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Financial Planning Essay: Stocks, Bonds, Education Funding

7-2 Final Project Submission, Part Three
Beatrice Koech
7-2 Final Project Submission, Part Three
School vs Work:
Finance Your Education
Frankly, although I would finish at $812,500, I wouldn't sell the inventories/bonds. It not
only helps me to pay for my education but also gives me $712,500 more. However, I would
have 1,625,000 if I allowed it to mature for 10 years. In the meantime, I might find student
loans and grants to assist me with the school while awaiting the maturity of stocks. I will
build a payment plan, and then I can pay anything that remains due when I sell the stocks after
the 10-year mark and still have cash for everyday life.
Advantages and Disadvantages
Stocks and bonds have different risk rates and respond to changes in the financial markets
differently. Investing money can help you and it can also help you no more. The benefits of
stocks are higher returns than other forms of long-term investment. Many shares pay for
dividends that cushion you when the share price drops. This could be used as more income or
for the acquisition of more stock shares. The disadvantage of inventories is that the share
price can fall and rise very fast. You're not sure what the stock market will offer for that day.
There's no guarantee that you are going to make a profit out of your stocks. The stock market
might collapse and you will lose all of your money if you don't react properly. As shares
usually do, bonds have no sudden rises and drops. Those bonds can provide people with a
good income. America. The United States. Treasury liquidity and stability securities can
provide. The disadvantages of bonds are lower returns over the long run. As interest rates rise,
bond prices usually decrease. As interest rates rise and drop, they suffer from price
fluctuations. You can see that stocks and bonds have their own risk and payment scheme.
Choose to Sell
This calculation demonstrates my intention of selling all of 500 stock shares 1000* 3.25%*
5=1625 * 500=812,500. The estimate indicates that each stock has a facial price of 1000
dollars, with a rate of 3.25 per cent. The price per bond is $1,625. Currently, I am getting
$812,500 if I add $1,625 for every 500 shares. I would be 1000* 3.25 million* 10=3,250*
500= 1, 625,000 if I decided to wait and go for the entire decade. Although the sum is
significantly higher, I now need the money to pay for my schooling. Therefore, I would sell
my stocks directly to pay for my education. Not only could I use the money to keep me on my
feet, but I could also reinvest again in Hershey shares. This will help me in my schooling, as I
said, and help me to stay stable until I can get a better job.
Accept the Job
I think the best way to hold on to the stocks. I chose it because inventories are steadily
increasing. If interest rates increase, stocks would allow me to earn a steady income each
month, where one-time 5,000 is spent very quickly. If I chose to do the job, my stocks would
attain their maturity and give me around $67,708 of extra income. I would have very few
funds to cover any of my costs for college. I could make a lump sum of the extra revenue then
I would pay the rest. I will ultimately owe around $32,292, paying 100 at 322.92 which can
take me nearly eight years to pay. I can extend it and make the payments lower if necessary
for about 10 years.
Bonus vs. Stock:
The bonus is five thousand and the bonus on the stock is 100* 5 is 5,000. Both are the same
right now, as we can see mathematically. If I choose to buy, however, I might lose money, but
it might go in my favor on the other hand and I would makeover 5,000 profit. I feel that it
would be the best decision to take the option of stocks which in the long run, I hope it would
be beneficial for me. I can sell and get more cash than the original 5,000 when the price rises.
Advantages & Disadvantages
It would be instant gratification if I took the money. Although I would be aware that other
workers would have had more than myself if I did not take the bond Bonus instead. When I
picked up the stock, the money would be postponed, because we needed the inventory to grow
and go up. There is a chance, though, that the stock will collapse and potentially lose out of
that bonus if the Business doesn't do well, while I'd have the cash bonus and not lose
anything. The higher people may think I do not like the business if I take the cash bonus. I
almost seemed to have no confidence in the company so instead, I take the cash bonus to get
my bonus. All this is done in the end to how much a person likes to play with their money and
take risks. I'm not a big risk taker but I'd like to look great for the business at this stage and
don't want the company to underestimate them so I'd take the cash reward stock option.
I definitely would pick an option for stock. It would set me up in the long run if unexpected
things were to happen. I'd have earned more money than keeping the original five thousand.
Even though I have to wait until I earn this stock, the reward is so much higher than the 5,000
cash bonus.
What is the 1933 Securities Act? The 1933 securities Act was passed in the Congress in,
following the crash of the stock market in 1929 and the United States in the Great Depression.
This act requires that the Securities and Exchange Commission approve any sale or offer of
investment using interstate trade (Securities Act of 1933, 2019). If the Company doesn't file
with the Securities Act of 1933, instead, by using a tool of any prospectus or by sending mail
for the purpose of selling or distributing after the sale, it is illegal for anyone directly or
indirectly to use any transportation means of interstate trade or mails.
We make approximately $146,150 annually as financial managers. They educate on cost
savings and benefit maximization. We work in all kinds of companies so we have very
important duties for what we do, that we have to do correctly and promptly (Parker, 2019).
Financial managers must be aware of how financial reports are structured. They must be able
to make important business decisions by having strong analytical skills. In order to make
informed financial choices, a business manager must be able to interpret financial ratios and
quality indicators. It is the duty of financial managers to carry out their work with dignity.
Expenditure statements must be consistent with the mission of the company and investors
should not be deceived by fraudulent investments. You as a financial manager should be
discreet when reviewing all financial statements, discussing the documents and describing the
company's expense flow. Financial managers deal with clients to provide audit reports
(Duggan, 2019).
Pros and Cons of stocks and bonds. (2019, August 17). Retrieved from Capital Group American
Funds: https://americanfundsretirement.retire.americanfunds.com/planning/strategy/whatis-asset-allocation/stocks-and-bonds.html
Securities Act of 1933. (2019, August 18). Retrieved from LAWS
5 U.S. Code § 77fff. Securities not registered under Securities Act. (2019, August 18). Retrieved
from Cornell Law School: https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/77fff
Duggan, T. (2019, August 18). What Does a Competent Business Manager Need to Know about