#!/usr/bin/perl use 5.010; use strict; use warnings; print "hello world\n"; print "welcome to perl\n"; #case sensitive #scalar variable uses sigil$ #array uses sigil@ #array uses sigil# #the type of the variable is understood by value assigned to the variable, there is no need of decl the type of the variable. #we use sigil_nameofvariable = value of the variable to declare the variables. my$name ="vinay"; my$num = 10; my$decimal = 3.142; print $name,"\n"; print $num,"\n"; print $decimal,"\n"; #-------------------------numbers in perl------------------------------ my$int =10; print $int,"\n"; my$negint =-10; print $negint,"\n"; my$floating =22.542658; print $floating,"\n"; my$sn =10e22; print $sn,"\n"; my$hex =0x000f; print $hex,"\n"; my$oct =072; print $oct, "\n"; #-----------------strings in perl--------------------------- # combine string variable using cooma #print $var1,$var2,\n; #escape character \n--new line ,\b-- back space,\t-- horizontal tab,\h--vertical tab my $var1 ="hello"; my $var2 = 'world'; print $var1,$var2,"\n"; print $var1,"",$var2,"\n"; print "hello\world\n"; print "hello\\world\n"; my $vara1 =10; my $vara1 =20.12; print $vara1,"\n"; print $vara1,"\n"; #empty string is used for later usage #undef string is used for short time and empty it later #------------------------namespace &scope-------------------------------- package hello; sub sayit { return "hello"; } package world; sub sayit { return "world"; } package main; say hello::sayit(); say world::sayit();