MONEY BLUEPRINT (noun) / muhn-ee bloo-print / a pre-set programming in relation to money. Preston Smiles International. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2021. A lot of us, at some level, have an auto-pilot that says we can only make a certain amount of money, experience a certain amount of joy or experience only a certain amount of things life. This is due in part to the cybernetic mechanism that tells us how far down we can fall and how high we can fly. One way to break down the conditioning and uncover where our programming comes from is by looking into the source code for our conditioning and programming in one of these three types: Verbal Programming: "Money is the root of all evil in life." Modeling What You Saw: "My parents would get paid and it is quickly spent." Stand Out Moments: "I get negative responses when I tell others about my goals and dreams." One powerful visual tool is the Manifestation Formula: PROGRAMMING THOUGHTS FEELINGS ACTION RESULTS Preston Smiles International. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2021. Why Is Your Money Blueprint Important? "Your income can grow only to the extent you do." (Eker, 2005). Have you noticed how some people have a lot of money, like lottery winners, and then lose it? On the outside it looks like they had bad luck, the economy may have shifted or they were in a bad relationship. On the inside, however, it's actually something completely different. They came into big money and were not ready to handle it [internally], and because of this, their wealth was short-lived and they lost it all. On the other hand, it's the opposite for self-made millionaires. When they lose their money, they usually have it back within a relatively short time because they understand that, "A lack of money is never, ever, ever a problem. A lack of money is merely a symptom of what is going on underneath." (Eker, 2005) I hope you understand that it's what's under the ground (your roots) that creates what's above the ground (your blossoming) and it's the invisible that creates what's visible. This means, if you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots. If you want to change what you see, you must first change what you have not see [yet]. Reference: Eker, Harv. (2005). Secrets of the Millionaire Mind. HarperCollins. Preston Smiles International. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2021. One important things to understand is that we live in four quadrants of existence: the physical world, the mental world, the emotional world, and the spiritual world. The physical realm is merely a result of the other three. One example is the tiny device you carry in your hand most of the day. Have you ever typed out a great message, only to realize that when it sent, a word was auto-corrected? So you start to correct yourself in a new message to send and somehow it just keeps auto-correcting the word before it sends. You get frustrated because you want to say, "In the bathroom." and it keeps sending as, "I'm the bathroom." So what do you do? You go to Google to find out how to fix your phone so that it stops making you look like you don't know what you're talking about. BAM, you make the changes and send the corrected message only to now get, "In their bathroom." At this point you no longer want to be friends with your phone and you know the person you're writing thinks you're crazy. So what's going on here? You realize that the real problem cannot be changed in the Result (the physical world); it can only be changed in the Program (the mental, emotional, and spiritual worlds). Preston Smiles International. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2021. We can't INTERVENE into a world we cannot see. We will now focus on reprogramming our thermostats with these 4 Steps. Step 1: Awareness - Write down everything you about money and wealth as a child (from as early as ages 3 to 5 and up to 17). This will include direct and inderect experiences. Step 2: Understanding - Take 5 to 10 minutes to freeflow write in all the ways the list above has affected you in your current life. Step 3: Disassociate - Pull back and see when you hear the inner critic and the consciousness of others that do not belong to you. Determine who in your life it belongs to by saying, "Is this mine?" Preston Smiles International. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2021. Who you say you are, you'll spend the rest of your life trying to prove it. Step 4: Recondition - This is done through Declaration (it is done and in process). Create a declaration statement and pay attention to all the things that you notice in your body when money is exchanged in any way. Example Declaration Statements I have a Millionaire Mindset! I am able to handle big money! My holistic skills create my profit! My income exceeds my expenses! I am wealthy in more ways than one! I am a Fierce Money Making Machine! Money comes to me easily and effortlessly! Money is drawn to me and I am drawn to it! I have the Power to create my own Success! My money helps change the World for the better! I live a life in Wealth and Abundance, so I Prosper! My experience of wealth is a positive part of my life! I have the Power that creates my Success and builds my Wealth! Preston Smiles International. All Rights Reserved. Copyright 2021.