Word of the Day: March 22, 2023 obdurate adjective AHB-duh-rut What It Means Obdurate is a formal word that means “resistant to persuasion.” It is usually used to describe someone who is stubborn or not willing to change their opinion or the way they do something. // We all admire his obdurate refusal to give up on his goal despite the many challenges he faced. Word of the Day: March 27, 2023 tactile adjective TAK-tul What It Means Tactile describes something related to the sense of touch. It can also be used to describe something that is tangible, that is, perceptible by touch. // With the introduction of haptics to smartphones, receiving a call from a friend became a much more tactile experience. Word of the Day: March 28, 2023 heterodox adjective HET-uh-ruh-dahks What It Means A synonym of both unorthodox and unconventional, heterodox describes something, such an idea or belief, that is contrary to or different from an acknowledged standard, a traditional form, or an established religion. Heterodox can also describe a person or group that holds unorthodox opinions or doctrines. // The columnist’s heterodox opinions on everything from dietary trends to the tax code made her a frequent lightning rod for criticism by the newspaper’s more old -fashioned readership. Word of the Day: March 29, 2023 nadir noun NAY-deer What It Means Nadir refers to the lowest or worst point of something. When used in astronomy, nadir describes the point of the celestial sphere that is directly opposite the zenith and vertically downward from the observer. // Only once the novel's protagonist reaches her nadir does she arouse the reader's empathy, and we root for her to climb back to respectability. Word of the Day: March 30, 2023 gallivant verb GAL-uh-vant What It Means Gallivantmeans “to go or travel to many different places for pleasure.” // She spent her gap year gallivanting around Europe with her best friend. Word of the Day: March 31, 2023 apotheosis noun uh-pah-thee-OH-sis What It Means Apotheosis means "the perfect form or example of something" or "the highest or best part of something." It can also mean "elevation to divine status; deification." // Some consider (however ironically) french fries to be the apotheosis of U.S. cuisine. // Their music reached its creative apotheosis in the late aughts, which is also when they won two Grammys. Word of the Day: April 03, 2023 immaculate adjective ih-MAK-yuh-lut What It Means Immaculate means "spotlessly clean" or "without flaw or error." In botany and zoology, the word describes beings that have no colored spots or marks. // Despite the constant demands of school and fatherhood, Javier kept an immaculate home, tidying up whenever the opportunity arose. // Even a minor scandal has the power to tarnish an otherwise immaculate reputation. Word of the Day: April 04, 2023 recuse verb rih-KYOOZ What It Means Recuse means “to disqualify (oneself) as judge in a particular case.” More broadly, it can also mean “to remove (oneself) from participation to avoid a conflict of interest.” // The judge decided to recuse herself from the case due to the nature of her relationship with the plaintiff's family. Word of the Day: April 11, 2023 shenanigans plural noun shuh-NA-nih-guns What It Means Shenanigans is an informal word used to refer to mischievous or bold activity or behavior, or to dishonest or questionable practices or conduct. Its oldest meaning, and the one most likely to be encountered as the singular shenanigan, is “a devious trick used especially for an underhanded purpose.” // Reunited at their class reunion, the school’s most notorious pranksters were instantly back to their old shenanigans, cracking up their former classmates with hilarious toasts during dinner. // The CEO resigned amid accusations of financial shenanigans and dubious deals. Word of the Day: April 12, 2023 bildungsroman noun BIL-doonks-roh-mahn What It Means A bildungsroman s a novel about the moral and psychological growth of the main character. // She was thrilled to discover that the next book on the syllabus was a bildungsroman by her favorite author. Word of the Day: April 13, 2023 disparate adjective DISS-puh-rut What It Means Disparate things are noticeably distinct in quality or character. Disparate can also describe something that contains or is made up of fundamentally different and often incongruous elements. // The proposed law has the support of a disparate collection of interest groups. Word of the Day: April 14, 2023 cavalcade noun kav-ul-KAYD What It Means Cavalcade refers to a series or procession of usually related things. It can also be used specifically for a procession of riders or carriages, or vehicles or ships. // Since the high-powered console’s debut late last year, video game companies have steadily unveiled a cavalcade of new games that showcase its groundbreaking graphics. Word of the Day: April 17, 2023 zany noun ZAY-nee What It Means A zany is a person who acts like a buffoon to amuse others, or one who is generally foolish or eccentric. Zany also has a more specific sense that refers to a type of clown or acrobat in old comedies. // My brother's friends are an unpredictable bunch of zanies. // The production was bolstered by a talented crew of zanies. Word of the Day: April 24, 2023 gravamen noun | gruh-VAY-mun What It Means Gravamen is a formal word that refers to the significant part of a complaint or grievance. // The gravamen of Walter’s letter to the editor was that the newspaper frequently reports on the school system's failures but rarely covers its successes and improvements. Word of the Day: April 25, 2023 beguile verb | bih-GHYLE What It Means To beguile is to attract or interest someone, or to trick or deceive them. // He beguiled the audience with his smooth and seductive voice. // She was cunning enough to beguile her classmates into doing the work for her. Word of the Day: April 26, 2023 wistful noun ZAY-nee What It Means To be wistful is to be full of or to inspire yearning or desire tinged with melancholy. Wistful can also mean “suggestive of sad thoughtfulness.” // As the car pulled away, Lea cast one last wistful glance at the house where she'd spent so many happy years. Word of the Day: May 08, 2023 Satiate verb SAY-shee-ayt What It Means Satiate is a formal word that means “to satisfy (something, such as a need or desire) fully.” // My curiosity about Nicole’s Spring Fling costume, which she promised would be “corny,” was finally satiated when she arrived at the party dressed as an incredibly lifelike cob of corn, complete with tassels. Word of the Day: May 18, 2023 rarefied adjective RAIR-uh-fyde What It Means Something described as rarefied is understood or appreciated by only a small or select group of people; the word is a synonym of esoteric. Rarefied can also be used technically to mean “being less dense,” a use that is typically applied to air that has less oxygen in it because of high elevation. // She has never been comfortable in the rarefied world of art dealers. // The climbers knew that breathing in the rarefied air near the mountain's peak would be difficult. Word of the Day: May 29, 2023 interpolate verb | in-TER-puh-layt What It Means Interpolate is a formal word used to talk about interjecting or inserting something, especially words or a musical element. A critic might interpolate a comment into a conversation, or an artist may interpolate a melody or lyric from one song into another. In mathematical contexts, the word can also mean “to estimate values of data or a function between two known values,” or “to make insertions (as of estimated values).” // She interpolated a highly critical comment into the discussion, which had been mostly positive to that point. Word of the Day: June 05, 2023 concatenate verb kahn-KAT-uh-nayt What It Means Concatenate is a formal word that means “to link together in a series or chain.” // Most household garbage bags are concatenated on rolls and connected at their perforated edges for easy tearing.