Informed consent Requirements for participants to partake in this research include consent. This consent is aimed to protect individuals. The purpose of this research is to propose an intervention from the results of an educational needs analysis concerning the community of Bishop Lavis. This research will be acquired through a once – off questionnaire which will be a duration of 30 minutes. Participants will be given a questionnaire and will be required to complete it by following the instructions, participants may complete is anywhere desired and when completed, will need to notify the researchers for collection. Please make sure that it is known and understood that the participant is allowed to withdraw from the research whenever, the participation is entirely voluntary, the documents will be stored in a safe location where researchers and Eduvos faculty will have access to it, participants are allowed to retrieve these documents at any moment, deny researchers from using it and decide to withdraw these documents from the study even after completion. Participants will not be labeled or exposed unethically to the public or anywhere else and complete anonymity is granted. Participants may contact researchers for any misunderstanding, clarification and concerns about this research project. Participants may sign after reading the consent requirements thoroughly with understanding. References Falagas, M. E., Korbila, I. P., Giannopoulou, K. P., Kondilis, B. K., & Peppas, G. (2009). Informed consent: how much and what do patients understand?. The American Journal of Surgery, 198(3), 420-435. Over 70 Learners in One Classroom At Bishop Lavis School. (2019, Jan 09). AllAfrica.Com