T193003 - Mahmudul Hasan - ETE Department of Electronic & Telecommunication Engineering Lab Report . ETE - 4758 Database Management Sessional Submitted By: Name : Mahmudul Hasan Promi. ID No : T193003 ( T one nine three zero zero three) Semester : 7th Section : A Submitted To: Ahmad Assistant Lecturer, ETE, IIUC T.A: Zahidul Sifat Remarks: Page: 1 Date of Submission: 11.06.2023 T193003 - Mahmudul Hasan - ETE Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering Lab Report ETE - 4758 Database Management Sessional Index Serial 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Name of Experiment Date Introduction to SQL & Basic DDL Commands 25.01.2023 DML Commands & Basic SQL Queries 01.02.2023 Queries using Aggregate functions 08.02.2023 Queries using GROUP BY, HAVING, Creation and dropping of Views 15.02.2023 Experiment on Advanced SQL and Relational Query Languages 15.03.2023 Experiment on Database Design and the E-R Model 22.03.2023 Experiment on Relational Database Design 29.03.2023 Experiment on Application Design and Development 05.04.2023 Experiment on Object-Based Database 03.05.2023 Submitted By: : Mahmudul Hasan Promi. ID No : T193003 ( T one nine three zero zero three) Semester : 7th Section : A Remarks: Page: 2 Name