
marketing teams. A study of the improved social media response to endorsement
marketing as an endorser product page concluded that endorsers are often used
when marketing new products because they bring brand equity to 'unknown'
products. rice field. Modern companies also have new foundations in their
marketing strategies when launching products. Leverage social media and use
Facebook as his favorite website. Featured Products Facebook Page 1:43 BSKIN
approved (1:43) Fans for product users. BSKIN admins communicate business
goals primarily through soft-sell posts, sometimes hard-sell posts, and rarely
mid-sell or multi-type posts. Focused on exclusive Endorser Experience content,
Soft Cell materials saw heavy use in the first few months of commercialization,
while other types saw moderate use. Admin and fan posts generated negative,
neutral, or positive usage and reach numbers when published on Facebook
timelines. Her results helped Page gain and retain fans. 1 indicates success. On
the 43 BSKIN sites, 77% of posts were low spenders and 5% were high spenders.
In terms of range, 95% was close range and 5% was long range. To improve fan
response, marketers and communication strategists can create two-way
conversations with pinned images for their followers and posts that offer
additional significant rewards. It is recommended to publish the increase.
However, they only address her two elements of the marketing mix. The
integration of price and location in the replication of endorser product pages
needs further investigation. (Emmanuel Santos, J., 2014).
The phrase social media marketing generally refers to using these online
services for relationship selling- selling based on developing rapport with
customers. Social media services make innovative use of new online technologies
to accomplish the familiar communication and marketing goals of this form of
selling. Social media marketing is a new technique, not a new world. The
bewildering array of social media (which seems to breed new services faster than
rabbits can reproduce) makes it hard to discern what they have in common:
Shared information, often on a peer-to-peer basis. Although many social media
messages look like traditional broadcasts from one business to many consumers,
communication that invites individual readers to respond Social media
marketing carries many benefits. One of the most important is that you don't
have to front any cash for most social media services. Of course, there's a
downside: Most services require a significant time investment to initiate and
maintain a social media marketing campaign, and many limits the distribution
of unpaid posts, charging for advertising and distributing posts to your desired
markets. Conventional thinking several years ago suggested that social media
was designed for long-term engagement, marketing, and branding rather than
for sales. However, more and more social media channels now offer the
opportunity for direct sales from their sites. In addition to selling on major social
media channels such as Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter (using the buy now feature),
and Instagram using third party-add-ons such as old pic) you will also find
selling opportunities on smaller, niche social media. Social media works for
branding if you get your name in front of the right people. Plan to segment the
audience on the large social media services. You can look for more targeted
groups within them or search for specialty services that may reach fewer people
overall but more of the ones who are right for your business. Social media is only
part of your online marketing. Online marketing is only part of your overall
marketing. Don't mistake the part for the whole. Social media marketing is a
means not an end. Social media services are tools, not new worlds. In the best
of all worlds, you see results that improve customer acquisition, retention, and
buying behavior in other words, your bottom line. If this sounds familiar, that's
because everything you already know about marketing is correct. Marketing is
only part of your company, but all of your company is marketing. Social media
is a ripe environment for this
hypothesis, where every part of a company, from human resources to tech
support and from engineering to sales can be involved. (Zimmerman, J., & Ng,
D., 2017.)
The book entitled “Social Media Communication: Trends and Theories” by
Bu (2021), introduces the power of social media from the perspective of some
politicians. We then highlight how social media is being used in times of distrust,
which can strengthen the way we think versus them. It is a global phenomenon
that has been To better understand the social media age, we will elaborate on
digitization and digitization. Finally, we compare adoption models for traditional
and digital media technologies. This result is a reminder that there are serious
consequences for those who choose not to learn social media promptly. Later
adopters of digital media technology may not reach the technical level of early
adopters. Why Learn social media the future of social media usage is also
exciting. There are many positive effects associated with their use. Many
researchers believe that using social media can change the world for the better.
It will be interesting to see how human societies dependent on social media will
evolve in the coming decades. In business, digitization is defined as “using digital
technologies to change business models to provide new revenue and value
creation opportunities.” It’s the process of transitioning to a digital enterprise”
(Garner, 2021). In this sense, we define digitization at the social level as using
digital technology to transform human communication and social life, creating
new benefits and added value for human society. Digitization, therefore, goes
beyond digitization to transform social life and business models by using digital
information technology to evaluate, reshape and reinvent the way we live and do
business. This helps explain why social media has become such an integral part
of modern life that it has changed the world in almost every aspect, including
communication and business. The over-popularity of social media can be
attributed to the influx of new media technologies. But the main factor behind
this is none other than the quality of people being socially connected. This is
consistent with the body of evidence psychologists have found that the desire to
form and maintain interpersonal relationships, the need for belonging, is a
fundamental human motivation (Baumeister & Leary, 1995).
The fact that social media continues to expand and evolve at an alarming pace
is another reason why finding a generally accepted definition of the term is
difficult. Some features that initially distinguished different forms of social media
have lost their significance, but others have been replicated by other new social
media genres (Fuchs, 2014). (Social media is) networked communication in
which a participant has a uniquely identifiable profile consisting of her 1) user-
provided content, other user-provided content, and/or system-level data
Platform. 2) You can publicly articulate connections that other people can see or
traverse. 3) may consume, produce and/or interact with streams of User
Generated Content provided by your connection on the Website; (Ellison & Boyd,
2013, p. 158) In other words, social media is a means of interaction between
users, organizations, and businesses, where users create and share information
in virtual communities. In this sense, social media is relevant not only to users,
organizations, and businesses but also to human society as a whole.
Related Studies
Before proceeding to the study’s key variable, the researchers tend to
explore various factors of Social Media components that have great participation
in the prosperity of small-scale businesses. The researchers discussed the
correlation between social media and its effectiveness in the modern age of
marketing using these kinds of platforms developed during technological
happening in the world. This chapter shows the reviewed documents about the
studies about the chosen research topic by the researchers.
The purpose of the study (Sunga,2016) was to identify the entrepreneurial
challenges faced by selected micro-business owners and to investigate how these
challenges were transformed into business opportunities. Furthermore, the
study looked into the strategies that these micro-business owners used in the
process of turning entrepreneurial challenges into opportunities. For data
collection, the interview method with a semi-structured questionnaire was used.
Based on criterion sampling, a total of 18 respondents who ran businesses in
Metro Manila were chosen. The results revealed that the most common
entrepreneurial challenges that micro-business owners have faced are (1) low
sales, (2) inconsistent product quality, (3) competition, (4) high cost of supplies,
(5) purchasing difficulties, and (6) owner illness. Respondents were able to
identify business opportunities such as product innovation, increased business
competitiveness, and rechanneling of losses to other expenses as a result of these
challenges. Furthermore, they used various strategies to identify opportunities
from these entrepreneurial challenges, including (1) seeking assistance from
other people or fellow micro-business owners, (2) observing the experiences of
other micro-business owners, (3) careful planning, (4) creative thinking, and (5)
conducting research. The results led to recommendations for Home Economists
to provide training to micro-business owners that focus on preparing them for
entrepreneurial challenges and providing them with information on how to
effectively transform their challenges into opportunities.
Under the descriptive study of Kalaw (2022), To contain the COVID-19
pandemic, most countries have implemented lockdown measures. As a result,
many micros, small, medium, and enterprise (MSMEs) such as the tailoring
shops in the Marikina Public Market were impacted and lost money during this
period. The purpose of this descriptive study was to examine the coping
strategies of a few small tailoring shops in Marikina during the COVID-19
pandemic. It described the raw material procurement, production flow, and
workforce of selected tailoring shops before the pandemic, during the pandemic,
and after several months of reopening to identify changes in business operations.
Twelve (12) randomly chosen shop owners or employees were interviewed about
their businesses. The survey method was used to collect data, and the results
were presented in narrative form and analyzed using common themes. The study
discovered that 9 coping strategies were common among respondents who used
the strategies discovered in Taqi et al's (2020) study on the ready-made garments
(RMG) supply chain to cope with the pandemic. It can be concluded that the
selected shops in Marikina Public Market are adaptable and capable of
overcoming the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. More research is
needed to determine the factors that influence MSMEs' coping mechanisms in
the face of a pandemic or economic crisis.
A study conducted by Saarim & Shabbir (2016) vividly states the
importance and significance of the role that it plays in using it as a primary
medium in promoting social media. According to the said study, social media
has revolutionized the way that businesses are conducted in the modern day, as
it has proven to be an effective tool for business owners and entrepreneurs, both
micro businesses and conglomerates alike. Specifically, in micro-businesses,
social media is vital in advertising their brand to gain much-needed publicity in
a highly competitive field. These businesses make use of public pages to further
interact with potential customers, as well as to engage with the general public
as they receive opinions and suggestions that will lead to the betterment of the
business. And hence, based on the given study, they conclude that social media
applications have a positive impact on small business owners. Business owners
are highly encouraged to use this platform because it comes with the expense of
little or nothing to publicize on most social media websites, because social media
fosters interaction and encourages a customer perception that is inclusive and
participatory, and because social media offers real-time feedback handling
According to Skoumpopoulou, Vlachose, and San Jose (2014) in a study
titled Social Media Impact on Marketing and Operations of Small and Medium
Companies: A Delphi study, the use of effective and tactical social media
strategies will surely have lasting impacts in the success of a micro-business in
its level of brand awareness, prestige, and recognition. It also states that the use
of social media should be subjective because not every company necessarily
needs one. A company must understand the implications of social media and
must determine exactly what its objectives are in its usage. It also concludes that
while social media is heavily adept and leans toward customer service and
interaction, the business must also be able to determine which ones can be
resolved through the use of social media and which ones are not. Additionally, it
has determined that interactions and publicity of the brand is the best way to
determine the effectiveness of using social media in promoting a business and is
further accompanied by the conclusion that the best social media sites for
branding a business are Twitter, followed by Facebook, while Pinterest is said to
be the best tool for the future.
Furthermore, as stated by Bharadwaj, et al., the common perception of
information technology strategy over the past three decades has been that it is a
functional-level strategy that must be in line with the firm's selected business
strategy. Even in this so-called alignment paradigm, IT strategy was guided by
business strategy. The corporate infrastructure has changed during the past ten
years, with more links across processes, goods, and services. Digital technologies
(viewed as combinations of information, computing, communication, and
connectivity technologies) are fundamentally changing business strategies,
business processes, firm capabilities, products and services, and key interfirm
relationships in extended business networks across many firms spanning
various industries and sectors. Considering this, we contend that it is time to
reconsider IT strategy's function, moving it away from being a functional-level
plan that is aligned with but fundamentally always subordinate to business
strategy and toward one that reflects a fusion between the two. This combination
is referred to as digital business strategy here. To shape the next generation of
insights and direct our thinking on digital business strategy, we establish four
essential topics. The four topics are: (1) the reach of a digital business strategy;
(2) its size; (3) its speed; and (4) the sources of business value creation and
capture in a digital business plan. As a result, we argue that it is now necessary
to reevaluate the role of IT strategy, shifting it away from being a functional-level
plan that is complementary to but always beneath business strategy, and toward
one that reflects a fusion between the two. We'll call this combination "digital
business strategy" in this context. We develop four key issues to guide our
thinking on digital business strategy and shape the next generation of insights.
The four subjects are as follows: (1) the scope of a digital business strategy; (2)
its scale; (3) its pace; and (4) the sources of business value creation and capture
in a digital business plan.
According to the study of Al-Hadban, Al-Ghamdi, Al-Hassoun, & Hamdi
(2014), Nah & Xiao (2018), and Meert (2019), Communication between
individuals and organizations has changed dramatically since the emergence of
the Internet in the late 20th century, within the Web 2.0, there is the creation of
platforms that connect people (social networks), the ability to produce and then
share content with others (social media) so audiences and content generators all
over the world became connected at all hours of the day through the World Wide
Web, which is collection of hypertext sites that is available for users to connect
to its host network called the Internet. The possibilities of the Web exceed such
“traditional” channels as, pagers, newspapers, televisions, radios, and
telephones. This form of technology allowed the creation of new communities
and instantaneous, or high-speed, communication. It was used by users for
several things like personal hobbies, research, entrepreneurial endeavors,
business operations, news delivery, entertainment, and more. Before the broadscale introduction and availability of the internet to the public, traditional forms
of marketing (public relations, advertising, branding, and messaging) were
channeled through slower mediums, the explosion of media channels (The
internet), however, has allowed both individuals and organizations to post
content, and react to each otherβ€Ÿs content, creating a matrix of multi-directional
communication rather than the one-way messages consumers received in the
past. The Internet thus provides a complex web of audiences that must be sifted
through before an effective message can be delivered and control is passed into
the hands of the consumer, or more precisely, their mouse. Traditionally, online
marketing has taken the form of spamming (sending unfair messages to large
audiences) and simple online advertising attempts. Due to the time difference,
there are countless ways communication professionals can and do engage with
their most important audiences. The challenge is to create the ideal social media
and online atmosphere in which these audiences respond and form relationships
that lead to communication and the achievement of business goals. But with
billions of users accessing the Internet every day, businesses need to be careful,
and on the Internet, small amounts of information (or lots of information) can go
very far, and all websites should be recognized that it may spread and have little
or no impact. . Given Facebook's phenomenal growth, I'm wondering if Facebook
is a viable and effective channel for companies looking to reach their audience.
This study examines four main areas to determine Facebook's ability to serve as
a viable and effective marketing platform for businesses.
Chapter III
This chapter shows the method used by the researcher that will be helpful
to the development of the study and the instruments used to gather the data and
information for the research.
Research Design
This study is qualitative phenomenological research that focuses on the
study of social media's impact, and the roles of Facebook in the prosperous
advancement of Micro-Businesses; with this design, the researchers will learn
about the coping mechanisms of business owners in Urdaneta City province of
Research Locale
The City of Urdaneta, Province of Pangasinan is known for the diversity of
businesses, from small to large scale businesses which is the main focus of the
study the researchers tend to conduct. The researchers' study will be conducting
this study in Urdaneta City province of Pangasinan upon considering the
available information and resources.
Research Respondents
The participants in the present study are random business owners that
are being managed in an extremely small-scale range with a minimal number of
employees and even profitable incomes. This study aims to find out how these
small enterprises with only small capital start with markets their business to be
able to reach out to the consumers.
The factor that is used to consider why
small-scale business owners were chosen to be the interviewee to answer a set
of questions related to social media marketing strategy using Facebook to further
amplify their offered products and services was because they are the ones who
are the most suitable and also who can prove whether Facebook is an effective
platform for effective marketing.
Research Instruments:
The researchers will conduct a survey which is composed of 10 different
questions that are answerable by checking the space provided and some are
needed to specify. The questionnaires were provided by the researchers to further
discuss the research topic. The answers and responses will be collected from the
chosen respondents.
Research Procedures
Data Gathering
The Research Descriptive study entitled “A Social Media's Impact, The
roles of Facebook in the prosperous advancement of Micro-Businesses” by the
11 ABM students was decided by the researchers with the approval and the
guidance of Mrs. Cammile Dalope-Aboy, APP005- Research adviser. Date
gathering will proceed through questionnaires that the chosen respondents have
to answer in order to collectively collect their points of view concerning the
research topic. Upon completion of interviews, responses from the respondents
will carefully sort and analyze by the researchers to be able to identify the
variables that would help to justify the research descriptive study.
Before proceeding to such, researchers will send a letter of request to
formally request the interview to the office of the Senior High Schook Principal
and upon approval of the request, the researcher will start to gather data,
afterward, the data will be submitted for accurate analysis.
Treatment of the Data
To be able to come up with a definite conclusion concerning the study,
after conducting an interview/ survey using the prepared questionnaire, the
researchers will further go through their answers and will validate their relevance
that can be used to the research descriptive study about the role of Facebook to
the prosperity of small-scale businesses in the chosen research locale specifically
in Urdaneta City, Pangasinan. The researchers will transcribe all the collected
answers of the respondents and analyze them. Afterwards, researchers will make
inferences from the gathered data (the answers of respondents regarding the
research questions) with the guidance and assistance of the research adviser.
The researchers will also use the following mathematical equation:
1) Frequency distribution and percentage were used in order to compute for
the following:
a. Determine the micro-business owners who use social media platform
like Facebook to boost their business.
b. Determine the highest percentage of business owners who agree that
Facebook is an effective platform to be able to engage with costumers.
c. Determine percentage of micro-business owner who do not use social
media to promote their business and how does this make any difference
from using such platform.
d. The researchers will also collect the following profile variables of the
respondents such as age and gender.
P= Percentage
100= Constant Value
N= Number of Respondents
F= Frequency
𝒙 𝟏𝟎𝟎
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