ASSIGNMENT 5 Q) To draw the structural view diagram for the system: Class Diagram. CLASS DIAGRAM A class diagram is a static view of a system. It is a diagram which aims towards constructing a code. It tells us about class name,class attributes and functions. Symbols of class diagram: Class name Class attributes Class functions Attributes: It is of three types: o o o Class Diagram of my project : E Learning System Coursera ADMIN STUDENT -- -Sid:int -name: st1ing -age: int -course : slling +enroll() +currentcourse() +addarticle() ) -adid int -name: string +addcourse() +addarticles() +verifypay() I I V LOGIN -id: int -email :string -pass :string +login() +logout() +forgotpass() ( l L ,_ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -f '. COURSE l ENROLLMENT r ARTICLE PAYMENT FEEDBACK -Cid: int -cname:string -cdur inl -cremark :st1ing +emoll() +addcourse() +coursestatus() -eid: int -etime: int +emollcourse() -ano: int -atype : string +addarticle() +removearticle() -pid: int -ptype: string -plime: int -payfo1course +cancelcomse(J -fno int -ft)'pe: st1ing +bad() +ok() +good() I I I \ii ---------------------------- ' A '