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Line Follower Robot Design & Implementation

University Of Science and Technology
Faculty of Engineering
Department of Computer and Electronic
Systems Engineering
Design and Implementation
of Line Follower Robot
A dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirement for the B.Sc. (Honors) Degree in Computer and
Electronic System Engineering
Submitted by:
Ahmed Mohammed Abdeldeam
Supervised by:
Dr. Awadallah Tayfor
April 2018
‫ﭽﯓ ﯔ ﯕ ﯖ ﯗ ﯘ ﯙ ﯚ ﯛ ﯜ‬
‫ﯝ ﯞﯟﭼ‬
‫صدق اهلل العظيم‬
‫اإلسراء‪٤٢ :‬‬
‫إنى حبٍبً وقزة عٍنً وإيايً‬
‫وقذوتً يعهى انبشزٌت انخٍز‬
‫ويخزجها ين انظهًاث إنى اننىر سٍذنا‬
‫يحًذ بن عبذ اهلل صهى اهلل عهٍه وسهى‪...‬‬
‫وإنى وانذيّ انعظًٍٍن انذٌن أعطٍانً‬
‫انكثٍز‪ ..‬يبتهالً نهًا بانذعاء (ربً‬
‫أرحًهًا كًا ربٍانً صغٍزاً)أطال اهلل فً‬
‫عًزهًا ويتعهًا بانصحت ودواو انعافٍت‪..‬‬
‫وإنى أساتذتً وإخىتً وين ساهى فً‬
‫تعهًًٍ ونصحنً وإنى كم أصحاب‬
‫وأهذي ثًزة هذا انعًم عزفاناً بفضههى‬
‫نتدقدم بالشكر الجزيل الي اساتذتي الذين لم‬
‫يبخلوا علينا‬
‫بالمعلومات التي استقيناها منهم واخص بالذكر‬
‫الذي تكرم بقبول االشراف علي هذا البحث‬
‫والذي لواله لما خرج البحث في هذه الصورة‬
This project deals with the idea of a robot following specific path. Where the
robot follows black line on a white surface or vice versa . The robot should
corrects the path when a deviation occurs.
The system concepts have been
addressed with theory precise control of the robots and sensors and their types.
Sensors are important components of the special operation with robots.
A block diagram has been formulated and identified the elements needed by the
circuit and the availability was checked.
The robot consists of two DC motors and a microcontroller (Arduino Uno)the heart
of the robot which controls the movements of motors through a signal coming from
We have formulated a block diagrof the system and identify the elements needed
by the circuits and check the availability.
The robot consist of two DC motor and a microcontroller Arduino Uno the heart of
the robot (Line follower robot) which controls the movements of motors through
the signals coming from sensors.
‫تن الؼول في هزا الوششوع تبسيط لي فكشة االًساى االلي يتتبغ هساس هؼيي حيج اى االًساى االلي‬
‫يتتبغ خط اسىد ػلي خط ابيض او الؼكس ويقىم بتصحيح الوساس ػٌذ حذوث اًحشاف لإلًساى اللي ػي‬
‫الوساس ‪.‬‬
‫وتن هٌاقشت هفاهين ًظشيت ًظن التحكن الذقيق لي الشوبىتاث والحساساث واًىاػها ‪ .‬والحساساث تؼتبش هي‬
‫الؼٌاصش الوهوت قي الؼولياث الخاصت بالشوبىتاث ‪.‬‬
‫تن وضغ ًوىرج صٌذوقي للٌظام و تحذيذ الؼٌاصش التي تحتاجها الذائشة والتاكذ هي تىفشها ‪.‬‬
‫يتكىى االًساى االلي هي هحشكاى تياس هستوش وهتحكن دقيق ( اسدويٌى اوًى) وهى ػباسٍ ػي قلب االًساى‬
‫االلي الزي يتحكن في حشكت الوحشكاث ػي طشيق إشاساث قادهت هي الحساساث ‪.‬‬
Table of Content
‫الشكش والؼشفاى‬
Chapter One : Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Problem Statements
1.3 Objective
1.4 Methodology
1.5 Layout
Chapter Two : History
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Types of Robots
2.3 History of Robots
2.3.1 Industrial Robots
2.3.2 Mobile of Robots
2.3.3 Telerobots
2.4 Components of Robots
2.4.1 Structure
2.4.2 Power Source
2.4.3 Control
2.5 Autonomy levels
2.6 Robot Research
2.7 Education and Rraining
2.8 Employment in Robotics
Chapter Three : System Component
3.1 System Description
3.2 System Hardware
3.2.1 IR Snsoure
3.2.2 Arduino
3.2.3 L293D Motor Driver
3.2.4 DC Motor
3.3 System Software
3.3.1 Fow Chart
Chapter Four : Implementation and Testing
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Implementation
4.3 System Testing
4.3.1 Case 1
4.3.2 Case 2
4.3.3 case 3
4.3.4 Case 4
Chapter Five : Conclusions and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation
List of Figures
Page No
Figure 3.1 System Block Diagram
Figure 3.2 IR Sensor
Figure 3.3 Arduino Uno
Figure 3.4 L293D Motor Driver IC
Figure 3.5 Dc motor
Figure 3.6 Simulation
Figure 4.1 System Implementation
Fig 4.2 Tracking
Fig4.3 Turning Left
Fig4.4 Turning Right
Fig4.5 Stopping
Table of Abbreviations
Alternating current
Analog to Digital converter
Direct current
Digital Motion Processor
Giga Hertz
Global System of Mobile
Inter Integrated Circuit
Light Emitting Diode
Milli Ampere
User Datagram Protocol
Universal Serial Bus
personal area networks
Personal Computer
Programmable Input/output
Pulse Width Modulation
Radio Frequency
Register select
Rossum's Universal Robots
serial clock
synchronize all data
Subscriber Identity Module
Mega Hertz
Static Random Access Memory
Serial Port Protocol
Using Short Wavelength
United States of America
Universal Serial Bus
Chapter one
Chapter one
1.1 Background
Robot is the engineering science and technology of robots, and their design
manufacture, application, and structural s disposition. Robotics is related to
electronics, mechanism and software .This makes a robotics a typical Mechatronics
design. A robot is “a machine that looks like a human being and performance
various complex acts (as walking or talking) of a human being "The first black
where the robot was introduce was in the play sum universal robot (RUR) in 1921
by the Czech writer, Karle Capek. The word robot comes from the Czech word
“robot” which mean forced (compulsory) labor.
1.2Problem Statement
In the industry carriers are required to carry products from one maniac Turing plant
to another which are usually in different buildings or separate blocks.
Conventionally, carts or trucks were used with human drivers. Unreliability and
inefficiency in this part of the assembly line formed the weakest link. The project
is to automate this sector, using carts to follow a line instead of laying railway
tracks which are both costly and an inconvenience.
1.3 Objectives
 The designed robot must be capable of tracking line.
 it should be capable of taking various degrees.
 The robot must also be capable of follower line even if it has breaker.
 The robot must be insensitive to environmental.
 The robot must be reliable.
 Used transmission two infrared sensor (IR LED) and receiver two (photo
1.4 Methodology
The goal of our project was to create line follower robot in black line. This project
if can be classified into hardware and software .in hardware include design two
sensors transmission (IR LED) and in hardware link between microcontroller
circuit and circuit L293D.
This project consist of five chapters, chapter one gives an introduction to the work.
Chapter two presents theoretical and background. Chapter Three presents system
hardware and software. Chapter Four presents system implementation and testing.
Finally chapter Five gives a conclusion and recommendation .
Chapter Two
Chapter Two
2.1 Introduction
A robot is an automatically guided machine, able to do tasks on its own. Another
common characteristic is that by its appearance or movements, a robot often
conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. The word robot can refer to
both physical robots and virtual .Software agents, but the latter are usually referred
to as bots .There is no consensus on which machines qualify as robots , but there is
general agreement among experts and the public that robots tend to do some or all
of the following move around , operate a mechanical Limb, sense and manipulate
their environment and , and exhibit intelligent behavior, specially behavior which
mimics human or other animals . there conflict about weather the term can be
applied to remotely operate device, as the most common usage implies, or solely to
device which are controlled by their software without human intervention. In
South Africa, robot is an informal and commonly used term for a set of traffic
lights. Stories of artificial helps and companions and attempts to create them have
a long history but fully autonomous machines only appeared in the 20th century.
The first digitally operated and programmable robot, the Unmated. With installed
in 1961 to lift hot pieces of metal from a die casting machine and stack them.
Today , commercial and industrial robots are in widespread use performing jobs
more cheaply or with greater accuracy and reliability than human. There are also
employed for jobs which are too dirty , dangerous or dull to be suitable for humans
. robots are widely used in manufacturing assembly and packing transport earth
and space exploration, surgery , weaponry , laboratory research , and mass
production of consumer .And industrial goods .it is faculty to compare numbers of
robots in different countries since there are different definition of what a " robot
".The international organization for standardization gives a definition of robot in
ISO 8373 " an automatically controlled , reprogrammable, multipurpose ,
manipulator programmable three or more axes, which may be either fixed in place
or mobile for use in industrial automation application." This definition is used by
the international federation of robotics , the European robotics research network
(EURON),and many national standards committees The robotics institute of
America (RIA) uses a boarder definition :a robot is a "re-programmable multi –
functional manipulator designed to move materials, parts , tools, or specialized
devices through variable programmed motions for the performance of a variety of
tasks .The RIA subdivides robots into for classes 'devices that manipulate objects
with manual controller. Automated devices that manipulate objects with
predetermined cycles , programmable servo-controlled robots with continuous
point –to -point trajectories , and robotics this last type which also acquire
information from the environment and move intelligently in response. There is no
one definition of robot which satisfies every one and many people have their own
.for example, Joseph Eagleburger, a pioneer in industrial robotics ,ones remarked "
I can not define a robot , but I know one when I see one .According to
Encyclopedia Britannica, a robot is "any automatically operated machine that
replaces human effort, thought it may not resemble human beings in appearance or
perform functions in a humanlike manner ". Merriam-Webster describes a robot as
a " machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (as
walking or talking) of a human being ". or a " device that automatically performs
complicated often
repetitive tasks ". or a " mechanism guided by automatic
controls ".Modern robots are usually used in tightly controlled environments such
as on assembly lines because they have difficulty responding to unexpected
interference . Because of this, most humans rarely encounter robots. however ,
domestic robots of cleaning and maintenance are increasingly common in and
around homes in developed countries , particularly in Japan. Robots can also be
found in the military .
2.2 Types of Robots
From the robot maid , Rosie , in the jettisons , to the famous droids of star wars ,
R2-RD2 and C-3PO, to a mold Schwarzenegger in the role of a cyborg in the
terminator, to Robocop, to I, Robot, to the matrix, to the movie named robots,
human beings have long been fascinated with the idea of robots, a term that can
broadly be defined as an artificial human being . while in the past human only
fantasized about them , today , many types of robots are a reality. For example
There are industrial robots ,toy robots that entertain us. Robots that help in space
exploration , robots used in the medical field .robots used in agriculture , to
increasingly humanoid robots begin created for the service sector ,whether helping
with the chores in the home or as caregivers of the elderly and the handicapped.
Give below or some of the types of robots that have been conceived. Many of
which are already in active use
2.2 History of Robots
Robot name
1 St
Descriptions of over a
Ctesibius , Philo ,
Century AD
hundred machines and
heron, and others
automata, including afire engine
,wind organ ,coin-operated
machine ,and steam powered
aeliopile ,in pneumatic and
automata by heron
Designs for a humanoid robot
Leonard da vinci
Mechanical duck that was able
Digesting duck
to eat ,flap its wigs, and excrete
First installed industrial robot
George Devol
Fist palletizing robot
Fuji Yusoki
First robot with six
electromechanically driven exes
Programmable universal
manipulation product
KUKA robot
Victor scheinman
2.3.1 Industrial Robots
Robots today are begin utilized in a wide variety of industrial applications Any job
that involves repetitiveness , accuracy , endurance, speed and reliability can be
done much better by robots, which is why many industrial jobs that used to be
done by humans are increasingly being done by robots . For example ,for the past
30 years or thereabouts robots have progressively taken over the fully automated
production lines of the automobile industry, wherein a chassis of a vehicle is
transported along a conveyor belt and is welded ,affixed , painted , and assembled
by a succession of robot stations .some of other industrial jobs robots are
performing are palletizing and packaging goods, dispensing jobs , laboratory
applications, and robots that pick miniscule electronic components from trays or
strips and accurately place them on printed circuit boards in the electronics
2.3.2 Mobile Robots
Also known as
automated Guided vehicles , or AGVs , these are used for
transporting material over large sized places like hospitals container ports, and
warehouses, using wires
or markers placed in the floor ,or lasers ,or vision , to
sense the environment they operate in.an a advanced from of the AGV is the SGV,
or the self-Guided Vehicle like patrol Bot
Gofer, tug, and space-Minder, which can be taught to autonomously navigate
within a space, or do it by being given a map of the area .these robots have the
ability of performing Tasks that are non-sequential and non-repetitive in
environments that are complex, hence are defined as intelligent robots.
2.3.3 Telerobots
These robots are used in places that are hazardous to humans .or are inaccessible or
far away, a human operator located at a distance from a telerobot controls its
action, which was accomplished with the arm of the space shuttle, some other
examples of telerobots are laparoscopic surgery being done with the help of a
telerobot, or doctors using remotely located robots to communicate with their
patients, which enables them to treat patients anywhere in the world. Without
adequate medical facilities, being able to consult doctors across the world, or even
in the next town, and the doctors in turn having the ability to monitor them
.telerobots are also useful in nuclear power plants where they, instead of humans ,
can handle hazardous material or undertake operations potentially harmful for
2.4 Components of Robots
There are many components in robot which works together
to make it move.
2.4.1 Structure
The structure of a robots is usually mostly mechanical and can be called a
kinematic chain (its functionality begin similar to the skeleton of the human body).
The chain is formed of links (its bones). Actuators (its muscles), and joints which
can allow one or more degrees of freedom. Most contemporary robots use open
serial chains in which each link connects the one before to the one after it. These
robots are called serial robots and often resemble the human arm. Some robots
such as the Stewart platform, use a closed parallel kinematical chain other
structures, such as those that mimic the mechanical structure of humans, various
animals, and insect, are comparatively.
2.4.2 Power source
at present; mostly (lead-acid0 batteries are used , but potential
power sources could be :
 pneumatic (compressed gases )
 hydraulics (compressed liquids)
 flywheel energy storage
 organic garbage (through anaerobic digestion)
 faces (human, animal); may be interesting in a military context as faces of
small combat groups may be reused for the emerge requirements the robot
assistant 9see DEKA's project slingshot sterling engine on how the system
would operate)
 still untested energy (e.g. Joe cell,...)
 radioactive source (such as with the proposed ford car of the 50) ,to those
proposed in movies such as Red planet
2.4.3 Control
the mechanical structure of a robot must be controlled to performtasks. the control
of a robot involves three distinct phases –perceptionprocessing and action (robotic
paradigms). sensors give information about the environment or the robot itself(e.g.
the positionof its joints or its end effecter) this information is then processed to
calculate the appropriate signals to the actuators(motors) which move the
mechanical the processing phase can range in complexity. at a reactive level , it
may translate raw sensor information directly into actuator commands . sensor
fusion may first be used to estimate parameters of interest (e.g. the position of the
robot's gripper) from noisy sensor data . an immediate task (such as moving r=the
gaper in a certain direction) is inferred from these estimates. techniques from
control theory convert the task into commands that drive the actuators . at loner
time scales or with more sophisticated tasks,throbot may need to build and reason
whit a " cognitive" model .cognitive models try to represent the robot , the world
,and how they interact. Pattern recognition and computer vision can be used to
track objects. mapping technique can be used to build maps of the world . finally,
motion planning and other artificial intelligence techniques may be used to figure
out how to act . for example , a planner may figure out how to achieve a task
without hitting obstacles . falling over , etc.
2.5 Autonomy levels
Control systems may also have varying levels of autonomy.
1. Direct interaction is used for haptic or title-operated devices, and the human has
nearly complete control over the robot's motion.
2. Operator-assist modes have the operator commanding medium- to-high-level
tasks, with the robot automatically figuring out how to achieve them.
3. AN autonomous robot may go for extended periods of time without human
interaction. Higher levels of autonomy do not necessarily require more complex
cognitive capabilities. For example ,robots in assembly plants are completely
autonomous, but operate in a fixes pattern.
Another classification takes in account the interaction between human control and
machine motions.
1. Teleportation .A human controls each movement , each machine actor change is
specified by the operator.
2.Supervisoory . A human specifies general moves or position change and the
machine decides specific movements of its actuators
3. Task-level autonomy . the operator specifies only the task and the robot manages
itself to complete it
4. fully autonomy . the machine will create and complete all its tasks without
human interaction.
2.6 Robot Research
much of the research in robotics focuses not on specific industrial tasks , but
investigations into new types of robots, alternative ways to think about or design
robots, and new ways to manufacture them but other investigations, such as MIT's
cyber flora project , are almost wholly academic. A first particular new innovation
in robot design is the open sourcing of robot-project. To describe the level of
advancement of a robot, the term "Generation robots" can be used .this term is
confined by professor Hans Morava, principal Research scientist at the Carnegie
Mellon University Robotics Instate in describing the near future evolution of robot
technology .First generation robots ,Morava predicted in 1997 ,should have an
intellectual capacity comparable to perhaps a lizard and should become available
by 2010 .because the first generation robot would be incapable of learning ,
however, miracle predicts that the second generation robot would be an
improvement over the first and become available by 2020 ,with an intelligence
maybe comparable to that of a mouse . the third generation robot should have an
intelligence comparable to that of a monkey .Though fourth generation robot ,
robot whit human intelligence , professor Morava predicts, would become possible
, he does not predict this happening before around 2040 or 2050. The second is
evolutionary robots . This is a methodology that used evolutionary computation on
help design robots, especially the body from , or motion and behavior controller's .
in a similar way to natural evolution , a large population of robots is allowed to
compete in some way, or their ability to perform a task is measured using a fitness
function . Those that perform worst are removed from the population, and replaced
by a new set , which have new behaviors based on those of the winners. over time
the population improves and eventually a satisfactory robot may appear . this
happens without any direct programming of the robots by the researchers.
Researchers use this method booth to create better robots, and to explore the nature
of evolution. Because the process often requires many generations of robots to be
simulated , this technique may be run entirely or mostly in simulation , then tested
on real robot once the evolved algorithms are good enough . Currently there are
about 1 million industrial robots toiling around the world , and Japan is the top
country having high density of utilizing robot in its manufacturing industry
2.7 Education and training
Robotics is a common undergraduate area of study. Some universities offer
degrees in robotics. Robots recently became a popular tool in raising interests in
computing for middle and high school students. first year computer science courses
at several universities were developed which involves the programming of a robot
instead of the traditional software engineering based coursework .some Master
courses in the field of Robotics are also offered .
2.8 Employment in Robotics
As the number of robots increases, robotics-related jobs grow. Some jobs require
exiting job skills, such as building cables assembling parts, and testing. Script pro
manufactures a robot designed to help pharmacies fill prescriptions that Consist of
oral solids or medications in pill form. The pharmacist or pharmacy technician
enters the prescription information into its information system .the system, upon
determined whether or not the drug is in the robot, will send the information to the
robot for filling .the robot technician, user, or pharmacist Determines the needed
size of the vial based on the tablet when the robot is stocked. Once The vial is
filled it is brought up to a conveyor belt that delivers it to holder that
spins the
vial and attaches the patient label. Afterwards it is set on another conveyor that
delivers the patients' medication
vial to a slot labeled with the patient's name on a
led read out The pharmacist or technician then checks the contents of the vial to
ensure it's the correct drug for the correct patient and then seals the vials and sends
it out front to be picked up. The robot is a very time efficient device that the
pharmacy depends on to fill prescriptions. McKesson's robot
healthcare robotics product that helps pharmacies dispense thousands of mediation
daily with little or no errors. The robot can be ten feet wide and thirty feet long and
can hold hundreds of different kinds of medications and thousands of doses. The
pharmacy saves many resources like staff members that are otherwise unavailable
in A resource scarce industry .
Chapter Three
System Hardware and
Software Consideration
Chapter Three
System Hardware and Software Consideration
3.1System Description
Working of line follower is very interesting. Line follower robot senses black line
by using sensor and then sends the signal to arduino. Then arduino drives the
motor according to sensors' output. Here in this project we are using two IR sensor
modules namely left sensor and right sensor. When both left and right sensor
senses white then robot move forward.If left sensor comes on black line then robot
turn left side. If right sensor sense black line then robot turn right side until both
sensor comes at white surface. When white surface comes robot starts moving on
forward again .If both sensors comes on black line, robot stops.as shown in Figure
Figure 3.1 System Block Diagram
3.2System Hardware
System hardware contains of a lot of components.
3.2.1 IR Sensors
IR Sensors work by using a specific light sensor to detect a select light wavelength
in the Infra-Red (IR) spectrum. By using an LED which produces light at the same
wavelength as what the sensor is looking for, you can look at the intensity of the
received light. When an object is close to the sensor, the light from the LED
bounces off the object and into the light sensor. This results in a large jump in the
intensity, which we already know can be detected using a threshold.as shown in
Figure 3.2
Figure 3.2 IR Sensor
3.2.2 Arduino
Board based on the at mega 32 (datasheet) .it has 14 digital input output pins (of
which 6 can be used as PWM outputs) 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic
resonator a USB connection a power jack an ICSP header and a reset button it
contains everything needed to support the microcontroller simply connect it to a
computer with a USB cable or it with a ac to dc adapter or battery to get started.as
shown in figure 3.3
Figure 3.3 Arduino Uno
3.2.3 L293D Motor Driver IC
L293D IC generally comes as a standard 16-pin DIP (dual-in line package). This
motor driver IC can simultaneously control two small motors in either direction;
forward and reverse with just 4 microcontroller pins (if you do not use enable
pins). Some of the features (and drawbacks) of this IC are: Output current
capability is limited to 600mA per channel with peak output current limited to
1.2A (non -repetitive). This means you cannot drive bigger motors with this IC.
However, most small motors used in hobby robotics should work. If you are unsure
whether the IC can handle a particular motor, connect the IC to its circuit and run
the motor with your finger on the IC. If it gets really hot, then beware... Also note
the words "non-repetitive"; if the current output repeatedly reaches 1.2A, it might
destroy the drive transistors.Supply voltage can be as large as 36 Volts. This means
you do not have to worry much about voltage regulation .L293D has an enable
facility which helps you enable the IC output pins. If an enable pin is set to logic
high, then state of the inputs match the state of the outputs. If you pull this low,
then the outputs will be turned off regardless of the input states The datasheet also
mentions an "over temperature protection" built into the IC. This means an internal
sensor senses its internal temperature and stops driving the motors if the
temperature crosses a set point Another major feature of L293D is its internal
clamp diodes. This fly back diode helps protect the driver IC from voltage spikes
that occur when the motor coil is turned on and off mostly when turned off)The
logical low in the IC is set to 1.5V. This means the pin is set high only if the
voltage across the pin crosses 1.5V which makes it suitable for use in high
frequency applications like switching applications )up to 5KH)Lastly, this
integrated circuit not only drives DC motors, but can also be used to drive relay
solenoids, stepper motors etc.L293D IC Figure 3.4
Figure 3.4 L293D Motor Driver IC
3.2.4 Dc Motor
A dc motor is any of a class of electrical machines the converts direct current
electrical power into mechanical power the most common types on the forces
production by magnetic field nearly all types of dc motors have some internal
machine either electromechanical or electronic to periodically change the direction
of current flow in part of the motor most types production rotary motion a linear
motor directly produces force and motion in a straight line. Dc motor were the
first type widely used since they could be powered from existing direct current
lighting power distribution power system a dc motors speed can be controlled over
a wide range using either a variable supply voltage on by changing the strength of
current in its field windings small dc motor are used in tools toys and application
the universal motor can operate on direct current but is a lightweight motor used
for portable power tools and application large dc motor are used in propulsion of
electric vehicles elevator and hoists or in drives for steel rolling mills the advent of
power electronics has made replacement of dc motor with ac motor possible in
many application .as shown in Figure 3.5
Figure 3.5 Dc motor
3.3 System Software
Figure 3.6 Simulation
3.3.1 Flow chart
Chapter Four
System Implementation and Testing
Chapter Four
System Implementation and Testing
4.1 Introduction
This chapter should discusses the results obtained . The robot should tracks a black
line and return when lose it.in this chapter ensures that every elements of the
components that has been used in circuit lead to what we are exactly need it to do.
for example we have to make sure that the track is suitable for the car, and the two
IR sensors never being on the black line together. We a collection of photos are
going to be reviewed for the final results of the project.
4.2 System Implementation
This system is designed by using Proteus 8 professional . The arduino is the core of
the system. Signals pins of IR sensor have been connected to pin 12 and 8 on the
arduino. Motors are connected to the output pins of the driver (3, 6, 11, and
14).Driver enables have been connected in a short circuit (pin 1 and 9) with Vss
and applied a 5V . Motors voltage is fed into pin 8 of the driver. Driver input pins
(7, 2) were connected with arduino pins (9,6). Finally driver pins (9, 15) were
connected with pins (5, 3) in arduino. This are show in Figure 4.1
Figure 4.1 System Implementation
4.3 System testing
There are four cases for the project forward, left, right and stop.
4.3.1 Case 1
When both left and right sensor senses white then robot moves forward as shown
in the Figure 4.2.
Fig 4.2 Tracking
4.3.2 Case 2
If left sensor comes on black line then robot turn left side as shown in figure 4.3
Fig4.3 Turning Left
4.3.3 Case 3
If right sensor sense black line then robot turn right side until both sensor comes
at white surface. When white surface comes robot starts moving on forward as
shown in Fig. 4.4.
Fig4.4 Turning Right
4.3.4 Case 4
If both sensors come on black line, robot stops as shown in fig4.5.
Fig4.5 Stopping
Chapter Five
Conclusion and Recommendation
Chapter Five
Conclusion and Recommendation
5.1 Conclusion
Line follower robot has been designed. This robot does not need any remote
controller or any controller like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, GSM, driver etc., it will run
automatically tracking a line. This robot is very low cost but very effective for
various purposes. Our project can be used in various sectors like in medicine
delivering in hospitals, delivering products in any places, spying, and surveillance
and so on. In future we can add several sensors, cameras etc. to get more features.
5.2 Recommendations
The line follower robot made with IR sensors, L293d driver and arduino the
motors are directly on or off using the signal of the IR sensors. The following
points could be taking as suggested future works:
 Use another microcontroller like Raspberri pi.
 Use color sensor.
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