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Science Passage Structure: Problem to Research Guide

Social Science / Science Passage
1. Problem
2. Hypothesis
3. Experiment
- Curious
- Assumption
- Research
- Wanted to know
- Possibility - Scenario
- Study
- Shock
- Wonder - Suggest (Hypothesis)
- Observation
- Surprise
- Whether
- Theory
- Think, Reckon
- Lack of understanding
- Speculation - Reason
- Enigma
- Model
- Wonder
4. Result / Solution 
Proposal / Response
- Conclude
- Observe
- Suspect
5. Suggestion/Application
6. Future/ Future Research
- Suggest (Result)
- Implication
- Upcoming research
- Argue - It turns out
- Proposal
- Next Phase
- Reveal - Disclose - Found
- Recommend
- Next Set of
- Unfold - Show
- State
- Realize
(* Please Note “P  S/R” Foremost!)
E. N. C. B. T. L.
1. Extreme – always, all the time, every, any, everyone, anyone, nobody, entirely,
forever, the best, the worst, the most, guarantee, prove, disprove, etc.
2. Emphasis – now, in fact, indeed, the problem is…, the issue is…, the truth is, the conclusion
is…., conclude that…, it indicates (indicating), it suggests (suggesting), it means, it points to,
it is mysterious, mysteriously, the puzzle is, puzzled, the key is, the point it, the challenge is,
the question is…., it is important, importantly, crucially, amazingly, intriguingly,
surprisingly, unsurprisingly, indeed, actually, of course, after all, in the end, finally,
fundamentally, in other words, in short, simply put, in summary etc. (anything that conveys a
sense of importance or summary of aforementioned messages)
3. Name – character’s name, scientist’s name, any proper noun or acronyms placed in a
parenthesis, names of any significance
4. Contrast / Shift / Change – but, yet, however, despite, in spite of, instead, rather,
nevertheless, although, though, notwithstanding, in fact, except, actually, on the other
hand, conversely, while, meanwhile, meantime, actually, unfortunately,
unexpectedly, surprisingly, ironically, changed, change, alter, modify, realize, it is
different, different xxx, new, novel, re-do, re-analyze, etc. (whatever that indicates a
shift in time/attitude/tone/situation)
5. Because – because, because of, in that, on account of, as a result, thus, therefore,
since, hence, in order to, so… that…, such… that…, the reason for…, in response to,
by the virtue of, evidence for, etc. (anything that indicates a cause-effect relation)
6. Time Shift, Duration, Period – initially, eventually, ultimately, conventionally,
formerly, previously, in the beginning, at the outset(onset), dawn, Big Bang, until
recently, until now still, in the past, today, now, lately, already, still, since…, to date,
no longer, not yet, in the end (anything that indicates a shift in
7. List – also, in addition, furthermore, similarly, likewise, not only, but also, besides,
another way, first, second, third, fourth, finally, etc.
1. Size, Extent, Degree – any phrase that compares the size, extent, or degree of two or
more objects, or any changes in S.E.D such as bigger, smaller, less than, higher, more
than, growing, increasing, decreasing
* similar, similarly, likewise, like, emulate, simulate, mimic, copy resemble, equal, as
good as, the same as, concede, agree, conform, support, mutual, common, etc.
P → S/R ( )
S/R → B/C
CAUSE → EFFECT / Any Causal Relations (B/C)
CONTRAST ( ) (+ → −)
ID to ID (Parallel Structure) (ex: not only…but also, as good as, etc.)
S/R → Elaboration