5 Element Personality Quiz: Discover Your Type

Decode Your
5 Element Type
Understand Why You Are The
Way You Are
with the 5 Elements
Take The 5 Element Quiz to Reveal Your 5 Element Type
1. What colour are you most drawn to?
a) Dark Blue
b) Green
c) Red
d) Earth Tones (browns & golds)
e) White
6. What does your voice sound like?
a) Quiet or moaning
b) Shouting
c) Fast Chatter
d) Singing and melodic
e) Clear with a slight tremble
2. What’s your favourite season?
a) Winter
b) Spring
c) Summer
d) Late Summer or Harvest Season
e) Autumn
7. What inspires you?
a) Philosophical discussion
b) Making Things Happen
c) Creating Community and Intimacy
d) Creating Harmony in Everything
e) Art and Creativity
3. What time of day are you at your best?
a) Afternoon
b) Late Night
c) Midday and Dusk
d) Morning
e) Sunrise
8. How do you relax?
a) Reading
b) Netflix
c) Dancing
d) With Friends
e) Projects (Arts & Crafts etc)
4. What are your innate gifts?
a) Wisdom and insight
b) Confidence & Assertiveness
c) Communication
d) Nurture & Support
e) Organization
9. What’s your strongest mental ability?
a) Big Picture and Risk Assessment
b) Vision and Drive
c) Openness
d) Being Present
e) Being Disciplined
5. What reaction are you prone to during
troubling times?
a) Suspicion
b) Depression
c) Restless Sleep or Hypersensitivity
d) Anxiety or Worry
e) Rigidity or Inflexibility
10. To which physical weakness are you
a) Spine, Urination, Sexual
b) Headaches, Blood Pressure
c) Heart Palpitations, Insomnia
d) Weight Gain, Sluggishness
e) Breathing, Skin problems
© Ashley Abbs International Inc. 2021
11. What is your emotional tendency when
feeling overwhelmed?
a) Isolation
b) Rage
c) Becoming Excitable, Forgetful
d) Seeking Comfort
e) Being hypercritical, Sad
12. Do you like new things, change?
a) Sure
b) Of Course
c) Always
d) Not Really
e) No
13. Do you like to socialize?
a) Rarely
b) Oh yeah!
c) Always
d) With a few friends
e) Selectively
14.How do you express yourself when
interacting with others?
a) Honest
b) Intense
c) Open
d) Sympathetic
e) Direct; To the point
15. People that know you would describe
you as?
a) Unusual and A Dreamer
b) Ambitious and Competitive
c) Attractive and Magnetic
d) Loyal and Accessible
e) Classy and Discriminating
© Ashley Abbs International Inc. 2021
16. What are your preferences for group
work and projects?
a) To Work Alone
b) To Be the Lead
c) To Collaborate
d) To Create Harmony within the
e) To Ensure Everyone Understands
Their Objective
17. Your ideal way to move your body?
a) Yoga
b) Something That Pushes Me To My
c) Dancing
d) Anything with Friends
e) Running by Yourself
18. Your ideal vacation would be?
a) Retreat for Self Work
b) Something Adventurous
c) The Beach - Sand and Sun
d) Family Trip
e) Museums & Architecture
19. What feeling is most dominant in you?
a) Fear
b) Frustration
c) Elation
d) Worry
e) Sadness
20. What quality do you value most in
a) Insight
b) Power
c) Compassion
d) Nurturing
e) Meticulous
21. Which quality do you value most in
a) Depth
b) Confidence
c) Vulnerability
d) Honour
e) Self-Control
23. With which quality of yours do your
friends and family have difficulty?
a) Elusiveness
b) Bossiness
c) Being Clingy or Over-Emotional
d) Being Wishy-Washy
e) Rigidity
22. What gives you the most difficulty?
a) Authority
b) Indecision
c) Boundaries
d) Saying No
e) Spontaneity
24. What qualities help you in your
a) Independent
b) Leader
c) Star Power
d) Dependability
e) Discipline
25. What are your dominant qualities?
a) Intelligent - Insightful
b) Powerful - Born Leader
c) Talkative - Joyful
d) Empathetic - Stable
3) Fastidious - Organized
Add up the number of a, b, c, d, and e’s that you answered with each question, the
answers that have the highest score are your Dominant Element(s),
a’s ______ /25 = Water
b’s ______ /25 = Wood
c’s ______ /25 = Fire
d’s ______ /25 = Earth
e’s ______ /25 = Metal
You can find a summary of each Element Type in the next pages.
© Ashley Abbs International Inc. 2021
Earth Type individuals are centred, stable and naturally nurturing of others.
You’re the care-giver and shoulder we all go to cry on. You’re warm and love
to give affection. Sensitive to the energies and Feng Shui of physical space
you value and tend to your environment both at home and places of work,
inviting friends and family into your space with the intention of creating joy and
harmony. You’re fiercely loyal and willing to bend over backwards to help
those that you love.
When these energies are unsupported, an Earth Type can become overly sluggish and
stubborn. You also can get caught in constant rumination making it difficult for you to make
decisions that take you out of your comfort zone. Because you’re a natural caretaker, you
often lose your own boundaries and can have difficulty with self-care as your self-worth is
often intertwined in the happiness and outcomes of another’s well-being. You naturally
worry about those you love and like as well as those who aren’t close to you.
The Core Requirements of an Earth type that need to be met within your personal life, work
and relationships are: Feeling Supported, Getting Nourished, Being Grounded, Having
Mental Clarity, and Being Understood
Supportive Mantra for an Earth Type: I AM ENOUGH.
Metal Types values appearance and order. These detail-orientated
individuals are disciplined, self-controlled, organized, meticulous, and
discriminating. As an embodied artist, you value beauty and art and tend to
be fastidious in your appearance as well as the aesthetics of your
surroundings. You’re a natural analyst and may have a tendency to see
yourself as righteous, enjoying sanctified rituals. Often quiet, introverted and
reserved at first meeting Metal types are considered a bit difficult to get to
know in comparison to the other Element Types. However, when invited into
their close circle they will relax and even melt into situations where they feel
safe to be themselves and share their gifts and ideas.
Those with imbalanced metal tendencies have difficulty with disorder and spontaneity. You
may become critical of others and have difficulty living with chaos and expressing your
emotions. You may have difficulty loosening up because you’re not naturally impulsive.
The Core Requirements that need to be met for a Metal Type within their personal life, work
and relationships are: Receiving Recognition, Experiencing Completion, Feeling Adequate,
and Having Purpose
Supportive Mantra for a Metal Type: I AM WORTHY
© Ashley Abbs International Inc. 2021
Water Types are the philosophers, drawn toward the depths. You value
intelligence, wisdom, and insight. You tend to be quiet, possibly aloof and
incredibly insightful. You enjoy philosophical discussions and reading and are
perceptive and ingenious. You value the being and knowing more than the
doing of most things. Water people are honest but aren’t as comfortable as
others in social settings. Sometimes it seems as if you view life from the
outskirts, evaluating the safety and purity of a situation. You are independent,
preferring to go with the flow, and may appear a bit guarded. You aren’t prone
to give affection easily, and yet can be pierced to your core. You value depth
in others with no time for the superficial.
Imbalanced energies can lead you to become fearful, withdrawing from others and
becoming isolated and protected. To establish some balance it’s important for Water types
to seek time and space where they can be on their own to think, meditate and recharge.
The Core Requirements that need to be met for Water Types within their personal life, work
and relationships are: Being Safe, Having Security, Mediating Risks, Being Authentic, and
Feeling Free.
Supportive Mantra for Water Types: I AM SAFE
Wood Type individuals usually have strong, confident, sometimes forceful
personalities. You know what you want and how you can get it. As a Wood
element type, you can easily express your confidence and assertiveness, you
enjoy making things happen and can easily bring your imaginative dreams to
reality. You aren’t easily hindered by boundaries but are a mover and shaker
that takes charge enabling you to become a powerful leader. Your ability to
initiate action and run your plans decisively allows you to get things done.
When imbalanced your intensity makes you prone to frustration when the world doesn’t
participate in your plans or others have alternative perspectives from your own. It’s
important for Wood types to remember that the strongest trees are the ones that remain
flexible and bend in the wind or risk being snapped. Your go-go energy can make it difficult
to relax so you tend to collapse rather than ease into rest. It is wise to schedule down time
in your schedule on a regular basis to ensure you have the endurance to bring your projects
and visions to life.
The Core Requirements that need to be met for a Wood type within their personal life, work
and relationships are: Being Empowered, Having Boundaries, Following Their Truth,
Prioritizing Growth & Development, and Having Vision.
Supportive Mantra for Wood Types: I AM POWERFUL
© Ashley Abbs International Inc. 2021
The Fire Type is joyful, lively, and communicative. You embody the fiery red
tendencies that ignite excitement around you. Always open to the next
opportunity, you bring with you passion and delight. You might be a bit
talkative, having some difficulty finding clarity with words. Your thought
pattern and ways of seeing the world aren’t as linear as other types but it’s
okay because you know where it’s leading you. You’re the natural life of any
party, and you long to unite with others and receive admiration.
Fire individuals are charismatic communicators and can make friends with anyone they
meet. You’re a natural lover that tends to be expressive and affectionate, but when
imbalanced you might be a bit clingy, not recognizing where you end and another begins.
Your strengths are not in deep contemplation and preparing for the future, as you tend to
live in and embrace the moment. You have the tendency to run a little hot & cold,
completely enthralled with something one minute and then drop it the next with no care to
return to it again.
The Core Requirements that need to be met within your personal life, work and relationships
are: Giving and Receiving Love & Affection, Having Emotional Stability, Experiencing
Happiness, Closeness, and Commitment.
Supportive Mantra for a Fire Type: I AM LOVED
Wanting the Next Steady Step?
If you’re fired up and want to dive in and work with the 5 Elements more deeply.
Check out my book 5 Element Alchemy: Use Your 5 Element Type to Embrace Your Gifts &
Create a Life You Love. Available for order at all retailers in both E-Book and paperback.
In 5 Element Alchemy we will explore the greater nuances of each Element Type, and how
to use what you’ve learned about yourself to cultivate greater wholeness and presence in
your life.
Click Here To Order Your Copy!
Want to work with me more intimately, head over to www.ashleyabbs.com to learn about
my latest programs and offerings.
© Ashley Abbs International Inc. 2021
A Little About Me
I’m a Doctor of Acupuncture, Embodiment Mentor and Author of the book 5 Element
Alchemy. I’m also an Earth Element with a strong Water secondary and a little spark of Fire.
I live in Calgary Alberta, Canada with my Husband, Son and our sweet puggle Lady Lily.
Over the last 15 + years I’ve worked in my Acupuncture clinic TerraSana Health where I’ve
helped hundreds of patients engage their own body’s healing ability and intuition to create
the life of their desires.
I’ve experienced first hand how revealing your 5 Element Alchemy and embodying the 5
Elements can heal and consolidate the parts of you that feel fragmented and restore
wholeness to manifest your dreams into reality.
Fostering my Elemental Alchemies virtues and gifts have allowed me to create a practice
that supports my inner alignment, form right relationship between my roles as a mother,
wife, & entrepreneur, all while making space to guide others to create change and
transformation in their relationships, work, practices and self.
Everything has opened up for me and I want that for you too.
Let’s Connect!
I love nothing more than connecting with like-minded individuals. You can do so by
replying to my newsletters or on Instagram as it’s my favourite social platform. You can
share your 5 Element Alchemy with the world by tagging me with #5elementalchemy on
Social Media.
I look forward to our connection.
© Ashley Abbs International Inc. 2021