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Stenography Key Combinations & Abbreviations Reference

Stenography Key Combinations
Initial L - HR
en-, in-, un- - TPH
Is, His - S
Initial B - PW
At, The, It - T
Initial D - TK
Take - TA
dr- - TKR
Saturday - SAT
-ted - TD
Street - ST
-nd - PBD
You - U
Initial F - TP
A, An - A
au, aw - AU
On, Over - O
Initial G - TKPW
Another - AO
-ing - Final G
Tuesday - TUS
ou,ow - OU
Are, Hour, Our - R
Initial M - PH
Railroad - RR
Final M - PL
Respect - RS
sm- - SP
Purchase - PUR
-rm - RPL
Part, Point - PT
-mt, -ment - PLT
President, Present, Public Relation - PR
Initial J - SKWR
Superintendent - SUPT
Final J - PLBG
Plaintiff - P
ch- - KH
Important, Importance - POR
-ch - FP
April - AP
Initial Q - KW
I - EU
-shion, -tion, -sion, -cean, -cian - GS
In, Not - TPH, PB
-thing - G
Initial V - SR
Tonight - TPHEUT
Final V - F
Number - TPHO
-vd - FD
Advertise - TEUS
-vs - FS
Opinion - PEUPB
-vg - FG
Principal, Principle - PREUPB
Initial Y - KWR
And - APB
Period Symbol - FPLT
Initial Z - Initial S
Comma Symbol - RBGS
Correction Key - *
Question Mark Symbol - STPH
Vowel I - EU
Initial N - TPH
Final N - PB
ses, sis, sus - SS, S S
Initial C - Initial S or Initial K
Final C - BG
con-,com- - Initial K
Another Paragraph - **
Another Dictation - ***
Cents (ȼ) - S
Sunday - SUPB
December - TKES
Recommend - REPL
He - E
Doctor - TKR
Interest - TPHT
Department - TKEPT
January - SKWRAPB
Necessary - TPHES
Where - WR
Can - K, BG
Nowhere - TPHO WR
Gentlemen - SKWRE
Could, Company - KO
Under - UPBD
Gentleman - SKWRA
Character - KARBG
Wednesday - WED
General - SKWREPB
Ask - SK
Order - OD
Subject - SPBLG
October - OBG
Correspond, Correspondence - KOR
Judge - SKWR, PBLG
Success - SUBG
Circumstance - SEURBG
Help - HE
Island - EUS
If, For, Of - TP, F
This - TH
Will, Well - HR, L
From, Form - TPR
They - THE
Lawyer - HRAUR
File - TPEU
That - THA
Literature - HREUT
After - Aft
There, Their - THR
Already - HRR
Inform, Information -TPHFR
Mr. - PHR
Always - ALS
Friday - TPREU
Mrs. - PHRS
Reply - PHREU
February - TPEB
Question - KWE
Particular - TEUBG
Go, Gone - TKPW, G
Enthusiastic, Enthusiasm - THU
Latin - HRAT
August - AUG
Think, Thing - THEU
Open - OP
Suggest, Suggestion - SUG
Difficult - TKEU
Accept - SEP
Finance - TPPB
Account - KT
Progress - PRG
Philippines - TPEULS
September - SEPT
Organize, Organization - ORG
Notary Public - TPHP
Satisfy, Satisfaction, Satisfactory - SAE
Regular - REG
Have, Very - F
Consider - KR
Must - PHS
November - TPHOF
Enclose - KHRO
Month - PHO
Avenue - AF
Today - TKA
Immediately - PLD
Govern - TKPWF
With - W
Am, Many - PL
Receive - SEF
Would - WO
Manufacture - PHFR
Convenient - SREPB
Did, Defendant - TK, D
Morning - PHPBG
Envelope - TPHF
Why - KWR
Year - KWRR
Takes - TAS
Is the - S T
Yesterday - KWRED
Streets - STS
Is a - S A
Invoice - SROEU
Yours - URS
At the - T T
Advantage - SRAPBG
Purchaser - PURR
Take the - TA T
Yours Truly - KWRT
Purchases - PURS
Are you - R U
Yours Sincerely - KWRS
Advertises - TIS S
You are - U R
Advertiser - TIS R
On the - O T
Places In The Philippines
Parts - PTS
On your - O UR
Aklan - ABG
Apart, Appoint - APT
I am - EU PL
Antique - APBT
Pointer - PTR
I will go - EULG
Capiz - KAP
Points - PTS
May be - PHAB
Catanduanes - KAT
Appoints - APTS
Some of - SOEF
Cebu - SE
Opinionnaire - PEU TPHAR
Too many- TUPL
Cotabato - KOT
Principally - PREUPB EU
Who are - HOR
Ilocos Sur - EUS
Accompany - AKO
If you will - TPUL
Ilocos Norte - EUPB
Considers - KRS
Iloilo - EUL
Considerate - KRAT
Isabela - SAB
Enclosure - KHROUR
Lanao - HRAPB
Encloses - KHROS
Sorsogon - SOR
Particularly - TEUBG HREU
Accountant - K TAPBT
Satisfactorily - SAE HREU
Necessarily - TPHES HREU
Opinions - PEUPBS
Acceptance - SEP APBS
Opens - OPS
Openly - OP HREU
Replies - PHREUS
Presently - PR HREU
Importantly - POR HREU
Partly - PT HREU