The Circular House Designing timber-centric construction systems that facilitate viable structural and water-resistant material circularity in residential scale buildings. Research Proposal Candidate: Gerard Finch Supervisors: Dr Antony Pelosi, Dr Morten Gjerde and Guy Marriage February 19th 2019 Document body word count: 9886 Abstract Construction practices today prohibit viable building material reuse. Building systems are instead designed to prioritise rapid assembly, adopting singleuse fixings that both contaminate and permanently damage the materials they incorporate. Consequently, the building and construction industry is the single largest producer of waste globally. This resource consumption model is incompatible with the long-term carrying capacity of our planet. In recognition of this concern, a new type of construction is needed to make deconstruction and material reuse a more attractive option. Emerging to address the issue of waste through material reuse is the framework of a Circular Economy. Through complementary concepts, such as Designing for Deconstruction and Cradle to Cradle, the Circular Economy model establishes a series of theoretical necessities for achieving effective material reuse. Yet, the systems that most of us choose to build with have trended away from circularity, towards assemblies that are more challenging and more costly to reuse. Specifically, the structural solutions and water-resistant barrier systems that we commonly implement today in timber-based construction are prone to producing large quantities of waste at the end of their useful lives. Literature suggests that cost and practical application are key barriers limiting the successful implementation of design features that enable circularity. Thus, although the theoretical framework for achieving material reuse exists, there remains few tangible and viable methods for achieving circularity. The proposed research therefore asks: how can the structure and water-resistant systems of residential scale timber-framed buildings in New Zealand be designed to better facilitate viable material circularity? To create viable Circular Economy based building solutions the proposed research will use an action research methodology centred around the construction and quantitative evaluation of digital models, scale models and full-scale prototypes. The research will adopt an existing method for quantifying material reuse that is coupled with an industry standard approach for assessing functional performance and conventional cost analysis techniques. Collectively these measures will generate the information needed to holistically assess the performance of proposed reusable construction solutions. Reflecting on existing systems, the proposed research integrates the most successful characteristics of these established ideas into new experimental solutions. The proposed ‘experimental’ solutions are then explored in a research process that cycles between synthesising findings into a rationalised solution (physical prototyping) and experimental assessment. Quantifiable measures of cost, functionality and circularity performance are followed by qualitative assessments of the holistic performance of each proposal. This subjective critique aims to ensure that the research considers the inherent tensions between designing for building material reuse, architectural flexibility and cost. The most successful building system developed by the research will be identified and recommended. Embodying the contribution to knowledge of this research, the new building system will form a structural and water-resistant building envelope assembly that is optimised for circularity, validated by both empirical and qualitative evidence. 2 Contents­ 1.0 Abstract 1 Background 5 1.1 The need to reduce building waste 1.2 Building waste quantities, sources and composition 1.3 The cause of C&D waste 1.4 Challenges in reducing building waste 2.0 Theoretical Context 9 2.1 Pre-eminent ideological paradigms in building material reuse 2.2 The contributions of research to encourage material reuse 2.3 Existing research aiming to encourage material reuse 2.4 Failures of existing research 2.5 The gap that this research will fill 2.6 Proposed building systems to be developed 3.0 Research Question 17 4.0 Research Methodology 18 4.1 Research methodology emerging from theoretical context 4.2 Action design research methodology 4.3 Research design 4.4 Measuring the circularity performance of solutions 4.5 Measuring the economic performance of solutions 4.6 How data is going to be produced; prototyping 4.7 Managing scope and identifying completion 4.8 Preliminary experimentation 4.9 Challenges and limitations 5.0 Research Administration 31 5.1 Special resources 5.2 Human ethical considerations 5.3 Intellectual property 5.4 Statement of impediments 5.5 Projected timelines References 5.1 Key references for design and the circular economy 5.2 Key references for the research method 5.3 Other references used in this proposal 3 33 R E S E A R C H QU E STION How can the structure and water-resistant systems of residential scale timber-framed buildings in New Zealand be designed to facilitate viable material circularity? G LOSSA RY 4 1.0 Background 1.1 T HE N EED TO R E D UC E B U IL D IN G WAST E The construction industry’s contribution to global waste is a complex, often unsorted, amalgamation of both inert natural materials and toxic engineered composite products. Collectively these disposed materials represent more than 40% of global waste (EPA, 2016). Reducing this vast volume of waste materials prevents a spiral of environmentally harmful human behaviour (Ajayi et al, 2015; MfE, 1997; Kennedy, 2007; Braungart and McDonough, 2009; Baker-Brown, 2017; Inglis, 2007). Ensuring that building materials normally sent to landfill are instead either reused or reprocessed reduces the demand for new materials (Allwood et al, 2011; Broadbent, 2016). This leads to significantly reduced carbon emissions, as materials already processed into useful products often require less energy to re-process into another useful product (Russell, 1983; Schmidheiny and Stigson, 2000; Hopewell et al, 2009). Furthermore, a weaker demand for raw materials leads to less ecologically destructive biproducts that come from material extraction. These include habitat destruction, biodiversity loss, dust pollution, soil erosion, soil nutrient deficiency, sulphur dioxide pollution production, eutrophication and soil subsidence (Figure 1) (Wood et al, 2000; Saviour, 2012; Lawrence and Vandecar, 2015; Carvalho, 2017). Such negative environmental changes also occur at the point where waste building materials are deposited (Rabl et al, 2008; Maheshwari et al, 2015). Collectively, the environmental side-effects of unmitigated material extraction and landfilling impact the food supply, security, health and diversity of our people and natural ecosystems (Easterling et al, 2007; Sun et al, 2017). Addressing the issue of building waste is therefore an essential step in reducing the impact of modern construction practices on the environment and ensuring ongoing prosperity for our global communities. 1. 2 B U I LD I N G WAST E QUA N TITIE S , SOU RC ES AN D COMP OS ITION Making up between 60% and 80% of all the building sectors’ discarded materials, demolition is the largest contributor to the waste problem (EPA, 1998; Kibert and Chini, 2000, Kibert et al, 2001). Demolition includes all materials from demolished structures for any reason, including buildings damaged or demolished due to natural disasters. The next largest source of building waste is 5 Figure 1. Impact of building materials and construction waste over their lifepsan. 1.0 B a ck g ro u nd generated during instances of renovation, estimated to make up between 10% and 20% of all building waste (EPA, 1998). Modifications to commercial buildings, including office renovations and retail fitouts are major contributors to this category. Two other key sources of waste are during construction and at the time of material fabrication. These two sources make up less than 10% of all waste the building industry produces (EPA, 1998). These four waste sources are collectively referred to as Construction and Demolition (C&D) waste. Internationally, concrete, timber and plasterboard are the most common C&D waste materials. However, the exact proportional composition of these materials in the waste stream varies significantly by region, often depending on popular construction methods and available materials (Figure 2). Due to this regional variation there is no universal standard for the categorisation or measurement of C&D waste materials. Subsequently, the largely unmanaged and unregulated C&D waste stream continues to grow. Figure 2. Global C&D waste generation statistics. Kibert and Chini, 2000; JESC, 2014; FDEP, 2015; REBRI, 1999; Paterson, 1997; Inglis, 2007; Teheyis et al, 2013; Nakajima and Russell, 2014). 6 1.0 B a ck g ro u nd 1 .3 T HE CAU SE O F C& D WAST E Experts attribute the cause of C&D waste to four factors (Guy and Ciarimboli, 2007; Boehm, 2012; Akinade et al, 2016): 1. the way in which buildings are designed, 2. the materials that we choose to construct buildings from, 3. the construction systems that we employ, 4. the economic framework that we operate within (or human-related factors). These causes are all delicately interconnected by factor four: the economic framework that we operate within. For example, the cost of work dictates the connection methods used between materials, the willingness to dismantle buildings rather than demolish them and our willingness to use recycled materials versus those obtained from virgin sources (Nakajima and Russell, 2014; Guy and Shell, 2006; Storey et al, 2005). The consequence of these economic drivers are construction methods “... that see the assembly of materials and components as a unidirectional practice” (Crowther, 2005, n.p). Hence it is not uncommon for one material to be fixed ‘dependently’ to another using a destructive, irreversible and potentially contaminating method as a result of the prioritisation of construction speed and reduced upfront costs (Figure 3) (Storey et al, 2005). Furthermore, because of the costs associated with separating these elements at the end of their first life, often the actual lifespan of materials and assemblies are significantly shorter than then the potential technical life span of those materials (Durmisevic and Linthorst, 2000). Thus, in order for C&D waste to be effectively reduced there is a need to address the economic challenges of material circularity through changes to the technical characteristics of construction itself. Figure 3: Existing systems that contribute to C&D waste production. Nakajima and Koga, 2009; Nakajima and Russell, 2014 7 1.0 B a ck g ro u nd 1. 4 C HALLEN G ES IN R E D U C IN G B U IL D IN G WAST E As the primary cause of C&D waste, economic constraints are also the fundamental barrier to the widespread adoption of reusable construction practices. The economic issues are particularly pronounced in residential buildings in which “it can take three times longer to dismantle the building in such a manner to preserve the components and to segregate the waste products” – versus commercial buildings (Nakajima and Russell, 2014, p. 11). Likewise, in many cases the materials reclaimed from buildings have no end market due to a “lack of trust in the quality of C&D recycled materials” (European Commission, 2016, p. 18). Additionally, the now widespread use of adhesives and the growing popularity of composite products are making it more “difficult to deconstruct and difficult to selectively dismantle the waste products” (Nakajima and Russell, 2014, p. 11, supported by: Jean-Yves et al, 2015; European Commission, 2016; Storey and Pederson, 2014; Nakajima and Russell, 2014). A further challenge is the dependency of material reuse and recycling on supporting systems such as sorting, retrieval and reprocessing; “… if a company has not deployed reverse logistics, the production system cannot be considered compatible with an idea of a circular economy” (Nuñez-Cacho et al, 2017, p. 5). As such, any potential technical solutions to facilitate material reuse must be developed in reference to external systems and their associated economic imperatives. SPR AY- O N I NSU LAT I O N Internal open and closed cell insulation retrofitted to timber frames creates a contaminating bond between materials and obscures connection points – making material recovery not economically viable. ST R U CT U R AL ADHESI VES Expanding foam, petrochemical based adhesives and insulation seals contaminate materials through irreversible bonds. These joints can be so strong that the components joined by the materials become damaged when separation is attempted. CO M PO SI T E M ASO NRY ASSEM B LI ES Underfloor insulation and heating systems embedded in self-levelling masonry systems often leave both materials with no end-of-life reuse or high-value recycling pathways. Figure 3 cont.: Existing systems that contribute to C&D waste production. Nakajima and Koga, 2009; Nakajima and Russell, 2014 8 2.0 Theoretical Context Through a review of salient literature, the following section identifies and discusses the theoretical framework of circularity that informs this research. The lineage of circularity as a theoretical concept is explored and key aspects relating directly to the issue of material reuse in buildings are discussed. This process aims to precisely locate the proposed research in existing literature. 2.1 P RE-EM I N EN T ID E OLOG IC A L PA R A D IG M S IN B U I LD I N G M AT E R IA L R E US E Circularity (the Circular Economy): The literature review finds that the overarching theoretical framework for managing materials in a sustainable manner, and thus reducing building waste, is the Circular Economy (CE). The CE is not a new concept or a specific solution in its own right, instead the CE can be considered a package – or ‘umbrella’ – of fundamental sustainable development (SD) concepts as documented in Figure 4 (overleaf) (Cheshire, 2016; Winans, 2017; Charter, 2018). The Circular Economy framework collects these disparate rules of ‘environmental best-practice’ and packages them into a single vision – with the core aim of “decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources” (EMF, 2015, n.p.). To bring all of these ideas together the Ellen MacArthur Foundation has taken on the role of formally defining circularity and has consequentially developed the widely adopted “butterfly circular economy model” (Saidani et al, 2017). MacArthur’s model ranks “designing out waste” and “keep[ing] products and materials in use” as two of the primary objectives to achieve a CE (EMF, 2015, n.p.). In the context of C&D waste a CE model would see worthless materials eliminated by designing systems and components to be reused. Coupled with the significant support behind circularity from business, governments, non-governmental organisations and academics, the Circular Economy is a theoretical framework directly applicable to the challenge of eliminating waste through designing for reuse (Sauve et al, 2016; Ellen MacArthur Foundation and McKinsey and Company, 2014). 9 2 .0 T he o re t i ca l Co nt ex t Figure 4: Sustainable development concepts that fall within the umbrella of a Circular Economy. Chertow et al, 2004; CIRAIG, 2014; Stahel, 2013; WRAP, 2016; Wijkman and Skånberg, 2015; Bastein et al., 2013; Ghisellini et al, 2015; Kalmykova et al, 2018 10 2 .0 T he o re t i ca l Co nt ex t Design for Deconstruction: As evidenced, the CE is the established holistic theoretical framework in which the majority of research that works to address waste can be situated. Within this wider CE canon is another tier of concepts that relate specifically to the problem of building waste. Although these are not always presented in direct association with the CE, the underlying motivations are the same. Design for Deconstruction (DfD), for example, is a concept that advocates designers to detail buildings in a way that facilitates disassembly or deconstruction – with the main aim of “... increased diversion rate[s] of demolition waste from landfills; [and the] potential reuse of building components” (Kibert et al, 2001, p. 138). These core aims are directly compatible with the aims of the CE: “deconstruction has been identified as an essential means for promoting a closed-loop system for building components” (qoute: Jaillon and Poon, 2014, p. 196; supported by: Storey et al, 2005; Tingley, 2012; Cruz Rios et al, 2015; Kibert et al, 2001; Pomponi and Moncaster, 2017; CEW, 2018; Dijk et al, 2014). This research therefore locates DfD as a significant theoretical concept in the realisation of CE ideas in the building sector. Cradle to Cradle: Cradle to Cradle (C2C) is another concept that forms part of the Circular Economy umbrella and has direct implications for building waste production (Beaulieu et al, 2015; Van Ewijk and Stegemann, 2016). Like the overarching themes of the CE, Cradle to Cradle prioritises “... a closed system of resource flows approached from a product-life cycle perspective” (Stahel et al, 1981, p. 34). This closed system effectively leads to the elimination of waste through product design (EMF, n.d, Kalmykova, 2018). These priorities of retaining value through use cycles are also in direct alignment with the ambitions of DfD (Figure 5). In fact, DfD will often be included as a necessary criteria for the successful implementation of C2C concepts in buildings (van de Westerlo et al, 2012). However, C2C should not simply be seen as rearticulating DfD ideas. Instead C2C incorporates higher level categorisation of materials based on their ability to fit within technical or biological processing cycles, or no cycle at all (Braungart and McDonough, 2002). These material categorisations, if followed, distinguish a second layer of assurance against the production of waste. If a building component cannot be directly reused, then ensuring the component was fabricated following either technical or biological metabolism criteria will allow high-value recycling to take place (Nuñez-Cacho, 2017). These aspects highlight the value of both C2C and DfD approaches in respect to the CE framework and effective material reuse. Figure 5: Core principles of DfD and C2C theoretical concepts and how they fit within the main preoccupations of the overarching Circular Economy theoretical framework. 11 2 .0 T he o re t i ca l Co nt ex t 2. 2 T H E CO N T RI B U T ION S OF R E S E A R C H TO EN CO U RAG E M ATE R IA L R E US E The foundational theoretical framework (circularity) of this study is typically the cause of three different kinds of knowledge contributions through research. These can be categorised as: 1. ‘reporting on the state of affairs today’, 2. proposing ‘design guidelines’ for implementing new solutions, or, 3. developing ‘assessment frameworks’ to measure the performance of new/existing solutions. These are all ultimately tools for designers and policy makers to assist them in the creation and evaluation of solutions that aim to reuse materials and consequently reduce building waste. Research that examines the state of affairs today outlines the foundational barriers restricting the implementation of circularity and suggests general requirements for change (i.e. Nakajima and Russell, 2014; Abdol, 2005; Kibert et al, 2001; Jaillon and Poon, 2014; Kilbert and Chini, 2000; Storey et al, 2005; Van Dijk et al, 2014). Research that produces ‘design guides’ varies from comprehensive frameworks for the requirements of specific jointing conditions to generalist recommendations (i.e. Webster and Costello, 2005; Storey et al, 2005; van de Westerlo et al, 2012; Beurskens et al, 2016; Crowther, 1997–05). ‘Assessment frameworks’ are often developed through an analysis of existing research and through expert consultation (as in Saidani et al, 2017), and set out a (sometimes comprehensive) list of evaluation criteria (as in Papakyriakou, 2012; Ellen MacArthur and Granra Design, 2015; Cayzer et al, 2017; Saidani et al, 2017; Elia et al, 2017). These three groupings of research contributions represent the sum of all efforts by the community of researchers to encourage building material circularity. 2. 3 EX I ST I N G RE S E A R C H A IMIN G TO EN CO U RAG E MATE R IA L R E US E A unanimous sentiment in existing research is that circularity in the construction sector can be achieved through design (Schut et al, 2015; European Commission, 2016; Månsson, 2015; Hradil et al, 2014; Nakajima and Russell, 2014; Jean-Yves et al, 2015; Morgan, 2005). In eight separate national reports collated into an International Council for Building (CIB) publication, design (for Deconstruction) was frequently ranked as the number one strategy to effectively reduce building waste (Nakajima and Russell, 2014). The aforementioned ‘design guidelines’ (2.2) can therefore be seen as a response to this call for better design. They outline specific actions a designer must follow to ensure that their product/building will not produce waste or low-value recycled materials. Common actions suggested by these guidelines are discussed in 2.3.1 and 2.3.2, and additional important strategies are summarised in Figure 6. 12 2.3.1 Building as Layers The most common translation of CE concepts into an applied solution is the consideration of a building as temporal layers to facilitate high-value material reuse (found in Duffy, 1990; Brand, 1994; Habraken, 1998; Durmisevic and Brouwer, 2002). Stuart Brand, author of Whole Earth Catalogue and pre-eminent environmentalist, formalised the idea of a building as layers. Brand determined that a building should be divided into six independent groupings of materials, these being: “... site, structure, skin, services, space and stuff” (Brand, 1994, p. 13). The rationale given was that the ‘stuff’ inside of a building, the space finishes, the services and aspects of the spatial linings are all replaced/repaired/relocated far more often than the enclosing structural elements (Habraken, 1998). Thus, the layers changed most often should be the easiest to deconstruct and do so in a way that does not damage other discrete layers. This model of Brand’s continues to be the basis of the ‘temporal layers’ concept in construction for the purposes of facilitating material recovery (Crowther, 2001; Guy and Shell, 2001; Graham, 2005; van de Westerlo et al, 2012). The occurrence of this idea across DfD, C2C and CE literature suggests it has a key role in enabling material circularity. However, even with broad theoretical backing, the implementation of this ‘layers’ concept is not well evidenced. If implemented successfully we would have expected to see a direct change in the way ‘skin’ layers are fixed to a building’s structure. Given that the idea was first proposed in the 1990s these changes should be apparent in new building physical characteristics. Instead, we have seen an increase in the use of permanently fixed layers, e.g. in-slab polystyrene insulation was found in 26% of new construction in 2007, and is now found in over 60% of new construction (Rosevear and Curtis, 2015) and layers that are fixed in ways that cause irreversible damage, e.g. plasterboard use in Europe has increased from 25% to 76% between 1983 and 2008 (Brunsdon and Magan, 2017; MTP, 2008). The growth of construction solutions that are at odds to Brand’s layering approach indicate a preoccupation with energy efficiency and economics, without thought given to material recovery (McIntosh and Harrington, 2007; Mullens and Arif, 2006; Meis, 2015). 2.3.2 Standardisation As with the concept of building in layers, it is widely agreed in literature that “standardisation of building elements in terms of sizes (such as length, height and depth)”, and the “standardisation of the connections between elements” is essential to create an attractive market for recovered materials (Jaillon and Poon, 2014, p. 196–197; supported by: Dorsthorst and Kowalczyk, 2005; Webster and Costello, 2005; Crowther, 2005; Chini, 2005; Durmisevic, 2006; Guy and Ciarimboli, 2007; Boehm, 2012; Cruz Rios et al, 2015; Machado et al, 2018). The key motivation for standardisation is declared as financial: 2 .0 T he o re t i ca l Co nt ex t “standardisation will help to provide the financial incentives required in order to encourage deconstruction and reuse” (Chini, 2005, p. 317–318). In practice, standardisation of components makes the implementation of CE strategies economically beneficial for two reasons. The first is that “... standardisation of connectors makes disassembly quicker and require fewer types of tools“ (Chini, 2005, p. 47). This has a flow-on effect to the decreased cost of recycled materials and the increased attractiveness of deconstruction over demolition. Secondly, standardisation means that more similarly shaped and sized components become available, increasing the attractiveness of these materials to potential buyers (Machado et al, 2018). Effectively, standardisation resolves the key financial restrictions that are often stated as being fundamental barriers to achieving building waste reduction through circularity (Chini, 2005; Storey et al, 2005). Figure 6. Translation of CE, DfD and C2C theoretical concepts into tangible processes and specific design modifcations to buildings – with extracts from key texts. 13 2 .0 T he o re t i ca l Co nt ex t 2. 4 FAI LU RES O F E X IST IN G R E S E A R C H 2.5 T HE GAP T HAT T HI S R ESEAR CH WI LL F I L L Although circularity ideas have been translated into applied principles (2.3), the impact of these ideas on mainstream construction is practically non-existent. In fact, as discussed earlier, construction practices have typically moved in the opposite direction towards more dependent assemblies and more composite products (Rosevear and Curtis, 2015; Brunsdon and Magan, 2017; Nuñez-Cacho et al, 2018). This negative trend is observed by Storey et al who states simply that “older buildings often contain more desirable and durable materials and are easier to deconstruct“ (2005, p. 15). Moreover, where CE ideas have been implemented they have often failed to translate into economically sensible solutions. One CE housing proposal, for example, uses a structural frame that is estimated to be ten times more expensive than traditional construction (Finch, 2018). Likewise, there is inadequate evidence of the time savings required at the deconstruction stage to make this solution viable (Finch, 2018). The implementation of CE and DfD ideas have also faced challenges due to the perceived success of recycling practices. For example, the Netherlands has a building waste recovery rate of more than 93% – suggesting that minimal change is required (Deloitte, 2015; Schut et al, 2015). However, the true level of circularity within this sector is more likely to be 23%, given that two thirds of the Netherlands C&D waste is concrete, bricks and blocks – all of which are downcycled and crushed into aggregate (Dorsthorst et al, 2005; 2002; Akhtar and Sarmah, 2018, p. 263). This downcycling process ensures a continued demand for cement products and thus a negligible reduction in CO2 production (Figure 7) (Morrison Hershfield Engineering; Athena Life Cycle Assessment). Therefore, while there have been substantial developments in recycling technologies and some notable cases of very successful ’one-off’ building material reuse, the mainstream construction sector continues to build in a manner that is prone to producing waste (REBRI, 2018; Kieran and Timberlake, 2008; Webster and Costello, 2005). ‘Designing things not theories’ The lack of transition towards circular building practices demonstrates that executing circularity in the construction sector is fraught with economic, legislative and technical complications. In acknowledging the complexity of this issue Kibert claims that “closing material loops in construction remains the most challenging green building concept to implement” (Kibert, 2001 in Jaillon and Poon, 2014, p. 195). It is suggested that this difficulty of putting ideas into practice may be due to the inherent complexity of building projects and the general intangibility of circularity ideas (2.3) (Van Dijk et al, 2014). Likewise, in academic circles, Saidani et al when summarising Lieder and Rashid note that “the circular economy level of discussion is often decorrelated from product consideration and circulation, that is to say, from the core of circular economy implementation” (2016, p. 82–83; 2017). In an effort to circumvent such issues, this research proposes an alternative approach by providing developed CE solutions for practitioners in the form of systems and products. These systems can be delivered to the market as highly optimised reusable components that are cost competitive and backed by end producer responsibility business models (Dewhursrt, 1993). The author believes that this novel approach has significant potential to invigorate the mainstream adoption of CE practices, translating the requirements of circular design into approachable, tangible, product options. This research therefore sets out to design, build and evaluate construction systems that will facilitate circularity in the building industry. A need for design and physical assembly is evidenced by calls in academic publications for “in-depth pilot studies” to be conducted to ‘demonstrate the concepts of deconstruction’ (Babbitt et al, 2018; Anggadjaja in Nakajima and Russell, 2014; Storey et al, 2005). As noted by Van Dijk et al, it appears to be the challenges around the practical implementation Figure 7. Failure to change; recycling strategies that are often reported as significant waste reducing strategies do not address the fundamental issues. 14 2 .0 T he o re t i ca l Co nt ex t of CE ideas into the construction industry that current publications see as fundamental barriers to effective circularity (2014). This opinion is further supported by Jean-Yves et al who suggest that “... the design and installation of [less complex systems] could be a driver towards the spread out of deconstruction practices” (2015, p. 45). Specifically, this is a call for applied ideas, not the development of a theoretical approach, but tangible experimentation culminating in real world ‘systems’. It is at this tangible building level where the complexities and challenges of implementing CE based building solutions ultimately arise (Babbitt et al, 2018). Approaching CE implementation from a physical system development perspective also meets the suggestion in literature that the critical point of intervention should be in the design phase. Schut et al and Storey et al back up this viewpoint through interviews with key industry stakeholders (2015; 2005). Demolition companies reported that they would prefer to deconstruct a building rather than demolish it, and stated that the main reason for not undertaking deconstruction was that “the demolition and recycling phase of buildings [...] was hardly taken into account when the buildings were designed” (Schut et al, 2015, p. 32–33 and supported by Nakajima and Russell, 2014; van de Westerlo, 2012; Storey et al, 2005). Furthermore, a practical design approach also ensures that the economic issues of deconstruction that are outlined in literature can be addressed directly. Schut et al connects design and economics in respect to the CE: “... by investing more in design [...] of materials and building products, the costs of the construction process itself can be reduced” (2015, p. 40). Consequently, there is a need for the design of economically sensible and highly resolved solutions that facilitate material reuse (circularity) in the building industry. A useful side-effect of this applied approach aiming to realise CE ideas in construction is the opportunity to use already established concepts within the theoretical framework and test their effectiveness under real-world design, fabrication, handling and human constraints (Minunno et al, 2018). For example, the feasibility of Brand’s concept of a building as layers can be assessed from a technical and economic point of view. Similarly, the concept of prioritising parallel assembly for greater independence of building layers (within the context of Stewart Brand’s five building layers) can be critiqued (Crowther, 2005; Durmisevic and Linthorst, 2015). Such an approach to achieving circularity may be deemed impractical given the functional requirements of a waterresistant building envelope or be proven essential in ensuring cost effective deconstruction rates (Gorgolewski, 2017). The research does not plan to exhaustively critique existing circularity design approaches, but will identify successful ideas and relate them back to their theoretical basis as appropriate. 15 2 .0 T he o re t i ca l Co nt ex t 2. 6 P RO P O SED BU IL D IN G SYST E M S TO B E D EV ELO P E D From circularity, the core overarching theoretical framework of this research and the major themes within this framework (C2C, DfD), there needs to be a further consolidation of ideas to frame exactly what it is to be researched/designed (Figure 8). This is where the research becomes focused on a specific aspect of construction. The proposal has already established that there is a need for a contribution of knowledge through tangible system and productbased solutions, but has not defined which systems in particular should be addressed. Although it could be said that circularity calls for the redesign of almost all building components, Brand’s study of the building as layers and the associated literature surrounding this suggest the structural frame as a key area of interest (Brand, 1994). Durmisevic and Brouwer cement this claim and advocate for the frame “as the core of enabling independence and exchangeability of auxiliary elements” (2002, p. 15). Although this aspect is not as explicitly reinforced in recent publications, Brand’s layer theory is referenced and its role in allowing “the replacement of layers with shorter life cycles without interfering with other layers“ continues to be highlighted (Machado et al, 2018, p. 8). For these reasons the research proposes to focus on enabling circularity in the structural members of a building. Figure 8. Possible circular economy research areas in the building sector (focus area underlined). 16 However, it should be noted that it is not only the structural members that are key to deconstruction. The way in which the frame interfaces with other elements of a building is also significant for facilitating circularity (Nakajima, 2014; Anggadjaja, 2014). Thus, although conceiving a superior frame/structural product has the potential to decrease waste by facilitating circularity, developed independently, the system would have a negligible contribution to knowledge. A more significant contribution would come through the development of two (or more) layers in tandem. This ensures that the work is always evaluated under the pretence of how the layers of a building must come together (Brand et al, 1994). Working between elements and in systems is widely promoted in CE literature, with the Ellen MacArthur Foundation listing ‘thinking in systems’ as one of ‘five fundamental characteristics’ of their CE model (EMF, 2012; and articulated in specific reference to buildings in Saidani et al, 2017). Based on this foundation, the research will set out to develop a system-based CE solution for the structural frame and water-resistant barrier/cladding. The water-resistant barrier/cladding layer has been selected based on the complexity of the interface between itself and the structure, and the layer’s common reliance on materials that do not fit within a CE framework (refer to 2.3 and McIntosh and Harrington, 2007; Mullens and Arif, 2006; Meis, 2015). 3.0 Research Question This research proposal has found that building waste continues to be a widespread issue with acknowledged negative environmental implications. As the pre-eminent theoretical framework to address the wasteful use of physical resources, the Circular Economy has been identified as the most appropriate theoretical basis for situating such research and addressing the problem. Within the CE context, Design for Deconstruction and Cradle to Cradle are key ideas recognised by industry experts as having the potential to combat building waste. Together these theoretical concepts call for the adoption of building systems that facilitate the high-value reuse of building materials. However, these approaches have not yet been found to result in mainstream change, often due to prohibitive economic conditions. As a result, there is a call for further studies to be carried out that develop viable “… advanced construction methods of waste reuse...” (Yuan and Shen, 2011, p. 677; supported by Saghafi and Teshnizi, 2011). Literature suggests that this development needs to be undertaken through design in a practical applied manner as ‘generalist’ approaches often fail to address key circularity issues (Månsson, 2015; Lieder and Rashid, 2016). In order to make a valuable research contribution, any design should be developed as a system and be critically engaged with the interface between elements. Thus, as a basis for the research, two key interfacing elements have been selected for development: the structural frame and the water-resistant layer. Together these aspects have been collated into a developed research question capturing the intent, scope and ambition of the proposed research: Research Question: How can the structure and water-resistant systems of residential scale timber-framed buildings in New Zealand be designed to facilitate viable material circularity? Aim: The creation of construction systems that make viable the reuse of structural and water-resistant cladding materials of a timber-framed building. Objectives: 1. To identify, based on literature, an appropriate method for evaluating the effective circularity of building systems (complete). 2. To compare existing cases of material reuse and recovery in construction and carry out a series of evaluations at system and product levels. 3. To develop (through iterations) a series of physical product prototypes for a building structure and lining that respond to the established framework. 4. To analyse the practical and economic appropriateness of proposed circular building solutions. 17 4.0 Research Methodology Section four details the research methodology to be used in the proposed study. A background is given to the selected research methodology, action design research, and the relationship of this method to the problem at hand is discussed. Three key stages of research are outlined that align with the action design research methodology. Finally, processes to measure the circular, functional and economic performance of outcomes are selected and justified. 4.1 RESEARC H M E TH OD OLOGY E M E R G IN G FRO M T HEO RET IC A L CON T E X T The call in literature for the design and implementation of ‘viable circular construction solutions’ directly implies the need to adopt a design-based research methodology. This is due to the nature of the problem itself. Deploying circularity can be characterised as a ‘complex environmental challenge with no perfect final solution’ – commonly described in literature as a ‘wicked problem’ – that is a problem with “no immediate or ultimate test for solutions” (Peters, 2017, p. 388; supported by Buchanan, 1992; Roggema, 2016). There will always be a trade-off between the cost of the systems, their durability, and their architectural design qualities (Nakajima and Russell, 2014). Design as a research tactic can manage these competing issues as it is a “... holistic endeavor that involves the synthesis of numerous different concerns ...” finding “... a reasonable balance among competing interests and values” (Faste and Faste, 2012, p. 44; Roggema, 2016, n.p; concept also supported by Birkeland, 2002; Fischer, 2015). The proposed study therefore intends to conduct research through the process of design to produce solutions that improve the building industry’s circularity. To give a concrete methodical foundation to the evaluation of proposed solutions and this design process, the specific research methodology adopted is action research through design (Swann, 2002; Price et al, 2014). For the purposes of this study, the research methodology will be referred to as action design research. 4. 2 AC T I O N D ES IG N R E S E A R C H M E TH OD OLO GY To embrace the inherent complexities of evaluating a series of experiments against conflicting criteria, and the need to create new solutions, this research adopts an ‘action design research’ methodology. This is a blending 18 of the systematic cyclic ‘planning, designing, observing and reflecting’ pathway of action research and the flexible explorative and holistic basis of a research through design (RtD) methodology (Zuber-Skerritt, 1992; Swann, 2002; Stappers et al, 2014). Action research calls for the researcher to implement a concept in a real-world situation and observe the implications of doing so (Tripp, 2005). The formula of action research and its effective use to support an iterative RtD project is well documented in literature: “action research provides a ready-made scaffold for a systematic research method that could be easily [...] adopted by designers" (Swann, 2002, p. 61; supported by: Groat and Wang, 2002; Stapleton, 2005; Hauberg, 2012; Herr, 2015). In this research the methodical scaffold of action design research manifests in discrete functional, circularity and economic efficiency performance assessments. These measures quantify and allow direct comparison between the performance of different design iterations for a limited number of salient characteristics. However, as significant as these measures are, the final selection of the most viable proposed structure and waterresistant solution for circularity will remain qualitative. That is, although some aspects of the performance can be easily quantified, many important aspects cannot be measured, nor can the measurements be fairly collapsed into a single ranking score. An action design research framework ensures a robust and structured ideation process to support this more intangible and qualitative assessment of system performance. Action design research provides a platform to conceptualise and mature the circular construction systems proposed in this study (Figure 9 – overleaf). The designing aspect of this process will synthesise all available information into a solution that aims to facilitate viable end-of-life material recovery. This proposed solution will then need to be realised (built) and tested to determine 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y Figure 9. Action design research process diagram, based on Swann, 2002. if it performs as intended. Methodically, this process reflects a traditional RtD approach where the process “consists of the development of a prototype (or artifact) [...] that plays a central role in the knowledge-generating process” (Stappers and Giaccarda, 2017, n.p; supported by Zimmerman et al, 2010). The process of this study is such that knowledge will be ‘extracted’ from each prototype in a series of tests reflecting the constraints of the research: functional, circularity and economic performance. Measuring this performance will enable a comparison between each proposed solution, highlight specific issues, and be a basis for evaluation against existing solutions. These performance metrics are, however, not the knowledge contribution of the study. Instead, the final prototype/product embodies the findings of the research through its physical characteristics (Höök et al; 2015). And so while it is possible for some prototypes to be conceived and evaluated exclusively in digital space, this research prioritises physical prototypes based on the researcher's discipline and intended knowledge contributions. 4. 3 RESEARC H D E S IG N The research has been planned in stages that directly reflect the core components of action design research. This process begins with a review of existing products that is then used to inform iterative design activities. These designs are then evaluated through the lens of the circular economy theoretical framework. Each component of this process is detailed in the following section. 19 4.3.1 Review of existing products To design new CE based building solutions it is first necessary to further review the capacity for circularity of existing construction systems. Such reflections are particularly useful in determining the research scope and point of difference (Goldschmidt, 1998; Augustin and Coleman, 2012; Boling, 2010; Lawson, 2006). This reflection process has already commenced and has been used to inform the development of functional, economic and circularity assessment techniques (see 4.4 and 4.5). The research has examined well publicised modular steel circular solutions such as the ICEHouse and its WonderFrameTM structural frame (McDonough, 2016). Reviews of non-circular construction methods have also been carried out to provide a basis for evaluation. Included in this assessment is the most popular low and medium density construction solution in New Zealand: platform timber framing (Figure 10 – overleaf) (Rosevear and Curtis, 2015). The precedent study is undertaken concurrently with the literature review as it has potential to impact the way in which the core design research is carried out. 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y Figure 10. Visual summary of preliminary review of existing products – showing a review of conventional construction – using the fully developed assessment methods (see 4.4 and 4.5). 20 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y 4.3.2 Iterative Design An iterative design process immediately follows the review of precedents, cycling between designing and evaluating (4.3.3) (Roggema, 2016; Dalsgaard, 2010). The design process will take lessons from the theoretical framework of a Circular Economy, the review of existing products against this framework (4.3.1) and/or earlier author-proposed ideas and create new, superior solutions (Roggema, 2007; Muratovski, 2016). At any given stage in the development of a solution the author can assess its performance against established measures (4.3.3). Depending on the performance identified in the assessment, the author will then make informed physical changes. Such assessments, however, may not necessarily state what exact physical modifications need to be made – these are instead driven by the Circular Economy theoretical framework (Stappers, 2014). Within this theoretical framework are the aforementioned popular themes and outcomes of existing research that aimed to encourage material reuse – concepts such as Brand’s Building as Layers, Standardisation and Interface Design (see 2.3). The process of assessing and designing is cyclic (as per the action design research methodology), iterative and performed repeatedly, even before a prototype at hand is ‘complete’ (Zimmerman et al, 2010; Burry and Burry, 2016). Specific design methods, such as drawing, sketching and scale modelling will be used to capture initial ideas prior to accurate prototyping and testing (Figure 11). The effect is a series of coordinated attempts to address circularity and economic concerns – each more well informed than the last. 4.3.3 Design Evaluation Design outputs are to be evaluated under the conditions of ‘viable circularity’. Based on the literature review this refers to functional, economic and circularity performance indicators. The functional component of this evaluation refers to the need to validate that a proposed solution meets or surpasses the requirements of the relevant New Zealand building code clause. This is a pass/fail evaluation of the solution's structural, permeability and durability integrity. In conjunction with this is an assessment of the level of circularity that a given solution achieves. The study proposes to adopt a quantifiable circular performance Figure 11. Translating the action design research methodology into processes related to the specific research problem. 21 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y assessment technique alongside a subjective analysis of circularity. Further empirical data will also be generated in the economic analysis of proposed solutions (design outcomes). Together the three assessments of functional, economic and circularity performance are judged and used to inform the next design explorations (Figure 11 – previous page). These measurable criteria, in parallel with qualitative observations, add objectivity, repeatability and a clear chain of evidence to the study (Susman , 1978; Gasparski, 1990; Binder and Redstrom, 2006). The basis for the measurement of circular and economic performance are outlined in sections 4.4 and 4.5 respectively. 4.4 M EASU R I NG T HE CI R CU LAR I T Y PER FO R M ANCE O F SO LU T I O NS There is “... no standardized or well-established method for measuring circularity at the micro [product] level” in use today (Linder et al, 2017, p. 545; and supported by Franklin-Johnson et al, 2016). Consequently, there is no widely regarded circularity assessment method for buildings or construction systems. The majority of existing assessment methods for circularity are seen to neglect important assessments such as “... modularity, upgradability, connectivity, easy disassembly or design for preventive maintenance …” (Saidani et al, 2017, p. 10). Even in the better established circularity assessment tools, such as the ‘Material Circularity Indicator’, down-cycling (a loss of material quality when materials are ‘recovered’) is not assessed (Linder et al, 2017; Cayzer et al, 2017). Therefore, in formulating how to efficiently assess circularity for this study, the most popular CE design guidelines and assessment tools were examined and adapted (including Crowther, 2005; van de Westerlo, 2012; EMF, 2015, Saidani, 2017) (Figure 12 – page 24). From this process emerged a set of common measurements that can be essentially ‘designed out’ – reducing the complexity and number of empirical measurements required to be undertaken by this study (Table 1 – overleaf). For example, rather than measuring or estimating the quantity of recyclable and recycled materials used in a proposed solution, the study will instead ensure that only recyclable materials are adopted. The same approach can be taken for a range of key circularity design attributes found in literature (Table 1 - overleaf). To further narrow the focus of the study, secondary circularity factors such as biomass production, air and climate quality, water quality, renewable energy and biodiversity, are not going to be examined (van de Westerlo, 2012; Braungart and McDonough, 2002). After such refinements one core measure for circularity emerges: the ratio of materials that can be recovered in a directly reusable state at the end of the building's useful life. This ratio is recognised as a core indicator of CE success (Parchomenko, 2018; European Commission, 2015). Moreover, it is a pragmatic 22 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y indicator that represents the true technical potential of the proposed solution to be reused. This is not a common circularity measure as assessments are typically made at a generalised abstract level, without the concrete performance information required to state explicitly how many materials have the potential to be reused (Lieder and Rashid, 2016; Saidani, 2017). In this study the data required to obtain this ratio will be gathered by deconstructing the physical prototype of a given proposed solution (see 4.6). Table 1. Organisation of circularity assessment measures for proposal evaluations. (with reference to Moffatt and Russell, 2001; Durmisevic and Brouwer, 2002; Guy and Ciarimboli, 2007; Hassanain et al, 1997; Crowther, 2005; van de Westerlo et al, 2012; Nuñez-Cacho et al, 2018). 4.4.1 External Applicability Assessment A significant aspect of circularity that cannot be directly measured but must be examined is the potential usefulness of materials and components at the end of each use cycle. Henceforth referred to as an ‘External Applicability Assessment’, this is a critical second measure of circularity success; if there is no demand for the recovered materials, circularity cannot be achieved (Cochran, 2006; Zou et 23 al, 2015; Hobbs and Adams, 2017; Nuñez-Cacho et al, 2018) (Figure 12 – overleaf). Due to the timeframe of the research it will not be possible to determine if there is a true real-world demand for a given system’s components at the end of its first life. It will be possible, however, to receive qualitative feedback from industry stakeholders regarding the proposed solutions' applicability. Applicability will be qualitatively determined by asking stakeholders to comment on aspects that would prevent, or make them reluctant to use the pre-used components in a project. Such feedback can then be interpreted and used to inform further experimentation. Proposed real-world installations of solutions in their first life will also expose a systems adaptable potential (see 4.6). Additionally, as a way to quickly compare circulatory performance, the study plans to adopt Saidani’s product Circular Performance Indicator (CPI) (2017). The decision to adopt this technique is a consequence of the way in which Saidani formulated the CPI based on his own comprehensive recent review of different circularity measures and the categorised breakdown it offers. Again, however, note that the CPI will not be used as an absolute measure of performance. In the action design research methodology the CPI will be used to guide the iterative development of ideas based on aspects of a given solution that are underperforming. 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y Figure 12. Logic behind the selection of the CPI tool and an outline of the two other major circularity assessment processes in the proposed research. 24 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y 4. 5 M EASU RI N G T H E E CON OM IC PE RFO RM AN C E OF S OLUT ION S 4.6 HOW DATA I S GO I NG TO BE PR O DU CED; PR OTOT Y PI NG As part of ensuring that the design contributions of this research are viable, an economic evaluation will be undertaken for each proposal. In the literature review economic issues were noted as emerging from a range of causes including the time taken to deconstruct and recover materials and the cost of the raw materials themselves (Storey et al, 2005; Dantata et al, 2005; Saghafi and Teshnizi, 2011; 2014; Cruz-Rios et al, 2015; Ghisellini et al, 2018). Consequently, the study will record and compare expenses related to each proposed product in the context of a CE. This information will then be able to be compared with existing conventional and CE construction approaches. Results of this analysis can be used to inform further design decisions or act to confirm or discredit a proposal (VCL and EITB, n.d.). A thorough understanding of the associated costs enables the design contribution to be value engineered, resulting in a more viable and valuable research output. Based on the processes involved in material recovery, four different points of cost need to be calculated. These include (further details in Figure 13): The primary method proposed for data production in this study is physical prototyping. Literature reinforces the validity of prototyping as an appropriate method for this research question by suggesting that prototyping can simultaneously explore a problem, refine solutions to that problem, contribute to the production of empirical information and communicate the knowledge created by the research itself (Camburn et al, 2017; Anderl et al, 2007; Buchenau and Suri 2000; Lennings et al, 2000; Brand et al, 2011; Burry and Burry, 2016). Without physically recreating structural and water-resistant barrier details in the real world, it will not be possible to accurately quantify economic or circular economy performance (Figure 14 – overleaf). Furthermore, prototyping as a research method actively targets the shortfalls of existing research in this area, as noted in literature: a lack of implementation and/or real-world examples. The nature of the prototypes to be developed varies depending on the project opportunities that become available to the candidate. At an absolute minimum, the intention is to build between four and six integrated physical prototypes of different wall structure and water resistant/cladding proposals measuring approximately one metre in width and three metres in height. This does not include the construction (and subsequent deconstruction) of existing solutions for testing purposes. Four to six prototypes allows approximately three months per major design iteration with eight months remaining for the preparation of a synthesised discussion in the dissertation. A three-month design refinement, fabrication and testing window is based on the author's previous experience with research of this nature (Finch, 2018). The target number of prototypes to be developed aims to avoid stagnation and keep the research progressing towards new ideas ----- the cost of the materials, including raw materials, fixings and any off-site fabrication, the cost of assembly (labour) per unit of system, the cost of disassembly (labour) per unit of system, the cost of repair or remediation to materials before they can be used again (if any). These four costs can track the ‘economic performance’ of a given proposed solution at all key life-cycle stages. The data to provide this cost information is again to be extracted from the built physical prototypes using standardised labour rates and conditions. Figure 13. Economic performance measures. 25 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y (Elverum et al, 2017). Note also that the target number is not in any way for the purposes of scientific statistical integrity. Beyond the minimum intentions the candidate has already confirmed three real-world implementations of different design iterations, with secured external funding, and start dates of 2019 and 2020 respectively. These are ideal prototyping opportunities as they more accurately test the real-world limitations of a given design proposal. They will also provide accurate data regarding the material and labour expenses per unit of wall. It is likely that the final collection of prototypes will range from the smaller minimum requirement versions to full scale ‘semipermanent’ deployments. Figure 14. Visual summary of the proposed research design from the review of existing systems to the use of prototyping to produce data for assessment. 26 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y 4.7 M AN AG I N G S COP E A N D IDEN T I F Y I N G CO M P L E TION 4.7.1 Type of buildings and materials For reasons of practicality, this research will focus on timber framed technologies, appropriate to low and medium density building typologies. These practical constraints are based on the use of prototyping as a data collection tool, expertise, and financial constraints of the research. The key reason for a timber centric approach is that more than 90% of all new homes in New Zealand use locally grown and sustainably managed timber framing or mass timber in their construction (Rosevear and Curtis, 2005). Timber is therefore an established material, relevant to the New Zealand construction situations, and already performing highly in terms of environmental sustainability. Furthermore, the use of timber sets this study apart from similar existing international research which has relied on a material palette consisting of aluminium and/or steel (see ICEHouse, Loblolly House and CE House). 4.7.2 Quantity of prototyping experiments The research is being asked to address a problem that will inherently have an imperfect answer, and has therefore been designed to enable multiple attempts at solving the problem (Buchanan, 1992). A consequence of this is that while a ‘good’ solution may come close to addressing the problem in its entirety, there is almost always potential for ongoing incremental improvements. This type of research design can therefore be categorised as ‘sequential sampling’ – referring to the fact that the sample size (number of tests) will vary depending on the number of iterative developments carried out in the study (Nallaperumal, 2013). Therefore, to control the scope of the research, a time limit of 18 months will be placed upon 27 the design experimentation phase, leaving a minimum of six to eight months to complete further analysis and documentation. 4.8 PR ELI M I NARY EXPER I M ENTAT I O N To test the viability of the proposed research, a series of preliminary design experiments were undertaken. The basis of these preliminary tests was the adaptation of an existing circularity optimised structural system into a cost-effectively fabricated low-carbon, low cost, timber system. As per the proposed prototyping research methodology (Figure 14) the new design was fabricated, assembled and ‘observed’ (Figure 15 – overleaf). This process produced accurate data for cost and assembly time duration necessary to evaluate the overall performance of the design proposal. The prototype was then disassembled and reassembled to check, superficially, for performance degradation/damage through use cycles (Figure 16 – page 29). Finally, the prototype was destructively tested for functional structural integrity in a four-point bending test. The observed performance of this preliminary proposal indicated that material recovery is possible and that a key challenge to overcome will be keeping the proposals simple and cost-effective. Technical drawings detailing how a unique water-resistant barrier would reversibly adhere to this structure were also produced (Figure 17 – page 30). Further to this, the preliminary experimentation directed the final form of the research design. Importantly, early experiments highlighted the need for an explicit assessment process and a major refinement of what circular performance attributes are appropriate to measure. Collectively, the observations from preliminary experimentation have been used to refine the methodology and scope outlined in this research proposal. 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y Figure 15. Preliminary experimentation timeline highlighting key steps and contributions of the theoretical framework. 28 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y Figure 16. Preliminary experimentation performance summary. 29 4.0 R e s e a rch Me t ho d o log y Figure 17. Preliminary experimentation for a water-resistant barrier design (section drawing – 3DX Wall Detail). 4.9 CHALLENGES AND LI M I TAT I O NS Designing and assessing reusable construction solutions is a complex process subject to a wide range of variables (Alcorn, 2010; Cayzer et al, 2017). One factor that the current research design will struggle to understand is the impact of weathering and extended exposure on a given solution. Based on the performance of existing construction systems it is understood that certain climatic conditions can cause functional and visual deterioration to building materials (Jones, 2007). Depending on the impact of this deterioration, direct reuse of specific materials or components may be constrained (Storey et al, 2005). For example, aesthetic deterioration is perceived to be a significant issue as it makes the consumer less trusting and therefore less willing to purchase the recovered materials. Such deterioration characteristics are not something easily identified in the proposed study due to the three-year timeline (Chini, 2005; Nakajima and Russell, 2014). To address this concern, reported weathering characteristics of selected materials will be a secondary consideration within the design process. 30 5.0 Research Administration 5.1 SP EC I AL RES OU R C E S 5.4 STAT EM ENT O F I M PEDI M ENTS This research proposes the design, fabrication and construction of full-scale prototypes of wall sections that include the structural frame and water-resistant barrier/ cladding. Consequently there are additional resource requirements in terms of required materials, tools and storage space. Specifically, the candidate requires: The candidate notes that there are no foreseeable cultural, social or legal impediments to the successful completion and/or publication of the research, including deposit to the library. --- a small amount of easily accessible storage space to be made available, periodic access to the Ergonomic Lighting Lab (or similar) for video recording of deconstruction testing. The candidate has worked to ensure that all required materials will be either sponsored through existing contacts, or paid for by the candidate using scholarship money provided by a monthly stipend. Additional fabrication costs will also be covered by the candidate. If testing is required that exceeds the university's capacity the candidate will negotiate with the external funding partner. Note that this is not required to fufill the aims of the research. 5. 2 HU M AN ET H IC A L CON S ID E R AT ION S It is anticipated that Human Ethics approval is required for this study due to the nature of external assessment by industry stakeholders. The identities of these stakeholders, and those who are involved in fabrication, physical experimentation and on-site building will remain anonymous. All efforts will be made to ensure that images containing people and records of locations are deidentified. For on-site building projects none of the site or client information will be disclosed as it is not relevant to the research outputs. 5. 3 I N T ELLEC T UA L P R OP E R TY The research has the potential to produce intellectual property in the form of construction and building products. The candidate wishes to share this knowledge under a Creative Commons Licence. The candidate has notified the external scholarship partner for the research regarding this decision. The candidate notes that due to the Creative Commons Licence intellectual property arising from the research will not prevent the completed dissertation from being deposited in the library. 31 5.5 PR O JECT ED T I M ELI NES Preliminary goals for the next six months (Figure 18 – two year timeline – overleaf): -- -- -- -- design, submit and get approved ethics application to allow for external applicability assessments, progress with further assessments of existing solutions identifying salient and effective features that can be reinterpreted into design test cycles. The majority of this should be complete by August 2019, complete Test Cycle 1, including real-world deployment, and undertake a detailed review of the performance of this deployment. Use findings from this test to inform the design of both Test Cycle 2 and 3, begin Test Cycles 2 and 3, carry out 1:1 scale tests of these designs and either complete or be ready to complete a real-world deployment of these solutions. 5.0 R e s e a rch Ad m i ni s t rat i o n Figure 18. Proposed research timeline. 32 6.0 References 6.1 KEY REF EREN C E S FOR D E S IG N A N D T H E C I RC U L A R E CON OM Y Akinade, Olugbenga O., Lukumon O. Oyedele, Saheed O. Ajayi, Muhammad Bilal, Hafiz A. Alaka, Hakeem A. Owolabi, Sururah A. Bello, Babatunde E. Jaiyeoba, and Kabir O. Kadiri. 2017. “Design for Deconstruction (DfD): Critical Success Factors for Diverting End-of-Life Waste from Landfills.” Waste Management 60 (February): 3–13. Baker-Brown, Duncan. 2017. The Re-Use Atlas: A Designer’s Guide towards a Circular Economy. RIBA Publishing. London. Brand, Stewart. 1994. How Buildings Learn: What Happens after They’re Built. New York, NY: Viking. Braungart, Michael, and William McDonough. 2002. 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